Case 1:16-cv-00290-MN Document 23-5 Filed 08/10/16 Page 1 of 26 PageID #: 1016
`Case 1:16-cv-00290-MN Document 23-5 Filed 08/10/16 Page 1 of 26 PageID #: 1016


`Case 1:16-cv-00290-MN Document 23-5 Filed 08/10/16 Page 2 of 26 PageID #: 1017
`2016 Patent
`Litigation Study
`Are we at an
`inflection point?
`May 2016


`Case 1:16-cv-00290-MN Document 23-5 Filed 08/10/16 Page 3 of 26 PageID #: 1018
`General trends
`General Patent Litigation trends
`• Patents granted decline for first time
`since 2008
`• Median damages surged to $7.3M
`in last 5 years
`• Patentee success rate stands at 33%
`• Median jury award was over 16x
`greater than median bench award in
`last 5 years
`• Time to trial edged up to 2.5 years
`• Increased likelihood of fee shifting
`following two 2014 Supreme Court
`Patents granted
`decline for
`first time
`since 2008
`1 Overview
` 4
` 7
` Damages trends
` Fee shifting in patent cases
`8 Success rates
`10 Practicing entities and NPEs
`12 Industry analysis
`15 Judge and district comparisons
`18 A look at appeals
`21 Methodology and authors
`Median damages award bounces
`back in ’15
`Nonpracticing Entities (NPEs)
`still carry a big stick
`• 2015 annual damages award ($10.2M)
`at highest point in 10 years
`• One mega verdict in 2015, for $533M
`Median damages
`award at highest
`point in
` 10 years
`Industry and district view
`• Consumer products still leads in
`number of cases; biotech/pharma has
`highest median damages awards
`• Forum shopping matters: Top 5
`most favorable districts with patent
`holders remain the same (DE;
`TX Eastern; VA Eastern; WI Western;
`FL Middle)
`highest median
`damages awards
`• Damages awards for NPEs almost 3x
`greater than practicing entities over
`the last 5 years
`• NPE cases concentrated: 5 district
`courts (of 94) account for 45% of all
`identified NPE decisions
`Damages awards
`are almost
` 3x greater for NPEs
`It’s not over ’til it’s over:
`Appeals rule
`• 80% of district court decisions are
`• 53% of appealed decisions are
`modified in some regard
`• Three patent cases escalated to
`Supreme Court in 2015
`of appealed
`cases are
`modified in some regard


`Case 1:16-cv-00290-MN Document 23-5 Filed 08/10/16 Page 4 of 26 PageID #: 1019
`First decline in
`patents granted
` 2008
`Patent litigation and
`grants decrease modestly
`The number of patent cases filed
`declined again in 2015, continuing
`a downward trend from the high
`point reached in 2013. Approximately
`5,600 cases were filed in 2015—
`representing a modest year-over-
`year drop of 2%. The decline in
`the number of cases over the last
`two years stands in contrast to the
`compound annual growth rate
`(CAGR) since 1991 of 6.7%.
`2015 also showed a 2% decrease
`in patents granted by the United
`States Patent and Trademark
`Office, the first decline in grants
`since 2008.
`The decline in the number of patent
`cases filed and patents granted is
`likely driven by various factors—
`one being the Supreme Court’s
`2014 decision in Alice Corp. v. CLS
`Bank, which significantly impacted
`the ability to obtain and assert
`software patents.
`Patents granted
`CAGR = 4.9%
`CAGR = 6.7%
`Fig 1: Patent case filings and grants
`Patent cases filed
`’91 ’92
`’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15
`Patent cases
`Patents granted
`Years are based on September year-end.
`Sources: Performance & Accountability Report (USPTO) and Judicial Facts and Figures (US Courts)
`2016 Patent litigation study PwC | 1


`Case 1:16-cv-00290-MN Document 23-5 Filed 08/10/16 Page 5 of 26 PageID #: 1020
`Fig 3: Percent of cases decided
`by juries (excluding ANDA cases)
`settled while pending appeal, or are
`still under appeal. In some cases, the
`settlement value exceeded the original
`trial verdict.
`Trier of fact
`The turn of the century brought a sea
`change in the trier of fact in patent
`cases. Previously, jury trials were the
`exception. However, since 2000, jury
`trials have predominated. In the last five
`years, the percentage of cases decided
`by a jury reached 75%, excluding
`Abbreviated New Drug Application
`(ANDA)-related litigation.1
`2006 −2010
`1996 −2000
`Top damages awarded
`Large damages awards grab headlines.
`Since 2012—when three awards of $1
`billion or more broke into the top ten
`list—no award has even come close.
`2015 did see one case, Smartflash LLC
`v. Apple Inc., land in the top 10 list with
`a $533 million award related to media
`storage technology.
`In another notable case, Apple v. Samsung,
`the parties agreed to settle for $548
`million, despite ongoing appeals and
`patent office actions on certain Apple
`patents. In early 2016, the Supreme
`Court granted certiorari on the issue of
`whether design patents should be entitled
`to disgorgement of a defendant’s profits
`without apportionment.
`The table below displays the top ten
`initial damages awards since 1996. It
`is important to note that the awards
`reflected in this table are those identified
`during initial trial—all have since been
`vacated, remanded or reduced, were
`Fig 2: Top ten largest initial adjudicated damages awards: 1996 –2015
`Centocor Ortho Biotech Inc.
`Lucent Technologies Inc.
`Carnegie Mellon University
`Apple Inc.
`2012 Monsanto Company
`Cordis Corp.
`Smartflash LLC
`Eolas Technologies Inc.
`Bruce N. Saffran, M.D.
`2014 Masimo Corporation
`Abbott Laboratories
`Microsoft Corp.
`Marvell Technology Group
`Samsung Electronics Co.
`E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co.
`Medtronic Vascular, Inc.
`Apple Inc.
`Microsoft Corp.
`Johnson & Johnson
`Philips Electronics N. America Corp.
`Arthritis drugs
`MP3 technology
`Noise reduction on circuits for disk drives
`Smartphone software
`Genetically modified soybean seeds
`Vascular stents
`Media storage
`Internet browser
`Drug-eluting stents
`Device measuring blood oxygen levels
`(in $M)
`1 These cases are, with rare exceptions, tried by the bench, and their increasing prevalence in recent years would otherwise skew this measure.
`Unless otherwise noted all charts and data come from PwC's analysis of identified summary judgement and trial decisions. See methodology section
`(pg 21) for more information.
`2 | PwC 2016 Patent litigation study


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`Find an expert
`No one wants to be involved in a
`dispute. But for most businesses, it is
`likely to happen at some stage, putting
`real value at risk.
`Whether your case centers on complex
`accounting issues, breach of contract,
`intellectual property infringement,
`business valuation, internal arbitration
`or a range of other disputes, PwC’s
`Forensics professionals can help
`strengthen your chances of prevailing.
`We provide guidance and assistance
`on damages and value assessments
`in complex commercial litigation,
`supporting lawyers and corporate
`clients in numerous industries and
`cases worldwide, on topics including
`(but not limited to):
`• Forensic technology (digital data
`collection and analysis)
`• Business analytics (quantitative
`analysis and optimization of
`operating metrics)
`• Quantification of damages
`• Business valuation
`• Expert witness testimony
`• Serving as arbitrators, mediators,
`or special masters
`• Accounting
`• Statistical analysis
`Our specialists can provide expert
`witness evidence in legal proceedings
`and are seasoned in presenting facts to
`withstand vigorous cross-examination
`in numerous dispute contexts, across all
`industries. No matter your dispute, we
`are here to help you tackle the challenge.
`Find out more by scanning (or clicking
`on) this code:
`2016 Patent litigation study PwC | 3
`General slowdown in
`As the number of patent cases filed
`has risen dramatically over the last 20
`years, the amount of time parties must
`wait for trial has extended to about
`2.5 years.
`Not surprisingly, the increase in case
`volume drove time-to-trial up. It remains
`to be seen whether the recent decline in
`litigation activity will reverse the trend.
`Fig 4: Median time-to-trial
`Median time-to-trial (in years)
`1996 −2000
`2006 −2010
`Number of
`trials per year


`Case 1:16-cv-00290-MN Document 23-5 Filed 08/10/16 Page 7 of 26 PageID #: 1022
`Damages trends
`Median damages award
`bounces back
`Adjusting for inflation using the
`consumer price index (CPI), the annual
`median damages award over the years
`1996 through 2015 ranged from $2.0
`million to $17.0 million, with an overall
`median award of $5.8 million over
`the last 20 years. In 2015, the median
`damages award was $10.2 million—its
`highest point in 10 years.
`Excluding damages awarded before
`trial (i.e., summary judgments and
`default judgments), the overall median
`award jumps to $8.0 million over the
`last 20 years.
`Fig 5a: Median damages award
`Median damages awarded (in $M)
`The number of identified decisions is indicated within the respective column.
`Median damages
`award at highest
`Fig 5b: Median damages award (excluding summary and
`default judgments)
`Median damages awarded (in $M)
`The number of identified decisions is indicated within the respective column.
` in
` 10 years
`4 | PwC 2016 Patent litigation study


`award has stayed flat.
`Case 1:16-cv-00290-MN Document 23-5 Filed 08/10/16 Page 8 of 26 PageID #: 1023
`Median jury awards
`substantially outpace
`bench awards
`Since 2000, median jury awards
`have been significantly greater
`than median bench awards. This
`growing gap reflects the fact that
`large-value cases are almost always
`tried by juries.
`$3 million
`over the
`Fig 6: Median damages award: bench vs. jury decisions
`Median damages awarded (in $M)
`Patent litigation
`activity may have
`slowed, but median
`damages are
`going up, which
`means companies
`are feeling more
`pressure than ever
`to get their litigation
`strategy right.
`1996 −2000
`2006 −2010
`2016 Patent litigation study PwC | 5


`Case 1:16-cv-00290-MN Document 23-5 Filed 08/10/16 Page 9 of 26 PageID #: 1024
`Reasonable royalties
`How are patent holders most often compensated
`for infringement?
`Among practicing entities, reasonable-royalty-only awards continue to be the type
`of damages most frequently awarded in patent cases—at almost triple the frequency
`of lost-profits-only awards. Hybrid awards, where both lost profits and reasonable
`royalties are awarded together, continue to be the exception. There are several reasons
`why lost profits damages are not as common as reasonable royalties:
`• Even patentees eligible for lost profits
`awards might eschew lost profits
`claims. Patent holders may not want to
`risk disclosing the proprietary cost and
`profit information necessary for the
`calculation of lost profits.
`• Lost profits entitlement can be more
`difficult to establish. The proliferation
`of competition and specialized
`distribution channels provides
`greater access to substitute products;
`therefore, even without an alleged
`infringer’s products on the market,
`consumers may not have purchased
`the patentee’s product.
`• Damages awards for price erosion
`claims have become almost nonexistent
`in recent years. The cost and
`complexity of price erosion analyses
`have reduced the recovery (and likely
`the pursuit) of price erosion claims.
`Fig 7: Composition of damages
`awards (practicing entities only)
`1996 −2005
`2006 −2015
`Lost profits only
`Reasonable royalties only
`Lost profits and reasonable royalties
`6 | PwC 2016 Patent litigation study
`Apportionment: A
`challenge for over
`125 years
`What portion of a multi-faceted
`accused product’s sales are attributable
`to the accused patent-infringing
`components? Apportionment is a
`question parties have had to consider
`since the Supreme Court’s ruling in
`Garretson v. Clark in 1884. Recently,
`the courts have refocused their
`attention on how damages expert
`opinions consider apportionment
`of value between patented and
`unpatented elements of the complex
`products that are typically central to
`many patent infringement disputes.
`The Federal Circuit has specifically
`cited “market studies” and “consumer
`surveys” as potential methods to
`empirically determine whether—and
`to what extent—a patented feature
`is driving consumer demand for an
`end product.
`Conjoint analysis involves the
`application of statistical analysis to
`consumer survey evidence to glean
`consumers’ willingness to pay for
`individual product features. Expert
`opinions based on conjoint analysis
`have been used in several recent
`large patent disputes—including for
`instance Apple v. Samsung; Oracle
`v. Google; and Microsoft v. Motorola.
`However, its importance to such
`high-profile, large-stakes cases draws
`heavy scrutiny, and will usually face a
`challenge on admissibility.
`Conjoint analysis can meet the
`standards for admissibility under
`Federal Rules of Evidence 702,
`provided the expert is careful to gather
`sufficient data in an unbiased manner
`and to apply it reliably to the facts and
`circumstances of the case at hand.


`Case 1:16-cv-00290-MN Document 23-5 Filed 08/10/16 Page 10 of 26 PageID #: 1025
`Fee shifting in patent cases: How has the
`landscape evolved?
`An area that has attracted significant
`attention in recent years is the
`application of 35 U.S.C. 285, which
`allows the court to award reasonable
`attorneys’ fees and costs to the prevailing
`party in patent litigation. The discussion
`has focused on the merits of “fee
`shifting”—making the loser pay the legal
`costs of litigation. The general consensus
`is that the Supreme Court’s 2014
`decisions in Octane Fitness v. ICON Health
`& Fitness and Highmark v. Allcare Health
`Mgmt. Sys. made fee shifting in patent
`litigation easier.
`To study trends in the awarding of
`attorneys’ fees, and the impact of these
`decisions, PwC analyzed patent decisions
`between January 1, 2013 and December
`31, 2015 that reference 35 U.S.C. 285 (as
`reported by LexisNexis). This provided
`a relatively balanced data set prior to
`(about 16 months) and after (about
`20 months) the Octane and Highmark
`decisions. We focused solely on those
`cases where a decision on the merits
`of awarding attorneys’ fees was made
`(as opposed to analyzing all requests,
`including open and dismissed claims).
`Since April 29, 2014 (the date of these
`twin Supreme Court decisions), there
`has been a significant rise in both the
`percentage of attorneys’ fees awards
`granted under 35 U.S.C. 285, and the
`total number of times attorneys' fees
`are awarded. As indicated by the charts,
`the percentage of attorneys’ fees awards
`granted in the 16 months prior to Octane
`and Highmark was 26%, which jumped
`significantly in the subsequent 20 months
`to 41%. The average number of fees
`award decisions also increased from
`about 4 per month to 7 per month.
`Our data indicates that the median
`attorneys’ fees awarded was
`approximately $0.3 million post-Octane
`and Highmark while the maximum
`amount awarded in fees during this time
`frame was $12.5 million. Furthermore,
`post-Octane and Highmark, the median
`attorneys’ fees awarded represented 82%
`of the median amount requested.
`Fig 8: Attorneys’ fees awards pre- and post-Octane
`January 1, 2013 –April 29, 2014
`69 total requests
`April 30, 2014 –December 31, 2015
`144 total requests
`Median fees awarded post-Octane.......................$0.3M
`Median % of fee request awarded post-Octane......82%
`2016 Patent litigation study PwC | 7


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`Although patentees’
`success rates with
`juries has declined
`over the last 15
`years, they are
`still substantially
`higher than with
`the bench. This
`success gap is even
`more pronounced
`for NPEs.
`Success rates
`Jury vs. bench success
`gap narrows
`Over the last 20 years, patent holders
`have experienced higher trial success
`rates with juries than with the bench.
`However, the margin between bench
`and jury success rates has narrowed
`slightly over time, mainly due to the
`ongoing decline in jury success rates,
`whereas the bench success rate has
`remained steady.
`Fig 9: Trial success rates: bench vs. jury
`1996 −2000
`2006 −2010
`8 | PwC 2016 Patent litigation study


`Case 1:16-cv-00290-MN Document 23-5 Filed 08/10/16 Page 12 of 26 PageID #: 1027
`Success rates vary by type of
`entity and stage of decision
`Practicing entities are much
`more successful with judges
`Over the last 20 years, the overall success
`rate for practicing entities remains about
`10% higher than that for NPEs, although
`the gap in success rates narrows at trial as
`compared to summary judgment.
`Fig 10: Patent holder success
`rates: 1996 –2015
`Practicing entities find greater success
`in bench decisions than NPEs, but both
`practicing entities and NPEs have been
`significantly more successful when juries
`decide their cases. The 16% premium
`in bench decisions success rates for
`practicing entities over NPEs shrinks with
`jury decisions, to 6%.
`Fig 11: Patent holder success
`rates at trial: 1996 –2015
`Practicing entities
`Practicing entities
`2016 Patent litigation study PwC | 9


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`Practicing entities and NPEs
`Disparity between NPE and
`practicing entity damages
`continues to grow
`Our analysis shows the continuation of a
`trend that began in the early 2000s: much
`higher damages awarded to NPEs relative
`to practicing entities. The NPE median
`damages award has grown to almost 3x
`the median for practicing entities in the
`most current five-year period.
`Damages awards
`are almost
`greater for NPEs
`Fig 12: Median damages award: NPEs vs. practicing entities
`Median damages awarded (in $M)
`1996 −2000
`2006 −2010
`Practicing entities
`10 | PwC 2016 Patent litigation study


`Case 1:16-cv-00290-MN Document 23-5 Filed 08/10/16 Page 14 of 26 PageID #: 1029
`Fig 13: Patent holder median damages award by NPE type:
`1996 –2015
`Median damages awarded (in $M)
`The number of cases is indicated within the respective row.
`The median damages award for
`NPEs was significantly higher, while
`practicing entities enjoyed higher
`success rates and slightly shorter
`median time-to-trial.
`We further analyzed NPE litigation
`by NPE type:
` Companies/for-profit
` Universities/non-profit
`1 32
`We found that universities/non-profits
`lead in both median damages award
`and overall success rates, although they
`comprise a minority of NPE cases.
`Universities/non-profits do not litigate as often as other
`NPE types; however, when they do, they have both
`higher success rates and median damages.
`Fig 15: Key statistics for
`practicing entities and NPEs:
`1996 –2015
`Fig 14: Patent holder success
`rates by NPE type: 1996 –2015
`Company success rate falls in
`the middle, but still below overall
`25% success rate for NPEs
`Universities/non-profits lead the
`pack in overall success rate
`Individual NPEs lag far behind
`in success rate
`The number of cases is indicated below each graphic.
`trial (in
`25% $10,278,804
`35% $4,951,934
`2016 Patent litigation study PwC | 11


`Case 1:16-cv-00290-MN Document 23-5 Filed 08/10/16 Page 15 of 26 PageID #: 1030
`Industry analysis
`Since 1996, consumer
`products represented
`of all
`patent cases
`Our research shows that the ten
`most active industry classifications
`(out of 20) collectively account for
`almost 90% of identified decisions.
`Patent cases associated with the
`consumer products industry were
`most prevalent, relating to products
`such as:
`• diapers
`• infant carriers
`• cosmetic palettes
`• coffee cartridges
`Fig 16: Distribution of cases: top ten industries: 1996 –2015
`Consumer products
`Computer hardware/
`Medical devices
`consumer services
`Practicing entities
`Over our years of
`tracking industry
`statistics, biotech/
`pharma and software
`industries have
`risen in prevalence,
`whereas industrial/
`construction, medical
`devices and business
`services have declined.
`12 | PwC 2016 Patent litigation study


`Case 1:16-cv-00290-MN Document 23-5 Filed 08/10/16 Page 16 of 26 PageID #: 1031
`highest median
`damages awards
`While patents associated with
`the consumer products industry
`represented the largest percentage
`of identified decisions, their median
`damages award was relatively low
`compared to those of the nine other
`most active industries.
`Patented technology associated
`with the biotech/pharma, medical
`devices and telecommunications
`industries experienced a significantly
`higher median damages award than
`other industries.
`Fig 17: Median damages award: top ten industries: 1996 –2015
`Consumer products
`Computer hardware/
`Medical devices
`consumer services
`Overall median damages award
`for all industries is about $5.8M
`Median damages awarded (in $M)
`The number of identified decisions is indicated within the respective row.
`Intellectual property
`disputes and
`Daubert standards
`Expert witnesses are critical to
`many types of litigation matters—
`but particularly so in intellectual
`property disputes, where technical
`and financial experts play an essential
`role. A successful challenge to your
`expert’s opinion under the Daubert
`standards can result in partial or
`total exclusion of the opinion—
`jeopardizing or, at worst, completely
`derailing your litigation. PwC’s
`Daubert Study focuses on trends and
`outcomes in Daubert challenges to
`financial experts between 2000 and
`2015, and provides insight into why
`experts were excluded. The Daubert
`Study found that in 2015, intellectual
`property disputes resulted in the
`greatest number of challenges to
`financial experts. Further ringing the
`alarm bells, over the last 16 years, the
`exclusion rates of financial experts
`have been highest in intellectual
`property matters, as well as in product
`liability cases. "Lack of reliability",
`either on its own or in combination
`with other factors, has consistently
`been the main reason for financial
`expert witness exclusions since 2000.
`These insights underscore the
`importance of identifying and working
`with the right financial expert—
`particularly as litigants and federal
`courts grapple with the complicated
`financial and damages issues that
`are so prevalent in intellectual
`property disputes.
`Find out more by scanning (or clicking
`on) this code:
`2016 Patent litigation study PwC | 13


`Case 1:16-cv-00290-MN Document 23-5 Filed 08/10/16 Page 17 of 26 PageID #: 1032
`The growing threat of trade secret theft
`Damages could extend to the billions of
`dollars, and include the destruction of an
`entire line of business, a company, or even
`a larger economic ecosystem.
`they work with to do the same. Protecting
`trade secrets and IP is paramount to an
`organization’s success—and its very
`survival. See related insights here:
`PwC and the Center for Responsible
`Enterprise and Trade (CREATe)3
`collaborated to develop a multilevel
`framework for private sector organizations
`to analyze their trade secret portfolios.
`It is in every company’s self-interest to
`improve trade secret protection and to use
`their leverage to encourage the companies
`PwC's Global Economic
`Crime Survey 2016—
`US Results:
`Economic Impact of Trade
`Secret Theft:
`Identify and
`actor and
`analysis of
`threat event
`Secure trade
`Fig 18: Patent holder success rates: top ten industries: 1996 –2015
`Overall success rate
`10% 15% 20%
`25% 30% 35% 40%
`Consumer products
`Computer hardware/
`Medical devices
`consumer services
`PwC’s Global Economic Crime Survey2
`analyzed the economic crime
`experiences and feedback from more
`than 6,000 respondents across the globe,
`and found that theft of trade secrets
`and intellectual property (IP) still runs
`rampant. In the US, of those that have
`experienced economic crime in the
`past two years, 15% have suffered IP
`infringement. These rates are double
`those of global experiences of IP theft
`(7% in 2016).
`Undoubtedly, transfer-of-wealth/
`intellectual property attacks are one of
`the most lethal economic crimes that
`can befall an organization. The theft
`of critical IP—trade secrets, product
`information, negotiating strategies
`and the like—can be called “extinction-
`level events.”
`Success rates fairly consistent
`across industries
`While the overall success rate (trial
`and summary judgment combined) for
`all industries during the 20-year study
`period was approximately 33%, holders
`of patents related to the consumer
`products, biotech/pharma, computer
`hardware/electronics and medical
`devices industries achieved success rates
`higher than the overall median.
`2 PwC's Global Economic Crime Survey 2016.
`PwC, 2016.
`3 Economic Impact of Trade Secret Theft.
` and PwC, 2014.
`14 | PwC 2016 Patent litigation study


`Case 1:16-cv-00290-MN Document 23-5 Filed 08/10/16 Page 18 of 26 PageID #: 1033
`Judge and district comparisons
`Across districts: results
`may vary
`Certain jurisdictions (particularly
`Delaware, Texas Eastern, Virginia
`Eastern, and Wisconsin Western)
`continue to be more favorable venues for
`patent holders, with shorter time-to-trial,
`higher success rates and greater median
`damages awards.
`The table below presents the 15 most
`active districts and their categorical
`rankings for each of these metrics, with
`the overall ranking based on a simple
`average of the three scores.
`The overall ranking of the districts
`remained relatively stable, with the top
`five districts in terms of favorability
`to patent holders staying the same.
`Delaware overtook Virginia Eastern this
`year to claim the #1 spot.
`Fig 19: District court rankings: 1996 –2015
`trial (in
`Median damages award
`Texas Eastern
`Virginia Eastern
`Wisconsin Western
`Florida Middle
`Texas Southern
`New Jersey
`Texas Northern
`California Central
`New York Southern
`California Northern
`Florida Southern
`Illinois Northern
`Overall (all decisions
`The overall ranking for these courts are based on their relative ranking for each of the three statistical measures, equally weighted.
`2016 Patent litigation study PwC | 15


`Case 1:16-cv-00290-MN Document 23-5 Filed 08/10/16 Page 19 of 26 PageID #: 1034
`NPE decisions relatively
`concentrated in a handful
`of districts
`Cases with NPEs as patent holders were
`concentrated in a few districts. The
`top five districts (out of 94 total) with
`the most identified decisions involving
`NPEs accounted for 45% of all such
`decisions—and the top ten districts
`accounted for 60%. The percentage of
`NPE decisions in the most active NPE
`districts continues to increase, indicating
`continued concentration of NPE cases
`in certain courts. The districts with the
`most identified NPE decisions, however,
`present a mixed message in relative NPE
`success rates.
`Texas Eastern, with the most identified
`NPE cases by far, also has one of the
`highest success rates, almost double the
`NPE average. However, the next two
`districts in NPE case counts yielded
`significantly lower success rates than the
`overall NPE average.
`While NPE litigation has become widespread,
`our data shows that NPEs continue to target a
`very small and select group of districts, with
`mixed success.
`Fig 20: District courts with most identified decisions with NPE as
`patent holder: 1996 –2015
`NPE %
`of total
`Texas Eastern
`Illinois Northern
`California Northern
`New York Southern
`California Central
`Florida Southern
`Virginia Eastern
`Texas Southern
`Texas Northern
`Pennsylvania Eastern
`Florida Middle
`All identified decisions
`Includes districts with 10 or more identified decisions involving an NPE as the
`patent holder.
`16 | PwC 2016 Patent litigation study


`Case 1:16-cv-00290-MN Document 23-5 Filed 08/10/16 Page 20 of 26 PageID #: 1035
`Interestingly, patent holder success
`rates for seven of these judges also
`exceeds the overall 33% success
`rate, particularly in the Eastern
`District of Texas, whose judges’
`overall success rates are roughly
`twice the national average.
`Statistics by judge
`We also captured information on
`the active presiding judges in identified
`patent litigation disputes.
`The median damages award in
`cases presided over by seven of
`these judges significantly exceeds
`the overall median damages award,
`possibly indicating that larger
`disputes tend to be handled by more
`experienced judges.
`Fig 21: Most active district court judges: 1996 –2015
`Judge last
`Judge first
`trial (in
`Texas Eastern
`Texas Eastern
`California Southern
`Illinois Northern
`California Northern
`2016 Patent litigation study PwC | 17


`Case 1:16-cv-00290-MN Document 23-5 Filed 08/10/16 Page 21 of 26 PageID #: 1036
`A look at appeals
`Summary appellate statistics
`Our analysis of appellate outcomes in
`patent litigations from the Federal Cir

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