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`Case 3:18-cv-00347-CAB-MDD Document 307-19 Filed 02/16/21 PageID.29989 Page 2 of
`NUVASIVE, INC., a Delaware corporation,
` Plaintiff,
`corporation, and ALPHATEC SPINE, INC., a
`California corporation,
` Defendants.
`Case No. 18-cv-00347-MDD-CAB
`EXHIBIT 18 - PAGE 325


`Case 3:18-cv-00347-CAB-MDD Document 307-19 Filed 02/16/21 PageID.29990 Page 3 of
`Importantly, the disclosures in the Provisional Application make clear that
`“implant 10” is intended to be inserted laterally. NUVA_ATEC0020836 (Provisional
`Application) at FIG. 2. As I discussed in my Implant Opening Report (¶ 99), the receiving
`aperture 12 in the Figures 2, 3, and 5 of the Provisional Application engages with insertion
`instrument 20 and defines the distal-proximal direction as the longitudinal length. In addition,
`the Provisional Application describes “lateral” openings specifically for assessment of the degree
`of fusion from the “side” perspective of the implant—a POSA would understand that the “side”
`is the dimension of the implant extending proximally-distally across the disc space.
`134. As I stated in my Implant Opening Report (¶¶ 92-114, 202-208), the Provisional
`Application provides sufficient written description for each of the Asserted Claims of the ’334
`and ’156 patents.
`MARCH 29, 2003
`135. Dr. Sachs opines that the NuVasive Cement Restrictor XL/PEEK CR-XL/PEEK
`CR-X/CoRoent XL implants meets each limitation of the Asserted Claims of the ’334 and ’156
`EXHIBIT 18 - PAGE 326


`Case 3:18-cv-00347-CAB-MDD Document 307-19 Filed 02/16/21 PageID.29991 Page 4 of
`patents. Sachs Implant Opening Report at ¶¶ 251-292. I agree that these devices do appear to
`meet the limitations of the Asserted Claims.4 However, as in my Opening Implant Report and
`below, I disagree that Dr. Sachs has pointed to any information indicating that there was a
`“public use” or a “sale” prior to the priority date applicable to the Asserted Claims.
`136. First, Dr. Sachs bases his conclusion that the Asserted Claims are invalid (due to
`prior public use and sale) on his opinion that the Asserted Claims are entitled to a priority date no
`earlier than March 29, 2005. I disagree for the reasons stated in above and for the reasons stated
`in my Implant Patent Opening Report. Youssef Implant Opening Report at ¶¶ 91-114, 201-208.
`Dr. Sachs provides no evidence of a prior public use or sale/offer to sell any device that meets
`the limitations of the Asserted Claims prior to March 29, 2003 (i.e., more than one year before
`the priority date—which in my opinion is the March 29, 2004 filing date of the Provisional
`Application). Accordingly, for at least this reason, it is my opinion that Dr. Sachs fails to show
`that the Implant Patents are invalid due to prior public use or sale/offer to sell.5
`137. Second, as detailed above and below, Dr. Sachs has pointed to no evidence that
`the claimed implant was in public use or the subject of a commercial sale or offer to sell in the
`United States prior to March 29, 2003 (the relevant date) or even March 29, 2004.
`4 Dr. Sachs cites to numerous documents to support his opinion that Cement Restrictor
`XL/PEEK CR-XL/PEEK CR-X/CoRoent XL are embodying products of the Asserted Claims
`of the ’334 and ’156 patents and meet each claim limitation of the ’334 and ’156 patents. I do
`not address each document cited because it appears these devices meet the claim limitations.
`5 I note that, Dr. Sachs opines that the Cement Restrictor XL/PEEK CR-XL/PEEK CR-
`X/CoRoent XL implants were “ready for patenting” before March 29, 2004. Sachs Implant
`Opening Report at ¶¶ 304-309. I understand from counsel that “ready for patenting” means that
`the claimed implant was either in use or sufficient preparations had been made by the inventor
`to enable one of skill in the art to practice the invention. I agree with Dr. Sachs that the
`claimed implant of the ’334 and ’156 patent was enabled as of the March 29, 2004 filing date
`of the Provisional Application.
`EXHIBIT 18 - PAGE 327


`Case 3:18-cv-00347-CAB-MDD Document 307-19 Filed 02/16/21 PageID.29992 Page 5 of
`Dr. Sachs Cites No Evidence of Public Use At Any Time
`138. Dr. Sachs’ opinions are flawed at least because he does not identify any evidence
`of public use. I understand from counsel that to be invalidating, such a use must be public and
`without confidentiality restriction.
`139. Dr. Sachs opines that products that meet the limitations of the Asserted Claims
`were in public use at least as early as December 2003. Sachs Implant Opening Report at ¶ 294.
`As I stated above and stated in my Implant Opening Report (¶¶ 91-114, 201-208), the priority
`date for the ’334 and ’156 patents is March 29, 2004. Thus, Dr. Sachs has not cited any evidence
`of a public use more than one year before the priority date (i.e., before March 29, 2003).
`140. At ¶ 299 of his report, Dr. Sachs states that he has not seen evidence that the pre-
`March 29, 2004 “uses” of the claimed implants that he discusses “were intended to be
`confidential or experimental.” I understand from counsel that it is Alphatec’s burden to identify
`evidence of prior public use, not NuVasive’s burden to identify the absence of public use. I
`disagree with Dr. Sachs that there is no evidence that the pre-March 29, 2004 “uses” were
`intended to be “confidential or experimental.” As discussed above it is clear that Matt Copp’s
`December 5, 2003 email discussed an ALPHA launch, not a commercial launch.
`141. As discussed above in Section IX., Dr. Sachs cites a number of documents, none
`of which support his opinion that an implant that meets the limitations of the claims of the ’334
`and ’156 patents was in “public use” more than one year prior to the priority date. I address each
`document in turn below.
`EXHIBIT 18 - PAGE 328


`Case 3:18-cv-00347-CAB-MDD Document 307-19 Filed 02/16/21 PageID.29993 Page 6 of
`Annual Spine Evolution Nucleus (“SEN”) Clinicians Meeting held on
`June 27-30, 2002
`142. Dr. Sachs cites an email from Dr. McAfee to Pat Miles and Alex Lukianov and
`implies that there was a “prior public use.” Sachs Implant Opening Report at ¶ 300;
`NUVA_ATEC0016575. I disagree.
`143. As I discuss above (¶¶ 48-50), Dr. Sachs does not provide any support for his
`conclusion that the “lateral cage” mentioned in this document meets the limitations of the
`Asserted Claims. In addition, the email does not indicate whether the existence of the “lateral
`cage” was publicly known.
`Pimenta Sketch
`144. Dr. Sachs cites the Pimenta Sketch collection of documents and concludes this
`was a “prior public use.” Sachs Implant Opening Report at ¶ 300; NUVA_ATEC016561. I
`145. As I discuss above (¶¶ 52-63), Dr. Sachs does not cite any information indicating
`that these drawings were ever publicly disclosed. Furthermore, April 2003 is less than one year
`before March 29, 2004 so the drawings dated April 2003 do not constitute “public use” more
`than one year prior to the priority date.
`NuVasive’s 510k Submission of July 16, 2003
`I discuss NuVasive’s July 16, 2003 510k submission above (¶¶ 64-66). Sachs
`Implant Opening Report at ¶¶ 84-86.
`It is unclear whether Dr. Sachs is asserting the 510(k) submission in July 16, 2003
`is a “prior public use.” I note that Dr. Sachs does not cite any information indicating that 510(k)
`submissions are publicly available when they are submitted, or any information about when/if
`such submissions can become publicly available. Dr. Sachs cites no information indicating that
`EXHIBIT 18 - PAGE 329


`Case 3:18-cv-00347-CAB-MDD Document 307-19 Filed 02/16/21 PageID.29994 Page 7 of
`NuVasive publicly disclosed the 510(k) submission or that the submission was, or could have
`been, accessed by the public with a FOIA request.
`148. Even if Dr. Sachs provided information indicating a public disclosure (which he
`did not), the implant described in engineering drawings in the 510k Submission of July 16, 2003
`does not describe the claimed invention as the implant does not have radiopaque markers
`proximate the medial plane or in the central region.
`149. Moreover, July 16, 2003 is less than one year before March 29, 2004 so the July
`16, 2003 FDA submission does not constitute public use more than one year prior to the priority
`December 5, 2003 Email from Matt Copp
`150. Dr. Sachs cites a December 5, 2003 email from Matt Copp. Sachs Implant
`Opening Report at ¶ 296; NUVA_ATEC0340867. It is unclear whether Dr. Sachs is asserting
`that the December 5, 2003 email constitutes a prior public use. To the extent Dr. Sachs is
`implying a prior public use, I disagree.
`151. As I discuss above (¶¶ 68-70), Dr. Sachs does not point to any information
`indicating that this email was publicly disseminated. Also, there is no information indicating that
`the “targeted individuals” for the ALPHA launch were not party to confidentiality agreements
`with NuVasive.
`152. Moreover, December 5, 2003 is less than one year before March 29, 2004 so the
`December 5, 2003 email from Matt Copp does not constitute public use more than one year prior
`to the priority date.
`EXHIBIT 18 - PAGE 330


`Case 3:18-cv-00347-CAB-MDD Document 307-19 Filed 02/16/21 PageID.29995 Page 8 of
` Screen-Capture
`153. Dr. Sachs cites an email from Christina Dashe dated November 6, 2020 to
`Alphatec counsel that attaches an Screen Capture and concludes this was a prior
`public use. Sachs Implant Opening Report at ¶ 302; NUVA_ATEC0342156. I disagree.
`154. As discussed above (¶¶ 71-75), other than Ms. Dashe’s email, Dr. Sachs does not
`point to any information indicating that the Screen Capture accurately reflects a
`website that was publicly available in February 2004.
`155. Moreover, Screen Capture is dated February 2004, which is less than
`one year before March 29, 2004, so even if this website were publicly available, it does not
`constitute public use more than one year prior to the priority date.
`Spreadsheets Listing 2003-2004 Procedures
`156. Dr. Sachs cites spreadsheets summarizing surgeries and concludes this was a prior
`public use. Sachs Implant Opening Report at ¶ 297; NUVA_ATEC0115139;
`NUVA_ATEC0288461. I disagree.
`157. As discussed above (¶¶ 79-83), nothing in these spreadsheets describes the details
`of a device that meets the limitations of the asserted claims. Dr. Sachs does not point to
`information indicating that any device mentioned in the spreadsheets meets the limitations of the
`Asserted Claims. Furthermore, with the exception of a procedure involving allograft (which
`does not meet the limitations of the Asserted Claims), the dates of the procedures are less than
`one year before March 29, 2004 so this does not constitute public use more than one year prior to
`the priority date.
`EXHIBIT 18 - PAGE 331


`Case 3:18-cv-00347-CAB-MDD Document 307-19 Filed 02/16/21 PageID.29996 Page 9 of
`vii. March 29, 2004 Email
`158. Dr. Sachs cites a March 29, 2004 email that references a surgical procedure done
`by Dr. Peterson on March 26, 2004 and concludes this was a prior public use. Sachs Implant
`Opening Report at ¶ 298; NUVA_ATEC0341066. I disagree.
`159. As discussed above (¶¶ 84-86), Dr. Sachs does point to any information indicating
`that the device utilized in the March 26, 2004 surgery meets the limitations of the Asserted
`160. Moreover, March 26, 2004 is less than one year before March 29, 2004 so the
`March 26, 2004 surgical procedure, regardless of whatever device was used, does not constitute
`public use more than one year prior to the priority date.
`viii. NuVasive’s Registration Statements (Form S-1)
`161. Dr. Sachs cites Amendment No. 2 to Registration Statement Under the Securities
`Act of 1933 (Form S-1) dated April 26, 2004 (ATEC_LLIF000966310), NuVasive, Inc.’s
`Registration Statement Under the Securities Act of 1933 (Form S-1) dated March 5, 2004
`(ATEC_LLIF000965979), and NuVasive’s, Inc.’s Amendment No. 3 to Registration Statement
`Under the Securities Act of 1933 (Form S-1) dated May 4, 2004 (ATEC_LLIF000966507) and
`concludes this was a prior public use. Sachs Implant Opening Report at ¶ 301. I disagree.
`162. First, as discussed above (¶ 90), Dr. Sachs provides no details to show that the
`April 26, 2004, March 5, 2004, and May 4, 2004 Registration Statements disclose any device
`that meets the limitations of the Asserted Claims.
`163. Moreover, the April 26, 2004, March 5, 2004, and May 4, 2004 Registration
`Statements are after the priority date (March 29, 2004) so this does not constitute prior public
`EXHIBIT 18 - PAGE 332


`Case 3:18-cv-00347-CAB-MDD Document 307-19 Filed 02/16/21 PageID.29997 Page 10 of
`Dr. Sachs Cites No Evidence of Commercial Sale or Offer To Sell At Any
`164. Dr. Sachs opines that products meeting the limitations of the Asserted Claims
`were on sale at least as early as January 2004. Sachs Implant Opening Report at ¶ 312. I
`165. Dr. Sachs’ opinions are flawed because he does not identify any evidence of an
`actual sale or offer to sell. I understand from counsel that to be an invalidating sale or offer,
`there must be an agreement between parties to give and pass rights to property for consideration
`which the buyer pays or promises to pay the seller for the thing bought and sold. Dr. Sachs does
`not identify any such information. For example, he does not identify any customer, any sale
`price, and date of sale, any terms offered for a potential sale, etc.
`166. As I stated above and stated in my Implant Opening Report (¶¶ 91-114, 201-208),
`the priority date for the ’334 and ’156 patents is March 29, 2004. Dr. Sachs provides no
`information indicating that a sale of any device that meets the limitations of the Asserted Claims
`(or offer to sell such a device) occurred prior to March 29, 2003.
`167. As discussed above in Section IX., Dr. Sachs cites a number of documents in an
`effort to show the Asserted Claims are invalid because of a sale or offer to sell more than one
`year prior to the priority date. I address each document in turn below.
`ix. March 2, 2004 Email Correspondence
`168. Dr. Sachs cites a March 2, 2004 email from Matt Copp to the NuVasive sales
`team and concludes that it shows a prior sale. Sachs Implant Opening Report at ¶¶ 319-321;
`NUVA_ATEC0341048. I disagree.
`EXHIBIT 18 - PAGE 333


`Case 3:18-cv-00347-CAB-MDD Document 307-19 Filed 02/16/21 PageID.29998 Page 11 of
`169. As discussed above (¶ 76), it is unclear whether this “release date” statement in
`this email refers to any sort of ALPHA or BETA limited launch or to a commercial launch. It is
`also not clear whether this scheduled release actually happened.
`170. Also, March 2, 2004 is less than one year before March 29, 2004 so the March 2,
`2004 email from Matt Copp does not show a sale more than one year prior to the priority date.
`171. Dr. Sachs next cites a March 2, 2004 email from Brett Lanuti to Matt Copp and
`concludes that it shows a prior sale. Sachs Implant Opening Report at ¶ 322;
`NUVA_ATEC0341055. I disagree.
`172. As discussed above (¶ 77), the Brett Lanuti email recognizes the early success
`with the “NuVasive PEEK Cement Restrictors,” but does not state that anyone received or used
`such devices and under what circumstances.
`173. Also, March 2, 2004 is less than one year before March 29, 2004 so the March 2,
`2004 email from Brett Lanuti (NUVA_ATEC0341055) does not indicate a sale more than one
`year prior to the priority date.
`March 10, 2004 Email from Matt Copp
`174. Dr. Sachs cites a March 10, 2004 email from Matt Copp to the NuVasive sales,
`marketing, operations, customer service, and “independent agent” teams and concludes that it
`shows a prior sale. Sachs Implant Opening Report at ¶¶ 323-324; NUVA_ATEC0332451. I
`175. As discussed above (¶ 78), it is unclear whether this “availability” statement in
`this email refers to “availability” to some group of “targeted individuals” (like those referred to
`in Mr. Copp’s December 23, 2003 email) or to commercial “availability.”
`EXHIBIT 18 - PAGE 334


`Case 3:18-cv-00347-CAB-MDD Document 307-19 Filed 02/16/21 PageID.29999 Page 12 of
`176. Also, March 10, 2004 is less than one year before March 29, 2004 so the March
`10, 2004 email from Matt Copp does not indicate a sale more than one year prior to the priority
`NuVasive’s “Sales” Spreadsheets
`177. Dr. Sachs cites “Sales” sheet (NUVA_ATEC0341358) and “Graph” sheet
`(NUVA_ATEC0341358) which are attachments to November 8, 2004 email from Matt Copp
`(NUVA_ATEC0341357) and concludes they show a prior sale. Sachs Implant Opening Report
`at ¶¶ 316-318. Dr. Sachs also cites a July 8, 2004 email entitled “Sales Inventory Analysis –
`2004” (NUVA_ATEC0341176) and an attached spreadsheet (NUVA_ATEC0341177)) and
`concludes they show a prior sale. Sachs Implant Opening Report at ¶ 318. I disagree.
`178. As stated above (¶ 87), none of these documents contain a description of all the
`relevant features of the listed products or devices (indeed, they appear to simply contain
`undefined product names, and some appear to further list the dimensions of those products), nor
`do they contain any description of the circumstances surrounding what Dr. Sachs opines was
`their use or sale. Moreover, Dr. Sachs does not cite any information that supports his opinions
`regarding what he believes is reflected in these documents.
`179. Also, January and February 2004 and July 8, 2004 are less than one year before
`March 29, 2004 so the “Sales” sheet (NUVA_ATEC0341358) and the “Graph” sheet
`(NUVA_ATEC0341358) do not indicate a sale more than one year before to the priority date.
`180. Dr. Sachs also cites a sales spreadsheet and concludes that it shows a prior sale.
`Sachs Implant Opening Report at ¶ 315; NUVA_ATEC0341168. I disagree.
`181. As stated above (¶ 88), this document does not provide a description of the
`relevant features of the referenced devices, nor does it contain any description of the
`circumstances surrounding what Dr. Sachs opines was their use or sale. Moreover, Dr. Sachs
`EXHIBIT 18 - PAGE 335


`Case 3:18-cv-00347-CAB-MDD Document 307-19 Filed 02/16/21 PageID.30000 Page 13 of
`does not cite any information that supports his opinions regarding what he believes is reflected in
`these documents.
`182. Also, February 2004 is less than one year before March 29, 2004 so this sales
`spreadsheet does not indicate a sale more than one year prior to the priority date.
`xii. May 21, 2004 Email
`183. Dr. Sachs cites to a May 21, 2004 email (NUVA_ATEC0341150) and an
`attachment (NUVA_ATEC0341153) and concludes they show a prior sale. Sachs Implant
`Opening Report at ¶ 314. I disagree.
`184. As stated above (¶ 89), these documents do not provide a description of the
`relevant features of the referenced devices, nor do they contain any description of the
`circumstances surrounding what Dr. Sachs opines was their use or sale. Moreover, Dr. Sachs
`does not cite any information that supports his opinions regarding what he believes is reflected in
`these documents.
`185. Also, February 2004 and March 2004 are less than one year before March 29,
`2004 so the May 21, 2004 email (NUVA_ATEC0341150) and accompanying attachment
`(NUVA_ATEC0341153) do not indicate a sale more than one year prior to the priority date.
`Claims 1 and 16 of the ’334 Patent are not Indefinite—“central region” and
`“generally parallel”
`186. Dr. Sachs contends that claims 1 and 16 of the ’334 patent are indefinite because
`the claim language “central region” would not inform a POSA of the scope of the claims. Sachs
`Implant Opening Report at ¶ 329. I disagree. For the reasons set forth below, a POSA reading
`the claim language “central region” in the context of the claims and the specification would
`understand the scope of the claims.
`EXHIBIT 18 - PAGE 336


`Case 3:18-cv-00347-CAB-MDD Document 307-19 Filed 02/16/21 PageID.30001 Page 14 of
`Date: December 18, 2020
`EXHIBIT 18 - PAGE 337

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