`Limited Liability Corporation,
`a Delaware Corporation,
`C.A. No. 15-228-RGA
`PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to Rule 30(b)(6) of the Federal Rules of Civil
`Procedure, Plaintiff Acceleration Bay LLC will take, by and through its attorneys, the deposition
`of Defendant Activision Blizzard, Inc.
`The deposition will commence at 9:00 am on January 26, 2016 at the offices of Kramer
`Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP at 990 Marsh Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, or at such other time
`and place as counsel may mutually agree. The deposition will take place in accordance with the
`Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the Local Rules of the United States District Court for the
`District of Delaware, and under oath and before a notary public or other officer authorized to
`administer oaths under law. The deposition will be recorded by stenographic and/or audio-and-
`videographic means, and will continue from day to day until completed.
`PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, pursuant to Rule 30(b)(6), Defendant shall
`designate one or more officers, directors, managing agents or other persons who are most
`knowledgeable concerning each of the topics set forth below. In addition, Defendant is
`requested to provide Plaintiff’s counsel with written notice, at least one week in advance of the
`Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 59 Filed 01/05/16 Page 2 of 10 PageID #: 1563
`deposition, of the name and employment position of each designee who will testify on behalf of
`Defendant, and the topics set forth below as to which each designee has agreed to testify.
`If any request, instruction or definition is ambiguous or unclear to you, you are
`requested to contact the undersigned counsel for clarification as soon as possible to avoid
`unnecessary delays in discovery.
`The terms “Defendant,” “Activision Blizzard, Inc.,” “Activision,” “You,” or
`“Your” mean Defendant Activision Blizzard, Inc. and shall include its predecessors, successors,
`affiliates, subsidiaries, divisions, parents, assignees, joint ventures, and each other person
`directly or indirectly, wholly or in part, owned or controlled by it, and all present or former
`partners, principals, employees, officers, agents, legal representatives, consultants or other
`persons acting or purporting to act on its behalf.
`The terms “Plaintiff” or “Acceleration Bay” mean Plaintiff Acceleration Bay LLC
`and shall include its predecessors, successors, affiliates, subsidiaries, divisions, parents,
`assignees, joint ventures, and each other person directly or indirectly, wholly or in part, owned or
`controlled by it, and all present or former partners, principals, employees, officers, directors,
`agents, legal representatives, consultants or other persons acting or purporting to act on its
`The term “Accused Products” shall mean World of Warcraft (“WoW”),
`Destiny and Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (“CoD”), by way of reference and not
`limitation, as those products, services, and technologies are described in paragraphs 28-38
`of the Complaint, and also includes all accused products identified according to the
`schedule set forth in the Scheduling Order of the case. The term shall include all current,
`Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 59 Filed 01/05/16 Page 3 of 10 PageID #: 1564
`previous and currently contemplated versions, releases, or continuations of the afore-
`mentioned products.
`The term “MultiPlayer Networks” shall mean networks, software and
`hardware used to provide, support or enable peer to peer and/or multiple player functionality
`in the Accused Products.
`The term “’344 Patent” shall mean United States Patent No. 6,701,344 entitled
`“Distributed Game Environment,” the application leading to this patent and any related patent
`application, including any WIPO, EPO or other foreign counterpart application or patents, any
`continuations, continuations in part, divisionals, reissues, reexaminations, extensions or parents
`The term “’966 Patent” shall mean United States Patent No. 6,714,966 entitled
`“Information Delivery Service,” the application leading to this patent and any related patent
`application, including any WIPO, EPO or other foreign counterpart application or patents, any
`continuations, continuations in part, divisionals, reissues, reexaminations, extensions or parents
`The term “’147 Patent” shall mean United States Patent No. 6,732,147 entitled
`“Leaving a Broadcast Channel,” the application leading to this patent and any related patent
`application, including any WIPO, EPO or other foreign counterpart application or patents, any
`continuations, continuations in part, divisionals, reissues, reexaminations, extensions or parents
`The term “’634 Patent” shall mean United States Patent No. 6,829,634 entitled
`“Broadcasting Network,” the application leading to this patent and any related patent
`application, including any WIPO, EPO or other foreign counterpart application or patents, any
`Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 59 Filed 01/05/16 Page 4 of 10 PageID #: 1565
`continuations, continuations in part, divisionals, reissues, reexaminations, extensions or parents
`The term “’069 Patent” shall mean United States Patent No. 6,910,069 entitled
`“Joining a Broadcast Channel,” the application leading to this patent and any related patent
`application, including any WIPO, EPO or other foreign counterpart application or patents, any
`continuations, continuations in part, divisionals, reissues, reexaminations, extensions or parents
`The term “’497 Patent” shall mean United States Patent No. 6,920,497 entitled
`“Joining a Broadcast Channel,” the application leading to this patent and any related patent
`application, including any WIPO, EPO or other foreign counterpart application or patents, any
`continuations, continuations in part, divisionals, reissues, reexaminations, extensions or parents
`The term “Patents-in-Suit” refers collectively to the '344 Patent, ‘966 Patent,
`‘147 Patent, ‘634 Patent, ‘069 Patent and '497 Patent.
`The term “document” shall mean all “writings” and “recordings” as those
`terms are defined in Fed. R. Civ. P. 34(a) and Fed. R. Evid. 1001 as well as any writing or
`recording of any type, whether written, printed, transcribed, recorded (mechanically or
`electronically) or reproduced by hand, including, but not limited to, all letters, correspondence,
`facsimiles, e-mail, telegrams, transcriptions and records of telephone conversations,
`memoranda, notes, records, reports, statements, minutes, communications, slide presentations,
`microfilm, microfiche, tape recordings, videotapes, photographs, studies, policy manuals and
`statements, books, plans, analyses, computer records, runs, programs, software and any code(s)
`necessary to comprehend the same, test plans, test results, notebooks, diaries, agreements,
`Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 59 Filed 01/05/16 Page 5 of 10 PageID #: 1566
`contracts, purchase orders, invoices, advertisements, marketing materials, offer letters, beta site
`testing agreements, third party or joint development agreements, bills, statements and any other
`written, printed, typed, recorded or graphic matter, however produced or recorded, including
`copies and drafts of same, and any handwritten or typewritten notes of any kind thereon or
`attached thereto. The term “document” shall also include all technical documents, defined as
`source code, specifications, schematics, flow charts, artwork, drawing, pictures, pictorial
`representations, formulas, troubleshooting guides, service bulletins, technical bulletins,
`production specification sheets, white papers, operator manuals, operation manuals, instruction
`manuals and all other documents sufficient to show the operation of any aspects or elements of
`Your products which includes all past and present releases, revisions, versions and upgrades.
`The term “thing” shall mean any tangible object, other than a document.
`The term “communication” shall mean every manner or method of disclosure,
`transfer or exchange of information, whether orally or by document, and whether face to face, by
`telephone, mail, e-mail, facsimile, personal delivery or through another medium, including, but
`not limited to, discussions, conversations, negotiations, conferences, meetings, speeches,
`memoranda, letters, correspondence, notes, statements or questions.
`The terms “concerning,” “relating to,” “relate to,” “refer to” and “referring to”
`mean alluding to, responding to, connected with, commenting on, in respect of, about, regarding,
`discussing, showing, identifying, describing, mentioning, reflecting, analyzing, comprising,
`constituting, evidencing, supporting, refuting, contradicting, memorializing, pertaining to,
`bearing upon or illuminating the subject matter into which inquiry is made.
`The words “and” and “or” shall be construed conjunctively or disjunctively in a
`manner making the request inclusive rather than exclusive.
`Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 59 Filed 01/05/16 Page 6 of 10 PageID #: 1567
`The singular of any word or phrase shall include the plural of such word or
`phrase, and the plural of any word or phrase shall include the singular of such word or phrase.
`The term “all” shall mean “any and all” and the term “any” shall mean “any and
`The term “Action” refers to the above-captioned lawsuit filed in the United
`States District Court for the District of Delaware, on March 11, 2015, styled Acceleration Bay
`LLC v. Activision Blizzard, Inc., Civil Action No. 15-228-RGA.
`The term “Complaint” refers to the First Amended Complaint filed by
`Acceleration Bay in the Action, D.I. No. 7, and any subsequently filed complaint in the Action.
`The term “third party” means any person or entity other than Acceleration Bay or
`The design, structure, research, development, operation, features, testing and
`functionality of each of the Accused Products, including each program, feature and application
`of the Accused Products.
`The identity of the entities and individuals who developed the Accused Products,
`including any person who developed any network used by You or in connection with the
`Accused Products.
`The topology, protocols, design, structure, research, development, operation,
`features, testing and functionality of any peer-to-peer network used by You or in connection with
`the Accused Products.
`The topology, protocols, design, structure, research, development, operation,
`features, testing and functionality of any network that allows servers to communicate with each
`Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 59 Filed 01/05/16 Page 7 of 10 PageID #: 1568
`other, servers to communicate with clients, or clients to communicate with each other used by
`You or in connection with the Accused Products.
`The topology, protocols, design, structure, research, development, operation,
`features, testing and functionality of networks that allows for flooding used by You or in
`connection with the Accused Products.
`The design, structure, research, development, operation, features, testing and
`functionality of the MultiPlayer Networks.
`The identity of the entities and individuals who developed the MultiPlayer
`Networks, multiplayer functionality and multiple server communication networks used with each
`of the Accused Products.
`When multiplayer functionality was added to each of the Accused Products and
`the evolution and development of that multiplayer functionality.
`The technical aspects of and process for adding and dropping a player to a
`MultiPlayer Network for each of the Accused Products.
`The technical aspects of and process for adding and dropping a server to a
`multiple server network for each of the Accused Products.
`The network structure and topology for the MultiPlayer Networks and multiple
`server networks for each of the Accused Products, including (i) the minimum and maximum
`number of participants, (ii) the minimum and maximum number of other participants with whom
`a participant can directly communicate, (iii) if the network is regular, (iv) if the network is a non-
`complete graph, (v) if messages exchanged between participants are numbered so that data
`received out of order can be queued and rearranged, (vi) the use of servers or computers to
`Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 59 Filed 01/05/16 Page 8 of 10 PageID #: 1569
`facilitate communication between participants, and (vii) the technical aspects of and process of
`identifying and selecting communication ports for communication between participants.
`The identity, location and ownership of each server, client or computer used to
`host, facilitate or provide the MultiPlayer Networks or multiple server networks for each
`Accused Product.
`The identity, location and ownership of any third parties, and relationship of those
`third parties to You, that participate or have any role in the manufacture, sale, offer for sale of
`the Accused Products, including any components, parts, subscriptions, add-on or features of such
`Accused Products.
`The manner in which You organize the source code for each of the Accused
`Products, MultiPlayer Networks and multiple server networks.
`The identities and organization of the components or modules of source code of
`the Accused Products, MultiPlayer Networks and multiple server networks.
`Shared or common portions of source code between different the Accused
`Products, MultiPlayer Networks and multiple server networks.
`Revisions or updates of the features or functionalities relating to multiplayer
`functionality in each of the Accused Products and MultiPlayer Networks since the first version
`was released.
`The differences in functionality or features relating to multiplayer functionality
`between different versions of each of the Accused Products and MultiPlayer Networks.
`Changes made to the source code between different versions of each of the
`Accused Products, MultiPlayer Networks and multiple server networks.
`Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 59 Filed 01/05/16 Page 9 of 10 PageID #: 1570
`Your document, electronic information, and data storage retention policies,
`including policies regarding retention of source code.
`Your first awareness of the Asserted Patents.
`Your first awareness of Boeing’s SWAN technology, including any discussions
`between You and Boeing regarding licensing SWAN technology.
`Your communications mentioning Plaintiff, the Asserted Patents or Boeing’s
`SWAN technology.
`Product manuals, guides, customer support and other assistance provided by You
`to assist customers and users of the Accused Products to operate multiplayer functionality for the
`Accused Products.
`Paul J. Andre
`Lisa Kobialka
`James R. Hannah
`990 Marsh Road
`Menlo Park, CA 94025
`(650) 752-1700
`Aaron M. Frankel
`1177 Avenue of the Americas
`New York, NY 10036
`(212) 715-9100
`Dated: January 5, 2016
`By: /s/ Philip A. Rovner
`Philip A. Rovner (#3215)
`Jonathan A. Choa (#5319)
`Hercules Plaza
`P.O. Box 951
`Wilmington, DE 19899
`(302) 984-6000
`Attorneys for Plaintiff Acceleration Bay LLC
`Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 59 Filed 01/05/16 Page 10 of 10 PageID #: 1571
`I hereby certify that, on January 5, 2016, the within document was served on the
`following counsel in the manner indicated below:
`Jack B. Blumenfeld, Esq.
`Stephen J. Kraftschik, Esq.
`Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP
`1201 N. Market Street
`P.O. Box 1347
`Wilmington, DE 19899
`Attorneys for Defendant
`Daniel K. Webb, Esq.
`Winston & Strawn LLP
`35 W. Wacker Drive
`Chicago, IL 60601
`Co-counsel for Defendant
`Michael A. Tomasulo, Esq.
`David P. Enzminger, Esq.
`David K. Lin, Esq.
`Gino Cheng, Esq.
`Winston & Strawn LLP
`333 S. Grand Avenue
`Los Angeles, CA 90071
`Co-counsel for Defendant
`/s/ Philip A. Rovner
`Philip A. Rovner (#3215)
`Potter Anderson & Corroon LLP
`Hercules Plaza
`P. O. Box 951
`Wilmington, DE 19899
`(302) 984-6000

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