Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Page 1 of 127 PageID #: 713
`Case 1:14—cv—O1453—LPS Document 43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Page 1 of 127 Page|D #: 713

`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Page 2 of 127 PageID #: 714
`Case 1:14—cv—O1453—LPS Document 43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Page 2 of 127 Page|D #: 714
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`APOTEX_AZFL 0061477

`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Page 3 of 127 PageID #: 715
`Case 1:14—cv—O1453—LPS Document 43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Page 3 of 127 Page|D #: 715
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`an the £:”eIi!::r:1'z£xizé‘vise:e:;v fiisaszrd <}§’i?2<z fo33«;:wi.ng_§<mma§s:
`indiax: Practitis3.:3e:'._ 31123 i‘usii33:
`£2}: and Nuts‘itis:m.. iam ;3¢§S(?3.1‘§,'V‘i£->\-W31‘ <s3‘.‘i}fza-3 J’ma.z~r:sa:i r;_fx§..s‘x<><r:'mFé{;r; :.3_;"':".e‘:_;-'_~::‘z>:'as-ss e2;"Ia;=ds“a
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`<31’ respiraivry iracie £35812‘-»EiS&3:*‘.~.
`Baseci an my <:ducat:iz>:n and e..\;g><:s‘icme, {am 3<;10wie<i;g:_s;3§:bi:2 ea.‘-mat :-ziiergic
`rhinitis and s20z'2»a§.§¢:;rgic V£3s(3m(s!‘.0r rhénitis.
`is my uz:<i»:rste3r;-fling that this oiaims
`the aisqwe--cagstiqanessfi
`£i§'3§)§i{'.€i§i0I1 recite 8 g:-hzamxaceuti c<»m;x>si£i<>;1 conaprising azeiastirze or 2: ;:hzznn;zcma£iz:3.3iy
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`and §sz~.‘ practitismers for mamzzgexrami of :s§.=m;2isJms of axiiwgic rhéxaitis and ~:3(.=n_~
`eziierrgic vasumm;m' rfrzimtis.
`2: mesa? sgsray gay-oduci dm/e'3<?g3ad by ('_3i2;.=§a wh7ss:.§: coma§.::s
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`Omar Si) ‘345 of our asihnm patients :'i3V'£ ziii-3§‘gi('. miszeitizs {,-’$;R‘_:.
`?3i‘§stsz‘ to
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`53.232135 \'§.-‘vi $37 (,\-:’.’:'!{‘-
`APOTEX_AZFL 0061478

`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Page 4 of 127 PageID #: 716
`Case 1:14—cv—O1453—LPS Document 43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Page 4 of 127 Page|D #: 716
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`azfwee haze ‘c«::<:ss ass<:<:Ea:'i»:c¥ v-'j:"z‘§x §)O{s£'<T:“
`essimrencé rates in my gm-aciice, and sttbseqwsntiy had in tin‘. excess and sf-.1;'::»::::z;°. {3fs)°~5't‘.§"t§§£;‘-
`&‘.{3i§{3€9)§‘ dccsangesiants, °»§‘hi_c.§1 is harzm‘.‘:s§,
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`L§u<>:1ase® soives many <3f~:§1s:\s€:
`ismg ‘mm garabiesms.
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`APOTEX_AZFL 0061479

`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Page 5 of 127 PageID #: 717
`Case 1:14—cv—O1453—LPS Document 43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Page 5 of 127 Page|D #: 717
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`in ~:.:ss3_'s;:sa3“i_.s‘<3:.”1 ta {fit-:§§t§{ss}€i§ is-szsmxscszts, the s;um§:a»::r 1:sfsz1ec§§.«:a§i1m.s c.s:>ms:s ciown, tits fiaigxitis
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`§.i’€:3.§i':?1s:§‘:€ as ;:.§m§<:::. }‘.}u<ma1s<2°:“ ses‘s=e.:< as an <':.\:,<2-s:i§t::$‘1t i'2§}.{}¥.“§~‘{i3§TS§’$ t:‘eatm~::~::>; 1'' 2353.333, ii} ta} ‘vi
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`iiesrzs and §se::§"thca.r<s ;:ss'eee£i§:i0.:ss:rs;
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`APOTEX_AZFL 0061480

`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Page 6 of 127 PageID #: 718
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`APOTEX_AZFL 0061481

`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Page 7 of 127 PageID #: 719
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`Patents Form 1/77

`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Page 9 of 127 PageID #: 721
`Case 1:11./4'1’-__(I3V-01453-LPS Document 43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Page 9 Of 127 Page|D #2 721
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`I/We request the grant of a patent on the basis of this application.
`Signature /4 A %\" '4\
`Date 14/5/07/
`A. A. Thornton & Co.
`14th June 2002
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`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Page 10 of 127 PageID #: 722
`. ‘age 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Page 10 of 127 Page|D #: 722
`This invention relates to pharmaceutical compositions. More particularly this
`invention relates to pharmaceutical compositions usefill for preventing or minimising
`allergic reactions. More particularly, but not exclusively,
`this invention relates to
`pharmaceutical compositions for nasal and ocular use.
`Such allergic reactions commonly comprise the allergy-related and vasomotor-
`related symptoms and the rhinovirus-related symptoms.
`It is known to use antihistamines in nasalsprays and eye drops to treat allergy-
`related conditions. Thus, for example, it is known to use the antihistamine azelastine
`(usually as the hydrochloride salt) as a nasal spray against seasonal or perennial allergic
`rhinitis, or as eye drops against seasonal and perennial allergic conjunctivitis.
`nasal use are, for example, beclomethasone, mometasone, fluticasone, budesonide and
`Corticosteroids known for ocular anti-inflammatory use
`betamethasone sodium, dexamethasone sodium and prednisolone acetate, for example.
`It would be highly desirable, however, to provide a treatment that combines the
`effects of anti-histamine treatments and steroid treatments,
`in a pharmaceutically
`acceptable composition, which is tolerated in situ, without significantly disrupting the
`potency of.the constituent pharmaceuticals.
`now found
`Chlorophenyl)methyl]-2-(hexahydro-1-methy1-1H-azepin-4-yl)-1(2I-I)-phthalazinone) , or
`a salt thereof, can advantageously be combined with a steroid to provide a stable, very
`effective combination composition for nasal or ocular treatment. The combination
`provides, in a single administration, the antihistaminic properties of azelastine and the
`anti-inflammatory (and/or other) properties of the steroid, without any significant
`interference between the two, or adverse reaction in situ.

`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Page 11 of 127 PageID #: 723
`Base 1:14—cv—O1453—LPS Document 43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Page 11 of 127 Page|D #: 723
`In one aspect the invention provides a pharmaceutical composition comprising
`azelastine or a salt thereof and a steroid, preferably a corticosteroid, the composition
`being in a form suitable for administration nasally or ocularly.
`The preferred forms of compositions of the invention are nasal drops, eye drops,
`nasal sprays, nasal inhalation solutions or aerosols or insufilation powders.
`Preferred embodiments of the invention comprise stable aqueous solutions of
`azelastine or one or more of its salts, in combination with steroids which may be
`beclomethasone, mometasone, fluticasone, budesonide or cyclosenide, which can be used
`in the form of inhalation solution, pressurized aerosol, eye drops or nasal drops, and in a
`particular preferred embodiment, in the form of a spray (preferably a nasal spray). The
`spray can, for example, be formed by the use of a conventional spray-squeeze bottle or a
`pump vaporizer.
`In addition, it is also possible to use compressed gas aerosols.
`In a
`preferred embodiment, 0.03 to 3 mg of azelastine base and 0.05 to 0.15 mg of the steroid
`should be released per individual actuation.
`The compositions preferably contain a preservative and/or stabilizer. These
`include, for example: ethylene djamine tetra-acetic acid (edetic acid) and its alkali salts
`(for example dialkali salts such as disodium salt, calcium salt, calcium-sodium salt),
`lower alkyl p—hydroxybenzoates, chlorohexidine (for example in the form of the acetate
`or gluconate), phenyl mercury borate. Other suitable preservatives are: pharmaceutically
`usefiil quaternary ammonium compounds,
`for example cetylpyridinium chloride,
`ammonium bromide,
`chloride, generally known as “benzethonium chloride” and myristyl-:-picolinium
`chloride. Each of these compounds may be used in a concentration of 0.002 to 0.05%, for
`example 0.02% (weight/volume in liquid fonnulations, otherwise weight/weight).
`Preferred preservatives among the quaternary ammonium compounds are, however,
`alkylbenzyl dirnethyl ammonium chloride and mixtures thereof,
`for example the
`compounds generally known as “benzalkonium chloride”.
`The total amounts of preservatives in the formulations (solutions, ointments, etc.)
`is preferably from 0.001 to 0.l0g, preferably 0.01 g per l00rnl of solution/suspension or
`100g of formulation.

`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Page 12 of 127 PageID #: 724
`Case 1:14—cv—O1453—LPS Document 43—11- Filed 10/22/15 Page 12 of 127 Page|D #: 724
`In the case of preservatives, the following amounts of individual substances can,
`for example, be used: thimero sal 0.002-0.02%; benzalkonium chloride 0.002 to 0.02%
`(in combination with thimero sal the amount of thimero sal is, for example =0.002 to
`0.005%;); chlorhexidine acetate or gluconate 0.01 to 0.02%; phenyl mercuric/nitrate,
`borate, acetate 0.002-0.004%; p-hydroxybenzoic acid ester (for example, a mixture of the
`methyl ester and propyl ester in the ratio 7:3): preferably 0.05-0.15, more preferably
`The preservative used is preferably a combination of edetic acid (for example, as
`the disodium salt) and benzalkonium chloride. In this combination, the edetic acid is
`preferably used in a concentration of 0.05 to 0.1%, benzalkonium chloride preferably
`being used in a concentration of 0.005 to 0.05%, more preferably 0.01%.
`In the case of solutions/suspensions reference is always made to percent by
`in the case of solid or semi-solid formulations to percent by
`weight/weight of the formulation.
`Further auxiliary substances which may, for example, be used for the fonnulations
`of the invention are: polyvinyl pyrrolidone, sorbitan fatty acid esters such as sorbitan
`trioleate, polyethoxylated sorbitan fatty acid esters (for example polyethoxylated sorbitan
`trioleate), sorbimacrogol oleate, synthetic amphotensides (tritons), ethylene oxide ethers
`of octylphenolfonnaldehyde condensation products, phosphatides such as lecithin,
`polyethoxylated fats, polyethoxylated oleotriglycerides, polyethoxylated fatty alcohols. In
`this context, polyethoxylated means that the relevant substances contain polyoxyethylene
`chains, the degree of polymerisation of which is generally between 2 to 40, in particular
`between 10 to 20. These substances are preferably used to improve the solubility of the
`azelastine component.
`It is optionally possible to use additional isotonization agents. Isotonization agents
`which may, for. example, be used are: saccharose, glucose, glycerine, sorbitol, 1,2-
`propylene glycol, NaCl.
`The isotonization agents adjust the osmotic pressure of the formulations to the
`same osmotic pressure as nasal secretion. For this purpose these substances are in each
`case to be used in such amount that, for example, in the case of a solution, a reduction in
`the freezing point of 0.50 to 0.56 degree C is attained in comparison to pure water.

`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Page 13 of 127 PageID #: 725
`sage 1:14—cv—O1453—LPS Document 43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Page 13 of 127 Page|D #: 725
`In Example 1, it is possible to use instead of NaCl per 100 ml of solution, for
`example: Glucose 1H2O 3.81 g; saccharose 6.35g; glycerine 2.2g; 1,2-propylene glycol
`1.6l7g; sorbitol 3.84g (in the case of mixtures of these substances correspondingly less
`may optionally be used).
`Moreover, it is possible to add thickening agents to the solutions to prevent the
`solution from flowing out of the nose too quickly and to give the solution a viscosity of
`about 1.5 to 3, preferably 2 mPa.
`Such thickening agents may, for example, be: cellulose derivatives (for example
`cellulose ether) in which the cel1u1ose—hydroxy groups are partially etherified with lower
`unsaturated aliphatic alcohols and/or
`lower unsaturated aliphatic oxyalcohols (for
`example ‘methyl cellulose, carboxymethyl cellulose, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose),
`gelatin, polyvinylpyrrolidone, tragacanth, ethoxose (water soluble binding and thickening
`agents on the basis of ethyl cellulose), alginic acid, polyvinyl alcohol, polyacrylic acid,
`pectin and equivalent agents. Should these substances contain acid groups,
`corresponding physiologically acceptable salts may also be used.
`In the event of the use of hydroxypropyl cellulose, 0.1% by weight of the
`formulation, for example, is used for this purpose.
`In the event of the use of Avicel RC 591 or CLll, 0.65-3.0% by Weight of the
`composition, for example, is used for the purpose.
`It is also possible to add to the formulations buffer substances such as citric
`hydrogenorthophosphate, disodium hydrogenphosphate),
`trometamol or equivalent
`conventional buffers in order, for example, to adjust the formulations to a pH value of 3
`to 7, preferably 4.5 to 6.5.
`The amount of citric acid is, for example, 0.01 to 0.14g, preferably 0.04 to 0.05g,
`the amount of disodium hydrogenphosphate 0.1 to 0.5g, preferably 0.2 to 0.3 g per 100 ml
`of solution.‘ The weights given relate in each case to the anhydrous substances.
`In the case of solutions and suspensions, the maximum total concentration of
`active agent and buffer
`is preferably less than 5%,
`in particular
`less than 2%

`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Page 14 of 127 PageID #: 726
`Case 1:14—cv—O1453—LPS Document 43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Page 14 of 127 Page|D #: 726
`For the nasal application a solution or suspension is preferably used which is
`applied as an aerosol, i.e. in the form of a fine dispersion in air or in another conventional
`carrier gas, for example by means of a conventional pump vaporizer.
`Application as a dosage aerosol is, however, also possible. Dosage aerosols are
`defined as being pressure packings which contain the azelastine or its salts in combination
`with steroid, in the form of a solution or suspension in a so-called propellant. The
`propellant may be a pressurized liquid chlorinated, fluorinated hydrocarbon or mixtures
`of various chlorinated, fluorinated hydrocarbons as well as propane, butane, isobutene or
`mixtures of these among themselves or with chlorinated, fluorinated hydrocarbons which
`are gaseous at atmospheric pressure and room temperature. Hydrofluorocarbons (‘HFCs),
`such as I-IFC 134a, can also be used, if desired. The pressure packing has a dosage valve
`which, on actuation, releases a defined amount of the solution or suspension. of the
`medicament. The subsequent very sudden vaporization of the propellant tears the solution
`or suspension of azelastine into the finest droplets or minute particles which can be
`sprayed in the nose or which are available for inspiration into the nose. Certain plastic
`applicators may be used to actuate the valve and to convey the sprayed suspension into
`the nose.
`In the case of application as an aerosol, it is also possible to use a conventional
`In the case of insufflatable powder, the maximum particle size of the substance
`preferably does not exceed lOp.m.'Aze1astine or its salts and the steroid may be mixed
`with inert carrier substances or drawn up onto inert carrier substances. Carrier substances
`which may, for example, be used are: sugars such as glucose, saccharose, lactose and
`fructose. Also starches or
`starch derivatives, oligosaccharides such as dextrins,‘
`cyclodextrins and their derivatives, polyvinylpyrrolidone, alginic acid, tylose, silicic acid,
`cellulose, cellulose derivatives (for example cellulose ether), sugar alcohols such as
`marmitol or sorbitol, calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, etc.
`In one embodiment, the steroid has a particle size of less than about l0um,
`preferably less than 5 pm.

`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Page 15 of 127 PageID #: 727
`(Die 1:14—cv—O1453—LPS ‘ Document 43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Page 15 of 127 Page|D 35¢: 727
`The invention is illustrated by the following examples.
`Nasal spray or nasal drops with 0.1% azelastine hydrochloride as active ingredient and
`steroid 0.1%
`Azelastine hydrochloride
`Disodium edetate
`Sodium chloride .
`Benzalkonium chloride
`Avicel RC 591
`Citric acid monohydrate
`’ Disodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate
`Purified water
`0. 1%
`Dosage aerosol giving off 0.5 mg of azelastine hydrochloride and 50 micrograms of
`Beclomethasone dipropionate freon solvate per stroke.

`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Page 16 of 127 PageID #: 728 Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Pagel
`About 8.0 kg of a mixture of 70 parts by weight of difluorodichloromethane and
`30 parts by Weight of 1,2d.ichlorotetra.fluoroethane are cooled to about -55 degree C in an
`appropriate cooling vessel. A mixture of 0.086 kg of pre—cooled sorbitantrioleate and
`0.8600 kg of pre-cooled trichlorofluoromethane are dissolved with stirring into the
`mixture at —55 degrees C, 0.0688 kg of micronized azelastine hydrochloride, 0.00688 kg
`of Beclomethasone dipropionate freon solvate and 0.0688 kg of micronized lactose are
`then incorporated in portions into the solution thereby obtained with intensive stirring.
`The total weight of the suspension thereby obtained is made up to 9.547 kg through
`addition of more of the mixture of 70 parts by weight of difluorodichloromethane and 30
`parts by weight of 1,2-dichlorotetrafluoroethane cooled to about —55 degree C.
`Following closure of the cooling vessel the suspension is again cooled to about
`-5 5 degrees C under intensive stirring. It is then ready to be filled.

`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Page 17 of 127 PageID #: 729
`sage 1:14—cv—O1453—LPS Document 43-11 Filed 10/22/15 Page 17 of 127 Page|D,#: 729
`0 2
`A pharmaceutical composition which comprises azelastine or a salt thereof, and a
`steroid, the composition being in a form suitable for nasal or ocular administration.
`A composition according to claim 1, which is an aqueous suspension or solution.
`A composition according to claim 1 or 2, which is in the form of an aerosol, an
`ointment, eye drops, nasal drops, a nasal spray or an inhalation solution.
`A composition according to claim 1, which is in the form of an insufflation
`A composition according to any of claims
`to 4, wherein the steroid is
`beclomethasone or an ester thereof, mometasone or an ester thereof, fluticasone or an

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