Case 3:17-cv-00183-CAB-BGS Document 849-15 Filed 01/06/21 PageID.40477 Page 1 of


`Case 3:17-cv-00183-CAB-BGS Document 849-15 Filed 01/06/21 PageID.40478 Page 2 of
`Juanita Brooks (SBN 75934)
`Roger A. Denning (SBN 228998)
`Jason W. Wolff (SBN 215819)
`Michael A. Amon (SBN 226221)
`12860 El Camino Real, Suite 400
`San Diego, CA 92130
`Tel: (858) 678-5070 / Fax: (858) 678-5099
`Lawrence Jarvis (pro hac vice)
`1180 Peachtree St., NE
`21st Floor
`Atlanta, GA 30309
`Tel: (404) 891-5005 / Fax: (404) 892-5002
`Attorneys for Plaintiff Finjan, Inc.
`Case No. 17-cv-0183 CAB (BGS)
` Plaintiff,
` Defendants.
`(NOS 222-236)
`District Judge: Hon. Cathy Ann
`Magistrate Judge: Hon. Bernard G.
`Case No. 17-cv-0183 CAB (BGS)


`Case 3:17-cv-00183-CAB-BGS Document 849-15 Filed 01/06/21 PageID.40479 Page 3 of
`Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 34, Plaintiff Finjan LLC (formerly Finjan, Inc.)
`(“Plaintiff” or “Finjan”) hereby provides these objections and responses to
`Defendants ESET, LLC’s and ESET SPOL. S.R.O. (together, “ESET” or
`“Defendants”) Seventh Set of Requests for Production (“Requests”). Finjan makes
`these objections and responses herein (collectively, “Responses”) based solely on its
`current knowledge, understanding, and belief as to the facts and information
`reasonably available to it as of the date of the Responses.
`Finjan’s response that it will produce documents means that Finjan will
`produce relevant, responsive, and non-privileged documents located after a
`reasonable search of documents in its custody and control, to the extent such
`documents exist. Finjan’s response that it will produce documents does not mean that
`any responsive documents actually exist; only that Finjan has made, and will continue
`to make, a reasonable, good faith effort to locate responsive documents.
`Additional discovery and investigation may lead to additions to, changes in, or
`modifications of these Responses. The Responses, therefore, are given without
`prejudice to Finjan’s right to supplement these Responses pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P.
`26(e), or to provide subsequently discovered information and to introduce such
`subsequently discovered information at the time of any trial or proceeding in this
`Finjan hereby incorporates by reference each and every general objection
`set forth below into each and every specific Response. From time to time, a specific
`Response may repeat a general objection for emphasis or for some other reason. The
`failure to include a general objection in a specific Response shall not be interpreted
`as a waiver of that general objection to that Response.
`Finjan objects to each and every Request, Definition, and Instruction to
`the extent that they are vague, ambiguous, unintelligible, or compound.
`Finjan objects to each and every Request, Definition, and Instruction to
`Case No. 17-cv-0183 CAB (BGS)


`Case 3:17-cv-00183-CAB-BGS Document 849-15 Filed 01/06/21 PageID.40480 Page 4 of
`the extent that they are overly broad, unduly burdensome, seek information not
`relevant to the claim or defense of any party, and/or are not proportional to the needs
`of this case.
`Finjan objects to each and every Request, Definition and Instruction to
`the extent they are overly broad because they are not properly limited in time.
`Finjan objects to each and every Request, Definition, and Instruction to
`the extent that they are unduly burdensome and oppressive, to the extent they subject
`Finjan to unreasonable and undue effort or expense.
`Finjan objects to each and every Request, Definition, and Instruction to
`the extent that they seek information beyond Finjan’s actual possession, knowledge,
`custody, or control.
`Finjan objects to each and every Request, Definition, and Instruction to
`the extent they are unreasonably cumulative or duplicative.
`Finjan objects to each and every Request, Definition, and Instruction to
`the extent they seek information that is obtainable from some other source that is more
`convenient, less burdensome, or less expensive.
`Finjan objects to each and every Request, Definition, and Instruction to
`the extent that they seek information within Defendants’ possession, knowledge
`custody or control.
`10. Finjan objects to each and every Request, Definition, and Instruction to
`the extent they seek information in the public domain, information equally available
`to Defendants from another source, and/or information that can be obtained more
`efficiently by Defendants through other means of discovery. Defendants can ascertain
`such information from its own records or from other sources at least as readily as
`11. Finjan objects to each and every Request, Definition, and Instruction to
`the extent that they seek confidential, business, financial, proprietary or sensitive
`information, or trade secrets of third parties, which may be subject to pre-existing
`Case No. 17-cv-0183 CAB (BGS)


`Case 3:17-cv-00183-CAB-BGS Document 849-15 Filed 01/06/21 PageID.40481 Page 5 of
`protective order(s) and/or confidentiality agreements or in which any third party has
`an expectation of privacy. Such information shall not be provided absent an express
`order to the contrary from a court of competent jurisdiction, or an authorization from
`the third party having the interest in the information’s confidentiality.
`12. Finjan objects to each and every Request, Definition, and Instruction to
`the extent they seek information protected by the attorney-client privilege, the work
`product doctrine, or any other applicable law, privilege, doctrine or immunity. Finjan
`will not disclose any information so protected, and the inadvertent disclosure or
`identification of any such information is not intended as, and will not constitute, a
`waiver of such privilege, doctrine, or immunity.
`13. Finjan objects to each and every Request, Definition, and Instruction to
`the extent they call for a legal conclusion. Finjan’s responses shall not be construed
`as providing legal conclusions concerning the meaning or application of any terms
`used in Defendants’ Requests.
`14. Finjan objects to each and every Request, Definition, and Instruction to
`the extent that they are premature and/or cumulative, as they seek documents that are
`set to be disclosed on scheduled dates directed by the Court or the Southern District
`of California Local Rules, including the Local Patent Rules.
`15. Finjan objects to each and every Request, Definition, and Instruction as
`premature to the extent they seek information that will be the subject of expert
`opinion, reports, and testimony.
`16. Finjan objects to each and every Request, Definition, and Instruction to
`the extent that they impose obligations inconsistent with the ESI order, protective
`order or any other stipulation or order entered in this case.
`17. Finjan objects to each and every Request, Definition, and Instruction to
`the extent they assume or mischaracterize any facts. Finjan’s responses shall not be
`construed as agreeing to any facts or characterizations contained in Defendants’
`Case No. 17-cv-0183 CAB (BGS)


`Case 3:17-cv-00183-CAB-BGS Document 849-15 Filed 01/06/21 PageID.40482 Page 6 of
`18. Finjan objects to each and every Request, Definition, and Instruction to
`the extent that they purport to impose any requirement or discovery obligation greater
`than or different from those imposed by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the
`Local Rules of this Court, or orders of the Court governing these proceedings.
`19. Finjan objects to each and every Request, Definition, and Instruction to
`the extent that they are unduly burdensome and oppressive on the grounds that they
`purport to require Finjan to search its facilities and inquire of its employees other than
`those facilities and employees that would reasonably be expected to have responsive
`information. Finjan’s Responses and productions are based upon: (1) a search of
`facilities and files that could reasonably be expected to contain responsive information
`and (2) inquiries of Finjan’s employees and/or representatives who could reasonably
`be expected to possess responsive information and/or know where responsive
`information might be maintained.
`20. Finjan’s written responses and production of documents are not intended
`to waive, and do not constitute waiver of, any objection that Finjan may have to the
`admissibility, authenticity, competency, relevance, or materiality of any documents
`produced or referred to in response to a Request. For any and all written responses
`and production of documents, Finjan reserves all objections or other questions
`regarding the admissibility, authenticity, competency, relevance, or materiality of any
`documents produced or referred to in response to a Request, as evidence in this
`Litigation or any other proceeding, action, or trial.
`21. Finjan’s written responses and production of documents, if any, are
`based upon information and writings available to and located by its attorneys as of
`service of these Responses. Finjan has not completed its investigation of the facts
`relating to this case, has not completed discovery in this action, and has not completed
`preparation for trial. All the information supplied and documents and things produced
`are based only on such information and documents that are reasonably available and
`specifically known to Finjan and its attorneys as of the date of service of these
`Case No. 17-cv-0183 CAB (BGS)


`Case 3:17-cv-00183-CAB-BGS Document 849-15 Filed 01/06/21 PageID.40483 Page 7 of
`Responses. Therefore, Finjan’s written responses and production of documents are
`without prejudice to its right to supplement and/or amend its written objections and
`responses, and production of documents, and to present at trial or other proceeding
`evidence discovered hereafter.
`In addition to the objections set forth below, Finjan hereby specifically
`incorporates each and every general objection set forth above in its objections to
`Defendants’ Definitions and Instructions.
`Finjan objects to Defendants’ Definitions of the terms “Plaintiff,”
`“Finjan Inc.,” “Finjan,” “You,” and “Your,” and to each Request that incorporates
`any of these terms, to the extent they are overly broad and unduly burdensome and
`seek information that is not relevant and/or not proportional to the needs of the case.
`Finjan objects to these Definitions to the extent they are overbroad and seek
`information that exceeds the requirements of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
`Finjan objects to these Definitions, and to each Request that incorporates any of these
`terms, to the extent they require beyond a reasonable search within Finjan’s
`possession, custody and control. Finjan further objects to these Definitions, and to
`each Request that incorporates any of these terms, to the extent that they call for a
`legal conclusion or seek documents or information protected from discovery by the
`attorney-client privilege, the work product doctrine, or any other applicable law,
`privilege, doctrine or immunity. Finjan further objects to these Definitions, and to
`each Request that incorporates any of these terms, to the extent they include entities
`and persons over whom Finjan has no control. Finjan will limit the scope of this term
`to Finjan, Inc.1
`Finjan objects to Defendants’ Definitions of the terms “Finjan Holdings”
`and “Finjan Mobile” and to each Request that incorporates any of these terms, to the
` 1
` Finjan, Inc. was converted to a limited liability company, and thus, Finjan interprets Finjan, Inc. to include the
`converted entity, Finjan LLC.
`Case No. 17-cv-0183 CAB (BGS)


`Case 3:17-cv-00183-CAB-BGS Document 849-15 Filed 01/06/21 PageID.40484 Page 8 of
`extent they are overly broad and unduly burdensome and seek information that is not
`relevant and/or not proportional to the needs of the case. Finjan objects to these
`Definitions, and to each Request that incorporates any of these terms, to the extent
`they are overbroad and seek information that exceeds the requirements of the Federal
`Rules of Civil Procedure. Finjan objects to these Definitions, and to each Request that
`incorporates any of these terms, to the extent they require beyond a reasonable search
`within Finjan’s possession, custody and control. Finjan further objects to these
`Definitions, and to each Request that incorporates any of these terms, to the extent
`that they call for a legal conclusion or seek documents or information protected from
`discovery by the attorney-client privilege, the work product doctrine, or any other
`applicable law, privilege, doctrine or immunity. Finjan further objects to these
`Definitions, and to each Request that incorporates any of these terms, to the extent
`they include entities and persons over whom Finjan has no control.
`Finjan objects to Defendants’ Definitions of the terms “Related
`Application(s)” and “Related Patent(s)” and to each Request that incorporates this
`term, to the extent it is overbroad, unduly burdensome, and seek information that is
`not relevant and/or not proportional to the needs of the case. Finjan objects to these
`Definitions, and to each Request that incorporates any of these terms, to the extent it
`is overbroad and seeks information that exceeds the scope of relevance to the Patents-
`in-Suit. Finjan objects to these Definitions, and to each Request that incorporates any
`of these terms, to the extent it requires beyond a reasonable search within Finjan’s
`possession, custody and control. Finjan will interpret “Related Patent(s)” as used
`herein as patent(s) that claim priority to the Patents-in-Suit or patents in the priority
`chain of the Patents-in-Suit. Finjan will interpret “Related Application(s)” as used
`herein as applications resulting in patent(s) that claim priority to the Patents-in-Suit
`or patents in the priority chain of the Patents-in-Suit and as further defined in the
`August 25, 2017 email from C. Martinez to J. Grey, et. al.
`Case No. 17-cv-0183 CAB (BGS)


`Case 3:17-cv-00183-CAB-BGS Document 849-15 Filed 01/06/21 PageID.40485 Page 9 of
`Finjan objects to Defendants’ Definition of “Asserted Claim(s),” and to
`each Request that incorporates this term, to the extent it includes claims beyond those
`that Finjan is actually asserting in this action.
`Finjan objects to Defendants’ Definitions of “Accused Instrumentality,”
`“Accused Instrumentalities,” “Accused Product,” or “Accused Products,” and to each
`Request that incorporates any of these terms, to the extent they include
`instrumentalities beyond those that Finjan accuses of infringement in this action.
`Finjan objects to Defendants’ Definition of “Finjan, Inc. Product,” and
`to each Request that incorporates this term, to the extent it is overly broad and unduly
`burdensome and seeks information that is not relevant and/or not proportional to the
`needs of the case. Finjan objects to this Definition, and to each Request that
`incorporates this term, to the extent it is overbroad and seeks information that exceeds
`the requirements of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Finjan further objects to this
`Definition, and to each Request that incorporates this term, to the extent that it calls
`for a legal conclusion or seek documents or information protected from discovery by
`the attorney-client privilege, the work product doctrine, or any other applicable law,
`privilege, doctrine or immunity.
`Finjan objects to Defendants’ Definition of “Finjan Product,” and to each
`Request that incorporates any of these terms, to the extent it is overly broad and
`unduly burdensome and seeks information that is not relevant and/or not proportional
`to the needs of the case. Finjan objects to this Definition, and to each Request that
`incorporates this term, to the extent it is overbroad and seeks information that exceeds
`the requirements of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Finjan objects to this
`Definition, and to each Request that incorporates this term, to the extent it requires
`beyond a reasonable search within Finjan’s possession, custody and control. Finjan
`further objects to this Definition, and to each Request that incorporates this term, to
`the extent that it calls for a legal conclusion or seeks documents or information
`protected from discovery by the attorney-client privilege, the work product doctrine,
`Case No. 17-cv-0183 CAB (BGS)


`Case 3:17-cv-00183-CAB-BGS Document 849-15 Filed 01/06/21 PageID.40486 Page 10 of
`or any other applicable law, privilege, doctrine or immunity. Finjan further objects to
`this Definition, and to each Request that incorporates this term, to the extent it
`includes entities and persons over whom Finjan has no control.
`to Defendants’ Definitions
`“Communication(s),” “Document(s),” and “Thing(s),” and to each Request that
`incorporates any of these terms, to the extent they are overbroad and seek to impose
`obligations greater or different than those imposed by the Federal Rules of Civil
`Procedure and/or the Federal Rules of Evidence. Finjan further objects to these
`Definitions, and to each Request that incorporates any of these terms, to the extent
`that they call for the production of information inconsistent with the ESI order or
`protective order entered in this action. Finjan further objects to these Definitions, and
`to each Request that incorporates any of these terms, to the extent they use terms that
`are vague, ambiguous and unintelligible. Finjan further objects to these Definitions,
`and to each Request that incorporates any of these terms, to the extent they are
`overbroad, unduly burdensome, and seek information that is not relevant and/or not
`proportional to the needs of the case. Finjan further objects to these Definitions, and
`to each Request that incorporates any of these terms, to the extent they require more
`than a reasonable search within Finjan’s possession, custody and control.
`10. Finjan objects to “Person(s),” “People,” “Entity,” or “Entities” and to
`each Request that incorporates any of these terms, to the extent they are overly broad
`and unduly burdensome and seek information that is not relevant and/or not
`proportional to the needs of the case. Finjan objects to these Definitions, and to each
`Request that incorporates any of these terms, to the extent they are overbroad and seek
`information that exceeds the requirements of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
`Finjan further objects to these Definitions, and to each Request that incorporates any
`of these terms, to the extent that they call for a legal conclusion.
`11. Finjan objects to “Prior Art” and to each Request that incorporates this
`term to the extent it is vague, ambiguous, unintelligible and/or calls for a legal
`Case No. 17-cv-0183 CAB (BGS)


`Case 3:17-cv-00183-CAB-BGS Document 849-15 Filed 01/06/21 PageID.40487 Page 11 of
`conclusion, and to the extent that it is broader than the meaning of prior art pursuant
`to 35 U.S.C. §101 et seq. and related case law.
`12. Finjan objects to Defendants’ Definitions of the terms “relate to,”
`“relating to,” “refer to,” “referring to,” “concern,” and “concerning,” and to each
`Request that incorporates these terms, to the extent it is overbroad, unduly
`burdensome, and seeks information that is not relevant and/or not proportional to the
`needs of the case. Finjan objects to these Definitions, and to each Request that
`incorporates any of these terms, to the extent they are overbroad and seek information
`that exceeds the requirements of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
`13. Finjan objects to Defendants’ Definition of the terms “any,” “each,” “all”
`and “each and every” and to each Request that incorporates these terms, to the extent
`they are overly broad, unduly burdensome, and seek information that is not relevant
`and/or not proportional to the needs of the case.
`14. Finjan objects to each of Defendants’ Definition of “Identify” and
`“Identifying” and Instruction Nos. 1–15 to the extent that they seek to impose any
`requirement or obligation greater or different than those imposed by the Federal Rules
`of Civil Procedure, the Local Rules of this Court, and/or orders of the Court governing
`these proceedings. Finjan further objects to each of Defendants’ Definition of
`“Identify” and “Identifying” and Instruction Nos. 1–15 to the extent that they are
`overbroad, unduly burdensome, and seek information that is not relevant and/or not
`proportional to the needs of the case. Finjan objects to each of Defendants’ Definition
`of “Identify” and “Identifying” and Instruction Nos. 1–15 to the extent that they are
`vague, ambiguous and/or unintelligible. Finjan further objects to each of Defendants’
`Definition of “Identify” and “Identifying” and Instruction Nos. 1–15 to the extent that
`they impose obligations inconsistent with the ESI order, protective order or any other
`stipulation or order entered in this case. Finjan further objects to Defendants’
`Definition of “Identify” and “Identifying” and Instruction Nos. 1–15 to the extent that
`they seek information protected by the attorney-client privilege, the work product
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`doctrine, or any other applicable law, privilege, doctrine or immunity.
`Subject to and without waiving any of the general objections and objections to
`definitions and instructions set forth above, each of which is specifically incorporated
`into the specific Responses contained below, Finjan responds to Defendants’
`Requests as follows:
`All Communications between Finjan, Inc. or Finjan Holdings, Inc. and Fortress
`Investment Group LLC regarding any valuation of the Patents-in-Suit or the Finjan
`patent portfolio as a whole.
`Finjan objects to this Request as seeking information protected from discovery
`by the attorney-client privilege, the work product immunity, the common-interest
`privilege, and/or any other applicable privilege or immunity. Finjan further objects to
`this Request’s use of the term “valuation” as vague and ambiguous. Finjan further
`incorporates its general objections to the terms “Finjan, Inc.” and “Finjan Holdings,
`Inc.” Finjan further objects to this Request to the extent it seeks documents and/or
`information not within Finjan, Inc.’s possession, custody, or control. Finjan objects
`to this Request as unduly burdensome because it seeks “All Communications.” Finjan
`further objects to this request as seeking information not relevant to any claims or
`defenses in this litigation, and for which the burden of production substantially
`outweighs the needs for that information to this case. Finjan objects to this request as
`seeking information unrelated to the ’305 patent, and therefore beyond the discovery
`authorized by the Court for this stage of the litigation.
`Subject to the foregoing general and specific objections, and to the extent that
`Finjan understands this Request, Finjan responds that it will not produce documents
`in response to this Request.
`Case No. 17-cv-0183 CAB (BGS)


`Case 3:17-cv-00183-CAB-BGS Document 849-15 Filed 01/06/21 PageID.40489 Page 13 of
`All Documents provided to Fortress Investment Group LLC prior to the
`acquisition of Finjan referring or relating to any of Patents-in-Suit.
`Finjan objects to this request as seeking information protected from discovery
`by the attorney-client privilege, the work product immunity, the common-interest
`privilege, and/or any other applicable privilege or immunity. Finjan objects to this
`Request as seeking information not relevant to any claims or defenses in this
`litigation. Finjan objects to this request as overbroad and unduly burdensome because
`it seeks production of “All Documents.” Finjan further objects to this request because
`the burden of production substantially outweighs any need related to the issues in this
`case. Finjan objects to this request as seeking information unrelated to the ’305 patent,
`and therefore beyond the discovery authorized by the Court for this stage of the
`litigation. Finjan further objects to this Request to the extent it seeks documents and/or
`information not within Finjan, Inc.’s possession, custody, or control. Finjan objects
`to the Request’s use of the phrase “prior to the acquisition” as vague and ambiguous.
`Finjan objects to this request as seeking documents that are publicly available and
`thus, equally available to ESET as to Finjan.
`Subject to the foregoing general and specific objections, and to the extent that
`Finjan understands this Request, Finjan responds that it will not produce documents
`in response to this Request.
`All Documents provided to Fortress Investment Group LLC prior to the
`acquisition of Finjan referring or relating to ESET.
`Finjan objects to this request as seeking information protected from discovery
`by the attorney-client privilege, the work product immunity, the common-interest
`privilege, and/or any other applicable privilege or immunity. Finjan objects to this
`Case No. 17-cv-0183 CAB (BGS)


`Case 3:17-cv-00183-CAB-BGS Document 849-15 Filed 01/06/21 PageID.40490 Page 14 of
`request as overbroad and unduly burdensome because it seeks production of “All
`Documents.” Finjan further objects to this request as seeking information not relevant
`to any claims or defenses in this litigation, and for which the burden of production
`substantially outweighs the needs for that information to this case. Finjan objects to
`this request as seeking information unrelated to the ’305 patent, and therefore beyond
`the discovery authorized by the Court for this stage of the litigation. Finjan further
`objects to this Request to the extent it seeks documents and/or information not within
`Finjan, Inc.’s possession, custody, or control. Finjan objects to the Request’s use of
`the phrase “prior to the acquisition” as vague and ambiguous.
`Subject to the foregoing general and specific objections, and to the extent that
`Finjan understands this Request, Finjan responds that it will not produce documents
`in response to this Request.
`All Documents provided to Fortress Investment Group LLC prior to the
`acquisition of Finjan referring or relating to substituting Kramer Levin as counsel of
`record in any Finjan Litigation, including this litigation.
`Finjan objects to this request as seeking information protected from discovery
`by the attorney-client privilege, the work product immunity, the common-interest
`privilege, and/or any other applicable privilege or immunity. Finjan objects to this
`Request as seeking information not relevant to any claims or defenses in this
`litigation. Finjan objects to this request as overbroad and unduly burdensome because
`it seeks production of “All Documents.” Finjan further objects to this request because
`the burden of production substantially outweighs any need related to the issues in this
`case. Finjan objects to this request as seeking information unrelated to the ’305 patent,
`and therefore beyond the discovery authorized by the Court for this stage of the
`litigation. Finjan further objects to this Request to the extent it seeks documents and/or
`information not within Finjan, Inc.’s possession, custody, or control. Finjan objects
`Case No. 17-cv-0183 CAB (BGS)


`Case 3:17-cv-00183-CAB-BGS Document 849-15 Filed 01/06/21 PageID.40491 Page 15 of
`to the Request’s use of the phrase “prior to the acquisition” as vague and ambiguous.
`Subject to the foregoing general and specific objections, and to the extent that
`Finjan understands this Request, Finjan responds that it will not produce documents
`in response to this Request.
`All Communications between Finjan, Inc. or Finjan Holdings, Inc. and Fortress
`Investment Group LLC regarding any valuation assigned to the Patents-in-Suit.
`Finjan objects to this Request as duplicative of Request No. 222 and
`incorporates its objections to that Request herein in its entirety. Finjan further objects
`that this request is seeking information protected from discovery by the attorney-client
`privilege, the work product immunity, the common-interest privilege, and/or any
`other applicable privilege or immunity. Finjan further objects to this Request’s use of
`the phrase “valuation assigned to the Patents-in-Suit” as vague and ambiguous. Finjan
`further incorporates its general objections to the term “Finjan Holdings, Inc.” Finjan
`further objects to this Request as seeking documents and/or information not within
`Finjan, Inc.’s possession,

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