`Case 1:13-cv-00919—LPS Document 359-2 Filed 04/15/21 Page 1 of 102 PageID #: 45218
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 359-2 Filed 04/15/21 Page 2 of 102 PageID #: 45219
`TextLinks | Android Developers
`The Developer Preview for Android 11 is now available; test it out and share your feedback
`2/27/20, 5(59 PM
`Added in API level 28 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element#ApiLevels)
`Kotlin (/reference/kotlin/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks)
`| Java
`public final class TextLinks
`extends Object (/reference/java/lang/Object) implements Parcelable (/reference/android/os/Parcelable)
`java.lang.Object (/reference/java/lang/Object)
` ↳ android.view.textclassi5er.TextLinks
`A collection of links, representing subsequences of text and the entity types (phone number, address, url, etc) they may be.
`Nested classes
`TextLinks.Builder (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks.Builder)
`A builder to construct a TextLinks instance.
`TextLinks.Request (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks.Request)
`A request object for generating TextLinks.
`TextLinks.TextLink (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks.TextLink)
`A link, identifying a substring of text and possible entity types for it.
`TextLinks.TextLinkSpan (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks.TextLinkSpan)
`A ClickableSpan for a TextLink.
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`TextLinks | Android Developers
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`APPLY_STRATEGY_IGNORE (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks#APPLY_STRATEGY_IGNORE)
`Do not replace ClickableSpan (/reference/android/text/style/ClickableSpan)s that exist where the TextLinkSpan (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks.TextLinkSpan) needs to be applied
`APPLY_STRATEGY_REPLACE (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks#APPLY_STRATEGY_REPLACE)
`Replace any ClickableSpan (/reference/android/text/style/ClickableSpan)s that exist where the TextLinkSpan (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks.TextLinkSpan) needs to be applied to.
`STATUS_DIFFERENT_TEXT (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks#STATUS_DIFFERENT_TEXT)
`The speci5ed text does not match the text used to generate the links.
`STATUS_LINKS_APPLIED (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks#STATUS_LINKS_APPLIED)
`Links were successfully applied to the text.
`STATUS_NO_LINKS_APPLIED (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks#STATUS_NO_LINKS_APPLIED)
`No links applied to text.
`STATUS_NO_LINKS_FOUND (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks#STATUS_NO_LINKS_FOUND)
`No links exist to apply to text.
`STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_CHARACTER (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks#STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_CHARACTER)
`The speci5ed text contains unsupported characters.
`Inherited constants
`From interface android.os.Parcelable (/reference/android/os/Parcelable)
`Descriptor bit used with describeContents() (/reference/android/os/Parcelable#describeContents()): indicates that the Parcelable object's _attened representation includes a 5le descriptor.
`Flag for use with writeToParcel(Parcel, int) (/reference/android/os/Parcelable#writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel,%20int)): the object being written is a return value, that is the result of a function
`such as "Parcelable someFunction()", "void someFunction(out Parcelable)", or "void someFunction(inout Parcelable)".
`Page 2 of 11
`TextLinks | Android Developers
`public static final
` (/reference/android/os/Parcelabl
` (/reference/android/view/textcla
`Public methods
` (/reference/android/os/Bundle)
` (/reference/java/util/Collection)
` (/reference/android/view/textcla
` (/reference/java/lang/CharSeque
` (/reference/java/lang/String)
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 359-2 Filed 04/15/21 Page 4 of 102 PageID #: 45221
`2/27/20, 5(59 PM
`CREATOR (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks#CREATOR)
` (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks#apply(android.text.Spannable,%20int,%20java.util.function.Function<android.view.textclassi5er.TextLinks.TextLink,%20android.view.textclassi5er.TextLink
`(Spannable (/reference/android/text/Spannable) text, int applyStrategy, Function (/reference/java/util/function/Function)<TextLinks.TextLink
` (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks.TextLink), TextLinks.TextLinkSpan (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks.TextLinkSpan)> spanFactory)
`Annotates the given text with the generated links.
`describeContents (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks#describeContents())()
`Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable instance's marshaled representation.
`getExtras (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks#getExtras())()
`Returns the extended data.
`getLinks (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks#getLinks())()
`Returns an unmodi5able Collection of the links.
`getText (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks#getText())()
`Returns the text that was used to generate these links.
`toString (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks#toString())()
`Returns a string representation of the object.
`writeToParcel (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks#writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel,%20int))(Parcel (/reference/android/os/Parcel) dest, int flags)
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`Flatten this object in to a Parcel.
`Inherited methods
`From class java.lang.Object (/reference/java/lang/Object)
`Object (/reference/java/lang/Object)
`clone (/reference/java/lang/Object#clone())()
`Creates and returns a copy of this object.
`equals (/reference/java/lang/Object#equals(java.lang.Object))(Object (/reference/java/lang/Object) obj)
`Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
`finalize (/reference/java/lang/Object#5nalize())()
`Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
`final Class (/reference/java/lang/Class)<?>getClass (/reference/java/lang/Object#getClass())()
`Returns the runtime class of this Object.
`hashCode (/reference/java/lang/Object#hashCode())()
`final void
`notify (/reference/java/lang/Object#notify())()
`Returns a hash code value for the object.
`Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object's monitor.
`final void
`notifyAll (/reference/java/lang/Object#notifyAll())()
`Wakes up all threads that are waiting on this object's monitor.
`String (/reference/java/lang/String)
`toString (/reference/java/lang/Object#toString())()
`Returns a string representation of the object.
`final void
`wait (/reference/java/lang/Object#wait(long,%20int))(long timeout, int nanos)
`Causes the current thread to wait until another thread invokes the notify() (/reference/java/lang/Object#notify()) method or the notifyAll() (/reference/java/lang/Object#notifyAll())
`method for this object, or some other thread interrupts the current thread, or a certain amount of real time has elapsed.
`final void
`wait (/reference/java/lang/Object#wait(long))(long timeout)
`Causes the current thread to wait until either another thread invokes the notify() (/reference/java/lang/Object#notify()) method or the notifyAll()
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`final void
`wait (/reference/java/lang/Object#wait())()
` (/reference/java/lang/Object#notifyAll()) method for this object, or a speci5ed amount of time has elapsed.
`Causes the current thread to wait until another thread invokes the notify() (/reference/java/lang/Object#notify()) method or the notifyAll() (/reference/java/lang/Object#notifyAll())
`method for this object.
`From interface android.os.Parcelable (/reference/android/os/Parcelable)
`describeContents (/reference/android/os/Parcelable#describeContents())()
`abstract int
`Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable instance's marshaled representation.
`abstract void
`writeToParcel (/reference/android/os/Parcelable#writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel,%20int))(Parcel (/reference/android/os/Parcel) dest, int flags)
`Flatten this object in to a Parcel.
`public static final int APPLY_STRATEGY_IGNORE
`Added in API level 28 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element#ApiLevels)
`Do not replace ClickableSpan (/reference/android/text/style/ClickableSpan)s that exist where the TextLinkSpan (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks.TextLinkSpan) needs to be applied to. Do not apply the
`Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)
`public static final int APPLY_STRATEGY_REPLACE
`Added in API level 28 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element#ApiLevels)
`Replace any ClickableSpan (/reference/android/text/style/ClickableSpan)s that exist where the TextLinkSpan (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks.TextLinkSpan) needs to be applied to.
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 359-2 Filed 04/15/21 Page 7 of 102 PageID #: 45224
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`Added in API level 28 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element#ApiLevels)
`Added in API level 28 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element#ApiLevels)
`Added in API level 28 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element#ApiLevels)
`TextLinks | Android Developers
`Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
`public static final int STATUS_DIFFERENT_TEXT
`The speci5ed text does not match the text used to generate the links.
`Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)
`public static final int STATUS_LINKS_APPLIED
`Links were successfully applied to the text.
`Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)
`public static final int STATUS_NO_LINKS_APPLIED
`No links applied to text. The links were 5ltered out.
`Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)
`Added in API level 28 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element#ApiLevels)
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`public static final int STATUS_NO_LINKS_FOUND
`No links exist to apply to text. Links count is zero.
`Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
`public static final int STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_CHARACTER
`The speci5ed text contains unsupported characters.
`Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)
`public static final Creator (/reference/android/os/Parcelable.Creator)<TextLinks (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks)> CREATOR
`Public methods
`Added in API level 29 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element#ApiLevels)
`Added in API level 28 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element#ApiLevels)
`Added in API level 28 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element#ApiLevels)
`public int apply (Spannable (/reference/android/text/Spannable) text,
` int applyStrategy,
` Function (/reference/java/util/function/Function)<TextLinks.TextLink (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks.TextLink), TextLinks.TextLinkSpan (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks.TextLinkSpan)
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`Annotates the given text with the generated links. It will fail if the provided text doesn't match the original text used to create the TextLinks.
`NOTE: It may be necessary to set a LinkMovementMethod on the TextView widget to properly handle links. See TextView#setMovementMethod(MovementMethod)
` (/reference/android/widget/TextView#setMovementMethod(android.text.method.MovementMethod))
`Spannable: the text to apply the links to. Must match the original text This value must never be null.
`int: the apply strategy used to determine how to apply links to text. e.g TextLinks#APPLY_STRATEGY_IGNORE (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks#APPLY_STRATEGY_IGNORE) Value is
`APPLY_STRATEGY_IGNORE (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks#APPLY_STRATEGY_IGNORE), or APPLY_STRATEGY_REPLACE
` (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks#APPLY_STRATEGY_REPLACE)
`Function: a custom span factory for converting TextLinks to TextLinkSpans. Set to null to use the default span factory. This value may be null.
`a status code indicating whether or not the links were successfully applied e.g. STATUS_LINKS_APPLIED (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks#STATUS_LINKS_APPLIED) Value is
`STATUS_LINKS_APPLIED (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks#STATUS_LINKS_APPLIED), STATUS_NO_LINKS_FOUND
` (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks#STATUS_NO_LINKS_FOUND), STATUS_NO_LINKS_APPLIED (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks#STATUS_NO_LINKS_APPLIED),
` (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks#STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_CHARACTER)
`public int describeContents ()
`Added in API level 28 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element#ApiLevels)
`Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable instance's marshaled representation. For example, if the object will include a 5le descriptor in the output of
`writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int) (/reference/android/os/Parcelable#writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel,%20int)), the return value of this method must include the CONTENTS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR
` (/reference/android/os/Parcelable#CONTENTS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR) bit.
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`a bitmask indicating the set of special object types marshaled by this Parcelable object instance. Value is either 0 or CONTENTS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR
` (/reference/android/os/Parcelable#CONTENTS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR)
`Added in API level 29 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element#ApiLevels)
`public Bundle (/reference/android/os/Bundle) getExtras ()
`Returns the extended data.
`NOTE: Do not modify this bundle.
` (/reference/android/os/Bundle)
`This value will never be null.
`Added in API level 28 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element#ApiLevels)
`public Collection (/reference/java/util/Collection)<TextLinks.TextLink (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks.TextLink)> getLinks ()
`Returns an unmodi5able Collection of the links.
` (/reference/java/util/Collection)
` (/reference/android/view/textcla
`This value will never be null.
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`Added in Android R (/preview)
`public CharSequence (/reference/java/lang/CharSequence) getText ()
`Returns the text that was used to generate these links.
` (/reference/java/lang/CharSeque
`This value will never be null.
`public String (/reference/java/lang/String) toString ()
`Added in API level 28 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element#ApiLevels)
`Returns a string representation of the object. In general, the toString method returns a string that "textually represents" this object. The result should be a concise but informative representation that is easy for
`a person to read. It is recommended that all subclasses override this method.
`The toString method for class Object returns a string consisting of the name of the class of which the object is an instance, the at-sign character `@', and the unsigned hexadecimal representation of the hash
`code of the object. In other words, this method returns a string equal to the value of:
` getClass().getName() + '@' + Integer.toHexString(hashCode())
` (/reference/java/lang/String)
`a string representation of the object.
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`Added in API level 28 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element#ApiLevels)
`public void writeToParcel (Parcel (/reference/android/os/Parcel) dest,
` int flags)
`Flatten this object in to a Parcel.
`Parcel: The Parcel in which the object should be written.
`int: Additional _ags about how the object should be written. May be 0 or Parcelable.PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE (/reference/android/os/Parcelable#PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE).
`Value is either 0 or a combination of Parcelable.PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE (/reference/android/os/Parcelable#PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE), and
`Content and code samples on this page are subject to the licenses described in the Content License (/license). Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its anliates.
`Last updated 2020-02-12.
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 359-2 Filed 04/15/21 Page 14 of 102 PageID #: 45231
`TextClassifier | Android Developers
`The Developer Preview for Android 11 is now available; test it out and share your feedback
`2/27/20, 4(24 PM
`public interface TextClassifier
`Added in API level 26 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element#ApiLevels)
`Kotlin (/reference/kotlin/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er)
`| Java
`Interface for providing text classi5cation related features.
`The TextClassi5er may be used to understand the meaning of text, as well as generating predicted next actions based on the text.
`NOTE: Unless otherwise stated, methods of this interface are blocking operations. Call on a worker thread.
`Summary !
`Nested classes
`TextClassifier.EntityConfig (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er.EntityCon5g)
`Con5guration object for specifying what entity types to identify.
` (/reference/java/lang/String)
`EXTRA_FROM_TEXT_CLASSIFIER (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#EXTRA_FROM_TEXT_CLASSIFIER)
`Page 1 of 24
`TextClassifier | Android Developers
` (/reference/java/lang/String)
` (/reference/java/lang/String)
` (/reference/java/lang/String)
` (/reference/java/lang/String)
` (/reference/java/lang/String)
` (/reference/java/lang/String)
` (/reference/java/lang/String)
` (/reference/java/lang/String)
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 359-2 Filed 04/15/21 Page 15 of 102 PageID #: 45232
`2/27/20, 4(24 PM
`Extra that is included on activity intents coming from a TextClassi5er when it suggests actions to its caller.
`HINT_TEXT_IS_EDITABLE (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#HINT_TEXT_IS_EDITABLE)
`Designates that the text in question is editable.
`HINT_TEXT_IS_NOT_EDITABLE (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#HINT_TEXT_IS_NOT_EDITABLE)
`Designates that the text in question is not editable.
`TYPE_ADDRESS (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#TYPE_ADDRESS)
`Physical address.
`TYPE_DATE (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#TYPE_DATE)
`Time reference that is no more speci5c than a date.
`TYPE_DATE_TIME (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#TYPE_DATE_TIME)
`Time reference that includes a speci5c time.
`TYPE_EMAIL (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#TYPE_EMAIL)
`E-mail address (e.g. "noreply@android.com").
`TYPE_FLIGHT_NUMBER (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#TYPE_FLIGHT_NUMBER)
`Flight number in IATA format.
` (/reference/java/lang/String)
`TYPE_OTHER (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#TYPE_OTHER)
`The classi5er ran, but didn't recognize a known entity.
` (/reference/java/lang/String)
`TYPE_PHONE (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#TYPE_PHONE)
`Phone number (e.g. "555-123 456").
` (/reference/java/lang/String)
`TYPE_UNKNOWN (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#TYPE_UNKNOWN)
`Page 2 of 24
`TextClassifier | Android Developers
` (/reference/java/lang/String)
` (/reference/java/lang/String)
` (/reference/java/lang/String)
` (/reference/java/lang/String)
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 359-2 Filed 04/15/21 Page 16 of 102 PageID #: 45233
`2/27/20, 4(24 PM
`The TextClassi5er failed to run.
`TYPE_URL (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#TYPE_URL)
`Web URL.
`WIDGET_TYPE_CUSTOM_EDITTEXT (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#WIDGET_TYPE_CUSTOM_EDITTEXT)
`The widget involved in the text classi5cation context is a custom editable text widget.
`WIDGET_TYPE_CUSTOM_TEXTVIEW (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#WIDGET_TYPE_CUSTOM_TEXTVIEW)
`The widget involved in the text classi5cation context is a custom text widget.
` (/reference/java/lang/String)
` (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#WIDGET_TYPE_CUSTOM_UNSELECTABLE_TEXTVIEW)
` (/reference/java/lang/String)
` (/reference/java/lang/String)
` (/reference/java/lang/String)
` (/reference/java/lang/String)
` (/reference/java/lang/String)
`The widget involved in the text classi5cation context is a custom non-selectable text widget.
`WIDGET_TYPE_EDITTEXT (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#WIDGET_TYPE_EDITTEXT)
`The widget involved in the text classi5cation context is a standard EditText (/reference/android/widget/EditText).
`WIDGET_TYPE_EDIT_WEBVIEW (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#WIDGET_TYPE_EDIT_WEBVIEW)
`The widget involved in the text classi5cation context is a standard editable WebView (/reference/android/webkit/WebView).
`WIDGET_TYPE_NOTIFICATION (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#WIDGET_TYPE_NOTIFICATION)
`The widget involved in the text classi5cation context is a noti5cation
`WIDGET_TYPE_TEXTVIEW (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#WIDGET_TYPE_TEXTVIEW)
`The widget involved in the text classi5cation context is a standard TextView (/reference/android/widget/TextView).
`WIDGET_TYPE_UNKNOWN (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#WIDGET_TYPE_UNKNOWN)
`The widget involved in the text classi5cation context is of an unknown/unspeci5ed type.
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`The widget involved in the text classi5cation context is a standard non-selectable TextView (/reference/android/widget/TextView).
`WIDGET_TYPE_WEBVIEW (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#WIDGET_TYPE_WEBVIEW)
`The widget involved in the text classi5cation context is a standard WebView (/reference/android/webkit/WebView).
`NO_OP (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#NO_OP)
`No-op TextClassi5er.
` (/reference/java/lang/String)
` (/reference/java/lang/String)
`public static final
` (/reference/android/view/textcla
`Public methods
`classifyText (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#classifyText(android.view.textclassi5er.TextClassi5cation.Request))
`(TextClassification.Request (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5cation.Request) request)
` (/reference/android/view/textcla
`Classi5es the speci5ed text and returns a TextClassification (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5cation) object that can be used to generate
`a widget for handling the classi5ed text.
` (/reference/android/view/textcla
`classifyText (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#classifyText(java.lang.CharSequence,%20int,%20int,%20android.os.LocaleList))
`(CharSequence (/reference/java/lang/CharSequence) text, int startIndex, int endIndex, LocaleList (/reference/android/os/LocaleList)
`Classi5es the speci5ed text and returns a TextClassification (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5cation) object that can be used to generate
`a widget for handling the classi5ed text.
`default void
`destroy (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#destroy())()
`Destroys this TextClassi5er.
`default TextLanguage
`detectLanguage (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#detectLanguage(android.view.textclassi5er.TextLanguage.Request))(TextLanguage.
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`2/27/20, 4(24 PM
` (/reference/android/view/textcla
`default TextLinks
` (/reference/android/view/textcla
`Request (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLanguage.Request) request)
`Detects the language of the text in the given request.
`generateLinks (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#generateLinks(android.view.textclassi5er.TextLinks.Request))(TextLinks.Request
` (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks.Request) request)
`Generates and returns a TextLinks (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextLinks) that may be applied to the text to annotate it with links information.
`default int
`getMaxGenerateLinksTextLength (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#getMaxGenerateLinksTextLength())()
`Returns the maximal length of text that can be processed by generateLinks.
`default boolean
`isDestroyed (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#isDestroyed())()
`Returns whether or not this TextClassi5er has been destroyed.
`default void
`onSelectionEvent (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#onSelectionEvent(android.view.textclassi5er.SelectionEvent))(SelectionEvent
` (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/SelectionEvent) event)
`NOTE: Use onTextClassifierEvent(android.view.textclassifier.TextClassifierEvent)
` (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#onTextClassi5erEvent(android.view.textclassi5er.TextClassi5erEvent)) instead.
`default void
`onTextClassifierEvent (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#onTextClassi5erEvent(android.view.textclassi5er.TextClassi5erEvent))
`(TextClassifierEvent (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5erEvent) event)
`Reports a text classi5er event.
` (/reference/android/view/textcla
` (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#suggestConversationActions(android.view.textclassi5er.ConversationActions.Request))
`(ConversationActions.Request (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/ConversationActions.Request) request)
`Suggests and returns a list of actions according to the given conversation.
`default TextSelection
` (/reference/android/view/textcla
`suggestSelection (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#suggestSelection(java.lang.CharSequence,%20int,%20int,%20android.os.LocaleList))
`(CharSequence (/reference/java/lang/CharSequence) text, int selectionStartIndex, int selectionEndIndex, LocaleList
` (/reference/android/os/LocaleList) defaultLocales)
`Page 5 of 24
`Returns suggested text selection start and end indices, recognized entity types, and their associated con5dence scores.
`TextClassifier | Android Developers
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`Returns suggested text selection start and end indices, recognized entity types, and their associated con5dence scores.
`2/27/20, 4(24 PM
`default TextSelection
` (/reference/android/view/textcla
`suggestSelection (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er#suggestSelection(android.view.textclassi5er.TextSelection.Request))
`(TextSelection.Request (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextSelection.Request) request)
`Returns suggested text selection start and end indices, recognized entity types, and their associated con5dence scores.
`Added in API level 29 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element#ApiLevels)
`public static final String (/reference/java/lang/String) EXTRA_FROM_TEXT_CLASSIFIER
`Extra that is included on activity intents coming from a TextClassi5er when it suggests actions to its caller.
`All TextClassifier (/reference/android/view/textclassi5er/TextClassi5er) implementations should make sure this extra exists in their generated intents.
`Constant Value: "android.view.textclassi5er.extra.FROM_TEXT_CLASSIFIER"
`Added in API level 28 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element#ApiLevels)
`public static final String (/reference/java/lang/String) HINT_TEXT_IS_EDITABLE
`Designates that the text in question is editable. *
`Constant Value: "android.text_is_editable"
`Page 6 of 24
`TextClassifier | Android Developers
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`2/27/20, 4(24 PM
`Added in API level 28 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element#ApiLevels)
`public static final String (/reference/java/lang/String) HINT_TEXT_IS_NOT_EDITABLE
`Designates that the text in question is not editable. *
`Constant Value: "android.text_is_not_editable"
`Added in API level 26 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element#ApiLevels)
`public static final String (/reference/java/lang/String) TYPE_ADDRESS
`Physical address.
`Constant Value: "address"
`public static final String (/reference/java/lang/String) TYPE_DATE
`Time reference that is no more speci5c than a date. May be absolute such as "01/01/2000" or relative like "tomorrow". * * @apiSince 28
`Constant Value: "date"