`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 240-2 Filed 06/11/21 PageID.2469 Page 2 of 22
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` v.
` .
`Plaintiff, . No. 18-cr-4683-GPC
`. January 21, 2021
`. 2:00 p.m.
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`. San Diego, California
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`For the Plaintiff:
`For the Defendant
`United States Attorney's Office
`880 Front Street, Room 6293
`San Diego, California 92101
`Law Office of David W. Wiechert
`115 Avenida Miramar
`San Clemente, California 92672
`For the Defendant
`Mintz Levin
`3580 Carmel Mountain Road, Suite 300
`San Diego, California 92130
`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 240-2 Filed 06/11/21 PageID.2470 Page 3 of 22
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`For the Defendant
`For the Defendant
`Bienert, Miller & Katzman, P.L.C.
`903 Calle Amanecer, Suite 350
`San Clemente, California 92673
`Bird Marella Boxer Wolpert
` Nessim Drooks & Lincenberg
`1875 Century Park East
`Suite 2300
`Los Angeles, California 90067
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`Court Reporter:
`Chari L. Bowery, RPR, CRR
`USDC Clerk's Office
`333 West Broadway, Suite 420
`San Diego, California 92101
`Reported by Stenotype, Transcribed by Computer
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`THE CLERK: Calling matter number six on the
` 4
`calendar, Case Number 18-cr-4683, U.S.A. v. the Bychak
` 5
`defendants, on for telephonic status hearing.
` 6
`THE COURT: All right. Good afternoon. I will ask
` 7
`counsel for Mr. Bychak to enter their appearance.
` 8
`MS. MUNK: Good afternoon, Your Honor. Jessica Munk
` 9
`on behalf of Jacob Bychak, who is present on the phone.
`THE COURT: Good afternoon, Ms. Munk.
`And good afternoon, Mr. Bychak.
`DEFENDANT BYCHAK: Good afternoon.
`MR. JONES: Good afternoon, Your Honor. Randy Jones
`on behalf of Mark Manoogian, who is also on the phone.
`THE COURT: Good afternoon, Mr. Jones and
`Mr. Manoogian.
`And then, on behalf of Mr. Qayyum?
`MR. RIDDET: Good afternoon, Your Honor. James
`Riddet for Mr. Qayyum. He is on the line with us.
`THE COURT: Good afternoon.
`And as to Mr. Pacas?
`MR. LINCENBERG: Thank you, Your Honor. Gary
`Lincenberg for Mr. Pacas, who is on the line.
`THE COURT: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
`We have set this status hearing to see if we can arrive at
`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 240-2 Filed 06/11/21 PageID.2472 Page 5 of 22
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`a trial date. We last held a hearing on December 17th, when
` 2
`the Court first broached the subject of a trial date. Because
` 3
`of the number of attorneys involved in this litigation, counsel
` 4
`asked for an opportunity to go over their schedules and offer
` 5
`some dates in the fall, late 2021.
` 6
`Let me inquire at this time, the parties had that
` 7
`opportunity and, having done so, are there dates that you would
` 8
`propose? Ms. Munk?
` 9
`MS. PIERSON: Melanie Pierson here, appearing on
`behalf of the United States, along with a Sabrina Feve and
`Ashley Goff.
`MS. PIERSON: The parties did meet and confer on
`this. The defense advised us that the convenient date that
`they would agree upon would be a date in May of 2022, which was
`a date that the government felt was too far. So the parties
`were unable to reach an agreement as to a convenient date.
`The government would prefer to go forward in the fall of
`this year, or as soon as the Court could, you know, get us a
`time in the courtroom with a jury.
`THE COURT: All right. Well, kicking out to 2022
`would make it easier for the Court to work its way out of the
`backlog of trials that it will be facing. We still have about
`three or four months, I would think, where we would be limited
`to one trial per month, and we will be adding to the number of
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` 5
` 1
`cases that will be backlogged. So I would be inclined to set
` 2
`the case no earlier than the end of this year.
` 3
`But let me inquire as to defense counsels' reasoning for
` 4
`requesting a May 2022 trial date. Who would like to address
` 5
` 6
`MR. LINCENBERG: Your Honor, this is Gary Lincenberg.
` 7
`I will take a stab at it.
` 8
` 9
`THE COURT: All right.
`MR. LINCENBERG: As the Court can imagine, given its
`own calendar issues and all of the mess generated from COVID,
`all of our trials that were set to go in 2020 have gotten
`pushed, and so there's just a logjam of activity, without going
`through every trial date of all of the current counsel.
`I will give the Court one example. Mr. Riddet's firm and
`my firm have what is expected to be close to a three-month
`trial in Arizona, a criminal case, that was supposed to start
`in this past summer -- actually, earlier -- then got kicked,
`then got kicked. Now it is in April; looks like it is going to
`get kicked again. It is an older case than this one. There
`are six defendants, numerous agents and witnesses and so forth.
`And the hope is that we can get that in in the fall of 2021,
`which would heat everything up.
`Without taking up the time to talk about all of the other
`matters that have likewise been kicked, it is -- and then when
`we start looking at early 2022, Ms. Munk's firm has a trial
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` 1
`that is expected to be a lengthy healthcare fraud trial, which
` 2
`is already scheduled for February of 2022.
` 3
`So our thinking was let's at least set a date, and if we
` 4
`have a date in the calendar in May of 2022, at least then, when
` 5
`other judges say, "I have to kick your case," we can tell the
` 6
`judge, "No, May of 2022 doesn't work. We have a trial before
` 7
`Judge Curiel." And at least we will have that date in the
` 8
`books and can make other things have to work around that.
` 9
`THE COURT: So, let me ask, at this moment, what is
`the starting dates for the trials that you are referencing?
`This Arizona case is going to be in the fall of this year, did
`you say?
`MR. LINCENBERG: No. So, I will give the Court an
`example of my calendar. I have, first, a state court but a
`preference case due to the age of my clients that was supposed
`to start in March. It keeps getting kicked off every two
`months. It just got kicked off to late February, and we know
`it's going to get kicked again.
`I now have two federal trials both set in April at the
`same time because judges have just been kicking it without
`asking anybody's schedules, and I understand that because it's
`unclear how real those dates are.
`But one is before Judge Hatter, in which other counsel on
`this call are also involved, and that is set now for April. It
`is a three-defendant case.
`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 240-2 Filed 06/11/21 PageID.2475 Page 8 of 22
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`The one in Arizona is a six-defendant case currently set
` 2
`in April. And there's now a continuance motion, which -- the
` 3
`Court hasn't granted it yet, but I think the Court is going to
` 4
`have to because of COVID reasons. And we are looking to start
` 5
`it in September, and it is a three-month trial.
` 6
`I have some other dates on my calendar that I would
` 7
`suggest that are either looser, or civil.
` 8
`Mr. Wiechert's firm, Ms. Munk's firm, informed me they
` 9
`have a March 2021 RIPA case (phonetic); they have a May 2021
`federal murder case before Judge Carter, in Orange County; they
`have a February 2022 healthcare fraud trial.
`My partner, Ms. Rim, has a three-week trial set in August.
`I know some of Mr. Riddet and Mr. Bienert's calendar, but
`Mr. Riddet can speak to it if the Court needs further details.
`And I believe Mr. Jones indicated that, from a trial
`perspective, his calendar is largely clear.
`So, looking at this, this is what led us to propose
`May 2022 because any earlier date, I am just not sure it is
`going to be a real date because of all of the other traffic jam
`of trials.
`THE COURT: Well, it sounds like the fall wouldn't be
`practicable. It wouldn't be likely that we would be able to
`get this case tried in the fall.
`But let me ask, why wouldn't we be able to try it next
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`MR. LINCENBERG: Well, next February works for me,
` 2
`but Ms. Munk and Mr. Wiechert say they have a healthcare fraud
` 3
`trial set in February of 2022.
` 4
` 5
`I know of another light -- go ahead.
`THE COURT: That's a case where the trial date has
` 6
`been scheduled; is that right?
` 7
` 8
` 9
`MS. MUNK: Yes, Your Honor. Hi, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Hi, Ms. Munk.
`MS. MUNK: Good afternoon, Your Honor. Sorry. I
`don't want to interrupt. It is so hard on the phone.
`That has been continued. It is before Judge Walter, in
`the Central District, in L.A., and it has been set for
`February 15, 2022. That is expected to go to trial.
`THE COURT: When was it set for trial?
`MS. MUNK: I want to say it was set -- there was a
`stipulation, and I actually wasn't involved in that, but I
`believe the stipulation got filed over a month ago or a month
`or two ago. It's been set for a little bit.
`THE COURT: How long is that case supposed to take?
`MS. MUNK: It is estimated for at least a month. I
`actually think it will be a little longer than that.
`THE COURT: Okay. I think somebody wanted to be
`heard with respect to where we stand, and I stopped them in
`their tracks. Did someone want to provide their observations?
`MR. JONES: Yes, Your Honor. This is Randy Jones.
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`Reaching out to the government, the government indicated
` 2
`their case in chief is expected to last 10 to 12, 10 to 15
` 3
` 4
` 5
` 6
`THE COURT: Is that right, Ms. Pierson?
`MS. PIERSON: That is correct.
`And the government has a very serious speedy trial
` 7
`consideration here. I cited to defense counsel the case of
` 8
`United States v. Lloyd, 125 F.3d. 1263, where the Court held
` 9
`that there was a speedy trial violation because the Court put
`off trial for 112 days. And the Court's opinion basically says
`that the Court can't credit vague statements by a party's
`lawyers about special scheduling conflicts or, you know, that
`there must be an inquiry to determine whether the parties
`really need a continuance, how long a delay, and what
`adjustments can be made with respect to the trial calendars or
`other plans of counsel.
`The government really wants to get to trial sooner rather
`than later. This case has been pending in this court for over
`two years and was under investigation five years before that.
`The facts of this case are old. The witnesses' memories are
`dimming. It is important for the United States to get this
`case to trial sooner rather than later.
`While everyone gave their trial dates, I wrote them down,
`and there are trial dates in March and February. There are
`trial dates in April. And that's all that is for sure. There
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`are no other trial dates set. There was a trial date noted in
` 2
`August, but there was nothing noted in the fall. No one said
` 3
`that they have a trial now scheduled for October, November, or
` 4
`December, or September --
` 5
` 6
`THE COURT: I thought --
`MS. PIERSON: -- so it would seem that that range
` 7
`appears to be wide open for this trial.
` 8
`The government believes that our case in chief could be
` 9
`presented in 10 to 15 days, assuming -- and that estimate
`assumes cross-examination that is about the same length as the
`direct examination. Given that, that would be our estimate of
`our case in chief, and we would like to move forward sooner
`than later.
`THE COURT: So, let me inquire of defense counsel, is
`that true; currently, there are no trial dates scheduled for
`counsel in the months of October, November, and December?
`MR. LINCENBERG: Your Honor, on behalf of my firm --
`this is Mr. Lincenberg -- what I indicated to the Court was
`there was no trial date set, but there is a motion to continue
`the Arizona case to September. And as the Court knows,
`Arizona, like California, is a red-hot state with COVID right
`now, very restricted. And this is a six-defendant case that is
`a bit of a logistical nightmare during COVID because, you know,
`you are talking about 20 lawyers in the courtroom and lots of
`jurors and so forth.
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`And so the date that was agreed upon by the parties, if
` 2
`the Court grants the motion -- it has not yet been granted --
` 3
`is for it to begin in September, and it would then last for
` 4
`about three months.
` 5
` 6
`MS. MUNK: And, Your Honor, this is Jessica --
`MR. LINCENBERG: Excuse me, Ms. Munk; I was just
` 7
`going to finish up and say that trial is one in which
` 8
`Mr. Bienert and Ms. Bernstein will be lead trial counsel for
` 9
`defendant number one out of six defendants, and I am lead
`counsel for defendant number three in that case.
`THE COURT: And did I hear Ms. Munk? Were you going
`to say something? Or Ms. Rim?
`MS. MUNK: Sorry, Your Honor. I just wanted to weigh
`in that Mr. Wiechert -- I possibly will be helping him with
`this, but he has an in-custody first degree murder case that is
`currently set for Judge Carter in the Central District. It is
`set for May, but given, again, because of COVID and stuff, I
`think he is expecting that that is going to get continued to
`the fall. It hasn't yet, but I just want to note that it is an
`in-custody first degree murder case.
`THE COURT: All right. Well, at this point, there
`are certainly lots of moving parts, and it is a dynamic
`situation, given COVID. And due to this wretched state of
`affairs that we find ourselves in, I expect that these types of
`hearings will be held throughout the land, and there are going
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` 1
`to be attorneys saying, "Well, Judge Curiel said this," or
` 2
`"Judge Carter said this." And at this point, as a starting
` 3
`point, we have to look at what has been scheduled.
` 4
`So, to the extent that something has been scheduled, then
` 5
`I am not going to place a burden on counsel and double set.
` 6
`But to the extent that what we are talking about is the
` 7
`possibility of scheduling trials nine, ten months from now, it
` 8
`doesn't seem logical, rational, to operate in that manner. And
` 9
`at this point, I would be prepared to set the matter for trial
`in October so that we can have this out of the way. Because I
`expect that it is not going to get any easier to schedule
`cases, and as such, to the extent that the Court now sets this
`case for trial -- and I will certainly be pushing the
`government to put on its case in chief in far less than 15
`days, and the question is whether or not 10 days is even
`necessary -- but I certainly will push to have this case tried
`within two or three weeks. And then, with that, the parties
`can, hopefully, set their cases for trial in late November,
`December, January, and not worry about our case. But it just
`doesn't seem wise to think about all the if's and possibilities
`as far as rescheduling of cases.
`To the extent at this time that there is not any dates
`that have been set in October, November, December, I am just
`going to go ahead and make a decision to set this case for
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` 1
`MR. RIDDET: Your Honor, may I just -- if I may just
` 2
`briefly be heard, again. I hear where the Court is coming
` 3
`from. I think it makes sense in many ways to set a date in
` 4
`there. I am not sure what position that puts Mr. Bienert and
` 5
`Ms. Bernstein, as well as myself, in with regard to the matter
` 6
`in Arizona, where all of these different counsel got together
` 7
`to work out a date for this lengthy trial that keeps getting
` 8
`pushed along a bit.
` 9
`Do I now have to tell the Court and counsel in this case
`that, while we agreed to the September date as the first
`available date that would work for everybody, we now have
`another judge set another trial? Or should -- is it that the
`Court's -- is the Court okay if we just leave this case set for
`October, but, if the case in Arizona gets pushed to September,
`just to advise this Court of that and go back to the wheel?
`I am not sure what my obligations are to the other Court,
`and that's why, while I get it, why both the government and the
`Court wants to set it in October, we know right now that May is
`a clean date, and that's why we are arguing for May.
`THE COURT: When was this proposed motion to continue
`MR. RIDDET: I think the filing date was -- it was
`within January. It was within the last several weeks.
`THE COURT: And who is the presiding judge?
`MR. RIDDET: It is Judge Bernovich,
`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 240-2 Filed 06/11/21 PageID.2482 Page 15 of 22
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` 1
`B-E-R-N-O-V-I-C-H, in Phoenix. It is a fairly high-profile
` 2
`case. It is called, colloquially, The Back Page Case.
` 3
`THE COURT: And are the defendants in custody or are
` 4
`they out on bail?
` 5
` 6
` 7
`MR. RIDDET: The defendants are on bail.
`THE COURT: What date was the case filed?
`MR. RIDDET: I believe 2018. I don't have the date
` 8
`in front of me. I believe it was in 2018. And we are on about
` 9
`our fourth trial date right now, fourth or fifth trial date,
`the last several being pushed because of COVID.
`MS. RIM: This is Naeun Rim.
`It was April 2018, so about five months before this case.
`Maybe seven, actually.
`THE COURT: So, let me ask, to the extent that it was
`granted and it would start in September, it is expected it
`would finish by December?
`THE COURT: And then, with respect to January, did
`somebody comment that they have a case starting in January?
`MR. RIDDET: I believe Ms. Munk said they have a case
`in February.
`MS. MUNK: Yes, that's correct.
`THE COURT: Is there any reason why we wouldn't be
`able to try the case in January?
`MS. MUNK: Well, Your Honor, I would imagine we will
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` 1
`be doing prep for this other trial.
` 2
`I know the government talked about or Your Honor talked
` 3
`about the government's case finishing within two to three
` 4
`weeks. We expect that we will probably have some time as well
` 5
`for a defense case. We don't completely know what that is, but
` 6
`I think also factoring in time for that would be reasonable.
` 7
`So this might end up being a three- to four-week trial.
` 8
`THE COURT: So, going back to January of 2022, what
` 9
`would the problem be with a trial set in January? It would be
`that you wouldn't be able to prepare for a February case?
`MS. MUNK: Yes, Your Honor.
`But, also, that I am not sure that the trial would
`conclude in time for the February case, as well.
`THE COURT: And keeping in mind that it's going to be
`impossible to just seamlessly, precisely end up being able to
`give everybody the time frames for how long the trials are
`going to last. We are all going to have to be somewhat
`flexible, even this Court, because of the number of attorneys
`that are involved in this litigation. So it is impossible to
`foretell exactly when these cases are going to begin or
`All we can do is the best we can to set trial dates that
`look -- if not plausible, look like they would be reasonable in
`terms of being able to start, and with all the attorneys, with
`adequate time to prepare.
`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 240-2 Filed 06/11/21 PageID.2484 Page 17 of 22
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` 1
`At this juncture, given that this motion to continue has
` 2
`been pending for two weeks, and there's been no action on the
` 3
`motion, I am prepared to set the matter in October.
` 4
`Nature abhors a vacuum, and at this point, the hole in the
` 5
`October trial schedule is going to be filled. So I am prepared
` 6
`to set it for October 4th.
` 7
` 8
` 9
`MR. JONES: Your Honor, can I say something first?
`THE COURT: Yes, sir.
`MR. JONES: In light of all the uncertainties, we
`are, as Mr. Lincenberg said, are clear we can set May 2022, and
`everybody set -- you've got four defendants. None are in
`custody. The case, as government counsel said, has been two
`years, so a difference of three or four months is not going to
`make a difference in this type of case, if we set it in
`May 2022.
`THE COURT: Well, I don't know if I agree with that
`because it looks like everyone is free in October, November,
`December, unless this case is continued until September; and,
`if it is continued to September, if it actually goes forward,
`which we don't know the answer to that.
`So it seems to me, the longer we put this off, the more we
`will encounter situations where one of the defense attorneys
`reports that they have a client who is in custody, who is
`awaiting trial, and whose trial has now been scheduled in May
`or April, or in June, because it started in April and it is not
`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 240-2 Filed 06/11/21 PageID.2485 Page 18 of 22
` 17
` 1
`clear if they will have enough time to prepare for the May
` 2
`trial; or, to the extent we have a May trial, they won't have
` 3
`enough time to start their June trial.
` 4
`So, there's all these different variations in themes that
` 5
`will potentially impact any trial date that we give in the next
` 6
`year while we try to return to some sense of normalcy.
` 7
`So, rather than October, I will set the matter for
` 8
`December, December 6th. And then we will go as close to
` 9
`Christmas as we can, and then, if necessary, we will go up to
`Christmas. In order to avoid a situation where we are not done
`by Christmas, let's start by November 30. And then we will
`have motions in limine on November 18, at 2:00 p.m.
`With respect to Jencks and Giglio, what is the
`government's proposal with respect to turning over that
`information, if they haven't already? Ms. Pierson?
`MS. PIERSON: Sorry. I was on mute, and I was
`talking away.
`We will turn it over a month before trial.
`THE COURT: So, that will be October 29th. The 30th
`is a Saturday. So I will direct that it be produced on the
`THE COURT: And then motions in limine will be due on
`November 4, with responses on November 11.
`And is there anything else to address at this moment?
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` 1
`MS. PIERSON: I would ask the Court to order
` 2
`reciprocal discovery, please.
` 3
`THE COURT: What is the position of the defense? Do
` 4
`you propose to provide it a month before trial as well?
` 5
` 6
`MR. LINCENBERG: Your Honor, this is Gary Lincenberg.
`It's hard to look down the counsel table and see who wants
` 7
`to jump up to speak first.
` 8
`But that's fine, to the extent that we have reciprocal
` 9
`discovery. That's fine. That date is fine.
`THE COURT: So, that will be the order.
`And then I expect that any number of things may happen
`between now and October, and I expect that I will likely hear
`from them after counsel have had an opportunity to meet and
`So, that being the case, at this moment, let me advise the
`defendants, Mr. Bychak, Mr. Manoogian, Mr. Qayyum, Mr. Pacas,
`that you are to appear here in court on November 18th, at
`2:00 p.m., for motions in limine; and then November 30th, at
`8:30 a.m. for trial.
`Do you understand, Mr. Bychak?
`DEFENDANT BYCHAK: Yes, I understand, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: And Mr. Manoogian?
`THE COURT: Mr. Qayyum?
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` 1
` 2
` 3
`THE COURT: And Mr. Pacas?
`DEFENDANT PACAS: Yes, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: And let me inquire that the parties agree
` 4
`to proceed in this manner; that is, telephonically versus
` 5
`in-person, given the COVID pandemic and the standing emergency
` 6
`order which prevents, prohibits any in-court proceedings? Do
` 7
`you all waive your constitutional right to be present in court
` 8
`for this hearing today?
` 9
`Mr. Bychak?
`DEFENDANT BYCHAK: Yes, I do, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Mr. Manoogian?
`THE COURT: Mr. Qayyum? Mr. Qayyum? Did we lose
`Mr. Qayyum?
`MR. RIDDET: I am sorry, Your Honor. I don't hear
`him answering up when you are asking the question. I can
`answer for him, if we have lost the connection with him.
`MR. RIDDET: There he is.
`THE COURT: Do you waive your appearance here in
`court, given the pandemic, sir?
`DEFENDANT QAYYUM: Yes, sir. Yes, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: And Mr. Pacas?
`DEFENDANT PACAS: Yes, Your Honor. Just for today,
`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 240-2 Filed 06/11/21 PageID.2488 Page 21 of 22
` 20
` 1
` 2
` 3
`THE COURT: Yes. Just for today.
`DEFENDANT PACAS: Yes, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: And then the Court will find excludable
` 4
`time between now and October -- I am sorry -- November 18th,
` 5
`given the current state of affairs relating to the COVID-19
` 6
`pandemic, the judicial emergency that has been declared on
` 7
`numerous occasions since last March by Chief Judge Larry Alan
` 8
`Burns, the backlog in cases which has prevented the Court from
` 9
`setting a trial earlier than November 18; the mere fact that we
`spent 35 minutes attempting to balance the respective
`obligations that the attorneys have to arrive at a trial date,
`given the backlog not only in this court but in courts
`throughout the country. So that will be under
`Is there anything else to address at this time from the
`defense side?
`MR. LINCENBERG: This is Mr. Lincenberg.
`No, Your Honor. And thank you for your patience in
`working through this.
`MR. JONES: No, Your Honor, on behalf of
`Mr. Manoogian.
`THE COURT: Anything from the government's side?
`MS. PIERSON: Is the Court specifically finding the
`granting of this continuance outweighs the interest of the
`public and defendants to a speedy trial?
`Case 3:18-cr-04683-GPC Document 240-2 Filed 06/11/21 PageID.2489 Page 22 of 22
` 21
`THE COURT: I do make that specific finding.
`That concludes this proceeding. Take care and stay safe.
`ALL: Thank you, Your Honor.
`(End of proceedings at 2:34 p.m.)
` C-E-R-T-I-F-I-C-A-T-I-O-N
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`I hereby certify that I am a duly appointed,
` 9
`qualified and acting official Court Reporter for the United
`States District Court; that the foregoing is a true and correct
`transcript of the proceedings had in the aforementioned cause;
`that said transcript is a true and correct transcription of my
`stenographic notes; and that the format used herein complies
`with rules and requirements of the United States Judicial
`DATED: June 7, 2021, at San Diego, California.
` /s/ Chari L. Bowery
` _______________________________
` Chari L. Bowery
` CSR No. 9944, RPR, CRR

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