Case 1:12-cv-00574-LPS Document 166-8 Filed 05/01/15 Page 1 of 289 PageID #: 5412
`Case 1:12—cv—OO574—LPS Document 166-8 Filed 05/01/15 Page 1 of 289 Page|D #: 5412
`Applieatio11/Control Number: I l /912,4l 6
`Art Unit: 372?
`Page 2
`In View of-generic claim 6 being Found :1l_lowahl.e, elajlns "[4--18 are liereby rejoined.
`An examiner’s amendment to the record appears below. Should the changes and / or
`additions be unacceptable to applicant, an amendment may be filed as provided by 37 CPR 1.312.
`To ensure consideration of such an amendment, it MUST be submitted no later than the payment of
`the issue tee.
`Authoiri;aation for this examiner’s amendment was given in a telephone interview with
`Hrlward R. lI.awson_]1'. on I4_]une 2012.
`The appl_ieati(Jn has been :1_1Tl{II‘ldI:Cl as follows:
`In the Claims
`In claim 1, line 3, change “on a side" to —in El eo\re1'i_ng wall (38)——_,
`line 9, after “frorn” insert ——and being on :1 side of the pivoting axis (20) opposite———_,
`line 10, after “element (22),” insert -——the coxrering wall (3 8) extending in a direction of the pivoting
`axis (20), the opening being defined in a portion of the covering wall (38) on :1 side ofa plane of
`S}-'t‘n1net1'_i_-' of the wiper lip (50) opposite the wiper att:n,~—~.
`In Claim 2, line 3, change "‘a"' to -~-the~—-.
`ti :3
`In claim 3, line 5, delete .
`In claim [(3, line 1, change “the” to -——a——.

`Case 1:12-cv-00574-LPS Document 166-8 Filed 05/01/15 Page 2 of 289 PageID #: 5413
`Case 1:12—cv—OO574—LPS Document 166-8 Filed 05/01/15 Page 2 of 289 Page|D #: 5413
`Application/Control Number: I 1 /912,41 6
`Art Unit: 3727
`Page 3
`In clairn 21, line Y, change “on a side” to --—defir1ed in a covering wall (38)--~,
`line 8, after “t'ro1‘n" insert -—-and being on a side of the ])ivoI'_ing axis (20) opposite-——,
`line 9, after “(22), ” insert ———t_he covering wall (3 8) extending between and joining two side walls of
`the covering cap (1 (1), ——,
`line '10, change “on a side” to ———along a F:-ice———, after “(S4)” insert ———fa(:ing——— and after “wiper arm"
`insert ——-and extending transverse to the pivoting axis (20), another porn on of the wall being along
`an opposite face of the bent end (54) facing toward the Wiper arm~~—.
`Any ir1qui1‘}= coiteerrting this eornrnunication or ea1‘ cornrnunieatiorls from the examiner
`should be directed to GARY GRAI IAM whose telephone number is (570272-I274. The exatniner
`can norrnally be reached on Tuesday to ldrida}-' (7:(}[}—5:t-ill).
`If attempts to reach the examiner by telepltone are unsuccessful, the examiner's supervisor,
`Monica S. Carter can be reached on 571-272-4475. The fax phone number For the organization
`where this appliealzion or ptoeeediilg is assigned is 571-273-3300.

`Case 1:12-cv-00574-LPS Document 166-8 Filed 05/01/15 Page 3 of 289 PageID #: 5414
`Case 1:12—cv—OO574—LPS Document 166-8 Filed 05/01/15 Page 3 of 289 Page|D #: 5414
`Applic21tio11/Cortttol Number: l '1 /912,4l 6
`Art Unit: 372?
`P."-tgc. 4
`Information regarcliug the status of rm application nm_\_-* be obtairied From the Patent
`Application Infotmrttitm RCtl'iC\-‘£11 (PAIR) systcttl. Status ifllf-()1'l‘t‘1:1|'_'l()I‘l for publishecl ztppljczttiotts
`Jnny be t)l'Jtaincd ftorn either Private PAIR or Public PAIR. Status [nf0r1‘naI'_ion for uttpulfilishcd
`ztpplications is available through Private PAIR only. For more information about the PAIR system,
`see l1ttp:/ /pz1i1‘—clit‘cct.uspto.g0\-'. Should you have questions on access to the Private PAIR system,
`C01‘1t:1Ct the E.lccl:t'o11ic Btlsincss Ct-:t1tt:r (BBC) at 86()v217—9'l97 (toll—ftec). Ifytru would like
`zlssistance from :1 USPTO Customer Service Rcprcsetltativc or access to the nutonmted i_t1forms1I'_i()11
`systcrn, call 8{}0—78(J-9199 (IN USA OR CANADA) or 571-272-'10[}0.
`/Gary K Graham /
`Primary Exanuiner, Art Unit 3727
`l4_]uI1c 2012

`Case 1:12-cv-00574-LPS Document 166-8 Filed 05/01/15 Page 4 of 289 PageID #: 5415
`Case 1:12—cv—OO574—LPS Document 166-8 Filed 05/01/15 Page 4 of 289 Page|D #: 5415
`TAB 25
`TAB 25

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`Case 1:12-cv-00574-LPS Document 166-8 Filed 05/01/15 Page 172 of 289 PageID #: 5583
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`Case 1:12-cv-00574-LPS Document 166-8 Filed 05/01/15 Page 176 of 289 PageID #: 5587
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