Case 1:16-cv-00290-MN Document 107 Filed 10/19/18 Page 1 of 58 PageID #: 2671
` v.
`) C.A. No. 16-290 (MN)
`I, Samuel E. Joyner, make this declaration in support of IP Bridge’s Motion to Amend
`Scheduling Order and certify as follows:
`My name is Samuel E. Joyner. I am more than twenty-one years old, of sound mind,
`and fully capable of making this declaration. I am a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West
`Point, New York. Before attending law school, I served in the U.S. Army as an Airborne Infantry
`Ranger. I was honorably discharged from active duty service as a Captain. I have never been
`convicted of a felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude. I was conferred the degree of
`Doctor of Jurisprudence from The University of Tulsa College of Law in 2002, and I received my
`license from the State Bar of Texas in November 2002. I am a partner at the law firm of Shore
`Chan DePumpo LLP in Dallas, Texas, and one of the attorneys representing Godo Kaisha IP
`Bridge 1 in an action styled Godo Kaisha IP Bridge 1 v. OmniVision Technologies, LLC, No. 1:16-
`cv-00290 (MN), in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware. I have personal
`knowledge of the facts set forth in this declaration and am competent to testify thereto.
`On March 5, 2018, OmniVision served Defendant OmniVision Technologies,
`Inc.’s Responses and Objections to Plaintiff Godo Kaisha IP Bridge 1’s First Set of Interrogatories


`Case 1:16-cv-00290-MN Document 107 Filed 10/19/18 Page 2 of 58 PageID #: 2672
`(NOS. 1-10). A true and correct copy of Defendant OmniVision Technologies, Inc.’s Responses
`and Objections to Plaintiff Godo Kaisha IP Bridge 1’s First Set of Interrogatories (NOS. 1-10) is
`attached hereto as Exhibit 1.
`By the end of March 2018, OmniVision had produced 146 documents, which only
`concerned 13 of the 114 accused products.
`By August 29, 2018, when depositions discovery opened, OmniVision had only
`produced 174 documents. But those documents did not include the requested damages information
`or the required core technical documents.
`On October 3, 2018, OmniVision’s counsel agreed to provide certain damages
`information by October 26, 2018, while asserting that OmniVision would not produce core
`technical documents for all accused products.
`On October 10, 2018, OmniVision served Defendant OmniVision Technologies,
`Inc.’s Objections and Responses to Plaintiff’s Second Set of Requests for Production to Defendant
`(NOS. 13-27). The next day, on October 11, 2018, OmniVision served Defendant OmniVision
`Technologies, Inc.’s Objections and Responses to Plaintiff’s Third Set of Requests for Production
`to Defendant (NOS. 28-40). True and correct copies of Defendant OmniVision Technologies,
`Inc.’s Objections and Responses to Plaintiff’s Second Set of Requests for Production to Defendant
`(NOS. 13-27) and Defendant OmniVision Technologies, Inc.’s Objections and Responses to
`Plaintiff’s Third Set of Requests for Production to Defendant (NOS. 28-40) are attached hereto as
`Exhibits 2 and 3 respectively.
`The table below reflects OmniVision’s document production to date and
`demonstrates OmniVision failed to discharge its discovery obligations under the Scheduling


`Case 1:16-cv-00290-MN Document 107 Filed 10/19/18 Page 3 of 58 PageID #: 2673
`Bates Range
`00000001 - 00007150
`# of
`00007151 - 00008657
`00008658 - 00008711
`00008712 - 00008751
`00008752 - 00011180
`00011181 - 00030109
`00030110 - 00043005
`# of
`Dec 2017
`1,507 Mar 2018
`May 2018
`Jun 2018
`2,429 Aug 2018
`Summary of Content
`Product and marketing
`requirement documents for
`approximately eight accused
`References cited in invalidity
`Extrinsic evidence to be cited
`in claim construction briefing
`and one CMOS development
`Extrinsic evidence to be cited
`in claim construction briefing
`Product and marketing
`requirement documents for
`approximately four accused
`18,929 Oct 1, 2018 Public financial filings from
`period before OVT went
`private; one terms and
`conditions document; patent
`documents; product release
`12,896 Oct 8, 2018 Press releases; product data
`sheets; product briefs; certain
`manufacturer agreements;
`selected sales orders for three
`US companies and spreadsheet
`of alleged US sales; distributor
`agreements with three or four
`distributors; and patent license,
`settlement, and assignment
`agreements involving Cal
`Tech, Kodak, and Ziptronix;
`and patent documents related
`to said agreements.
`As reflected in the table above, only this month, OmniVision produced 1,550
`documents, which constitutes 90% of its production. Specifically, OmniVision refused to produce
`core technical document for the 114 accused products by December 3, 2017 or August 28, 2018.


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`I declare under penalty of perjury pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1746 the foregoing is true and
`correct to the best of my knowledge. Executed on October 19, 2018 in Dallas, Texas.
`Samuel E. Joyner


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`Exhibit 1


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`Case No. 1:16-cv-00290-JFB-SRF
`Pursuant to Rules 26 and 33 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Defendant
`OmniVision Technologies, Inc. (“OmniVision”) hereby submits its responses and objections to
`Plaintiff Godo Kaisha IP Bridge 1’s (“IPB”) First Set of Interrogatories (Nos. 1-10).
`The following responses are made solely for the purpose of, and in relation to, this action.
`Each response is provided subject to all appropriate objections (including, without limitation,
`objections concerning competency, relevancy, materiality, propriety, and admissibility) that
`would require the exclusion of any statement contained herein if the statement were made by a
`witness present and testifying in court. All such objections and grounds therefore are reserved
`and may be interposed at the time of trial.
`The following responses are based on the facts and information presently known and
`available to OmniVision. The responses refer only to those contentions that have been asserted
`to date, based on the facts now known to OmniVision. Discovery, investigation, research, and
`analysis are ongoing in this case and may disclose the existence of additional facts, add meaning


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`to known facts, establish entirely new factual conclusions or legal contentions, or possibly lead
`to additions, variations, and changes to these responses. OmniVision reserves the right to change
`or supplement these responses as additional facts are discovered, revealed, recalled, or otherwise
`In addition to any specifically stated objections, each of OmniVision’s responses herein
`is subject to and incorporates the following general objections:
`OmniVision objects to each of the interrogatories and the definitions to the
`extent they purport to impose obligations greater or more extensive than those required by the
`Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the Local Rules of the United States District Court for the
`District of Delaware, or other applicable law.
`OmniVision objects to each of the interrogatories and definitions to the extent
`they purport to request information that cannot be found in the course of a reasonable search.
`OmniVision’s partial response to any interrogatory is not a waiver of its
`objection or right to object to the interrogatory, or any part thereof, or to any additional,
`supplemental or further interrogatory or part thereof, but is instead offered in an effort to
`resolve a potential discovery dispute.
`OmniVision objects to each of the interrogatories to the extent it seeks
`information that is neither relevant to any claim or defense raised in this litigation, nor
`proportional to the needs of the case.
`OmniVision objects to each of the interrogatories to the extent it is vague or
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`OmniVision objects to each of the interrogatories to the extent it is unreasonably
`cumulative or duplicative of other discovery requests, or seeks information that is obtainable
`from some other source that is more convenient, less burdensome, or less expensive.
`OmniVision objects to each of the interrogatories to the extent it is overly broad,
`fails to reasonably identify the information sought, is unduly burdensome, and is posed for
`improper purposes,
`including, without
`limitation, embarrassment, undue annoyance,
`harassment, oppression, delay, or to increase the expense of litigation or to the extent it calls for
`a legal conclusion or opinion.
`OmniVision objects to each of the interrogatories to the extent it seeks
`information for which the burden or expense of obtaining and disclosing outweighs its likely
`benefit in resolving the issues of this action.
`OmniVision objects to each of the interrogatories to the extent it fails to describe
`with reasonable particularity the information requested.
`To the extent that any interrogatory may be construed as calling for information
`which is subject to a claim of privilege, including, without limitation, the attorney-client
`privilege and attorney work-product doctrine, OmniVision hereby claims such privilege and
`objects to the disclosure of the information. Such information as may hereafter be provided in
`response to the Interrogatory should not include any information subject to such privileges and
`doctrines, but the inadvertent disclosure of privileged information shall not constitute a waiver
`of any applicable privilege.
`OmniVision objects to each interrogatory to the extent that it seeks confidential,
`commercially sensitive, trade secret, and/or proprietary information of a non-party or
`information covered by a confidentiality agreement, or information that is otherwise protected
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`from disclosure pursuant to Rule 26(c)(1)(G) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure or Rule
`501 of the Federal Rules of Evidence. OmniVision will not produce such information unless
`the non-party agrees to the terms of the protective order to be entered in this case or consents in
`writing to the disclosure of that information to IPB.
`OmniVision objects to each of the interrogatories to the extent it seeks
`information that is not in OmniVision’s possession, custody, or control.
`OmniVision objects to the instructions accompanying IPB’s interrogatories to
`the extent that such instructions are not consistent with the provisions of the Federal Rules of
`Civil Procedure or to the extent that the instructions purport to require OmniVision to take
`actions or provide information not required or which exceed the scope of the Federal Rules of
`Civil Procedure or other applicable rules of law.
`OmniVision objects generally to the interrogatories to the extent that they
`prematurely call for discovery concerning, among other things, facts and contentions relating to
`non-infringement, invalidity and other claims and defenses before they are due under the
`Scheduling Order in this case. Dkt. No. 37. Pursuant to this objection and other objections set
`forth herein, OmniVision will respond to these interrogatories under the case schedule.
`OmniVision objects to any interrogatory that seeks information, documents or
`things subject to confidentiality agreements, protective orders, and/or any other obligation
`pursuant to which OmniVision is required to protect and/or maintain the confidentiality of any
`third party’s documents. Should an interrogatory call for such information, documents or things,
`OmniVision will act reasonably to obtain the consent of the third party to produce the
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`OmniVision objects to any interrogatory that seeks information, documents or
`things for the “six (6) years preceding the filing of the Complaint” as irrelevant, over-broad and
`unduly burdensome. IPB has not established that it is entitled to pre-suit damages, nor has it
`pled so in its Complaint.
`OmniVision objects to IPB’s definition of “Defendant,” “OmniVision,” “You,”
`or “Your” as overly broad and unduly burdensome. For purposes of these interrogatories,
`reference to “Defendant,” “OmniVision,” “You,” or “Your” shall refer to Defendant
`OmniVision Technologies, Inc. only.
`OmniVision objects to the definition of “relate to,” “related to,” “relating to,”
`and all requests incorporating these terms, as overly broad, vague, ambiguous, unintelligible,
`requiring subjective judgment on the part of OmniVision and/or its attorneys, and calling for
`conclusions or opinions of counsel in violation of the attorney work product doctrine.
`OmniVision objects to IPB’s definition of “identify” and “describe” as overly
`broad, unduly burdensome, and calling for the provision of information that is in the public
`domain and/or is equally available to IPB.
`OmniVision objects to IPB’s definition of “document” and “documents” as
`overly broad and unduly burdensome, especially with respect to the inclusion of “SMS
`messages,” “text messages,” and “records of conversations […] of any type of personal or
`telephone conversations or negotiations” that were specifically excluded by Delaware’s
`Default Standard for Discovery. Omnivision further objects to the definition to the extent it
`calls for any other information that are explicitly excluded from a party’s discovery obligations
`in the Delaware’s Default Standard for Discovery, including but not limited to Schedule A, and
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`the Scheduling Order set forth in this Case. Dkt. No. 37. OmniVision further objects this
`definition as overly broad and unduly burdensome to the extent it requires OmniVision to
`produce “bank deposit slips, bank checks, canceled checks, diaries, diary entries” and other
`documents to which the probative value is far outweighed by the prejudicial effect.
`OmniVision further objects to the definition as equally calling for the provision of information
`that is in the public domain and/or is equally available to IPB. OmniVision further objects to
`IPB’s request for production of documents in native form as part of the definition of
`“Electronically stored information” to the extent it calls for information outside the bounds of
`Delaware’s Default Standard for Discovery.
`OmniVision objects to IPB’s definition of “Electronically stored information” as
`overly broad and unduly burdensome, especially with respect to the inclusion of “instant
`messenger or other computer-to-computer communication protocols” and “Facebook or other
`social media communications.” OmniVision further objects
`to IPB’s definition of
`“Electronically stored information” as overly broad and unduly burdensome to the extent it
`requires OmniVision to search “archived copies of website.” Omnivision further objects to the
`definition to the extent it calls for information “in native form” outside the bounds of
`Delaware’s Default Standard for Discovery. Omnivision further objects to the definition to the
`extent it calls for “all associated metadata” that are outside the discovery obligations prescribed
`by Delaware’s Default Standard for Discovery. Omnivision further objects to the definition to
`the extent it calls for any other information that are explicitly excluded from a party’s discovery
`obligations in the Delaware’s Default Standard for Discovery, including but not limited to
`Schedule A, and the Scheduling Order in this Case. Dkt. No. 37. OmniVision further objects to
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`the definition as equally calling for the provision of information that is in the public domain
`and/or is equally available to IPB.
`OmniVision objects to IPB’s definition of “image sensor devices” as vague and
`ambiguous, especially to the extent IPB attempts to equate “image sensor devices” to
`“OmniBSI, OmniBSI-2, PureCel, PureCel-S, and PureCel Plus-S.”
`OmniVision objects to IPB’s definition of the “OmniVision Products” and
`“OmniVision Product” as vague, ambiguous, overly broad, unduly burdensome, and not
`proportional to the needs of the case, especially to the extent that it includes products that are
`not manufactured, imported or sold in the U.S. For purposes of these interrogatories, reference
`to the “OmniVision Products” or “OmniVision Product” shall refer to the OmniVision products
`IPB has specifically identified – OV2640, OV2655, OV2665, OV2720, OV2720, OV2722,
`OV3142, OV3640, OV3642, OV3650, OV3660, OV3660, OV5620, OV5640, OV5645,
`OV5647, OV5648, OV5650, OV5653, OV5656, OV5658, OV5695, OV6680, OV6946,
`OV6948, OV7695, OV7699, OV7727, OV7949, OV8820, OV8825, OV9674, OV9724,
`OV9726, OV9728, OV9740, OV10640, OV10642, OV10650, OV10810, OV12825, OV14810,
`OV14825, OV14825, OVM7690, OX02A10, OX2A10, OXO1A10, OV2718, OV2724,
`OV2770, OV2775, OV2775-Ards, OV3647, OV4682, OV4682 RGB IR, OV4685, OV4688,
`OV4689, OV5630, OV5642, OV5680, OV5690, OV5693, OV8830, OV8835, OV8850,
`OV8865, OV9716, OV9760, OV9762, OV9770, OV10823, OV12830, OV16820, OV16825,
`OX1A10, OS02A1Q, OS05A10, OS05A20, OS08A10, OV13850, OV13853, OV2281,
`OV2732, OV2740, OV5670, OV5675, OV8856, OV8858, OV9734, OV13860, OV16850,
`OV21840, OV23850, OV12890, OV12895, OV12A10, OV13870, OV13A10, OV13A1Q,
`OV16860, OV16880, OV16885, OV16885-4C, OV16B10, OV20880, and OV20880-4C.
`CASE NO. CASE NO. 1:16-cv-00290-JFB-SRF


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`Provide a spreadsheet or listing showing every OmniVision Product made or sold by you
`or at your direction since 2010, and for each product identify: (1) OmniVision’s position as to
`whether each product is sold in the United States, (2) OmniVision’s categorization of said
`product (i.e. OmniBSI, OmniBSI-2, PureCel, PureCel-S, and PureCel Plus-S), (3) all internal
`part numbers used for said product, and (4) all third-party devices of which OmniVision is aware
`that include said product.
`In addition to the foregoing general objections, which are expressly incorporated herein,
`OmniVision further objects to this interrogatory on the ground that it is overly broad, unduly
`burdensome and not proportional to the needs of the case to the extent it seeks products sold
`preceding the filing of the Complaint, and to its usage of the terms “every Omnivision Product,”
`“all internal parts numbers,” and “all third-party devices.” IPB has not established that it is
`entitled to pre-suit damages, nor has it pled so in its Complaint. OmniVision further objects to
`the definition as equally calling for the provision of information that is in the public domain
`and/or is equally available to IPB, including but not limited to Omnivision’s categorization of its
`products. Omnivision further objects to this interrogatory on the ground that it has multiple
`subparts and thus should be worded as separate interrogatories.
`Subject to and without waiving the foregoing objections, Omnivision responds as
`follows: Omnivision is willing to meet and confer regarding the scope of this request.
`OmniVision reserves the right to supplement its response after further investigation.
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`Identify each and every person and/or entity involved with the design, development,
`testing, verification, manufacturing, packaging, assembly, sampling, marketing, importing,
`selling, and offering to sell of the OmniVision Products including, but not limited to, the identity
`of each supplier and the material or component they supply for each of the OmniVision Products.
`Your response should include a fair summary description of each person and/or entity’s role in
`the activities listed above.
`In addition to the foregoing general objections, which are expressly incorporated herein,
`OmniVision further objects to this interrogatory on the ground that it is overly broad, unduly
`burdensome, and not proportional to the needs of the case, in its usage of the term “each and
`every person and/or entity involved.” OmniVision further objects that the request for “a fair
`summary description” is vague and ambiguous. In addition, OmniVision objects to this
`interrogatory on the basis that the terms “verification,” “development,” and “sampling,” and
`“assembly” are vague; OmniVision interprets these terms to be coextensive with one or more of
`the other terms used in this interrogatory.
`Subject to and without waiving the foregoing objections, OmniVision refers to Section I
`of its Initial Disclosures served pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(a)(1) and pursuant to Delaware’s
`Default Standard for Discovery. In addition, pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 33(d), OmniVision
`identifies the following documents in which information responsive to this interrogatory may be
`ascertained: IPB1-OMNI 00001479-00001511, IPB1-OMNI 00002240-00002296, IPB1-OMNI
`00002313-00002458, IPB1-OMNI 00003925-00003946. OmniVision is in the process of
`obtaining third-party consent to disclose information responsive to this request. OmniVision will
`CASE NO. CASE NO. 1:16-cv-00290-JFB-SRF


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`supplement its response to this request after obtaining such consent.
`OmniVision reserves the right to supplement its response after further investigation.
`Identify and describe in reasonable detail all relationships and agreements relating to the
`research and development, design, development, testing, verification, manufacturing, assembly,
`sampling, marketing, and sale of the OmniVision Products including, but not limited to, supply
`agreements relating to component parts of the OmniVision Products and all persons with
`knowledge of facts relevant to these relationships and agreements.
`In addition to the foregoing general objections, which are expressly incorporated herein,
`OmniVision further objects to this interrogatory on the ground that it is overly broad, unduly
`burdensome, and not proportional to the needs of the case, in its usage of the term “all
`relationships and agreements.” OmniVision further objects to this interrogatory on the basis that
`the terms “verification,” “assembly,” and “sampling” are vague and ambiguous; OmniVision
`interprets these terms to be coextensive with one or more of the other terms used in this
`interrogatory. OmniVision further objects to this interrogatory on the ground that it is
`duplicative of at least Interrogatory No. 2.
`Subject to and without waiving the foregoing objections, OmniVision refers to Section I
`of its Initial Disclosures served pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(a)(1) and to Delaware’s Default
`Standard for Discovery. In addition, pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 33(d), OmniVision identifies
`the following documents in which information responsive to this interrogatory may be
`ascertained: IPB1-OMNI 00001479-00001511, IPB1-OMNI 00002240-00002296, IPB1-OMNI
`00002313-00002458, IPB1-OMNI 00003925-00003946. OmniVision is in the process of
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`obtaining third-party consent to disclose information responsive to this request. OmniVision will
`supplement its response to this request after obtaining such consent.
`OmniVision reserves the right to supplement its response after further investigation.
`Identify the date of the hypothetical negotiation for a reasonable royalty, the parties that
`would have been involved in that hypothetical negotiation, the product or products on which You
`base your contention regarding the date of the hypothetical negotiation, identify any document
`and all facts or other information that You believe supports Your contention as to the
`hypothetical negotiation date, and identify each person with knowledge or information regarding
`the same, and the substance of such knowledge.
`In addition to the foregoing general objections, which are expressly incorporated herein,
`OmniVision further objects to this interrogatory on the ground that it is compound. OmniVision
`further objects to this interrogatory on the ground that it prematurely requests information that is
`the subject of expert discovery. OmniVision further objects to this interrogatory on the ground
`it prematurely requests
`that falls under
`the scope of “Contention
`Interrogatories,” pursuant to the deadline set forth by the Scheduling Order Section 2(e). Dkt.
`No. 37 at 2. OmniVision further objects to this interrogatory to the extent that it seeks to shift
`the burden of proof on damages from IPB to OmniVision. OmniVision objects to this
`interrogatory on the ground that it seeks information protected by the attorney work product
`doctrine and/or attorney-client privilege. Omnivision further objects to this interrogatory to the
`extent it seeks a legal conclusion.
`Subject to and without waiving the foregoing objections, OmniVision responds as
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`follows: OmniVision’s investigation of information responsive to this Interrogatory is ongoing.
`OmniVision reserves the right to supplement its response after further investigation and pursuant
`to the Scheduling Order in this case. Dkt. No. 37.
`Identify the date when You first made, used, sold, offered for sale, or distributed in the
`United States each of the OmniVision Products.
`In addition to the foregoing general objections, which are expressly incorporated herein,
`OmniVision further objects to this interrogatory to the extent that it seeks to shift the burden of
`proof of liability under 35 U.S.C. § 271 from IPB to OmniVision. OmniVision further objects to
`this interrogatory on the ground that it is duplicative of at least Interrogatory No. 4. Omnivision
`further objects to this interrogatory to the extent it seeks a legal conclusion.
`Subject to and without waiving the foregoing objections, OmniVision responds as
`follows: OmniVision’s investigation of information responsive to this Interrogatory is ongoing.
`OmniVision reserves the right to supplement its response after further investigation.
`Describe in detail all facts and circumstances related to Your first awareness or
`knowledge of the Patents-in-Suit and of IP Bridge and what, if any, investigation OmniVision
`has undertaken with respect to either the Patents-in-Suit and/or IP Bridge including, but not
`limited to, communications with third parties.
`In addition to the foregoing general objections, which are expressly incorporated herein,
`OmniVision further objects to this interrogatory on the ground that it seeks information protected
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`by the attorney work product doctrine and/or attorney-client privilege. OmniVision objects to
`this interrogatory on the ground that it is overbroad, unduly burdensome, and is not proportional
`to the needs of the case. OmniVision objects to this interrogatory on the ground that it seeks
`information protected by the attorney work product doctrine and/or attorney-client privilege.
`Subject to and without waiving the foregoing objections, OmniVision responds as
`follows: OmniVision first became aware of the Patents-in-Suit and of IPB at or around the time
`IPB filed its Complaint in the action Godo Kaisha IPB 1 v. OmniVision Technologies, Inc., Case
`No. 1-16-cv-00290-JFB-SRF (D. Del.). OmniVision will supplement its responses if and when
`more information becomes available.
`Identify and describe in detail all patent or intellectual property licenses or agreements of
`any kind either granted or taken by OmniVision relating in any way to (1) any of the
`OmniVision Products, (2) image sensor devices; and (3) the subject matter of the Patent-in-Suit.
`For licenses, this description should include: (i) the date; (ii) the parties to the agreement; (iii) the
`licensed technology; (iv) the time period of the license; (v) whether the license is a cross license;
`(vi) whether the license was entered into as part of settlement of litigation; (vii) the royalty rate;
`(viii) a description of the royalty base to which the rate is applied; (ix) the Bates number of each
`such license; (x) the amount of license payments for each license already made and the bases for
`determining future license payments by you or another party to the agreement; and (xi) and all
`persons with knowledge of facts relevant to such licenses.
`In addition to the foregoing general objections, which are expressly incorporated herein,
`OmniVision further objects to this interrogatory on the ground that it is compound. Omnivision
`CASE NO. CASE NO. 1:16-cv-00290-JFB-SRF


`Case 1:16-cv-00290-MN

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