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` Plaintiff, :
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`v. : C.A. NO.16-453 (RGA)
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` Defendant. :
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` Plaintiff, :
` :
`v. :
` : C.A. No. 16-454(RGA)
` :
` Defendant. :
` :
` :
` Plaintiff, :
` :
`v. : C.A. No. 16-455(RGA)
` :
` :
` Defendants. :
` Wilmington, Delaware
` Wednesday, September 6, 2017 at 2:30 p.m.
`Ellie Corbett Hannum, Registered Merit Reporter
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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`B E F O R E : S P E C I A L M A S T E R A L L E N M . T E R R E L L
` - - -
`A P P E A R A N C E S :
` P O T T E R A N D E R S O N & C O R R O O N
` B Y : J O N A T H A N A . C H O A , E S Q .
` j c h o a @ p o t t e r a n d e r s o n . c o m
` a n d
` K R A M E R L E V I N
` B Y : A A R O N F R A N K E L , E S Q .
` a f r a n k e l @ k r a m e r l e v i n . c o m
` ( N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k )
` B Y : P A U L J . A N D R E , E S Q .
` ( S i l i c o n V a l l e y , C a l i f o r n i a )
` C o u n s e l f o r P l a i n t i f f
` M O R R I S , N I C H O L S , A R S H T & T U N N E L L L L P
` B Y : S T E P H E N J . K R A F T S C H I K , E S Q .
` s k r a f t s c h i k @ m n a t . c o m
` a n d
` W I N S T O N & S T R A W N L L P
` B Y : D A V I D P . E N Z M I N G E R , E S Q .
` d e n z m i n g e r @ w i n s t o n . c o m
` ( M e n l o P a r k , C a l i f o r n i a )
` B Y : M I C H A E L A . T O M A S U L O , E S Q .
` m t o m a s u l o @ w i n s t o n . c o m
` ( L o s A n g e l e s , C a l i f o r n i a )
` B Y : K A T H L E E N B . B A R R Y , E S Q .
` k b a r r y @ w i n s t o n . c o m
` ( C h i c a g o , I l l i n o i s )
` C o u n s e l f o r D e f e n d a n t s
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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`APPEARANCES (Continued):
` and
` (Washington, D.C.)
` Counsel for Sony Interactive
` Entertainment America LLC
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` MR. FRANKEL: Special Master, I believe
`everyone is here on behalf of Plaintiff.
`you, Mr. Frankel. And, Defendants, do you have everybody
` MR. BLUMENFELD: Your Honor, it's Jack
`Blumenfeld. Yes, we do.
` MS. ELLIOTT: This is Tara Elliott from
`WilmerHale. I want to confirm my colleague, Greg
`Williams, is on the line.
` SPECIAL MASTER TERRELL: I am prepared as
`Special Master to proceed even if Mr. Williams is not yet
`on the line. And I also would be happy to accommodate
`Sony by taking the motion that Plaintiff filed on August
`16th with respect to Sony, Boeing, and others to hear
`that motion.
` MR. WILLIAMS: Greg Williams.
`Allen Terrell.
` Why don't we do this, I will, as Special
`Master, for the record note that this is the hearing
`scheduled on Defendants' motions to compel filed on
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`August 16th and one of Plaintiff's motion to compel filed
`on the same date. This is in Civil Action 16-453, 454,
`and 455.
` Let's have a roll call and keep in mind
`when we speak it's helpful to announce who you are so the
`court reporter can handle recording everything that comes
`through in this hearing.
` Sony, we accommodated you in terms of
`scheduling, so why don't you start with the roll call.
` MR. WILLIAMS: Greg Williams from Fox
`Rothschild, and with me on the line is co-counsel, Tara
` MS. ELLIOTT: Good afternoon, and thank
`you again for accommodating Sony. We do appreciate it.
` MR. CHAO: Jonathan Chao, with me is Aaron
`Frankel from Kramer Levin.
` Defendants.
` MR. BLUMENFELD: Good afternoon,
`Mr. Terrell. Jack Blumenfeld and Steve Kraftschik from
`Morris Nichols for all of the Defendants, along with
`David Enzminger, Kathleen Barry, and I don't know whether
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`Mike Tomasulo is on or not.
` MR. TOMASULO: I am, thank you, Jack.
` MR. BLUMENFELD: All right.
`we agreed, with Plaintiff's motion to preclude or have
`unredacted documents from certain parties or certain
`companies produced. It's Plaintiff's motion, Sony and
`Defendants have responded, so why don't you proceed,
`Mr. Frankel.
` MR. FRANKEL: Thank you, Special Master,
`and good afternoon. As is the case I will pick up where
`the opposition briefs left off.
` And Defendants and Sony are effectively
`asking you to make new law in two ways. The production
`of license agreements with royalty rates is the bread and
`butter of discovery in patent cases. That's a very
`typical and common source of evidence in the damages
` In suggesting that the royalty rate should
`be withheld because of a purported lack of comparability,
`that would be new law because there are no cases for
`withholding the evidence in a discovery issue based on
`comparability. That's something that experts talk about
`later in the case in terms of if they can ultimately be
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`relied on. But no one has cited any authorities
`justifying even withholding the document.
` And then the second point that the royalty
`rate information is sensitive, there have also been -- we
`are not disputing that that information is sensitive, but
`there are no cases supporting withholding that kind of
`relevant information in a case just because of the
`importance of sensitivity.
` So I will talk about both of those points,
`but before I do I wanted to clarify the scope of the
`relief that Acceleration Bay is seeking, which has been
`narrowed in view of developments in the case. As we have
`indicated in the submission to the Special Master and
`discussed with Defendants and with counsel of Sony, with
`the dismissal of the Sony products based on the standing
`issue, there's no longer an issue about Sony Defendants'
`purported licensing defense, so it no longer makes sense
`to seek preclusion of the agreement. And we are also no
`longer seeking production of the entire agreements. We
`only seek to have the portions of the agreements that
`were redacted relating to the financial terms, and
`specifically the royalty rate information to be unmasked
`and produced in the case.
` Do you have any questions about that,
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`Special Master?
` MR. FRANKEL: Okay. So then I will just
`turn to the two points. First, which is: Are these
`agreements relevant? And they are clearly relevant under
`the caselaw. As I have indicated and as we have
`indicated in the briefing, royalty rates are classic
`evidence that experts rely on to figure out what the
`damages should be in a patent case. They are a part of
`almost every case. We are not disputing the law that
`they have to be technically and economically comparable
`to be relied on by experts, but that's something that the
`experts battle about.
` They look at the license agreements. They
`talk about which ones are comparable and which ones
`aren't. That's something that's discussed at deposition.
`It's a subject of cross-examination. And there haven't
`been any cases cited that would support withholding
`agreement under the 401 standard of the Rules of Evidence
`which sets a very low bar for relevance.
` The cases that Defendants and Sony cited
`to were ones where, you know, at the conclusion of a
`trial, the Federal Circuit found that it was improper for
`an expert to rely on a certain license agreement because
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`it wasn't similar enough to the hypothetical negotiation
`in the case.
` Even if the Special Master were inclined
`to make new law as to looking at the comparability of a
`license agreement as a threshold issue to decide if its
`terms should even be produced, this wouldn't be the case
`to do it. Here, we have the situation where the Sony
`license agreement, as of a week ago, Defendants were
`saying that this very agreement provided them with a
`license to Acceleration Bay's patents. And the agreement
`covered versions of the products that are still being
`accused of infringement in this case.
` So it's directly on point in terms of a
`royalty that was negotiated between Sony and the
`Defendants for technology that's used in the accused
`products. It's undisputed that Sony and Microsoft
`provide networking technology that the Defendants
`incorporate into their products; Acceleration Bay is
`providing networking technology. So it's in the same
`field and these agreements are plainly relevant.
` Do you have any questions about the
`relevance issue before I move on?
` MR. FRANKEL: Okay. Thank you, Special
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`Master. And then on the issue of the sensitive nature of
`the royalty information, we understand that royalty rates
`are sensitive. Of course, that's true in every case.
`Defendants have produced in this case a number of license
`agreements with the royalty rate information as parties
`do in every case. And we have a strong protective order
`in this case. Defendants have made their source code
`available, Acceleration Bay has made their source code
`available, Sony's source code has been made indirectly
`available, Microsoft has produced source code under the
`protective order in this case. So we do have a
`protective order.
` The fact that Defendants are all
`represented by the same counsel can help them ensure that
`there's going to be no transfer of the royalty rate
`information from one party to another. And while the
`information is highly confidential, that's true in every
`case, and there's no authority cited by Defendants or
`Sony suggesting that they can withhold this highly
`relevant information because they consider it a trade
` Finally, I will note that we have no
`objection for Microsoft or Bungie to the production of
`their agreements without redactions on the financial
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`terms. As far as the Microsoft agreement, there's no
`indication that the rates are any different between any
`of the Defendants. And as I've noted, they have already
`turned over source code. And then as far as the Bungie
`agreement, they have also not asserted any objections in
`this case, and they have made their source code available
`in the case under a protective order.
`motion, Mr. Frankel, it's only directed at this stage
`towards Sony's agreement?
` MR. FRANKEL: No, Special Master, we are
`seeking production of the Sony agreements, the Microsoft
`agreements, and the Bungie agreements. To be clear, we
`have received --
` MR. FRANKEL: After you, Special Master.
`you just said that there's no objection from Bungie or
` MR. FRANKEL: That is correct. The
`objection is from Defendants as to Microsoft and Bungie.
`Sony has sought to intervene to itself assert objections.
`thank you. Got it.
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` MR. FRANKEL: And just to be clear, we
`have received redacted copies of these agreements.
`There's been no dispute from anyone that they are
`relevant to the case. The only remaining issue is are we
`going to get the actual royalty rate and the other
`financial term information or not, which has been
` Do Defendants want to speak next or is
`this Sony's?
` MS. ELLIOTT: Special Master, this is
`Kathleen Barry, I think if it's okay with Sony, I would
`like to speak first and I will try to limit myself to
`things that I don't believe will be addressed by Sony, if
`that's okay.
`Thank you, go ahead, Ms. Barry.
` MS. BARRY: Okay. If I can first address
`the last point that was the subject of your question,
`Special Master, about whether or not there's objections
`from Bungie and Microsoft.
` MS. BARRY: Although Bungie and Microsoft
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`have not sought to intervene in this case, my
`understanding from them is that they do object, strongly
`object, because they feel the same way as Sony does, that
`this is highly confidential information that should not
`be disclosed to the Plaintiff in this case and that there
`is no relevance and reason for it to be disclosed. They
`just have not at this time sought to intervene in this
`matter. I don't know if their position may change in the
`future or not, but my understanding is that they do
`object to disclosure of this information.
`that, too, from your brief. I just wanted to be clear
`after hearing Mr. Frankel. Thank you.
` MS. BARRY: Okay. So then going back to
`the beginning, I think what might be helpful is to ask
`ourselves the question: Why is it that Plaintiff brought
`this motion now, right? They brought this motion before
`Judge Andrews had ruled on our motion to dismiss Sony.
`And as we said in our papers and I think is clear, the
`original main point of this motion for them, Plaintiff,
`was to try to eliminate our very valid defense here that
`the Sony products are licensed. And Plaintiff was seeing
`very strong evidence from us that Sony not only
`distributes the digital copies of the product, but Sony
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`also is responsible for the replication of the products.
` So we won on that issue and that mooted
`all of that out. And so now Plaintiff sort of has to
`backtrack and say, Okay, well, how can we use this Sony
`relationship? And when I say they have to backtrack, I
`really mean they have to come up with some kind of
`relevance argument because it's not an argument that they
`have been developing, even though they have known for a
`very long time about these relationships and they have
`known for a very long time that there are royalties paid.
` Mr. Frankel suggests to you that you would
`have to make new law here. And he is absolutely wrong.
`You don't have to make new law at all. Rule 26 plainly
`says that the only things that have to be produced are
`things that are both relevant and proportional to the
`needs of the case. And courts all the time assess
`relevancy and determine relevancy and say this
`information is not relevant, it does not need to be
` The cases that we have cited to you are
`clearly defining what is and what is not relevant. And
`there are quite a few. And they make very clear that
`complex agreements like these, which are not relevant to
`a simple patent dispute where there are a limited number
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`of patents and you are talking about a damages model
`based on those limited patents. There's just -- it's not
`even close. There's no relevance to these agreements.
`Mr. Frankel's characterization that his client, like Sony
`and Microsoft, provides networking technology to the
`Defendants is not even close to reality. We, the
`Defendants, get not only the ability to make games that
`can be played on a whole platform, a gaming platform, but
`Sony and Microsoft go out and they sell those platforms
`to millions of customers. And they support those
`platforms and they support the network and the technology
`that goes behind it. It's a very vastly different
`relationship from the type of relationship that would be
`involved in a licensing negotiation.
`gather what Mr. Frankel is arguing is, All right, there
`is a slightly or a somewhat different relationship, but
`there is a royalty rate, and he is entitled to see that
`royalty rate and let the experts argue as to whether when
`it comes to damages the Court is convinced that the
`royalty rate with Sony or Bungie or Microsoft is
`comparable to that which would be used to calculate
` So are you sort of jumping to the stage of
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`experts arguing comparability as opposed to at this
`initial stage of discovery?
` MS. BARRY: So, no, we are not jumping to
`the stage of expert discovery as opposed to this initial
`stage of discovery.
` Under Mr. Frankel's theory of relevance,
`every license agreement that included a patent or that
`was to any technology that the Defendants had would be
`relevant and he would be allowed to have it, and his
`experts would be allowed to examine it and to figure out
`whether or not they think it's comparable. That is not
`what Rule 26 provides. Rule 26 provides there must be
`some relevance first. There must be some relationship.
`And here there is simply no relationship. It's not even
`close to being a comparable license. These agreements
`are, as I said, multifaceted agreements, which include
`and describe significant business relationships between
`the Defendant and Sony, Microsoft, and Bungie, and they
`cover many, many aspects of those relationships. They
`are not simple patent licenses by any stretch of the
`in there a minute, if you don't mind.
` That may certainly be true and that might
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`go to the broader scope of something beyond what the
`royalty rate is, but at least initially, isn't he right
`that at this stage the royalty rate can be disclosed and
`then further along the line in the litigation you can
`explain why the agreement is so different that the
`royalty rate ought not to be applied to damages here?
` MS. BARRY: I would respectfully disagree.
`I don't think he is right. Again, I think if his
`definition of relevance is the standard by which we
`measure whether or not agreements are relevant in a
`patent case, then all the agreements that any Defendant
`has are going to be relevant under that standard, and the
`Defendants might as well produce every agreement. And I
`certainly don't think that that's the standard and that
`anyone intended that to be the standard.
` Not only does it totally wipe out Rule
`26's relevancy requirement, it also eliminates the
`proportionality requirement. And here we have
`significant issues with proportionality; namely, the harm
`that will come to third parties like Sony, which I will
`let Sony address, but that's a significant issue here in
`addition to the relevancy. And, again, it's not
`relevant. There has to be an ability for the Court or
`you, the Special Master, to measure relevancy of license
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`agreements. And what Mr. Frankel is proposing is that
`there is no measure of relevancy. That's not the
`take a second then and draw for me what you see as the
`bright line between what would be a relevant agreement
`for purposes of royalties in this type of litigation as
`opposed to the type of agreement that your client has
`with Sony? Where do you see the bright line between the
` MS. BARRY: Well, I think that the line is
`certainly more in the direction of licenses that are to
`patents and not licenses that -- and to call these
`agreements with Sony and Microsoft, Bungie licenses is
`not a proper characterization. Again, they are
`agreements reflecting extremely complex business
`relationships. So what in my experience is typically
`produced in these cases is straight patent license
` Sometimes, if there is an agreement which
`has maybe something a little bit more than a patent
`license, you know, a piece of software maybe, something
`small, but here these ones are so clearly in the not-
`relevant bucket, given the extensive nature of the
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`business relationship between Defendants and these three
`companies, that it's just not even close.
`apologize, but this is helpful to me to have this
`dialogue with you.
` Would you say, then, the distinction that
`you are drawing is that the three agreements here don't
`constitute the type of license agreement of a patent
`because these three companies are not seeking to use or
`in any way employ your client at what you call your
`patent rights? Is that the distinction?
` MS. BARRY: Yes, I think that is certainly
`part of it, Special Master. I mean, you have to
`recognize that these agreements, as I said -- and I
`apologize for repeating it -- they reflect ongoing
`business relationships that have been going on for a
`number of years. The Sony agreement gives Defendants, it
`gives them a bunch of software, which up until Judge
`Andrews ruled that the Sony products were out of the
`case, was I understand part of Plaintiff's infringement
`theory, which is called the Sony XPK.
` So from Sony we get access to the Sony
`XPK. We get access to put our game playable on their
`platform. We get access to their, what they call their
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`authorized replicator, which is the entity that actually
`makes the disk, so if you have been in the store and have
`seen the boxes with the disks in them. It gives us
`access to be able to have our games played on those Sony
`PlayStation consoles, which again you may have seen those
`in the store. It gives us access to a tremendous amount
`of both technology, networking systems that Sony has
`behind the scenes that connect up. And it is nothing
`like a bare-naked patent license.
` And that is really -- I take fundamental
`issue with Mr. Frankel's suggestion that Acceleration
`Bay, even if my clients are somehow infringing these
`patents and, as you know, we hotly dispute that, but even
`if they were, the characterization that Acceleration Bay
`provides the Defendants with networking technology
`comparable to what Sony and Microsoft provide is just --
`it's kind of preposterous.
`get your point, and I appreciate your explaining it so
` Do you have another point or two that you
`want to cover or do you want to let Sony pick up
`particularly as to the harm that would befall Sony if I
`granted the Plaintiff's motion?
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` MS. BARRY: I will defer to Sony. I will
`just say, Special Master, if it's helpful, I can add
`additional comments to what Sony says about the harm to
`Microsoft and Bungie that I expect would happen, but I
`think it's very parallel and similar to what you are
`going to hear from Sony. So unless you want specific
`additional on that, I would defer to Sony.
`that, Ms. Barry. That helps us move it along and,
`obviously, before we leave this motion, if you feel that
`other things need to be added for Bungie and Microsoft, I
`will give you the opportunity.
` Why don't I hear from Sony now?
` MS. ELLIOTT: Thank you, Special Master.
`This is Tara Elliott with WilmerHale on behalf of
`non-party Sony Interactive Entertainment America. I do
`want to express thanks again for the opportunity to be
`heard separate and apart from the Defendants in this
`action, and I also want to express our appreciation for
`the accommodation on the schedule.
`point out that actually it's an accommodation by the
`parties here and counsel for the parties. It's a hotly
`contested litigation, but counsel have maintained a very
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`professional relationship, in my opinion.
` You may proceed.
` MS. ELLIOTT: I completely agree, and my
`thanks to counsel on the line as well.
` We agree in large part with points made by
`Ms. Barry, and I will endeavor not to be repetitive of
`her points except for where I think emphasis may be
`warranted. But I would like to focus my remarks in two
`primary categories: One is procedural, the other is
`substantive. And, frankly, both matter to a non-party
`such as Sony.
` To just briefly take up the procedural
`point first, we do think it's important to note that Sony
`was responding to a motion to compel in which the
`Plaintiff sought preclusion under Rule 37 as its primary
`relief, and only as an alternative did Acceleration Bay
`seek production of an unredacted agreement. So my
`version of the brief is redacted, at least from what I
`could see, the vast majority of Acceleration Bay's brief
`argument is for preclusion.
` Now, in view -- obviously, we all know in
`view of the Court's decision dismissing the Sony product
`from the case, the Plaintiff did narrow its relief to
`that requesting the production of the financia

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