Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 696 Filed 09/25/19 Page 1 of 8 PageID #: 52351
`C.A. No. 16-453 (RGA)
`B. Trent Webb
`Aaron E. Hankel
`Jordan T. Bergsten
`Maxwell C. McGraw
`2555 Grand Boulevard
`Kansas City, MO 64108
`(816) 474-6550
`Tanya Chaney
`600 Travis Street, Suite 3400
`Houston, TX 77002
`(713) 227-8008
`September 25, 2019
`Jack B. Blumenfeld (#1014)
`Stephen J. Kraftschik (#5623)
`1201 North Market Street
`P.O. Box 1347
`Wilmington, DE 19899
`(302) 658-9200
`Attorneys for Defendant


`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 696 Filed 09/25/19 Page 2 of 8 PageID #: 52352
`This Court properly excluded Acceleration Bay’s expert damages opinions that relied on
`Acceleration’s “cost savings” expert, Dr. Valerdi, because Dr. Valerdi’s model used untestable
`inputs with no connection to the facts of this case. Unlike other cases permitting use of a cost-
`savings model, Acceleration and its experts claim no network exists that both: (1) has the
`functionality of Activision’s accused networks, and (2) does not infringe. But Dr. Valerdi
`nevertheless attempted to estimate the cost of building such a non-existent network. In doing so,
`Dr. Valerdi assumed every line of code in the accused game would need to be rewritten,
`including code not related to the accused networks. This Court correctly excluded Dr. Valerdi’s
`opinions as “entirely speculative, untestable, and divorced from the facts of this case.” (D.I. 692,
`p. 7).
`Acceleration has no proper basis for reconsideration of this Court’s Order. First,
`Acceleration’s reliance on Prism Techs. LLC v. Sprint Spectrum LP, 849 F.3d 1360 (Fed. Cir.
`2017), is misplaced and only confirms the correctness of this Court’s Order. Unlike here, the
`parties in Prism agreed that building a non-infringing backhaul network—with the same
`technical characteristics of the accused backhaul network—would allow the defendant to: (1)
`maintain the same functionality as its current network; (2) without infringing. Id. at 1376.
`Second, Acceleration attempts to characterize this Court’s Order as finding the SEER-
`SEM model inherently unreliable. But this Court made no such finding, ruling instead that Dr.
`Valerdi’s inputs to that model were “divorced from the facts of this case.” (D.I. 692, p. 7).
`Acceleration’s efforts to bolster the general reliability of the SEER-SEM model miss the point
`Third, Acceleration argues that Dr. Valerdi’s opinion on “Maintenance Costs” is


`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 696 Filed 09/25/19 Page 3 of 8 PageID #: 52353
`somehow “separate” from his other opinions. This argument is both new and incorrect.
`Acceleration does not and cannot deny that Dr. Valerdi’s “Maintenance Costs” opinion relies on
`exactly the same inputs that this Court properly found to be “divorced from the facts of this
`The Court should deny Acceleration’s motion for reconsideration.
`“Motions for reargument or reconsideration should only be granted sparingly and should
`not be used to rehash arguments already briefed.” Int’l Constr. Prod. LLC v. Caterpillar Inc.,
`No. 15-108-RGA, 2016 WL 4445232, at *2 (D. Del. Aug. 22, 2016). “The movant must show at
`least one of the following: (1) an intervening change in the controlling law; (2) the availability of
`new evidence that was not previously available; or (3) the need to correct a clear error of law or
`fact or to prevent manifest injustice.” Id. (internal quotation and alterations omitted). “Motions
`for reargument or reconsideration may not be used as a means to argue new facts or issues that
`inexcusably were not presented to the court in the matter previously decided.” Mondero v. Lewes
`Surgical & Med. Assocs. P.A., 233 F. Supp. 3d 414, 416 (D. Del. 2017).
`The Prism Case Affirms that, Unlike Here, Cost-Savings Opinions Must be
`Based on Known, Acceptable, Non-Infringing Alternatives
`Acceleration argues that Dr. Valerdi’s opinion is like the cost-savings theory that was
`permitted in Prism, 849 F.3d 1360. In Prism, a key limitation in the asserted patent was the use
`of an “untrusted” network. Id. at 1364. Plaintiff argued that the defendant’s accused practice of
`leasing backhaul networks from various third parties—rather than building one private backhaul
`network itself—met this requirement because “no single organization controls the[se networks]
`in the aggregate.” Id. at 1365. Critically, the plaintiff’s experts also agreed that the defendant


`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 696 Filed 09/25/19 Page 4 of 8 PageID #: 52354
`could “provide its customers the kind of service it wanted to offer them,” but avoid infringement,
`by “building a private backhaul network instead of leasing backhaul services from third-party
`providers.” Id. at 1375. Plaintiff’s expert was thus allowed to rely on his own experience and on
`industry publications to estimate the costs of building a backhaul network with the same
`characteristics as the existing backhaul network, except that it was wholly owned (and
`controlled) by the defendant. Id. at 1377.
`Here, Dr. Valerdi’s opinion is entirely different from the one allowed in Prism. Far from
`pointing to an agreed upon, acceptable, non-infringing alternative with known characteristics and
`testable costs (like the private backhaul network in Prism), here “Dr. Valerdi does not articulate
`any characteristics of a non-infringing alternative and, indeed, adopts the position that such a
`network does not exist.” (D.I. 692, p. 7). The omission of any description of this alternative
`network’s characteristics squarely distinguishes this case from Prism, and renders his opinion
`untestable, unscientific, and unsound.
`These key distinctions between this case and Prism show that Acceleration is wrong
`when it attributes to this Court “misapprehensions” of fact. It is irrelevant that Acceleration’s
`experts allegedly opined on “the size of the code required to achieve the desired functionality”
`(D.I. 695, p. 5), because they were estimating the code for a network that, in their opinion, must
`infringe. Indeed, as this Court noted, Acceleration’s technical experts themselves opine that no
`non-infringing networks exist that provide the same functionality as the accused networks. (D.I.
`692, p. 6) (quoting D.I. 444-1, Exh. C-2, at 3).1 As this Court correctly found, and as
`1 Further, while Acceleration claims these estimates are based on conversations with
`technical experts (D.I. 695, p. 5), Acceleration’s technical expert reports are entirely devoid of
`any discussion of the size of the code that Dr. Valerdi purportedly used as an input. But Dr.
`Valerdi’s cost estimates assume all of the code for the accused games would need to be re-


`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 696 Filed 09/25/19 Page 5 of 8 PageID #: 52355
`Acceleration has failed to rebut, the “Federal Circuit’s precedent on cost savings does not,
`however, support the admissibility of the estimated cost to switch to an undefined alternative that
`the patentee contends does not exist.” (D.I. 692, p. 6).
`It is also irrelevant that the private backhaul network in Prism “did not yet exist.” (Id.).
`In Prism, the plaintiff identified a particular type of network with known characteristics and
`testable costs that it admitted would be acceptable and non-infringing. Because of that, the
`parties had an acceptable and known alternative to form a concrete basis for the cost of building
`that network. The lack of that type of concrete basis here makes Dr. Valerdi’s opinion
`“untestable.” (D.I. 695, pp. 6-7).2
`This Court Properly Found that Dr. Valerdi’s Inputs to the SEER-SEM
`Model Were Unreliable, Not that the Model Itself was Unreliable
`Acceleration next incorrectly characterizes the Court’s Order as an attack on the SEER-
`SEM cost estimation model itself. But the Court made no such attack. Rather, the Court made
`clear that it was excluding Dr. Valerdi’s opinions because of Dr. Valerdi’s unreliable inputs to
`the SEER-SEM model. For example, the Court specifically found that Dr. Valerdi “bases his
`estimate of the cost on the number of lines of codes in the current games” and that “[e]ssentially,
`he estimates the cost of developing the software ‘as is.’” (D.I. 692, p. 6). The Court then
`explained that “Dr. Valerdi provides no justification as to why developing an alternative network
`would, in theory, cost exactly the same amount as developing the existing network.” (D.I. 692, p.
`written, including code unrelated to the accused networks. (D.I. 650, p. 25). Neither Dr.
`Valerdi, nor Acceleration’s technical experts provide any explanation for this in their reports.
`2 Acceleration is incorrect when it argues that “Dr. Valerdi is required to adopt the
`position that the non-infringing network does not exist.” (D.I. 695, p. 6). Prism establishes the
`very opposite. To the extent that Acceleration is arguing Dr. Valerdi was “required to adopt the
`position that the non-infringing network does not exist” as a prerequisite to using the SEER-SEM
`model, then such an argument proves that the model is incompatible with Federal Circuit law,
`which as Prism holds, requires the opposite assumption for a cost-savings approach.


`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 696 Filed 09/25/19 Page 6 of 8 PageID #: 52356
`7).3 Thus, Dr. Valerdi’s inputs to the SEER-SEM model were all “speculative, untestable, and
`divorced from the facts of this case.” Id. This Court’s Order did not need to address, and did not
`address, the reliability of the SEER-SEM model.
`Dr. Valerdi’s “Maintenance Costs” Opinions are Admittedly Calculated
`from the Same Unreliable Inputs as his Other Excluded Opinions
`Acceleration argues that Mr. Parr’s opinion relying on Dr. Valerdi’s “Maintenance
`Costs” opinion should not have been excluded because it is “separate” from his other opinions
`(D.I. 695, p. 10). But Dr. Valerdi used the same assumptions on lines of code for determining
`maintenance costs as he did for calculating the development cost of the imaginary, non-
`infringing network that he contends does not exist. Indeed, Acceleration admits that Dr.
`Valerdi’s “Maintenance Costs” opinion merely “determined the cost of ongoing maintenance for
`the theoretical non-infringing alternative” that the Court properly found was untestable and
`unreliable. Id. Acceleration does not argue that the excluded “Maintenance Costs” opinion
`performed any additional calculations to make it less “speculative, untestable, and divorced from
`the facts of this case” than Dr. Valerdi’s other opinions. (D.I. 692, p. 7). Nor could it, as the
`cost of maintaining an imaginary, non-existent network with unknown characteristics is no more
`reliable than the cost of building such a network.4 Thus, the flawed foundational inputs for Dr.
`Valerdi’s “cost maintenance” opinion render the entire opinion unreliable and inadmissible. This
`Court correctly excluded the “Maintenance Costs” opinion.5
`3 Acceleration lists “additional inputs” into the SEER-SEM model (D.I. 695, p. 7), but
`does not deny that they are all designed to estimate the cost of developing the accused software
`“as is,” without any justification for doing so.
`4 Mr. Parr’s maintenance cost opinion is unreliable for the additional reason that he
`makes no attempt to compare the maintenance costs of the imaginary non-infringing network to
`the maintenance costs of the existing accused networks.
`5 This issue is also untimely raised for the first time on reargument, as Acceleration’s
`previous briefing merely claimed in a footnote that the “maintenance costs” opinion is different


`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 696 Filed 09/25/19 Page 7 of 8 PageID #: 52357
`Activision respectfully requests that the Court deny Acceleration’s motion for
`/s/ Jack B. Blumenfeld
`Jack B. Blumenfeld (#1014)
`Stephen J. Kraftschik (#5623)
`1201 North Market Street
`P.O. Box 1347
`Wilmington, DE 19899
`(302) 658-9200
`Attorneys for Defendant
`B. Trent Webb
`Aaron E. Hankel
`Jordan T. Bergsten
`Maxwell C. McGraw
`2555 Grand Boulevard
`Kansas City, MO 64108
`(816) 474-6550
`Tanya Chaney
`600 Travis Street, Suite 3400
`Houston, TX 77002
`(713) 227-8008
`September 25, 2019
`from Dr. Valerdi’s other opinions, but did not support that conclusory claim with argument or
`evidence. (D.I. 665, p. 22 n.10). Nor did that brief explain whether and how the Court should
`treat the “maintenance costs” opinion differently. The Court should deny Acceleration’s motion
`for this additional reason. See Mondero, 233 F. Supp. 3d at 416.


`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 696 Filed 09/25/19 Page 8 of 8 PageID #: 52358
`I hereby certify that on September 25, 2019, I caused the foregoing to be
`electronically filed with the Clerk of the Court using CM/ECF, which will send notification of
`such filing to all registered participants.
`I further certify that I caused copies of the foregoing document to be served on
`September 25, 2019, upon the following in the manner indicated:
`Philip A. Rovner, Esquire
`Jonathan A. Choa, Esquire
`1313 North Market Street, 6th Floor
`Wilmington, DE 19801
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`Paul J. Andre, Esquire
`Lisa Kobialka, Esquire
`James R. Hannah, Esquire
`Hannah Lee, Esquire
`Yuridia Caire, Esquire
`Greg Proctor, Esquire
`Michael H. Lee, Esquire
`William Hannah, Esquire
`990 Marsh Road
`Menlo Park, CA 94025
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`Aaron M. Frankel, Esquire
`Marcus A. Colucci, Esquire
`Cristina Martinez, Esquire
`Shannon H. Hedvat, Esquire
`1177 Avenue of the Americas
`New York, NY 10036
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`/s/ Jack B. Blumenfeld
`Jack B. Blumenfeld (#1014)

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