Case 1:19-cv-00859-RTH Document 6-1 Filed 08/02/19 Page 1 of 14
`Case 1:19—cv-00859—RTH Document 6-1 Filed 08/02/19 Page 1 of 14


`Case 1:19-cv-00859-RTH Document 6-1 Filed 08/02/19 Page 2 of 14
`FW: e-Numerate: pleading schedule
`Gerard O'Rourke <>
`To: Matthew Leili <>
`Matthew Leili <>
`Thu, Aug 1, 2019 at 12:09 PM
`From: Gerard O'Rourke
`Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 4:23 PM
`To: Bolden, Sco (CIV) <>; 'Sean O'Kelly' <>
`Cc: Kuan, Nelson <kuann@SEC.GOV>
`Subject: RE: e-Numerate: pleading schedule
`You are not willing to have a call with the Clerk’s office to discuss this? Seriously?
`From: Bolden, Sco (CIV) []
`Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 4:20 PM
`To: Gerard O'Rourke <>; 'Sean O'Kelly' <>
`Cc: Kuan, Nelson <kuann@SEC.GOV>
`Subject: RE: e-Numerate: pleading schedule
`Jerry and Sean,
`Our interpretaon of the rules is jusfied by the plain language and by our past pracce before the Court. I thought
`that the government’s dra moon that I provided you as a courtesy was fair and accurate, but you apparently
`disagree. I have asked for specifics, but have not received any. I respect your right to disagree – even if I don’t
`understand it – and the Court’s Rules provide you with an opportunity to explain your disagreement. Even if this
`parcular moon is opposed, I will connue to work with you to try and resolve disputes in the future. Thanks,


`Case 1:19-cv-00859-RTH Document 6-1 Filed 08/02/19 Page 3 of 14
`From: Gerard O'Rourke <>
`Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 3:52 PM
`To: Bolden, Sco (CIV) <SBolden@CIV.USDOJ.GOV>; 'Sean O'Kelly' <>
`Cc: Kuan, Nelson <kuann@SEC.GOV>
`Subject: RE: e-Numerate: pleading schedule
`We disagree with you and so does the Clerk’s office. I called and asked this exact queson of them. They said a
`spulaon was fine under these circumstances.
`Given that your answer is not due unl August 11 without an extension, why don’t we jointly call over to the Clerk’s
`office to discuss this when you get back to resolve it? I am around starng the week of July 29. Alternavely, why not
`just file a spulaon embodying our agreement? As we said, we are happy to grant you the extension, but we feel
`our agreement should be embodied in a spulaon. If the Court rejects the spulaon, you should have plenty of
`me to file a moon (which we will not oppose). Please let us know. Thanks.
`Gerard M. O'Rourke, Esq.
`O'Rourke Law Office, LLC
`1201 N. Orange Street,
`Suite 7260
`Wilmington, DE 19801-1186
`Phone: 484-770-8046
`Cell: 302-562-6960
`From: Bolden, Sco (CIV) []
`Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 3:08 PM
`To: Gerard O'Rourke <>; 'Sean O'Kelly' <>
`Cc: Kuan, Nelson <kuann@SEC.GOV>
`Subject: RE: e-Numerate: pleading schedule


`Case 1:19-cv-00859-RTH Document 6-1 Filed 08/02/19 Page 4 of 14
` I
` agree with you that a “request” to the Court is not limited to a moon. But a “spulaon” is not a “request” to the
`Court; it will likely be viewed as an aempt to tell the Court what it must do. And, while we understand that some
`courts permit such spulaons, this Court does not. The Rules specifically acknowledge situaons where the pares
`may agree to an extension by spulaon (e.g., RCFC 26(d), RCFC 29), but this is not one of those situaons.
`I’m happy to work with you to resolve your concerns, but we cannot obtain relief through a moon without good
`cause. While a moon is, by nature, an “advocacy piece,” I have limited the “advocacy” to providing the “good
`cause” required by RCFC 6. I tried to make my statements as accurate, fair and neutral as reasonably possible.
`If we cannot reach an agreement, the rules contemplate that you will have an opportunity to oppose my moon. In
`accordance with RCFC 6.1(b), I ask you to inform me whether you will oppose. I plan to file it tonight (revising it, if
`necessary, as an opposed moon), so I request a response by 5:00pm. Thanks,
`From: Gerard O'Rourke <>
`Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 11:37 AM
`To: Bolden, Sco (CIV) <SBolden@CIV.USDOJ.GOV>; 'Sean O'Kelly' <>
`Cc: Kuan, Nelson <kuann@SEC.GOV>
`Subject: RE: e-Numerate: pleading schedule
`What are you relying on for your statement that we cannot file a spulaon to extend me? As we read Rule 6(b)(1)
`(A), it refers to a “request” and is not limited to moons. That is, it would cover a spulaon. Rule 6.1 relates to
`moons for enlargement and appears to be limited to adversarial situaons.
`As we menoned to you, your enre moon is an advocacy piece that you are asking us to agree to and we simply
`cannot do that. We are more than happy to give you the 60 days based on the agreement we reached. We have
`aached a dra spulaon for your review that we think effectuates the pares’ agreement. The WHEREAS clauses
`in here are neutral and factually true. Please let us know your thoughts. Thanks.
`Gerard M. O'Rourke, Esq.
`O'Rourke Law Office, LLC


`Case 1:19-cv-00859-RTH Document 6-1 Filed 08/02/19 Page 5 of 14
`1201 N. Orange Street,
`Suite 7260
`Wilmington, DE 19801-1186
`Phone: 484-770-8046
`Cell: 302-562-6960
`From: Bolden, Sco (CIV) []
`Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 10:10 AM
`To: Gerard O'Rourke <>; 'Sean O'Kelly' <>
`Cc: Kuan, Nelson <kuann@SEC.GOV>
`Subject: RE: e-Numerate: pleading schedule
`Jerry and Sean,
`The courtesy dra that I sent you is intended to be a moon that is filed on behalf of the Government. Since the
`moon seeks parcular relief from the Court, the moon needs to advocate for that relief. In this Court, the pares
`cannot simply spulate to an extension of a filing deadline. Instead, the pares must move the Court for the
`extension, and jusfy the extension.
`You have generally objected to some of the characterizaons of the IPR, but you have not explained any specific
`objecons to the language I used. In the IPR secon, I purposely used language that would capture both of our
`posions, i.e., “the IPRs *might* simplify the issues...”, “the requested extension *may* allow...”. I also acknowledge
`your argument: “...Plainffs have not expressly asserted the challenged claims in this parcular case...” These
`characterizaons appear neutral and fair to me. Let me know if there are specific facts that I cite that you believe are
`It sounds like we have three opons at this point:
`1. I indicate at the beginning of the moon that you do not oppose the moon and the relief sought, but that you
`dispute some of the characterizaons. For example, at the last sentence of the first paragraph could read: “On July
`19, 2019, Plainffs stated that they do not oppose the Government’s moon and the relief sought, but dispute some
`of the characterizaons in the unopposed moon.”
`2. You oppose the moon, and I file an opposed moon.
`3. We convert this into a joint moon. I’m willing to do this, but since I have already turned over a dra moon,
`you should provide a revised dra in response. In the revised dra, I would like to see an explanaon why parcular


`Case 1:19-cv-00859-RTH Document 6-1 Filed 08/02/19 Page 6 of 14
`statements are objeconable and cannot be joint. If we reach an impasse over a specific statement, we can
`separately idenfy the statements that are Plainffs’ posion as opposed to Defendant’s posion.
`Please let me know what opon works for you, and we’ll proceed accordingly. Alternavely, if you think there is
`another opon that I haven’t considered, please let me know. Thanks,
`From: Gerard O'Rourke <>
`Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 6:23 AM
`To: Bolden, Sco (CIV) <SBolden@CIV.USDOJ.GOV>; 'Sean O'Kelly' <>
`Subject: RE: e-Numerate: pleading schedule
`To follow up on the below, Sean and I have now had an opportunity to review your unopposed moon. It is an
`advocacy piece on behalf of the US government and is unacceptable. We are willing to file a joint spulaon that
`embodies the agreement we offered and that the government accepted. If we need to include recitals, they should
`be neutral. If there is a menon of the IPR in the extension spulaon, it should simply state that an IPR has been
`filed by a third party against claims not asserted in this acon. Please send us a dra spulaon and we will turn it
`around quickly.
`Gerard M. O'Rourke, Esq.
`O'Rourke Law Office, LLC
`1201 N. Orange Street,
`Suite 7260
`Wilmington, DE 19801-1186
`Phone: 484-770-8046
`Cell: 302-562-6960


`Case 1:19-cv-00859-RTH Document 6-1 Filed 08/02/19 Page 7 of 14
`From: Gerard O'Rourke
`Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2019 8:56 PM
`To: Bolden, Sco (CIV) <>; Sean O'Kelly <>
`Subject: RE: e-Numerate: pleading schedule
`Why can’t we file this as a spulaon subject to approval of the Court that embodies the agreement we offered and
`that the government accepted? There are many statements in here about the IPR that we flatly do not agree with.
`Any invalidaon of a claim has no effect on a dependent claim under 35 USC § 282. In addion, the burden of proof
`in the IPR is completely different than in this ligaon. If we need to find recite reasons in the spulaon, we can put
`something neutral in that jusfies the extension: first request, 7 patents, many claims, lengthy complaint, the
`government’s need to invesgate, etc.
`Please advise. Thanks.
`From: Bolden, Sco (CIV) []
`Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2019 4:27 PM
`To: Gerard O'Rourke <>; Sean O'Kelly <>
`Subject: RE: e-Numerate: pleading schedule
`Jerry and Sean,
`I’ve aached a dra of the moon. Thanks,
`From: Gerard O'Rourke <>
`Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2019 3:14 PM
`To: Bolden, Sco (CIV) <SBolden@CIV.USDOJ.GOV>; Sean O'Kelly <>
`Subject: RE: e-Numerate: pleading schedule


`Case 1:19-cv-00859-RTH Document 6-1 Filed 08/02/19 Page 8 of 14
`In order to avoid any issue as to the wording of the moon, please send to Sean and me for a quick review before you
`file it. We will give comments, if any, in short order.
`Thank you for the update on the shutdown/stay issue.
`From: Bolden, Sco (CIV) []
`Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2019 2:48 PM
`To: Gerard O'Rourke <>; Sean O'Kelly <>
`Subject: RE: e-Numerate: pleading schedule
`Yes, agreed. I will prepare an unopposed moon and file it tonight or tomorrow.
`With respect to other grounds for a stay, it is tough to idenfy the exceponal circumstances that could require a stay.
` One conceivable (and unfortunate) basis for moving for a stay would be a government shutdown. We’ve had to do
`so several mes over the past 4-5 years, and are required to do so based on statutory obligaons. Thanks,
`From: Gerard O'Rourke <>
`Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2019 12:32 PM
`To: Bolden, Sco (CIV) <SBolden@CIV.USDOJ.GOV>; Sean O'Kelly <>
`Subject: RE: e-Numerate: pleading schedule
` I
` have approval from e-Numerate to offer the following:
`1. Government gets addional 60 days to either answer or move under Rule 12;
`2. Government will not move to stay based on pendency of IPRs at PTAB level.
`3. Item 2 is without prejudice to government moving to stay if Plainffs appeal an adverse decision from PTAB.


`Case 1:19-cv-00859-RTH Document 6-1 Filed 08/02/19 Page 9 of 14
`Would you be willing to agree to this? Please advise. Also, what other basis would there possibly be to move for a
`stay in this case other than the IPR?
`Gerard M. O'Rourke, Esq.
`O'Rourke Law Office, LLC
`1201 N. Orange Street,
`Suite 7260
`Wilmington, DE 19801-1186
`Phone: 484-770-8046
`Cell: 302-562-6960
`From: Bolden, Sco (CIV) []
`Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2019 10:11 AM
`To: Gerard O'Rourke <>; Sean O'Kelly <>
`Subject: RE: e-Numerate: pleading schedule
`Essenally yes. I had proposed the extension for a set number of days as an alternave to moving to stay. So if
`Plainffs do not oppose the 60-day extension, we will make every effort to respond within the requested me, and
`would not move to stay the case on the basis of the IPRs in lieu of responding. We would not move to stay for any
`other reason in lieu of responding absent something exceponal.
`Note that I’m trying to be careful with my language because I can see hypothecal possibilies where we might
`consider a moon to stay at a later point in the case. For example, if the IPRs result in invalidaon of the claims and
`you appeal that decision, we might consider postponement of any final invalidity posions pending the Federal
`Circuit’s views. In addion, just to be clear, our response to the Complaint may be by filing an Answer or may be by
`filing a RCFC 12 moon – we are currently considering all opons.


`Case 1:19-cv-00859-RTH Document 6-1 Filed 08/02/19 Page 10 of 14
`From: Gerard O'Rourke <>
`Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 6:08 PM
`To: Bolden, Sco (CIV) <SBolden@CIV.USDOJ.GOV>; Sean O'Kelly <>
`Subject: RE: e-Numerate: pleading schedule
`It was good speaking with you as well. Just to be clear, if we were to grant you a sixty day extension, would the
`United States agree to file an Answer and not move to stay the case? Please advise. Thank you.
`Gerard M. O'Rourke, Esq.
`O'Rourke Law Office, LLC
`1201 N. Orange Street,
`Suite 7260
`Wilmington, DE 19801-1186
`Phone: 484-770-8046
`Cell: 302-562-6960
`From: Bolden, Sco (CIV) []
`Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 5:36 PM
`To: Sean O'Kelly <>; Gerard O'Rourke <>
`Subject: RE: e-Numerate: pleading schedule
`Sean and Jerry,


`Case 1:19-cv-00859-RTH Document 6-1 Filed 08/02/19 Page 11 of 14
`Thank you for speaking with me yesterday about the e-Numerate ligaon. I discussed the points you raised with my
`internal contacts. We intend to move for a 60-day enlargement of me to respond to the Complaint (from 8/12 to
`10/11). We believe that a 60-day request is jusfied, and a reasonable compromise with respect to the ligaon stay
`and 90-day request we discussed.
`As I menoned yesterday, we believe that the request is supported by: the number of patent claims and the
`complexity of their context; the voluminous Complaint; and the pending IPRs. Based on our conversaon, I
`understand that your client will likely oppose the request. Nevertheless, I appreciate your consideraon of the issue.
`I plan to get the moon on file before I am out of the office next week; so please let me know by 5:30pm tomorrow
`(7/18) whether Plainffs will oppose. Thanks,
`From: Sean O'Kelly <>
`Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 2:51 PM
`To: Gerard O'Rourke <>
`Cc: Bolden, Sco (CIV) <SBolden@CIV.USDOJ.GOV>
`Subject: Re: e-Numerate: pleading schedule
`Yes. Talk to you then.
`Sean T. O'Kelly, Esq.
`O’Kelly Ernst & Joyce, LLC
`901 N. Market Street, 10th Floor
`Wilmington, DE 19801
`Phone: (302) 778-4000
`Direct: (302) 778-4001
`Facsimile: (302) 295-2873
`On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 2:50 PM Gerard O'Rourke <> wrote:
`Works for me. Sean?
`From: Bolden, Sco (CIV) []
`Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 2:41 PM
`To: Gerard O'Rourke <>; Sean O'Kelly <>
`Subject: RE: e-Numerate: pleading schedule


`Case 1:19-cv-00859-RTH Document 6-1 Filed 08/02/19 Page 12 of 14
`Yes, thank you. I’ve reserved a conference line if that works for you. The number is 210-795-0506, and the access
`code is 15576799.
`From: Gerard O'Rourke <>
`Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 2:35 PM
`To: Bolden, Sco (CIV) <SBolden@CIV.USDOJ.GOV>; Sean O'Kelly <>
`Subject: RE: e-Numerate: pleading schedule
`Hi Sco,
`Would 3 pm today work?
`Gerard M. O'Rourke, Esq.
`O'Rourke Law Office, LLC
`1201 N. Orange Street,
`Suite 7260
`Wilmington, DE 19801-1186
`Phone: 484-770-8046
`Cell: 302-562-6960
`From: Bolden, Sco (CIV) []
`Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 2:01 PM
`To: Sean O'Kelly <>
`Cc: Gerard O'Rourke <>
`Subject: RE: e-Numerate: pleading schedule


`Case 1:19-cv-00859-RTH Document 6-1 Filed 08/02/19 Page 13 of 14
`Sean and Jerry,
`Let me know if you have me to talk in the next day or so about e-Numerate. I’m out on vacaon next week, so I’d
`like to see if we can figure out a schedule that works for everyone and get something on file this week. Thanks,
`From: Sean O'Kelly <>
`Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2019 5:35 PM
`To: Bolden, Sco (CIV) <SBolden@CIV.USDOJ.GOV>
`Cc: Gerard O'Rourke <>
`Subject: Re: e-Numerate: pleading schedule
`Thanks for your email. I've added Jerry to this reply, just to be sure.
`He and I will discuss your email and get back to you in short order.
`My best,
`Sean T. O'Kelly, Esq.
`O’Kelly Ernst & Joyce, LLC
`901 N. Market Street, 10th Floor
`Wilmington, DE 19801
`Phone: (302) 778-4000
`Direct: (302) 778-4001
`Facsimile: (302) 295-2873
`On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 5:24 PM Bolden, Scott (CIV) <> wrote:
`FYI, I received a bounce-back “undeliverable” email from Jerry’s email system. I used the email address I had for
`him and listed on the Complaint – I’m not sure if emails are getting through to him. Thanks,


`Case 1:19-cv-00859-RTH Document 6-1 Filed 08/02/19 Page 14 of 14
`From: Bolden, Scott (CIV)
`Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2019 3:24 PM
`To:; Gerard O'Rourke <>
`Subject: e-Numerate: pleading schedule
`Sean and Jerry,
` I
` hope you both have been having a good summer. I’ve attached a courtesy copy of my notice of appearance in e-
`Numerate’s case in the Court of Federal Claims.
`Would you be available for a call tomorrow (7/12, after 4:00pm only), Monday (7/15, after 2:00pm), or Tuesday
`(7/16, looks open)? I’d like to talk about scheduling a response to the Complaint, particularly in light of the pending
`If you do have some availability, please let me know what time works for you, and I’m happy to set up a conference
`line. Thanks,
`Scott Bolden
`Deputy Director
`Department of Justice, Civil Division
`Commercial Litigation Branch, Intellectual Property Section
`1100 L Street, NW
`Room 8500
`Washington, DC 20005

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