Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 43-10 Filed 10/22/15 Page 1 of 73 PageID #: 640
`Case 1:14—cv—O1453—LPS Document 43-10 Filed 10/22/15 Page 1 of 73 Page|D #: 640

`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 43-10 Filed 10/22/15 Page 2 of 73 PageID #: 641
`Case 1:14—cv—01453—LPS Document 43-10 Filed 10/22/15 Page 2 of 73 Page|D #: 641
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`€.‘.a::é:icu‘su:xs Vi§a<:, i am ikwasuitazzt €.T§:<:st
`Eoxasfiyszy fiasgxiiafi 3‘m<£'imte 13%‘
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`{7<mz;u§t3m C§‘it:Si ’P§}3..-‘s%::.ia;3
`Bisatisa §.i0S.:‘§}§§33¥ {_?éI=rss:<: F<t§>s-*::ar§= '1 9.<‘}§S‘_:,
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`.§}~a£vi iiasgzimi {£2 ECES {iiiszcc §‘»’§s2s*c§1 §99?}.
`i am: 9. .<‘§é19m§.rer of the: §"{:il<r;-<;ir':g S«:v;.‘-§<',*?;it‘-.\T-
`M ED_DYM_0O001434

`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 43-10 Filed 10/22/15 Page 3 of 73 PageID #: 642
`Case 1:14—cv—01453—LPS Document 43-10 Filed 10/22/15 Page 3 of 73 Page|D #: 642
`— 2 -
`Lu‘Lm :2: as‘.
`19:5 ;.2.=3:.6
`Erxsiizm iihesi ?3z:2cit>£y {Life i’\{ie§z:”t3::.2{); Arnericaxn Coiktgc of Chest. ¥’§13zsic.~ians {i.»=‘x»f_‘.C¥*‘js, am
`Edimrrixei xiaivisetngv Beard <>§’zhe 2‘.‘oi§{w»-mgjaurmzfisz indiars §>racti{§<3.-mt, sins}. imiiaza
`£21: ami Nu§2'EtE<:m.. iam afisca 3. :rc:v.i(:w::ar <s3‘.'2}f:c-3 J{.>ze.r;-'-sex? :;§,1’x§..s'sa3<‘:'m‘é(m {.3,"'Ps‘q;-sixriszrsx <‘;*,:*Y2;'<I7's’<2
`{Jieifl}. 3&3 evidezzszeai in‘ my Currieauizsrn V iéae, E hem’. ::xte~2ns§vc 8X§}€,°{§§‘-iiiifi
`in the arsramacsat
`0%’ rexpirzzzsgsry {rascal discztsex.
`ifiaseci 0;: 2m’ <':du;>at.§o.n and <:xg><z:‘i::m.~<:_. {am .§m<>w2¢<igs:§:b3x2 amut a§3<trgi<;
`rhi23'iii5 and i30§'i-Ei§.§¢.S“"§§C’.- vz3s<3m<s1‘.<3r r§1§:'zit§s.
`is my un<§cts*:e2::-fling thzei
`that ciaims
`the afswe--capt§<ss:ee'§ mrteni
`za_§p§i<:a3£i<:sn recite as phzamxaceuti c.<:m;3{>si£i<>:1 conaprisizsg azeiastimx or
`azccagcstaiuié gait,
`soivs-.te er
`;:s§;.arma<:<m§:ica‘sEy a<:»:.<r;>t’ab§<-: em-..:° Qfihzzicasonc w'.§3¢;s*<:‘m tin‘. pharmac<<s2t§ca§. ="o.rsm:§at":cm is
`En as aiosztge ‘farm s=.e§':a§3‘ée far mas-ai administrastfion ("the “ck-sinxecé cotnposiiiovf}.
`For at 38225: the §‘$8S{x£‘£S. :§§sc=13ssed§1t:i‘<5:§e1, it is my <>§«§;zi:m {hat the ciaimed
`com_‘;3a:ssition re;crs'ese:23€$ $3»: fisi fiiisxmst of 3 i{>::g«feit, but gyreviousi y us‘.:.m£~:I_. sxeezd ivy §}a§i:':s1€52
`and §§:rzzii§:cam gamctitirmers 5;» mEiElEk'§,"¢£}’i§=!§{ of syanpigms of aimgic rixinitis amt s2<.=a«
`eziiésygic vasz.>;m>ts>r i‘h§_1":§E§$.
`2: mass? sgaray product
`£§CV€.’5{?§3(3{3 by 6;‘_3§;:§a whiciz c—<>nta§.:zs
`22-:s:;s§:1s2z‘is2<*. hj_«'d.r;:>::§'2¥<2ri<§2 zmzi
`an <<s;'x§><><§§23m*.m of 332:? ciaészxe-:3
`e(m'2;:ss_>s;i$i<m cto;mners:.i3§i}r av;3z§’§2s¥3i:*. in Enéisz.
`{Ever Si) ‘E45 (sf cu: aswma patients Ezavc zziiargicz r¥§t.i:s {',-'§(§.§.‘_:.
`¥3s‘is:sr in
`.i3u0:1ase'R‘ Emisig ie2t3‘s.'>dus:ezi in 3::-disz, we have tra&i:.i{>:1a§.iy useii 213331 s:.0:‘=;§L=:3si:‘.rs;s§¢;§s aione irs
`i1'=:2~:§i:1ge;>u.r patients for bexeiitt AR sami m->s3~s:ii<:s*gic v3scs>mc>i€ss‘
`3").‘v:'\-‘.~'.'5 \'S.«‘~<H.?‘-‘~’,\'i'.’:’}{‘>
`M ED_DYM_0O001435

`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 43-10 Filed 10/22/15 Page 4 of 73 PageID #: 643
`Case 1:14—cv—O1453—LPS Document 43-10 Filed 10/22/15 Page 4 of 73 Page|D #: 643
`’.§‘§:.<mgh mm? «c:r<si<?s are an i.-:15’-E‘:-3z;.'{§.&-'-‘c’: smeciicaticzzx ifs: AR, their time to <>s:sci
`zfos‘ acrteioea is a "tait -;:;¢s:2i<;:-ng¢z§._ ans} €§z<<.r<'.f0r-2 {hair
`crime izzts ‘atzm é3$S<3<;:Es3<i»';:<;5 wiiix §}O(sa'<?s‘
`ass.i§:c.z‘encé rates in my prasaiice, am stxbsequcntiy
`to the excegs anci misuse-';*. <2fm.:-<~.;*':§'u-.‘.
`szcssgntezr <§c*<.>ng~:.~;“z;m:s, §:hi.cei1 is ha;~zm‘.‘ui. The :ias;.g<;':‘3 :>§‘"s§2<>;'§~t::;~m use: :>=i’:§ccs.>::g::s:;=zs1:.5
`amt an-{iii §<m:>wa to 1:.§zc:
`iszzssiiuzzi s:o2m::z3r;i‘i§,! xx-'ut§s:3.«>¢i;;i‘c‘.. Aiso, use «;s1“:saszai
`:;£<.~*—r:>§2§rs 33-;>:m
`i_\,=;>i-:;=;§i§,-' re;;uir::<i 2: iiyeszatzzzeni. pv;°-!‘i<;32i <3? «'3 {<3 8 waeias or iuszgaw, w‘ni§;3:: is am_;:.»:>;§s:ia:‘ s>.«‘i§;*:
`pzztiszszta and
`1:22:23 K3 £"ai§u:‘s2 £43 ccazzagaieise the am-aisne'nt 3‘-‘.1-;§,i§3'z<‘.>.z3.
`.*\cc<>r{iingT§~'; §s>:sg~=.r:.m
`;:sm'r.>£am,~; have ezstisteci with use of nasai.>i-rig 3.1-rme.
`i ii.
`Axsspzfz-3: m<:ai.§ is iy_pi::aiiy ;3rrc‘.sc.-.°i¥.*.es;i 50.:
`is {Kai :::::ti«§:is:a:x2iv¢s.
`§"i<§weves‘, the mac: :>1’om:‘ 53.§11Ziv§!iS€&(}}i§‘s€
`Es a55r;ci.a-‘ted with
`cmzmon side c.i’i7:cL<. szsszia
`as s:c:;;iatim':_. ca;:,n§t§<m ziiifimsiiizts, zimzezses 0:t‘f[ta‘s: m.<zz.:th, sxszci s:§g,né;t‘=.c2zs:‘:§§= e:s:sss%:§ee:2>:z2<: E»-.>wcr
`:srim=u;y tram s_s-zmgstoxns {§..£§'}”S_} in cideriy pextieizts Mi}:
`iwzzzigra ;2rs>s§.:=2:':la; <<s3§a3.r3_;:::r2m¥.
`s§c<:<>.r»:§ir:g¥:.=, §<mg»¥;e:tm ;3rot>i.ams mm: existed with use :2‘i.‘-orazi axstmistarsizzasza.
`c0I‘{ii:0s€s3§'s’:s§xi8 in cox§§2m<.:t§<:s:: wit}; orai ax2:i§1§ssa§:2%;ta:s ixzsva z:i2s=:;= haexz
`for AR, 37231 are £t:‘2ic.h~:.r§2t.:\<E by ::ia321}_x<s:‘3 c;~.§"¥}.'-sis with 3'.i§.j;.sz:i§"ss.:2m:'
`;>;::éz;:::i§;1§ sitie
`::£’5-acts such
`se-ds2t§<:»n, c<>gni§i<,im <ii_ffic1:§z£es, «;§r§.-‘mess 0?“ the nwutéx, and signi§Ece:r;é§y
`imab§ess>n1a hwwsx‘ ::z'‘3: {mat s;.«*;n;2t:>n1s{iL-
`in €3E<i:t1'3.:y’ pafiexzis wifis 3':-wigs: pmsés:’$§<'.
`use of mesa?
`in ccmjgsizctéatszz wéiiz -are .2
`axxitéhimggxzixzcs for 'zz‘eam2<:,s:':' <':fAR is §>0t'n. isxzrcrnzerizzzbic zsmi i.‘ii)<§€':R.§3‘E3‘%?§-£fiV
`§3u<>;3as<:'*\' soivtza many :>i‘iE1e:s¢': ismg ‘L€i£'}‘i’3
`i}aa«;e::zz5e;‘§°' gxmz-édctsz
`sz:;2:::io:‘ amfi 3.i:.m:s:s§: §:m.z:.u-sdizsécz rciézzf ire:-m syrzzgatorzss of :‘-‘sR_< Si} ;mss:.h so mat wt ;>::i‘i<?m’e~:
`s;om;:'§§s3;2<:c-; a;2<Ea1<§§§e:ra-2mm-:. with trqszstzzxavszi §:ss;3r=.>vcs <::>xasi<3¢r2zi>.§5-~x §z'z2;::*<>'s=c<i ;:<.=sr:;:s§§-.='m.c~: a;t.<§
`zzafiéserenoa ensurms ‘ihat :31}-' ;:a€i2:;z§s mi Gui}-' get 2‘“m§.i<>aso:a:: witiz fin: f2es:~zzz:£§ng 2s2e‘s;a.;~‘:;:ne~
`3320*}; *-:)‘.¥~‘.‘—.i'3'5.$-k'.~‘4',\‘3
` “\“\\\_“‘._. . .
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`M ED_DYM_0O001436

`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 43-10 Filed 10/22/15 Page 5 of 73 PageID #: 644
`Case 1:14—cv—01453—LPS Document 43-10 Filed 10/22/15 Page 5 of 73 Page|D #: 644

`3€,,~"5 .3. zwza
`s‘.>zs.t z:;3r:§is:sasa' ‘Q :32; 3}?‘ £2)? _g>es‘is::<i§ s‘zz:§g3ls2g '§‘£)t3§
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`wsxzivzs §<_“.-
`.§ ivszsx-‘a
`s:>§:se:'=.:-mi $123: wéiziz the use <:-f}L3as<:~n2s
`%2i§i;}s3x§,m.: arr; §z:2'm:<31.m£:;\.:i. §l}zs0::s2s€."'
`$223,: szise s=.3.%35€amsi2s‘§e§§.= re::§:s.c+'2<§ its-31% i'.%‘;£.t’;'.3¥"c3.%~\'1t’§;:)*»§k'i-‘?~:
`am: ms: §>a§ies§£s ;~;s;ax csfVc§ec{>:ws:s£azz§s, asks‘; theér subseqxsexat a‘a{3<:»u.m*2 e;s.~.:2ga‘.stzm£ ::£3"a:>s:'::a.
`$1223 a2§3viatex'§ the need far itegaicszi {ice-ongestaaits is: my gsraaaiice,
`in -:.:>m;:s2s.;-ism ta ts‘a»;iit§<ssm§ ’:2‘a-)smt£‘::‘.£3te;_. the ms:~:s§:a::r e::fs3m<§§c2s£§css;.s cstmszs ciown, {ha §‘§:§;§§:L«:
`ftsm§:<es~ <:.<::s§:,z*o§§m§_, am<i
`the pzzsiesxi:
`is m2z§ni:2ti:::‘—<§ ma amid‘—-énfissstmnasmsées;
`cog?-.s§;2:<s,mi'§.= ihro:.:g§3 asst: of ikssmas
`Fa}? pa
`w§:§2 made-mi:e to sex-eezm inserzxsriixant :‘h§s1i‘;i:\:,
`i‘}1a:>na5<§§‘ is £32:
`‘~:.:”€:3.§i'm:§‘i§ <27? §.}uum\te":“ sxzwes as as e>;.cs:i§c::s:t s‘.§2.m";~te§7s§’s ts‘<3atm»~:m {§asi§£'s
`{§;3;ys} is} §§£‘§$’_£§_?. 2335 s;~;an;:si<sms spa“ AR s;;zsi:;:§<¥§-'
`:me§<~:2‘ <:0.:s:z‘<2§.
`s>«;§a1%: mixsimeii side
`w'sz:%z an .i:r.<:~rs:ase»;é ¢:§’{§a:s:<< 0's-‘gr m<>zz<;>»zht>rexp;«' ércaansczxis. Fxstzszws (‘3{§§S(3s‘:§£:‘.S sfmaiiz-2;-eta: ta
`s§::r;;:i:<s::z.:\ szx-‘:1: is: as wticxss 1‘-s-‘i‘£§s.§r1i:’tr::§'s§£s;‘.§:t AR, wise
`1 the gszziiatssi
`§::s1s=::i§%s2;;; msi‘
`wire-:1 {.>rimar}»‘
`;.>§1§.-‘:«;§<:ian is not szszcessihia, wozs'§:§ tres:xam§<n.z.»".§§.= §>{ssa:‘.é*”;: wéfis as
`{L M olays cows:-: of
`ccss‘§:;’.<:r.:e;te:‘m'.<§s and asstiixigztamim c<>s:1%.>.is1a1€i<:«:3;>mx=§4;i:s::i
`'§‘%;.i3 s:<31:§<§ ?.§3{€i‘<°.-§Z}§‘§ Em ;>;r~::scs‘i¥:sz:§3 as an szcxféam g§§s2s2.,_fs{2s‘; :33 *‘;3z>as:i:'sis{>§<>;*.‘c>. 3'<'35S.‘-‘xfiii
`:;s;su:'se§;"’ are in zestizmae. mi in 26$, DQ021235?” is 52:;
`is‘;-;:E§s;:s~::§:ss:i}ie §m:*s'i ::n‘.’m1:*t§:¢:m;wsas*i
`arm St{3.’:tt‘Ii‘§i2i‘§§23‘XE in the ‘{i‘i32iti'}.‘.{3§3€ of bath AR and nr:»:3~2:i§erg.§c. K-"££3s3m:}i<.'.‘.~i’ :*§:inéti.~x
`{:2 sasmzzssrgyq it
`m}-' <.>p§::§:>:3 sizes: the <.=‘iesi.m»;~>s§ c:>sz1;:><ssis:i§>zz :\:‘.g.w~'*ss:n;s
`fss.i3‘.E.§‘;m<2m‘ atsfa §.sm_§;«fi“;'§£, hut §:sx‘<z\=ir.s:3siy :::3m::~:, maid Ly _§:a:ien~;.~: zmd §se<:i‘th<:a:s:‘. ;5:‘:2c£§§:i0:ss:zs
`{er nzzezxzsgerxzcszt <>‘£‘s),~:m;:ts>:z1s of AR and m>:z~a%3cs‘gi_::. *v's:s2>m<>?;c>:‘ r§:i;3i£§s via: its :;\.:_§><s.ri<>r
`M ED_DYM_0O001437

`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 43-10 Filed 10/22/15 Page 6 of 73 PageID #: 645
`Case 1:14—cv—01453—LPS Document 43-10 Filed 10/22/15 Page 6 of 73 Page|D #: 645
`X " I
`£‘ i
`fa} .§.:~ c‘: (‘Q
`§§..~‘§i my :5
`E. ifixdfier siaise siézas. afi stzsmmcmss
`<>w:iz E>;I:x;w¥3< em-2 ism: am?
`$33: szdi $‘I&3‘§€}?E3.(¢s.\iS snaark 2):; §:s§‘E>2°z.m§:§:>:: 23:12? ?:>e§is;:f
`%x<°.§i2;‘.s*c:a:i 2:?» $32‘: $}‘ii€3 amai §’:::\:‘§:<2r ~:§2-at
`V.-*i.§'§é’iz§ fszissz §?;iE?;€‘.f31*.it§§€§«l 3:36 the iikc: ass‘: gmnishalyic
`Ezxa;s;'§s<:z'2sm:xs: 0:“ Mai: amsier
`iifiiii z>§"§‘Z=2t‘s<': ES ésffizs-2
`(fees and n2_§<2cs;3a:'di:.e: the v;:§§:i'r:§;' of15%;: :z;>p§§:;-auiisxx
`ax‘ 2331;,-' _§)2z§:<'.z7.'{ issuing §‘.§3(iE'i‘)i}8\
` say, S1.{;e:2:£.§3i2g§2::: <':\«:":::, ::.\.§:"m:.:,
`fir. $§..¥.§§§‘§" ?§. §s=§..¥s3.§\§
`we §s“;§=sm%§ mm mew. i\<§sa:i.3
`fiag‘ fie» fififi
`amwmafi (2%:-m §‘~“§’:ys§»§:§:m
`fiammy §~§¢aa;:>§:ss§
`£I’r3C-$‘i \' 23:2 f3‘:‘.‘I>~’e'.’:-\'.?
`M ED_DYM_0O001438

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`Case 1:14—cv—01453—LPS Document 43-10 Filed 10/22/15 Page 7 of 73 PagelD #: 646
`Exhibit A
`Date of Birth
`Marital Status
`Sujeet K. Rajan
`Residence: 503 Aashiana, 3, Gunpowder Lane No.2, Mazgaon,
`Mumbai 400 010. Tel no. 91-22- 23781754
`Mobile: 91 - 98201 91302
`Bhatia Hospital
`Basement Clinic
`Mumbai 400 007
`Tel: 91-22-66660020-22
`Bombay Hospital
`2”“ Floor, New Wing
`Room no. 6
`New Marine Lines
`Mumbai — 400 020
`Tel: 22090227
`MD: (Chest Medicine & TB)
`DE TRD: (Diploma in Environmental, Tuberculosis & Respiratory
`DNB: (Respiratory Medicine)
`Present Occupation :
`& Affiliations
`Consultant Chest Physician —
`Bombay Hospital Institute of Medical Sciences
`(Since August 2000)
`Honorary Consultant Chest Physician —
`Bhatia Hospital (Since February 1996)
`(Asst. Honorary Chest Physician — 1995-1996)
`Honorary Chest Physician & Bronchoscopist - Motiben
`Dalvi Hospital & ICU (Since March 1997)
`Member- Indian Chest Society (Life Member)
`American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP)
`Editorial Advisory Board: Indian Practitioner,
`Indian Diet and Nutrition
`Reviewer— Journal of Association of Physicians of India (JAPI)

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`Case 1:14—cv—O1453—LPS Document 43-10 Filed 10/22/15 Page 8 of 73 PagelD #: 647
`Name of School]
`Board] Univ.
`Year of
`Seth G.S. Medical
`Seth G.S. Medical
`Seth G.S. Medical
`Grant Medical
`Grant Medical
`Grant Medical
`Board of
`Univ. of
`College of
`and Surgeons
`Univ. of
`Univ. of
`Univ. of
`January 1994
`Attempts Degree]
`M.D. (TB and
`mid MBBS
`n“d MBBS
`St.Xavier’s College,
`Activity High School,
`ICSE, New
`HSC (1st with
`ICSE (1st
`\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
`"' Diploma in Environmental, Tuberculosis & Respiratory Diseases
`* Diplomate of the National Board
`<> Secured prizes at an Inter-collegiate Essay Competition on Environmental Pollution during
`Junior College.
`0 Received merit certificates for standing 1st in Microbiology and llnd overall at the llnd MBBS
`Examination at Grant Medical College.
`0 Completed post-examination (MBBS) Internship training for a period of one year. Of this, 2
`months were in Internal Medicine; 2 months in General Surgery; 2 months in Obstetrics and
`Gynaecology and 6 months of Rural Training.

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`During The Period of Registration for M.D.
`Junior Resident in Chest Medicine: (1 year)
`0 Gained wide experience in the management of both outdoor and indoor patients admitted to
`the Chest Unit of the KEM Hospital. Worked in the Intensive Respiratory Care Unit of the
`KEM Hospital and acquired extensive skill
`in the management of patients in respiratory
`failure requiring assisted ventilation with respirators. Seen and managed a number of cases
`of Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), fulminant pneumonia and neuromuscular
`disorders requiring ventilatory support. Acquired expertise at central venous canulation,
`venesection, arterial canulation, endotracheal intubation, percutaneous lung biopsies, trocar
`and canula drainage of pneumothorax, pleural aspirations and pleural biopsies (both
`visceral as well as parietal). Also assisted in fibreoptic bronchoscopy and interventional
`procedures through the bronchoscope.
`0 Was a member of the Support Faculty of the Continuing Medical Education (CME)
`programme of the Royal College of Physicians (Edinburgh) and Indian College of Physicians
`held at Seth G.S. Medical College.
`Residency in Internal Medicine: (6 months)
`0 During this period got acquainted with management of both outdoor and indoor (both routine
`and emergency) medical patients. Gained expertise in ascitic fluid aspirations,
`puncture technique for CSF analysis and venesection. Also became adept at liver and
`kidney biopsies.
`Residency in Cardiology: (3 months)
`0 Gained adequate experience in the management of patients admitted to the 20-bed
`Intensive Coronary Care Unit of the KEM Hospital. This included cases of congestive
`cardiac failure, infective endocarditis, ischaemic heart disease, congenital heart disease and
`patients admitted for observation following cardiac catheterization. Passed an adequate
`number of transvenous cardiac pacemaker wires and gained expertise at insertion and
`wedging of pulmonary artery wedge pressure (Swan-Ganz) catheters.
`Registrar in Chest Medicine: (1 year)
`0 Was independently in charge of the Out-patient Department (OPD) of Chest Medicine and
`managed patients with bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchiectasis and lung
`malignancies on an OPD basis. Was also independently in charge of the 25-bed Chest
`Medicine ward where expertise in the indoor management of various lung disorders such as
`chronic obstructive ainNay disease, bronchial asthma, interstitial lung diseases and pleural,
`mediastinal and diaphragmatic disorders was attained.
`0 Acquired expertise in the performance and interpretation of pulmonary function tests and
`pulmonary exercise stress testing.
`0 Acquired competence in fibreoptic bronchoscopy and interventional procedures through the
`bronchoscope such as bronchoalveolar lavage,
`lung biopsies and direct
`mass biopsies.

`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 43-10 Filed 10/22/15 Page 10 of 73 PageID #: 649
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`0 Attended a number of thoracic surgeries and followed the patients closely in their post-
`operative period.
`0 Attended and assisted in various interventional radiological procedures such as bronchial
`artery embolisation, bronchography, fine needle aspiration biopsy of lung / mediastinal
`masses under fluoroscopy and computed tomographic (CT) guidance.
`Performed several allergy tests.
`seminars and clinical meetings conducted by the
`0 Attended postgraduate classes,
`Department of Chest Medicine at the KEM Hospital regularly. Actively participated in a
`number of case presentations
`and clinical discussions
`and regularly involved
`undergraduate teaching. Attended a series of lectures in Occupational & Environmental
`diseases held by the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Bombay at the Central Labour
`Institute, Bombay. Secured a Diploma in the same in October 1993.
`Submitted a dissertation on “High-Resolution Computed Tomography in Chronic lnfiltrative
`Lung Disease” forthe M.D. Examination in January 1994.
`Lecturer in Chest Medicine (5 1/2 months)
`0 Took an active part in post-graduate teaching. Conducted a teaching and decision-making
`round in the chest medicine ward twice a week.
`0 Assisted in conducting teaching programmes in the Chest Medicine Unit.
`Played a supervisory role in the management of the Pulmonary Function and Blood Gas
`Laboratory at the Dept. of Chest Medicine in KEM Hospital.
`0 Presented a paper on “Pef|oxacin in the Treatment of Nosocomial Respiratory Tract
`|nfections” at
`the Xlllth National Congress of Respiratory Diseases held in Madras in
`January 1994.
`Participated and lectured at a Workshop on Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation held by the
`Dept. of Chest Medicine at the KEM Hospital.
`POST M.D. - KEM Hospital (January - October 1994)
`0 Was independently in charge of fibreoptic bronchoscopy and acquired expertise in the
`same, including interventional procedures through the fibreoptic bronchoscope.
`<> Actively involved in post-graduate and undergraduate teaching.
`Gained extensive experience in the management of the critically ill patients as well as
`maintenance of equipment in the Intensive Respiratory Care Unit.
`0 Actively involved in a project conducted by the Environmental Pollution Research Centre in
`the critically polluted area of Chembur, Bombay.

`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 43-10 Filed 10/22/15 Page 11 of 73 PageID #: 650
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`0 Presented papers on
`(i) Role of high resolution CT scan in chronic infiltrative lung disease and
`(ii) Azithromycin in lower respiratory tract infections
`at XIV National Congress on Respiratory Diseases held in Pune in December 1994
`Mathadi Trust Hospital (Since November 1994)
`independently in charge of Respiratory Medicine OPD once a week on Tuesdays.
`Bhatia General Hospital (Since January 1996)
`independently looking after patients with respiratory diseases in the ward (250-bedded
`hospital) as well as critically ill patients with respiratory problems in the Intensive Care Unit.
`BEST Undertaking - Medical Department (June - December 1996)
`0 Consultant Chest Physician in charge of the Respiratory Medicine OPD
`Smt. Motiben Dalvi Hospital (since March 1997)
`O Honorary Bronchoscopist and conducting a Respiratory clinic once a week on Wednesdays.
`Also attending cases at this 75-bedded hospital and intensive care unit.
`International Level
`1. COPD Management: Beyond bronchodilators. Respiratory Disease Study Group (RDSG)
`Annual Conference, Colombo, Srilanka, 4"‘ November, 2006.
`2. Non-invasive ventilation: Practical aspects. RDSG Annual Conference, Colombo, Srilanka,
`4"‘ November, 2006.
`Inhaled Devices,” National
`and Workshop on
`3. “Management of Paediatric Asthma
`Conference of Paediatric Association of Tanzania, Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania, 28”‘ April,
`“Managing COPD in clinical practice,” Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania, 17"‘ March, 2006.
`“Modern day management of Asthma, Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania, 16"‘ March, 2006.
`“Differentiating asthma from COPD and managing Paediatric Asthma” - 30th January, 2005.
`Respiratory Update Symposium, Ajman, United Arab Emirates.
`“Newer Management strategies in Asthma” — 26"‘ January, 2005. Al — Makhtom Medical
`College, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 43-10 Filed 10/22/15 Page 12 of 73 PageID #: 651
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`8. “Management of COPD and use of various inhaler devices for ainNay disease,” Physicians
`Association of Myanmar, Yangon, Myanmar, 3”” October, 2004.
`“COPD — Issues in Primary Care,” International Union against tuberculosis and lung disease
`(IUATLD) Conference, Europe Region, Moscow, Russia, 25”‘ June, 2004
`10. “Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric Asthma,” Association of Physicians of Nepal,
`Katmandu, Nepal, 22”” May, 2004.
`11.“Diagnosis and Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea,” Taj Samudra, Citihealth
`Conference, Columbo, Sri Lanka, 24"‘ January, 2004.
`12. “Differentiating Asthma from COPD,” Physicians Association of Galle, Galle, Sri Lanka, 22””
`January, 2004.
`13. “Modern day management of Asthma and COPD,” Arab Health Conference, Dubai, UAE, 18
`and 19"‘ January, 2004.
`14. “Managing Obstructive Airway Disease in Practice,” Association of Physicians of La Paz,
`La Paz, Bolivia, 22”” August, 2003.
`15. “Differentiating Asthma from COPD,” Association of Physicians of Santacruz, Santacruz,
`Bolivia, 21”‘ August, 2003.
`16. “Management of Acute Severe Asthma,” Department of Medicine, Lima Medical School,
`Lima, Peru, 19”‘ August, 2003.
`17. “|nha|ation Devices for Asthma and COPD,” Workshop at the 10"‘ CPA Conference, Ocho
`Rios, Jamaica, 16"‘ August, 2003.
`18. “COPD — Is it really irreversib|e?,” 10”‘ CPA Conference, Ocho Rios, Jamaica, 15"‘ August,
`19. “Series of lectures on asthma, COPD, pulmonary manifestations of HIV and anti-retroviral
`therapy,” 2”” National Conference on HIV, HBV and HCV infections, Muscat, Sultanate of
`Oman, 27”‘ — 30”‘ April 2003.
`20. “Series of lectures on asthma, COPD and pulmonary manifestations of HIV disease,” Kenya
`Association of Physicians treating lung disease (KAPTLD), Nairobi, Kenya, 19"‘ March 2003
`— 21”‘ March 2003
`- First Annual conference on respiratory
`21.“Pane| discussion on asthma management
`diseases,” Colombo, Sri Lanka 17”‘ November 2002
`22. “Management of obstructive airway disease — Newer Concepts,” Association of Physicians
`of Baghdad, Iraq, 15"‘ July 2002.
`in Jamaica.
`23. “Series of lectures on Asthma, COPD and Community acquired pneumonia”;
`These lectures supported by America Jamaica Health Foundation and held at Kingston,
`Savlamar, Montego Bay and Ocho Rios.

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`24. “What patients should understand about Asthma,” Lecture to Women’s Federation of Iraq,
`Baghdad 20”‘ November 2001.
`25. “Asthma — An overview” Association of physicians of Iraq, Baghdad 19"‘ April 2001.
`26. “Acute Respiratory Failure” National Conference of Physicians of Tanzania,
`Dar-es-salaam, 30”‘ March 2001.
`22. “Asthma Management in India — Current Concepts and Future Advances”
`- Muscat General Practitioners Association, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 5”‘ March 2000.
`National Level
`1. MDR-TB: What’s new? Chest Summit, New Dehli, 14”‘ October.
`2. Adherence Issues in Asthma and COPD, Kanpur, 26”‘ July.
`3. COPD workshop (Evidence translated in Practice) — ACCP certified workshop, Jaipur, 8"‘ —
`9“ June, 2006.
`4. COPD workshop (Evidence translated in Practice) — ACCP certified workshop, Lonavla, 3”’
`— 4"‘ June, 2006.
`5. COPD: Beyond bronchodilaton, Lucknow CME on Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine,
`26”‘ February, 2006.
`6. COPD workshop (Evidence translated in Practice) — ACCP certified workshop, Vizag, 4”‘ —
`5"‘ February, 2006.
`7. Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis — National Conference of the Indian Chest Society (NAPCON),
`Kolkata, 19"‘ November, 2005.
`8. Complete Polysomnography is not required for diagnosis of sleep apnoea. Sleep Apnoea
`Diagnosis Debate. NESSCON, Mumbai. 6”‘ November, 2005.
`9. Beta-agonists in asthma: Rescue, control and remodeling. National Allergy Conference
`(ICCAICON) Jaipur, 17"‘ October, 2005.
`10.COPD: Putting guidelines into practice. Rajasthan APICON Conference, Jodhpur, 15"‘
`October, 2005.
`11. Chemotherapy of Tuberculosis. National Infectious Disease Update, PD Hinduja Hospital,
`26”‘ August, 2005.
`12. Differentiating asthma from COPD. COPD Update. 6”‘ August, 2005, Bhubaneshwar.
`13. Obstructive Sleep Apnoea — Basic Principles. Nasik IMA, Meeting, 215‘ July, 2005, Nashik.
`14. Understanding and treating obstructive sleep apnoea, Valsad IMA meeting, Valsad, Gujarat.

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`15. COPD Today: Easier to understand; easier to manage. 28"‘ May, 2005, Bangalore — IMA
`16. Workshop on Asthma and COPD, 23”’ , 24”‘ April 2005, Coimbatore.
`17. Out patient management of COPD, 20”‘ February 2005.
`18. Pre-operative evaluation in lung surgery. 19"‘ February 2005.
`ICMAP Conference, Mumbai.
`19.COPD Today: Easier to understand; easier to manage. 22”” January, 2005. Annual
`Physicians of India Conference (APICON), Mumbai.
`20. COPD and Asthma: Issues in Primary Care. Bikaner Annual Asthma Update, 9"‘ January
`21. “The Role of anticholinergics in Asthma,” Indian Congress of Allergy,
`Asthma, Bhubaneshwar, Orissa, 19"‘ December, 2004.
`Immunology and
`22.“COPD and Asthma, similarities and differences,” 10"‘ Conference of the Transpacific
`Society of Allergy and Immunology, 22”” November, 2004.
`23. “The link between sinusitis and asthma,” 9”‘ Asian Research Symposium on Rhinology,
`Hotel Hilton Towers, 19”‘ November, 2004.
`24. “COPD: Easier to understand, easier to manage,” Rajasthan APICON, 30”‘ October, 2004.
`25. “COPD issues in primary care,” Indian Chest Society — Eastern Region Conference,
`Guwahati, 1”‘ August, 2004.
`26.“Recent Advances in the Management of COPD,” IMA Meeting, Srinagar, Jammu and
`Kashmir, 3”” July, 2004.
`27. “COPD: Easier to understand, easier to manage,” IMA Meeting, Amritsar, 20"‘ February,
`28. “Diagnosis and Management of Allergic Rhinitis,” National TB Conference, Hotel Regent,
`Mumbai, 3”” January, 2004.
`29. “Diagnosis and Newer Management Strategies for COPD.” Goa IMA Symposium, Goa 9"‘
`August, 2003.
`30. “An Overview of the Management of COPD” Cipla Symposium on COPD, Bhubaneshwar,
`Orissa, 15"‘ June 2003.
`31. “COPD Management and the Role of Tiotropium Bromide” Cipla Symposium on COPD,
`Lucknow, 11”‘ May 2003.
`32. “Why asthma is good for your practice” IMA Bardoli meeting, Bardoli, Gujarat, 9"‘ March

`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 43-10 Filed 10/22/15 Page 15 of 73 PageID #: 654
`Case 1:14—cv—01453—LPS Document 43-10 Filed 10/22/15 Page 15 of 73 PagelD #: 654
`33. “Difficult Asthma” Jamshedpur IMA Association. 4"‘ January 2003
`34. “The role of leukotriene modifiers in management of asthma.
`Rajasthan, 21”‘ December, 2002
`Cipla symposium, Jodhpur,
`35. “Diagnosis and Management of pneumonia,” Bhubaneshwar IMA meeting, 16”‘ December
`36. “Managing Asthma in General Practice,” Jalgaon, IMA, 22”” August 2001.
`37. “Long term Management of Bronchial Asthma” Ambejogai Medical College, Symposium on
`HIV and Asthma, 4‘“ March 2001.
`38. “Out Patient Management of COPD” Symposium on Management of COPD, Chennai 17"‘
`February, 2001.
`39. “Long term Management of Bronchial Asthma” Ambejogai Medical College, Symposium on
`HIV and Asthma, 4‘“ March 2001.
`40. “Modern-day management of Asthma” KSVS IMA Lecture, Sawantwadi 24”‘ September,
`41. “Management of Community-acquired pneumonias” Surat IMA meeting
`42. “Management of Asthma in clinical practice, Rajkot and Bhavnagar IMA meetings 24"‘ and
`25"‘ June, 2000
`43. “Current Day Management of Asthma”
`Lecture at IMA Yeotmal Meeting, Yeotmal, 13"‘ February 2000.
`38.“Asthma Management at the Turn of the Millennium”
`75"‘ Jubilee Conference of the Indian Medical Association (PLATICON), Pune, 29"‘
`December 1999.
`39. “Advances in Asthma Management”
`Family Physicians’ Association of Nashik, 11"‘ December, 1999.
`40. “Management of Occupational Asthma”
`Update on Occupational Respiratory Disorders, Gharda Chemicals, Chiplun, Mahad, 26"‘
`Sept. 1999.
`41. “Asthma Management at the Turn of the Millennium
`Daman Medical Association, 12"‘ Sept. 1999.
`42. “Modern-Day Management of Asthma, Cipla Symposium on Asthma, Ranchi, 4”‘ September
`43. “Diagnosis and Management of COPD”
`- Miraj-Sangli Medical Association, 25"‘ July, 1999.
`44. “Modern Day Management of Asthma”

`Case 1:14-cv-01453-LPS Document 43-10 Filed 10/22/15 Page 16 of 73 PageID #: 655
`Case 1:14—cv—01453—LPS Document 43-10 Filed 10/22/15 Page 16 of 73 PagelD #: 655
`- Cipla Symposium on Asthma, Lucknow, 18"‘ July, 1999.
`“Asthma Management”
`- Dahanu Medical Association, 30”‘ May, 1999.
`“Modern Day Management of Asthma”
`Cipla Symposium on Asthma, Cochin, 23”’ May, 1999.
`“Pulmonary Medicine at the Turn of the Millennium
`- Vapi Medical Association, 11"‘ April, 1999.
`“Aerosol Delivery Systems in Asthma”
`Twin-city Symposia on Asthma: Symptom Relief to Disease Control. Co-lectured with
`Professor Eric. D. Bateman, (South Africa) — Pune, 9"‘ March, 1999, Calcutta, 11”‘ March,
`“The Role of Corticosteroids in Asthma Management”
`Annual Conference of the National College of Chest Physicians, Udaipur, 30”‘ January
`Local Level
`“Steroids in Pulmonary Disease, Malad Medical Association, Mumbai, 21”‘ May, 2006.
`“HIV & Tuberculosis, Bombay Medical Congress, Mumbai, 12"‘ February, 2006.
`“Outpatient management of bronchial asthma and early COPD”
`‘A’ Ward Medical Association - August 1996
`“Management of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis”
`- Mahim-Dharavi General Practitioners’ As

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