Case 1:16-cv-01221-LPS Document 69-1 Filed 07/17/18 Page 1 of 14 PageID #: 654
`Case 1:16-cv-01221-LPS Document 69-1 Filed 07/17/18 Page 1 of 14 PageID #: 654


`Under (in: We
`Ceniinued Examinatien {RCEE
`Case 1:16-cv-01221-LPS Document 69-1 Filed 07/17/18 Page 2 of 14 PageID #: 655
`Case 1:16-cv-01221-LPS Document 69-1 Filed 07/17/18 Page 2 of 14 Pa;%‘?nla%§§s§;§§m
`Apprcve-fi far; use through 027m“:i20i£?.<3'i»’i.53'085“.1993":
`*3" Minimal
`13523552; Cont". New; 3432
`Appiicetiun Number ~ June 15%
`...................................................1 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
`Firs: Named inventor
`Scat: Wiiheim
`Ari Unit
`' MaiEStep RCE
`Coar‘amissaicriei‘ fer Patents
`. Raymend J. Heniey
`Examiner Name
`pic}; 393(1450
`Aiexaridria. VA 22313-1456
`Nmy.“M...“‘v.w“\u\»wu\uwu\uwu\uwwu\“wv\mmuu».wu\u\»wu\uw“\umu\uwwu\m. v.\mmuu».mu\u\»mu\um“\uwu»wu\wmwWMw~wwm~www~Wafi
`Niamey Becket Number
`' This is a Regime: fer fientinued Examinatian (Rea) uncles" 3?’ CFR 1.114%f the aboveuidemified appiicatien.
`Request for Ceniinued Examination (REE) practice under 33’ CFR 1.1% does not appiy to any uiiiity 0r piani appiication flied prim to
`w. W WV“ \
`June 8, 1995. or to any design appiicaiicm. See insiruciion Sheet for RCES (mi it: be submitted to ihe USPTO) em page 2.
`.w- Nate: if the RCE is W098i. any previousiy fried unefltered
`..“5i3.2%”:Eiiifii‘iiiiflii‘iflgiifiZfiffifisjfi ‘3
`55' ESE: wiii be eniered in the erder in which they were iiieci uniese applicant
`emeriijn‘sents and emendmenie encieeesj w,
`j i
`ineia‘ueis otherwise. if eppiicarsi daes n01 wish in have any pa’evieusiy fiierfi uneniered arixendmentis) entered, zappiieani muet
`requeet neweniry of gush amendmenfis).
`a. C} Previousiy submitied. if a fine! fiffiee autism is eutetancfiing, any amenrjmeme filed afier the finai Cffice action may be
`CSiiSidei’i-l‘d as a submission even if this be): is. not checked.
`E: Congider the arguments in the Repiy previoueiy flied an ____________ .
`iii Other ____________
`i). K Enciesed
`{:5 Affidavitisiffleciaraiionie)
`[3 informaiien Dieeiosure Statement (iDS)
`{:1 {Ether
`a. C: Sueeension oi eciien an the above-identified application is requested under 3? CFR 1.103(0) fer
`a periafi of wmmflmi‘rmPaths. (Pea‘ied of euseensiori ahaii not exceed 3 menihs. Fee under 3? CFR. 1.176) required)
`b. {:3 Other
`Feee - The ROE fee under :47 CFR. iifle‘; is required by 37' CFR. 1.1M when the RCE is flied.
`The Director is hereby auiiwerized to charge the required fees, er credit {my overpayments, t9 Depasii Account
`No.13u3402 .
`[3 RICE fee required under 37 GER. 1.17(e)
`{:5 Extensien 0f time fee (a? GER. 1.136 and 1.17)
`{:3 Ether ____________
`Check in the amount of $ mm enciosed
`Payment by credit car-:5 (Form PTGV‘zess enciesed)
`_; WARNENG: informatien era thie farm may heteme pubiic. Credit card:
`Previde credit card information and authorization cm PTQQQES.
` ‘\\m\\§v§~n~n~§
`inforrrizaiiori shouifl net be inciurjeei en thie iorm.
`Name (Prim mes)
`Richard J. Traverse
`Nevember 5. 201.3
`.I’Richard J. Traverse."
`. 30.595
`Registraiien Ne.
`i hereby cedify 2m.
`enveiepe addreeeei
` m
`I Name (Prim Hype}
`mafia" i3 wank-4" "
`rsiiaiixfe is governed ‘“ 35 USS i212 and :3? CFR 1.11 and 1 1-4. Thie coiieciien is estimated it: iake 12
`i0 20 precess; an 23;? Cams“:
`minutes in compiete. inciuc‘ing gathering. preparing. and submitting the ec-meieted appi'
`‘c-n form to the USPTO.
`' 'me wiii van; depending upen {he
`individual case. Any comments on the amouni 9? time you require it; campiete this form a
`In suggestiane for reducing this burden, shouid be sent is ihe
`Chief infermati-nn Officer. US. Patent and Traderriark Office, US. Deparimen: of Currimerce. 9.3-. Box. 14516. Aiexandria. VA 2231344543. DCI NOT SEND
`FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TQ THES ADDRESS. SEND “f0: Maii Step REE, Cemmieeiener for Patents. P13. Bax iii-59, fliexandria, VA 22313-
`If yes: need assistance in mmpfetmg the) farm, can 7--800»P'§‘O-9 139 and seiect when 2


`Case 1:16-cv-01221-LPS Document 69-1 Filed 07/17/18 Page 3 of 14 PageID #: 656
`Case 1:16-cv-01221-LPS Document 69-1 Filed 07/17/18 Page 3 of 14 PageID #: 656
`in "re Appiiaafion Of:
`Semi ‘WELHELM a? a1.
`Examiner: Henie‘y HIE, Raymenfi .3
`Seriai No.1 12/523,652
`{Emu}; Ari Unit: 1629
`Filed: June: 15, 2018
`Cenfirmmimu Ne; 3432
`Mai} Smp: REE}:
`Commifisioner for Patents
`Alexandria, VA 223 E 34 450
`Eh respwnse t0 the tastiest of Aiiewance dated August 9“ EMS, Applicants Submit the
`{Miewing amendments m acmmpany the Request for Ceniimued Examinatien flied
`cencuncnfiy in the abeve appiicafien:
`Amemfimeme m the Chime are reflected in the 133.3% m "5 efciaims which begins an age 2
`of this paper.
`RemarkfiiArgumentfi begin 311 page 1 1 {sf this paper»
`~ 1 »


`Case 1:16-cv-01221-LPS Document 69-1 Filed 07/17/18 Page 4 of 14 PageID #: 657
`Case 1:16-cv-01221-LPS Document 69-1 Filed 07/17/18 Page 4 of 14 PageID #: 657
`’BT'his listing efeiaims wiii replace 3&1 prier versiensg and listings? ofeleims ii} the application:
`Listing ef Chime:
`(Originai) A mefbecii 13f treating a cancer in a subject in need. thereef, wherein said
`cancer was initiai if; sensitive to Ki"? tyresine kinase inhibiier and aeguimci resistance :9 said KIT
`tymeine kii’lase inhibiier, Said methed wmprising:
`aciministering te said 31.;bject, an effective ameunt 9f 4{4«{3~{4udflerem3w
`trifleommeihyiphenyi)~‘ureidoj “‘3 w'fluemphenoxy} upy‘ridi n_e~2-cerbexyfi ic acid met} yiemide Cafthe
`fermuia E heiew illeiuding 2111 pelymorpha‘sg hydrates, pharmaceutieaily aceepiabie salts,
`meta‘boiites, ymd‘rugsg seivates er mmbinefieng thereofo
`CE “VI“;T‘TN‘ {13%;}
`R Q»,-
`. N
`\T3‘%,r0‘3“???” N29?!“
`e, N
`~ /
`\\\‘. ff
`V, C H e
`Previeusb“ resented}
`A method as in claim} wherein fize cancer 11213 as: mixed
`resistance to one Ofthifi £6110“;ng KI? inhibiters:
`imaiimib mesyieie! 521113 01" imafinib meeyiefie; PP1{:4—Amine-—5{4=methyiphenyly74t~
`'butyimymzobfifiejpyrimidine); MENS 13 (5153518); PUZSGEWB; EU 1 124-81 $135416;
`$115414; $565977; 8156663 018116561.
`{Previeusiy presented) A methed an; in elaim 1 wherein said cancer is ene 01' were of a
`maiignam gestreiniestinai siremai tumor (GET), 2; Benign gesfiointesfiinai stremai tamer
`(815?), a, £11ese11c2'1y13131 tumor 9f the intestinal tract chronic myeiegenous leukemia {{ZiMLL), a
`mast eel} turner, SCLC, a gem: cell Meyers, breast gamer; and/0r neurobiastonm
`{Previously presented) A method as in claim 1 wherein the cancer has acquired
`resistance t0 imatizfib mesyiate,
`- 2 ~


`Case 1:16-cv-01221-LPS Document 69-1 Filed 07/17/18 Page 5 of 14 PageID #: 658
`Case 1:16-cv-01221-LPS Document 69-1 Filed 07/17/18 Page 5 of 14 PageID #: 658
`(Previeusty mesemed)
`A methad of claim t, wherein said acquired reeietamze
`et‘ saic‘t cancer is assecieted with a Seez‘pridmy nmtatien in a KIT gene mutated in the primary
`(Previoueiy presented) A mefimd ef claim 53 wherein said seeenday mutatien is in the
`kinase catalytic. demain.
`(Previeusty preeented)
`A method as in claim 5 wherein the mutation is in Exens
`E3” 14, and at E7,
`{E’revieusly ptfesen‘iett}
`A ttlfiithfxi as in claim 5 wherein the mutatien is at residues
`6:34,, 679, 716,816, 3203 322, amt 32,3
`(Previeusiy presented)
`A methed as in eiaim S ‘4 'herein the mutation is at residues
`(Previeusiy yresented)
`A methed as in claim 5 wherein the metatien is at residues
`t i .
`(Previously gt‘esen’ted)
`A methed as in shim 5 wherein the mutation i3 at resitiues
`(Previousiy presented}
`A me‘thed as £23 etaim 5 wherein the secondary mutatien is
`em: er more 0f‘E’Y654A {Exam 3 3), 167% (Exam 14'), T679133, {3?} 6N, S’HWF (Exam t4),1)316(t,
`{33163—3 (Exam E7), @3203 DSZGY, 1393205 N822K, YSEED (Exam 17), 91* deletiens and other
`amino acid substitutiens at. such positiens or adjacent pesitiens,
`{Previeuety yresemed)
`A methed as in stain: 5 wherein the sectandary mutation is
`{me or mere of
`detetien efamine acid residues 5576582;
`deietien 0f amine acid residues


`Case 1:16-cv-01221-LPS Document 69-1 Filed 07/17/18 Page 6 of 14 PageID #: 659
`Case 1:16-cv-01221-LPS Document 69-1 Filed 07/17/18 Page 6 of 14 PageID #: 659
`deletion efamine acid residues 556—558;
`deietien 0f amino acid residues 55.93560;
`deietien efamine acid residues 557661;
`deietien efamine acid residues 546
`delefien efamino acid residues; 5
`mutefiene at residue 559, i11e1uding VSSQD, ViSQAS er V3598;
`mumfiens at residue 56$), including VSfifiD, Vfifififi, 01‘ V5606;
`W’Sfii’S; aiene, er in eembinmien with a deie’tien 05? 311113110 acids 552556;
`mutations at amine acid; residue :35 , ineiufiing W557R; anti
`inmatiem at amine acid residue 576, including LS?€3P.
`{Efirevieusiy presea'lted)
`A z'l‘iefhefl as in eiaim “2 wherein the seeemiary mutafijen is
`deieflen 0f reeidues 5571558 and at 16:23.3? One ef the i’efiewing mutations: V654?“ T6701?
`ELESZZflYg N822}; {31” 3782313.
`{Origin ai) A mefimfi 0f treating a. cancer in a subject in need thereef Said cancer
`having. a primary andi’er seeendary KN? gene mutation in the primary miner, said Ineihfifj
`administering :0 said subjeetg an effective amount efthe eempeund 4~{4»{3-{4«eh§em~
`3Kirifiuemmethylphenyi)mureidoj$«fiuerephemexy2» ~§§§rri<fiii‘xemliiwarbexyEie acid n'xethyiemide of
`the fermela E beiew including aii pelymerphss hydrategfi phammceu‘tieafiy aeeeptabie 32:31:55,
`metabeiites, ester pl‘edmgs, selvetee er cem‘einatieng thereof.
`it .55:
`iirx j
`{Previeusiy presented) A method 0f eiaim 15, wherein said primaay and/’er seeendazy
`KET gene mutatien in the primary tumor i3 asseeiated with acquired resistance of said cancer
`to KIT ‘Eyreaine kimase inhibitors.


`Case 1:16-cv-01221-LPS Document 69-1 Filed 07/17/18 Page 7 of 14 PageID #: 660
`Case 1:16-cv-01221-LPS Document 69-1 Filed 07/17/18 Page 7 of 14 PageID #: 660
`(Previeusiy presented} A mauled oi’ciaim 15: wherein said secendary mutaiien is
`in the iiinase ca‘talyfie {iomain
`{Previeusiy presemed')
`A matched as in eiaim 15 wherein the il'xutation is in Eixons
`13, i4, and 0117,
`(Previeusiy presented?)
`A mail/10d as; in claim £5 wherein the mutatien is at residueg
`654, 6W1 7E6, 816; 828, 822: and 81333.
`(Previeusiy presented)
`A method as: in claim 15 wherein the mutation is 2v; residues
`21 ,
`(Previousiy pl‘fiSfii‘i'ii‘iifi)
`A methed as in Main: E 5 whereii‘z the mu’tatimt is; at residues
`678—6 74.
`(Previously mesented)
`A methed as in cieim 15 wherein the mutatien is at. residues
`8‘: @824.
`{Frevieusiy presemefl}
`A methed 2:5; in ciaim 15 wherein the: secondmy mutatixm i3
`{me or mere ef‘VfiMA (Exam '13), T6791 (Exam 14), T67CBE,'E:}?16N, $7=§Z=§EF {Eiixon 3,413,138166,
`1381613 (E2101: 1?), 3382031 DSZGY, DBZGS NSZZK, ‘(823D {EXOQ 37), Gr deie’iierm and other
`amine aeid substitutions at such pesitions or adjaeent pesiiions.
`(Previamsiy presemed}
`A 1116‘:th as in claim 15 wherein {he seeomiary mumfien is
`en:- er more 0f
`deietien efzu‘nino acid resiiiues 5573558;
`deieticn {31’ amino acid resiaiues 55 E «555;
`J? U; m
`deietian Qfamine acid reeidues SSE)
`deiefien 0f amine acid reeidues 559466;
`deieticn 0famine acid residues SS"‘~56§;
`deieiien 0E amine acid residues 554: 58;
`deletion Mamie-3 acid residues 1352»557;
`5 v


`Case 1:16-cv-01221-LPS Document 69-1 Filed 07/17/18 Page 8 of 14 PageID #: 661
`Case 1:16-cv-01221-LPS Document 69-1 Filed 07/17/18 Page 8 of 14 PageID #: 661
`viii} maximums at. residue 559, inciuding X75591} VSS‘E‘A, er V5596;
`ix) muiafiens at residue 5695 ineluding V5689, V5693}; 0:“ ‘V’fléGG;
`x} WSWS, 310nm 01“ in combinafiien with a deiefion of amine acids 55?.«556;
`mutatim‘gs at amine amid residue 557,4 including 1NSS’XR; and
`xii) mutations at amine acid residue 576, including L576?
`{Previeusiy presenmai)
`A methed at: in cEaim 15 wherein the saeandaly mutatien is
`deiei‘ien efresidues 557~558 and at fleas: 011i? Ofthe fi'filewing Hawaiians: V654A, WWW,
`(E’revieusly presented) A method eftreating a cancer in a swig; eat in need thereof
`said cancer having a primary and/0r semndmfi’ KB" gene: mutatien asseciated with resigtamce or:
`aequired resistance t0 imminib mesyiate or salts 0f imatinib mcsyiaie, saiefi method comprising:
`administering, 10 said subject, an effective ameum ofihe campeund 4{4~§3~{4~chi0m~
`3mfrifluemnmthyiphenyi)»ureid9]~3~fiu0mphenoxy§ ~pyridine~2mcarbaxylic. acid meihylamide 0f
`the farmula I belew inciufiing ail paiyma‘mms, hydrates, pharmaceuticaiiy flammable sake?
`membeliieej ester pmdmgsfi Sniwfieg er mnflsina‘tiom thereaf.
` £93
`f» ’2 \\g2»(v \:\§‘i.‘-' ktfii‘jé" SRXNH//
`( 5
`{VPYSVEQU-ffiy presented);
`A methed fer {waiting cancer in, a human subject with
`imafiinib mesyiaie er Baits of imaiini‘o mesyia‘ieg which addiiienafiiy wmprisss;
`administering to Said hum an subjz set, an efl‘ecfive ameum 056,116: compound 4 {4% {4n
`ch10r0~3 mtrifl‘uoremeih yiph $13311)!» .11'61603-3 «fluemphenexfl "pyridinenLZ—aarbexyiic
`methyiamide 01E the formuia I 'behvw including a5} poiymmph?».~ hyciratesg pharmaceuticaiiy
`accegfiable wits, metabolites: ester pmdmgg, seivates m“ cambina’tiem thereof,
`, 6 -


`Case 1:16-cv-01221-LPS Document 69-1 Filed 07/17/18 Page 9 of 14 PageID #: 662
`Case 1:16-cv-01221-LPS Document 69-1 Filed 07/17/18 Page 9 of 14 PageID #: 662
`(Egrevieusiy presented)
`A methea‘i as; in eiaim 1 wherein {he came-er which is; "treated
`Aeoeiex‘a‘ted Phage Chrenie Myeiegezmue Leukemia; Acute Erythreid Leukemia; Aeute
`Lymphebiamie Leukemia; Acute i..-},r‘111pii<)bizmiie Leukemia in Remission; Acute Lymphocytic
`Leukemia; Acute Menebiae‘tie and Acme; i‘vieneeyéiie Leukemia; Acute Myeiegenem leukemia;
`Aeuie Myeieifi Leukemia; Adeneeereinema {If t 1e Presmte; Adem‘aid {lyeiie Carcinoma. 0f the
`Head and Neck; Ad‘s-'eneed Gastreimestinai Stmmai 'i'umor; Agnegenie Myeieici; Metepiasie;
`Ane‘piastie Oiigedeedmgiiema; Asti‘eeymme; B~Ceii Aduit Acute Lymphebiastie Leukemia;
`Bieetie Phase Ciu'enie iv’iyeiegeneus Leukemia; Ben-e Metesi‘ases; Brain Tumer; Breaet Cancer;
`Cancer; Cen‘irai Nervous System Cancer; Chiidheed Acute Lymehobiastic Leukemia; Chiidhmad
`Acute Lymphebiesiie Leukemia in Remiseiem; Chiidheod Cemrai Neweus System Germ {Eel}
`Tumor; Chiidhood Chrenie Myeiegeneus Leukemia; Chiidheed Soft
`’E’isssue Sereeme;
`Chenieme; Chronic Easinephiiie Leukemia {CELL}; Chronic idiopamie Myeiei‘ibmeie; Chronic
`Myeiegeneus E,,eukemia; Chrenie Myeioid illeuicemia; Cinema: M'yeiei‘neneeytie Leukemia;
`Chmnie Phase Cinema Myeiegeneus Leukemia; Ceien Cane :1“; Ceiereetai Cancer;
`{DESF}; Desmeifi Tumor;
`Eilesim‘aphiiia; Eiipidemie Kaposi“s Sarcoma; Essentiai Thrembeeythemia; Ewing‘s Family {3f
`‘i‘umers; Extensive Siege Email Ceii Lung Cancer; Faiiepien '1‘uhe (Imeer;
`F1 miiier
`Hypereesinephiiia; Fibresareema; Gastric. Adeiieearcinema; Gaeu‘einiestinai Neepiasm;
`Gesireintestinei Stromai Tumor; Giiobiastema; Giieme; fii-Eiesereeme; {Evade ii Merxingiema;
`Grade E Meningiema; Grade 111 h/ieningioma; i‘iematepeieiie and ii_,yir1§_1heid Cay-ricer; i-Eighfiimde
`Chiidheed Cereifirei Astraefiema; Hyeereesinephiiie Syndrome; {empathic Puie‘mnmy Fibresis;
`Li Admit Acute Lymphebiastie Leukemia; E92 Adult Acute Lymphehiasiie leukemia; Leukemia,
`Lymp heeytie, Acme L2; Leukemia Myeieid, Cimonie; Leukemia? Myeieid, Chronic: Phase; Liver
`Dysflmeiien and Neoeiasm; Lung Disease; Lympheid Eiaetie Phase 0f Chronic Myeis'aifi
`Leukemia; Male Breast Ceneer; Meiignent Fibreue i-iistieeyiema; E‘v'iaeieeytesieg Meningeal
`— 7 ~
`DQCKET Nil: BAYER-«0143


`Case 1:16-cv-01221-LPS Document 69-1 Filed 07/17/18 Page 10 of 14 PageID #: 663
`Case 1:16-cv-01221-LPS Document 69-1 Filed 07/17/18 Page 10 of 14 PageID #: 663
`33em2111g10per1cy€1m11 32313313113.031311121; Meningiama; Meningiema; Metastatic 3.3119111; 3223133213121336
`$1033.13 3111110175; Myebfibrosis;
`313511330313 Leukemia, Chronic;
`.3..eu3<em321, Chrenic
`Aceekrai‘edanhase; Myeieid 3.131331112111321,
`C3‘3’3‘.’03‘33C~Ph23$6; Myek‘rid Meie‘phsie;
`Myeieprflfifiaregive Disorder
`{31/333333} with 33103311111331.33321;
`N111.111‘1'3231155111‘111121; N011~'3', Nem~3§
`(33133133101113 Acute Lymphobhsrie Leukemia; 0332;013e1113re 1233011121; Geteegw‘eema; 331121132111 Gem's
`C1333 firmer; (Mariam 3.11in fay/3233335113111 Patentizfi Tumor; Overim‘: Neephsms; Pancreatic (Sumter;
`3*13vieNe11pEasms;3‘61339116213CaviryCancm;3’131‘330116213’XC1121321211121 3’31333132311313213 311013101101111:
`3331333321: (131101131: 5323§ie311ge111ms3€113<e1‘11321;??’313321(3631‘13‘1121Pegitive Acute Lymphe‘alastie Leukemia;
`Ph33a13e3p31321 Pegifive (3312131132: Mye3eid Leukemia in 53v3‘yeieic3 B39153 Crisis; 3’03yeyt31emia Vera;
`331131111111313' 3331113333; Recurrent 23.131131333131311 ”53111117;11r Recurrent (31311335131333 33851113 Sareema;
`Recurreni Breast Canzeer Rev.urrerrt (303er C eneer; Reeurrerit2111;132:0021.
`(321.311.3131; Recurrent
`3321113333: Cancer; Recurrent (3331331335331113 Mu‘ififarme {3533333113}; Recurrent Kapesi’s Sermma;
`Recurrent Meia‘nemag Recurrent Merke3 Ce33 Carcinoma; Recurrent (Ex/2133,2111 33233331133333 Cancer;
`33131311116111 Pancreatic Cancer; Recurrent Preemie Cancer; Recurrent Ree-1213 Cane-er; Recurrent
`1732133121331 (33211113 (5‘arree3133e32111re1‘1’2 Smafl Ce33 311112; Cane-er; Recurrent, 33131101531311: Ewing s
`Farmfly; Ree1.11‘1‘e113 Uterine Saremr ag3ie3eg1sing7Chrenie 3‘1”“;3y13302113110115, 22131121113222.3121111121111123
`Aribritis; S3331;213}! (33211133 A13e11ei133”. 313131: 3:210311131112xfia1cein21 81112133 (”e33 Lung Cancer; Siege 33
`31363211191113; Stage 33 31323131233 C6133 (32110311031121.28321ge 3335 251331133 S033 ”353333.113 Sarcoma; Stage 333
`Eisephagefi Cancer; Stage 33331~I35er3<e3 Cefl Carcinoma; Stage 333 {31121332111333p3331e33213 Cancer; Stage
`3'33 Panereafie 351211113613‘5‘1111ge 333 S313'3vary {332113113 C arreer; 2333:1211: 333313 3331121113 C. 21116513.;Stage 333C
`3312521511125aneer; 1.321133: 3V 23.131133 Soft. 3353115: Sarcoma; Stage IV Breast Carlee}; Stage 3‘1! CW}
`Cancer; Stage 3V 311113312151321? (.2111cer; Stage 3V (3211:1131: Cancer; 3133:1112: 3V 322323111101112:; Stage. 3‘1?”
`01111132311 33033311333213 Cancer; Stage 35'33'3’10313313 Carreer; 3V Rec:213 Cancer; Stage 3V 532133222113!
`(3211115111; Stage 3VA Pancreatic Cancer; Stage 3338 Panereaiie Cancer; Sysremie
`3133211301:32510335; T(31:33 3.3133133101113 Ac112: 53..ymp310313as€ie Leukemia; ”31333312113211 Cancer; ”3313110313
`Cancer; Unreseetebk:
`31/3213igm111: Gasirmintesfinai
`"3511mm 3:83ST);
`Unspeeified Adah 803323 Turner; Untreated (71313313310013
`33131311 Siem (3331311113.;
`(Liareii‘sesareeme, and 3.3‘3111'311e Sarcoma.
`{33121230313337 Preserfied)
`A mefimd 11311112113112; 8. cancer in 21 subject W310 has
`acquired resistance 11:} 3111213311331, earnprisirag:
`~ 8 ~
`DOCKET 3230.: BAYER~G3+3§3


`Case 1:16-cv-01221-LPS Document 69-1 Filed 07/17/18 Page 11 of 14 PageID #: 664
`Case 1:16-cv-01221-LPS Document 69-1 Filed 07/17/18 Page 11 of 14 PageID #: 664
`afiministering an effectivs ameum {332“ 4{4«{3~{4~chimra~3~1‘1’iflu0mmethyiphenyi)—umid0j~3u
`fluamphez‘mxy}«9indimIercafimxyiic acid methyiamidc 0f the fermuia E beigw including an
`poiymarphs, hydrates, phzsmmceufica} y flammable Salts, metzfmyfiites, pmdrugs,
`seivzfics Gr
`mmbinaiians flmreefi
`to said subieci.
`KWO \,
`"‘ {bin-"J!
`x" CH"
`;.. «21“: #J‘fiilm‘
`“\.3 (SEN
`i }
`(vaicusly Frasented)
`A method fif treating a indignant gastmintestinai gamma?
`11.1mm (GIST) or a heérzign gfistminmstinai Simmaé tumor ((351817), in a subject who has b36111
`“awaited with imafinih,
`saits— Of
`imafinib masyiates PP.1{liIAminou5~(4~methyipi‘lenth‘i’~{t~
`bmyimymzoioif‘é,4~d}pyrimidine); MLNSlS {CTSBSES}; PD18Q§}?G; SUE 1248K $15416;
`SUE-414; SUz’jSW; SE16663 m”: $116562, said methed cempz‘ising administering an affective
`alumina: 9f 4 { 443 4441mm“ 3 «trifi1.10mmathyiphenyijmul'eido}“3 "fluflrophenaxy } ~pyridi 115:2»
`carhoxyiic acid mathyiamidfl of me fi‘:r:m.lia 1' to. said $13113th
` ‘G’HS
`3 ”L
`(Previausiy EF’1'asented)
`A meflmd efireaiing a malignam
`gastmintsgtinai strmnai tumor (£3,581) 0? 21233::ng gasi‘mimesiinai Sta-03ml tumor {(EE'ES’E‘}, in a
`subjraut wha has bean twatsd wi’ah ia'nafinib, said mfihfid compriging administering an
`gffec‘iivs ammmt 0f 4{(1H3.{flinch}0m~3~irifiusmmethyiphm1y1)»urf:idsfl~3~fhsomphem'>xy}«
`pyridine~2uearboxyiis acid methyiamide 0f the .farrxmfia I to» said subject.
`1.x SK ,CH3
`a. {Pg
`“ 9 '


`Case 1:16-cv-01221-LPS Document 69-1 Filed 07/17/18 Page 12 of 14 PageID #: 665
`Case 1:16-cv-01221-LPS Document 69-1 Filed 07/17/18 Page 12 of 14 PageID #: 665
`{vaiamsiy presented}
`A mefimfi 0f 313$ng a malignant gastrointastinal
`strmmafi tumor (GET) or a benign gafitmintegtinai gimme-d tamer {G131}, said method
`c0mpx‘i3i:‘:g afiminisim‘ing an efi’ectfiive anmum‘ {If 4{4*{3~(4~e;b}0m~3«trifiuammfimyiphen‘yi}
`ureide}—3—fiuumphenoxy} «pyric'iinen2~cafimxyiic acid methyiamide ofthe formula I :0 said.
`sub} em:
`{NEW} A. methad 9f elaim 3‘23 wherein said subject has 1101: been treatésd with imminib.
`(Haw) A method of ciaim 32 W’hsfit‘fiiifl said Subject has not acquired rcsistamc to cKit
`» ii? a


`Case 1:16-cv-01221-LPS Document 69-1 Filed 07/17/18 Page 13 of 14 PageID #: 666
`Case 1:16-cv-01221-LPS Document 69-1 Filed 07/17/18 Page 13 of 14 PageID #: 666
`Amendment is file Chime
`Supper: fer new claims 33 we? 34 is famed in paragraph 21 0f the speeificafien which
`“The present invention provides methods eftreafing Gamers
`cemprisifig :3g cempyising administering to a subj eet in need; 1:11:33?er
`an effective ammum Df'DAST; wherein the cancer is treated”.
`GAE??? is. defined in paragraph 19 as,
`“The diphenyi urea referred m as 4v{4m{3n(4—ehimo~3~
`earbexyiie acid methyl amiiie”.
`'E‘he metheds defined in paragraph 21 <10 m): require the patient be resistant to C-KET
`inhibiters, W'hiie the preferred. embodiments of the mesa“ inventien are dimmed t0 treating
`emieers with 311 aequired resistance :0 kit inhibitere, as etaied in paragraph 2%), the utiiity 0f
`the compound beyend the firea‘imem of resisLani cancers is recognized. by the diseiosure in
`paragraph 18.
`Faragraph 25 has indicates,
`“Any calmer 6.13:1 be Heated in aeeurdanee with the present
`invention, irreepeeiive 0f the type or cause of the Gaming and
`irrespective of the genetic; iesiong associated with it Eanpieg of
`cancer which can be tmated ineiudm but we met limiieii to, (£31371) acme
`myeieid Eeukemia, mast cell tumors»? SCLC, germ eeii miners, breasi
`cancer, neuroeiastomm Sinenasei 'Eyi‘nphema, etc.”
`Appliezmte neie that in the Notice Of Ailewabiliiy mailed Aprii, 3G, 2:313 the Examiner
`aiieged there is. a discrepancy in claim 32 and remarks made with the subi‘nissien. Appiicants
`maintain claim 32 eneempasses the treatment m“ pai‘iemts who have met. been treated with the
`imafinib and ($0 1101“. have resistanee t0 a. vial: inhibitm‘.
`‘Whfle eiaim 32 dees net expressly
` 1g}; acquired a
`resistance “m a ouki‘: inhibitor, such an expressed recitation. is unnecessary for the claim to
`enemnpass; this subj eet matter.
`in mating this dism‘epm‘aey, the fiffiee Amien suggegis a rejectien under 35 {NC
`Seetien 1 12, first paragraph {mitten deeeripfifm} wouid be appmjgriate if {he claims recited
`* 11 ~


`Case 1:16-cv-01221-LPS Document 69-1 Filed 07/17/18 Page 14 of 14 PageID #: 667
`Case 1:16-cv-01221-LPS Document 69-1 Filed 07/17/18 Page 14 of 14 PageID #: 667
`such failures, Naraw (:Eaims 33 arid 34 d0 expressiy recite {ham features and have been
`@3531“:th 1'0 addrms ihis issue. Appiiaamg submit them is written descriptien far thew claims
`fi’sund in the paragraphs 01" the Specificatian rapeaied above.
`Whiie prefm‘i‘ad embadimcmfis direcmd to flaming cancers which have an acquired
`resistance to imam??? or CKi‘i Inhibitors, there is clearly writtan description and ena'biemem
`far this matheds (16353336, in ciaimfi 332454.
`The Cgmmissioner is heyday miflmrized m charge any {has associated with this
`response 01‘ cradit any Ovemaymem: to Diapasit Acmum N0. 1384826
`Respectfufiy submitted,
`Richard 3. "fraversau Raga Na; 303,395
`AfionwyiAgent for Appiicanm
`Ariingmn {5011111191386 Plaza}
`2201") Cim‘ifi’ldfln Bivd, Sum": 3466
`Ariingmm Virgini a 2220 i
`Teiephana: {703) 243n§333
`(793) 2436411)
`Attamay Hacks: N9; BAYER~G 1 43
`Date: Nevcmber 5, 20% 3
`~ 12 w

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