
`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 560 Filed 05/21/18 Page 1 of 139 PageID #: 46338
`- - -
`NO. 16-0453-RGA
`- - -
`Wilmington, Delaware
`Thursday, May 17, 2018
`1:13 o'clock, p.m.
`- - -
`- - -
`Valerie J. Gunning
`Official Court Reporter
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`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 560 Filed 05/21/18 Page 2 of 139 PageID #: 46339
`(Menlo Park, California)
`(New York, New York)
`Counsel for Plaintiff
`Acceleration Bay LLC
`(Los Angeles, California)
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 560 Filed 05/21/18 Page 3 of 139 PageID #: 46340
`APPEARANCES (Continued):
`(New York, New York)
`(Washington, D.C.)
`(Chicago, Illinois)
`(Kansas City, Missouri)
`Counsel for Defendant
`Activision Blizzard, Inc.
`- - -
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`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 560 Filed 05/21/18 Page 4 of 139 PageID #: 46341
` P R O C E E D I N G S
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`(Proceedings commenced in the courtroom,
`beginning at 1:12 p.m.)
`THE COURT: All right. Good afternoon,
`everyone. Please be seated.
`So this is the time that I've scheduled for
`argument on the summary judgment motions in Acceleration Bay
`versus Activision, Blizzard, Civil Action No. 16-453.
`Why don't we have counsel introduce themselves.
`Mr. Rovner?
`MR. ROVNER: Good afternoon, Your Honor. Phil
`Rovner from Potter Anderson on behalf of Acceleration Bay,
`and with me is my co-counsel, Paul Andre, Lisa Kobialka and
`Aaron Frankel, all from Kramer Levin, and my colleague,
`Alan Silverstein.
`THE COURT: All right. Thank you very much.
`Welcome to you all.
`Mr. Blumenfeld?
`MR. BLUMENFELD: Thank you, you. Jack
`Blumenfeld from Morris Nichols for Activision. At counsel
`table, David, Michael Tomasulo, Michael Murray, all from
`Winston & Strawn.
`Behind them, Jordan Bergsten, who is from Shook


`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 560 Filed 05/21/18 Page 5 of 139 PageID #: 46342
`Hardy & Bacon, Andrew Sommer and Kathleen Berry, who are
`also from Winston & Strawn.
`On the first row, Omer Solik from the company,
`from Activision, and then the third row, Steve Kraftschik
`from Morris Nichols.
`THE COURT: All right. So thank you. Good
`afternoon to you all, too.
`So what I thought was we'd have, I'd hear from
`plaintiff on the motion for summary judgment aspect of their
`motion that I was interested in and a response then from the
`defendant, and then we would do the other issues that I was
`interested in, sort of one at a time, starting with the
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`Is that what you all had in mind?
`MR. ANDRE: That sounds fine, Your Honor.
`MR. ENZMINGER: That's okay, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Okay. So Mr. Andre?
`MR. ANDRE: Thank you, Your Honor. May it
`please the Court, the issue you asked for summary judgment
`to address is whether or not the two references were
`essentially publicly available, the Kegel and the ActiveNet
`What we've shown without really any dispute from
`Activision is that Kegel was a piece of prior art that they
`allege was on a website back in, before the priority date of


`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 560 Filed 05/21/18 Page 6 of 139 PageID #: 46343
`our patent.
`THE COURT: And is the priority date July 31st
`of 1999?
`MR. ANDRE: That sounds right, Your Honor.
`MR. ANDRE: So what the, the issue here is, they
`have not put forward any evidence that Kegel was actually on
`their website at that time period. What they have is a
`different website, different publication date, and they're
`using that to try to show that that would indicate that
`Kegel was there earlier.
`That just --
`THE COURT: So there's a declaration or
`affidavit or something from this Mr. Kegel. Right?
`MR. ANDRE: Yes.
`THE COURT: Does he say in it that this printed
`thing, whatever it was, was on a website before July 31st of
`MR. ANDRE: What he says in the declaration, and
`I can't recall verbatim, but essentially what he's saying
`is, is what he has evidence of is this other publication
`that was there and that it was substantially the same than
`what was there earlier. Under the clear and convincing
`standard --
`THE COURT: Wait. Just go through that a little
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`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 560 Filed 05/21/18 Page 7 of 139 PageID #: 46344
`So there are two different websites that are
`involved here?
`MR. ANDRE: Yes.
`THE COURT: And he says that something was on
`website number two after the priority date.
`MR. ANDRE: Yes.
`THE COURT: And from that he inferred it was on
`website number one before the priority date?
`MR. ANDRE: That's correct. So it is something
`that under the clear and convincing standard they would have
`to show not only that it was, A, on the website, but also
`that it was accessed. It was publicly available.
`They failed on both grounds. What they are
`trying to do is use a different document to show another
`document was prior art and then they put in some hearsay
`evidence to try to show that it was publicly available. It
`was accessed.
`THE COURT: Well, so I saw something in the
`briefing that said it was on some blog and seven people
`or five people or nine people commented on it. Is that
`MR. ANDRE: Maybe on the later publication, but
`I don't see anything -- going back to the original prior,
`the website one, we don't have any evidence of that.
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`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 560 Filed 05/21/18 Page 8 of 139 PageID #: 46345
`So it is something that -- you know, this is a,
`it's kind of a, try and make us prove that it wasn't
`there. It's not our burden. They have to prove it was
`there. Their burden is clear and convincing. It's a high
`standard. So under that ground, we think this is one that's
`ripe for summary judgment because they just have not met
`their burden of proof and they keep trying to shift the
`proof by saying, if you read their opposition to our summary
`judgment, they say, yes, it's different, but it's
`substantially the same.
`They admit --
`THE COURT: Well, part of the reason, I mean, I
`did read their opposition and I think I was having trouble
`just looking at the briefing piecing together what happened,
`because it didn't seem like you all were talking about the
`same things, and maybe that's your point. I don't know.
`MR. ANDRE: Well, that is exactly the point.
`They are talking about a publication that was after our
`priority date. And we're like, okay, we agree. There's a
`publication after our priority date, and that's the one that
`you are trying to use as prior art. So that is the reason
`we think summary judgment is appropriate.
`The parties seem to agree on the facts here,
`that --
`THE COURT: Well, I'm not sure about that. So
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`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 560 Filed 05/21/18 Page 9 of 139 PageID #: 46346
`let me ask you one or two more questions that maybe would
`make sense for me to hear from them because you say it is
`their burden, and to get a better handle at least to me as
`to what they are saying they have proved. But there is one
`thing, there's some kind of declaration of Mr. Kegel, who
`supposedly quotes somebody whose named Mr. Wiesner, and you
`say that is hearsay, which it may well be.
`Can you just give me a little more context as to
`what it is that Mr. Kegel is quoting Mr. Wiesner to prove?
`MR. ANDRE: I believe that is the one where he
`is saying people were accessing the site.
`MR. ANDRE: So --
`THE COURT: So Mr. Kegel doesn't know whether
`people were accessing the site or not. He says Mr. Wiesner
`told him people were?
`MR. ANDRE: I believe that's correct, Your
`THE COURT: Okay. All right. So, Mr. Andre,
`why don't I hear from the other side. I will certainly give
`you the opportunity to respond. Okay?
`MR. ANDRE: Do you want me to talk about the
`ActiveNet one as well?
`THE COURT: Yes, yes, yes, yes. Sorry.
`MR. ANDRE: That's okay.
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`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 560 Filed 05/21/18 Page 10 of 139 PageID #: 46347
`THE COURT: You know, apparently, ActiveNet was
`written by Mr. Kegel, too?
`MR. ANDRE: I don't know if he authored it. It
`was source code.
`THE COURT: Right. Right. Hold on. Let me
`just check my notes here.
`THE COURT: Yes. Actually, I guess I was
`confused about that, too, so tell me about that.
`MR. ANDRE: So ActiveNet, what is being, trying
`to be used as evidence of prior art as source code, and
`trying to show it was publicly available, they're saying
`this source code was used in a game called Heavy Gear II,
`although there's no evidence actually that code itself was
`actually used in Heavy Gear II, but there's a lot of
`supposition that it may have been used in that.
`So we know source code is not publicly
`available. You can't use that as prior art, but that's what
`they are trying to use as evidence of prior art, the date
`and the code, and they are then trying to extrapolate from
`that to say that this game, which may or may not have the
`source code compiled into it, was evidence of public
`THE COURT: Well, so if it were the case that
`the game was publicly available before July 31st of 1999,


`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 560 Filed 05/21/18 Page 11 of 139 PageID #: 46348
`and if, in fact, it had the same exact source code that
`their expert says it has whatever features it has, the fact
`that it was in this Heavy Gear II, that would show public
`availability. Right?
`MR. ANDRE: I would disagree, Your Honor,
`because it would show that there was, the game was publicly
`available, but the information and how that game operates is
`not, because in order to be publicly available prior art, it
`has to be enabling. It has to teach someone how to use it.
`The whole idea behind source code is you keep a secret. You
`don't teach people how to use it. The fact that it's in a
`game, that is going to teach one skilled in the art how to
`make that invention.
`THE COURT: Did you make that argument in the
`MR. ANDRE: Your Honor, I doubt we did.
`THE COURT: Okay. All right.
`MR. ANDRE: I will be honest with you. They put
`in 35 or 40 issues. We have not.
`THE COURT: No. I understand perfectly what you
`are saying.
`MR. ANDRE: Yes.
`THE COURT: But I was just curious, because it
`didn't sound like something I had read, so, okay.
`MR. ANDRE: So I think that's -- ActiveNet to me
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`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 560 Filed 05/21/18 Page 12 of 139 PageID #: 46349
`is a very easy call just because they are saying that it's
`source code based.
`THE COURT: So do you have a case citation for
`the argument that putting that source code in something
`that's publicly available does not establish why that
`would -- that that would not count as public availability
`of the source code or that could be prior art, what you
`are --
`MR. ANDRE: Yes. I don't have that at my
`fingertips. We could get you a cite. It's pretty standard
`black letter law that prior art has to be enabling as well.
`Even if it's an obviousness combination, it has to teach
`someone something.
`THE COURT: Well, and I forget. Is this prior
`art supposed to be anticipating or obvious?
`MR. ANDRE: They have this as obviousness. They
`have the ActiveNet --
`THE COURT: Because it's obvious, it doesn't
`require enabling.
`MR. ANDRE: It doesn't repair enabling. It's
`supposed to have a teaching. I've seen case law that says
`they kind of conflate the two, enabling, because if it's a
`prior piece of art, it has to enable the entire invention.
`You still have to teach the entire part of the invention you
`think is there. It has to disclose it in such a way one
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`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 560 Filed 05/21/18 Page 13 of 139 PageID #: 46350
`would be combining the two references together.
`MR. ANDRE: In this case, it's the ActiveNet and
`Nautical, I believe it is.
`THE COURT: All right. So why don't I hear from
`the other side.
`MR. SOMMER: Thank you, Your Honor. Andrew
`Sommer on behalf of the defendants.
`And I have some slides that will run through
`that. Hopefully will help you through the record.
`THE COURT: That would be helpful.
`MR. SOMMER: As to what the evidence is. I do
`want to address a couple of things that Mr. Andre said
`before we get into the slides though.
`One is that a public use or a sale must be
`enabling and put the public in possession. I believe
`there's an old Supreme Court case about a corset dating way
`back that says it was worn under the clothes, but it was
`still publicly used.
`And I know that the law in this area is a public
`use is still a public use and an offer for sale is an offer
`for sale regardless of whether that is a secret.
`THE COURT: So what you are saying with regards
`to Heavy Gear, if the Heavy Gear has the source code in it
`and it was offered for sale before July 31st, 1999, that


`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 560 Filed 05/21/18 Page 14 of 139 PageID #: 46351
`capped it?
`MR. SOMMER: That's exactly right, Your Honor.
`MR. SOMMER: The other thing, I think there was
`some confusion about this, the term priority date was used,
`and the priority date that Mr. Andre said was July 31st,
`1999, these patents were first filed in July of 2000. I
`don't think it's highly relevant for this particular motion,
`but I didn't want there to be confusion on that.
`THE COURT: Well, you say the patents were first
`filed. I saw somewhere, I believe it was actually in --
`okay, it was in their brief. That said, "The critical date
`was July 31st of 1999."
`THE COURT: Isn't there some time -- and I saw
`also that you said, yes, your brief that was filed July 31st
`of 2000. Sometimes you get to go back a year?
`MR. SOMMER: You can go back a year and it
`depends on which grounds that you are using for invalidity.
`102(b) is an absolute bar to patentability. They can't
`swear behind the reference if it has been out there for at
`least a year. 102(a), you can swear behind the reference
`and that's within that period.
`THE COURT: Is this anticipation or is this
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`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 560 Filed 05/21/18 Page 15 of 139 PageID #: 46352
`MR. SOMMER: This is obviousness, but the
`availability of prior art uses those rules.
`THE COURT: Right. Right.
`MR. SOMMER: So what counts and what doesn't is
`really what's at issue with those dates.
`THE COURT: So the Heavy Gear, which kind of
`thing is that?
`MR. SOMMER: That is 102(b), offer for sale, on
`sale and public use, prior art.
`And in terms of what the record shows, if I may
`move into the record evidence on this.
`MR. SOMMER: Can you please go to the next
`So this is the Kegel version that Dr. Carver has
`rendered his invalidity opinions about, and we can see here,
`this was last updated 17 July of 1999.
`THE COURT: Right. So I saw that, while not
`actually looking at the declaration or affidavit, I saw it
`paraphrased to say that Mr. Kegel says that he basically
`would change the last updated thing whenever he added
`something new to the website. Right?
`MR. SOMMER: Right, and that's in paragraph 6 of
`his declaration.
`If I can have the next slide. That's this
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`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 560 Filed 05/21/18 Page 16 of 139 PageID #: 46353
`paragraph that Your Honor is paraphrasing. He said he kept
`a log. That is included as an attachment to his
`declaration. About every time he updated it, he would then
`post it to the site. So this is the last time this
`particular article was updated.
`So this July 17th, 1999 date is the date that he
`will testify he last updated this particular article.
`MR. SOMMER: And that it was posted to the
`Internet as of that time.
`Can I have the next slide, please.
`So Mr. Kegel explains that he originally posted
`this in December of 1998. He made some modifications to it.
`We're not relying on the December of '98 version of this,
`but he began to tell people in the field about how he solved
`this particular problem called NAT traversal. People that
`were playing video games were having difficulty accessing
`and playing multiplayer games because essentially, their
`cable modems were blocking certain traffic.
`May I have the next slide, please.
`So these are a series of posts, and I won't
`belabor them much, but they're attachments to Mr. Kegel's
`declaration that show that he's talking about these and
`saying, hey, you can read about my solution at this web
`page. This particular group was a public group. It had


`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 560 Filed 05/21/18 Page 17 of 139 PageID #: 46354
`over 600 --
`THE COURT: Wait a minute. Is that something
`Mr. Kegel authored?
`MR. SOMMER: Yes. This is one of his efforts to
`promote his research and his technology. It's from December
`of 1998 and it went to a public group of 656 people.
`So if we go to the next slide, please, this is
`another posting that Mr. Kegel made. He's responding to
`someone named Pat that asked a question. He directs him
`again to his site.
`Next slide, please.
`And there are a number of these. I'm not going
`to go through each one of them.
`Each time he cites to his website, and this is
`the website where the July 1999 version of that paper is.
`There is a footnote in Mr. Kegel's declaration that explains
`what Mr. Andre was talking about, this idea that there are
`two websites.
`And he explains that at some point there was a
`security issue with the original server, and he was actually
`asked by Cal Tech to come back in and help them fix that,
`but what ended up happening is all the alumni's websites got
`moved over to a new server. And that's Footnote 1 in his
`declaration. It's on the first page of it. He explains the
`reason for the multiple websites.
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`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 560 Filed 05/21/18 Page 18 of 139 PageID #: 46355
`THE COURT: What he's saying is the website that
`is on the second server was identical to the website on the
`first server?
`MR. SOMMER: That's what he is saying. The last
`time he updated this article was July 17th, 1999, and we
`don't even need to show that the second server was publicly
`accessible. We can assume that their date is right on that
`second server, because it was publicly accessible in July of
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`THE COURT: When you say their date is right,
`you mean the July 31st date?
`MR. SOMMER: I'm sorry. The 2001 availability
`date that is mentioned in their brief. All we've shown is
`that it was available in 2001.
`THE COURT: That's when it was transferred from
`server number one to server number two?
`MR. SOMMER: Thereabouts. That's what the
`record evidence shows, that there was some transition that
`happened sometime in the early 2000S from one server to
`another, and, you know, it is what it is in terms of that.
`But we don't need to prove anything about the accessibility
`of that second website. It's the first one that we're
`focused on here.
`Next slide.
`These are more examples. This is Attachment 13


`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 560 Filed 05/21/18 Page 19 of 139 PageID #: 46356
`to Mr. Kegel's declaration. This is a group of individuals
`he is talking about. I've written up my technique at this
`Next slide. And I am going to flip through --
`oh, is the Wiesner posting that Your Honor had mentioned in
`your discussions with Mr. Andre. And the purpose that we're
`relying on this for is not a hearsay purpose. We don't care
`what Mr. Wiesner says is actually true. We're just showing
`that he was aware of the page and was telling other people
`about it. He has a hyperlink that's highlighted right
`there. It's at alumni Cal Tech WU, and it's followed by
`Mr. Kegel's initials, Dan K, and talks about his peer's NAT
`So, Your Honor, based on this, we think a
`reasonable jury could absolutely conclude that the Kegel
`paper was available, that those skilled in the art knew
`how to get to it, and that they could have accessed it
`if they believed. And so publicly, it was publicly
`In terms of --
`THE COURT: And for him, because it's a paper as
`opposed to the on-sale bar, July 31st, 1999 is the relevant
`MR. SOMMER: It is a relevant date. It could
`have been July 20th, 2000 as well. Now, they would get an
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`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 560 Filed 05/21/18 Page 20 of 139 PageID #: 46357
`opportunity to try to swear behind that, but that's not an
`issue in this case.
`MR. SOMMER: Okay. At least not in the papers
`that are in front of Your Honor.
`Can I have the next slide, please.
`Again, just another person, some David A. Ranch,
`again, referring to this website.
`Next slide, please.
`Next slide, please.
`There are a series of attachments to Mr. Kegel's
`declaration that deal with these new groups where his paper
`was being discussed.
`Next slide, please.
`So, again, there is some implication that Dr.
`Karger has relied on the wrong version in rendering his
`invalidity opinions, the substantive opinions about why
`Kegel is invalidating prior art, at least in part in
`combination with other teachings. And this is an excerpt
`from his expert report, opening report on invalidity, and he
`identifies the July of 1999 version.
`It's difficult for us to understand exactly why
`we're talking about the 2001 version other than the fact
`that there was some snafu at the Patent Office that dealt
`with the declaration of another gentleman, Mr. Butler, that


`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 560 Filed 05/21/18 Page 21 of 139 PageID #: 46358
`has been cited by someone in these proceedings. It may well
`have been Dr. Karger about public accessibility. But Dr.
`Karger doesn't need to prove this document is publicly
`accessible. We have Mr. Kegel for that.
`MR. SOMMER: Okay. Can I have the next slide,
`So as to ActiveNet, Mr. Andre is exactly right.
`This is source code. It's combined and it was built into a
`game called Heavy Gear II Demo, and that was the
`demonstration version of Heavy Gear.
`They've deposed Mr. Kegel on these topics and
`this is some of his testimony. He said, ActiveNet is my
`implementation of my technique, so it's this paper
`implemented in software that went into a game.
`Can I have the next slide, please.
`And here he explains that Heavy Gear II Demo was
`released on or before December '98, again, well in advance
`of the July 1999 date.
`THE COURT: Did I see that Mr. Kegel worked
`for Activision or its predecessor or something along the
`MR. SOMMER: He was an Activision employee. I
`don't know what the corporate form was at the time, but he
`worked on ActiveNet while he was at active vision.
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`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 560 Filed 05/21/18 Page 22 of 139 PageID #: 46359
`MR. SOMMER: My understanding is he's no longer
`employed there.
`THE COURT: So I guess what I'm wondering is,
`how does he know when the dates, when Heavy Gear II was
`released? I presume he can't remember exactly when it was
`released 20 years ago.
`MR. SOMMER: So he has got some corroboration of
`May I have the next slide, please.
`So he also posted on the Internet, again talking
`in these Use Net or chat groups in December of 1998. He
`found one of his old posts, and it says, the first games
`known to use this technique are Heavy Gear II Demo. This
`jogs his memory about the time frame. Yes, it was a long
`time ago, but he wrote something back in 1998 telling, hey,
`public, Heavy Gear II Demo used my technique.
`THE COURT: Okay. That works for me.
`MR. SOMMER: Okay.
`May I have the next slide, please.
`He also seems to have access, and I don't know
`exactly the details of this, Your Honor, so if you have
`specific questions, I may not be able to field them, but he
`did some verification of the code.
`My understanding is that he has compiled
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`Case 1:16-cv-00453-RGA Document 560 Filed 05/21/18 Page 23 of 139 PageID #: 46360
`versions of the old ActiveNet code available to him to this
`day, and was able to compare what was in the November 1998
`archive that Dr. Karger, our technical expert, is relying
`on, with the code that was actually present in Heavy Gear II
`Demo, and he has concluded that they're indistinguishable.
`Now, that doesn't, my understanding is that
`doesn't allow him to read the actual lines of code. What he
`has to compare is a bunch of zeros and ones. It's the
`compiled code. It's only readable by someone. But he has
`done that exercise in terms of comparing the binaries and
`says there is no difference that would lead him to believe
`that it's different code.
`So we submit based on that, that there's
`adequate evidence for the jury to conclude --
`THE COURT: And so your expert then verifies
`whatever it is that he's talking about here?
`MR. SOMMER: Yes. So he did a different
`exercise, but it's similar.
`May I have the next slide, please. That's here.
`And so Dr. Karger went ahead and he looked at a
`version from January

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