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` Plaintiff, :
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`v. : C.A. NO.16-453 (RGA)
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` Defendant. :
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` Plaintiff, :
` :
`v. :
` : C.A. No. 16-454(RGA)
` :
` Defendant. :
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` :
` Plaintiff, :
` :
`v. : C.A. No. 16-455(RGA)
` :
` :
` Defendants. :
` Wilmington, Delaware
` August 31, 2017 at 2:00 p.m.
` Ellie Corbett Hannum, Registered Merit Reporter
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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`B E F O R E : S P E C I A L M A S T E R A L L E N M . T E R R E L L
` - - -
`A P P E A R A N C E S :
` P O T T E R A N D E R S O N & C O R R O O N
` B Y : J O N A T H A N A . C H O A , E S Q .
` j c h o a @ p o t t e r a n d e r s o n . c o m
` a n d
` K R A M E R L E V I N
` B Y : A A R O N F R A N K E L , E S Q .
` a f r a n k e l @ k r a m e r l e v i n . c o m
` ( N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k )
` C o u n s e l f o r P l a i n t i f f
` M O R R I S , N I C H O L S , A R S H T & T U N N E L L L L P
` B Y : S T E P H E N J . K R A F T S C H I K , E S Q .
` s k r a f t s c h i k @ m n a t . c o m
` a n d
` W I N S T O N & S T R A W N L L P
` B Y : D A V I D P . E N Z M I N G E R , E S Q .
` d e n z m i n g e r @ w i n s t o n . c o m
` ( M e n l o P a r k , C a l i f o r n i a )
` B Y : M I C H A E L A . T O M A S U L O , E S Q .
` m t o m a s u l o @ w i n s t o n . c o m
` ( L o s A n g e l e s , C a l i f o r n i a )
` B Y : K A T H L E E N B . B A R R Y , E S Q .
` k b a r r y @ w i n s t o n . c o m
` ( C h i c a g o , I l l i n o i s )
` C o u n s e l f o r D e f e n d a n t s
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`know to whom Ellie should send a bill?
` MS. BARRY: If you send it to Steve
`Kraftschik's attention, the parties will work it out.
` MR. FRANKEL: That's fine.
`you can just send mine at this stage just to my email at
` MS. BARRY: I think my partner has joined
`the call.
` - - -
`Thank you all for being available. And this is Allen
`Terrell, Special Master, in Civil Action No. 16-453, 454
`and 455. And this is the time to hear Plaintiff's
`motions filed August 16th to compel and one of
`Defendants' motions to compel which relates to a
`framework for expert report.
` I think I would like to start by just
`having a roll call. And as you go through the roll call
`indicate who will be speaking for the parties.
` Plaintiff, go ahead.
` MR. CHOA: Good afternoon, Special Master,
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`this is Jonathan Choa from Potter Anderson, with me is
`Aaron Frankel. He will be arguing the motions on behalf
`of Acceleration Bay today.
` MR. ENZMINGER: This is David Enzminger of
`Winston & Strawn, with me is Michael Tomasulo and
`Kathleen Barry. Kathleen and I will primarily argue the
`motions, although Mr. Tomasulo may argue one of them.
` MR. KRAFTSCHIK: This is Stephen
`Kraftschik from Morris Nichols also on the line.
`have been through all the papers fairly carefully and
`what I thought might make more sense is why doesn't the
`Plaintiff go first, cover all the Plaintiff's motions,
`and if Mr. Frankel wants he can also address the
`Defendants' motion with regard to the expert report. I
`will be taking notes and I know you will too so then
`after that I will let Defendants speak.
` Mr. Frankel, do you want to proceed?
` MR. FRANKEL: Yes. Good afternoon,
`Special Master. I just want to be clear on one point,
`though, it's my understanding that one of our motions
`relating to compelling agreements has been deferred until
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`the hearing on the 6th.
` SPECIAL MASTER TERRELL: That's the one in
`connection with Sony; that is correct.
` MR. FRANKEL: Okay. Thank you.
` So, Special Master, unless there's an
`order you prefer I address the motions, I will start with
`the Activision source code issue.
` MR. FRANKEL: And I will just pick up
`where Defendants' brief left off. We submitted a
`declaration from Andy Jian, who is doing source code
`review, that's been unrebutted. There has been no
`declaration committed by Mr. Marks disputing the account,
`and Defendants certainly have not been shy to submit
`declarations to you when they thought it was helpful.
` So it's undisputed that the individual
`that Activision tasked to supervise the source code
`review provided a single set of papers for both Call of
`Duty games. It's undisputed that Mr. Gian, on the last
`day of the review, spoke to Mr. Marks, confirmed the
`total number of pages that were remaining and was given a
`single number for the two games, not two separate counts
`for the games. And it's undisputed that the source code
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`modules that Mr. Gian identified could have been printed
`from the source code base of either of the two Call of
`Duty games.
` There has been no explanation for why
`Activision provided just one single set of consecutively
`numbered papers for both games while intending to apply a
`separate page count to each of them. All they say in
`their brief, and this is a quote, is it was as a
`convenience. I don't even know what that means, but it
`was certainly very confusing.
` And the other argument they make in their
`brief is that their representative wasn't authorized to
`modify the protective order. I don't even see this as a
`modification of the protective order, but there was no
`way for our reviewer to know that he couldn't rely, that
`he couldn't reasonably rely on the page count and the
`pages that he was being provided by Activision's
` In their brief they don't really identify
`any prejudice. They say that the protective order has
`page limits to prevent there being too much source code
`floating around. But in this case, even if our motion is
`granted and the additional 71 pages of source code are
`released, it will still only be the 500 pages of source
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`code printed that was authorized under the protective
`order in the first place. They don't identify any other
`prejudice or any particular harm from releasing the 71
`pages of source code that are at issue.
` And here, particularly where those same
`pages could have been printed from the other Call of Duty
`source code base, there's no prejudice whatsoever to
`Activision, while at the same time taking away about 30
`percent of the source code that we printed for one of the
`accused products is very prejudicial to Acceleration Bay.
`The scheduling order, again, provides for 500 pages
`between the two Call of Duty games. It also provides for
`printing additional pages should the need arise.
` At worst what we have here is a very
`reasonable misunderstanding given the circumstances. So
`we would ask that Activision be ordered to produce those
` Are there any questions I can address
`before I move on to the next issue?
`understanding that all Activision needs to do is push a
`button and the pages are printed?
` MR. FRANKEL: It's even less than that,
`the pages have already been printed. They just need to
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`email them to us.
`your point of view you see no prejudice to the Defendants
`other than the fact that in their view they have complied
`with the protective order as to the number of pages and
`you are not entitled to any more. Is that it?
` MR. FRANKEL: Correct.
`understand to be the guts of their argument; is that
` MR. FRANKEL: That's correct, Special
` SPECIAL MASTER TERRELL: And your point is
`that you read the order as not inconsistent with your
`request now and that in your view there is no meaningful
`prejudice in light of a possible misunderstanding. Is
`that a summary?
` MR. FRANKEL: That's correct. And just
`that it's not just the order read in isolation but also
`reasonably relying on the statements and the conduct of
`Activision's representative who was supervising the
`while I really thought the easiest thing to do was just
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`let one party speak throughout, it does occur to me this
`is kind of a separate narrow issue.
` Mr. Frankel, would you prefer just to let
`the Defendant respond on this particular motion now?
` MR. FRANKEL: Whatever the Special Master
`Defendant. I want to make it's easier for the parties.
` Do the Defendants want to respond on this
`motion right now?
` MS. BARRY: Special Master, we are happy
`to do what you prefer. If it's easier for you to hear
`our response now, that's fine too.
`because it seems to me it's a very narrow question.
` MS. BARRY: So if I may start with the
`issue of the prejudice. We obviously disagree that there
`is no prejudice. The protective order specifically
`limited the production to 250 pages per game. There was
`a reason that it was a per-game limitation and not 500
`pages as Plaintiff contends. And it is a significant
`prejudice to require us to produce 30 percent more pages
`for this one game, and it certainly wasn't contemplated
`by the protective order.
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` As to Mr. Frankel's comments that our
`representative somehow misled the Plaintiff's reviewer,
`obviously we dispute those. There was certainly no basis
`or suggestion that the Plaintiff should be relying on any
`statements made by the person supervising the review.
`Although, again, we dispute that he made any statements
`that are consistent with what Plaintiff has said here.
` So, again, we don't think there is any
`misunderstanding. We think it was on Plaintiff to file
`the protective order. And the reason the protective
`order is strictly limited to 250 pages per game is
`because there was recognition that it would be difficult
`and prejudicial if there was more source code produced.
` And so we would say there is prejudice in
`this circumstance.
`I appreciate your concise statement. I think I have it.
` So let me ask Mr. Frankel to move on to
`the next motion.
` MR. FRANKEL: Okay. Special Master, I
`take it you are interested in not receiving reply
`comments as we go through the argument or you will let us
`know if you are?
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`am very happy if you feel compelled to make a short
`reply, you can. I do think that the papers are
`consistent with what I've heard so far so I'm not sure I
`need it, but go ahead if you have something.
` MR. FRANKEL: Well, I will just move on to
`the next issue.
`that. Go ahead.
` MR. FRANKEL: So next, Special Master, is
`the issue of Defendants' responses to several
`interrogatories. The first one is Interrogatory No. 2,
`which is directed to non-infringing alternatives.
` MR. FRANKEL: If it would be helpful, I
`can give a brief summary of what a non-infringing
`alternative is in the patent context or if you feel
`comfortable I will just move on.
`comfortable. I think your brief made that quite clear.
` MR. FRANKEL: Thank you, Special Master.
` So the first point of contention is that
`Defendants state in their papers that there's a dispute
`on the standard of proof, but it's clear that the
`Plaintiff has the ultimate burden of proof on damages,
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`but the only caselaw that either side has cited on the
`issue of who bears the burden of proof as to
`non-infringing alternatives is the party asserting that
`there's a non-infringing alternative and in this case
`it's the Defendants. We cited a number of cases in our
`briefing. And Defendants don't like that conclusion, but
`they haven't cited any authorities to the contrary.
` They also haven't challenged the cases
`that we cited that a non-infringing alternative has to be
`technically viable and economically feasible. That's
`part of the burden of showing that there is an
`alternative is that it would work and that it would work
`in a way that's economical. Otherwise, it would have no
`relevance to the damages analysis.
` So if there's a theoretical non-infringing
`alternative available to Defendants, but it would cost
`them $10 billion to implement it, then that would have no
`relevance to the licensing negotiations because it
`wouldn't make any sense to implement that non-infringing
`so far I think, as I read the discovery responses by
`Defendants, they have made responses to Interrogatory 2,
`but in summary it seems that your view is that it's
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`simply insufficient. It's not complete enough. But you
`don't dispute that they have made substantive responses?
` MR. FRANKEL: Well, "substantive" I would
`take issue with. I mean, they purport to have identified
`three non-infringing alternatives.
` MR. FRANKEL: I will jump to why we take
`issue with what's in their responses.
` MR. FRANKEL: You know, our concern is --
`and both parties have raised concerns like this at
`various points in the case -- that we really need to know
`now or we needed to know some time ago what exactly it
`was that they were proposing to do so that it could be
`taken into account for the expert reports which are due
`three weeks from tomorrow.
` And I would also like to point out that we
`had a prior motion to compel that we filed in June and we
`had argument on the motion in July where we moved to
`compel Defendants to produce any documents relating to
`their non-infringing alternatives, and they declined to
`do so. So we are particularly concerned that they might
`be attempting to introduce new evidence of a
`non-infringing alternative when we should have had that
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`disclosure during fact discovery so that we could address
`it as a factual matter.
` Now, in this case -- in each of the cases
`there are a number of different accused products, and
`they all have complicated and different network
`architectures that were built up over a period of years.
`They have a physical infrastructure with the servers,
`there's the software that's being reused from version to
`version. And to modify it to become non-infringing would
`be a very significant and substantial undertaking. It's
`not just a question of flipping a switch.
` So what we need -- to understand what the
`proposed non-infringing alternative is, we need to know
`what Defendants would propose changing in each of their
`games and how long it would take and how they would do it
`and how much it would cost. That's what a non-infringing
`alternative is. And we don't have any disclosures of
` Turning to the reasons why Defendants put
`in their brief they weren't able to give us those
`responses. The first thing they said was we served our
`request -- and this is their words at the very end of
`discovery. Just to be clear, we served that
`interrogatory three months ago. And Defendants seem to
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`be taking the position that everything we did during the
`discovery period, discovery source code depositions we
`wanted in June they said it was already too late in the
`case to provide, but when we get to their invalidity
`disclosures, which were very late and plainly violated
`the scheduling order, they say it's no harm and it's no
`foul, it wasn't too late. So that's very inconsistent.
` Defendants also say they can't disclose
`specifically a non-infringing alternative because they
`don't understand our infringement case. Well, we have
`given them our infringement contentions. We told them
`what our theories are and the evidence that we are
`relying on, and that isn't changing.
` So based on that, those contentions, they
`either have alternatives or they don't have alternatives.
`If they are unable to understand our infringement case
`and they can't come up with any alternatives, then they
`should say so. But if they do think they have
`alternatives, they need to provide them with the
`requisite specificity so we can respond to them.
` The first non-infringing alternative that
`they propose is just a non-infringement argument. They
`say that because of the date of the hypothetical
`negotiation, the same products don't infringe. So that's
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`not an alternative. I mean, you can't say that there's
`an accused product and if it's found to infringe, we will
`just use the same product. I mean, that's just a legal
`theory of infringement.
` If they don't have any details or evidence
`that they are going to put forth on that issue and it's
`just going to be the bald legal claim, then that's fine,
`but they shouldn't be allowed to come up with some new
`theory or say they are going to tweak something or
`incorporate something from an old game that actually
`doesn't infringe and here is why. So that's why they
`haven't given anything but a legal theory for the first
` For their second theory they talked about
`using a client server architecture, but that's just a
`non-infringement argument, because they already say for
`many of these games that they are using a client server
`architecture. So we think that they infringe and we are
`going to explain why, but we don't understand what it is
`that they propose to do that's actually any different.
`So it's not a non-infringing alternative to say that they
`don't think that the product infringes in the first
`place. They make some reference to disavowal, but that
`doesn't have any connection to the claim construction
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`positions that the parties have advanced in the case.
` They say that they could change to a
`network structure where m is less than 3, but, again,
`what does that mean? We don't know how they would modify
`the network, how they would modify the servers they are
`using, how they would change the software, how long it
`would take. These are very complicated systems, and
`making changes like that would be very expensive and
`time-consuming if it was even possible. But they haven't
`told us what they are going to do.
` Now, if this -- if all they are going to
`say later on in the case is we could just use a client
`server architecture or we could just make m equals 2, and
`they are not going to give any testimony about how long
`it takes and how much it costs and they are not going to
`give any details, then that's fine. They should be held
`to that. And that's going to be insufficient for them to
`prove their case, and that's what our experts are going
`to say, that they just haven't disclosed anything. But
`they shouldn't be permitted to sandbag us later in the
`case with a much more detailed and nuanced description of
`some non-infringing alternative.
` And then the third one that they propose
`is this RapNet system that we don't know anything about.
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`We don't have any disclosure of what it is. They have
`never produced any documents about RapNet. In their
`opposition brief they said that they might be providing a
`supplemental response to explain what that theory is, but
`it's too late. I mean, reports are due in three weeks at
`this point.
` This was one of the subjects of our motion
`to compel was to get any documents their were going to be
`relying on for non-infringing alternatives. That was
`months ago. They resisted producing the documents, and
`they shouldn't be allowed to add that new evidence into
`the case now. It's highly prejudicial.
` Are there any questions I can address on
`that interrogatory?
` SPECIAL MASTER TERRELL: What's the latest
`interrogatory supplemental response that you have
`received on Interrogatory 2?
` MR. FRANKEL: We have not received any
`supplemental responses on Interrogatory No. 2.
` MR. ENZMINGER: In fairness, I believe it
`was only due July 27th.
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` Go on now to Interrogatory 4, I think.
` MR. FRANKEL: Okay. On the issue of
`damages, when you look at Defendants' interrogatory
`response and you take out the objections and the legal
`arguments, which are fine, I mean they are entitled to
`assert them, everything that they contend and disclose
`consists of six bullet points. They referenced the Sony
`license. So we understand that's something they are
`going to rely on as part of their damages case. Then
`they make a vague reference to Boeing's efforts to
`license, but they don't identify any specific deposition
`testimony or documents or explain how that relates to
`damages, but at least that's some meaningful universe
`that they are talking about.
` But, then, it's really downhill from
`there. Their third bullet point just talks about
`Defendants' and industry's established practices, but we
`don't have any idea of what those practices are or what
`evidence they are possibly going to rely on at trial to
`support those practices. So that's not something that we
`can address in our damages report, which is due in three
` Then they say that there's little evidence
`that patents drive sales. Well, based on what? We have
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`no idea of what that argument means and what evidence
`they would rely on to support it.
` Then there's a one-line reference to
`non-infringing alternatives. And we have already talked
`about how they haven't provided any disclosure of any
`specific non-infringing alternative, let alone how much
`it would cost or how long it would take, which are key
`considerations for the damages analysis.
` And then they say that they might refer to
`the nature of the claims. Well, again, what's the nature
`of the claims, and in what way does that relate to
` In contrast, our damages interrogatory
`response identifies for each Defendant over 100 specific
`documents that we are relying on, deposition testimony,
`the precise theories. We have given a fair disclosure of
`what our damages case is going to look like, and we don't
`have that for Defendants. If that's all -- if they have
`identified in their rog response the arguments they are
`going to make and the evidence they are going to rely on,
`that's fine, but, again, they should be held to that
` And if they are going to be raising
`additional arguments in evidence, then we should have had
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`it a long time ago so that we can address it in our
`expert reports.
` Any questions I can address on this issue?
` SPECIAL MASTER TERRELL: I don't think so,
`go ahead.
` MR. FRANKEL: For interrogatories 7, 8,
`and 10, these relate to non-infringement arguments that
`Defendants may be raising. And, again, outside of
`objections, Defendants just identify a handful of
`high-level arguments. If that's all that their experts
`are going to say, then that's okay. But if they are
`going to be raising particular non-infringement
`arguments, if they are going to be pointing to specific
`source code modules as proving non-infringement, we are
`entitled to that disclosure. We are entitled to a
`disclosure commensurate with the disclosures we have
`given on the infringement side.
` They have just given us a couple of pages
`of conclusory arguments. They point out in their brief
`that they reference some Rule 11 letters that they sent
`over a year ago. And I understand that those are
`incorporated, but if they are going to be limited to
`those arguments, that's okay. If not, we should have had
`a fair disclosure of the evidence that they are going to
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`be relying on. They don't identify any specific
`deposition testimony or source code.
` Defendants say in their brief that they
`can prove non-infringement by showing only a single
`limitation that isn't infringed and that Plaintiff has
`the burden of proof. I agree with them on both of those
`points, but that's not the discovery standard. That
`doesn't mean that they are relieved of their obligation

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