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`ITEE} STATES E} i<1PA}?;TE\/1,§£NT Q37 COMMER{§‘fE
`F_.-haited States ?at€-nt and ’E‘mdemark {fiffisse
`March (34, 2335
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`FATENT: 8,163,723
`ISSUE }}A’}_"§<l: Aprii 24, 2012
`By‘ As.1é'hm“i fy mi” the
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`and i}=1Zrmtmy 9f the United $mtes Patent am? Trademark fiffice:
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`FQR}33lGN }.’ATE.‘:~T DOCl_i’.v£EN"l”S
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`ll:-.7: Nielsen
`(74) Attorney: Agent, or Firm Conlev Rose. P.C.;Rodi1ey
`3 Cm.m1~g
`r- A
`S1 Egflifis
`Inventors: A1313? Liilla, [wombat (13%); {seems
`M alla otras, Bvluxnlcai (IN)
`(73) Assignee: Cl’_'£3l,A Liinitcd, l\/liamlcai (IN;
`( "3 ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term o1‘tl1i.=;
`15_/5,(b\‘, 3., 77 daxis‘
`("U ‘”’*?Pl*"""’“ 3»?/3793:’
`369.10, 21310
`L§’i'ior l.’uhlia::3tinii Data
`US 2011}/’1)331§:89Al
`Dec. 30, 2010
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`l3‘ei'eigi3 A.}‘l§'.1lj4.‘.ail{‘:K1 Pimority Data
`Jim. 1:-12(24):
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`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
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`r».415,7/43 B1
`A pharinaceutical product or formulation: which comprises
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`physiologically functional derivative thereof, anda steroid, or
`a pharmaceutical acceptable salt, solvate or physiologically
`fiinlctiiionalbd.el'1V-3lC1Veftl1CI'C02.E ggrlefgrably S1116 prodiict or for
`11111 a‘ on eing in a orm sui a e or ms or ocu ar admin-
`28 CE;siIsis,No Drawings
`~wwmmmm~w ‘-'x-'-T-‘M--E-Q-E$x§m¥; g;§K-E ‘ *i véMfififlg' £'g-gigvgy-E§' 7‘;é‘2‘§':i‘g“'*‘““W"-<K'»'~
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