`Original Version Filed: May 18, 2023
`Public Version Filed: May 25, 2023
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-JLH Document 555 Filed 05/25/23 Page 2 of 2 PageID #: 56820
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-JLH Document 555 Filed 05/25/23 Page 2 of 2 PagelD #: 56820
`knowingly violated a protective order. Prior to Apple’s motionin the above-referenced case, I was
`never accused of having violated such an order.
`During myredirect testimony on April 26, 2023, I was asked by counsel for Arendi,
`“Do the differences between the real-world rates that were agreed to and the hypothetical rates
`impact your assessment of whether your multiplier was conservative?” I understand that Apple
`asserts that I improperly included in my response the amount of Arendi’s license agreement with
`Apple (“Settlement Amount”) and my projection of the reasonable royalty owed in Arendi’s prior
`lawsuit against Apple (“DamagesFigure”).
`In answering counsel’s question,
`I was focused on providing a truthful and
`complete answer. I did not have prior knowledge of counsel’s question and my response was not
`rehearsed. My reference to the Settlement Amount and DamagesFigure while the courtroom was
`unsealed was my best answerat the time to the question asked.
`Throughout the remainder of my extendedtestimony, I was careful not to reference
`either figure until an attorney first moved to seal the courtroom. I did so pursuant to counsel’s
`guidance before I began testifying. As far as I am aware,this testimony during spontaneousredirect
`examination is the sole instance of a deviation from that practice.
`I declare under penalty of perjury that the ferégoing
`Executed on f4 /
`(VN dedP
`Roy W