
`DOCKET NO.: FBT-CV23-6120092-S
`ALFA LAVAL, INC. et al.
`April 6, 2023
`Defendant, Schneider Electric USA, Inc., f/k/a Square D Company (hereinafter “Square
`D” or “Defendant”) hereby files its Answer, Special Defenses and Cross-Claim to Plaintiffs'
`Second Amended Complaint dated March 6, 2023, as follows:
`(Product Liability as Against all Defendants)
`As to the allegations contained in Paragraph 1, the defendant has insufficient
`knowledge upon which to form a belief and, therefore, leaves the plaintiffs to their proof.
`As to the allegations contained in Paragraph 2, the defendant has insufficient
`knowledge upon which to form a belief and, therefore, leaves the plaintiffs to their proof.
`The defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 3 that relate to
`Square D. As to the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 3, the defendant has
`insufficient knowledge upon which to form a belief and, therefore, leaves the plaintiffs to their
`As to the allegations contained in Paragraph 4, the defendant has insufficient
`knowledge upon which to form a belief and, therefore, leaves the plaintiffs to their proof.


`As to the allegations contained in Paragraph 5, the defendant has insufficient
`knowledge upon which to form a belief and, therefore, leaves the plaintiffs to their proof.
`The defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 6 that relate to
`Square D. As to the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 6, the defendant has
`insufficient knowledge upon which to form a belief and, therefore, leaves the plaintiffs to their
`The defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 7 that relate to
`Square D. As to the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 7, the defendant has
`insufficient knowledge upon which to form a belief and, therefore, leaves the plaintiffs to their
`As to the allegations contained in Paragraph 8, the defendant has insufficient
`knowledge upon which to form a belief and, therefore, leaves the plaintiffs to their proof.
`The defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 9 that relate to
`Square D. As to the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 9, the defendant has
`insufficient knowledge upon which to form a belief and, therefore, leaves the plaintiffs to their
`The defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 10 that relate to
`Square D. As to the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 10, the defendant has
`insufficient knowledge upon which to form a belief and, therefore, leaves the plaintiffs to his
`The defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 11 that relate to
`Square D. As to the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 11, the defendant has


`insufficient knowledge upon which to form a belief and, therefore, leaves the plaintiffs to their
`The defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 12 that relate to
`Square D. As to the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 12, the defendant has
`insufficient knowledge upon which to form a belief and, therefore, leaves the plaintiffs to their
`The defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 13 that relate to
`Square D. As to the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 13, the defendant has
`insufficient knowledge upon which to form a belief and, therefore, leaves the plaintiffs to their
`The defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 14 that relate to
`Square D. As to the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 14, the defendant has
`insufficient knowledge upon which to form a belief and, therefore, leaves the plaintiffs to their
`The defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 15 that relate to
`Square D. As to the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 15, the defendant has
`insufficient knowledge upon which to form a belief and, therefore, leaves the plaintiffs to their
`The defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 16 that relate to
`Square D. As to the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 16, the defendant has
`insufficient knowledge upon which to form a belief and, therefore, leaves the plaintiffs to their


`The defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 17 that relate to
`Square D. As to the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 17, the defendant has
`insufficient knowledge upon which to form a belief and, therefore, leaves the plaintiffs to their
`The defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 18 that relate to
`Square D. As to the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 18, the defendant has
`insufficient knowledge upon which to form a belief and, therefore, leaves the plaintiffs to their
`The defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 19 that relate to
`Square D. As to the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 19, the defendant has
`insufficient knowledge upon which to form a belief and, therefore, leaves the plaintiffs to their
`The defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 20 that relate to
`Square D. As to the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 20, the defendant has
`insufficient knowledge upon which to form a belief and, therefore, leaves the plaintiffs to their
`The defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 21 that relate to
`Square D. As to the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 21, the defendant has
`insufficient knowledge upon which to form a belief and, therefore, leaves the plaintiffs to their


`The defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 22 that relate to
`Square D. As to the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 22, the defendant has
`insufficient knowledge upon which to form a belief and, therefore, leaves the plaintiffs to their
`The allegations contained in Paragraph 23 call for a legal conclusion and,
`therefore, no response is required.
`(Recklessness as to all Defendants)
`1-23. The defendant incorporates by reference its responses to Paragraphs 1-23 of the
`preceding counts and makes them its responses to Paragraphs 1-23 of Count II, as if set forth in
`The defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 24 that relate to
`Square D. As to the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 24, the defendant has
`insufficient knowledge upon which to form a belief and, therefore, leaves the plaintiffs to their
`The defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 25 that relate to
`Square D. As to the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 25, the defendant has
`insufficient knowledge upon which to form a belief and, therefore, leaves the plaintiffs to their
`The defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 26 that relate to
`Square D. As to the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 26, the defendant has
`insufficient knowledge upon which to form a belief and, therefore, leaves the plaintiffs to their


`The defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 27 that relate to
`Square D. As to the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 27, the defendant has
`insufficient knowledge upon which to form a belief and, therefore, leaves the plaintiffs to their
`The defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 28 that relate to
`Square D. As to the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 28, the defendant has
`insufficient knowledge upon which to form a belief and, therefore, leaves the plaintiffs to their
`(As to Plaintiff ELIZABETH JOHNS and all Defendants)
`1-28. The defendant incorporates by reference its responses to Paragraphs 1-28 of the
`preceding counts and makes them its responses to Paragraphs 1-28 of Count III, as if set forth in
`The defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 29 that relate to
`Square D. As to the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 29, the defendant has
`insufficient knowledge upon which to form a belief and, therefore, leaves the plaintiffs to their
`Plaintiffs has failed to state a claim upon which relief may be granted.
`Plaintiffs is not entitled to relief for insufficiency of service of process
`Plaintiffs has failed to serve process.


`The Court lacks personal jurisdiction over Defendant for the causes of action alleged in
`the Complaint, pursuant to applicable statutes.
`Plaintiffs has failed to join a party or parties necessary for a just adjudication of this
`matter and has further omitted to state any reasons for such failure.
`The Court lacks subject matter jurisdiction over the claims set forth in the Complaint.
`The claims set forth in the Complaint were not brought within the time limited by
`statute for commencement of such action.
`Plaintiffs' action is barred by the doctrines of estoppel, laches, and/or waiver.
`Plaintiffs willingly, knowingly, and voluntarily assumed the risk of their alleged
`illnesses and injuries for which relief is sought in this matter, and therefore, recovery by
`Plaintiffs is barred.
`Plaintiffs was negligent in bringing about any injuries allegedly sustained.
`The state of the medical and scientific knowledge regarding Defendant’s products and/or
`its contents, at all times material hereto, was such that Defendant never knew or could not have


`known that its product presented any risk or harm to the Plaintiffs if such product were properly
`Plaintiffs failed to exercise ordinary care for their own safety and well-being, and that
`failure to exercise ordinary care, proximately and directly caused and/or contributed to their
`alleged illness and injury.
`Plaintiffs’ claims against Defendant are barred because the damages or losses,
`experienced, if any, were not due to any act or failure to act of this Defendant but caused solely
`by the acts of a third-party or parties for whose acts or failure to act this Defendant is not
`responsible and over whom this Defendant had neither control nor the right of control.
`Defendant denies that it or its agents or servants made any express warranties as alleged.
`If Defendant, its servant or agents, made any express and/or implied warranties,
`allegations which the Defendant specifically denies, then Defendant denies that it breached any
`of the warranties.
`Plaintiffs never, prior to filing of this Complaint, informed this Defendant, by notification
`or otherwise, of any breach of express and/or implied warranties. Plaintiffs failed to give notice
`of the alleged breach of warranties within a reasonable time as required by applicable statutes.
`Consequently, the claims of breach of express or implied warranties against the defendant are


`Defendant denies that privity of contract between Plaintiffs and it ever existed.
`If Defendant was negligent or in breach of warranty, all of which it expressly denies, the
`Defendant’s liability in any or all of these events has been terminated by the intervening acts,
`omissions, or negligence of others over whom this Defendant had neither control, nor the right of
`control and for whose conduct the Defendant is not legally responsible.
`Defendant denies that there was any defect or negligent mining, processing, manufacture,
`design, testing, investigation, fashioning, packaging, distributing, delivery and/or sale in any
`asbestos product or material referred to in Plaintiffs’ Complaint, but if there was any defect or
`negligence as alleged, then Defendant is not liable as it justifiably relied upon inspection by
`others in the regular course of trade or business.
`Plaintiffs' employer(s) were negligent with respect to the matters set forth in the
`Complaint, and such negligence caused in whole or in part whatever disease, injury or
`disability, if any, which Plaintiffs may have sustained, as set forth in the Complaint.
`Therefore, even if Plaintiffs are entitled to recover against Defendant, which Defendant
`specifically denies, Plaintiffs is not entitled to recover in the amount set forth in the
`Complaint because Defendant is entitled to set off any and all Workers Compensation
`payments against any judgment which might be rendered in Plaintiffs' favor.


`Plaintiffs' employer(s), by their agents, servants, and employees, at all times relevant
`hereto, possessed a high degree of knowledge and sophistication in relation to this
`Defendant, had superior means and ability to appreciate any alleged hazard regarding the
`use of asbestos material, had means and ability superior to that of this Defendant to warn the
`Plaintiffs, and failed to warn the Plaintiffs of the alleged hazard.
`If the Plaintiffs was exposed to any of the Defendant's asbestos products, then this
`Defendant is not liable to the Plaintiffs as a matter of law because of the government contract
`and/or government specification defenses.
`Any alleged defect or risk or known foreseeable danger attendant to the use of asbestos
`containing products was known to Plaintiffs or should have been known to him at the same time
`they became known to this Defendant and the Plaintiffs voluntarily and unnecessarily exposed
`himself thereto and assumed risk thereof.
`If Plaintiffs has released, settled, entered into an accord and satisfaction, or otherwise
`compromised their claims therein, then said claims are barred by operation of law.
`Defendant expressly denied that it manufactured, designed, and/or sold any products
`referred to in the Complaint which caused injury to Plaintiffs. Notwithstanding, at all times and
`places mentioned in the Complaint, Plaintiffs and/or other persons, without Defendant's
`knowledge and approval, redesigned, modified, altered, and used Defendant's products contrary
`to instructions and contrary to custom and practice of the industry. This redesign, modification,


`alteration, and use so substantially changed the product's character that if there was a defect in
`the product, which Defendant specifically denies, such defect resulted solely from the redesign,
`modification, alteration, or other such treatment or change and not from any act or omission by
`this Defendant. Therefore, said defect, if any, was created by Plaintiffs and/or other persons, and
`was the direct and proximate cause of the injuries and damages, if any, that Plaintiffs allegedly
`Defendant expressly denies that it manufactured, designed, and/or sold any products
`referred to in the Complaint which caused injury or damages to Plaintiffs. Notwithstanding, at
`all times and places mentioned in the Complaint, Plaintiffs and/or other persons used Defendant’s
`products, if indeed any were used, in an unreasonable manner, not reasonably foreseeable to
`Defendant, and for a purpose for which the products were not intended, manufactured, or
`designed. Plaintiffs' injuries and damages, if any, were directly and proximately caused by said
`misuse and abuse, and Plaintiffs' recovery herein, if any, is barred or must be diminished in
`proportion to the fault attributable to Plaintiffs and/or such other parties or persons.
`At all times and places mentioned in the Complaint, Plaintiffs has failed to make a
`reasonable effort to mitigate their injuries and damages, if any.
`If it is proven at trial that products of Defendant were furnished, as alleged, to Plaintiffs'
`employers and said products were used in the fashion alleged, which is specifically denied, then
`any product manufactured, processed or supplied which was or may have been so furnished and


`which was so used, was supplied in accordance with specifications established and promulgated
`by that employer, agencies or departments of the United States of America, other persons and/or
`If Plaintiffs has applied for and received Worker's Compensation benefits, then this
`Complaint is barred by the Connecticut Workers Compensations Act, Connecticut General
`Statute § 31-284.
`Defendant denies that Plaintiffs is entitled to the damages claimed or to the relief
`There was no negligence, gross negligence, willful, wanton, or malicious misconduct,
`reckless indifference, or reckless disregard of Plaintiffs' rights, or malice (actual, legal, or
`otherwise) on the part of the Defendant.
`Defendant expressly denies that it manufactured, designed, and/or sold any products
`referred to in Plaintiffs' Complaint which caused injury to Plaintiffs. Notwithstanding, if
`Plaintiffs used or was exposed to Defendant's products as alleged, their exposure was so minimal
`as to be insufficient to establish a reasonable degree of probability that Defendant's product or
`products caused their alleged injury and illness.
`The causes of action asserted by the Plaintiffs, to the extent that Plaintiffs is unable to
`identify the manufacturer or manufacturers of the products which allegedly caused injury,


`fail to state a claim upon which relief can be granted, for, if relief is to be granted, the
`Defendant's constitutional right to substantive and procedural due process of law would be
`The causes of action asserted by Plaintiffs, to the extent that Plaintiffs is unable to
`identify the manufacturer or manufacturers of the products which allegedly caused injury, fail
`to state a claim upon which relief can be granted, for, if relief is to be granted, such relief
`would constitute a taking of the Defendant's property for a public use without just
`compensation, a violation of the Defendant's constitutional rights.
`The causes of action asserted by Plaintiffs, to the extent that Plaintiffs is unable to
`identify the manufacturer or manufacturers of the products which allegedly caused injury,
`fail to state a claim upon which relief can be granted because such a relief would constitute a
`denial by this Court of Defendant's constitutional right to equal protection under the law.
`Punitive damages are unconstitutional for the following reasons:
`Subjecting Defendant to multiple trials for the same course of conduct and the
`multiple imposition of punitive damages for the same course of conduct is a violation of
`both substantive and procedural due process under the United States Constitution and the
`Constitution of the State of Connecticut;
`The standard award of punitive damages is constitutionally void for vagueness;
`There is no principle of limitation on the multiple impositions of punitive damage
`awards for the same course of conduct.


`Claims for punitive damages against Defendant are groundless in fact and the Complaint
`fails to state a claim against it upon which relief can be granted in that the cause of action for
`punitive damages allegedly asserted is not a cause of action cognizable under the law of the State
`of Connecticut, in the circumstances of the instant action.
`If Plaintiffs settled with and/or released other defendants or entities who are tortfeasors,
`this Defendant is entitled to a reduction of any judgment either in the total of all settlements
`amounts or the pro rata share of fault of said tortfeasors as determined by the Court or jury,
`whichever is greater.
`This Defendant's first notice of claims set forth in Plaintiffs' Complaint was service of
`said Complaint upon it and accordingly, Defendant reserves the right to amend its Answer, if
`same becomes appropriate, after full investigation and discovery.
`Defendant avails itself of, and adopts such other defenses raised by any other Defendant
`as may be applicable.
`If Plaintiffs is barred from recovery, the action of any minor child is also barred because
`it is a derivative action.
`Defendant asserts that the Plaintiffs' action has been filed in an improper venue.


`Defendant pleads Comments J and K of the Restatement (Second) of Torts.
`Plaintiffs' injuries are attributable to causes other than asbestos allegedly released from
`Defendant's products and there is reasonable basis to apportion causation pursuant to the
`Restatement (Second) of Torts § 433A. Accordingly, recovery must be denied for injuries or
`portions of injuries attributable to other causes.
`The laws of other states apply to this action.
`Defendant has no knowledge or means of ascertaining the truth or falsity of the
`averments contained in the Complaint respecting the nature and extent of the injuries, damages,
`and losses claimed to have been sustained by the Plaintiffs.
`To the extent Plaintiffs' Complaint asserts a demand for punitive damages, this
`Defendant specifically incorporates by reference any and all standards of limitations regarding
`the determination and/or enforceability of punitive damage awards that arose in the decisions of
`BMW of North America, Inc. v. Gore, 517 U.S. 559 (1996); Cooper Industries, Inc. v.
`Leatherman Tool Group, Inc., 532 U.S. 424 (2001); and State Farm Mutual Automobile
`Insurance Co. v. Campbell, 123 S. Ct. 1513 (2003).
`To the extent that Plaintiffs' Complaint seeks punitive damages against Defendant, this
`Defendant affirmatively pleads the following in regard to punitive damages:


`An award of punitive damages in this civil action would amount to a
`deprivation of property without due process of law in violation of the Fifth and Fourteenth
`Amendments to the United States Constitution and the corresponding provisions of the
`Constitution of the State of Connecticut;
`An award of punitive damages in this civil action would violate the due
`process provisions of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution and
`the corresponding provisions of the Constitution of the State of Connecticut;
`The criteria used for determining whether and in what amount punitive
`damages may be awarded are impermissible, vague, imprecise, and inconsistent and, therefore,
`violate the due process provisions of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States
`Constitution and the corresponding provisions of the Constitution of the State of Connecticut;
`An award of punitive damages in this civil action would amount to an
`excessive fine in violation of the Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution and the
`corresponding provisions of the Constitution of the State of Connecticut; and
`Plaintiffs' claim for punitive damages is barred by the "double jeopardy"
`clause of the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution, as applied to the states through
`the Fourteenth Amendment.
`To the extent that any claim for relief in the Complaint seeks to recover damages against
`this Defendant for alleged acts or omissions of predecessors or successors-in-interest to this
`Defendant of any kind or description, said Defendant asserts that it is not legally responsible and
`cannot legally be held liable for any such acts or omissions. This Defendant further asserts that it
`cannot be held liable for punitive damages and/or exemplary damages which are or may be


`attributable to the conduct of any predecessor or successor-in-interest. Further, this Defendant
`asserts that the conduct of any predecessor or successor-in-interest cannot, as a matter of law,
`provide a legal basis for liability or the imposition of damages against this Defendant.
`Plaintiffs in this action has filed a complaint against the defendant/cross-claim
`plaintiffs alleging that he has sustained certain asbestos-related diseases and other injuries, and
`all said allegations have been denied by defendant/cross-claim plaintiffs.
`Although the defendant/cross-claim plaintiffs denies all the claims set forth in the
`complaint, in the event that the defendant/cross-claim plaintiffs is found liable, then all other
`cross-claim defendants are liable for equitable contribution and/or statutory contribution pursuant
`to C.G.S. § 52-572o, and/or allocation of fault.
`Only in the event that defendant/cross-claim plaintiffs is found liable, for purpose
`of this cross-claim, all allegations set forth in the complaint or related third-party complaints are
`adopted and incorporated as set forth fully herein.
`Only in the event that this defendant/cross-claim plaintiffs is found liable, in
`whole or in part, then the cross-claim defendants are liable to this defendant/cross-claim
`plaintiffs for all or part of plaintiffs' claimed damages.
`WHEREFORE, defendant/cross-claim plaintiffs Schneider Electric USA, Inc., f/k/a
`Square D Company, claims:
`Contribution for plaintiffs' alleged damages pursuant to C.G.S. § 52-572o;
`Equitable contribution from the cross-claim defendants for their share of any
`judgment rendered in favor of plaintiffs;


`An allocation of responsibility among defendants; and
`Such other relief as the Court may deem just and proper.
`Defendant denies each and every allegation of each and every cross-claim that was or
`hereinafter may be filed against defendant by any co-defendants or third-party defendants.
`DATED: April 6, 2023
`By its Attorneys,
`/s/ Timothy M. Zabbo
`Timothy M. Zabbo (CT 433686)
`Hinckley Allen & Snyder, LLP
`100 Westminster Street
`Providence, RI 02903
`Tel.: 401/274-2000/Fax: 401/277-9600


`I hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing was served on April 6, 2023 via electronic
`mail, upon the following counsel of record:
`Kyle R. Navin, Esq.
`Early, Lucarelli, Sweeney & Meisenkothen, LLC
`One Century Tower, 11th Floor
`265 Church Street, P.O. Box 1866
`New Haven, CT 06508-1866
`and served to all defense counsel of record.
`/s/ Timothy M. Zabbo
`Timothy M. Zabbo

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