Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 69 Filed 12/30/15 Page 1 of 12 PageID #: 1861
`C.A. No. 14-1453-LPS
` v.
`PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Plaintiffs Meda Pharmaceuticals Inc. (“Meda”) and Cipla
`Ltd. (“Cipla”) (collectively, “Plaintiffs”) by their counsel will take the testimony by deposition
`upon oral examination of Defendants Apotex Inc. and Apotex Corp. (collectively, “Apotex” or
`“Defendants”) pursuant to Rule 30(b)(6) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
`The deposition will begin at 9:00 a.m. on January 29, 2016 at the offices of STERNE
`KESSLER GOLDSTEIN & FOX P.L.L.C., 1100 New York Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005,
`or at such other time and place as may be agreed upon by counsel. The examination will be taken
`before a Notary Public or other person authorized to administer oaths pursuant to Rule 28 of the
`Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and will continue from day to day until completed. The
`testimony at the deposition will be recorded by videographic, stenographic, audio, audiovisual,
`and/or real-time computer means.
`Pursuant to Rule 30(b)(6), Defendants shall designate one or more officers, directors,
`managing agents, or other persons who consent and are knowledgeable to testify on its behalf
`with respect to each of the subject matters set forth in attached Schedule A. Defendants are
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`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 69 Filed 12/30/15 Page 2 of 12 PageID #: 1862
`requested to provide Plaintiffs’ counsel with written notice, at least ten (10) business days in
`advance of the deposition, of the name and title of each witness who will testify on behalf of
`Defendants and the particular topic(s) set forth in Schedule A as to which each such witness will
`Pursuant to Rule 30(b)(2) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Defendants are hereby
`requested to produce at or before the time of the deposition, any and all documents and things
`that in any way refer to or concern any of the topics set forth in the attached Schedule A that
`have not previously been produced to Plaintiffs in this action. Plaintiffs reserve the right to
`continue this deposition should Defendants fail to produce such documents and things at or
`before the time of the deposition.
`If counsel for Defendants have any questions regarding this Notice, you are invited to
`contact counsel for Plaintiffs to discuss the matter.
`/s/ John G. Day
`Steven J. Balick (#2114)
`John G. Day (#2403)
`Andrew C. Mayo (#5207)
`500 Delaware Ave., 8th Floor
`P.O. Box 1150
`Wilmington, DE 19899
`(302) 654-1888
`Attorneys for Plaintiffs
`Meda Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Cipla Ltd.
`Of Counsel:
`H. Keeto Sabharwal
`Dennies Varughese
`Uma N. Everett
`Rami Bardenstein
`Dallin Glenn
`Josephine J. Kim
`1100 New York Ave., N.W., Suite 800
`Washington, DC 20005-3934
`(202) 371-2600
`Dated: December 30, 2015
`{01074263;v1 }
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`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 69 Filed 12/30/15 Page 3 of 12 PageID #: 1863
`The following definitions shall apply:
`The terms “Apotex,” “Defendants,” “you” and “your” mean Apotex Inc., any of
`its predecessors, subsidiaries (including Apotex Corp.), domestic or foreign divisions,
`departments, parents, affiliates, present or former officers, directors, employees, agents,
`representatives, entities acting in concert, joint-venture, or partnership relationship with you, and
`others acting on your behalf.
`The term “Meda” means Meda Pharmaceuticals Inc. and any of their
`predecessors, domestic or foreign divisions, departments, subsidiaries, parents or affiliates.
`The term “Cipla” means Cipla Ltd. and any of their predecessors, domestic or
`foreign divisions, departments, subsidiaries, parents or affiliates.
`The term “Plaintiffs” means Meda Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Cipla Ltd. and any of
`their predecessors, domestic or foreign divisions, departments, subsidiaries, parents or affiliates.
`The term “present action,” “this action,” “this lawsuit,” or “this litigation” means
`Meda Pharmaceuticals Inc., et al. v. Apotex Inc., et al., C.A. No. 14-cv-1453-LPS (D. Del.).
`The term “Patents-in-Suit” refers to U.S. Patent Nos. 8,163,723 and 8,168,620
`and all applications that led to their issuance.
`The term “Asserted Claims” refers to the claims of the Patents-in-Suit identified
`in Plaintiffs’ July 13, 2015 disclosure of asserted claims, including claims 1-4, 7, 8, 10-18, and
`20-28 of the ’723 patent and claims 1-13, 15-18, 21, 22, 24-26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35-47 of the ’620
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`The terms “infringe” and “infringement” mean direct infringement, contributory
`infringement, inducement of infringement, literal infringement, and infringement under the
`doctrine of equivalents. See 35 U.S.C. § 271.
`“NDA” means “New Drug Application” as defined under 21 U.S.C. § 355(b) et
`“ANDA” means “Abbreviated New Drug Application,” as defined under 21
`U.S.C. § 355(j) et seq.
`“Orange Book” means Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence
`Evaluations, which is published by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human
`Services pursuant to 21 U.S.C. §§ 355(b)(1) and (c)(2).
`“Paragraph IV Certification(s)” means a certification made by an ANDA filer that
`it believes a patent is invalid, unenforceable, or will not be infringed by the manufacture, use, or
`sale of the generic drug for which the ANDA is submitted, made pursuant to 21 U.S.C.
`§ 355(j)(2)(A)(vii)(IV) and 21 C.F.R. § 314.94(a)(12)(i)(A)(4).
`“Paragraph IV Notice(s)” means a notice sent pursuant to 21 U.S.C.
`§ 355(j)(2)(B) and 21 C.F.R. § 314.95 to the named owner of the patents listed in the Orange
`Book and/or the holder of the NDA for the reference listed drug, which provides the legal and
`factual bases for the ANDA filer’s belief that the listed patents are invalid or not infringed by a
`proposed generic product.
`“Dymista®” is the azelastine and fluticasone combination nasal spray product
`described in NDA No. 202236.
`“Apotex’s Nasal Spray” means the products and formulation(s) described in
`Apotex’s ANDA No. 207712 for which Apotex is seeking FDA approval for any indication.
`{01074263;v1 }
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`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 69 Filed 12/30/15 Page 5 of 12 PageID #: 1865
`The term “Prior Art” means any subject matter encompassed by 35 U.S.C. § 103
`and each and every subsection of 35 U.S.C. § 102.
`The term “person” means any individual, corporation, partnership, sole
`proprietorship, firm, board, joint venture, association, agency, authority, commission, or other
`The term “document(s)” is defined broadly to be given the full scope of that term
`contemplated by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and the Federal Rules of Evidence, and
`includes all non-identical copies of a document, all drafts of final documents, all other written,
`typed, printed, recorded or graphically portrayed matter in any form or embodiment, and all
`other data compilations from which information can be obtained and translated if necessary, that
`are or have been in your actual or constructive custody or control, regardless of the medium on
`which they are produced, reproduced, stored (including computer programs and files containing
`any requested information), and any recording or writing, as these terms are defined in Federal
`Rule of Evidence 1001. Any document bearing marks, including initials, stamped initials,
`comments, or notations not part of the original text or photographic reproduction thereof, is a
`separate document.
`The term “communication(s)” means all written, electronic, oral, telephonic, or
`other inquiries, dialogues, conversations, interviews, correspondence, consultations, negotiations,
`agreements, understandings, meetings, letters, notes, telegrams, advertisements, computer mail,
`email, and all other documents evidencing any verbal or nonverbal interaction between persons
`and entities.
`The term “thing(s)” shall be construed under the broadest possible construction
`under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
`{01074263;v1 }
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`The term “Proprietary Information” means and includes all information for which
`dissemination has been restricted, whether publicly or privately, and/or for which measures have
`ever been taken to protect against its public and/or private dissemination. Propriety Information
`shall also mean all information not generally known to the public.
`The terms “include” and “including” mean include or including without
`The terms “each” and “any” mean any and all.
`The terms “relate to,” “related to,” and “relating to” mean, in whole or in part,
`constituting, containing, embodying, reflecting, describing, analyzing, identifying, mentioning,
`stating, referring directly or indirectly to, dealing with, or in any way pertaining to.
`The term “describe,” when used in relation to an act, event, instance, occasion,
`transaction, conversation, or communication, means: (1) to state the date and place thereof; (2) to
`identify the individual participants; (3) to summarize separately for each individual participant
`what that participant said or did; and (4) to identify each document used or prepared in
`combination therewith or making any reference thereto.
`The term “identify,” when used with respect to a person, means to state, to the
`extent known, the person’s full name, present or last known address, and when referring to a
`natural person, additionally, the occupation or business in which the person is engaged, and the
`person’s present or last employer and title or position.
`The term “identify,” when used with respect to a document, means to state, to the
`extent known, the (i) type, (ii) subject matter, (iii) date, (iv) author(s), addressee(s), and
`recipients(s), and (v) Bates number of the document.
`{01074263;v1 }
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`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 69 Filed 12/30/15 Page 7 of 12 PageID #: 1867
`The term “identify” when used with respect to a communication, means to state,
`to the extent known, the (i) means of communication (e.g. telephone call, meeting, etc.), (ii) date
`of the communication, (iii) subject matter of the communication, and (iv) originator, recipient,
`and any other party to the communication.
`The term “date” means the exact day, month, and year, if ascertainable, or, if not,
`your best approximation thereof.
`{01074263;v1 }
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`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 69 Filed 12/30/15 Page 8 of 12 PageID #: 1868
`Defendants shall provide witness(es) prepared to testify in detail as required by
`Rule 30(b)(6) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure concerning each topic enumerated below.
`The designated witness must be able to provide the identity and location of
`documents concerning each of the topics in this Notice.
`The designated witness must be able to provide the identity and location of
`person(s) most knowledgeable about each of the topics in this Notice.
`{01074263;v1 }
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`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 69 Filed 12/30/15 Page 9 of 12 PageID #: 1869
`The facts, considerations, reasons, and analyses upon which Apotex decided to
`develop and seek approval for Apotex’s Nasal Spray.
`All business or strategic plans, sales or other forecasts, marketing projections or
`studies, valuations, pricing plans or other analyses or expectations concerning the possible
`commercial launch of Apotex’s Nasal Spray, including, but not limited to: (i) Apotex’s
`estimation of future sales (in units and dollars), cost of goods, and profits for Apotex’s Nasal
`Spray after launch; (ii) any evaluation or analyses relating or referring to the impact that the
`launch of Apotex’s Nasal Spray or other generic versions of Dymista® would have on the market
`for Dymista®; (iii) the bases and methodology for its analyses, forecasts, and projections; and
`(iv) the intended market for Apotex’s Nasal Spray and all anticipated preparation and/or
`discussion of such documents or information.
`The identity of all Apotex employees involved in the decision to pursue
`development of Apotex’s Nasal Spray.
`The identity of all Apotex employees involved in the research and development of
`Apotex’s Nasal Spray.
`Any formulation development work undertaken or considered by Apotex during
`the development of Apotex’s Nasal Spray, including (i) the identity of each ingredient in each
`that Apotex considered when developing
`its Nasal Spray
`formulation”); (ii) the amount of each ingredient in each considered formulation; (iii) the
`function/purpose of each ingredient in each considered formulation; (iv) the reasons for the
`selection and the amount of each ingredient in each considered formulation; and (v) the reasons
`for the decision to change or otherwise abandon the considered formulation.
`{01074263;v1 }
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`The formulation of Apotex’s Nasal Spray, including but not limited to: (i) the
`identity of each ingredient in Apotex’s Nasal Spray; (ii) the amount of each ingredient in
`Apotex’s Nasal Spray; (iii) the function/purpose of each ingredient in Apotex’s Nasal Spray; (iv)
`the reasons for the selection and the amount of each ingredient in Apotex’s Nasal Spray; and (v)
`the identity of any other ingredients considered for use, but ultimately not used, in Apotex’s
`Nasal Spray and the reasons for the decision not to use the ingredient.
`research, design,
`reverse engineering, development, scale-up, and
`manufacture conducted by Apotex that resulted in, or that was considered but failed, or that was
`abandoned or rejected, in arriving at the formulation of Apotex’s Nasal Spray, and the decision
`to pursue such research, design, reverse engineering, development, scale-up, and manufacture
`and any factor(s) considered in that decision.
`Any testing performed by Apotex on Apotex’s Nasal Spray or any formulation
`considered during the development of Apotex’s Nasal Spray, including testing that was disclosed
`in Apotex’s ANDA No. 207712 and testing that was not disclosed in Apotex’s ANDA No.
`Any opinion, evaluation, testing, or consideration regarding the infringement,
`non-infringement, validity, invalidity, enforceability, unenforceability, or patentability of any
`claim of the Patents-in-Suit and Apotex’s reliance thereon.
`The factual basis for any and all secondary considerations of nonobviousness of
`the Asserted Claims, including but not limited to: any purported commercial success; any
`purported long-felt and unsolved need; any purported unexpected results when compared to the
`closest prior art; any purported failure of others; any purported evidence of industry acceptance;
`any alleged skepticism by others; and any purported teaching away by others.
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`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 69 Filed 12/30/15 Page 11 of 12 PageID #: 1871
`Any analysis of any related patent applications, including foreign applications, of
`the Patents-in-Suit undertaken by Apotex or undertaken at Apotex’s direction.
`Apotex’s first awareness of the Patents-in-Suit.
`Any attempts by Apotex to design around the Patents-in-Suit.
`Apotex’s current organizational structure,
`including but not
`departments, divisions, or groups, involved in research and development, sales, marketing,
`regulatory, and business development.
`Apotex’s drafting, preparation, and filing of Apotex’s ANDA No. 207712,
`including but not limited to all amendments and supplements thereto, communications with the
`FDA, and meetings with the FDA regarding Apotex’s ANDA No. 207712.
`Any agreements Apotex has or has had with any entity related to the
`development, supply, manufacture, sale, distribution, use or marketing of Apotex’s Nasal Spray.
`The preservation, custodianship, location, storage, filing, and collection of
`documents and things responsive to any document request served on Apotex in this action,
`including (1) any document retention, transfer, or destruction policies, (2) the destruction,
`storage, scanning, or recycling of any documents or electronic storage devices such as but not
`limited to tapes, by or on behalf of Apotex, and (3) any policies, practices, or standard operating
`procedures regarding the storage and backup of electronic information, including but not limited
`to documents, emails, and servers.
`All steps taken by each person designated to testify about any of the matters set
`forth above to acquire information known or reasonably available to Apotex about each such
`matter, including documents reviewed, discussed, or prepared in connection with or in
`{01074263;v1 }
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`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 69 Filed 12/30/15 Page 12 of 12 PageID #: 1872
`anticipation of the testimony by each designated witness, and the identity of any individual(s)
`consulted to obtain information about which testimony is provided or sought.
`{01074263;v1 }
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