`Ca3s8:38-Cre0426B560C Docwmennd526 Fildddawea22 PagdDSIE i.
`Mcrae a
`* AO 24SB (CASD Rey,1/19) Judgment in a Criminal Case
`(For Offenses Committed On or After November 1, 1987)
`Case Number:
`USM Number
`Cc] -
`Whitney Z. Bernstein, RET
`Defendant's Attorney
`pleaded guilty to count(s)
`Two ofthe Superseding Information
`[] was found guilty on count(s)
`after a plea of not guilty.
`Accordingly, the defendantis adjudged guilty of such count(s), which involve the following offense(s):
`Title and Section / Nature of Offense
`18:1037(a)(5),(b)(3),2 - Electronic Mail Fraud, Aiding and Abetting
`The defendant is sentenced as provided in pages 2 through
`The sentence is imposed pursuantto the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984,
`("] The defendant has been foundnot guilty on count(s)
`>] Count(s) Underlying Indictment
`dismissed on the motion ofthe United States.
`ofthis judgment.
`[X] Assessment: $25.00 imposed.
`JVTA Assessment*: $
`*Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of2015, Pub. L. No. 114-22,
`, included herein.
`See fine page
`C Forfeiture pursuant to orderfiled
`IT IS ORDEREDthat the defendant must notify the United States Attorney forthis district within 30 days of any
`change of name, residence, or mailing address until all fines, restitution, costs, and special assessments imposed bythis
`judgment are fully paid. If ordered to pay restitution, the defendant mustnotify the court and United States Attorney of
`any material change in the defendant’s economic circumstances.
`| have executed within
`Judgement and Commitment on VO /
`USMS Crimina ection
`Date of Imposition of Sentence
`Cass348-Ci1c0498355BEC DDcanresnd596 FidddlLOM67422 PaggtlID75407 Pagec220666
`“ AO 245B (CASDRev.1/19) Judgmentin a Criminal Case
`Judgment - Page 2 of6
`The defendantis hereby committed to the custody ofthe Federal Bureau ofPrisonsto be imprisoned for a total term of:
`Time Served.
`Sentence imposed pursuantto Title 8 USE Section 1326(b).
`The court makesthe following recommendations to the Bureau of Prisons:
`The defendant is remandedto the custody of the United States Marshal.
`The defendant must surrender to the United States Marshal for this district:
`O as notified by the United States Marshal.
`The defendant must surrender for service of sentence at the institution designated by the Bureau of
`on or before
`Cas notified by the United States Marshal.
`as notified by the Probation or Pretrial Services Office.
`Ihave executed this judgment as follows:
`Defendant delivered on
`, With a certified copy of this judgment.
`Case:38-6'04ER3-60C Dogamenind 596 FiltddG5/222 PaggkILy3418 PageS@Db66
`“ AO 245B (CASD Rev.1/19) Judgmentin a Criminal Case
`Judgment- Page 3 of6
`pon release from imprisonment, the defendant will be on supervised release for a term of:
`hree (3) years.
`The defendant must not commit anotherfederal, state or local crime.
`The defendant must not unlawfully possess a controlled substance.
`The defendant must notillegally possess a controlied substance. The defendant must refrain from any unlawful use of a
`controlled substance. The defendant must submit to one drug test within 15 days ofrelease from imprisonmentandat least
`two periodic drug tests thereafter as determined by the court. Testing requirements will not exceed submission of more
`than 4 drug tests per month during the term of supervision, unless otherwise ordered by the court.
`LlThe above drug testing condition is suspended, based on the court's determination that the defendant poses a low
`risk of future substance abuse. (check if applicable)
`LIThe defendant must make restitution in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §§ 3663 and 3663A or any other statute authorizing
`a sentence ofrestitution. (check if applicable)
`LiThe defendant must cooperate in the collection ofDNA asdirected by the probation officer. (check ifapplicable)
`LIThe defendant must comply with the requirements ofthe Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (34 U.S.C. §
`20901, et seq.) as directed by the probation officer, the Bureau ofPrisons, or any state sex offender registration agency in
`the location where the defendantresides, works, is a student, or was convicted ofa qualifying offense. (check if
`C}The defendant mustparticipate in an approved program for domestic violence. (check ifapplicable}
`2 defendant must comply with the standard conditions that have been adoptedby this court as well as with any other
`iditions on the attached page.
`Cases6:34-61c0488B66EC DDowneenS526 FidddOWe7ad22 Paggdll7b429 Pagget4o666
`‘ AO 245B (CASDRev.1/19) Judgment in a Criminal Case
`Judgment- Page 4 of 6
`As part ofthe defendant’s supervised release, the defendant must comply with the following standard conditions of:
`supervision. These conditions are imposed becausethey establish the basic expectations for the defendant’s behavior
`while on supervision and identify the minimum tools needed by probation officers to keep informed, report to the
`court about, and bring about improvementsin the defendant’s conduct and condition. -
`1, The defendant must report to the probation office in the federal judicial district where they are authorized to reside within 72
`hours of their release from imprisonment, unless the probation officerinstructs the defendantto report to a different probation
`office or within a different time frame.
`2, Afterinitially reporting to the probation office, the defendantwill receive instructions from the court or the probation officer
`about how and when the defendant mustreport to the probation officer, and the defendant must report to the probation officer
`as instructed.
`3. The defendant must not knowingly leave the federal judicial district where the defendantis authorized to reside withoutfirst
`getting permission from the court or the probationofficer.
`t. The defendant must answertruthfully the questions asked by their probation officer.
`i. The defendant must live at a place approved by the probation officer, Ifthe defendant plans to change where they live or
`anything abouttheir living arrangements (such as the people living with the defendant), the defendant mustnotify the
`probation officer at least 10 days before the change. Ifnotifying the probation officer in advance is not possible due to
`unanticipated circumstances, the defendant must notify the probation officer within 72 hours ofbecoming aware of a change or
`expected change.
`}. The defendant must allow the probation officer to visit them at any time at their home or elsewhere, and the defendant must
`permit the probation officer to take any items prohibited by the conditions of their supervision that he or she observes in plain
`'. The defendant must work full time (at least 30 hours per week)at a lawful type of employment, unless the probation officer
`excuses the defendant from doing so. If the defendant does not have full-time employment the defendant musttry to find full-
`time employment, unless the probation officer excuses the defendant from doing so. Ifthe defendant plans to change where the
`defendant works or anything about their work (such astheir position ortheirjob responsibilities), the defendant must notify the
`probation officer at least 10 days before the change. Ifnotifying the probation officer at least 10 days in advanceis not possible
`due to unanticipated circumstances, the defendant must notify the probation officer within 72 hours ofbecoming aware of a
`change or expected change.
`. The defendant must not communicate or interact with someone they know is engaged in criminalactivity. Ifthe defendant
`knows someonehas been convicted ofa felony, they must not knowingly communicate or interact with that person without
`first getting the permission ofthe probation officer.
`. Ifthe defendantis arrested or questioned by a law enforcementofficer, the defendant mustnotify the probation officer within 72 hours.
`0. The defendant must not own,possess, or have access to a firearm, ammunition,destructive device, or dangerous weapon(i.¢.,
`anything that was designed, or was modified for, the specific purpose of causing bodily injury or death to another person such
`as nunchakusor tasers).
`1. The defendant mustnotact or make any agreementwith a law enforcement agency to act as a confidential human source or
`informant without first getting the permission ofthe court.
`2. Ifthe probation officer determines the defendant posesa risk to another person (including an organization), the probation
`officer may require the defendantto notify the person aboutthe risk and the defendant must comply with that instruction,
`The probation officer may contact the person and confirm that the defendantnotified the person abouttherisk.
`3. The defendant mustfollow the instructions of the probation officer related to the conditions of supervision.
`Cass 38-C1c0488BE5BLC Ddocoreen6526 FidddlOM67222 PagekilD76480 Praaecsoobie6
`AO 245B (CASD Rev. 1/19) Judgmentin a Criminal Case
`Judgment - Page 5 of6
`1. Complete 100 hours of community service in a program approved bythe probationofficer.
`The following conditions are in effect until such time as the imposed fineis paid in full:
`2. Provide complete disclosure of personal and business financial records to the probation officer as
`3. Notify the Collections Unit, United States Attorney's Office, of any interest in property obtained, directly
`or indirectly, including any interest obtained under any other name,orentity, includinga trust, partnership
`or corporation.
`4, Notify the Collections Unit, United States Attorney's Office, before transferring any interest in property
`owned, directly or indirectly, including any interest held or owned under any other name, or entity,
`including a trust, partnership or corporation.
`5. Be prohibited from opening checking accountsor incurring new credit charges or opening additionallines
`of credit without approval ofthe probation officer.
`Cass3'18-@1c040S3355BEC Ddoanennd $26 FrdddLOMs6222 Pagglll7S441 Aagecs6obes
`AO 245B (CASDRev.1/19) Judgmentin a Criminal Case
`The defendant shall pay a fine in the amount of—$25,000.00 unto the United States ofAmerica,
`Pay a fine in the amount of $25,000 through the Clerk, U.S. District Court. Paymentoffine shall be forthwith.
`The defendant shall pay the fine during his probation at the rate of $100 per month, These payment schedules do
`not foreclose the United States from exercising all legal actions, remedies, and process available to it to collect
`the fine judgmentat any time.
`Until fine has beenpaid, the defendantshall notify the Clerk ofthe Court and the United States Attorney’s Office
`of any change in the defendant’s mailing or residence address, no later than thirty (30) days after the change
`The Court has determined that the defendant
`Xx The interest requirement is waived.
`does not
`havetheability to pay interest. It is ordered that: