`David W. Wiechert, SBN 94607
`Jessica C. Munk, SBN 238832
`Jahnavi Goldstein, SBN 245084
`27136 Paseo Espada, Suite B1123
`San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
`Telephone: (949) 361-2822
`Email: dwiechert@wmgattorneys.com
` jessica@wmgattorneys.com
` jahnavi@wmgattorneys.com
`Attorneys for Jacob Bychak
`JACOB BYCHAK, et al.,
` Defendants.
`Case No. 18-CR-4683-GPC
`Honorable Gonzalo P. Curiel
`Hearing Date: April 7, 2022
`Hearing Time: 1:00 p.m.
`Department: Courtroom 2D
`I, Jessica C. Munk, declare as follows:
`1. I am a principal at the law firm Wiechert, Munk & Goldstein, PC, attorneys of
`record for defendant Jacob Bychak. I am licensed to practice in the State of California and
`in the United States District Court for the Southern District of California. I have personal
`knowledge of the following, and if called to do so, I could competently testify thereto.
`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 354-2 Filed 03/24/22 PageID.4950 Page 2 of 5
`2. Attached hereto as Exhibit A is a true and correct copy of Grand Jury Exhibit
`251 as produced by the government in discovery bearing Bates range ADCONION-GJ-
`EXS-00874, which lists the Eleven Netblocks.
`3. Attached hereto as Exhibit B is a true and correct copy of relevant portions of
`the Transcript of the Report of Proceeding from the January 25, 2019 hearing on various
`motions, including Defendants’ Motion for Bill of Particulars.
`4. Attached hereto as Exhibit C is a true and correct copy of the letter that defense
`counsel sent to the government on January 28, 2019, which outlined Defendants’
`understanding of the aspects of the Motion for Bill of Particulars that had been settled in
`preparation for the parties meet and confer.
`5. Attached hereto as Exhibit D is a true and correct copy of the letter from the
`government to defense counsel dated January 30, 2019 in response to the defense’s
`January 28, 2019 letter.
`6. Attached hereto as Exhibit E is a true and correct copy of a document identified
`by the government in its January 30, 2019 letter and produced by the government in
`discovery as Bates range AMOBEE083702. Because the document was produced in a
`native .txt file, the Bates range does not appear on the pdf of the document.
`7. Defense counsel and the government, i.e. the parties, telephonically met and
`conferred on January 30, 2019 pursuant to the Court’s order and discussed the matters
`memorialized in the letters attached as Exhibits D and E and other matters.
`8. Attached hereto as Exhibit F is a true and correct copy of the letter that defense
`counsel sent to the government on February 4, 2019 after the parties met and conferred on
`January 30, 2019 regarding the bill of particulars issues. This letter memorializes what the
`government represented to the defense during the January 30, 2019 meet and confer.
`9. The government did not respond to the defense’s February 4, 2019 letter or
`advise that the defense’s understanding was incorrect.
`10. On August 30, 2021, I emailed the government and noted that its voluminous
`discovery included netblocks and LOAs outside of the Eleven Netblocks (or even the 2(a)
`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 354-2 Filed 03/24/22 PageID.4951 Page 3 of 5
`netblocks), which was beyond the scope of the government’s representation in early 2019
`that the criminal allegations in this case were limited to the Eleven Netblocks. In that
`email, I requested that the government stipulate to what it had previously represented and
`what the defense had reasonably relied upon, specifically that:
`1. The only alleged hijacked netblocks in play in this case are the 11 netblocks
`identified in GJ Ex. 251 (with the exception of the list in AMOBEE0083702,
`which only falls under 2(a)), and the government will not introduce any
`evidence of other alleged hijacked netblocks. Further, the government is only
`introducing LOAs for these 11 netblocks in GJ Ex. 251 and will not be
`introducing evidence of any other alleged fraudulent LOAs.
`2. The DBAs, post office boxes, email addresses and domain names
`(collectively referred to as “dbas”) used to allegedly conceal the Defendants’
`identity as referenced in Paragraph 8 of the Indictment, are the dbas used
`with the alleged 11 hijacked netblocks and the only ones that are allegedly
`illegal. The government will not allege any other use of dbas, not used for
`these alleged 11 hijacked netblocks are illegal. Thus, the general use of dbas
`is not illegal.
`3. The only commercial emails sent by Adconion that the government alleges
`are illegal are the emails sent from the alleged 11 hijacked netblocks and the
`government will not take the position that commercial email, i.e. “spam”
`email is illegal.
`11. On August 31, 2021, the government responded to my email that it would not
`agree to a stipulation, arguing that its prior representations did not limit what evidence it
`could put on and that because the Indictment charged a conspiracy and scheme to defraud
`that the government could put on any evidence it chose “relative to the agreement and the
`scheme.” Yet in that same email, confusingly, the government stated that its case-in-chief
`“evidence will, consistent with our representations regarding which netblocks are covered
`by the indictment…, focus on the netblocks identified in GJ Ex. 251.”
`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 354-2 Filed 03/24/22 PageID.4952 Page 4 of 5
`12. On March 4, 2022, I emailed the government and requested that they
`reconsider its refusal to stipulate, making it clear that Defendants were not seeking a
`stipulation to limit all evidence, such as cross or rebuttal evidence, but only the
`government’s case in chief evidence to that relating to the Eleven Netblocks (or even
`additionally the 2(a) netblocks) – which is exactly what the government had suggested it
`would do in its prior email.
`13. On March 5, 2022, the government responded and expressed confusion at the
`defense’s agreement to include the 2(a) netblocks (AMOBEE0083702) in the stipulation.
`I clarified that the defense was also open to the government stipulating to exclude
`evidence relating to that document.
`14. On March 8, 2022, the government declined to reconsider its prior decision not
`to stipulate to limit its evidence in its case in chief as requested.
`15. After receiving the government’s Rule 404(b) notice, the defense reached out
`to the government to meet and confer on this issue to try and come to an agreement to
`avoid the filing of unnecessary motions in limine.
`16. On March 22, 2022, the parties met and conferred and again the defense asked
`the government to stipulate that they would not raise evidence of any other alleged
`hijacked netblocks in its case in chief beyond the Eleven Netblocks in GJ Ex. 251 apart
`from what it identified in the government’s Rule 404(b) notice and requested an answer
`the following day. The defense made clear to the government that it would file a separate
`motion to challenge the netblocks identified in the government’s Rule 404(b) notice (Dkt.
`347). Again, the government refused to stipulate.
`17. This is a complex case with voluminous discovery. To date the government has
`produced over 2,326,863 pages of discovery.
`18. The defense has relied on the government’s repeated representations that this
`case is about the Eleven Netblocks, and has focused its review of the discovery and
`defense strategies that relate to these Eleven Netblocks. There are numerous spreadsheets
`in discovery with countless additional netblocks and domains listed that the defense has
`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 354-2 Filed 03/24/22 PageID.4953 Page 5 of 5
`not focused on given the government’s repeated representations that this case is about the
`Eleven Netblocks.
`19. Aside from the Eleven Netblocks and 2(a) netblocks, the government has never
`provided a list of all other netblocks in the discovery, or an index demonstrating what
`discovery numbers related to what netblocks. Just considering the size and scope of
`Company A and B’s business and the time period set forth within the Indictment, there
`could be thousands of additional netblocks. Moreover, there are several spreadsheets in
`the discovery that include reference to approximately 30 to 100 additional netblocks and
`domain names beyond the Eleven Netblocks that the government has never alleged were
`illegally hijacked and fall under the charges in the Indictment.
`20. If the defense is forced to prepare for trial to defend additional netblocks such
`as these that the government has never identified fall under the allegations in the
`Indictment, this would be a huge undertaking. For example, the number of documents in
`the discovery for most of the Eleven Netblocks returns, on average, more than one
`thousand documents.
`I declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
`Executed on March 24, 2022 in San Juan Capistrano, California.
`s/Jessica C. Munk
`Jessica C. Munk