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`C.A. No. 19-859-RTH
`The Court enters the following protective order pursuant to Rule 26(c)(1) of the Rules of
`the United States Court of Federal Claims (“RCFC”).
`Findings: The Court finds that the parties to this case and third parties may request
`or produce information involving trade secrets or confidential research and development or
`commercial information, the disclosure of which is likely to cause harm to the party producing
`such information.
`“Party” means any named party to this Action, including all of its
`employees, consultants, retained experts, and outside counsel and their support staffs.
`Additionally, for Plaintiff, “Party” includes all of its officers and directors.
`“Producer” means any Party or Third Party that discloses or produces any
`discovery material in this Action.
`“Recipient” means any Party who receives a Producer’s discovery material
`in this case.
`“Third Party” means a person, organization or entity who is not a Plaintiff


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`or Defendant in this Action.
`“Litigation Support Contractor” means a contractor who is (a) subject to an
`obligation, either by contract or trade practice, to maintain the confidentiality of any material
`received in performance of the contracted services; (b) engaged in the business of providing
`litigation support services; and (c) retained to provide support service with respect to either a
`lawyer’s general professional activities or specifically in support of the lawyer’s activities in this
`case. By way of example and not limitation, “litigation support contractor” includes copying
`services, court reporters, videographers, document storage and management contractors, database
`management contractors, and information technology and network support contractors. The parties
`acknowledge that a Recipient may engage or employ contract attorneys, paralegals, or legal
`administrative personnel who may fall within the definition of Litigation Support Contractor.
`“Confidential Information” means information that contains or reflects
`confidential, proprietary, and/or commercially sensitive information.
`“Highly Confidential Information” means confidential information that is
`so sensitive
`its dissemination deserves even further
`limitation beyond
`that of
`CONFIDENTIAL information. The Parties agree that the following information, if non-public,
`shall be presumed to merit the “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL” designation: trade secrets, pricing
`information, financial data, sales information, sales or marketing forecasts or plans, business plans,
`sales or marketing strategy, product development information, engineering documents, testing
`documents, employee information, and other non-public information of similar competitive and
`business sensitivity.
`“Source Code” means Highly Confidential Information that contains or
`substantially discloses computer or source code, machine language, scripts, assembly, binaries,
`object code, source code listings and descriptions of source code, object code listings and


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`descriptions of object code, Hardware Description Language (HDL) or Register Transfer Level
`(RTL) files or other similar files that describe the hardware design of any ASIC or other chip, and
`Computer Aided Design (CAD) or other similar files that describe the hardware design of any
`Information is not Confidential, Highly Confidential, or Source Code if it is
`known or available to the public, was known to the Recipient without obligation of confidentiality
`before the Producer disclosed it, or is or becomes known to the Recipient by means not constituting
`a breach of this Order. Information is likewise not Confidential, Highly Confidential or Source
`Code if a Recipient lawfully obtained it, without restriction as to its further dissemination by such
`Recipient, independently of this litigation.
`Designation of Information as Confidential, Highly Confidential or Source Code:
`A Producer’s designation of
`information as Confidential, Highly
`Confidential, or Source Code means that the Producer believes in good faith, upon reasonable
`inquiry, that the information qualifies as such.
`A Producer designates information in a document or thing as Confidential
`by clearly and prominently marking it on its face as “CONFIDENTIAL” (which shall include, at
`the Producer’s option, adding the word “Confidential” (or an appropriate abbreviation thereof) to
`the file name of any natively produced computer file).
`A Producer designates information in a document or thing as “Highly
`Confidential” by clearly and prominently marking it on its face as “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL”


`Case 1:19-cv-00859-RTH Document 39-1 Filed 12/21/20 Page 4 of 15
`(which shall include, at the Producer’s option, adding the words “Highly Confidential” (or an
`appropriate abbreviation thereof) to the file name of any natively produced computer file).
`A Producer designates information in a document or thing as “Source Code”
`by clearly and prominently marking it on its face as “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE
`CODE” (which shall include, at the Producer’s option, adding the words “Highly Confidential –
`Source Code” (or an appropriate abbreviation thereof) to the file name of any natively produced
`computer file).
`A Producer may make documents or things containing Confidential, Highly
`Confidential, or Source Code information available for inspection and copying without marking
`them as such without forfeiting a claim of confidentiality, so long as the Producer causes copies
`of the documents or things to be marked as Confidential, Highly Confidential, or Source Code
`before providing them to the Recipient.
`A Producer designates information in deposition testimony as Confidential,
`Highly Confidential, or Source Code by stating on the record at the deposition that the information
`is Confidential, Highly Confidential, or Source Code, or by advising the Recipients, Parties, and
`the stenographer and videographer in writing, within fourteen (14) days after receipt of the non-
`rough deposition transcript, that the information is Confidential, Highly Confidential, or Source
`Code. Until a Producer makes a designation pursuant to this paragraph, or the expiration of the
`fourteen (14)-day period described herein, whichever occurs earlier, deposition testimony shall be
`treated as Highly Confidential.
`Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Producer’s failure to designate a
`document, thing, or testimony as Confidential, Highly Confidential, or Source Code neither (i)
`waives any right hereunder, upon realizing such failure, to later promptly so designate such


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`document, thing, or testimony, nor (ii) constitutes forfeiture of a claim of confidentiality as to any
`other document, thing, or testimony.
`A Producer who has designated information as Confidential, Highly
`Confidential, or Source Code may withdraw the designation by written notification to all
`If a Recipient disputes a Producer’s designation of information as
`Confidential, Highly Confidential or Source Code, the Recipient shall notify the Producer in
`writing of the basis for the dispute, identifying the specific documents or things as to which the
`designation is disputed and proposing a new or lack of designation for such materials. The
`Recipient and the Producer shall then meet and confer to attempt to resolve the dispute without
`involvement of the Court. In conferring, the Recipient must explain the basis for its belief that the
`confidentiality designation was not proper and must give the Producer an opportunity to review
`the designated material, to reconsider the designation, and, if no change in designation is offered,
`to explain the basis for the designation. A Recipient that elects to challenge a confidentiality
`designation may file and serve a motion that identifies the challenged materials and sets forth in
`detail the bases for the challenge. Each such motion must be accompanied by a competent
`declaration that affirms that the movant has complied with the meet and confer requirement of this
`procedure. The burden of persuasion in any such challenge shall be on the Producer. Until the
`Court rules on the challenge, all parties shall continue to treat the materials as Confidential
`Information, Highly Confidential Information, or Source Code under the terms of this Order.
`Use and Disclosure of Confidential, Highly Confidential, or Source Code
`Confidential, Highly Confidential, and Source Code information may be
`used exclusively for purposes of this litigation, subject to the restrictions of this Order.


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`Absent written permission from the Producer or further order by the Court,
`the Recipient may not disclose information designated as Confidential other than to the
`i. a Recipient’s outside counsel of record,1 including paralegal, secretarial,
`and clerical personnel assisting such counsel, and Litigation Support
`Contractors whether employed to assist outside counsel generally or
`specifically with respect to this case;
`ii. a Recipient’s in-house counsel,2 including paralegal, secretarial, and clerical
`personnel assisting such counsel, and Litigation Support Contractors
`whether employed to assist in-house counsel generally or specifically with
`respect to this case;
`iii. Up to a maximum of three (3) employees of Recipient’s directly involved
`in this case whose access to the information is reasonably required to
`supervise, manage, or participate in this case and additionally officers and
`directors of Plaintiffs’;
`iv. a witness at deposition and/or trial that is an employee of the Producing
`Party, that is an expert or consultant retained by the Producing Party, or that
`the Producing Party has called or designated (excluding a witness that is
`hostile to the Producing Party and to whom the provisions of this Order
`1 For purposes of this Order, attorneys of the Department of Justice shall be considered “outside
`counsel of record” for the United States. Additionally, attorneys, paralegals and staff at law firms
`retained by accused agencies who have agreed to be bound by this Protective Order and provided a
`signed undertaking (Appendix 1) to Plaintiff’s counsel shall also be considered outside counsel of
`2 For purposes of this Order, Defendant’s in-house counsel are attorneys of the Securities and
`Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and any other agency or department of the United States involved
`in this litigation.


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`do not otherwise permit disclosure), provided that such witnesses may not
`retain copies of such designated information unless permitted by other
`provisions of this Order;
`vi. v. With respect to a particular document, an individual who is shown on the
`face of the document to have been an author, source, or recipient of the
`document, provided that such witnesses may not retain copies of the
`designated document unless permitted by other provisions of this Order;
`vii. a stenographer and videographer recording testimony concerning the
`viii. subject to the provisions of paragraph 4(e) of this Order, experts,
`consultants, and their staff whom a Recipient retains for purposes of this
`litigation only;
`the Court and personnel assisting the Court; and
`any mediator who is assigned to hear this matter, and his or her staff, subject
`to their agreement to maintain confidentiality to the same degree as required
`by this Order.
`Absent written permission from the Producer or further order by the Court,
`the Recipient may not disclose information designated as Highly Confidential other than to the
`following: those identified in paragraph 4(b)(i), (ii) (so long as such disclosure is limited to a
`maximum of four (4) in-house counsel who are directly involved in supervising and managing this
`litigation), and 4(b)(iv)-(ix).
`Absent written permission from the Producer or further order by the Court,
`and subject to the terms and conditions set forth in herein, the Recipient may not disclose


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`information designated as Source Code other to than to the following: those identified in paragraph
`4(b)(i), and (v)-(viii).
`The Recipient may not disclose Confidential, Highly Confidential, or
`Source Code information to an expert or consultant pursuant to paragraphs 4(b)-(d) of this Order
`until after the expert or consultant has signed an undertaking in the form of Appendix 1 to this
`Order. The Recipient obtaining the undertaking must serve it on the Producer and all Parties within
`ten business days (10) after its execution. At least ten (10) business days before the first disclosure
`of Confidential, Highly Confidential, or Source Code information to an expert or consultant (or
`member of their staff), the Recipient proposing to make the disclosure must serve the Producer
`with written identification of the expert or consultant and a copy of his or her curriculum vitae and
`a list of all matters in which the expert or consultant has testified, been deposed, or consulted
`within the last five (5) years. If the Producer has good cause to object to the disclosure (which does
`not include challenging the qualifications of the expert or consultant), it must serve the Recipient
`proposing to make the disclosure with a written objection within ten (10) business days after
`service of the identification. If the Recipient and Producer fail resolve the dispute within ten (10)
`business days after service of the objection, the Producer may thereafter within five (5) business
`days move the Court for a ruling on its objection to the disclosure of designated information to the
`expert or consultant. If the Producer so moves, the Recipient may not disclose the Confidential,
`Highly Confidential, or Source Code information to the expert or consultant without the Court’s
`approval. However, if the Producer fails to so move, then the Recipient may disclose the
`Confidential, Highly Confidential, or Source Code information to the expert or consultant.
`Notwithstanding paragraph 4(a)-(d), a Recipient may disclose a document
`or source code designated Confidential, Highly Confidential, or Source Code information to any
`Party or Third Party who lawfully received the designated information before this case was filed.


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`A Recipient who wishes to disclose Confidential, Highly Confidential, or
`Source Code information to an entity or person not authorized under paragraphs 4(b)-(d) must first
`make a reasonable attempt to obtain the Producer’s permission. If the Recipient is unable to obtain
`permission, it may move the Court to obtain permission.
`Special considerations for Source Code information:
`Source Code information produced by any Party or Third Party is to be
`made available for inspection in electronic form and maintained on a computer at the offices of
`outside/inside counsel for the Producer or at such other place agreed to in writing by the Producer.
`Each computer on which Source Code information is made available for
`inspection by a Party or Third Party shall be known as a “Source Code Computer.”
`Each Source Code Computer must (i) at all times during the pendency of
`this case be a stand-alone, non-networked, password-protected computer terminal, (ii) be disabled
`from having external storage devices attached to it, and (iii) maintain Source Code information in
`encrypted format when the Source Code information is not being inspected.
`Access to a Source Code Computer shall be limited to three (3) outside
`counsel representing the Recipient and four (4) experts or consultants retained by the Recipient for
`the purpose of this litigation and approved to access such designated materials pursuant to
`paragraph 4(e) above. A maximum of three (3) individuals may be physically present for an
`inspection of a Source Code Computer at any one time. The Recipient must provide reasonable
`notice to the Producer that it wishes to inspect a Source Code Computer. At the time of providing
`notice, the Recipient must identify the individual(s) who will be inspect the Source Code
`Computer. The Recipient shall restrict its request for access to a Source Code Computer to normal
`business hours, which for purposes of this section shall be on Monday – Friday from 9:00 am to


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`5:00 pm. However, upon reasonable notice from the Recipient, the Producer shall make reasonable
`efforts to accommodate the Recipient’s request for access to a Source Code Computer outside of
`normal business hours, though the Producer is not under any obligation to do so.
`The Producer shall provide the Recipient with information explaining how
`to start, log on to, and operate a Source Code Computer in order to inspect the produced Source
`Code. The Recipient shall be entitled to a specific identification (e.g., by name, version number,
`and date of release) of the Source Code being made available for inspection, if reasonably
`available. If specific identification is not reasonably available at such time, the Producer shall
`provide notice to the Recipient that specific identification is not reasonably available and explain
`the reason(s) why specific identification is not reasonably available.
`The Recipient may opt to have source code analysis and/or emulator tools
`loaded onto the Source Code Computer to facilitate its review. If the Recipient so opts, it must
`provide a copy of the software program to the Producer at least seven (7) business days prior to
`the first date on which it wishes to utilize that software program during a scheduled inspection of
`a Source Code Computer. The Producer may object to the use of any tool provided by the Recipient
`pursuant to this paragraph, but must do so by notifying the Recipient of its objections and the
`reasons for its objections at least five (5) business days before the scheduled inspection of a Source
`Code Computer. The parties shall endeavor to resolve any dispute regarding tools to be loaded
`onto the Source Code Computer within seven (7) business days of any objection being made by
`the Producer. If the parties cannot resolve the dispute within such time, the Recipient may petition
`the Court for resolution of the matter. The burden shall be on the Producer to show that the software
`program in question will present a risk to the integrity of the Source Code Computer or the
`confidentiality of the Source Code information. At the termination of the litigation as set forth in
`Section 14, below, any source code analysis and/or emulator tools loaded onto a Source Code


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`Computer pursuant to this paragraph shall be removed by the Recipient or its outside counsel. The
`Producer or its outside counsel may at its election be present for such removal.
`The Recipient will not copy, remove, or otherwise transfer any Source Code
`from a Source Code Computer including, without limitation, copying, removing, or transferring
`the Source Code onto any recordable media or recordable device. The Recipient will not transmit
`any Source Code information in any way from the room containing a Source Code Computer. No
`copies of any portion of the Source Code may leave the room in which the Source Code is inspected
`except as herein provided. The Recipient may take notes regarding the content of the Source Code
`information, so long as such note taking does not constitute transcription of more than fifty (50)
`consecutive lines of Source Code. By the end of each inspection day, Recipient is responsible for
`removing all notes and other Recipient work product and confidential materials from the room in
`which the Source Code is inspected. No expectation of confidentiality or privilege shall attach to
`Recipient materials left in the room in which the Source Code is inspected after the end of the
`inspection day. In addition, the Recipient may request from the Producer printed copies of limited
`portions of the Source Code believed to be reasonably necessary for the preparation of court filings,
`pleadings, expert reports or other papers or for deposition or trial. Only one (1) printed copy of each
`consecutive block of Source Code will be provided. The Recipient shall not request the printing of
`Source Code in order to review blocks of Source Code elsewhere in the first instance, i.e., as an
`alternative to reviewing that Source Code electronically on the Source Code Computer. Such
`printouts will be made on paper containing Bates numbers and the designation ‘HIGHLY
`CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE CODE.” If the Producer objects that the printed portions are
`excessive (e.g., greater than 400 printed pages) and/or not reasonably necessary to any case
`preparation activity, the Producer shall make such objection known to the Recipient within seven
`(7) business days of the Recipient’s request for printed copies. If, after meeting and conferring, the


`Case 1:19-cv-00859-RTH Document 39-1 Filed 12/21/20 Page 12 of 15
`Producer and the Recipient cannot resolve the objection within seven (7) business days, the
`Recipient shall be entitled to seek a Court resolution of whether the printed source code in question
`is narrowly tailored and reasonably necessary to any case preparation activity as provided herein.
`The burden shall be on the Recipient to demonstrate that such printed portions are narrowly tailored
`and no more than is reasonably necessary for a permitted purpose and not merely printed for the
`purposes of review and analysis elsewhere. In the absence of any objection, or upon resolution of
`any such dispute by the Court, the Producer shall provide one (1) copy set of such pages to the
`Recipient within five (5) business days.
`The Recipient may not make any copies of any printouts containing Source
`Code information provided pursuant to this paragraph, except that the Recipient may make one (1)
`copy for each technical expert or consultant who has signed the undertaking under paragraph 4(e)
`of this order, and may make one (1) additional copy for outside counsel (such that outside counsel
`may have a total of two (2) copies), so long as the total number of copies of any portion of the
`Source Code does not exceed five (5). The Recipient may only provide printed copies of Source
`Code to individuals authorized to view Source Code information under paragraph 4(d). The
`Recipient must keep a log of anyone who has reviewed or taken custody of any printed copy of
`Source Code provided pursuant to this paragraph. The log shall include the names of the reviewers
`and/or recipients of paper copies and locations where the paper copies are stored. Any printouts
`obtained pursuant to sub-paragraph (i) above must be kept in a secure, locked area in the offices
`of outside counsel or expert or consultant retained by Recipient and authorized to view Source
`Code information pursuant to paragraph 4(d) above.
`Excepting laptop computers, no recording devices, recordable media, or
`other electronic devices (including but not limited to sound recorders, cellular telephones,
`peripheral equipment, cameras, CDs, DVDs, floppy drives, zip drives, thumb drives, USB memory


`Case 1:19-cv-00859-RTH Document 39-1 Filed 12/21/20 Page 13 of 15
`sticks, portable hard drives, BlackBerry® devices, iPhone® devices, Dictaphones, or telephone
`jacks) will be permitted inside the room in which Source Code is subject to inspection.
`Notwithstanding the foregoing, Recipient shall not use any laptop computer to record or store
`images or copies of Source Code except to the extent expressly permitted herein for notetaking.
`A Recipient shall omit Source Code information in any form from pleadings
`whenever possible, and when not possible, shall petition the Court, pursuant to Paragraph 7 below,
`for permission to file such document under seal.
`Non-Waiver of Privileged or Work Product Material. Pursuant to Fed. R. Evid.
`502(d), the production of a privileged or work-product-protected document in this case, whether
`inadvertent or otherwise, is not a waiver of privilege or protection from discovery in this case or in
`any other federal or state proceeding. For example, the mere production of privileged or work-
`product-protected documents in this case along with non-privileged or non-work-product-
`protected documents shall not function as a waiver of any privilege or work-product protections in
`this case or in any other federal or state proceeding. The factors listed in Fed. R. Evid. 502(b) shall
`not control or contribute to any part of any analysis related to the return of materials subject to a
`claim of privilege, work-product or any other protection. The proper procedure for the notification
`and return of privileged or protected information produced in this matter is governed by RCFC
`Filing with the Court: This Order pre-authorizes the filing under seal of any
`document containing Confidential, Highly Confidential, or Source Code information. Leave of
`court is not required for any such document to be filed under seal. If a Party files a document under
`seal, it must also (unless excused by the Court) file within ten (10) business days a public- record
`version that excludes or redacts any Confidential, Highly Confidential, or Source Code information
`after consulting with any relevant Producer.


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`Document Disposal: Within thirty (30) days of final termination of this Action, each
`Recipient must return to the Producer all documents and copies of documents containing the
`Producer’s Confidential, Highly Confidential, or Source Code information, and must destroy all
`notes, memoranda, or other materials derived from or in any way revealing Confidential, Highly
`Confidential, or Source Code. Alternatively, if the Producer agrees, the Recipient may destroy all
`documents and copies of documents containing the Producer’s Confidential, Highly Confidential,
`or Source Code information. The Recipient returning and/or destroying the Producer’s
`Confidential, Highly Confidential, or Source Code information must promptly certify in writing
`its compliance with the requirements of this paragraph. Notwithstanding the requirements of this
`paragraph, (i) a Party and its outside counsel may each retain one complete set of all documents
`filed with the Court, and may retain more than one complete set when required by federal law or
`regulation; and (ii) outside counsel for each Party may retain one (1) copy of all work product,
`whether or not derived from a Producer’s Confidential, Highly Confidential, or Source Code
`information. Any retained copies shall remain subject to all requirements of this Order.
`Originals: A legible photocopy of a document may be used as the “original” for all
`purposes in this action. The actual “original,” in whatever form the Producer has it, must be made
`available for inspection at an agreed location and time to a Recipient of the legible photocopy
`within ten (10) business days after a reasonable written request.
`Producer’s Use of its Own Information. Nothing in this Order shall limit any
`Producer’s use of its own information or prevent a Producer from disclosing its own information
`to any person.
`Survival of obligations: This Order’s obligations regarding Confidential, Highly
`Confidential, and Source Code information survive the conclusion of this case.
`Further modifications: Any party may move the court for a modification of this


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`Protective Order and nothing in this Protective Order will be construed to prevent a party from
`seeking such further provisions enhancing or limiting access to documents as may be appropriate.

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