Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 193-2 Filed 12/12/19 Page 1 of 51 PageID #: 5991
`Exhibit B


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 193-2 Filed 12/12/19 Page 2 of 51 PageID #: 5992
`C.A. No. 13-919-LPS
`Pursuant to Rules 26 and 34 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Defendant Google,
`Inc. (“Google”), by its attorneys, Kaye Scholer LLP, objects and responds to Plaintiff Arendi
`S.A.R.L.’s (“Plaintiff”) First Set of Requests for Production of Documents(the “Requests”) as
`Google objects to the Requests to the extent that they seek information or material
`protected by the attorney-client privilege, the work-product doctrine, the joint defense privilege,
`or any other applicable privilege, immunity, or protection. Any inadvertent production of any
`privileged documents in response to the Requests is not intended to constitute a waiver of any
`applicable privilege and/or protection.
`Google objects to the Requests to the extent that any of them, read alone or in
`conjunction with the “Definitions” and/or “Instructions,” purports to impose obligations not
`imposed or contemplated by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the Local Rules of the United
`States District Court for the District of Delaware, or any agreements or stipulations entered into
`by the parties.


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 193-2 Filed 12/12/19 Page 3 of 51 PageID #: 5993
`Google objects to the Requests to the extent that they seek documents that are not
`relevant to the subject matter of this action and/or not reasonably calculated to lead to the
`discovery of admissible evidence.
`Google objects to the Requests to the extent that they seek documents that are
`already in Plaintiff’s possession, custody, or control, or that are publicly available or are as
`readily available to Plaintiff as they are to Google.
`Google objects to the Requests to the extent that they seek documents whose
`disclosure is governed by Google’s agreements with third parties, including confidentiality
`agreements. Google will produce such documents only after complying with, and in compliance
`with, the terms of such third-party agreements.
`Google objects to the Requests to the extent that they are vague, ambiguous,
`overly broad, unduly burdensome, unreasonably cumulative, or duplicative.
`Google expressly reserves the right to object to the admissibility at trial of these
`Responses and Objections or any documents or information produced in response to these
`Requests. Neither Google’s Responses and Objections to the Requests nor the production of
`materials in response to the Requests is intended as an admission or concession of the
`admissibility of any information contained herein.
`Google objects to the Requests to the extent that they assume disputed facts or
`legal conclusions in defining the information requested. Google denies any such disputed facts
`or legal conclusions assumed by the Requests, and any response or objection to any Request is
`without prejudice to this objection.
`Google objects to the Requests, and to each and every individual request
`contained therein, to the extent that they call for Google to identify privileged documents created
`after the filing of this lawsuit on the grounds that such Requests are overly broad and
`burdensome and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, and
`would call for counsel to review all of its files and list most of the documents therein on a
`privilege log.


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 193-2 Filed 12/12/19 Page 4 of 51 PageID #: 5994
`Google objects to the Requests to the extent that they seek information protected
`by or involving trade secrets or other confidential research, development, proprietary or
`commercial information that would not be covered by the Protective Order, or similar Order
`issued by the Court.
`Google objects to the Requests to the extent they call for production of documents
`that are not within its possession, custody, or control.
`Google objects to the Requests to the extent they use undefined, vague, and
`ambiguous terms.
`Google objects to the Requests to the extent they purport to require Google to
`draw a legal conclusion concerning the meaning or application of any terms or phrases used.
`Google objects to the Requests to the extent they exceed the limits of permissible
`discovery allowed under any court order or the local rules.
`Google reserves the right at any time to revise, correct, add to, supplement, or
`clarify any of the responses contained herein.
`Google objects to Plaintiff’s definitions of “Document” and “Documents” as
`overbroad, unduly burdensome and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of
`admissible evidence.
`Google objects to Plaintiff’s definitions of “sale,” “sales,” “sell,” or “sold” as
`overbroad, unduly burdensome and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of
`admissible evidence.
`Google objects to Plaintiff’s definitions of “identify” and “identification” as
`overbroad, unduly burdensome and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of
`admissible evidence.
`Google objects to Plaintiff’s definitions of “relate to,” “related to,” “relating to,”
`or “concerning” as overbroad, unduly burdensome and not reasonably calculated to lead to the
`discovery of admissible evidence.


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 193-2 Filed 12/12/19 Page 5 of 51 PageID #: 5995
`Google objects to Plaintiff’s definitions of “you,” “your,” “yours” or “Defendant”
`as overbroad, unduly burdensome and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of
`admissible evidence.
`Google’s agreement to produce responsive documents does not and shall not
`constitute an admission that such responsive documents in fact exist. Rather, Google’s
`agreement to produce is only an agreement to produce responsive documents found after a
`reasonable search, if in fact such responsive documents are found to exist.
`Google will only produce documents relevant to the products actually identified
`as accused products and charted in Plaintiff’s infringement charts as required under the local
`All of the General Objections set forth herein are hereby incorporated into each
`specific response set forth below and have the same force and effect as if fully set forth therein.
`Documents sufficient to identify on at least a quarterly basis your unit sales for each of
`the Accused Products by customer and territory.
`Google objects to this Request as vague and overly broad. Google objects to this Request
`to the extent it seeks information or documents protected from discovery by the attorney-client
`privilege and/or the attorney work-product doctrine, the joint defense privilege, or any other
`applicable privileges. Google objects to this request as premature in advance of its core technical
`document production and Plaintiff’s infringement contentions. Google objects to this Request on
`the grounds that the terms and phrases in this Request are vague and ambiguous, including but
`not limited to “unit sales,” “customer,” and “territory.” Google objects to this Request to the
`extent it seeks information not relevant to any inquiry in this matter.
`Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, Google
`responds that it will produce relevant documents responsive to this Request to the extent any


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 193-2 Filed 12/12/19 Page 6 of 51 PageID #: 5996
`exist that are in its possession, custody or control that are not protected from disclosure by any
`applicable privilege or doctrine to the extent responsive documents can be identified after a
`reasonable search and in accordance with the Scheduling Order.
`Documents sufficient to identify on at least a quarterly basis the revenue you and entities
`related to you have generated from sales of each of the Accused Products by customer and
`Google objects to this Request as vague and overly broad. Google objects to this Request
`to the extent it seeks information or documents protected from discovery by the attorney-client
`privilege and/or the attorney work-product doctrine, the joint defense privilege, or any other
`applicable privileges. Google objects to this request as premature in advance of its core technical
`document production and Plaintiff’s infringement contentions. Google objects to this Request on
`the grounds that the terms and phrases in this Request are vague and ambiguous, including but
`not limited to “entities related to you,” “sales,” “customer,” and “territory.” Google objects to
`this Request to the extent it seeks information not relevant to any inquiry in this matter.
`Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, Google
`responds that it will produce relevant documents responsive to this Request to the extent any
`exist that are in its possession, custody or control that are not protected from disclosure by any
`applicable privilege or doctrine to the extent responsive documents can be identified after a
`reasonable search and in accordance with the Scheduling Order.
`Documents sufficient to identify on at least a quarterly basis the costs you and entities
`related to you have incurred in connection with each of the Accused Products by type of


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 193-2 Filed 12/12/19 Page 7 of 51 PageID #: 5997
`Google objects to this Request as vague and overly broad. Google objects to this Request
`to the extent it seeks information or documents protected from discovery by the attorney-client
`privilege and/or the attorney work-product doctrine, the joint defense privilege, or any other
`applicable privileges. Google objects to this request as premature in advance of its core technical
`document production and Plaintiff’s infringement contentions. Google objects to this Request on
`the grounds that the terms and phrases in this Request are vague and ambiguous, including but
`not limited to “costs,” “entities related to you,” “in connection with,” and “type of expense.”
`Google objects to this Request to the extent it seeks information not relevant to any inquiry in
`this matter.
`Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, Google
`responds that it will produce relevant documents responsive to this Request to the extent any
`exist that are in its possession, custody or control that are not protected from disclosure by any
`applicable privilege or doctrine to the extent responsive documents can be identified after a
`reasonable search and in accordance with the Scheduling Order.
`Documents sufficient to identify on at least a quarterly basis the gross profits you and
`entities related to you have earned in connection with each of the Accused Products, including
`without limitation gross profit per unit.
`Google objects to this Request as vague and overly broad. Google objects to this Request
`to the extent it seeks information or documents protected from discovery by the attorney-client
`privilege and/or the attorney work-product doctrine, the joint defense privilege, or any other
`applicable privileges. Google objects to this request as premature in advance of its core technical
`document production and Plaintiff’s infringement contentions. Google objects to this Request on
`the grounds that the terms and phrases in this Request are vague and ambiguous, including but


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 193-2 Filed 12/12/19 Page 8 of 51 PageID #: 5998
`not limited to “entities related to you,” “in connection with,” and “unit.” Google objects to this
`Request to the extent it seeks information not relevant to any inquiry in this matter.
`Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, Google
`responds that it will produce relevant documents responsive to this Request to the extent any
`exist that are in its possession, custody or control that are not protected from disclosure by any
`applicable privilege or doctrine to the extent responsive documents can be identified after a
`reasonable search and in accordance with the Scheduling Order.
`Documents sufficient to identify on at least a quarterly basis the operating profits you and
`entities related to you have earned in connection with each of the Accused Products.
`Google objects to this Request as vague and overly broad. Google objects to this Request
`to the extent it seeks information or documents protected from discovery by the attorney-client
`privilege and/or the attorney work-product doctrine, the joint defense privilege, or any other
`applicable privileges. Google objects to this request as premature in advance of its core technical
`document production and Plaintiff’s infringement contentions. Google objects to this Request on
`the grounds that the terms and phrases in this Request are vague and ambiguous, including but
`not limited to “operating profits,” “entities related to you,” and “in connection with.” Google
`objects to this Request to the extent it seeks information not relevant to any inquiry in this
`Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, Google
`responds that it will produce relevant documents responsive to this Request to the extent any
`exist that are in its possession, custody or control that are not protected from disclosure by any
`applicable privilege or doctrine to the extent responsive documents can be identified after a
`reasonable search and in accordance with the Scheduling Order.


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 193-2 Filed 12/12/19 Page 9 of 51 PageID #: 5999
`Documents sufficient to identify on at least a quarterly basis the incremental profit
`margins you and entities related to you have realized for each of the Accused Products.
`Google objects to this Request as vague and overly broad. Google objects to this Request
`to the extent it seeks information or documents protected from discovery by the attorney-client
`privilege and/or the attorney work-product doctrine, the joint defense privilege, or any other
`applicable privileges. Google objects to this request as premature in advance of its core technical
`document production and Plaintiff’s infringement contentions. Google objects to this Request on
`the grounds that the terms and phrases in this Request are vague and ambiguous, including but
`not limited to “incremental profit margins,” “entities related to you,” and “have realized for.”
`Google objects to this Request to the extent it seeks information not relevant to any inquiry in
`this matter.
`Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, Google
`responds that it will produce relevant documents responsive to this Request to the extent any
`exist that are in its possession, custody or control that are not protected from disclosure by any
`applicable privilege or doctrine to the extent responsive documents can be identified after a
`reasonable search and in accordance with the Scheduling Order.
`All documents relating to any indirect revenue or profit you realize by offering or selling
`the Accused Products.
`Google objects to this Request as vague and overly broad as it requests “all documents
`relating to.” Google objects to this Request to the extent it seeks information or documents
`protected from discovery by the attorney-client privilege and/or the attorney work-product
`doctrine, the joint defense privilege, or any other applicable privileges. Google objects to this
`request as premature in advance of its core technical document production and Plaintiff’s


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 193-2 Filed 12/12/19 Page 10 of 51 PageID #: 6000
`infringement contentions. Google objects to this Request on the grounds that the terms and
`phrases in this Request are vague and ambiguous, including but not limited to “indirect revenue
`or profit,” “realize,” and “offering or selling.” Google objects to this Request to the extent it
`seeks information not relevant to any inquiry in this matter.
`This request exceeds the scope of discovery permitted under FRCP 26(b)(1), seeks
`information not relevant to any matter at issue in this litigation and/or is not likely to lead to the
`discovery of admissible evidence. Therefore, Google states that it will not produce documents
`responsive to this request. Google is willing to meet and confer with Plaintiff to discuss the
`meaning, scope, and relevancy of this Request.
`Charts of accounts sufficient to identify each type of revenue and expense you and
`entities related to you track for the Accused Products.
`Google objects to this Request as vague and overly broad. Google objects to this Request
`to the extent it seeks information or documents protected from discovery by the attorney-client
`privilege and/or the attorney work-product doctrine, the joint defense privilege, or any other
`applicable privileges. Google objects to this request as premature in advance of its core technical
`document production and Plaintiff’s infringement contentions. Google objects to this Request on
`the grounds that the terms and phrases in this Request are vague and ambiguous, including but
`not limited to “each type of revenue and expense,” “entities related to you,” and “track.” Google
`objects to this Request to the extent it seeks information not relevant to any inquiry in this
`Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, Google
`responds that it will produce relevant documents responsive to this Request to the extent any
`exist that are in its possession, custody or control that are not protected from disclosure by any
`applicable privilege or doctrine to the extent responsive documents can be identified after a
`reasonable search and in accordance with the Scheduling Order.


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 193-2 Filed 12/12/19 Page 11 of 51 PageID #: 6001
`Documents sufficient to explain any acronyms or terminology used in your financial
`Google objects to this Request as vague and overly broad. Google objects to this Request
`to the extent it seeks documents that are already in Plaintiff’s possession, custody, or control, or
`that are publicly available or are as readily available to Plaintiff as they are to Google. Google
`objects to this Request to the extent it seeks information or documents protected from discovery
`by the attorney-client privilege and/or the attorney work-product doctrine, the joint defense
`privilege, or any other applicable privileges. Google objects to this request as premature in
`advance of its core technical document production and Plaintiff’s infringement contentions.
`Google objects to this Request on the grounds that the terms and phrases in this Request are
`vague and ambiguous, including but not limited to “terminology,” and “financial reporting.”
`Google objects to this Request to the extent it seeks information not relevant to any inquiry in
`this matter.
`Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, Google
`responds that it will produce relevant documents responsive to this Request to the extent any
`exist that are in its possession, custody or control that are not protected from disclosure by any
`applicable privilege or doctrine to the extent responsive documents can be identified after a
`reasonable search and in accordance with the Scheduling Order.
`All documents relating to the pricing of the Accused Products.
`Google objects to this Request as vague and overly broad as it requests “all documents
`relating to.” Google objects to this Request to the extent it seeks information or documents
`protected from discovery by the attorney-client privilege and/or the attorney work-product
`doctrine, the joint defense privilege, or any other applicable privileges. Google objects to this


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 193-2 Filed 12/12/19 Page 12 of 51 PageID #: 6002
`request as premature in advance of its core technical document production and Plaintiff’s
`infringement contentions. Google objects to this Request on the grounds that the terms and
`phrases in this Request are vague and ambiguous, including but not limited to “pricing.” Google
`objects to this Request to the extent it seeks information not relevant to any inquiry in this
`This request exceeds the scope of discovery permitted under FRCP 26(b)(1), seeks
`information not relevant to any matter at issue in this litigation and/or is not likely to lead to the
`discovery of admissible evidence. Therefore, Google states that it will not produce documents
`responsive to this request. Google is willing to meet and confer with Plaintiff to discuss the
`meaning, scope, and relevancy of this Request.
`All documents relating to pricing proposals for any of the Accused Products regardless of
`whether such proposals were implemented, including without limitation proposals that
`contemplate different prices depending upon the features included.
`Google objects to this Request as vague and overly broad as it requests “all documents
`relating to.” Google objects to this Request to the extent it seeks information or documents
`protected from discovery by the attorney-client privilege and/or the attorney work-product
`doctrine, the joint defense privilege, or any other applicable privileges. Google objects to this
`request as premature in advance of its core technical document production and Plaintiff’s
`infringement contentions. Google objects to this Request on the grounds that the terms and
`phrases in this Request are vague and ambiguous, including but not limited to “pricing
`proposals,” “implemented,” “contemplate,” or “features included.” Google objects to this
`Request to the extent it seeks information not relevant to any inquiry in this matter.
`This request exceeds the scope of discovery permitted under FRCP 26(b)(1), seeks
`information not relevant to any matter at issue in this litigation and/or is not likely to lead to the
`discovery of admissible evidence. Therefore, Google states that it will not produce documents


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 193-2 Filed 12/12/19 Page 13 of 51 PageID #: 6003
`responsive to this request. Google is willing to meet and confer with Plaintiff to discuss the
`meaning, scope, and relevancy of this Request.
`All reports prepared by or for you containing actual, budgeted, or projected financial
`results for any of the Accused Products, including without limitation profit and loss statements,
`income statements, and sales reports.
`Google objects to this Request as vague and overly broad as it requests “all reports
`prepared by or for you.” Google objects to this Request to the extent it seeks information or
`documents protected from discovery by the attorney-client privilege and/or the attorney work-
`product doctrine, the joint defense privilege, or any other applicable privileges. Google objects
`to this request as premature in advance of its core technical document production and Plaintiff’s
`infringement contentions. Google objects to this Request on the grounds that the terms and
`phrases in this Request are vague and ambiguous, including but not limited to “reports,” “for
`you,” “financial results,” or “sales reports.” Google objects to this Request to the extent it seeks
`information not relevant to any inquiry in this matter.
`Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, Google
`responds that it will produce relevant documents responsive to this Request to the extent any
`exist that are in its possession, custody or control that are not protected from disclosure by any
`applicable privilege or doctrine to the extent responsive documents can be identified after a
`reasonable search and in accordance with the Scheduling Order.
`All presentations containing actual, budgeted, or projected financial results for any of the
`Accused Products.
`Google objects to this Request as vague and overly broad as it requests “all
`presentations.” Google objects to this Request to the extent it seeks information or documents


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 193-2 Filed 12/12/19 Page 14 of 51 PageID #: 6004
`protected from discovery by the attorney-client privilege and/or the attorney work-product
`doctrine, the joint defense privilege, or any other applicable privileges. Google objects to this
`request as premature in advance of its core technical document production and Plaintiff’s
`infringement contentions. Google objects to this Request on the grounds that the terms and
`phrases in this Request are vague and ambiguous, including but not limited to “presentations,” or
`“financial results.” Google objects to this Request to the extent it seeks information not relevant
`to any inquiry in this matter.
`Subject to and without waiving the foregoing general and specific objections, Google
`responds that it will produce relevant documents responsive to this Request to the extent any
`exist that are in its possession, custody or control that are not protected from disclosure by any
`applicable privilege or doctrine to the extent responsive documents can be identified after a
`reasonable search and in accordance with the Scheduling Order.
`Documents sufficient to identify the entity or entities that assemble each of the Accused
`Products, including the location(s) where such assembly occurs.
`Google objects to this Request as vague and overly broad. Google objects to this Request
`to the extent it seeks documents that are already in Plaintiff’s possession, custody, or control, or
`that are publicly available or are as readily available to Plaintiff as they are to Google. Google
`objects to this Request to the extent it seeks information or documents protected from discovery
`by the attorney-client privilege and/or the attorney work-product doctrine, the joint defense
`privilege, or any other applicable privileges. Google objects to this request as premature in
`advance of its core technical document production and Plaintiff’s infringement contentions.
`Google objects to this Request on the grounds that the terms and phrases in this Request are
`vague and ambiguous, including but not limited to “assemble,” or “assembly.” Google objects to
`this Request to the extent it seeks information not relevant to any inquiry in this matter.


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 193-2 Filed 12/12/19 Page 15 of 51 PageID #: 6005
`This request exceeds the scope of discovery permitted under FRCP 26(b)(1), seeks
`information not relevant to any matter at issue in this litigation and/or is not likely to lead to the
`discovery of admissible evidence. Therefore, Google states that it will not produce documents
`responsive to this request. Google is willing to meet and confer with Plaintiff to discuss the
`meaning, scope, and relevancy of this Request.
`Documents sufficient to identify on at least a quarterly basis for each of the Accused
`Products the number of units that were developed, manufactured, assembled, and/or partially
`assembled in the United States and its territories.
`Google objects to this Request as vague and overly broad. Google objects to this Request
`to the extent it seeks information or documents protected from discovery by the attorney-client
`privilege and/or the attorney work-product doctrine, the joint defense privilege, or any other
`applicable privileges. Google objects to this request as premature in advance of its core technical
`document production and Plaintiff’s infringement contentions. Google objects to this Request on
`the grounds that the terms and phrases in this Request are vague and ambiguous, including but
`not limited to “units,” “developed,” “manufactured,” assembled” or “partially assembled.”
`Google objects to this Request to the extent it seeks information not relevant to any inquiry in
`this matter.
`This request exceeds the scope of discovery permitted under FRCP 26(b)(1), seeks
`information not relevant to any matter at issue in this litigation and/or is not likely to lead to the
`discovery of admissible evidence. Therefore, Google states that it will not produce documents
`responsive to this request. Google is willing to meet and confer with Plaintiff to discuss the
`meaning, scope, and relevancy of this Request.
`All documents that relate to transfer prices proposed or used for any of the Accused


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 193-2 Filed 12/12/19 Page 16 of 51 PageID #: 6006
`Google objects to this Request as vague and overly broad as it requests “all documents.”
`Google objects to this Request to the extent it seeks information or documents protected from
`discovery by the attorney-client privilege and/or the attorney work-product doctrine, the joint
`defense privilege, or any other applicable privileges. Google objects to this request as premature
`in advance of its core technical document production and Plaintiff’s infringement contentions.
`Google objects to this Request on the grounds that the terms and phrases in this Request are
`vague and ambiguous, including but not limited to “transfer prices.” Google objects to this
`Request to the extent it seeks information not relevant to any inquiry in this matter.
`This request exceeds the scope of discovery permitted under FRCP 26(b)(1), seeks
`information not relevant to any matter at issue in this litigation and/or is not likely to lead to the
`discovery of admissible evidence. Therefore, Google states that it will not produce documents
`responsive to this request. Google is willing to meet and confer with Plaintiff to discuss the
`meaning, scope, and relevancy of this Request.
`All documents relating to the features of products offered by your competitors for the
`Accused Products, including without limitation all documents that compare or contrast the
`features of the Accused Products and those of products offered by your competitors.
`Google objects to this Request as vague and overly broad as it requests “all documents.”
`Google objects to this Request as vague and overly broad as it requests “features of products”
`that are not accused. Google objects to this Request to the extent it seeks documents that are
`already in Plaintiff’s possession, custody, or control, or that are publicly available or are as
`readily available to Plaintiff as they are to Google. Google objects to this Request to the extent it
`seeks information or documents protected from discovery by the attorney-client privilege and/or
`the attorney work-product doctrine, the joint defense privilege, or any other applicable
`privileges. Google objects to this request as premature in advance of its core technical document


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 193-2 Filed 12/12/19 Page 17 of 51 PageID #: 6007
`production and Plaintiff’s infringement contentions. Google objects to this Request on the

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