`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 403-2 Filed 05/05/22 PageID.6243 Page 2 of 31
`N e
`t w
`k s
`Inspiring Networks B.V.
`Fossielenerf 90
`6413 MA Heerlen
`Sub Total
`Invoice #67
`Invoice Date: 26/03/2013
`Due Date; 09/04/2013
`Invoiced To
`ATTN. Justin Barredo
`9444 Waples Street Suite #350
`San Diego, CA 92121
`United States
` lmonth and 2 servers
`Transaction Date
`Transaction ID
`No Related Transactions Found
`Bank: Rabobank
`KvK nr . 55810969
`IBAN: NL07RA6O0151714525
`On all our deliveries nor lerms ardl condliions apply which are .avoiable an our weenie
`AMOBEE 1031993
`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 403-2 Filed 05/05/22 PageID.6244 Page 3 of 31
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`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 403-2 Filed 05/05/22 PageID.6254 Page 13 of 31
`FD-302 (Rev. 5-8-10)
`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 403-2 Filed 05/05/22 PageID.6255 Page 14 of 31
`- 1 of 2 -
`Date of entry 04/29/2022
`On 4/19/2022, Peter Holden was telephonically interviewed. Present for the
`interview was Holden’s attorney, Mark Adams, as well as FBI Special Agents
`Charles Chabalko, Assistant United States Attorneys Melanie Pierson, AUSA
`Sabrina Feve, and AUSA Candy Heath. Holden provided the following
`In October 2010, Holden started Hostwinds and originally operated the
`business from his home. In 2012, he rented his first office space on the
`10th floor located in a building at 9 E 4th Street in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The
`10th floor office had no heat or AC, and soon after, he moved the business
`to the 3rd floor. In 2016, Holden moved Hostwinds to Seattle and in 2017 or
`2018, he closed the Tulsa office.
`Holden advised that he knew Daniel Dye prior to doing business with Adconian
`Direct (ADR) and that Dye referred other clients to Hostwinds. Holden never
`met Dye in person.
`When asked how he was introduced to ADR, Holden stated that ADR first
`approached him and he was unsure how they originally found Hostwinds. Holden
`primarily dealt with Mark Manoogian and, on occasion, with Abdul Mohammed.
`Holden never met anyone from ADR in person and communicated with ADR by
`telephone, email and/or Skype Messenger.
`Holden stated that ADR used both his Internet Protocol addresses (IP) as
`well as third party IPs to send email. This was also one of the first times
`Holden ever announced other people’s IPs. When asked how he learned the
`process of using Letter of Authorization (LOA) to announce other IPs, Holden
`stated that a friend who worked at another data center explained the process
`to him. Holden did not do anything to verify the LOA or the netblock he was
`announcing. Holden believed that this verification process was the
`responsibility of his upstream provider.
`Holden recalled receiving an email from his upstream provider, CoreXchange,
`regarding an AFRINIC netblock being used by Adconian as being possibly
`hijacked. Holden forwarded this email to ADR and does not recall receiving
`Investigation on 04/19/2022 at San Diego, California, United States (In Person)
`File # 288A-SD-4318838
`Date drafted 04/28/2022
`by Charles W. Chabalko IV
`This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not
`to be distributed outside your agency.
`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 403-2 Filed 05/05/22 PageID.6256 Page 15 of 31
`FD-302a (Rev. 5-8-10)
`Continuation of FD-302 of (U) Interview of Peter Holden
`, On 04/19/2022
`, Page 2 of 2
`any response.
`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 403-2 Filed 05/05/22 PageID.6257 Page 16 of 31
`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 403-2 Filed 05/05/22 PageID.6258 Page 17 of 31
`Info - Orbit-Diensten [info@orbitdiensten.com]
`5/13/2013 4:05:46 AM
`Justin Barredo
`Hi Justin,
`Commented below.
`mai kel
`Van: Justin Barredo [mailto:
`verzonden: vrijdag 10 mei 2013 18:30
`Aan: info@inspiringnetworks.com
`onderwerp: Blackstar IP's
`Hi Mai kel ,
`This is the info I've received from blackstar. Can you go over it and let me
`know what you can confirm from your side?
`1/10 - Details: Invoice #32 server and /16 as agreed for 110k usd per 2
`months. 30k usd will be paid up front. Prefix will be announced asap (upon
`release from afrinic) ***they had noted but then followed up
`with an email that it was supposed to be
`wire was sent for 39,225.00 usd on 1/10.
`1/17 - $70,775.00 was sent for the balance on Invoice #32
`1/17 - Details: invioce #33 Rental of Payments in 2 parts,
`1st payment today 16-01-2013 of 60k usd 2nd payment on 01-02-2013 of 32k
`usd. Wire sent on 1/17 for $60,000.00
`2/4 — Wire sent for the Balance on Invoice #33 in the amount of $32,000.00
`2/20 - Details: Invoice #37 for 2 months wire was sent in the
`amount of $60,000.00
`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 403-2 Filed 05/05/22 PageID.6259 Page 18 of 31
`2/27 - Details Invoice #40 /16 for 2 months 110k usd /22 for 2 months 2k.
`Renewal for 5k after the first 2 months. The subnet for the /16 was not
`noted on the invoice. wire was sent in the amount of $112,000.00.
`Above all correct so far
`The 2.59/16 was given on Tuesday 12 march. According to them they only
`mailed a few days on them, well I don't know how that happened, but im sure
`I give the server and dns details to them on the 12th of march. I still have
`a few rDNS mails from ripe about when they got reversed.
`About the spamhaus listing or whatever spamhaus mentions on the SBL itself,
`I don't care because some of the info goes back t❑ 2011 or even before that,
`so it's not accurate.. and almost every SBL gets blocked by precaution or
`whatever spamhaus tells. But the "last" listing caused me to turn it back to
`ripe L I can't do anything about that.
`The was listed on 4/15 and we only had a few days of mailing on
`them. In the listing it states the listing was made based off the
`announcement or acquisition by E-Rent LLC. Spamhaus listed it based on the
`LLC not from any abuse on our part. This block was sbl'd upon
`arrival. You guys had it just prior to us and the listed the whole
` block again based of the LLC [-Rent. Spamhaus again noted it
`as a precautionary block. I completely understand when the SBL results from
`us mailing but these were not our fault rather the way they were set up by
`the provider that caused the listing. we paid them a lot for money for in
`march and because of the SBLs due to the E-Rent LLC being set for the swip.
`Justin Barred()
`Business operations
` I Fax: +1 858 638 1717
`9444 waples street Suite #350 I San Diego, CA 92121 I USA
`Geen virus gevonden in dit bericht.
`Gecontroleerd door AVG - www.avg.com
`Versie: 2013.0.3272 / virusdatabase: 3162/6289 - datum van uitgifte:
`Interne virusdatabase is verouderd.
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`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 403-2 Filed 05/05/22 PageID.6268 Page 27 of 31
`Allison Hall
`4/15/2013 3:53:52 PM
`Phi Duong
`; Jake Bychak
`]; Sasha Treviso
`AD SD Systems [sdsystems@adconiondirect.com]; AD SD Operations [sdoperations@adconiondirect.conn]
`Thanks for letting us know, Phi!
`Allison Hall I sr. Marketing Manager
`<mai lto
`From: Phi Duong
`sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 3:53 PM
`To: Allison Hall; Jake Bychak; Sasha Trevis❑
`Cc: AD SD Systems; AD SD Operations
`subject: RE: SBL
` have been archived in IPM
`Phi Duong I Linux Systems Administrator
`Phone: +1 202 6446 I Mobile:
`From: Allison Hall
`sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 1:12 PM
`To: Jake Bychak; sasha Treviso
`Cc: AD SD Systems; AD SD Operations
`subject: RE: SBL
`Hi Jake,
`That's too bad. Thanks for letting us know. Please keep us posted if
`you're able to remove the SBL.
`Allison Hall I Sr. Marketing Manager
`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 403-2 Filed 05/05/22 PageID.6269 Page 28 of 31
`From: ]ake Bychak
`Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 12:47 PM
`To: Sasha Treviso; Allison Hall
`Cc: AD SD Systems; AD SD Operations
`Subject: SBL
`Hey All,
`This range was SBL'd due to gmail mailings. We are working with the provider
`to see what we can do to get a refund or remove the SBL.
`Jake Bychak
`Senior Operations Manager
`Phone: +1 858.202.6447 I Mobile:
` Fax: +1 858.638.1717
`9444 waples Street I San Diego, California, 921211 USA
`<http://www.adconiondirect.com/> www.adconiondirect.com
`Follow us on <http://www.facebook.com/AdconionDirect> Facebook I
`<https://twitter.com/adconion_direct> Twitter I
`<http://www.linkedin.com/company/2145393?trk=tyah> Linkedin
`No virus found in this message.
`Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
`Version: 2012.0.2240 / Virus Database: 2641/5746 - Release Date: 04/15/13
`No virus found in this message.
`Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
`Version: 2012.0.2240 / Virus Database: 2641/5746 - Release Date: 04/15/13
`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 403-2 Filed 05/05/22 PageID.6270 Page 29 of 31
`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 403-2 Filed 05/05/22 PageID.6271 Page 30 of 31
`Jake Bychak
`5/1/2013 5:00:22 PM
`Abdul Mohammed
`Mark Manoogian
`RE: for Blackstar Gmail (SBL)
`Sasha Treviso
`Thank you! ! !
`Jake Bychak I Director of Operations
`Phone: +1 858.202.6447 I Mobile:
`<mai lto : jake . bychakaadconi ondi rect corn>
`From: Abdul Mohammed
`Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2013 5:00 PM
`To: Jake Bychak
`Cc: Mark Manoogian; Sasha Treviso
`Subject: RE: for Blackstar Gmail (SBL)
`Hi Jake,
`Here's the login credentials:
`Login: root/Temp123
`IP Range:
`Login: root/Temp123
`IP Range:
`Abdul Mohammed I Technical Operations Manager
`Phone: +1 858.202.6405 I Mobile:
`From: Jake Bychak
`Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2013 4:54 PM
`To: Abdul Mohammed
`Cc: Mark Manoogian; Sasha Treviso
`Subject: for Blackstar Gmail (SBL)
`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 403-2 Filed 05/05/22 PageID.6272 Page 31 of 31
`Hey Abdul!
`would you mind getting the range set up for Blackstar? They
`are going to mail Gmail on it since it is SBL'd.
`Jake Bychak
`Director of operations
`Phone: +1 858.202.6447 I
`I Fax: +1 858.638.1717
`9444 waples street I San Diego, California, 921211 USA
`<http://www.adconiondirect.com/> www.adconiondirect.com
`Follow us on <http://www.facebook.com/AdconionDirect> Facebook
`<https://twitter.com/adconion_direct> Twitter I
`<http://www.linkedin.com/company/2145393?trk=tyah> LinkedIn

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