`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 54 Filed 01/30/19 PageID.182 Page 1 of 23Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 354-4 Filed 03/24/22 PageID.4957 Page 2 of 9
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` v.
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`Plaintiff, . No. 18-cr-4683-GPC
`. January 25, 2019
`. 10:44 a.m.
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`. San Diego, California
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`For the Plaintiff:
`For the Defendant
`For the Defendant
`United States Attorney's Office
`880 Front Street, Room 6293
`San Diego, California 92101
`Law Office of David W. Wiechert
`115 Avenida Miramar
`San Clemente, California 92672
`Mintz Levin
`3580 Carmel Mountain Road, Suite 300
`San Diego, California 92130
`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 54 Filed 01/30/19 PageID.183 Page 2 of 23Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 354-4 Filed 03/24/22 PageID.4958 Page 3 of 9
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`For the Defendant
`For the Defendant
`Bienert, Miller & Katzman, P.L.C.
`903 Calle Amanecer, Suite 350
`San Clemente, California 92673
`Bird Marella Boxer Wolpert
` Nessim Drooks & Lincenberg
`1875 Century Park East
`Suite 2300
`Los Angeles, California 90067
`Court Reporter:
`Chari L. Bowery, RPR, CRR
`USDC Clerk's Office
`333 West Broadway, Suite 420
`San Diego, California 92101
`Reported by Stenotype, Transcribed by Computer
`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 54 Filed 01/30/19 PageID.191 Page 10 of 23Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 354-4 Filed 03/24/22 PageID.4959 Page 4 of 9
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`voluminous -- there would be sufficient information provided to
` 2
`the defense regarding the particulars of how this crime was
` 3
`allegedly committed, what it involved, and different pieces of
` 4
`evidence that the government intends to offer at trial.
` 5
`But to the extent there's something that I am missing, let
` 6
`me hear from defense counsel.
` 7
`MS. MUNK: Thank you, Your Honor. I do want to
` 8
`address a couple of areas.
` 9
`The government did, in their opposition, identify that it
`was limiting the alleged hijacked IP netblocks and the
`associated letters of authority to 11 IP netblocks, which were
`identified in their Exhibit 251. So that was helpful. But
`some of these other areas that we have requested, there's a
`problem where we would need particulars.
`With our number five request, it was the dba's and domain
`names that were allegedly used to conceal the defendants'
`identity. The government doesn't specify what dba or domain
`names it views as illegal. And when you look at the
`indictment, paragraph 8 addresses this, under the wire fraud
`counts. We don't know if the government is alleging the dba's
`and domain names used with the alleged hijacked netblocks were
`fraudulent, or if the government is alleging a broader theory,
`that the company's use of just using domain names and dba's, in
`and of itself, were illegal. So that's one area that the
`defendants don't have notice of.
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`If the government is alleging the latter, it is
` 2
`essentially attacking the company's entire business model, and
` 3
`this is going to be a much broader case than we would otherwise
` 4
`be required to defend, and we don't have notice of that, Your
` 5
`Honor. So that's one big area.
` 6
`If the government is going to limit the dba's and domain
` 7
`names to the alleged hijacked IP netblocks, we need the
` 8
`government to identify what dba's and domain names it views
` 9
`were fraudulent, because there's no document that we are aware
`of, from reviewing this, that would point us to that, Your
`Honor. So that's one big area.
`THE COURT: Ms. Pierson, do you have a response?
`MS. PIERSON: My response would be that we do intend
`to limit this case to just those related to the hijacked
`netblocks. This case is about those 11 hijacked netblocks, and
`that's what it is about. We are not talking about the broader
`practices of the company, here. We are just talking about the
`ones relate to the hijacked netblocks.
`THE COURT: Does that address your concern?
`MS. MUNK: It partially does, Your Honor. It does in
`that the fact that that lets us know, at least with the dba's
`and domain names, it is related to the alleged hijacked
`netblocks, but I don't know if we have a way of knowing which
`dba's and domain names would have been associated with these
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`THE COURT: Ms. Pierson?
`MS. PIERSON: That information is available to them
` 3
`in the discovery, and their clients are actually in the best
` 4
`position to know of anyone, since their clients were the ones
` 5
`who established the domain names, purchased the domain names,
` 6
`and established the associated IP addresses, all of which are
` 7
`provided to them in the discovery that they have.
` 8
`THE COURT: I am not too sure that the second part of
` 9
`that answer is sufficient.
`But with respect to the first part, that this information
`is contained in discovery, do you have a contrary view?
`MS. MUNK: Your Honor, the company's practice, which
`we believe is lawful, was to use dba's and domain names to send
`commercial e-mails. So the government is now limiting the
`case; that it's only viewing as illegal a very small section, I
`guess, of e-mails that were sent on these alleged 11 hijacked
`netblocks. The company used tons of IP netblocks, not just
`these 11 allegedly hijacked netblocks.
`So while it's great to know that the government wants to
`narrow it, I don't know of any particular document -- and maybe
`the government can point us to that -- that would actually let
`us know which dba's and domain names would be associated with
`those netblocks.
`And maybe I can just also address our second request,
`because I think that may be somewhat on point, is that with
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`regards to the e-mails and what the government views as -- they
` 2
`use this term "Spam e-mail" -- it was unclear if the government
` 3
`is trying to attack the company, just, sending Spam e-mail and
` 4
`that's illegal, or if the government is narrowing it to e-mail
` 5
`that was sent on these alleged hijacked netblocks.
` 6
`So it sounds like maybe the government is narrowing it to
` 7
`the 11 hijacked netblocks. But just to highlight where our
` 8
`confusion comes in, the government, in their opposition, points
` 9
`to a document called "The Blackmail Reports." And in their
`opposition, the government says, "The defendant sent as many as
`81 million commercial e-mails a day using the netblocks at
`Well, when you actually look at the discovery -- and
`there's an exhibit, which is Exhibit 203, that they produced --
`it shows 81 million e-mails were sent on that day, but there's
`a whole list of IP netblocks, and a very small fraction of this
`long list are these alleged 11 hijacked ones.
`THE COURT: So let me ask, as a starting point, have
`you had this conversation with government counsel regarding
`MS. MUNK: We did not have a chance to discuss this
`prior to this.
`THE COURT: Why don't you do that. Because rather
`than be the medium between you two to address these issues, let
`me have you exhaust your requests. And then at that point, if
`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 54 Filed 01/30/19 PageID.195 Page 14 of 23Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 354-4 Filed 03/24/22 PageID.4963 Page 8 of 9
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`you haven't received what you believe you are entitled to, the
` 2
`Court can intervene at that point. But otherwise, I don't
` 3
`think it is the best use of the Court's time to, as a starting
` 4
`point, look into these matters.
` 5
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`MS. MUNK: Thank you, Your Honor.
`Can I briefly address -- we also asked for the government
` 7
`to identify the amount of funds subject to criminal forfeiture.
` 8
`So if I can just briefly address, the government cited
` 9
`Rule 32.2A, the proposition that they are not required to
`identify the property subject to forfeiture or specify the
`And that's true, that rule does not require that. But
`when you look at the notes in the amendments to that rule, it
`actually says the vehicle for the defense to get this is
`through a bill of particulars. And there's case law that is
`cited there, a Fourth Circuit case, that basically said a bill
`of particulars is the appropriate way for a defendant to know
`what is subject to forfeiture in the indictment.
`So I don't know if that's something you want us to try to
`meet and confer with counsel as well --
`THE COURT: Let me first inquire of Ms. Pierson, what
`is your response to that position, that the bill of particulars
`is the appropriate means of determining what items the
`government intends to forfeit?
`MS. PIERSON: That wasn't anything that was addressed
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`THE COURT: Let me do this. Let me direct counsel to
` 2
`meet and confer regarding this. And to the extent that this
` 3
`eight-figure number that has been identified is a product of
` 4
`all the profits and not just related to these 11 netblocks,
` 5
`then ask the government to be more specific in terms of the
` 6
`amounts that they believe are a product of the use of these 11
` 7
`netblocks and the amount that would be subject to forfeitures.
` 8
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`MS. MUNK: That's all.
`THE COURT: Are there any outstanding issues to
`MS. BERNSTEIN: No, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: From the government?
`MS. PIERSON: This is, from our point of view --
`prior to this appearance, I had circulated amongst defense
`counsel a proposed protective order. It is our standard
`protective order. The amount of discovery here is voluminous.
`It also is records relating to individuals who are not the
`defendants -- the two cooperators -- as well as the company's
`financial records and all sorts of information that has
`personal identifying information and other information, which
`we were providing without redacting under the assumption that
`it would be protected from disclosure to others. And I sent
`around our standard protective order.
`It has not been signed to date. And the defense lawyers
`today, for the first time outside, advised us that they did not

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