Case 1:16-cv-00453-WCB Document 746 Filed 11/08/22 Page 1 of 8 PageID #: 54181
`C.A. No. 16-453 (RGA)
`Pursuant to the Court’s October 25, 2022 Oral Order (D.I. 745), Plaintiff Acceleration
`Bay LLC (“Acceleration Bay”) and Defendant Activision Blizzard, Inc. (“Activision”) provide
`the following Joint Status Report and proposed Scheduling Order.
`Joint Summary of Case Status: On April 21, 2020, the Court sua sponte stayed this
`action pending the resolution of the appeal from related case Acceleration Bay LLC, v. 2K
`Sports, Inc., 1:16-cv-00455 (the “Take Two Action”). D.I. 711.
`The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit issued a decision in the appeal from the
`Take Two Action, No. 2020-01700 (Fed. Cir.) (the “Take Two Appeal”) on October 4, 2021. D.I.
`725-1. Based on that decision, Activision filed a motion for summary judgment of non-
`infringement based on collateral estoppel. D.I. 730. The Court denied-in-part and granted-in-
`part Activision’s motion. D.I. 744.
`The following is a summary of the Asserted Patents and Accused Products at issue in this


`Case 1:16-cv-00453-WCB Document 746 Filed 11/08/22 Page 2 of 8 PageID #: 54182
`Accused Products
`World of Warcraft
`World of Warcraft
`Call of Duty: Black Ops III; Call of Duty:
`Advanced Warfare; Destiny
`Call of Duty: Black Ops III; Call of Duty:
`Advanced Warfare; Destiny
`Acceleration Bay’s Proposal: With the conclusion of summary judgment motions, this
`case should be set for trial in early May 2023. This will allow ample time for the parties to
`supplement discovery on the issue of damages (as described below), provide damages reports,
`and prepare for trial.
`At the time the Court stayed this action pending resolution of the appeal of the Take Two
`Action, Acceleration Bay’s damages proffer was pending before the Court. D.I. 700. The
`proffer was based on a combination of factual evidence and expert opinion. Id. Activision
`submitted objections to Acceleration Bay’s damages proffer. D.I. 702. Given the stay, the Court
`did not resolve Activision’s objections.
`Since then and while the case has been dormant, there have been material intervening
`events relevant to the measure of damages in this case. Specifically, Acceleration Bay entered
`into a license agreement with another video game company and Activision entered into an
`agreement to be acquired by Microsoft for $68.7 billion, a significant portion of which is related
`to value generated by the accused products. Accordingly, rather than adjudicate the proffer,
`which was provided several years ago, the parties should exchange supplemental document
`productions relating to these important intervening developments. As is customarily done prior
`to trial, Activision should supplement its revenue and usage data for the accused products so the


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`information is up to date. The parties can then engage in expert discovery based on the updated
`Acceleration Bay proposes the following schedule for updating the damages portion of
`the case and indicates the dates it is available for trial. Activision declined to provide counter-
`proposed dates and declined to indicate dates that it is available for trial.
`Acceleration Bay’s
`Proposed Date
`Parties exchange documents relating to damages:
`Acceleration Bay will produce new license agreement.
`Activision will produce (1) updated revenue and usage data for the
`accused products and (2) documents regarding the valuation of the
`accused products in the Activision/Microsoft acquisition
`Burden of Proof Expert Reports to Address Damages Issues
`Rebuttal Expert Reports to Address Damages Issues
`Close of expert discovery
`Daubert Motion Opening Briefs regarding damages reports (15
`pages total)
`Daubert Motion Opposition Briefs regarding damages reports (15
`pages total)
`Daubert Motion Reply Briefs regarding damages reports (10 pages
`Joint proposed final pretrial order
`Pre-trial Conference
`Subject to the
`Court’s calendar:
`Acceleration Bay is
`available 5/1/23 and
`Trial (5 days)


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`Activision should not be heard to complain that Acceleration Bay now seeks to update its
`damages case in view of significant intervening events since the entry of the stay. Activision just
`engaged in six months of proceedings based on the alleged impact of the intervening Take-Two
`appeal on Acceleration Bay’s infringement case against Activision. With the case having been
`effectively stayed for two and a half-years, there is no prejudice to Activision from participating
`in an orderly process for the parties to update their damages cases. Once the parties have
`completed expert discovery, any objections that Activision has to the admissibility of the
`evidence upon which Acceleration Bay will rely can be addressed in connection with Daubert
`briefing or through in limine motions.1 Activision’s proposal to have an initial round of briefing
`on its objections before the parties even exchange updated information and expert reports would
`be highly inefficient and just inject further delay into the resolution of this dispute.
`Activision’s Proposal:
`At the time the Court stayed this action, the Court had excluded Acceleration Bay’s expert
`opinions on damages. Pending before the Court was Acceleration Bay’s “fact-based damages
`proffer,” (D.I. 700) which Activision opposed as inadmissible. (D.I. 702).
`With the conclusion of summary judgment motions, there are two outstanding issues for
`the Court. The first is whether Acceleration Bay is entitled to yet again attempt to come forward
`with a submissible damages case after it repeatedly failed to do so. The second is case scheduling,
`including trial, if appropriate and necessary.
`1 Activision’s objections set forth below are without merit. For example, the Federal Circuit has
`confirmed that a patent license agreement entered into in settling an earlier patent suit may be
`admissible evidence of the damages in later patent suits. Prism Techs. LLC v. Sprint Spectrum
`LP, 849 F. 3d 1360, 1370-1371 (Fed. Cir. 2017).


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`Damages. After several orders excluding Acceleration Bay’s many improper damages
`theories in this case, this Court granted Acceleration Bay one “final opportunity to present [the
`Court] with an admissible damages case.” D.I. 619 at 2. Acceleration Bay submitted the Court-
`ordered proffer on February 15, 2019. This Court struck all aspects of Acceleration Bay’s “final
`opportunity” on September 4, 2019, and specifically recognized that its “exclusion of those two
`[challenged] aspects of Mr. Parr’s report leaves Plaintiff with no intact damages theories.” D.I.
`692 at 5. In that same order, this Court noted that the rejected proffer was “Plaintiffs final
`opportunity to present a damages case,” and that “Plaintiff will not have an opportunity to submit
`revised expert reports” again. Id. at 7. Acceleration Bay moved for reconsideration of the Court’s
`order, see D.I. 695, which this Court denied shortly before the case was stayed pending
`Acceleration Bay’s appeal in Take-Two. D.I. 705; D.I. 711.
`In view of the above, Acceleration Bay squandered its “final opportunity” to develop a
`submissible expert damages case for trial. Acceleration Bay has presented no cause—let alone
`good cause—for seeking yet another opportunity to submit an expert damages report and
`reconsideration of this Court’s prior orders, including its determination that Acceleration Bay has
`no “intact damages theories” to present at trial. D.I. 692 at 5; see also 705 (denying motion for
`The two “intervening events” identified by Acceleration Bay above shed no light on the
`proper reasonable royalty at the hypothetical negotiation, or otherwise warrant reconsideration of
`the Court’s rulings. As to Acceleration Bay’s “license agreement with another video game
`company” entered sometime since April 2021, this litigation-induced settlement2 says nothing
`about the reasonable royalty from a hypothetical negotiation 10-15 years earlier. See Sprint
`2 See Epic Games, Inc. v. Acceleration Bay LLC, No. 19-cv-4133 (N.D.Ca.).


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`Commc’ns Co. L.P. v. Comcast IP Holdings, LLC, No. CV 12-1013-RGA, 2015 WL 456154, at
`*2 (D. Del. Jan. 30, 2015) (excluding expert testimony based two license agreements that
`“occurred over a decade after the hypothetical negotiation date, and were entered into with non-
`practicing entities for purposes of settlement”); see also M2M Sols. LLC v. Enfora, Inc., 167 F.
`Supp. 3d 665, 675 (D. Del. 2016). As for Microsoft’s proposed acquisition of Activision, also
`some 10+ years after the date of the hypothetical negotiation, Acceleration Bay offers no evidence
`to support its bald claim that a “significant portion of [the acquisition] is related to value generated
`by the accused products.” Nor has Acceleration Bay identified how revenues from the accused
`products—including revenues generated after the expiration of the patents—has any rational nexus
`to the apportioned value of the patented inventions let alone the result of the hypothetical
`negotiation 10+ years earlier.
`It thus appears that Acceleration Bay wants to do what it has repeatedly done before—
`burdening both Activision and the Court with even more legally infirm damages theories. This
`Court afforded Acceleration Bay one “final opportunity” to come forward with a proper damages
`case. Acceleration Bay failed to comply with this Court’s directive, and this Court has already held
`that “Plaintiff will not have an opportunity to submit revised expert reports” again. D.I. 692 at 7.
`The Court should reject Acceleration Bay’s request, and stand on its prior decisions precluding
`Acceleration Bay from taking yet another bite at the damages apple. D.I. 692 at 5, 7 (all proffered
`theories excluded, and declining any further supplementation); D.I. 705 (reconsideration denied).
`Schedule. With respect to the schedule, Acceleration Bay’s proposal is simply unworkable.
`Activision’s counsel has eight trials between now and May. Four of those trials will be in front of


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`this Court before Acceleration Bay’s seven-day window in May 2023.3 Aside from the trial
`conflicts, Activision has not had an opportunity to clear Acceleration Bay’s seven-day window
`with its witnesses or experts.
`Moreover, in the event the Court accedes to Acceleration Bay’s request for yet another
`opportunity to offer up a submissible damages case, Acceleration Bay’s proposed schedule does
`not afford sufficient time for Activision to meaningfully challenge whatever improper damages
`theories Acceleration Bay has in mind going forward—a concern that is squarely rooted in the
`history of this case and the alleged “intervening events” recited in its above Proposal. Finally, as
`the patents are all expired, there is no forward-looking harm to Acceleration Bay that warrants an
`expedited trial on issues that have already been precluded and on theories that have not even been
`September 21, 2021
`September 21, 2021
`July 20, 2022
`July 9, 2022
`Accused Products
`World of Warcraft
`World of Warcraft
`Call of Duty: Black Ops III; Call of Duty:
`Advanced Warfare; Destiny
`Call of Duty: Black Ops III; Call of Duty:
`Advanced Warfare; Destiny
`In view of the Court’s orders excluding every damages theory from Acceleration Bay in
`this case, 4 including the theories proffered in its “final opportunity” to present an admissible case,
`3 Sprint Commnc’s Co. L.P. v. CSC Holdings, LLC, No. 18-cv-1752 (December 2022);
`Wonderland Switzerland AG v. Evenflo Company, Inc., No. 20-cv-727 (January 2023, Judge
`McKalla presiding); Sprint Commnc’s Co. L.P. v. Mediacom Commnc’s Corp., No. 17-cv-1736
`(April 2023); Sprint Commnc’s Co. L.P. v. WideOpenWest, Inc., 18-cv-361 (April 2023).
`4 See D.I. 578 at 27-28 (excluding theories based on a jury verdict in Uniloc case), D.I. 600
`(excluding grounds offered in support of a 15.5% royalty rate); D.I. 620 at (denying
`reconsideration of D.I. 600 because the Court did “not agree with Plaintiff that [it] committed
`error”); D.I. 619 at 2 (giving Plaintiff one “final opportunity to present me with an admissible


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`Activision respectfully ask the Court to deny Acceleration Bay’s request for yet another bite at the
`damages apple. Instead, Activision requests parallel briefing to outline the authorities on this issue
`and identify the most efficient and appropriate way to manage this case going forward:
`Opening Briefs (10 pages)
`Answering Briefs (5 pages)
`Status Report
`December 9, 2022
`December 23, 2022
`14 days after Court ruling
`Dated: November 8, 2022
`By: /s/ Philip A. Rovner
`Philip A. Rovner (# 3215)
`Jonathan A. Choa (#5319)
`1313 North Market Street 6th Floor
`Wilmington, Delaware 19801
`(302) 984-6000
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`Acceleration Bay LLC
`By: /s/ Jack B. Blumenfeld
` Jack B. Blumenfeld (#1014)
`1201 North Market Street
`P.O. Box 1347
`Wilmington, DE 19899
`(302) 658-9200
`Attorneys for Defendants
`Activision Blizzard, Inc
`damages case”); D.I. 692 at 5 (excluding all damages theories in Plaintiff’s last-chance damages
`proffer, and noting that the order “leaves Plaintiff with no intact damages theories” for trial); D.I.
`705 (denying reconsideration of D.I. 692).

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