Case 1:14-cv-00142-LPS Document 37 Filed 09/05/14 Page 1 of 17 PageID #: 474
`C.A. No. 12-574-LPS-CJB
`C.A. No. 14-142-LPS
`Pursuant to Rule 26(c) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Plaintiff Robert Bosch
`LLC and Defendants Alberee Products, Inc., API Korea Co., Ltd., and Saver Automotive
`Products, Inc., by and through their respective counsel of record, hereby jointly submit and
`request entry of this Stipulated Protective Order. The parties stipulate and agree that certain
`documents and information produced or to be produced during discovery in the above titled
`litigation (the “Action”) should be kept confidential in order to protect the legitimate business
`interests of the parties and their customers, business partners, and other non-parties and that the
`following provisions shall govern the treatment of such information.


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`Right to Designate. Any party to this Action, and any non-party from whom
`discovery is sought in connection with this Action who agrees to be bound by the provisions of
`this Protective Order, may designate as “Confidential” or “Highly Confidential – Attorneys’
`Eyes Only” any “Protected Information” produced by such party (the “Designator”). “Protected
`Information” is defined herein as any information, document, testimony, thing, data, file, or other
`material that constitutes or contains proprietary, confidential, and/or commercially sensitive
`technical, business, financial or commercial information. “Recipient” as used herein refers to
`any party to this Action who receives Protected Information designated pursuant to this
`Protective Order.
`Confidential Designations.
`By designating material “Confidential” or “Highly Confidential –
`Attorneys’ Eyes Only” the Designator is representing that it believes in good faith that
`the designated material is entitled to protection under Rule 26(c)(1)(G) of the Federal
`Rules of Civil Procedure.
`“Confidential” material includes any Protected Information concerning a
`person’s business operations, processes, and technical and development information, the
`disclosure of which is likely to harm that person’s competitive position, or the disclosure
`of which would contravene an obligation of confidentiality to a third person or to a Court.
`“Highly Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes Only” material includes any
`Protected Information that is not publicly available and the disclosure of which is likely
`to significantly harm that person’s competitive position, or the disclosure of which would
`contravene an obligation of confidentiality to a third person or to a Court. Such Protected
`Information includes, without limitation: (i) trade secrets, know-how, proprietary


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`research, development and/or technical information, (ii) unpublished patent applications
`and patent prosecution documents, and (iii) sensitive business, financial, or commercial
`Disclosure of Protected Information. Until or unless the Court rules otherwise,
`Protected Information designated as “Confidential” or “Highly Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes
`Only” and copies, extracts, compilations and summaries thereof, as well as the information
`therein, shall be maintained in confidence by the Recipient.
`Protected Information designated “Highly Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes
`Only” shall not be disclosed or otherwise communicated to any person(s) except:
`Outside Counsel for the parties. As used herein, “Outside
`Counsel” shall mean the following listed law firms, including their attorneys and
`clerical, litigation support and paralegal employees:
`One Broadway
`New York, NY 10004
`Hercules Plaza, 6th Floor
`1313 N. Market Street
`Wilmington, DE 19801
`8110 Gatehouse Road, Suite 100 East
`P.O. Box 747
`Falls Church, VA 22040-0747
`901 N. Market St., Suite 1000
`Wilmington, Delaware 19801
`Testifying experts, non-testifying experts, consultants, and/or
`consulting firms for each of the parties, specifically engaged by counsel or the
`parties to assist in this Action, who have been properly disclosed in accordance
`with paragraph 5 and have executed an undertaking in the form of Exhibit A;


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`Vendors retained by a party or by counsel of record, including
`without limitation: graphics or design services retained for purposes of preparing
`demonstrative or other exhibits for deposition, trial or other court proceedings;
`translators, copy services, companies that digitize documents, and other similar
`document management vendors; and jury research or trial consulting services.
`Any such vendors shall first execute an undertaking in the form of Exhibit A.
`Such agreement may be signed by an authorized agent on behalf of a vendor that
`is an entity; it need not be signed by each employee of a vendor performing
`services. In addition, selected items containing Protected Information may be
`shown to persons selected to serve as members of focus groups, mock juries or
`similar studies provided that such persons are screened to ensure that they are not
`employed by or affiliated with competitors of any of the parties hereto, and
`provided that such persons agree in writing (in a form approved by the other
`parties, although not necessarily in the form of Exhibit A) to keep confidential
`any Protected Information disclosed to them during such studies;
`Any person being examined as a witness during a deposition or at
`trial concerning any Protected Information authored by that person or to which
`that person otherwise had lawful access prior to his or her examination; and
`The Court, jurors, and any court officers, court stenographers, and
`outside copy services used by the Court whose function requires them to have
`access to Protected Information; and
`Any other person, upon order of the Court.
`Protected Information designated “Confidential” shall not be disclosed or
`otherwise communicated to any person(s) except those individuals identified in paragraph
`3(a) above and up to two (2) individuals from the Recipient party who have been
`disclosed to Designator in advance of the disclosure and have executed an undertaking in
`the form of Exhibit A.
`Disclosure of Protected Information to Others. If any party wishes to disclose
`another party’s Protected Information to any person not described in paragraph 3 above, that
`party must notify the Designator in writing and provide (1) the name of the person to whom the
`Protected Information is to be disclosed and (2) a description of the Protected Information
`proposed to be disclosed to such person. The Designator must, within ten (10) business days,
`notify the party wishing to disclose the information of its objections, if any, to the disclosure. If


`Case 1:14-cv-00142-LPS Document 37 Filed 09/05/14 Page 5 of 17 PageID #: 478
`the Designator objects to the disclosure, the party wishing to disclose the information must seek
`relief pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 37, requesting permission to disclose the Protected Information
`to the named person. If relief is sought, such Protected Information shall not be disclosed to the
`named person pending a decision by the Court. If no relief is sought, the protection afforded
`Protected Information designated “Confidential” or “Highly Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes
`Only” shall continue as to the Protected Information described in the moving party’s notice given
`pursuant to this paragraph. Any person who becomes authorized to receive the Protected
`Information described in the moving party’s notice pursuant to this paragraph shall, prior to
`receipt of the Protected Information, execute an undertaking in the form of Exhibit A.
`Disclosures made to all persons to whom disclosures are permitted hereunder shall be made
`subject to and in accordance with the terms of this Protective Order.
`Designation of Consultants. Any Recipient may designate a reasonable number
`of retained expert consultants (either testifying or non-testifying) (“Consultants”) to have access
`to Protected Information under this Protective Order if the Consultants are: (i) neither employees
`of a party nor anticipated to become employees of a party in the near future; and (ii) engaged by
`or on behalf of a party as bona fide Consultants or experts for purposes of this Action. The
`following procedures shall govern the designation of Consultants under this Protective Order:
`The party designating a Consultant shall provide the other parties with: (i)
`a current resume or curriculum vitae of such person that identifies all of the Consultant’s
`employers and the persons or entities for whom the Consultant has consulted within the
`past five (5) years, and provide a general description of the nature of such consulting
`engagements and the timeframe for such consulting, (ii) a list of all other cases in which,
`during the previous five (5) years, the Consultant testified as an expert at trial, by


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`deposition or by declaration, and (iii) a copy of a completed and signed undertaking in
`the form attached hereto as Exhibit A. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a proposed
`Consultant is precluded by virtue of a non-disclosure agreement from disclosing either
`the existence or nature of any such consulting engagement or the identity of the entity for
`which the consulting services were or are being performed, then the Consultant shall state
`that certain information is being withheld on that basis and may supplement his or her
`disclosure with such additional information as he or she believes would be helpful to the
`parties and the Court in determining whether the Consultant may have access to Protected
`Information under this Protective Order.
`Within ten (10) business days after receipt of the information and signed
`undertaking described in subparagraph (a), a Designator may object in good faith in
`writing to the proposed Consultant if facts available to that party show, for example, that
`there is a reasonable likelihood that the proposed Consultant will use or disclose
`Protected Information for purposes other than those permitted by this Protective Order, or
`if the Consultant states that he or she is unable to disclose information concerning other
`consulting engagements due to a non-disclosure agreement. The written objection shall
`set forth the specific factual basis for the objection. Failure to object in writing to a
`proposed Consultant within ten (10) business days shall be deemed approval, but shall
`not preclude a party from objecting to continued access to Protected Information by that
`Consultant where facts subsequently learned by the party or its counsel suggest that a
`basis for objection exists.
`If a party so objects, the parties shall meet and confer in good faith in an
`attempt to resolve their dispute without resort to the Court. If the dispute is not thereby


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`resolved within ten (10) calendar days, then the objecting party may seek a ruling from
`the Court and shall bear the burden of showing why disclosure should not be permitted.
`Pending a ruling by the Court, the proposed Consultant shall not have access to Protected
`Information unless such access previously has been approved.
`Designation as Protected Information: How Made. No designation of documents
`or things shall be effective unless there is placed or affixed on such material a “Confidential” or
`“Highly Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes Only” marking, as appropriate. The designation of
`information or material as “Confidential” or “Highly Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes Only” for
`purposes of this Protective Order shall be made in the following manner:
`The Designator shall affix the legend “Confidential” or “Highly
`Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes Only,” as appropriate, to each page of any document
`containing such information at the time such documents are produced, or as soon
`thereafter as the Designator becomes aware of the confidential nature of the information
`or material disclosed and sought to be protected hereunder.
`In the case of documents produced electronically on a storage medium, the
`Designator shall affix the legend “Confidential” or “Highly Confidential – Attorneys’
`Eyes Only,” as appropriate, on the outside of the storage medium (e.g., the magnetic disk
`enclosure or optical disk).
`In the case of transcripts or recordings of depositions or other pretrial
`proceedings in this Action, counsel for the Designator may state on the record during
`such deposition or other proceeding that the entire transcript or a portion thereof shall be
`designated as “Confidential” or “Highly Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes Only,” as
`appropriate; or may give written notice of such designation within ten (10) business days


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`after the transcript or recording is sent to counsel by the court reporter. If no designation
`is made at the time of the testimony or other proceeding, the parties shall treat all
`transcripts and recordings of testimony and proceedings as “Highly Confidential –
`Attorneys’ Eyes Only” hereunder until the expiration of ten (10) business days after the
`transcript or recording is sent to counsel by the court reporter. If any document or
`material designated as “Confidential” or “Highly Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes Only” is
`used during the course of a deposition, that portion of the deposition record reflecting
`such document or material shall be stamped with the corresponding “Confidential” or
`“Highly Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes Only” designation, and access thereto shall be
`limited pursuant to the terms of this Protective Order.
`In the case of pleadings, briefs, memoranda, exhibits, written discovery
`responses, or other documents prepared in this Action for the purpose of discovery or
`court proceedings, Counsel shall affix the legend “Confidential” or “Highly Confidential
`– Attorneys’ Eyes Only,” as appropriate, to each page of any document containing any
`such Protected Information at the time such documents are served or filed, or promptly
`after learning that the document contains Protected Information. When material
`designated as or containing Protected Information (including but not limited to
`documents, interrogatory responses, responses to requests for admission, deposition
`transcripts, or other information) is incorporated in or filed with pleadings, motions or
`briefs or filed as evidence (including as exhibits to legal memoranda), such material shall
`be filed with the Court in accordance with CM/ECF Procedures for filing sealed


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`Designation of Protected Information: How Challenged. The propriety of a
`designation of Protected Information may be challenged at any time, and the failure to object to a
`designation of Protected Information shall not constitute an admission that the information
`constitutes or incorporates a trade secret or other confidential information of the Designator
`within the scope of Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(c)(1)(G). If a Recipient desires to challenge a designation
`of Protected Information, the Recipient shall confer with the Designator and seek to resolve the
`issue. If the dispute is not thereby resolved within ten (10) calendar days, the Recipient may
`apply to the Court for relief and shall bear the burden of persuasion that the information was
`improperly designated. Until this Court rules on the challenge, all parties shall continue to treat
`the material in question as designated under the Protective Order.
`Limitations on Use of Protected Information. No Recipient of Protected
`Information shall use such information for any purpose other than in connection with this Action,
`including any appeals, and such information shall not be disclosed to anyone except as provided
`herein, by further written agreement of the parties, or by further order of the Court.
`Protected Information Sought by Third Parties. If a Recipient is (a) subpoenaed
`in another action, (b) served with a demand in another action to which it is a party, or (c) served
`with any other legal process by one not a party to this Action, seeking Protected Information that
`was produced in this Action, the Recipient shall (i) object to its production to the extent
`permitted by law, setting forth the existence of this Protective Order; (ii) within five (5) business
`days after receipt thereof, or the earliest practicable date thereafter, give written notice by e-mail,
`hand, or facsimile of such process or discovery request together with a copy thereof, to counsel
`for the Designator; (iii) cooperate to the extent necessary to permit the Designator to seek to
`quash such process or discovery request; and (iv) not make production or disclosure of such


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`Protected Information until the Designator consents in writing to production or the Recipient is
`ordered or compelled by a court, U.S. or foreign government agency, or administrative body of
`competent jurisdiction to produce or disclose such Protected Information, so long as the order is
`not stayed prior to the date set for production or disclosure. Nothing herein shall be construed as
`requiring any party or other person subject to this Protective Order to challenge or appeal any
`order requiring production of Protected Information or subject itself to any penalties for
`noncompliance with any legal process or order. Compliance with such other legal process or
`order by a person or party who has otherwise complied with the provisions of this paragraph will
`not be a violation of this Order.
`Other Proceedings. By entering this order and limiting the disclosure of
`information in this case, the Court does not intend to preclude another court from finding that
`information may be relevant and subject to disclosure in another case. Any person or party
`subject to this order who becomes subject to a motion to disclose another party’s information
`designated “Confidential” or “Highly Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes Only” pursuant to this
`order shall promptly notify that party of the motion so that the party may have an opportunity to
`appear and be heard on whether that information should be disclosed.
`Exclusions from Protected Information. Protected Information shall not include
`information or material that: (a) was, is, or becomes public knowledge in a manner other than by
`violation of this Protective Order or other fault of the Recipient; (b) is acquired by the Recipient
`from a third party not owing a duty of confidentiality to the Designator; (c) before receipt from
`the Designator, was lawfully possessed by the non-designating party without a duty of
`confidentiality to the Designator; (d) is disclosed by the Designator to a third party not owing a
`duty of confidentiality to the Designator; (e) is independently developed by the Recipient; (f) is


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`disclosed under operation of law without confidentiality or disclosure provisions after prior
`notice to the Designator; (g) was disclosed to the Recipient by the Designator prior to entry of
`this Protective Order without a duty of confidentiality to the Designator; or (h) is disclosed by
`the Recipient with the Designator’s prior written approval.
`Consent to Jurisdiction. All persons who have access to Protected Information
`under this Protective Order shall be bound by this Protective Order and shall be subject to the
`jurisdiction of this Court for the purposes of enforcing this Protective Order.
`Application to Third Parties. Any third party who raises a confidentiality
`objection to providing documents and/or deposition testimony in this matter shall be provided
`with a copy of this Order and notified of the opportunity to designate materials in accordance
`with this Protective Order.
`No Application to Party’s Own Information. This Protective Order has no effect
`upon, and shall not apply to, a party’s use or disclosure of its own confidential information for
`any purpose.
`Inadvertent Production of Non-Designated Protected Information. If a party
`inadvertently produces any Protected Information without so designating it, the Recipient may
`disclose such information to others until the Recipient is notified or becomes aware of the error,
`unless the Recipient knows or it is obvious from the face of the document that it contains
`confidential information that the producing party intended to designate as Protected Information
`pursuant to this Protective Order. If the producing party notifies the Recipient in writing of an
`inadvertent failure to designate information as Protected Information, the Recipient will
`thereafter treat such information as if it had been so designated when produced and (i) will make
`a good faith effort to secure the prompt return of all copies of documents containing such


`Case 1:14-cv-00142-LPS Document 37 Filed 09/05/14 Page 12 of 17 PageID #: 485
`information that it distributed or disclosed to persons not authorized to have access to such
`information under this Protective Order, as well as any copies made by such persons, (ii) inform
`the person or persons to whom unauthorized disclosures were made of all the terms of this
`Protective Order, and (iii) request such person or persons to execute the undertaking that is
`attached hereto as Exhibit A.
`Inadvertent Disclosure of Designated Protected Information. In the event of any
`disclosure of Protected Information other than in a manner authorized by this Protective Order,
`counsel for the Recipient responsible for the unauthorized disclosure shall immediately notify
`counsel for the Designator and shall make every effort to further prevent unauthorized
`disclosure, including retrieving all copies of the Protected Information from the unauthorized
`recipient(s) thereof and securing the agreement of the recipient(s) not to further disseminate the
`Protected Information in any form. Compliance with the foregoing shall not prevent the
`Designator from seeking further relief from the Court.
`Inadvertent Production of Privileged Information. Without intending to modify
`any existing case law or rule, if a party inadvertently produces a document that it later discovers
`to be a privileged document (i.e., a document covered by the attorney-client privilege, work-
`product doctrine, common interest doctrine, or other applicable privilege or immunity), the
`production of that document shall not constitute a waiver of any applicable privilege or
`immunity. In such circumstances, the producing party must immediately notify the receiving
`party in writing of the inadvertent production and request the return or confirmed destruction of
`the privileged materials. Within ten (10) business days after receiving such notification, the
`Recipient shall return or confirm destruction of all such materials, including any summaries


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`All Forms of Discovery. The terms of this Protective Order shall apply to all
`manner and means of discovery, including entry onto land or premises, and inspection of books,
`records, documents, and tangible things.
`Prosecution Bar. No person who has access to any Protected Information
`designated as “Highly Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes Only” shall engage in prosecution of any
`patent application (including reissuance proceeding) in the same technological field, e.g. wiper-
`blade technology, for two (2) years after the last time such person accesses the “Highly
`Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes Only” information. This provision does not apply to
`reexamination or other post grant proceedings.
`20. Modification / Trial. It is the intention of the parties that the provisions of this
`Protective Order shall govern discovery and other pretrial proceedings in this Action.
`Nonetheless, each of the parties hereto shall be entitled to seek modification of this Protective
`Order by application to the Court upon notice to the other parties hereto and upon a showing of
`good cause. If this case proceeds to trial, the parties shall meet and confer on the procedures
`necessary to protect the confidentiality of any documents, information and transcripts used in
`Court during trial.
`Effective Before Entry. The parties agree to be bound by the terms of this
`Protective Order once it is signed by all the parties hereto pending its entry by the Court, or
`pending the entry by the Court of an alternative hereto, and any violation of its terms during such
`pendency shall be subject to the same sanctions and penalties as if this Protective Order had been
`entered by the Court.
`Return or Destruction of Protected Information Upon Completion of the Case.
`Absent written agreement of the parties or further order of the Court, the provisions of this


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`Protective Order shall continue to be binding throughout and after the conclusion of this Action,
`including without limitation any appeals therefrom. Within sixty (60) days after receiving notice
`of the entry of an order, judgment or decree finally disposing of this Action, including any
`appeals therefrom, all Recipients of Protected Information shall return such materials and all
`copies thereof (including summaries and excerpts) to counsel for the Designator, or shall certify
`destruction thereof; provided, however, that Outside Counsel for each party shall be entitled to
`retain court papers, deposition and trial transcripts, deposition and trial exhibits, and attorney
`work product (including court papers, transcripts, and attorney work product that contain
`information or material designated by another party as Protected Information). If Outside
`Counsel does retain information or material so designated by another party under this Protective
`Order, it shall not disclose any such information or material to any other person or entity or use
`any such information or material for any purpose except pursuant to a further written agreement
`with the Designator or pursuant to a court order or similar legal process. All materials returned
`to the parties or their counsel by the Court likewise shall be disposed of in accordance with this
`Survival of Order. This Protective Order shall remain in full force and effect after
`the termination of this Action, or until canceled or otherwise modified by Order of this Court.


`Case 1:14-cv-00142-LPS Document 37 Filed 09/05/14 Page 15 of 17 PageID #: 488
`Respectfully submitted,
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ Sean T. O’Kelly
`Sean T. O'Kelly (No. 4349)
`901 N. Market St., Suite 1000
`Wilmington, Delaware 19801
`Tel.: (302) 778-4000
`Robert J. Kenney
`8110 Gatehouse Road, Suite 100 East
`P.O. Box 747
`Falls Church, VA 22040-0747
`Tel.: (703) 205-8000
`Attorneys for Defendants
`Alberee Products, Inc., Api Korea Co., Ltd.
`and Saver Automotive Products, Inc.
`Dated: September 5, 2014
`1165045/ 39026
`/s/ Bindu A. Palapura
`Richard L. Horwitz (#2246)
`David E. Moore (#3983)
`Bindu A. Palapura (#5370)
`Hercules Plaza, 6th Floor
`1313 N. Market Street
`Wilmington, DE 19801
`Tel: (302) 984-6000
`Mark A. Hannemann
`Jeffrey S. Ginsberg
`Ksenia Takhistova
`Rose Cordero Prey
`One Broadway
`New York, NY 10004
`Tel.: (212) 425-7200
`Attorneys for Plaintiff Robert Bosch LLC
`Chief Judge Leonard P. Stark
`United States District Judge


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`C.A. No. 12-574-LPS-CJB
`C.A. No. 14-142-LPS
`I, [NAME], having been retained by [PARTY] in connection with the above-captioned
`lawsuit, hereby acknowledge that I am about to receive Protected Information as defined in the
`Protective Order stipulated and agreed to by the parties and so ordered by the Court in this case.
`I certify my understanding that the Protected Information is being provided to me
`pursuant to the terms and restrictions of the Protective Order and that I have been given a copy of
`and have read and understood my obligations under that Protective Order. I hereby agree to be
`bound by the terms of the Protective Order. I understand that the Protected Information and my
`copies or notes relating thereto may only be disclosed to or discussed with those persons


`Case 1:14-cv-00142-LPS Document 37 Filed 09/05/14 Page 17 of 17 PageID #: 490
`permitted by the Protective Order to receive such material. I also understand that neither I nor
`anyone assisting me can use or rely on any Protected Information disclosed to me for any
`purpose not authorized under the Protective Order.
`I will return on request all materials containing Protected Information, copies thereof and
`notes that I have prepared relating thereto to outside trial counsel for the party by whom or on
`whose behalf I am retained, or I will destroy those materials.
`I hereby submit to the jurisdiction of this Court for the purpose of enforcement of the
`Protective Order and waive any and all objections to jurisdiction and venue.
`I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
`Subscribed and sworn to
`before me this ____ day
`of _____________, 20__.
`Notary Public

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