Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 21 Filed 07/13/15 Page 1 of 19 PageID #: 990
`C.A. No. 15-228 (RGA)
`Defendant Activision Blizzard, Inc. (“Activision”) submits the following answer and
`affirmative defenses to the Amended Complaint for Patent Infringement filed by Plaintiff
`Acceleration Bay LLC (“Acceleration Bay”).
`As of July 13, 2015, there are two motions to dismiss relevant to this Answer. As
`referenced in this Answer, the Court has dismissed Acceleration Bay’s indirect infringement
`allegations (Counts IV, VII, and IX) (D.I. 19), and therefore the allegations concerning Counts
`IV, VII, and IX require no response. Additionally, Activision joined in and incorporated by
`reference Electronic Arts’ motion to dismiss Plaintiff’s claims of joint infringement and its
`Opening Brief in support thereof. (D.I. 17.) Specifically, Activision seeks dismissal of Counts
`III, VI, and VIII of Plaintiff’s Amended Complaint, asserting that Activision infringes the
`method claims of U.S. Patent Nos. 6,732,147, 6,910,069 and 6,920,497 based on a theory of joint
`infringement. (Id.) Acceleration Bay did not oppose Activision’s joinder. (D.I. 18.) Despite the
`pending motion to dismiss Counts III, VI, and VIII, Activision will answer to allegations and
`seek to amend its answer at a later date.

`Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 21 Filed 07/13/15 Page 2 of 19 PageID #: 991
`Unless specifically admitted below, Activision denies each and every allegation in the
`Amended Complaint.
`Activision lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the
`truth of the allegations set forth in paragraph 1 and therefore, denies them.
`Activision lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the
`truth of the allegations set forth in paragraph 2 and therefore, denies them.
`Activision lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the
`truth of the allegations set forth in paragraph 3 and therefore, denies them.
`Activision admits it is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the
`State of Delaware and that it has its principal place of business located in Santa Monica,
`Paragraph 6 contains conclusions of law and not averments of fact to which an
`answer is required, but insofar as an answer may be deemed required, Activision admits that
`Acceleration Bay purports to be bringing an action for patent infringement allegedly under
`35 U.S.C. §§ 101 et seq, and that 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1338 provide the Court with subject
`matter jurisdiction over federal questions and patent infringement actions. Except as expressly
`admitted, Activision denies the remainder of the allegations in paragraph 6.
`Paragraph 7 contains conclusions of law that are not averments of fact to which an
`answer is required, but insofar as an answer may be deemed required, Activision does not contest

`Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 21 Filed 07/13/15 Page 3 of 19 PageID #: 992
`that venue may lie in this District; however, venue may be more appropriate in another district
`for the convenience of the parties. Except as expressly admitted, Activision denies the remainder
`of the allegations in paragraph 7.
`Activision does not contest that the Court has personal jurisdiction in this action.
`Activision admits that it has transacted business in this district. Activision admits it is a
`corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware. Activision denies
`any acts of patent infringement have taken place in this district, or elsewhere. The remaining
`allegations of paragraph 8 contains conclusions of law that are not averments of fact to which an
`answer is required, but insofar as an answer may be deemed required, Activision denies the
`remaining allegations in paragraph 8.
`Activision admits that the Amended Complaint asserts the following six patents:
`U.S. Patent Nos. 6,701,344, 6,714,966, 6,732,147, 6,829,634, 6,910,069, and 6,920,497.
`Activision lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the
`remaining allegations set forth in paragraph 9 and, therefore, denies them.
`Activision admits that U.S. Pat. No. 6,701,344 (“the ’344 Patent”) is entitled
`“DISTRIBUTED GAME ENVIRONMENT” (a copy of which appears to be Exhibit 1), and that
`the face of the patent indicates that it was issued on March 2, 2004. Activision lacks knowledge
`or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations set forth in
`paragraph 10 and therefore denies them.
`Activision lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the
`truth of the allegations set forth in paragraph 11 and therefore denies them.

`Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 21 Filed 07/13/15 Page 4 of 19 PageID #: 993
`Activision admits that U.S. Pat. No. 6,714,966 (“the ’966 Patent”) is entitled
`“INFORMATION DELIVERY SERVICE” (a copy of which appears to be Exhibit 2), and that
`the face of the patent indicates that it was issued on March 30, 2004. Activision lacks
`knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations
`set forth in paragraph 13 and therefore denies them.
`Activision lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the
`truth of the allegations set forth in paragraph 14 and therefore denies them.
`Activision admits that U.S. Pat. No. 6,732,147 (“the ’147 Patent”) is entitled
`“LEAVING A BROADCAST CHANNEL” (a copy of which appears to be Exhibit 3), and that
`the face of the patent indicates that it was issued on May 4, 2004. Activision lacks knowledge or
`information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations set forth in
`paragraph 16 and therefore denies them.
`Activision lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the
`truth of the allegations set forth in paragraph 17 and therefore denies them.
`Activision admits that U.S. Pat. No. 6,829,634 (“the ’634 Patent”) is entitled
`“BROADCASTING NETWORK” (a copy of which appears to be Exhibit 4), and that the face of
`the patent indicates that it was issued on December 7, 2004. Activision lacks knowledge or
`information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations set forth in
`paragraph 19 and therefore denies them.
`Activision lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the
`truth of the allegations set forth in paragraph 20 and therefore denies them.

`Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 21 Filed 07/13/15 Page 5 of 19 PageID #: 994
`Activision admits that U.S. Pat. No. 6,910,069 (“the ’069 Patent”) is entitled
`“JOINING A BROADCAST CHANNEL” (a copy of which appears to be Exhibit 5), and that
`the face of the patent indicates that it was issued on June 21, 2005. Activision lacks knowledge
`or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations set forth in
`paragraph 22 and therefore denies them.
`Activision lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the
`truth of the allegations set forth in paragraph 23 and therefore denies them.
`Activision admits that U.S. Pat. No. 6,920,497 (“the ’497 Patent”) is entitled
`“CONTACTING A BROADCAST CHANNEL” (a copy of which appears to be Exhibit 6), and
`that the face of the patent indicates that it was issued on July 19, 2005. Activision lacks
`knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations
`set forth in paragraph 25 and therefore denies them.
`Activision lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the
`truth of the allegations set forth in paragraph 26 and therefore denies them.

`Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 21 Filed 07/13/15 Page 6 of 19 PageID #: 995
`Activision admits that certain World of Warcraft products include or have
`included features relating to multiple realms but denies that such technology has ever infringed
`any of the Patents-in-Suit. Activision denies the remaining allegations of paragraph 31.
`Activision admits that at least one version of the World of Warcraft Downloader
`included features relating to peer-to-peer technology but denies that any such technology has
`ever infringed any of the Patents-in-Suit. Activision denies the remaining allegations of
`paragraph 33.
`Activision lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the
`truth of the allegations set forth in paragraph 35 and therefore denies them.
`Activision lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the
`truth of the allegations set forth in paragraph 36 and therefore denies them.
`Activision lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the
`truth of the allegations set forth in paragraph 39 as it relates to Destiny and therefore denies
`them. Activision denies the remaining allegations of paragraph 39.
`Activision lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the
`truth of the allegations set forth in paragraph 40 as it relates to Destiny and therefore denies
`them. Activision denies the remaining allegations of paragraph 40.

`Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 21 Filed 07/13/15 Page 7 of 19 PageID #: 996
`(Alleged Direct Infringement of the ’344 Patent)
`Activision hereby incorporates by reference the responses of the preceding
`Activision lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the
`truth of the allegations set forth in paragraph 47 and therefore denies them.
`(Alleged Direct Infringement of the ’966 Patent)
`Activision hereby incorporates by reference the responses of the preceding
`Activision lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the
`truth of the allegations set forth in paragraph 57 and therefore denies them.

`Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 21 Filed 07/13/15 Page 8 of 19 PageID #: 997
`(Alleged Direct Infringement of the ’147 Patent)
`Activision hereby incorporates by reference the responses of the preceding
`Activision admits that it provides Terms of Use for its products and services
`(copies of which appear to be Exhibits 17 and 18). The remaining allegations in paragraph 66
`constitute conclusions of law to which no response of Activision is required; to the extent a
`response is required, Activision denies the remaining allegations of paragraph 66.
`Activision lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the
`truth of the allegations set forth in paragraph 69 and therefore denies them.

`Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 21 Filed 07/13/15 Page 9 of 19 PageID #: 998
`(Alleged Indirect Infringement of the ’147 Patent)
`Pursuant to the Court’s Order (D.I. 19), all indirect infringement allegations are
`dismissed; therefore the allegations concerning Count IV require no response. To the extent any
`response is required, Activision denies the allegations of paragraph 73.
`Pursuant to the Court’s Order (D.I. 19), all indirect infringement allegations are
`dismissed; therefore the allegations concerning Count IV require no response. To the extent any
`response is required, Activision denies the allegations of paragraph 74.
`Pursuant to the Court’s Order (D.I. 19), all indirect infringement allegations are
`dismissed; therefore the allegations concerning Count IV require no response. To the extent any
`response is required, Activision denies the allegations of paragraph 75.
`Pursuant to the Court’s Order (D.I. 19), all indirect infringement allegations are
`dismissed; therefore the allegations concerning Count IV require no response. To the extent any
`response is required, Activision denies the allegations of paragraph 76.
`Pursuant to the Court’s Order (D.I. 19), all indirect infringement allegations are
`dismissed; therefore the allegations concerning Count IV require no response. To the extent any
`response is required, Activision denies the allegations of paragraph 77.
`Pursuant to the Court’s Order (D.I. 19), all indirect infringement allegations are
`dismissed; therefore the allegations concerning Count IV require no response. To the extent any
`response is required, Activision denies the allegations of paragraph 78.
`Pursuant to the Court’s Order (D.I. 19), all indirect infringement allegations are
`dismissed; therefore the allegations concerning Count IV require no response. To the extent any
`response is required, Activision denies the allegations of paragraph 79.

`Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 21 Filed 07/13/15 Page 10 of 19 PageID #: 999
`Pursuant to the Court’s Order (D.I. 19), all indirect infringement allegations are
`dismissed; therefore the allegations concerning Count IV require no response. To the extent any
`response is required, Activision denies the allegations of paragraph 80.
`Pursuant to the Court’s Order (D.I. 19), all indirect infringement allegations are
`dismissed; therefore the allegations concerning Count IV require no response. To the extent any
`response is required, Activision denies the allegations of paragraph 81.
`(Alleged Direct Infringement of the ’634 Patent)
`Activision hereby incorporates by reference the responses of the preceding
`Activision lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the
`truth of the allegations set forth in paragraph 88 and therefore denies them.
`(Alleged Direct Infringement of the ’069 Patent)
`Activision hereby incorporates by reference the responses of the preceding

`Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 21 Filed 07/13/15 Page 11 of 19 PageID #: 1000
`Activision admits that it provides Terms of Use for its products and services
`(copies of which appear to be Exhibits 17 and 18). The remaining allegations in paragraph 97
`constitute conclusions of law to which no response of Activision is required; to the extent a
`response is required, Activision denies the remaining allegations of paragraph 97.
`100. Activision lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the
`truth of the allegations set forth in paragraph 100 and therefore denies them.
`101. Denied.
`102. Denied.
`103. Denied.
`(Alleged Indirect Infringement of the ’069 Patent)
`104. Pursuant to the Court’s Order (D.I. 19), all indirect infringement allegations are
`dismissed; therefore the allegations concerning Count VII require no response. To the extent any
`response is required, Activision denies the allegations of paragraph 104.
`105. Pursuant to the Court’s Order (D.I. 19), all indirect infringement allegations are
`dismissed; therefore the allegations concerning Count VII require no response. To the extent any
`response is required, Activision denies the allegations of paragraph 105.

`Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 21 Filed 07/13/15 Page 12 of 19 PageID #: 1001
`106. Pursuant to the Court’s Order (D.I. 19), all indirect infringement allegations are
`dismissed; therefore the allegations concerning Count VII require no response. To the extent any
`response is required, Activision denies the allegations of paragraph 106.
`107. Pursuant to the Court’s Order (D.I. 19), all indirect infringement allegations are
`dismissed; therefore the allegations concerning Count VII require no response. To the extent any
`response is required, Activision denies the allegations of paragraph 107.
`108. Pursuant to the Court’s Order (D.I. 19), all indirect infringement allegations are
`dismissed; therefore the allegations concerning Count VII require no response. To the extent any
`response is required, Activision denies the allegations of paragraph 108.
`109. Pursuant to the Court’s Order (D.I. 19), all indirect infringement allegations are
`dismissed; therefore the allegations concerning Count VII require no response. To the extent any
`response is required, Activision denies the allegations of paragraph 109.
`110. Pursuant to the Court’s Order (D.I. 19), all indirect infringement allegations are
`dismissed; therefore the allegations concerning Count VII require no response. To the extent any
`response is required, Activision denies the allegations of paragraph 110.
`111. Pursuant to the Court’s Order (D.I. 19), all indirect infringement allegations are
`dismissed; therefore the allegations concerning Count VII require no response. To the extent any
`response is required, Activision denies the allegations of paragraph 111.
`112. Pursuant to the Court’s Order (D.I. 19), all indirect infringement allegations are
`dismissed; therefore the allegations concerning Count VII require no response. To the extent any
`response is required, Activision denies the allegations of paragraph 112.

`Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 21 Filed 07/13/15 Page 13 of 19 PageID #: 1002
`(Alleged Direct Infringement of the ’497 Patent)
`113. Activision hereby incorporates by reference the responses of the preceding
`114. Denied.
`115. Denied.
`116. Denied.
`117. Denied.
`118. Activision admits that it provides Terms of Use for its products and services
`(copies of which appear to be Exhibits 17 and 18). The remaining allegations in paragraph 118
`constitute conclusions of law to which no response of Activision is required; to the extent a
`response is required, Activision denies the remaining allegations of paragraph 118.
`119. Denied.
`120. Denied.
`121. Activision lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the
`truth of the allegations set forth in paragraph 121 and therefore denies them. Activision denies
`the remaining allegations of paragraph 121.
`122. Denied.
`123. Denied.
`124. Denied.
`(Alleged Indirect Infringement of the ’497 Patent)
`125. Pursuant to the Court’s Order (D.I. 19), all indirect infringement allegations are
`dismissed; therefore the allegations concerning Count IX require no response. To the extent any
`response is required, Activision denies the allegations of paragraph 125.

`Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 21 Filed 07/13/15 Page 14 of 19 PageID #: 1003
`126. Pursuant to the Court’s Order (D.I. 19), all indirect infringement allegations are
`dismissed; therefore the allegations concerning Count IX require no response. To the extent any
`response is required, Activision denies the allegations of paragraph 126.
`127. Pursuant to the Court’s Order (D.I. 19), all indirect infringement allegations are
`dismissed; therefore the allegations concerning Count IX require no response. To the extent any
`response is required, Activision denies the allegations of paragraph 127.
`128. Pursuant to the Court’s Order (D.I. 19), all indirect infringement allegations are
`dismissed; therefore the allegations concerning Count IX require no response. To the extent any
`response is required, Activision denies the allegations of paragraph 128.
`129. Pursuant to the Court’s Order (D.I. 19), all indirect infringement allegations are
`dismissed; therefore the allegations concerning Count IX require no response. To the extent any
`response is required, Activision denies the allegations of paragraph 129.
`130. Pursuant to the Court’s Order (D.I. 19), all indirect infringement allegations are
`dismissed; therefore the allegations concerning Count IX require no response. To the extent any
`response is required, Activision denies the allegations of paragraph 130.
`131. Pursuant to the Court’s Order (D.I. 19), all indirect infringement allegations are
`dismissed; therefore the allegations concerning Count IX require no response. To the extent any
`response is required, Activision denies the allegations of paragraph 131.
`132. Pursuant to the Court’s Order (D.I. 19), all indirect infringement allegations are
`dismissed; therefore the allegations concerning Count IX require no response. To the extent any
`response is required, Activision denies the allegations of paragraph 132.

`Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 21 Filed 07/13/15 Page 15 of 19 PageID #: 1004
`133. Pursuant to the Court’s Order (D.I. 19), all indirect infringement allegations are
`dismissed; therefore the allegations concerning Count IX require no response. To the extent any
`response is required, Activision denies the allegations of paragraph 133.
`These Paragraphs set forth the statement of relief requested by Plaintiff, to which no
`response is required. To the extent that these paragraphs require a response, Activision denies
`that Plaintiff is entitled to any of the requested relief and denies any allegations contained herein.
`Activision requests that a take-nothing judgment be entered in its favor and against Plaintiff on
`the entire Amended Complaint and its remaining counts.
`This section purports to request a trial by jury and does not require a response.
`Further answering the Amended Complaint, Activision asserts the following affirmative
`defenses, undertaking the burden of proof only as to those defenses required by law, regardless
`of how such defenses are denominated here. Activision reserves the right to amend its answer
`with additional affirmative defenses as further information is obtained. Activision asserts each
`of these affirmative defenses in the alternative, without admitting that Activision is in any way
`liable to Plaintiff, that Plaintiff has been or will be injured or damaged in any way, or that
`Plaintiff is entitled to any relief whatsoever. As a defense to the Amended Complaint and each
`and every allegation contained in it, Activision alleges as follows:
`(Failure to State a Claim for Relief)
`The Amended Complaint fails to state a claim upon which relief may be granted against
`Activision, and fails to allege sufficient facts.

`Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 21 Filed 07/13/15 Page 16 of 19 PageID #: 1005
`The Patents-in-Suit are invalid and void, at least, for failure to meet one or more of the
`conditions for patentability set forth in 35 U.S.C. §§ 101 et seq., including but not limited to
`failure to comply with the requirements of 35 U.S.C. §§ 101, 102, 103, and 112.
`(Failure to Provide Notice and/or Failure to Mark)
`By reason of Plaintiff’s failure to meet the requirements of 35 U.S.C. § 287, Plaintiff is
`precluded from seeking damages from Activision for any and all alleged infringement prior to
`the filing of the Complaint. Any claim for damages is limited by the requirements of 35 U.S.C.
`§ 287(a).
`(Claim Is Not Entitled to Injunctive Relief)
`Plaintiff is not entitled to injunctive relief because any alleged injury to them is not
`immediate or irreparable, and because Plaintiff has an adequate remedy at law for any claims it
`can prove.
`(Laches / Waiver / Estoppel)
`Plaintiff’s claims against Activision are barred and unenforceable against Activision, in
`whole or in part, by one or more of the equitable doctrines of laches, waiver and estoppel.
`Activision reserves the right to rely upon any additional defenses that become available
`or apparent during discovery, and reserves its right to amend this Answer and to assert such
`additional defenses or, if appropriate, delete additional defenses as discovery proceeds, including
`the right to assert claims for inequitable conduct.

`Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 21 Filed 07/13/15 Page 17 of 19 PageID #: 1006
`WHEREFORE, Activision respectfully requests that the Court enter a judgment in its
`favor and against Acceleration Bay as follows:
`An order declaring and entering judgment that Activision has not infringed and
`does not infringe directly (or under the doctrine of equivalents) any valid and
`enforceable claim of the Patents-in-Suit;
`An order declaring and entering judgment that the Patents-in-Suit are invalid;
`An order dismissing with prejudice all of Acceleration Bay’s claims against
`An order declaring that Activision is a prevailing party and that this is an
`exceptional case, awarding Activision its costs, expenses, disbursements, and
`reasonable attorneys’ fees under 35 U.S.C. §§ 284 and 285;
`An order compelling Acceleration Bay to pay all costs associated with this action;
`An order granting Activision any such other and further relief as the Court deems
`just and proper.
`Defendant Activision demands a jury trial on all issues so triable.

`Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 21 Filed 07/13/15 Page 18 of 19 PageID #: 1007
`/s/ Stephen J. Kraftschik
`Jack B. Blumenfeld (#1014)
`Stephen J. Kraftschik (#5623)
`1201 North Market Street
`P.O. Box 1347
`Wilmington, DE 19899
`(302) 658-9200
`Attorneys for Defendant
`Michael A. Tomasulo
`David P. Enzminger
`Dae Hee Cho
`David K. Lin
`333 S. Grand Avenue, 38th Floor
`Los Angeles, CA 90071
`(213) 615-1700
`Daniel K. Webb
`35 W. Wacker Drive
`Chicago, IL 60601
`(312) 558-5600
`July 13, 2015

`Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 21 Filed 07/13/15 Page 19 of 19 PageID #: 1008
`I hereby certify that on July 13, 2015, I caused the foregoing to be electronically
`filed with the Clerk of the Court using CM/ECF, which will send notification of such filing to all
`registered participants.
`I further certify that I caused copies of the foregoing document to be served on
`July 13, 2015, upon the following in the manner indicated:
`Philip A. Rovner, Esquire
`Jonathan A. Choa, Esquire
`1313 North Market Street, 6th Floor
`Wilmington, DE 19801
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`Paul J. Andre, Esquire
`Lisa Kobialka, Esquire
`James R. Hannah, Esquire
`990 Marsh Road
`Menlo Park, CA 94025
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`/s/ Stephen J. Kraftschik
`Stephen J. Kraftschik (#5623)

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