Case 1:16-cv-00455-RGA Document 226 Filed 08/08/17 Page 1 of 12 PagelD #: 18660
`C.A. No. 16-453 (RGA)
`C.A. No, 16-454 (RGA)
`C.A. No, 16-455 (RGA)


`Case 1:16-cv-00455-RGA Document 226 Filed 08/08/17 Page 2 of 12 PagelD #: 18661
`Philip A. Rovner (#3215)
`Jonathan A. Choa (#5319)
`Hercules Plaza
`P.O. Box 951
`Wilmington, DE 19899
`(302) 984-6000
`Attorneysfor Plaintiff
`Acceleration Bay LLC
`Paul J. Andre
`Lisa Kobialka
`990 Marsh Road
`Menlo Park, CA 94025
`(650) 752-1700
`Aaron M.Frankel
`1177 Avenue of the Americas
`New York, NY 10036
`(212) 715-9 100
`Dated: August 7, 2017
`Public version dated: August 8, 2017


`Case 1:16-cv-00455-RGA Document 226 Filed 08/08/17 Page 3 of 12 PagelD #: 18662
`Pursuant to Rule 53(f)(2) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Plaintiff Acceleration
`Bayrespectfully requests that the Court overrule in part the Special Master’s July 17, 2017 Order
`No. 6 (Ex. A, D.I. 227, the “Order”).'
`Acceleration Bay timely submits these objections to the Order as to its finding that
`Acceleration Bay must produce documents responsive to certain of Defendants’ Requests For
`Production (“RFP”). Specifically, Acceleration Bay objects to being require to produce (i) an
`untedacted copy of its litigation funding agreement with Hamilton Capital, as the Court
`previously determined that the redacted portions of the agreement were not relevant, (ii) its
`reports to Hamilton Capital, which are irrelevant and work product, (iii) financial records
`evidencing its sources of funding whichare irrelevant and(iv) proofofits initial payment to
`Boeing for the asserted patents, which is not in dispute. As to the other categories of documents,
`Acceleration Bay produced its responsive documents or confirmed that it has none.
`These documents are not relevant to any claims or defenses in these cases. Instead, these
`discovery requests are part of Defendants’ attempt to tar Acceleration Bay as a supposed non-
`practicing entity and obtain an unfair tactical advantage through discovery into Acceleration
`Bay’slitigation budget and strategy, which are not relevant and protected work product.
`' All docket citations are to C.A. No. 16-453-RGA,and are representative offilings in the related


`Case 1:16-cv-00455-RGA Document 226 Filed 08/08/17 Page 4 of 12 PagelD #: 18663
`The Court reviews the Special Master’s Order de novo. Fed. R. Civ. P. 53(f).
`Acceleration Bay respectfully objects to the Order on the following grounds:
`(1) the Order is contrary to the Court’s prior ruling that Acceleration Bay need not
`produce an unredacted copy ofthe litigation funding agreement between Acceleration Bay and
`Hamilton Capital.
`In any event, the agreementis not relevant;
`(2) the Order requires Acceleration Bay to produce its exchanges with Hamilton Capital,
`whichare not relevant, contain work product andare subject to commoninterest immunity;
`(3) the Order requires Acceleration Bay to produce information regarding the sources of
`its funding, which are irrelevant and have already been established through discovery; and
`(4) the Order requires Acceleration Bay to produce proof of payment to Boeing for the
`| asserted patents, despite the fact that such paymenthasalready been established.
`The Order is Contrary to the Court’s Prior Ruling Regarding the Hamilton
`Capital Loan Agreement
`Acceleration Bay objects to the Order requiring production of an unredacted copyof the
`agreement between Acceleration Bay andits litigation funder, Hamilton Capital (the “Loan
`Agreement”), because the redacted information was already determined to be irrelevant.
`the Court denied Defendants’ prior request for an unredacted copy of the Loan
`Agreement after reviewing the redacted portions in-camera, which are directed to specific details
`of the financial arrangement between Hamilton Capital and Acceleration Bay. Specifically,
`| during a hearing on this same issue in February 2016, the Court found that the redacted portions
`of the Loan Agreementare not relevant: “my impression is ... with the things that are proposed
`* Acceleration Bay submits these objections pursuant to the Order Appointing Special Master.
`C.A. No. 15-228-RGA, DI. 94 at 6. In accordance with that Order, Acceleration Bay submits
`herewith an Appendix containing the transcript from the hearing before the Special Master (Ex.
`B)andthe materials submitted by the parties in connection with the hearing.


`Case 1:16-cv-00455-RGA Document 226 Filed 08/08/17 Page 5 of 12 PagelD #: 18664
`to be redacted ... and there are some places where there are some wordsthat are redacted around
`the numbers, and I’m fine with that, because ...
`they’re words that have the effect of the
`numbers, and they are irrelevant to your issue”). Ex. D at Ex, G-4 (2/12/16 Hearing Tr.) at
`Indeed, the Court found that the only potential relevance of the Loan Agreement
`was to Defendants’ standing defense, which was addressed by production of the redacted copy of
`the Loan Agreement andis no longer an issue in the case.
`Id. at 54:1-55:12, 57:4-11 (“That’s
`kind of hard for me to imagine whatelse could be relevant.”).?
`The Court’s ruling that the Loan Agreement should be produced in redacted form is
`consistent with the consensus view that details of litigation financing arrangements are not
`discoverable becausethey are not relevant and becausethe specific details oflitigation financing
`are work product. See, e.g., Charge Injection Techs., Inc. y. El. DuPont De Nemours & Co.,
`C.A. No. 07C-12-134-JRJ, 2015 WL 1540520, at *5 (Del. Super. Ct. Mar. 31, 2015) (“the
`redacted payment terms in the [litigation] Financing Agreementare entitled to work product
`protection” ; Miller UK Ltd. v. Caterpillar, Inc., 17 F. Supp. 3d 711, 721 (N.D. Ill. 2014)
`(finding funding agreement between a plaintiff and its third-party litigation financier was not
`-relevant in a trade secrets case: “The terms of[plaintiff]'s actual funding agreement would seem
`to have no apparent relevance to the claimsor defenses in this case, as required by Rule 26 as a
`precondition to discovery.”); Kaplan y. S.A.C. Capital Advisors, L.P., No. 12-CV-9350 (VM),
`2015 WL 5730101, at *3-5 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 10, 2015) (documents related to litigation funding
`agreement between class action plaintiffs and their financiers were not discoverable because they
`were not relevant to any “non-speculative” issue in the case). Thus, Acceleration Bay already
`° A copy of the redacted Loan Agreementis submitted herewith as Exhibit D at Ex. G-3. To the
`extent it will be helpful to the Court’s resolution of these objections, Acceleration Bay will
`provide a copy of the unredacted Loan Agreementto the Court for in camera inspection.


`Case 1:16-cv-00455-RGA Document 226 Filed 08/08/17 Page 6 of 12 PagelD #: 18665
`produced the relevant portions of the litigation funding agreement in 2016 and Defendants have
`no groundsor need for the unredacted portions.
`When the Court issued this ruling, Defendants did not seek to have the Court reconsider
`its ruling. Now, however, Defendants seek the specifics of the financial arrangement, arguing to
`the Special Master that they need discovery into Acceleration Bay’s financing to explore the
`extent of its operational activities, which is simply not relevant to whether Defendants infringe
`Acceleration Bay’s valid patents. This is nothing more than a fishing expedition in the hopes of
`bolstering an irrelevant, collateral attack on Acceleration Bayto claim that this start-up company
`that is developing technology is nothing more than a purported non-practicing entity. The
`Special Master accepted this argumentas the sole basis for ordering production of the agreement.
`Order at 9 (“Defendants believe the agreements may demonstrate an inconsistency with the
`complaint as to the business of the Plaintiff’). Acceleration Bay already provided ample
`evidence of its operations with the testimony of its CEO and 30(b)(6) corporate designee on
`these topics, who answered all of Defendants’ questions on these issues. See, e.g., Ex. E at Ex.
`29 (Ward Tr.) at 11-12, 29, 122-124 (discussing incubation activities), 31, 45-54, 67-70, 89-91
`‘(discussing development activities). Acceleration Bay also produced corroborating documents.
`See, e.g. id. at Ex, E at Exs. 30, 31 (Ward Exs. 119, 120) (development documents). Disclosing
`the redacted portionsofthelitigation funding agreement will not provide any further insight into
`the nature of Acceleration Bay’s operational activities.
`Moreover, even if there were some marginal relevance to the specific terms of the
`financing agreement (and there is not, for the reasons discussed above), that would not be
`enough to require the disclosure of work product, which must be protected “unless the requesting
`party can show that it is directed to the pivotal issue in the litigation and the need for the


`Case 1:16-cv-00455-RGA Document 226 Filed 08/08/17 Page 7 of 12 PagelD #: 18666
`information is compelling.” Charge Injection Techs., 2015 WL 1540520 at *4, citing Tackett v.
`State Farm Fire & Cas. Ins. Co., 653 A.2d 254, 262 (Del. 1995). Defendants made no such
`| showing here.*
`Thus, the redacted portions of the Loan Agreement are not relevant to any claim or
`defense in the case, and the Court should sustain Acceleration Bay’s objection to production of
`an unredacted copy of the Loan Agreement.
`Acceleration Bay’s Exchanges With Hamilton Capital Are Work
`Product and Irrelevant
`Acceleration Bay objects to the production ofits exchanges with Hamilton Capital, |
`are irrelevant to the claims and defenses in these cases for the same reason that the Loan
`Agreement is irrelevant. Whether Acceleration Bayis receiving any funds and what fundsit has
`received simply has no bearing on Defendants’ infringement of any valid patents. Further,
`Defendants’ pursuit of these exchanges between Acceleration Bay and its funder is an
`improper attempt to gain insight into Acceleration Bay’s litigation expenditures, strategy and
`views on this action, which are plainly work product and protected by commoninterest privilege.
`4 While not referenced or relied upon in the Order, Defendants also argued that the Loan
`.Agreement is relevant to damages by shedding light on the purchase price of the asserted patents
`and_on potential witness bias. Both contentions are without merit.
`Ex. E at Ex. 34 (Purchase Agreement) at BOEING 003031-32. The specific
`details of Acceleration Bay’s loan have norelevance to the purchaseprice and the amount ofthe
`loan also has no relevance to any purported “bias of witnesses.” Acceleration Bay’s employees
`and consultants already disclosed how they
`are being
`See Ex. E (Acceleration Bay’s 7/12/17
`‘Opposition Letter Brief) at 15-16.


`Case 1:16-cv-00455-RGA Document 226 Filed 08/08/17 Page 8 of 12 PagelD #: 18667
`See Carlyle Inv. Mgmt. LLC v. Moonmouth Co. S.A., C.A. No. 7841—VCP, 2015 WL 778846,
`*8-9 (Del. Ch. Feb, 24, 2015) (granting protective order and finding to be non-discoverable work
`“product documents exchanged between plaintiff and litigation funder that “more likely than not
`include discussion of the merits of the [litigation] and potential strategies”); MobileMedia Ideas
`LLC y. Apple Inc., 890 F. Supp. 2d 508, 515, 517-19 (D. Del. 2012) (commoninterest privilege
`applies between entities with commoninterest in the successful enforcementof patents); Miller,
`-17 F, Supp. 3d at 734-38 (finding documents shared with litigation funders protected under the
`work product doctrine due to expectation of confidentiality); Devon IT, Inc. y. IBM Corp., No.
`10-2899, 2012 WL 4748160, at *1, n.1 (E.D. Pa. Sept. 27, 2012) (holding that communications
`with funders and funding agreement drafts were protected as work product).
`Defendants did not make any argumentto the Special Master, nor did the Special Master
`make any findings, that Acceleration Bay waived work product, that there is no commoninterest
`between Acceleration Bayor that the information in these documents “is directed to the pivotal
`issue in the litigation and the need for the information is compelling,” as required to compelthe
`production of work product. Charge Injection Techs., 2015 WL 1540520 at *4.
`Instead, in the
`| Order, the Special Master noted Acceleration Bay’s objections and reasonedthat, “The Court can
`determine at the appropriate time if any of the documents are admissible.” Order at 8. The
`possibility of a future evaluation of admissibility, however, is a far cry from the very high bar to
`require the production of work product protected or irrelevant
`information. The harm to
`‘Acceleration Bayif it is required to disclose work product to Defendants cannot be undone by
`subsequently precluding Defendants from relying on these documentsattrial.
`Indeed, this type
`of knowledge would, at a minimum, give Defendants an unfair advantage in any mediation or
`settlement discussions.
`the Court should overrule the Special Master’s Order that


`Case 1:16-cv-00455-RGA Document 226 Filed 08/08/17 Page 9 of 12 PagelD #: 18668
`Acceleration Bay produce documents in response to RFP No. 139, as the only responsive
`‘documents are irrelevant and protected work product.°
`The Source of Acceleration Bay’s Funding is Not Relevant
`Acceleration Bay objects to being required to produce documents responsive to RFP Nos.
`150 and 165, which seek discovery into the source of Acceleration Bay’s funding,||
`Po As explained above,
`this information is irrelevant and
`Defendants’ requests illustrate their abusive tactics of pursuing irrelevant information, even in
`the face of undisputed testimony confirming the facts at hand in deposition. There is no
`relevance to documents showing Acceleration Bay’s receipt of funding and, as discussed above,
`such information is non-discoverable work product. Moreover, Defendants admit that the only
`purpose for seeking such irrelevant information is to develop a themeattrial that Acceleration
`Bay is not
`spending significant sums on operational activities, which is prejudicial
`Acceleration Bay andirrelevant to the issue of infringement of Acceleration Bay’s valid patents.
`“See Ex. C (Defs.’ Brief F) at 1-2 (“This information is relevant because Plaintiff has repeatedly
`asserted that it is an operating company that incubates technical companies”). Acceleration Bay
`should not be unduly burdened in being required to produce these irrelevant documents, which
`° The Order requires production of documents in response to Request For Production No. 139,
`which seeks communications with various third parties, including Hamilton Capital. Defendants
`‘narrowed the request to seek only non-email documents. See Ex. C (Defs.’ Br. in Support of
`Motion F) at 4 (“Defendants are not moving to compel on emails, and this request calls for
`documents aside from email communications”), Acceleration Bay confirmed that it has no
`documents responsive to this request other the documents exchanged with Hamilton Capital
`related to funding.
`® Acceleration Bay’s CEO and corporate designee under Rule 30(b)(6 testified that
`Ex. G (Ward Tr.) at 118:14-120:8; Ex. D at Def. Ex. G-5 (Ward Tr.) at
`146:23-147:2; Ex. E (Plt. Opp. Br.) at 15-16.


`Case 1:16-cv-00455-RGA Document 226 Filed 08/08/17 Page 10 of 12 PagelD #: 18669
`are only being sought for the improper purpose of prejudicing the Court and the jury against
`Acceleration Bay. See, e.g, TMC Fuel Injection Sys., LLC y. Ford Motor Co., No. 2:12-cv-
`04971-NS (E.D. Pa. May 15, 2014) (precludingparties in limine from referring to each otherat
`trial as “non-practicing entity” or “patent troll”), attached as Ex. F; Rembrandt Wireless Techs.,
`LP y. Samsung Elecs. Co., No. 2:13-CV-213-JRG-RSP, 2015 WL 627430, at *1 (E.D. Tex. Jan.
`30, 2015) (excluding useat trial of terms such as “patent assertion entity,” “a company that
`doesn’t make anything,” “‘a companythat doesn't sell anything” and “patenttroll”).
`Indeed, Defendants vigorously opposed, and the Special Master denied, Acceleration
`Bay’s motion to compel production of a wide variety of financial documents on grounds of
`purported burden and limited relevance. See Order at 4-5. These included documents far more
`‘relevant than the documents Defendants seek from Acceleration Bay, such as sales forecasts,
`data regarding usage of the accused products, evidence of any purported non-infringing
`alternatives, marketing materials, and contracts, licenses and manuals Defendants exchanged
`with their customers, developers and vendors, all of which are routinely produced as evidence of
`‘damages in patent cases.
`Jd. Accordingly, there is no basis to compel production of these
`documents and the Court should sustain Acceleration Bay’s objections.
`Proof of Payment to Boeing is Not at Issue
`Acceleration Bay objects to being required to produce documents in response to
`_Defendants’ RFP No. 167, which seeks documents reflecting payments to Boeing. In addition to
`the fact that such documents are irrelevant, the request is a further attempt to gain insight into
`Acceleration Bay’s finances and further demonstrates Defendants’ abuse of the discovery
`process in seeking irrelevant information,[i


`Case 1:16-cv-00455-RGA Document 226 Filed 08/08/17 Page 11 of 12 PagelD #: 18670
`already been established in discovery and is not disputed. Specifically, Acceleration Bay’s CEO
`Assignmentof the patents-in-suit recorded with the PTO further confirms Boeing’s receipt of the
`Ex, E at Ex. 27 (PTO Assignment) at FRAME 0367 (“For good and valuable
`consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Assignor does herebysell, assign,
`transfer and set over to Assignee,
`the Patents aforesaid”). Thus, while wholly irrelevant,
`Defendants already obtained what they allegedly need onthis issue, but nonetheless continue to
`pursue production of documents as they continue their campaign of discovery abuses in the
`hopes of uncovering irrelevant discovery that they want to use to malign Acceleration Bayat
`Accordingly, further discovery into Acceleration Bay’s financial records regarding this
`payment is duplicative, and, to the extent it is not redundant, irrelevant. The Court should
`sustain Acceleration Bay’s objections as to RFP No. 167.
`For the foregoing reasons, Acceleration Bay respectfully requests that the Court sustain
`Acceleration Bay’s objectionsto the portions of the Order requiring production of an unredacted
`copy of the Loan Agreement and documents responsive to Defendants’ RFP Nos. 139, 150, 165
`_and 167.


`Case 1:16-cv-00455-RGA Document 226 Filed 08/08/17 Page 12 of 12 PagelD #: 18671
`By: /s/Philip A. Rovner
`Philip A. Rovner (#3215)
`Jonathan A. Choa (#5319)
`Hercules Plaza
`P.O. Box 951
`Wilmington, DE 19899
`(302) 984-6000
`Attorneysfor Plaintiff
`Acceleration Bay LLC
`Paul J. Andre
`Lisa Kobialka
`990 Marsh Road
`Menlo Park, CA 94025
`(650) 752-1700
`Aaron M.Frankel
`1177 Avenueof the Americas
`New York, NY 10036
`(212) 715-9100
`‘Dated: August 7, 2017
`Public version dated: August 8, 2017

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