`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 528-4 Filed 05/01/23 PageID.7601 Page 2 of 2
`Pierson, Melanie (USACAS)
`Alexis A. Wiseley; Feve, Sabrina (USACAS); Heath, Candina (CRM)
`Gary S. Lincenberg
`RE: Petr Pacas Travel Request
`Friday, April 28, 2023 5:17:05 PM
`Yes, we have no objection
`From: Alexis A. Wiseley <AWiseley@birdmarella.com>
`Sent: Friday, April 28, 2023 11:17 AM
`To: Pierson, Melanie (USACAS) <MPierson@usa.doj.gov>; Feve, Sabrina (USACAS)
`<sfeve@usa.doj.gov>; Heath, Candina (CRM) <Candina.Heath2@usdoj.gov>
`Cc: Gary S. Lincenberg <glincenberg@birdmarella.com>
`Subject: [EXTERNAL] Petr Pacas Travel Request
`Dear Sabrina, Melanie and Candy,
` I
` hope you are doing well. I wanted to let you know that we plan to ask Judge Curiel to modify Mr.
`Pacas’s bond conditions to allow him to travel throughout Europe with his family between May 11
`and May 17, 2023.
`As you know, Mr. Pacas has travelled abroad with his family several times since this case was
`initiated, each without incident. Consistent with his previous trips, he would provide his flight and
`accommodation information to Pretrial Services in advance, and call Pretrial Services prior to his
`departure and upon returning. I have conferred with Mr. Pacas’s pretrial services officer, Eva
`Arevalo, and she has no objection. As we have in our previous travel requests, may I note your non-
`objection in our filing?
`Alexis A. Wiseley
`Bird, Marella, Boxer, Wolpert, Nessim, Drooks, Lincenberg & Rhow, P.C.
`1875 Century Park East, 23rd Floor, Los Angeles, California 90067-2561
`www.birdmarella.com | 310.201.2100 | LinkedIn | awiseley@birdmarella.com