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`Writing and Drawing
`This chapter teaches you how best to write and draw on the MessagePad 2000. There
`are several methods and tools you can use to enhance recognition, correct mistakes,
`and manipulate text and drawings. 00 through the chapter to find the best tools for
`your needs.
`If you want to go through a brief tutorial about writing, you can use the Handwriting
`Instructor. To access this, tap Extras ® to open the Extras Drawer, tap the folder tab
`and in the list that appears, tap Setup. Then tap HW Instructor M.
`About recognition
`This seCtion offers a general description of handwriting recognition used
`in the MessagePad and discusses some of the factors that may affect how well it
`recognizes your handwriting.
`When you write on your MessagePad, you write in normal printed or cursive
`characters, as well as numbers, punctuation, and gestures. Often you write English
`words, but not always.


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`The MessagePad tries to detect when you are writing English words, abbreviations,
`and common expressions. It uses a large dictionary to aid in recognizing these things
`quickly and accurately. When you write things that are neither simple numbers nor
`English words (such as initials, dates, telephone numbers, file names, or serial
`numbers) your MessagePad tries to match the characters you write to the common
`patterns of these entries. If no such pattern can be discerned, your MessagePad does
`its best to recognize the characters individually.
`Generally speaking, your MessagePad is somewhat better at recognizing poorly
`formed characters if they are part of English words (or other items that are in
`the MessagePad’s dictionary). When you’re writing things such as license plate
`numbers, you’ll find that extra care in forming your characters neatly contributes to
`improved accuracy.
`Your MessagePad distinguishes characters and words in part by detecting pauses in
`your writing. It’s a good idea when writing to complete each character without
`pausing too long before it’s finished, and similarly to complete your words without
`pausing in the middle.
`Your MessagePad is also sensitive to the way your writing is spaced. In normal writing
`or text there is a clear difference between the amount of space separating letters
`within words and the amount of space separating words themselves. The more
`distinct and consistent you make this difference when you write on your MessagePad,
`the better recognition tends to be. A control in the Handwriting Recognition slip
`allows you to let your MessagePad know whether your writing tends to be widely
`spaced or more tightly crowded. Experimenting with this setting may result in
`improved accuracy.
`Generally, the MessagePad tends to deliver the best overall recognition accuracy if
`you select Printing as your handwriting style. This means you must print using
`separate letters only, taking care to lift the pen between characters when you write.
`If you write in cursive style (always joining letters) or mix cursive and printed styles,
`you should select Cursive as your handwriting style. Both styles are then recognized,
`even when mixed, although overall accuracy may decrease somewhat.
`Chapter 1


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`Selecting a handwriting recognition setting
`In some areas of the MessagePad, such as the Notepad, you can choose a handwriting
`recognition setting to help your MessagePad interpret what you are writing or drawing.
`The Recognition button on the bottom left of the MessagePad screen controls the
`way the MessagePad recognizes your writing and drawing. Tap the Recognition
`button and a pop-Up list appears.
`A Text
`at. Ink Text
`I:- Sketches
`A (i) Preferences
`Tap your choice and the picture in the Recognition button changes to the
`new setting.
`A Text
`To have your words and numbers recognized as text.
`Straighten lines.
`works with test, draws shapes, and displays electronic ink.
`Writing and Drawing


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`Setting your handwriting recognition preferences
`Using the Recognition button, you can also set the way your MessagePad recognizes
`your handwriting.
`To set your handwriting preferences:
`Tap the RecognitiOn button
`and, in the list that appears, tap Preferences.
`In the slip that appears, seleCt the appropriate settings, then tap IZI to close the slip.
`The settings are discussed in further detail in the following pages.
`Tap the pen on the
`slider and more it to Qtflfi.....+NQ......1.2.2).............
`l-IJTHI’J'I spacing —>:;;;;;;;;g;;;gg;;;;;;
`Closely spaced
`Tap a button next to
`Printing at Gumtree to
`select your waiting style.
`Tap here to set
`additional writtng
`options or to revert to
`the default settings.
`Chapter 1
`ll Handwriting Recognition
`My handwriting style is
`. Printing (separate letters)
`{I} Cursive (tonne: ted letters)
`widely spate i213 Configure {or guest user
`Tap (1'th LTJE'CKI‘JUX {0
`set upyuur Messachad
`for aguest user.
`Tap he"? to attgt’t ”’5'
`pen and screen.
`Handwriting styles: Printing and Cursive
`The MessagePad uses different methods to recognize printing and cursive writing. It
`is important that you choose one style and write that way consistently. When you
`change your writing style, you must also change the style setting in the Handwriting
`Recognition slip.


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`The highest overall recognition accuracy is achieved when you print, using separate,
`unconnected letters.
`in Select Printing as your style when you often write information that is not whole
`words or common abbreviations. if you select Printing, you must lift the pen
`between characters so that characters are separated and easily distinguishable
`from one anOther.
`- Select Cursive as your style when you join some or all of the characters you write.
`Word spacing
`When you write, your MessagePad must decide which groups of pen strokes to
`interpret as words, along with what words these Strokes represent.
`You can improve your MessagePad’s ability to distinguish words by writing your
`characters somewhat close together and yOur words somewhat far apart. Use the
`slider in the Handwriting Recognition slip to set the distance between words. This
`helps your MessagePad recognize words more easily.
`'I'lps on word spaclng
`If your MessagePad tends to run your words or expressions together, try writing
`them farther apart.
`- If your MessagePad tends to break apart your words or expressions, try writing the
`characters closer together.
`I If you want to deliberately combine two separate words into one, write the second
`word extremely close to the first word.
`If you want to separate a string of characters into two words, be sure to leave extra
`space between the two expressions.
`Writing and Drawing


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`Other options
`You can set additional preferences by using the Options button. Tap the Options
`button and a list appears.
`tOptians Text Editing Settings
`Handwriting Settings
`Letter Shapes
`Fine Tuning
` Use default settings
`The options you see depend on which writing Style you selected—Printing or Cursive.
`Tap an option in the list and in the slip that appears, enter the appropriate
`information. The various options are described below.
`Text Editing Settings
`Use this to set the scaling of ink text, to specify whether to insert words at the caret,
`and to automatically add new words to your word list.
`a Text Edltlng Selling!
`OIIIkTuIt Stain] 755 Scaling
`M Insert new words at caret
`Eff Md new words to Personal lIii'ord List
`- Ink Ext Scaling—Tap the diamond O and, in the liSt that appears, tap No Scaling,
`75% Scaling, or 50% Scaling.
`- Insert new words at carer—If this box is checked, you can tap the pen on the
`screen to place the caret A. Anything you write 0n the screen is then placed at
`the caret. If the checkbox is not checked, your writing appears wherever you write
`it on the screen.
`. Add new words to Personal Word List—1f you selected Cursive as your handwriting
`style and this is checked, any words the MessagePad interprets that are net already
`in a word list [such as someone‘s last name) are automatically placed in your
`personal word list.
`Chapter 1


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`Handwrltlng Settings
`This Option only appears if you selected Cursive as your writing style. Use this to add
`letter-by-letter recognition to the MessagePad and to indicate whether you want the
`MessagePad to learn your handwriting.
`“Handwriting Settings
`Eff Letter-by—letter in fields
`3?: Letter-briefly i1 notes
`3?! Learn my handwriting
`letter-by-letter recognition controls the MessagePad’s ability to recognize text that is
`not in its dietionary. If a word is not in the dictionary, the MessagePad uses letter-by-
`letter recognition to interpret the word. if letter—by-letter recognition is turned off
`(not checked) and the word is not in the dictionary, the MessagePad displays the
`word closest to it in the dictionary.
`For example, if you wrote “snapko,” the MessagePad would only be able to recognize
`that word if letter-by-letter recognition is selected, since “snapko” is not in the
`“Letter-by-letter in fields” controls recognition in the Name File and in information
`fields in other applications. “‘Letter-by-letter in notes" controls recognition in the
`Notepad. Some people get good results if they turn letter-by-lettet recognition off in
`notes but on in fields. Fields typically have more unusual words in them and it’s
`usually better to have letter-by-letter recognition turned on. Since most words in the
`Notepad are words found in the dictionary, it is sometimes better not to seleCt
`“Letter-by—Ietter in notes."
`“Learn my handwriting" tells your MessagePad to learn your handwriting. If this
`option is selected (checked), the MessagePad accumulates information about your
`writing style based on how you correct its recognition. The letter forms in Letter
`Shapes change as the MessagePad learns how you write. For people with consistent
`handwriting this option improves accuracy of recognition. If you find that recognition
`doesn’t improve or worsens, uncheck “Learn my handwriting,” then open the Letter
`Shapes panel and tap the “Use Default Settings" button. it “Learn my handwriting" is
`not checked, the MessagePad does not learn your handwriting and recognition stays
`the same as when you firSt started to use your MessagePad.
`Writing and Drawing


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`Latter Shapes
`This option Only appears if you seleaed Cursive as your writing style. You use Letter
`Shapes to help the MessagePad improve handwriting recognition by identifying letter
`shapes you don’t use.
`Your settings do not prevent the Messagel’ad from recognizing the letters if you write
`them in other ways.
`£3 Letter Shape-s
`Rarely <:::= Mayer
`I Often
`I wrile this 'A'
`Tap a letter or
`character to go {0 if.
`Tap {he arrows to go
`to the next diarznjefi
`Tap a letter form once to select it. Tap it again to see how it’s written (n0tice the
`direction of the strokes). Then tap Often, Rarely, or Never to indicate how often you
`write the letter this way. [If more than one form is boxed, your choice affects all the
`forms in the box.)
`Chapter 1


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`Fine Tuning
`Use these settings to let the MessagePad know how fast to recognize and transform
`your handwriting.
`Recognize my handwriting
`slowly, more
`Transform my hamlllrit'llg
`Us: default settlngs
`If you wish to discard all the Letter Styles preferences yOu’ve set and everything the
`MessagePad has learned about yOur handwriting, tap Use Default Settings in the
`Options list.
`Tips for better handwriting recognition
`Writing is one of the most convenient ways to put information into your
`MessagePad. There are several tips to keep in mind while you are writing. Most of
`these tips are common sense, and help the MessagePad interpret your handwriting
`more aCCurately.
`- Write at an even pace.
`Don‘t pause in the middle of a word. Finish what you write—don‘t go back to a
`word to change it until you’ve finished writing it.
`I You don‘t have to wait for a word to be recognized to continue writing.
`I Write simply and neatly.
`Avoid adding flourishes, like sen'fs, to your letters. Don’t write at too much of an
`angle or slant your characters. Close your letters properly.
`- Exaggerate the space between words, but not between letters.
`This helps your MessagePad determine when one word ends and anOther begins.
`Writing and Drawing


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`I Write capital letters and tall letters (such as tand 1) so they are twice as tall as
`small letters.
`- Correct as you go.
`Write a few words, then wait while your MessagePad recognizes them. If there are
`mistakes, go back and fix them one at a time. If you don’t, your MessagePad
`assumes the word is correct and adjusts its recognition accordingly.
`I When dotting your is, keep the dot close to and above the 1'. Make sure it doesn’t
`look like an accent mark.
`I When you cross fs, make sure you don’t cross any other tall letters. Make the
`cross horizontal, not slanted.
`- Don’t crowd words at the edge of the screen.
`I Make parentheses bigger than tall letters.
`I Keep punctuation close to the word. If your MessagePad turns a punctuation
`mark into a letter, you’re leaving too much space between the word and
`the punctuation.
`- Write colons and semicolons from top to bottom and make them half as tall as
`capital letters.
`I Write exclamation points the same size as tall letters.
`I Make slashes long and slanted.
`- If your MessagePad is having problems recognizing certain cursive letters or
`characters, go to Letter Shapes and identify the letter forms you use.
`1 0
`Chapter 1


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`Setting the styles for text and drawings
`You can change the style and size of text and the thickness of lines and shapes. When
`you make changes, it affects the seICCted items (if any) and everything you write or
`dtaw subsequent to the change.
`Select the text, line, or shape you want to change. (If you want to set styles before
`you write or draw, make sure n0thing is selected.)
`Hold down the pen near the item until a heavy mark appears under the pen, and
`draw the mark over or around the item.
`You can move lll't‘: pen down
`over the line to select it
`2 Tap Extras ® to open the Extras Drawer.
`3 Tap the folder tab and in the list that appears, tap Unfiletl Icons. (If you filed Styles in
`another folder, tap that name.)
`4 Tap Styles é}.
`1n the slip that appears, tap your choices.
`To mo w: the Slides box, hold lllt.’ pen
`on the picture liai'tger and drag ll.
`6 You can make the following choices:
`l'ontLChoose Fancy, Simple, or Casual (for Text only).
`....E@.I1.CY. .....
`Writing and Drawing
`1 1


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`- Size—Choose 10-, 12-, or 18-point size [for Text and Ink Text). You can also use
`9-point size with the Fancy and Simple fonts.
`..13.P9lflt ......
`- SWIG—Choose Plain, Bold, Italic, Outline 0r Underline (for Text and Ink Text).
`7 When you finish making your selections, tap IZI to close the slip.
`1 2
`Chapter 1


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`A Using the carat
`You can insert a word or phrase at a specific place on the screen using the caret. If
`you choose to enter text without a caret, the text is placed in the general area where
`you wrote.
`To use the caret, follow these steps:
`Tap the Recognition button [El and in the list that appears, tap G) Preferences.
`Tap Options and in the list that appears, tap Text Editing Settings.
`Tap the checkbox next to “Insert new words at caret."
`Go back to the item where you want to insert text.
`Tap the pen where you want the word [5) to go on the screen.
`A caret appears where the words will be placed.
`6 Write the new word or words anywhere on the screen. The text is placed at the caret.
`Using the on-screen keyboard
`The MessagePad has four on-screen keyboards: a typewriter keyboard and three
`types of numeric keyboards (for entering calculations, telephone numbers, and
`Writing and Drawing
`1 3


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`Displaying and moving a keyboard
`There are several ways to View the on-screen keyboard.
`near the bottom of the screen. Tap the Keyboard
`- Tap the Keyboard button
`button again and in the liSt that appears, tap the type of keyboard you want to use.
`- Tap a misinterpreted word twice, then tap the keyboard at the bottom of the list
`that appears.
`. 'l'ap twice anywhere you're writing, such as in a note, on a Date Book page, or in a
`blank you need to fill.
`fllflflflflflflflfllfl. .
`To move a keyboard, hold the pen on the picture hanger on the keyboard slip and
`drag it to where you want the keyboard on the screen.
`Changing the layout of the typewriter keyboard
`Ifyou want a different text keyboard arrangement, use the Locale preferences to
`change the keyboard layout.
`Tap Extras $1 to open the Extras Drawer
`2 Tap the folder tab and in the list that appears, tap Unfiled Icons. (If you filed Prefs in
`another folder, tap that folder’s name.)
`3 'l'ap Prefs SE and, in the slip that appears, tap Locale G}.
`4 Tap Keyboard, then tap the keyboard layout you want.
`Chapter 1


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`Entering symbols and other special characters
`If you have selected Cursive as your handwriting style, you must use the keyboard to
`enter accent marks. Your MessagePad does not recognize handwritten accent marks
`on cursive letters.
`Display the typewriter keyboard on the screen. Then tap the Option key, or the
`Option key and then the Shift key, to see the available special characters (such as
`symbols, accent marks, and accented letters).
`Erasing text and drawings
`You erase text and pictures by “scrubbing them Out" with a zigzag line.
`I The zig-zag must go back and forth at least four times.
`I You can draw the gig-sag in any of four orientations.
`- Draw the zig-zag with sharp corners, making each segment about the same length.
`I Don‘t draw the zig-zag so it loops or crosses over itself.
`I The gig-gag lines should go well above and below the word or drawing.
`Writing and Drawing
`1 5


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`You can scrub out
`A single word.
`A group of words.
`A whole shape.
`Part of a shape.
`Selected text and drawings; start the zigzag outside the selection to
`avoid moving it (see “Selecting Text and Drawings" later in this chapter).
`1 6
`Chapter 1


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`Correcting a misinterpreted word
`There are several ways you can correct words that the MessagePacl has
`One letter corrections
`If on 1y One letter is wrong, write the COrreCt letter over the incorreet one. Correet
`only one letter at a time.
`You can scrub out the word to erase it and then rewrite the word. To scrub, draw
`a zig—zag line over the word or phrase. Make sure the line goes back and forth at
`leaSt four strokes. For more information, see “Erasing Text and Drawings” earlier in
`this chapter.
`Using the pop-up list
`You can double-tap on a word. A list appears.
`Corrector button.
`“Try letteris” appears tfyott setect
`Cursive as‘yottr writingsg/{e
`Xtyboat‘d button.
`Writing and Drawing
`1 7


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`I If the correct word is in the list, tap it.
`or the
`. if the correct word is not in the list, you can tap the Corrector button
`Keyboard button
`to rewrite or retype the word. If you selected Cursive as
`your handwriting style, you can also tap “Try letters” to let the MessagePad try to
`recognize the word again, using letter-by-letter recognition.
`in the list, you can write directly over a letter to
`If you tap the Corrector button
`change it. You can also tap once on the letter and in the list that appears, tap a
`choice—the lower- or uppercase version of the existing letter, Delete, or Insert. You
`can also tap a blank space to add punctuation marks or anOther word, as well as to
`delete or insert a spaco.
`to the next character.
`Tap the aunt-its to more
`If you tap the Keyboard button
`out the word.
`in the list, the on-screen keyboard appears. Tap
`If you tap “Try letters,“ the MessagePad uses letter-by-letter recognition instead of its
`dictionary to interpret the word. It then displays its best guess. This option is useful if
`you don‘t have letter-by-Ietter recognition turned on and you write a word that is not
`likely to be in the dictionary. It is also helpful if you write a word and the MessagePad
`guesses a number, or if you write an unusual combination of letters and numbers that
`isn’t recognized.
`1 8
`Chapter 1


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`Selecting text and drawings
`To select an item. hold the pen near the item until a heart-r mark appears under the
`pen anti the MessagePad makes a squeak. (if the pen sound effects in Prefs 35 or the
`volume are turned off. you won’t hear the squeak.) Draw the mark over or around
`the item.
`To select words draw the highlighting mark across them.
` S 01118 WOI‘EIS
`To select text on more than one line, draw the highlighting mark from the beginning
`oI-‘the first word to the end of the last word.
`short. paragraph
`This is a.
`To select Several whole lines of text, draw the highlighting mark vertically through the
`lines of text.
`To select groups of text or drawings, circle them with the highlighting mark. The
`MessagePad puts a box around the things you select.
`To deselect an item, tap the pen anywhere outside the selection.
`Writing and Diawing
`1 9


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`Converting your handwriting to text
`vaou wrote something using the Ink Text or Sketches recognition setting, you can
`convert the ink text to text at any time.
`I To convert a single word, double-tap on it. An arrow appears as it is converted.
`- To convert more than one word= follow these steps:
`Select the words or phrases you want to convert to text. Hold the pen near the item
`until a heavy mark appears under the pen and draw the mark over or around the
`Your writing is surrounded by a black box.
`2 Double-tap in the selection.
`Your MessagePad places an arrow on each word as it is recognized and then converts
`the entire phrase. If words are misinterpreted, you can use the correction techniques
`described earlier in this chapter.
`Chapter ]


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`Copying text or drawings
`You can duplicate a drawing or words and phrases. First you must select them. Hold
`the pen near the item until a heavy mark appears under the pen and draw the mark
`over or around the item.
`Then, copy the selected item by tapping twice inside the selection, keeping the pen
`down on the second tap. Then move the pen to move the duplicate away. You can
`also use this technique to copy items in the Clipboard.
`Moving text or drawings
`You can move words or drawings around on the screen. To move an item, you first
`have to select it. Hold the pen near the item until a heavy mark appears under the
`pen and draw the mark over or around the word.
`To move an item around on the screen, hold the pen inside the selection, and move
`the pen to where you want the item.
`Writing and Drawing


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`To move an item to a locatiOn not currently on the screen:
`Go to the item and Select it.
`2 Hold the pen inside the seleCtion and move it to the top, left, or right of the screen.
`The item becomes a miniature box and moves to the Clipboard, 3 box on the right
`edge of the screen. If you selected text or ink text, words appear in the box; if you
`selected a drawing, you see the word “drawing" in the box.
`1:57 Tue | 0/22
`OUnfiled Notes
`When you hold the pen on the
`selection. the entt'm t'tem appeam hat
`you to move around on the screen.
`Go where you want to put the item.
`4 Hold the pen on the miniature item at the edge of the screen. The text appears and
`you can move it where you want. The item returns to its normal size.
`Chapter 1


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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 311-2 Filed 03/10/21 Page 24 of 292 PageID #: 28067
`Modifying drawings
`You can modify the size or shape of a drawing in several ways.
`Select the drawing. Hold the pen on or near the drawing until a heavy mark appears
`under the pen and draw the highlighting mark over or around the drawing.
`2 Use the following techniques to modify the drawn ng:
`- Hold the pen on the dot where the two line segments meet, then move the pen.
`- Hold the pen on a corner or edge of the box and drag to stretch, shrink, or distort
`the picture. Grab a side or corner if you want to stretch or shrink the drawing
`horizontally or vertically.
`- Scrub Out a line to erase it.
`Formatting text and drawings
`Your MessagePad provides easy ways to insert text, add punctuation, capitalize words,
`change margins, and create indents using tabs.
`Inserting space in text and joining words
`To insert space in text, draw carets and lines as shown in the following table. The top
`of the caret should line up with the baseline of the letters. Draw the caret in one
`stroke; do not use a separate stroke for each side of the caret.
`Writing and Drawing


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 311-2 Filed 03/10/21 Page 25 of 292 PageID #: 28068
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 311-2 Filed 03/10/21 Page 25 of 292 PagelD #: 28068
`It's best if you aim the tip of the pen at the baseline. If you are joining words, the t0p
`of the caret should be at the baseline.
`a word
`....A .................
`a word
`Inserts space for a single letter.
`Jc'ins [we “OMS,
`Inserts space for a single line.
`Breaks the line and inserts space for several lines.
`Inserts space for several lines (the longer the vertical line, the bigger
`the space).
`Chapter 1


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 311-2 Filed 03/10/21 Page 26 of 292 PageID #: 28069
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 311-2 Filed 03/10/21 Page 26 of 292 PageID #: 28069
`Adding punctuation
`Sometimes puncmation marks can be misinterpreted by your MessagePad. You can
`quickly add punctuation marks by using the caret or the on—s‘ercen keyboard.
`To add punctuation marks using the caret:
`Tap [hC pen where you want the punctuation mark to appear. A caret appears.
`2 Tap the caret.
`1n the slip that appears, tap the punctuation mark you want.
`Tap here to add a
`I'E‘HHT} character.
`Tap here to delete a space.
`Tap here to add a space.
`Writing and Drawing


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 311-2 Filed 03/10/21 Page 27 of 292 PageID #: 28070
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 311-2 Filed 03/10/21 Page 27 of 292 PagelD #: 28070
`The punctuation mark you selected is placed at the caret.
`You can also use the punctuation slip to add returns and spaces to phrases and to
`delete characters.
`Capitalizing words
`To change how a word is capitalized, select the word by holding the pen near the
`item until a heavy mark appears under the pen (the MessagePad makes a squeak),
`and draw the mark over or around the word. Then draw a vertical line over the word
`as shown.
`31-13 I) l 3
`Draw from bottom to top 1‘; becomes "Apple.“
`m Draw from top to bottom la; becomes "apple.“
`When you‘re changing the initial capitalization of a word, make sure that there is no
`space selected before the word. If there is, the first letter of the word does not change.
`Chapter 1


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 311-2 Filed 03/10/21 Page 28 of 292 PageID #: 28071
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 311-2 Filed 03/10/21 Page 28 of 292 PageID #: 28071
`Changing paragraph margins
`SeleCt the paragraph by drawing a selection box around it.
`Hold the pen near the item until a heavy mark appears under the pen (the
`MessagePad makes a squeak), and draw the mark over or around the paragraph.
`Note: Selecting text by drawing a line through it does n0t create a selection box. To
`change paragraph margins, you must select by drawing around the paragraph.
`Now is the time for all '-
`good people to come to

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