` C.A. No. 16-453 (RGA)
` C.A. No. 16-454 (RGA)
` C.A. No. 16-455 (RGA)
` Plaintiff,
` Defendant.
` Plaintiff,
` Defendant.
` Plaintiff.
`INC. and 2K SPORTS, INC.,
` Defendants.
`On April 28, 2017, the parties filed the following motions:
`Plaintiff Accleration Bay LLC’s (“Plaintiff”) motions to compel; specifically:
`Case 1:16-cv-00455-RGA Document 125 Filed 05/19/17 Page 2 of 11 PageID #: 12657
`Defendant Activision Blizzard, LLC (“Activision”) to produce World of Warcraft
`wiki files;
`Defendant Take-Two
`development kits and;
`to provide documents, source code and software
`Joe Rumsey to comply with Accleration Bay’s March 13, 2017 deposition and
`document subpoenas.
`Defendants’ Motion to Compel Supplemental Responses to Party Specific Interrogatories 1, 2
`and 4
`Defendant Activision Blizzard, Inc.’s Motion to Compel Compliance with Special Master Orders
`for supplemental responses to interrogatories 7 and 9 and for Sanctions under Rule 37.
`Defendants’ Motion to Compel compliance with subpoenas to Scott Smith and Robert
`On April 28, 2017 the parties filed their briefs and affidavits in support of their various motions.
`On May 8, 2017, the parties filed their reply briefs and exhibits to the various motions.
`On May 10, 2017, the foregoing motions were heard (the “Hearing”).
`This is the Special Master’s Order resolving the foregoing motions.
`1. Motion to compel Activision to produce the requested World of Warcraft wiki
`Activision has already produced a number of documents concerning World of Warcraft
`(“WoW”). Its wiki file is designated as “Restricted Confidential-Source Code Material”,
`pursuant to the parties’ Protective Order (Document No. 58, filed Feb. 22. 2017). Although
`Plaintiff’s counsel and its experts have apparently reviewed the wiki file seven times, Plaintiff
`Case 1:16-cv-00455-RGA Document 125 Filed 05/19/17 Page 3 of 11 PageID #: 12658
`seeks physical possession of the requested documents because its being limited to taking hand
`notes when inspecting the confidential complex documents pursuant to the Protective Order.
`During the course of the Hearing on this Motion, the parties appeared to be moving
`towards a compromise under which Defendant would possibly produce a couple hundred pages
`of technical documents with appropriate redactions. The May 5, 2017 email from Plaintiff’s
`attorney identified 67 articles out of 1,036 from the WoW wiki file that Plaintiff still seeks.
`It is Ordered that within two (2) weeks Activision Blizzard, Inc. produce the files for the
`67 articles, subject to reasonable redactions and limited to no more than 300 pages.
`Plaintiff seeks to have Take-Two provide: (a) GTA and NBA 2 K Source Code;
`(b) GTA task list; (c) GTA Game Design Documents; and (d) Microsoft XBox
`and Sony SDKs.
`This Motion consists of four sub-motions. Fortunately, during the Hearing the parties
`reached an agreement on some of the motions. Take-Two is making available for inspection
`these source code files. Rockstar is making available for inspection the Miscrosoft XBox and
`Sony SDKs. (Hearing Transcript, pgs. 94-95).
`The GTA task list, according to Defendants, includes a variety of topics and thousands of
`reports, most of which Defendants contend are entirely irrelevant to this case. The Motion on
`this request is moot; as the parties agreed to limit production of task list documents to
`“networking”. (Hearing Transcript, p. 101).
`As to Take-Two GTA Game Design Documents, there are apparently more than 50 such
`design documents used by Take-Two. At the Hearing, the Plaintiff offered to compromise its
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`request for these design documents. The Motion on this request is moot; as the parties agreed
`that Defendants will produce those portions of these design documents that discuss networking.
`Plaintiff’s Request That Joe Rumsey Comply with its Deposition and Documents
`On March 13, 2017, Plaintiff filed a subpoena to compel the deposition and documents of
`Joe Rumsey. Mr. Rumsey was the author of the JAM server and JAM message protocol.
`Plaintiff maintains that JAM is an important part of its infringement claims with respect to
`Activision’s WoW products. Defendants filed the Rumsey Declaration (Ex. A-25 to their reply
`brief) which states that Mr. Rumsey stopped working on WoW in 2007 and has not seen the
`source code for it since then. While he did develop the code for JAM, that code was continually
`changing after he left the WoW team. Accordingly, Defendants maintain that Mr. Rumsey has
`no relevant information and that it would be burdensome for Mr. Rumsey to sit for the requested
`deposition. Defendants also point out that they searched for relevant documents from Mr.
`Rumsey and he has none.
`The Special Master Orders that Mr. Rumsey’s deposition be conducted by telephone on a
`date and time convenient to him and that the deposition be limited to three hours.
`It may be helpful to the Court and to the parties for the Special Master to express some
`thoughts as to how to address this Motion. Litigation over the patents in question has been
`pending for approximately 2 years. Under the Rule 16 Scheduling Order, the parties are to
`complete all fact discovery by July 31, 2017.
`Case 1:16-cv-00455-RGA Document 125 Filed 05/19/17 Page 5 of 11 PageID #: 12660
`Defendants have repeatedly complained and brought motions to compel Plaintiff to be
`more specific as to its infringement claims. Twice the Special Master has ruled on these
`motions. (see Special Master Order No. 2 on April 19, 2016 in the prior action among the
`parties, and Special Master Order No. 1 in this action on March 15, 2017).
`Defendants are concerned that Plaintiff might not articulate specific infringement claims
`until it submits its expert reports. If that occurs, Defendants would only have a few months
`thereafter to respond with their own expert reports, and there may be insufficient time to take
`possible discovery as to any newly fashioned infringement claims.
`Plaintiff has steadfastly maintained that it has provided sufficient notice of its
`infringement claims; that it will supplement its claims as discovery proceeds; and that it earnestly
`met its interrogatory disclosure obligations as to its infringement claims.
`Plaintiff insists that its infringement claims need only meet a “notice” standard when
`responding to initial interrogatories as to its infringement claims. Even if the Special Master
`accepts Plaintiff’s contention as to the law, concerns remain as to the sufficiency of Plaintiff’s
`disclosures as the parties approach the fact discovery cut off. On February 17, 2017, Judge
`Andrews indicated that the Special Master should resolve as much as possible for the parties to
`adhere to the Scheduling Order. During that hearing on February 17, 2017, Defendants counsel
`argued that they still didn’t have adequate infringement contentions from Plaintiff. The Court
`stated that there comes a time when the Plaintiff cannot add new products and that the
`Defendants need to get a fixed target to try the case. (Trans. p. 11). With the parties scheduled
`for a July 10, 2017 claim construction (“Markman “) hearing, it is appropriate for Plaintiff to be
`as specific as possible to its infringement claims in its supplemental interrogatory responses.
`Case 1:16-cv-00455-RGA Document 125 Filed 05/19/17 Page 6 of 11 PageID #: 12661
`At the Hearing on May 10, 2017, Defendants’ argued that Plaintiff refuses to identify the
`core aspects (participants and connections) of even a single accused “broadcast channel” and/or
`“network”. Defendants have submitted a declaration of a technical expert, David Karger, on the
`technical aspects of the patents in this case. Dr. Karger explains that some of the patents at issue
`relate to adding a participant or subtracting a participant to or from a network of participants and
`leaving the broadcast channel. One or more of the patents concerns methods for adding a
`participant to an m-regular, incomplete network of participants, while maintaining the m-regular
`incomplete topology of the network. Another patent simply reverses this process by allowing a
`disconnection of a computer or participant from a broadcast channel, while maintaining the m-
`regular incomplete topography of the broadcast channel.
`Defendants also cite Plaintiff’s expert’s testimony that you need to know the structure,
`the participants, and how they are connected to determine infringement. (Hearing Transcript, p.
`In a somewhat analogous case, the Federal Court in California wrote: “In instances where
`[the Defendant] includes source code or tools, the source code or tools lack meaning unless
`somehow linked with the language of the claim limitations”. Droplets vs. Amazon.com, 2013
`WL 1563256, at 3-5 (N.D. Cal. April 12, 2013).
`After having studied at length the briefs, exhibits, discovery responses and prior orders,
`the Defendants’ Motion is granted as follows:
`Within one month of this Order, Plaintiff shall provide as full, clear and complete
`responses as possible at that time to Interrogatories 7 and 9 that:
`Case 1:16-cv-00455-RGA Document 125 Filed 05/19/17 Page 7 of 11 PageID #: 12662
`Identify, individually and with specificity, all accused methods, broadcast
`channels and networks, including by separately identifying each and every participant and
`connection for each such network or broadcast channel and explaining how each is alleged to be
`m-regular and incomplete;
`Provide a separate infringement chart for each accused method, network and
`broadcast that demonstrates how each accused method step is allegedly performed by Activision
`and how each accused network and broadcast channel is alleged to meet each limitation of each
`asserted claim; and
`If Plaintiff contends that any accused method, network or broadcast channel
`allegedly infringes any asserted claim under the doctrine of equivalents, Plaintiff must identify
`the elements of each limitation not literally present and identify the structures of or methods used
`by the accused products that Plaintiff alleges to be equivalent to any such elements that are not
`literally present in the accused products.
`Interrogatory 1 Regarding Damages: Interrogatory 1 seeks discovery as to
`Plaintiff’s damages theories and all the facts that Plaintiff intends to reply upon to support each
`of its theories. Plaintiff replies that it has responded appropriately to Interrogatory 1 and that it
`will continue to supplement its responses as discovery proceeds. Defendants counter that they
`have made substantial production of all of their documents concerning damages. According to
`Defendants, Plaintiff has not indicated its methodology on damages; specifically whether it is
`relying on the number of units sold or revenues from such sales. Furthermore, according to
`Case 1:16-cv-00455-RGA Document 125 Filed 05/19/17 Page 8 of 11 PageID #: 12663
`Defendants, the recent deposition of Boeing in this litigation, proves that Plaintiff already has a
`“damages model” that has not yet been disclosed to Defendants.
`On this issue, Judge Robinson’s decision In Re. Cyclobenzaprine Hydrochloride
`Extended-Release Capsule Patent Litigation; No. 09-MD-2118-SLR (D. Del. Oct. 22, 2013) is
`helpful. Writing as to why a defendant is entitled to facts as to plaintiff’s damages claims prior
`to receiving plaintiff’s expert’s reports, Her Honor stated: “Facts are the subject of fact
`discovery, parties are required to disclose such facts before the facts are massaged and
`manipulated by their expert witnesses” . . . plaintiffs have an “obligation to provide their good
`faith bases for electing their theories of recovery”.
`The Defendants’ Motion for supplemental response to Interrogatory 1 is granted, and a
`supplemental response to interrogatory 1 is due in 14 days. If subsequent discovery leads to
`additional information on damages, Plaintiff can further supplement its interrogatory response.
`Interrogatory No. 2 Regarding the Date of the Hypothetical Negotiation: The
`hypothetical negotiation date is relevant to Plaintiff’s damages claims. The hypothetical
`negotiation date is the date that the alleged infringements first occurred. Defendants maintain
`that they need to know the exact date of the alleged infringement for each of the Defendants’
`products that are at issue in the case.
`Plaintiff has responded that it cannot fully respond to Interrogatory No. 2, until it gets
`documents from the Defendants as to testing and development dates for Defendants’ products.
`Plaintiff contends that some of this information will be known after depositions that are currently
`scheduled for later this month.
`Case 1:16-cv-00455-RGA Document 125 Filed 05/19/17 Page 9 of 11 PageID #: 12664
`Defendants’ concerns are persuasive, particularly in light of the discovery cut-off date
`and their possible need for discovery when any responsive interrogatory filings are made.
`Defendants’ Motion is granted and Plaintiff shall supplement interrogatory No. 2 within 14 days.
`3. Interrogatory No. 4 Regarding Sony Products That Infringe: This interrogatory seeks
`facts concerning the Sony Products that Plaintiff may contending infringed the patents in
`question. Plaintiff initially objects that the interrogatory is “unintelligible”, particularly as to
`what is meant by “all products by Sony”. Defendants respond by pointing out that Plaintiff’s
`expert, Dr. Harry Bims, discussed the Sony Products in his declarations in the IPR proceedings.
`Dr. Bims stated that Sony utilizes the inventions disclosed in the patents.
`Plaintiff attempted to use Dr. Bims’ testimony as to the Sony Products in order to defend
`against invalidity arguments. Plaintiff points out that Dr. Bims never expressly stated that Sony
`infringed. Plaintiff also argues that it would be burdensome to respond to this interrogatory, since
`there are hundreds of Sony video games.
`The information as to the Sony Products in interrogatory No. 4 is relevant and a response
`does not appear to be unnecessarily burdensome. The motion to compel supplemental responses
`to interrogatory no. 4 is granted and it shall be filed within 14 days.
`Activision moved on April 28, 2017 for sanctions under Rule 37. In its May 8, 2017
`reply brief in opposition to Activision’s motion to compel, Plaintiff seeks its attorneys fees in
`opposing the motion for sanctions. For convenience, the Special Master treats these as cross
`motions for sanctions.
`Case 1:16-cv-00455-RGA Document 125 Filed 05/19/17 Page 10 of 11 PageID #: 12665
`Sanctions can be levied against a party that fails to comply with court ordered discovery.
`Sanctions can include preventing a party from introducing evidence, striking claims, and relief
`appropriate to the misconduct. Transportes Aereos De Angela v. Ronair, Inc., 104 F.R.D. 499
`(D. Del. 1985). However, such relief usually resides with the Court, rather than the Special
`As set forth above, the Special Master is ordering Plaintiff to supplement its responses to
`a number of interrogatories in a specific and complete manner. Interrogatory response
`obligations continue as new discovery proceeds and supplemental responses are appropriate.
`Defendants contend that Smith and Abarbanel are the most knowledgeable witnesses
`regarding certain key issues in this case, including when the patents where supposedly invented
`and built, and whether they are invalid as having been “on sale” more than one year prior to the
`date they were filed. Exhibit C-11 to Defendants’ brief on this Motion states that Smith and
`Abarbanel “witnessed the Boeing Invention Disclosure Form”, which Defendants contend is the
`sole document which supports the supposed conception and reduction to practice of the claimed
`inventions. Mr. Abarbanel was the direct supervisor of inventor Bourassa and was directly
`involved with Boeing’s efforts to license the patents. Both Smith and Abarbanel submitted
`testimony in support of the patent as Owner’s Response to Related Proceedings Before the Patent
`Office (called “IPRs”). These declarations are exhibits C-3, C-4, C-5, C-6, C-7 and C-8 to
`Defendants’ brief. Smith has declared in some of the exhibits that he also was employed at
`Boeing and worked with the inventors of the asserted patents.
`Case 1:16-cv-00455-RGA Document 125 Filed 05/19/17 Page 11 of 11 PageID #: 12666
`Plaintiff’s grounds for resisting these subpoenas are that both gentlemen were subject to
`cross examination in the IPR proceedings and that they were not listed in certain Defendants’
`initial disclosures. Both objections are unpersuasive. The scope of IPR cross examinations under
`the IPR rules is limited. As to the burden of a deposition, neither Smith nor Abarbanel has
`provided any written objections.
`It is clear to the Special Master that both gentlemen may have testimony relevant to this
`litigation. Accordingly, Special Master grants Defendants’ Motion to Compel Compliance with
`subpoenas to Smith and Abarbanel.
`Dated: May 19, 2017
`/s/ Allen M. Terrell, Jr.
`Allen M. Terrell, Jr., Special Master

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