Case 1:12-cv-00574-LPS Document 1 Filed 05/04/12 Page 1 of 21 PageID #: 1
`Case 1:12—cv—OO574—LPS Document 1 Filed 05/04/12 Page 1 of 21 Page|D #: 1
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`) C.A. No.
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`Plaintiff Robert Bosch LLC (“Plaintiff”), through its attorneys, for its first complaint
`against defendants Alberee Products, Inc. d/b/a Saver Automotive Products, Inc. (“Saver”) and
`API Korea Co., Ltd. (“API”) (collectively, “Defendants”), avers as follows:
`This action arises under the patent laws of the United States, Title 35 of the
`United States Code (for example, §§ 271, 281, 283, 284 and 285) as hereinafter more fully
`appears. This Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter of the action pursuant to 28 U.S.C.
`§§ 1331 and 1338.
`On information and belief, Saver is a corporation organized under the laws of the
`state of Maryland with a place of business at 510 E. Preston Street, Baltimore, Maryland.
`On information and belief, API is a corporation organized under the laws of
`Korea with a place of business at 45B-4L, #43 5-3, Nonhyeon-Dong NamDong-Gu lncheon,
`Korea, 405-848.
`On information and belief, Saver and API are related companies.


`Case 1:12-cv-00574-LPS Document 1 Filed 05/04/12 Page 2 of 21 PageID #: 2
`Case 1:12—cv—OO574—LPS Document 1 Filed 05/04/12 Page 2 of 21 Page|D #: 2
`On February 25, 2003, United States Patent No. 6,523,218 (“the ’21 8 patent,”
`attached as Exhibit A) was duly and legally issued for an invention in a windshield wiper blade.
`Plaintiff is the owner of the ’21 8 patent.
`Saver has infringed and is still infringing the ’2l 8 patent directly and indirectly by
`making, using, selling, and offering for sale in the United States windshield wiper blades such as
`the Goodyear Assurance, the Saver Arc Flex Ultra, and the Touring Ultra (the “Accused
`Products”), and will continue to do so unless enjoined by this Court.
`Saver has had knowledge that the Accused Products infringe the ’21 8 patent since
`at least January 26, 2011 from a letter sent from Bosch counsel to Saver counsel (Exhibit M).
`On information and belief, API manufactures and imports into the United States
`material components of the Accused Products with the knowledge and intent that Saver use such
`components to make the Accused Products.
`The components manufactured and imported by API are material components of
`the invention of the ’218 patent.
`The components manufactured and imported by API are not staple articles or
`commodities of commerce and have no non-infringing uses.
`API has had knowledge that the Accused Products infringe the ’21 8 patent since
`at least October 11, 2011 from a letter sent from Bosch counsel to API counsel (Exhibit N).
`On information and belief, API, as a related company of Saver, purposefully
`caused, encouraged and urged Saver to make, use, sell, and offer for sale the Accused Products
`in the United States with the intent that such activities would infringe the ’21 8 patent, and
`intended for Saver to carry out such activities.


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`Case 1:12—cv—OO574—LPS Document 1 Filed 05/04/12 Page 3 of 21 Page|D #: 3
`API therefore both induces Saver’s infringement of the ’2l 8 patent and
`contributes to the same, and will continue to do so unless enjoined by this Court.
`- 14.
`Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law against Defendants’ infringement and,
`unless Defendants are enjoined from their infringement of the ’218 patent, Plaintiff will suffer
`irreparable harm.
`Defendants have knowledge of the ’218 patent and such infringement is and
`continues to be willful and deliberate.
`As a result of Defendants’ acts of infringement, Plaintiff has suffered and will
`continue to suffer damages in an amount to be proven at trial.
`On March 11, 2003, United States Patent No. 6,530,111 (“the ’111'patent,”
`attached as Exhibit B) was duly and legally issued for an invention in a windshield wiper
`apparatus. Plaintiff is the owner of the ‘H1 patent.
`Saver has infringed and is still infringing the ’11l patent indirectly by making,
`using, selling, and offering for sale in the United States the Accused Products, and will continue
`to do so unless enjoined by this Court.
`Saver has had knowledge of the ’ 1 11 patent since at least January 26, 2011
`(Exhibit M).
`On information and belief, API manufactures and imports into the United States
`material components of the Accused Products with the knowledge and intent that Saver use such
`components to make the Accused Products.
`The components manufactured and imported by API are material components of
`the invention of the ’1l1 patent.


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`Case 1:12—cv—OO574—LPS Document 1 Filed 05/04/12 Page 4 of 21 Page|D #: 4
`The components manufactured and imported by API are not staple articles or
`commodities of commerce and have no non-infringing uses.
`API has had knowledge of the ’11l patent since at least October 11, 2011 (Exhibit
`Defendants have knowledge of the ’ l 11 patent and that combining the Accused
`Products with “top lock” (or “pinch ta ”) wiper arms is a direct infringement of the ’ 1 11 patent.
`On information and belief, Saver contributes to and induces infringement of the
`’111 patent by advertising the infringing use in its promotional materials, and by including
`installation instructions with the Accused Products that show the ultimate purchasers of the
`Accused Products how to install the same on a “top lock” Wiper arm. Such infringement is and
`continues to be willful and deliberate.
`On information and belief, Saver made and continues to make such
`advertisements and provide instructions with the knowledge that use of the Accused Products
`with a “top lock” wiper arm infringes the ’ll1 patent and the intent to cause such infringement.
`On information and belief, API, as a related company of Saver, purposefully
`caused, encouraged and urged Saver to make, use, sell, and offer for sale the Accused Products
`in the United States with the intent that the ultimate use of the Accused Products would infringe
`the P’ 1 11 patent, and intended for Saver to carry out such activities and for purchasers of the
`Accused Products to combine the same with a top lock wiper arm.
`The Accused Products fonn a material part of the claimed invention of the ’11l
`The Accused Products include adapters that are intended to be used with a “top
`lock” wiper arm and are configured to do so.


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`The Accused Products with the associated “top lock” connector are not staple
`articles or commodities of commerce and have no non-infringing uses.
`Defendants therefore both induce the Accused Products’ ultimate purchasers’
`infringement of the ’111 patent and contribute to the same, and will continue to do so unless
`enjoined by this Court.
`Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law against Defendants’ infringement and,
`unless Defendants are enjoined from their infringement of the ’ 1 11 patent, Plaintiff will suffer
`irreparable harm.
`Defendants have knowledge of the ’1 11 patent and such infringement is and
`continues to be willful and deliberate.
`As a result of Defendants’ acts of infringement, Plaintiff has suffered and will
`continue to suffer damages in an amount to be proven at trial.
`On April 29, 2003, United States Patent No. 6,553,607 (“the ’607 patent,”
`attached as Exhibit C) was duly and legally issued for an invention in a windshield wiper blade.
`Plaintiff is the owner of the ’607 patent.
`Saver has infringed and is still infringing the ’607 patent indirectly by making,
`using, selling, and offering for sale in the United States the Accused Products, and will continue
`to do so unless enjoined by this Court.
`Saver has had knowledge that the Accused Products infringe the ’607 patent since
`at least January 26, 2011 (Exhibit M).


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`Case 1:12—cv—OO574—LPS Document 1 Filed 05/04/12 Page 6 of 21 Page|D #: 6
`On information and belief, API manufactures and imports into the United States
`material components of the Accused Products with the knowledge and intent that Saver use such
`components to make the Accused Products.
`The components manufactured and imported by API are material components of
`the invention of the ’607 patent.
`The components manufactured and imported by API are not staple articles or
`commodities of commerce and have no non-infringing uses.
`API has had knowledge of the ’607 patent since at least October 11, 2011 (Exhibit
`Defendants have knowledge of the ’607 patent and that combining the Accused
`Products with “side lock” (alternatively referred to as “side pin”) wiper arms is a direct
`infringement of the ’607 patent.
`On information and belief, Saver contributes to and induces infringement of the
`’607 patent by advertising the infringing use in its promotional materials, and by including
`installation instructions with the Accused Products that show the ultimate purchasers of the
`Accused Products how to install the same on a “side lock” wiper arm. Such infringement is and
`continues to be willful and deliberate.
`On information and belief, Saver made and continues to make such
`advertisements and provide instructions with the knowledge that use of the Accused Products
`with a “side lock” wiper arm infringes the ’607 patent, and the intent to cause such infringement.
`On information and belief, API, as a related company of Saver, purposefully
`caused, encouraged and urged Saver to make, use, sell, and offer for sale the Accused Products
`in the United States with the intent that the ultimate use of the Accused Products would infringe


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`Case 1:12—cv—OO574—LPS Document 1 Filed 05/04/12 Page 7 of 21 Page|D #: 7
`the ’607 patent, and intended for Saver to ‘carry out such activities and for purchasers of the
`Accused Products to combine the same with a side lock wiper arm.
`The Accused Products form a material part of the claimed invention of the ’607
`The Accused Products include adapters that are intended to be used with a “side
`lock” wiper arm and are configured to do so.
`The Accused Products with the associated “side lock” connector are not staple
`articles or commodities of commerce and have no non-infringing uses.
`Defendants therefore both induce the Accused Products’ ultimate purchasers’
`infringement of the ’607 patent and contribute to the same, and will continue to do so unless
`enjoined by this Court.
`Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law against Defendants’ infringement and,
`unless Defendants are enjoined from their infringement of the ’607 patent, Plaintiff will suffer
`irreparable harm.
`Defendants have knowledge of the ’607 patent, and such infringement is and
`continues to be willful and deliberate.
`As a result of Defendants’ acts of infringement, Plaintiff has suffered and will
`continue to suffer damages in an amount to be proven at trial.
`On September 2, 2003, United States Patent No. 6,611,988 (“the ’988 patent,”
`attached as Exhibit D) was duly and legally issued for an invention in a windshield wiper blade.
`Plaintiff is the owner of the ’988 patent.


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`Case 1:12—cv—OO574—LPS Document 1 Filed 05/04/12 Page 8 of 21 Pagelb #: 8
`Saver has infringed and is still infringing the ’988 patent indirectly by making,
`using, selling, and offering for sale in the United States the Accused Products, and will continue
`to do so unless enjoined by this Court.
`Saver has had knowledge that the Accused Products infringe the ’988 patent since
`at least January 26, 2011 (Exhibit M).
`On information and belief, API manufactures and imports into the United States
`material components of the Accused Products with the knowledge and intent that Saver usesuch
`components to make the Accused Products.
`The components manufactured and imported by API are material components of
`the invention of the ’988 patent.
`The components manufactured and imported by API are not staple articles or
`commodities of commerce and have no non-infringing uses.
`API has had knowledge of the ’988 patent since at least October 11, 2011 (Exhibit
`On information and belief, API, as a related company of Saver, purposefully
`caused, encouraged and urged Saver to make, use, sell, and offer for sale in the United States the
`Accused Products with the intent that such activities would infringe the ’988 patent and intended
`for Saver to carry out such activities.
`API therefore both induces Saver’s infringement of the ’988 patent and
`contributes to the same, and will continue to do so unless enjoined by this Court.
`Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law against Defendants’ infringement and,
`unless Defendants are enjoined from their infringement of the ’988 patent, Plaintiff will suffer
`irreparable harm.


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`Case 1:12—cv—OO574—LPS Document 1 Filed 05/04/12 Page 9 of 21 Page|D #: 9
`Defendants have knowledge of the ’988 patent, and such infringement is and
`continues to be willful and deliberate.
`As a result of Defendants’ acts of infringement, Plaintiff has suffered and will
`continue to suffer damages in an amount to be proven at trial.
`On January 13, 2004, United States Patent No. 6,675,434 (“the ’434 patent,”
`attached as Exhibit E) was duly and legally issued for an invention in a windshield wiper blade.
`Plaintiff is the owner of the ’434 patent.
`Saver has infringed and is still infringing the ’434 patent indirectly by making,
`-using, selling, and offering for sale in the United States the Accused Products, and will continue
`to do so unless enjoined by this Court.
`Saver has had knowledge that the Accused Products infringe the ’434 patent since
`at least January 26, 2011 (Exhibit M).
`On information and belief, API manufactures and imports into the United States
`material components of the Accused Products with the knowledge and intent that Saver use such
`components to make the Accused Products.
`The components manufactured and imported by API are material components of
`the invention of the ’434 patent.
`The components manufactured and imported by API are not staple articles or
`commodities of commerce and have no non-infringing uses.
`API has had knowledge of the ’434 patent since at least October 11, 2011 (Exhibit


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`Case 1:12—cv—OO574—LPS Document 1 Filed 05/04/12 Page 10 of 21 Page|D #: 10
`On information and belief, API, as a related company of Saver, purposefully
`caused, encouraged and urged Saver to make, use, sell, and offer for sale in the United States the
`Accused Products with the intent that such activities would infringe the ’434 patent and intended
`for Saver to carry out such activities.
`API therefore both induces Saver’s infringement of the ’434 patent and
`contributes to the same, and will continue to do so unless enjoined by this Court.
`Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law against Defendants’ infringement and,
`unless Defendants are enjoined from their infringement of the ’434 patent, Plaintiff will suffer
`irreparable harm.
`Defendants have knowledge of the ’434 patent, and such infringement is and
`continues to be willful and deliberate.
`_ 76.
`As a result of Defendants’ acts of infringement, Plaintiff has suffered and will
`continue to suffer damages in an amount to be proven at trial.
`On January 4, 2005, United States Patent No. 6,836,926 (“the ’926 patent,”
`attached as Exhibit F) was duly and legally issued for an invention in a windshield wiper blade.
`Plaintiff is the owner of the ’926 patent.
`Saver has infringed and is still infringing the ’926 patent indirectly by making,
`using, selling, and offering for sale in the United States the Accused Products, and will continue
`to do so unless enjoined by this Court.
`Saver has had knowledge that the Accused Products infringe the ’926 patent since
`at least January 26, 2011 (Exhibit M).


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`Case 1:12—cv—OO574—LPS Document 1 Filed 05/04/12 Page 11 of 21 Page|D #: 11
`On information and belief, API manufactures and imports into the United States
`material components of the Accused Products with the knowledge and intent that Saver use such
`components to make the Accused Products.
`The components manufactured and imported by API are material components of
`the invention of the ’926 patent.
`The components manufactured and imported by API are not staple articles or
`commodities of commerce and have no non-infringing uses.
`API has had knowledge of the ’926 patent since at least October 11, 2011 (Exhibit
`On information and belief, API, as a related company of Saver, purposefully
`caused, encouraged and urged Saver to make, use, sell, and offer for sale in the United States the
`Accused Products with the intent that such activities would infringe the ’926 patent, and intended
`for Saver to carry out such activities.
`API therefore both induces SaVer’s infringement of the ’926 patent and
`contributes to the same, and will continue to do so unless enjoined by this Court.
`Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law against Defendants’ infringement and,
`unless Defendants are enjoined from their infringement of the ’926 patent, Plaintiff will suffer
`irreparable harm.
`Defendants have knowledge of the ’926 patent, and such infringement is and
`continues to be willful and deliberate.
`As a result of Defendants’ acts of infringement, Plaintiff has suffered and will
`continue to suffer damages in an amount to be proven at trial.


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`Case 1:12—cv—OO574—LPS Document 1 Filed 05/04/12 Page 12 of 21 Page|D #: 12
`On September 20, 2005, United States Patent No. 6,944,905 (“the ’905 patent,”
`attached as Exhibit G) was duly and legally issued for an invention in a windshield wiper blade.
`Plaintiff is the owner of the ’905 patent.
`Saver has infringed and is still infringing the ’905 patent indirectly by making,
`using, selling, and offering for sale in the United States the Accused‘ Products, and will continue
`to do so unless enjoined by this Court.
`Saver has had knowledge that the Accused Products infringe the ’905 patent since
`at least January 26, 2011 (Exhibit M).
`On information and belief, API manufactures and imports into the United States
`material components of the Accused Products with the knowledge and intent that Saver use such
`components to make the Accused Products.
`On information and belief, API, as a related company of Saver, purposefully
`caused, encouraged and urged Saver to make, use, sell, and offer for sale in the United States the
`Accused Products with the intent that such activities would infringe the ’905 patent and intended
`for Saver to carry out such activities.
`The components manufactured and imported by API are material components of
`the invention of the ’905 patent.
`The components manufactured and imported by API are not staple articles or
`commodities of commerce and have no non-infringing uses.
`API has had knowledge of the ’905 patent since at least October 11, 2011 (Exhibit


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`Case 1:12—cv—OO574—LPS Document 1 Filed 05/04/12 Page 13 of 21 Page|D #: 13
`API therefore both induces Saver’s infringement of the ’905 patent and
`contributes to the same, and will continue to do so unless enjoined by this Court.
`Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law against Defendants’ infringement and,
`unless Defendants are enjoined from their infringement of the ’905 patent, Plaintiff will suffer
`irreparable harm.
`Defendants have knowledge of the ’905 patent, and such infringement is and
`continues to be willful and deliberate.
`I 100. As a result of Defendants’ acts of infringement, Plaintiff has suffered and will
`continue to suffer damages in an amount to be proven at trial.
`101. On December 13, 2005, United States Patent No. 6,973,698 (“the ’698 patent,”
`attached as Exhibit H) was duly and legally issued for an invention in a windshield wiper blade.
`Plaintiff is the owner of the ’698 patent.
`Saver has infringed and is still infringing the ’698 patent indirectly by making,
`using, selling, and offering for sale in the United States the Accused Products, and will continue
`to do so unless enjoined by this Court.
`Saver has had knowledge that the Accused Products infringe the ’698 patent since
`- at least January 26, 2011 (Exhibit ND.
`On information and belief, API manufactures and imports into the United States
`components of the Accused Products with the knowledge and intent that Saver use such
`components to make the Accused Products.
`The components manufactured and imported by API are material components of
`the invention of the ’698 patent.


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`Case 1:12—cv—OO574—LPS Document 1 Filed 05/04/12 Page 14 of 21 Page|D #: 14
`The components manufactured and imported by API are not staple articles or
`commodities of commerce and have no non-infringing uses.
`107. API has had knowledge of the ’698 patent since at "least October 11, 2011 (Exhibit
`On information and belief, API, as a related company of Saver, purposefully
`caused,'encouraged and urged Saver to make, use, sell, and offer for sale in the United States the
`Accused Products with the intent that such activities would infringe the ’698 patent, and intended
`for Saver to carry out such activities.
`API therefore both induces Saver’s infringement of the ’693 patent and
`contributes to the same, and will continue to do so unless enjoined by this Court.
`Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law against Defendants’ infringement and,
`unless Defendants are enjoined from their infringement of the ’698 patent, Plaintiff will suffer
`irreparable harm.
`111. Defendants have knowledge of the ’698 patent, and such infringement is and
`continues to be willful and deliberate.
`112. As a result of Defendants’ acts of infringement, Plaintiff has suffered and will
`continue to suffer damages in an amount to be proven at trial.
`113. On December 13, 2005, United States Patent No. 7,228,588 (“the ’588 patent,”
`attached as Exhibit I) was duly and legally issued for an invention in a windshield wiper blade.
`Plaintiff is the owner of the ’588 patent.


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`Saver has infringed and is still infringing the ’S88 patent indirectly by making,
`using, selling, and offering for sale in the United States the Accused Products, and will continue
`to do so unless enjoined by this Court.
`Saver has had knowledge that the Accused Products infringe the ‘S88 patent since
`at least January 26, 2011 (Exhibit M).
`116. On infonnation and belief, API manufactures and imports into the United States
`components of the Accused Products with the knowledge and intent that Saver use such
`components to make the Accused Products.
`117. The components manufactured and imported by API are material components of
`the invention of the "588 patent.
`118. _ The components manufactured and imported by API are not staple articles or
`commodities of commerce and have no non-infringing uses.
`119. API has had knowledge of the ‘S88 patent since at least October 11, 2011 (Exhibit
`120. On information and belief, API, as a related company of Saver, purposefully
`caused, encouraged and urged Saver to make, use, sell, and offer for sale in the United States the
`Accused Products with the intent that such activities would infringe the ’588 patent, and intended
`for Saver to carry out such activities.
`API therefore both induces Saver’s infringement of the ’588 patent and
`contributes to the same, and will continue to do so unless enjoined by this Court.
`Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law against Defendants’ infringement and,
`unless Defendants are enjoined from their infringement of the ’588 patent, Plaintiff will suffer
`irreparable harm.


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`123. Defendants have knowledge of the ’588 patent, and such infringement is and
`continues to be willful and deliberate.
`As a result of Defendants’ acts of infringement; Plaintiff has suffered and will
`continue to suffer damages in an amount to be proven at trial.
`125. On November 13, 2007, United States Patent No. 7,293,321 (“the ’321 patent,”
`attached as Exhibit J) was duly and legally issued for an invention in a windshield wiper blade.
`Plaintiff is the owner of the ’321 patent.
`Saver has infringed and is still infringing the ’321 patent indirectly by making,
`using, selling, and offering for sale in the United States the Accused Products, and will continue
`to do so unless enjoined by this Court.
`Saver has had knowledge that the Accused Products infringe the ’321 patent since
`at least January 26, 2Cl11 (Exhibit M).
`128. On information and belief, API manufactures and imports into the United States
`components of the Accused Products with the knowledge and intent that Saver use such
`components to make the Accused Products.
`The components manufactured and imported by API are material components of
`the invention of the ’321 patent.
`The components manufactured and imported by API are not staple articles or
`commodities of commerce and have no non-infringing uses.
`131. API has had knowledge of the ’321 patent since at least October 11, 2011 (Exhibit


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`132. On information and belief, API, as a related company of Saver, purposefully
`caused, encouraged and urged Saver to make, use, sell, and offer for sale in the United States the
`Accused Products with the intent that such activities would infringe the ’32l patent, and intended
`for Saver to carry out such activities.
`API therefore both induces Saver’s infringement of the ’32l patent and
`contributes to the same, and will continue to do so unless enjoined by this Court.
`Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law against Defendants’ infringement and,
`unless Defendants are enjoined from their infringement of the ’32l patent, Plaintiff will suffer
`irreparable harm.
`135. Defendants have knowledge of the ’321 patent, and such infringement is and
`continues to be willful and deliberate.
`136. As a result of Defendants’ acts of infringement, Plaintiff has suffered and will
`continue to suffer damages in an amount to be proven at trial.
`137. On April 28, 2009, United States Patent No. 7,523,520 (“the ‘S20 patent,”
`attached as Exhibit K) was d11ly and legally issued for an invention in a windshield wiper blade.
`Plaintiff is the owner of the ‘S20 patent.
`Saver has infringed and is still infringing the ‘S20 patent indirectly by making,
`using, selling, and offering for sale in the United States the Accused Products, and will continue
`to do so unless enjoined by this Court.
`Saver has had knowledge that the Accused Products infringe the ‘S20 patent since
`at least January 26, 2011 (Exhibit M).


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`On information and belief, API manufactures and imports into the United States
`components of the Accused Products with the knowledge and intent that Saver use such
`components to make the Accused Products.
`The components manufactured and imported by API are material components of
`the invention of the ‘S20 patent.
`The components manufactured and imported by API are not staple articles or
`commodities of commerce and have no non-infringing uses.
`143. API has had knowledge of the ’520 patent since at least October 11, 2011 (Exhibit
`144. On information and belief API, as a related company of Saver, purposefully
`caused, encouraged and urged Saver to make, use, sell, and offer for sale in the United States the
`Accused Products with the intent that such activities would infringe the ’520 patent, and intended.
`for Saver to carry out such activities.
`API therefore both induces Saver’s infringement of the ’520 patent and
`contributes to the same, and will continue to do so unless enjoined by this Court.
`Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law against Defendants’ infringement and,
`unless Defendants are enjoined from their infringement of the ’520 patent, Plaintiff will suffer
`irreparable harm.
`147. Defendants have knowledge of the ’520 patent, and such infringement is and
`continues to be willful and deliberate.
`148. As a result of Defendants’ acts of infringement, Plaintiff has suffered and will
`continue to suffer damages in an amount to be proven at trial.


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`149. On February 3, 2009, United States Patent No. 7,484,264 (“the ’264 patent,”
`attached as Exhibit L) was duly and legally issued for an invention in a windshield Wiper blade.
`Plaintiff is the owner of the ’264 patent.
`Saver has infringed and is still infringing the ’264 patent indirectly by making,
`using, selling, and offering for sale in the United States the Accused Products, and will continue I
`to do so unless enjoined by this Court.
`Saver has had knowledge that the Accused Products infringe the ’264 patent since
`at least January 26, 2011 (Exhibit M).
`152. On information and belief, API manufactures and imports into the United States
`components of the Accused Products with the knowledge and intent that Saver use such
`components to make the Accused Products.
`The components manufactured and imported by API are material components of
`the invention of the ’264 patent.
`The components manufactured and imported by API are not staple articles or
`commodities of commerce and have no non-infringing uses.
`155. API has had knowledge of the ’264 patent since at least October 11, 2011 (Exhibit
`156. On information and belief, API, as a related company of Saver, purposefully
`caused, encouraged and urged Saver to make, use, sell, and offer for sale in the United States the
`Accused Products with the intent that such activities would infringe the ’264 patent, and intended
`for Saver to carry out such activities.

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