`Exhibit 1
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-JLH Document 520-1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 2 of 284 PageID #: 52478
`Dey, Anind
`Page 1
`) Plaintiff, )
`) v. )C.A. No. 12-1595-LPS
`U.S.A., INC., ) )
`Defendants. ) ____________________________ )
`ARENDI S.A.R.L., ) )
`Plaintiff, ) )C.A. No. 12-1596-LPS
`) )
`APPLE INC., ) )
`Defendant. ) ____________________________ )
`ARENDI S.A.R.L., ) )
`Plaintiff, ) )
`)C.A. No. 12-1597-LPS )
`) Defendants. )
`____________________________ ) ARENDI S.A.R.L., )
`) Plaintiff, )
`) v. )C.A. No. 12-1599-LPS
`) Defendant. )
`____________________________ ) )
`Google's Designations
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`Dey, Anind
`Page 2
` ) )
`Plaintiff, ) )
`)C.A. No. 12-1601-LPS )
`) Defendant. )
`____________________________ ) ARENDI S.A.R.L., )
`) Plaintiff, )
`) v. )C.A. No. 12-1602-LPS
`Defendants. ) ____________________________ )
`ARENDI S.A.R.L., ) )
`Plaintiff, ) )
`)C.A. No. 13-919-LPS )
`Defendant. ) ____________________________ )
`ARENDI S.A.R.L., ) )
`Plaintiff, ) )
`)C.A. No. 13-920-LPS )
`) Defendants. )
`____________________________ ) )
`Job No. CS3601378
` )
`Google's Designations
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-JLH Document 520-1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 4 of 284 PageID #: 52480
`Dey, Anind
`Page 3
`11:01 A.M.
`NOVEMBER 12, 2019
`Google's Designations
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`1 2
`6 7
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`Page 4
`A P P E A R A N C E S
`Susman Godfrey LLP
`1201 Third Avenue, Suite 3800
`Seattle, Washington 98101
`(Present via telephone conference call)
`Fish & Richardson PC
`One Marina Park Drive
`Boston, Massachusetts 02210-1878
`Google's Designations
`Arendi's Counter Designations
`2 3
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`Dey, Anind
`Page 5
`A P P E A R A N C E S (Continued)
`DLA Piper
`2000 University Avenue
`East Palo Alto, California 94303
`(Present via telephone conference call)
`McGuireWoods LLP
`2000 McKinney Avenue, Suite 1400
`Dallas, Texas 75201
`Google's Designations
`Arendi's Counter Designations
`2 3
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`Dey, Anind
`Page 6
`A P P E A R A N C E S (Continued)
`(Present via telephone conference call)
`Cooley LLP
`1299 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 700
`Washington, DC 20004-2400
`(Present via telephone conference call)
`Venable LLP
`101 California Street Suite, 3800
`San Francisco, California 94111
`Google's Designations
`Arendi's Counter Designations
`2 3
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-JLH Document 520-1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 8 of 284 PageID #: 52484
`Dey, Anind
`Page 7
`A P P E A R A N C E S (Continued)
`Paul Hastings LLP
`71 South Wacker Drive, 45th Floor
`Chicago, Illinois 60606
`Google's Designations
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`2 3
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-JLH Document 520-1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 9 of 284 PageID #: 52485
`Dey, Anind
`Page 8
`I N D E X
` 13
` 182
` 265
` 23
` 27
` 15
`Exhibit 1 Subpoena
`Exhibit 2 University of Washington iSchool 17
`Directory, Anind K. Dey
`Exhibit 3 Future Computing Environments home 21
`Exhibit 4 Future Computing Environments,
`Exhibit 5 Document bearing Bates numbers
`ARENDI-DEFS00021090 through
`Exhibit 6 Document bearing Bates numbers
`ARENDI-DEFS00022070 through
`Exhibit 7 Document bearing Bates numbers
`ARENDI-DEFS00022052 through
` 34
` 50
`Google's Designations
`Arendi's Counter Designations
`2 3
`7 8 9
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-JLH Document 520-1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 10 of 284 PageID #: 52486
`Dey, Anind
`Page 9
`Exhibit 8 Future Computing Environments 52
`blow-up of Web pages, 3 pages
`Exhibit 9 Document bearing Bates numbers 67
`ARENDI-DEFS00022056 through
`Exhibit 10 Document bearing Bates numbers 73
`ARENDI-DEFS00021078 through
`Exhibit 11 Document bearing Bates numbers 74
`ARENDI-DEFS00021071 through
`Exhibit 12 Blow-ups from Exhibit 11, five 80
`Exhibit 13 Document entitled: "CyberDesk: A 97
`Framework for Producing
`Self-Integrating Ubiquitous
`So ware Services"
`Exhibit 14 Document bearing Bates numbers 99
`ARENDI-DEFS00022065 through
`Exhibit 15 Document bearing Bates numbers 109
`ARENDI-DEFS00021059 through
`Exhibit 16 Blow-ups from Exhibit 15, 2 pages 112
`Google's Designations
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`Dey, Anind
`Page 10
` 126
` 129
` 117
`Exhibit 17 Document bearing Bates numbers
`ARENDI-DEFS00021045 through
`Exhibit 18 Document bearing Bates numbers
`ARENDI-DEFS00021080 through
`Exhibit 19 Document bearing Bates numbers
`ARENDI-DEFS00021064 through
`Exhibit 20 Blow-ups from Exhibit 19, 11 pages 132
`Exhibit 21 Document bearing Bates numbers
` 133
`ARENDI-DEFS00022078 through
`Exhibit 22 Document bearing Bates numbers
`AHL0121553 through AHL0121563
`Exhibit 23 Document bearing Bates numbers
`ARENDI-DEFS00021056 through
`Exhibit 24 Blow-ups from Exhibit 23, six 140
`Exhibit 25 Document bearing Bates numbers 147
`ARENDI-DEFS00021092 through
` 135
` 138
`Google's Designations
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`Dey, Anind
`Page 11
` 153
`Exhibit 26 Document Entitled: "Simple
`Contact Book Manager" Manager
`Exhibit 27 Document bearing Bates numbers
`ARENDI-DEFS00021084 through
`Exhibit 28 Document bearing Bates number
`Exhibit 29 Document bearing Bates numbers
`ARENDI-DEFS00021082 through
`Exhibit 30 Document bearing Bates number
`Exhibit 31 Document bearing Bates numbers
`ARENDI-DEFS00021095 through
`Exhibit 32 Document bearing Bates numbers
`ARENDI 130254 through ARENDI
` 157
` 160
` 161
` 164
` 167
` 239
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`Dey, Anind
`Page 12
`11:01 a.m.
`THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Good morning. We're
`going on the record at 11:01 on Tuesday, November 12th,
`2019. Please note that the microphones are sensitive
`and may pick up whispering, private conversations, and
`cellular interference. Please turn off all cell phones
`or place them away from the microphones as they can
`interfere with the deposition audio.
`Audio and video recording will continue to
`take place unless all parties agree to go off the
`This is media unit one of the video-recorded
`deposition of Anind Dey taken in the matter of Arendi
`S.A.R.L. versus Google, et al., filed in the United
`States District Court for the District of Delaware,
`Case Number 12-1601-LPS. This deposition is being held
`at DLA Piper, 701 Fi h Avenue, Suite 6900, Seattle,
`My name is Eddie Sams from the firm Veritext,
`and I'm the videographer. The court reporter is Carla
`Wallat from the firm Veritext.
`I am not authorized to administer an oath, I
`Google's Designations
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`4 5
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-JLH Document 520-1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 14 of 284 PageID #: 52490
`Dey, Anind
`Page 13
`sworn as a witness by the Certified Court Reporter,
`testified as follows:
`am not related to any party in this action, nor am I
`financially interested in the outcome.
`If there are any objections to proceeding,
`please state them at the time of your appearance.
`Counsel's appearances will be noted on the
`written record.
`Will the court reporter please swear in the
`16 Q. Good morning, sir.
`A. Good morning.
`18 Q. Can you please state your name for the record?
`A. Anind Dey.
`20 Q. And sir, thank you very much for appearing
`here today. Just, have you ever been deposed before?
`I have not.
`23 Q. So this will be a new life experience for you?
`A. That's right.
`25 Q. Just to give you a quick rundown as to how
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`Dey, Anind
`Page 14
`this works today, I'll be asking you questions and
`you'll be answering questions under an oath to tell the
`truth. Do you understand that?
`A. Yes.
`5 Q. And we have a court reporter here today that
`will type down everything that you or I or other
`counsel state. You understand that?
`A. Yes.
`9 Q. And we have a videographer here so that this
`can be videotaped and potentially shown at a trial, and
`therefore, you wouldn't, hopefully, have to appear
`and -- and disrupt your schedule any more than this.
`A. Yes.
`14 Q. Do you understand that?
`I do, thank you.
`16 Q. Also, I want to be clear, you are not involved
`in this lawsuit in any way. You understand that?
`A. I do.
`19 Q. We are simply here trying to explore some work
`that you did back in the 1990's, but I just wanted to
`reassure you again that you are not a defendant, you
`are not implicated in this lawsuit, and -- and I
`appreciate your appearance here today.
`A. Sure.
`25 Q.
`If you don't understand a question that I ask
`Google's Designations
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`15 / 274
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`Dey, Anind
`Page 15
`or you need me to speak up or rephrase it, please let
`me know and I'll be happy to do that. Would you -- do
`you understand that?
`I do, thanks.
`5 Q. Great. And from time to time today, I'm going
`to be marking some paper exhibits and I'll share any
`copies of those with you, just so you understand just
`sort of how the procedure works.
`A. Sure.
`10 Q. Let me start, if I might, by showing you what
`has been marked as Dey Exhibit Number 1.
`(Deposition Exhibit 1 was marked for
`14 Q. (BY MR. UNIKEL) And Dey Exhibit Number 1 is a
`subpoena to testify in a deposition, and this is issued
`by Google LLC. Do you see that?
`A. I do.
`18 Q. And am I correct, sir, you received a copy of
`A. I do -- I did, yeah.
`21 Q. And in fact, this is the reason you're
`appearing here for the deposition today, because you
`received a subpoena --
`A. Several.
`25 Q. -- from Google, Motorola, and a number of
`Google's Designations
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-JLH Document 520-1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 17 of 284 PageID #: 52493
`Dey, Anind
`Page 16
`other defendants in the case? You under --
`A. That's correct.
`3 Q. Okay. And, sir, you are not being paid in any
`way for your testimony here today --
`A. Not at all.
`6 Q. -- correct?
`And you have no financial interest in the
`outcome of this litigation whatsoever, do you?
`A. No, I do not.
`10 Q. Okay. Sir, as part the subpoena, you will
`recall that you were asked to look for some documents
`in -- in the event that you might have any of those in
`your possession. Did you do that, sir?
`A. I did look.
`15 Q. And did you find anything?
`A. I could only find what was available on the
`public website.
`18 Q. Okay. And when you say "the public website,"
`what is the public website that you're referring to?
`A. There's a website called the "Future Computing
`Environment CyberDesk" page hosted at Georgia Tech in
`the College of Computing, where I did my Ph.D. That
`was a site I put together probably in 1997
`through 1999. And that has the documentation of all
`the papers that I published and some source code, as
`Google's Designations
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`IPR Estoppel
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-JLH Document 520-1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 18 of 284 PageID #: 52494
`Dey, Anind
`Page 17
`well as some additional descriptions of -- additional
`descriptions of services involved in the CyberDesk
`system that didn't show up in a publication.
`4 Q. Okay. That's very helpful, and let me -- I'm
`going to get to that in greater detail.
`A. Sure.
`7 Q. Let me do one first if I might, which is I'm
`going to show you a copy of what I'm marking as Exhibit
`Number 2.
`(Deposition Exhibit 2 was marked for
`MR. UNIKEL: Here you go, sir.
`THE WITNESS: Thank you.
`MR. UNIKEL: This one, I didn't have an
`extra copy of. I apologize.
`16 Q. (BY MR. UNIKEL) And am I correct, sir, that
`Exhibit Number 2 is a printout from your University of
`Washington Information School Web page?
`It looks like it. I have to say I've never
`seen it before so -- but it really looks like my
`school, yes.
`22 Q.
`I guess just -- just to lay the groundwork of
`who you are and what you're doing right now --
`A. Sure, sure.
`25 Q. -- am I correct, you currently live here in
`Google's Designations
`Arendi's Counter Designations
`401; 402; 403;
`IPR Estoppel
`401; 402; 403;
`IPR Estoppel
`17:25 - 18:15
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`Dey, Anind
`Page 18
`A. I do.
`3 Q. And what is your current job?
`A. I'm the dean of the Information School and a
`professor within the Information School at the
`University of Washington.
`7 Q. And when you say "the Information School,"
`what is the Information School in particular?
`A. It's a college that comes from -- used to be
`an old library school, as library schools transitioned
`what they focused on, being much more about technology.
`It covers basically the interaction between
`human centered and humanities, as well as more of a
`STEM focus, so really looking at how to apply
`technology for the greater good.
`16 Q. And how long have you been as -- on faculty at
`the Information School at the University of Washington?
`A. Since January 1st, 2018, so almost two years.
`19 Q. And this web bio, did you have some role in
`putting together your -- your web bio for the
`Information School?
`I think I provided a CV to an admin, an IT
`person at the school, and they must have put this
`25 Q. So just so I'm aware, under -- there's a
`Google's Designations
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`17:25 - 18:15
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-JLH Document 520-1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 20 of 284 PageID #: 52496
`Dey, Anind
`Page 19
`section on Page 2 of this Exhibit 2 called "Education."
`A. Yes.
`3 Q. See that?
`And am I correct that you received your
`bachelor's of science in computer engineering from
`Simon Fraser University in 1993?
`A. Correct.
`8 Q. And then you received a master's of science in
`aerospace engineering from Georgia Tech in 1995; is
`that right?
`A. That's correct.
`12 Q. And then you -- you received both a master's
`of science in computer science and a Ph.D. in computer
`science from Georgia Tech in 2000; is that right?
`A. That's correct.
`16 Q. And at a high level, since you graduated from
`Georgia Tech with your Ph.D. in 2000 until your time
`joining the Information School at University of
`Washington, can you give me a brief description of what
`your work history was between those periods of time?
`A. Yes. So right a er graduate school, I
`started as a senior researcher at Intel Research in
`Berkeley, a brand-new lab that had just started, and I
`became an adjunct faculty member at the University of
`Berkeley within the electrical engineering and computer
`Google's Designations
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`IPR Estoppel
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`Dey, Anind
`Page 20
`science department.
`In roughly 2004, started -- I started -- well,
`we moved from Berkeley to Pittsburgh in the summer of
`2004, but I didn't start at Carnegie Mellon until 2005.
`I was on the faculty in the Human Computer
`Institute from January 2005 until I le , which was
`December 2017, end of December 2017. I was an
`assistant professor, an associate professor with
`tenure, a full professor, and the last four -- four-ish
`years, I served as department head.
`11 Q. And that was all at Carnegie Mellon?
`A. That was all at Carnegie Mellon.
`13 Q. And then a er you departed Carnegie Mellon,
`did you come right to the University of Washington?
`A. That's right.
`16 Q. And then since that time, when you joined the
`University of Washington Information School, that's
`where you've been ever since?
`A. That's right.
`20 Q. Great. Thank you.
`Sir, you had mentioned a website that, I think
`you said, was for FCE, and what -- what is FCE?
`A. Future Computing Environments. It was the
`name of my researcher -- my -- my Ph.D. advisor was
`Gregory Abowd's research group at the time.
`Google's Designations
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`20:21 - 21:2
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`Dey, Anind
`Page 21
`1 Q. Let me show you a document that I'm marking as
`Exhibit Number 3.
`(Deposition Exhibit 3 was marked for
`MR. DIEHL: Here's your document.
`6 Q. (BY MR. UNIKEL) Sir, is Exhibit Number --
`what is Exhibit Number 3?
`A. Exhibit Number 3 is the main homepage for the
`Future Computing Environments website that we just
`11 Q. And this -- the Future Computing Environments,
`is that a group that is part of Georgia Tech?
`A. It was.
`14 Q.
`It was. When was FCE, or Future Computing
`Environments, a group that was part of Georgia Tech to
`your recollection?
`I think it started the year before I joined,
`which would be 1996 or so. Could be 1995. And it was
`a group at least through my Ph.D. graduation, but I
`don't know when it ended a er that. So at least up
`till 2000, possibly a er that. You can see this
`website says it wasn't updated till -- since January of
`'97, which I don't think is actually accurate.
`24 Q. Okay. So this -- the website in the Future
`Computing Environments website, that was up and
`Google's Designations
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`401; 402; 403;
`IPR Estoppel
`401; 402; 403;
`IPR Estoppel
`401; 402; 403;
`IPR Estoppel
`20:21 - 21:2
`21:6 - 13
`21:24 -22:3
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-JLH Document 520-1 Filed 05/01/23 Page 23 of 284 PageID #: 52499
`Dey, Anind
`Page 22
`available during the time that you were at Georgia
`A. Absolutely.
`4 Q. And does that include -- you said you started
`at Georgia Tech at around what year?
`In computer science, I started in 1995, in the
`8 Q. Okay. And when you arrived, was the Future
`Computing Environments website up and running, so to
`I believe so.
`12 Q. Was there restricted access to the website, or
`could anybody access it?
`A. Anybody could access it.
`15 Q. And what sorts of things were put on the
`Future Computing Environments website?
`A. It was a typical research homepage for fact in
`academia. So it was a list of people who were
`associated with the Future Computing Environments
`group, the projects that were undertaken by the people
`involved in the group, access to equipment, and as well
`as a list of projects that undergrads could get engaged
`in to be part of the research group.
`24 Q. And did you -- let me show you, on this page
`of Exhibit 3 --
`Google's Designations
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`401; 402; 403;
`IPR Estoppel
`401; 402; 403;
`IPR Estoppel
`21:24 -22:3
`22:12 - 23:10
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`Dey, Anind
`Page 23
`A. Yeah.
`2 Q. -- which is the homepage, so to speak, of the
`Future Computing Environments website, you see there's
`a -- a tag called "projects"?
`A. Yes.
`6 Q. And am I correct that that was a link which
`would take you to a subsequent Web page?
`A. That's right. All of these were links, yeah.
`9 Q. Let me show you a document that I'm marking as
`Dey Exhibit 4.
`(Deposition Exhibit 4 was marked for
`13 Q. (BY MR. UNIKEL) Sir, am I correct that
`Exhibit 4 appears to be the Projects page from the
`Future Computing Environments website?
`A. That's correct.
`17 Q. And there -- on this page, there is a list of
`projects, and again, I assume that these are all links
`which would take you to individual project pages?
`A. That's correct.
`21 Q. And do you see on Page 2 of this "projects"
`tab, there's a section for "past projects"?
`A. Yes.
`24 Q. And one of those past projects is CyberDesk,
`Google's Designations
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`401; 402; 403;
`IPR Estoppel
`401; 402; 403;
`IPR Estoppel
`401; 402; 403;
`IPR Estoppel
`22:12 - 23:10
`23:21 - 25:12
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`Dey, Anind
`Page 24
`A. Correct.
`2 Q. Now, CyberDesk, what was -- are you familiar
`with CyberDesk?
`A. Yeah, I was one of the inventors of it.
`5 Q. So can you give me, at least at a high level,
`a description of what CyberDesk was?
`A. CyberDesk was a -- both an infrastructure and
`a platform that allowed you to select information in
`some application, have that information be -- have the
`selected information be processed in a number of
`different ways, and to cause a number of services to be
`made available to -- in the user interface to somebody
`who's trying to get more information about the
`information they had selected.
`The information could either be completely
`highlighted with a mouse or if it -- a whole e-mail
`could be considered as a selection. The whole -- all
`the information -- content in a browser could be
`considered the selected information.
`20 Q. And what was your role in creating CyberDesk?
`A. So at the very beginning, I worked with a
`visiting Ph.D. student from University of Birmingham,
`Andy Wood, Andrew Wood. He had built an infrastructure
`called "Cameo" something, I don't remember exactly the
`name of it, Cameo. And it was a system that allowed
`Google's Designations
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`23:21 - 25:12
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`Dey, Anind
`Page 25
`you to plug different so ware components together.
`Together, we had this idea that we could build
`a system that could do what CyberDesk did, and so
`building off of his Cameo work, we put the first --
`first version of CyberDesk together that allowed these
`different components to work together, one where you
`were able to select information from one application
`and have it be represented in some way in another
`10 Q. And when did you start working on CyberDesk to
`the best of your recollection?
`A. Yes. So that would have been fall of 1996.
`13 Q. And when did you then create the first working
`version of CyberDesk?
`MR. DIEHL: Objection to form.
`A. Pardon me?
`MR. DIEHL: I'm sorry, you can ahead.
`18 Q. (BY MR. UNIKEL) Oh, sorry. This is one of
`those things that happens at a deposition. Every once
`in a while the lawyers might have an objection --
`A. Oh, okay.
`22 Q. -- to a question that they'll have to preserve
`for later for a court.
`A. Okay.
`25 Q.
`It -- it shouldn't concern you.
`Google's Designations
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`23:21 - 25:12
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`Page 26
`A. That's okay.
`2 Q.
`It just lawyer stuff that -- that shouldn't
`get in the way of the question.
`A. That's fine. Can you repeat the question
`6 Q. Yes. So I was saying: So you began the work
`in the fall of 1996 --
`A. Yes.
`9 Q. -- on CyberDesk, and when did you have your
`first prototype version of CyberDesk?
`A. We submitted the paper in September of '90 --
`sorry. We submitted the paper -- the paper was
`published in -- at CHI 1997. The conference is in
`April, I'm just trying to make sure I get my calendar
`years right. So it means we submitted the work in the
`fall of '96. Sorry, which means we did the work in
`the -- in the summer of '96.
`18 Q. Okay. And when you say you "submitted the
`paper," what do you mean?
`A. We wrote up a paper that is -- if you went to
`the -- the link on CyberDesk, it would come to a list
`of publications, there's one paper that's listed, it's
`a short paper, like three or four pages long --
`actually, it might -- in those days, it might only be
`two pages -- that was a description of the first
`Google's Designations
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`instantiation of it, but the first -- but the work
`was -- the first working version of it was in summer of
`4 Q. Okay.
`A. Because we had to have gotten it done before
`we could submit the paper, update.
`7 Q. Understood.
`So let me -- let me go through some of the
`parts of that that you just described.
`A. Sure.
`11 Q. Let me show you a document that I'm marking as
`Exhibit Number 5.
`(Deposition Exhibit 5 was marked for
`MR. UNIKEL: Here you go, sir.
`A. Thank you.
`17 Q. (BY MR. UNIKEL) Sir, am I correct that
`Exhibit Number 5 is the -- is the Web page for the
`CyberDesk project that we just saw the linking to on
`the Future Computer Environments Web page?
`A. That's correct.
`22 Q. When was the last time you looked at this
`particular Web page for the CyberDesk project?
`I looked at it this morning just to refresh
`Google's Designations
`Arendi's Counter Designations
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`1 Q. And did you have some role in creating this
`index and this Web page?
`A. I created the whole thing.
`4 Q. And when would you have -- sir, when did you
`first post any information relating to CyberDesk?
`A. It would have been in the spring of 1997 when
`we got the paper published -- when we found out the
`paper was getting published, and then it was updated
`for a couple of years while the project was still
`11 Q. And would you update it periodically or when
`something happened that sort of made it worthwhile to
`update it?
`A. When something happened, when we had a
`publication that was accepted or when we had a new
`version of the so ware that we wanted to release.
`17 Q. Okay. And so on this, I notice at the top
`le , we see the title of the page is "CyberDesk" and
`it says "Version 2.0," correct?
`A. Yes.
`21 Q. What -- what is Version 2.0?
`A. I -- when I saw that this morning, I was
`trying to remember, and honestly, I don't. My best
`guess, if you want a guess, is that in those days, in
`the early days of the Web, people were very concerned
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`Arendi's Counter Designations
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`about versioning their Web pages, and so I suspect this
`was a second version of the Web page, but I have no --
`I don't really have a strong recollection of that.
`4 Q. When did you -- did you continue to update
`this page regularly until you le Georgia Tech?
`A. No. When I moved to my thesis project, I
`stopped working on this project completely. And so
`this was fallow for a couple of years before I le
`Georgia Tech.
`10 Q. So -- but all of the material that's on this
`particular Web page, would you personally have put it
`onto the Web page?
`A. Yes.
`14 Q. And would that include, for example, the
`linking to any articles or publications that are
`included here?
`A. That's correct.
`18 Q. I see at the top, under Version 2.0, there is
`your name, correct?
`A. Uh-huh, correct.
`21 Q. As well a