`Case 3:20-cr-00713-JLS Document 260 Filed 09/14/22 PageID.1096 Page 1 of 5
`AO 245B (CASO Rev. 1/19) Judgment in a Criminal Case
`QCD 1 A OM?
`(For Offenses Committed On or After November 1, 1987)
`Case Number: 3:20-CR-00713-JLS
`USM Number
`(cid:143) -
`Alexander Fugua
`Defendant's Attorney
`[:gJ pleaded guilty to count(s)
`D was found guilty on count(s)
`after a plea of not guilty.
`I of the Superseding Information
`Accordingly, the defendant is adjudged guilty of such count(s), which involve the following offense(s):
`Title and Section/ Nature of Offense
`21 :841, 846 - Conspiracy To Distribute Controlled Substance (Felony)
`----'5'--- of this judgment.
`The defendant is sentenced as provided in pages 2 through
`The sentence is imposed pursuant to the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984.
`D The defendant has been found not guilty on count(s)
`[:gJ Count(s) Remaining
`1:gJ Assessment: $100.00 imposed
`dismissed on the motion of the United States.
`JVTA Assessment*:$
`*Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015, Pub. L. No. 114-22.
`(cid:143) Forfeiture pursuant to order filed
`, included herein.
`[:gJ No fine
`IT IS ORDERED that the defendant must notify the United States Attorney for this district within 30 days of any
`change of name, residence, or mailing address until all fines, restitution, costs, and special assessments imposed by this
`judgment are fully paid. If ordered to pay restitution, the defendant must notify the court and United States Attorney of
`any material change in the defendant's economic circumstances.
`September 9 2022
`Case 3:20-cr-00713-JLS Document 260 Filed 09/14/22 PageID.1097 Page 2 of 5
`AO 245B (CASD Rev. 1/19) Judgment in a Criminal Case
`3 :20-CR-00713-JLS
`Judgment - Page 2 of 5
`The defendant is hereby committed to the custody of the Federal Bureau of Prisons to be imprisoned for a total term of:
`9 months
`Sentence imposed pursuant to Title 8 USC Section l 326(b ).
`The court makes the following recommendations to the Bureau of Prisons:
`1. Placement in the Western Region, Honolulu HI
`The defendant is remanded to the custody of the United States Marshal.
`The defendant must surrender to the United States Marshal for this district:
`- - - - - - - - -
`as notified by the United States Marshal.
`The defendant must surrender for service of sentence at the institution designated by the Bureau of
`on or before 1/13/2023 at 12:00 PM
`as notified by the United States Marshal.
`as notified by the Probation or Pretrial Services Office.
`I have executed this judgment as follows:
`Defendant delivered on
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
`- - - - - - - - - - - -
`, with a certified copy of this judgment.
`Case 3:20-cr-00713-JLS Document 260 Filed 09/14/22 PageID.1098 Page 3 of 5
`AO 245B (CASD Rev. 1/19) Judgment in a Criminal Case
`3 :20-CR-00713-JLS
`Upon release from imprisonment, the defendant will be on supervised release for a term of:
`4 years
`Judgment - Page 3 of 5
`I. The defendant must not commit another federal, state or local crime.
`2. The defendant must not unlawfully possess a controlled substance.
`3. The defendant must not illegally possess a controlled substance. The defendant must refrain from any unlawful use of a
`controlled substance. The defendant must submit to one drug test within 15 days of release from imprisonment and at least
`two periodic drug tests thereafter as determined by the court. Testing requirements will not exceed submission of more
`than 4 drug tests per month during the term of supervision, unless otherwise ordered by the court.
`(cid:143) The above drug testing condition is suspended, based on the court's determination that the defendant poses a low
`risk of future substance abuse. ( check if applicable)
`(cid:143) The defendant must make restitution in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §§ 3663 and 3663A or any other statute authorizing
`a sentence of restitution. ( check if applicable)
`[gjThe defendant must cooperate in the collection of DNA as directed by the probation officer. (check if applicable)
`(cid:143) The defendant must comply with the requirements of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (34 U.S.C. §
`20901, et seq.) as directed by the probation officer, the Bureau of Prisons, or any state sex offender registration agency in
`the location where the defendant resides, works, is a student, or was convicted of a qualifying offense. ( check if
`(cid:143) The defendant must participate in an approved program for domestic violence. (check if applicable)
`The defendant must comply with the standard conditions that have been adopted by this court as well as with any other
`conditions on the attached page.
`Case 3:20-cr-00713-JLS Document 260 Filed 09/14/22 PageID.1099 Page 4 of 5
`AO 245B (CASD Rev. 1/19) Judgment in a Criminal Case
`Judgment - Page 4 of 5
`As part of the defendant's supervised release, the defendant must comply with the following standard conditions of
`supervision. These conditions are imposed because they establish the basic expectations for the defendant's behavior
`while on supervision and identify the minimum tools needed by probation officers to keep informed, report to the
`court about, and bring about improvements in the defendant's conduct and condition.
`I. The defendant must report to the probation office in the federal judicial district where they are authorized to reside within 72
`hours of their release from imprisonment, unless the probation officer instructs the defendant to report to a different probation
`office or within a different time frame.
`2. After initially reporting to the probation office, the defendant will receive instructions from the court or the probation officer
`about how and when the defendant must report to the probation officer, and the defendant must report to the probation officer
`as instructed.
`3. The defendant must not knowingly leave the federal judicial district where the defendant is authorized to reside without first
`getting permission from the court or the probation officer.
`4. The defendant must answer truthfully the questions asked by their probation officer.
`5. The defendant must live at a place approved by the probation officer. If the defendant plans to change where they live or
`anything about their living arrangements (such as the people living with the defendant), the defendant must notify the
`probation officer at least IO days before the change. If notifying the probation officer in advance is not possible due to
`unanticipated circumstances, the defendant must notify the probation officer within 72 hours of becoming aware of a change or
`expected change.
`6. The defendant must allow the probation officer to visit them at any time at their home or elsewhere, and the defendant must
`permit the probation officer to take any items prohibited by the conditions of their supervision that he or she observes in plain
`7. The defendant must work full time (at least 30 hours per week) at a lawful type of employment, unless the probation officer
`excuses the defendant from doing so. If the defendant does not have full-time employment the defendant must try to find full(cid:173)
`time employment, unless the probation officer excuses the defendant from doing so. If the defendant plans to change where the
`defendant works or anything about their work (such as their position or their job responsibilities), the defendant must notify the
`probation officer at least l O days before the change. If notifying the probation officer at least IO days in advance is not possible
`due to unanticipated circumstances, the defendant must notify the probation officer within 72 hours of becoming aware of a
`change or expected change.
`8. The defendant must not communicate or interact with someone they know is engaged in criminal activity. If the defendant
`knows someone has been convicted of a felony, they must not knowingly communicate or interact with that person without
`first getting the permission of the probation officer.
`9. If the defendant is arrested or questioned by a law enforcement officer, the defendant must notify the probation officer within 72 hours.
`10. The defendant must not own, possess, or have access to a firearm, ammunition, destructive device, or dangerous weapon (i.e.,
`anything that was designed, or was modified for, the specific purpose of causing bodily injury or death to another person such
`as nunchakus or lasers).
`11. The defendant must not act or make any agreement with a law enforcement agency to act as a confidential human source or
`informant without first getting the permission of the court.
`12. If the probation officer determines the defendant poses a risk to another person (including an organization), the probation
`officer may require the defendant to notify the person about the risk and the defendant must comply with that instruction.
`The probation officer may contact the person and confirm that the defendant notified the person about the risk.
`l 3. The defendant must follow the instructions of the probation officer related to the conditions of supervision.
`3 :20-CR-00713-JLS
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`AO 245B (CASO Rev. 1/19) Judgment in a Criminal Case
`Judgment - Page 5 of 5
`1. Be monitored for a period of 9 months, with location monitoring technology at the discretion of the
`probation officer. The offender must abide by all technology requirements and must pay all or part of
`the costs of participation in the location monitoring program, as directed by the court and/or the
`probation officer. In addition to other court-imposed conditions of release, the offender's movement in
`the community must be restricted as specified below:
`You are restricted to your residence at all times except for employment; education; religious
`services; medical, substance abuse, or mental health treatment; attorney visits; court
`appearances; court-ordered obligations; or other activities as preapproved by the probation
`officer (Home Detention).
`2. Participate in a program of drug or alcohol abuse treatment, including drug testing and counseling, as
`directed by the probation officer. Allow for reciprocal release of information between the probation
`officer and the treatment provider. May be required to contribute to the costs of services rendered in an
`amount to be determined by the probation officer, based on ability to pay.
`3. Report all vehicles owned or operated, or in which you have an interest, to the probation officer.
`4. Submit your person, property, house, residence, vehicle, papers, [computers (as defined in 18 U.S.C. §
`1030(e)(l)), other electronic communications or data storage devices or media,] or office, to a search
`conducted by a United States probation officer. Failure to submit to a search may be grounds for revocation
`of release. The offender must warn any other occupants that the premises may be subject to searches
`pursuant to this condition. An officer may conduct a search pursuant to this condition only when
`reasonable suspicion exists that the offender has violated a condition of his supervision and that the areas to
`be searched contain evidence of this violation. Any search must be conducted at a reasonable time and in
`a reasonable manner.
`3 :20-CR-00713-JLS