`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 512-2 Filed 09/27/22 PageID.7524 Page 2 of 3
`, -.o 199A (Rev. 05/03/2018) Order Setting Conditions of Release (Modified)
`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 26 Filed 11/05/18 PageID.61 Page 1 of 2
`for the
`Southern District of California
`Page 1 of2
`United States of America
`Petr Pacas
`IT IS ORDERED that the defendant's release is subject to these conditions:
`Mandatory Conditions
`The defendant must not violate federal, state, or local law during the period ~uas~....,_ ____ . ________ _
`The defendant must cooperate in the collection of a DNA sample as authorized by 42 U.S.C. § 14135a.
`Standard Conditions
`(Each Standard Condition applies, unless stricken.)
`(3) The defendant must appear in court as ordered and surrender as directed to serve any sentence.
`( 4) The defendant must not possess a firearm, destructive device, or other dangerous weapon. The defendant
`must legally transfer all firearms, as directed by Pretrial Services.
`(5) The defendant must not use or possess a narcotic drug or other controlled substance without a lawful medical
`prescription. The defendant must not use or possess marijuana under any circumstances.
`(6) The defendant must report to the U.S. Pretrial Services Office (telephone (619) 557-5738) on the day of the
`initial court appearance or within 24 hours of the defendant's release from custody, whichever is later.
`Throughout this case, the defendant must report as directed by the Pretrial Services Office and follow all
`directions of the Pretrial Services Office.
`(7) The defendant must advise the Court or the Pretrial Services Office in writing of: (1) the defendant's current
`residence address and phone number, when first reporting to Pretrial Services; and (2) any new contact
`information, before making any change of residence or phone number.
`(8) The defendant must read this Pretrial Release Order and the "Advice of Penalties and Sanctions" form, or
`have them read to the defendant in the defendant's native language. The defendant must acknowledge the
`defendant's understanding of all the pretrial release conditions and the penalties and sanctions for any
`violations, by signing the "Advice of Penalties and Sanctions" form.
`D State of California
`IZI San Diego County D Imperial County
`(9) Restrict travel to:
`IZI CDCA (L.A., Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, S.L.O., Santa Barbara, Ventura)
`Utah at discretion of PTS
`D Other Travel Restriction: - - - - - - - - - - -
`IZI Do not enter Mexico
`Additional Conditions
`(a) The defendant is released on personal recognizance.
`IZI (b) The defendant must execute an appearance bond in the amount of$
`IZI Secured, as set forth below. The Court finds that an unsecured bond will not reasonably assure the
`defendant's appearance as required and/or will endanger the safety of another person or the community.
`Security: D The co-signatures of_ financially responsible (and related) adults or _ _ _ _ _ _
`D A cash deposit with the Court of$ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`A trust deed to the United States on real property approved by a federal judge.
`□ A cash bond and/or a bail bond by an approved, solvent corporate surety. A corporate
`bail bond must cover all conditions of release, not just appearances.
`Hearing: D Surety examination
`D Nebbia hearing (bail source hearing)
`18 U.S.C. § 3142(d) hold until _____ ; ifno detainer is lodged by then, these conditions take effect.
`50 000
`that is:
`Page 2 of2
`D ( c)
`D ( d)
`□ (e)
`□ (f)
`□ (g)
`□ (h)
`□ (i)
`□ (k)
`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 512-2 Filed 09/27/22 PageID.7525 Page 3 of 3
`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 26 Filed 11/05/18 PageID.62 Page 2 of 2
`.:' AO 199A (Rev. 05/03/2018) Order Setting Conditions of Release (Modified)
`(12) The defendant must:
`D (a)
`actively seek or continue full-time employment, or schooling, or a combination of both.
`D (b)
`reside with
`(0) a family member, surety, or _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , or
`(□) at a residence approved by the Pretrial Services Office, including any contract
`surrender any valid passport to the Pretrial Services Office and not obtain a passport or other
`international travel document.
`clear all warrants/FT As and pay all fines within 90 days of release or as directed by the Pretrial
`Services Office.
`submit to psychological/psychiatric treatment at Pretrial Services' discretion.
`submit to drug/alcohol testing no more than _
`times per month and/or outpatient substance abuse
`therapy and counseling, as directed by the Pretrial Services Office. Testing may include urine
`testing, the wearing of a sweat patch, a remote alcohol testing system, and/or any form of prohibited
`substance screening or testing. Pretrial Services need not notify the Court of test results attributed to
`residual elimination.
`not use alcohol at all.
`not have a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08% or more.
`participate in and complete a program of inpatient substance abuse therapy and counseling, as
`directed by the Pretrial Services Office.
`avoid all contact, directly or indirectly, with any person who is or may be a victim or witness in the
`investigation or prosecution, including: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`participate in the Location Monitoring Program and comply with its requirements as directed under
`the following component and technology:
`(i) Curfew. You are restricted to your residence ( □ )everyday from ____ to _ _ _ _,
`or( □) as directed by the pretrial services office or supervising officer.
`(ii) Home Detention. You are restricted to your residence at all times except for Pretrial
`Services-approved absences for: employment; education; religious services; medical,
`substance abuse, or mental health treatment; attorney visits; court appearances; Court(cid:173)
`ordered obligations; or other activities.
`D (iii) Home Incarceration. You are restricted to 24-hour-a-day lock-down at your residence
`except for Court-approved absences for medical necessities, court appearances, or other
`Technology: 0 Global Positioning System (GPS) 0 Radio Frequency O Voice Recognition
`0 You must pay all or part of the cost of the program based on your ability to pay as determined
`by the pretrial services officer.
`0 Defense counsel must notify Pretrial Services upon submission of bond paperwork; defendant to
`be released from custody to Pretrial Services the following business day by 10:00 a.m. and
`Pretrial Services to transport if needed.
`return to custody each _ _ _ _ at ____ AM/PM after being released at ____ AM/PM
`for employment, schooling, or the following purposes: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`maintain residence at a halfway house, community corrections center, or residential facility, as the
`Pretrial Services Office or supervising officer considers necessary.
`remain in the custody of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , who will supervise the defendant and
`notify the Court immediately if the defendant violates any conditions of release.
`Adam Walsh Act: See attached Addendum for additional conditions.
`Other conditions: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`□ (1)
`0 (m)
`0 (n)
`□ (o)
`□ (p)
`(13) 0 All conditions previously set will remain the same.
`Dated: «Hrg_ Date_ Set»
`Honorable Robert A. McQuaid
`United States Magistrate Judge