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`Page 1
`3 4
`APPLIED MATERIALS, INC., ) Case IPR2021-00103
` ) U.S. Patent No.
`5 Petitioner, ) 7,544,276
` )
`6 vs. )
` ) Case IPR2021-00104
`DEMARAY LLC, ) U.S. Patent No.
` ) 7,381,657
`8 Patent Owner. )
` _______________________________)
`16 Monday, November 15, 2021
`21 Reported by:
`23 Washington CSR 21001437, Nevada CCR 991,
`24 NCRA Realtime Systems Administrator
`25 JOB NO. 202669
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`Applied Materials Inc. v. Demaray LLC


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`Page 2
` November 15, 2021
`1 2 3 4 5
`6 9:09 a.m.
` Remote Video deposition of ALEXANDER
`GLEW, PH.D., taken on behalf of Petitioner,
`reported stenographically by Lisa Moskowitz,
`California CSR 10816, Nevada CCR 991, Washington
`CSR 21001437, Certified Realtime Reporter, RPR,
`CLR, NCRA Realtime Systems Administrator.
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`7 8 9
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`A P P E A R A N C E S:
`For the Petitioner:
`2 3
`5 2050 M Street
`6 Washington, DC 20036
`For the Patent Owner:
`13 1800 Avenue of the Stars
`14 Los Angeles, California 90067
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`1 --------------- I N D E X ------------------
`3 Alexander Glew, Ph.D.
`4 Mr. Palys 7, 269
`5 Mr. Huynh 261
`Page 4
` -------------- E X H I B I T S -------------
`Exhibit 1090 Pinnacle Plus 10kW User 173
`6 7 8 9
`12 Manual
`Exhibit 1091 Diagram 226
`Exhibit 1092 Diagram 229
`18 ------------ EXHIBITS REFERENCED -----------
`Exhibit 2009 Declaration for the 15
`21 '276 patent
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`1 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2021
`2 9:09 A.M.
`morning. We are now on the record. My
`name is Lisa Moskowitz. I am a
`California certified stenographic
`reporter appearing in association with
`TSG Reporting, Inc. My CSR license
`3 4
`number is 10816.
`11 I will be reporting this deposition
`and swearing in the witness remotely.
`Today's date is Monday,
`November 15, 2021, and the time is
`approximately 9:09 a.m.
`16 Will counsel please identify
`yourselves and state whom you represent
`starting with the noticing attorney.
`19 MR. PALYS: Good morning, everyone.
`This is Joseph Palys with Paul Hastings,
`representing the petitioner in this
`matter. And joining me today, I
`believe, is Howard Herr and Joseph
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`25 MR. HUYNH: Hi everyone. I'm
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`1 Darish Huynh of Irell & Manella, LLP,
`2 representing patent owner. With me is
`3 my colleague Annita Zhong.
`4 Just some housekeeping stuff I
`5 wanted to read into the record. I
`6 understand there's no videographer
`7 present. Patent owner does not consent
`8 to the use or recording of any video in
`9 any proceeding.
`10 Also, I understand that
`11 cross-examination will take place over
`12 two days and will apply to both
`13 proceedings. Any redirect of patent
`14 owner will occur at the end of
`15 cross-examination. That's it.
`17 we are doing this remotely, I ask that
`18 you all speak slowly and one at a time
`19 so that I am able to understand everyone
`20 and that we avoid any audio glitches or
`21 dropped testimony from talking at the
`22 same time.
`23 I will now swear in the witness.
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`2 called as a witness,
`3 was examined and testified as follows:
`4 5
`7 Q.
`Okay. We're ready to go. Good
`morning, Dr. Glew. Can you please state
`your name for the record?
`10 A.
`Alexander David Glew.
`11 Q.
`And where do you live, Dr. Glew?
`12 A.
`I live in Los Altos, California.
`13 Q.
`Where are you located right now?
`14 A.
`I am in my office in Mountain View,
`16 Q.
`Who is your current employer?
`17 A.
`I work at Glew Engineering
`Consulting, an engineering firm that I run.
`19 Q.
`And that's the location you're at
`right now; correct?
`21 A.
`22 Q.
`And you understand you're
`testifying under oath today?
`24 A.
`25 Q.
`Yes, I'm under oath.
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`Okay. You understand you're here
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`to testify to your opinions provided in two
`declarations submitted in -- I'm going to
`give you the IPR numbers. IPR2021-00103 and
`IPR2021-00104. Those are concerning U.S.
`Patent Numbers 7,544,276 and 7,381,657
`7 Do you understand that?
`8 A.
`That sounds correct, yes.
`9 Q.
`Okay. That's good.
`10 So as I'm sure you're used to,
`let's refer to the patents by their short
`numbers. So I'm going to refer to U.S.
`7,544,276 as the '276 patent. Is that okay
`with you today?
`15 A.
`That is fine, yes.
`16 Q.
`And the same for the next patent,
`U.S. Patent 7,381,657. I'll refer to that
`as the '657 patent. Okay?
`19 A.
`20 Q.
`Is there anything preventing you
`from providing complete, accurate, and
`truthful testimony today, sir?
`23 A.
`Not that I'm aware of, no.
`24 Q.
`Thank you. And since obviously
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`this deposition is taking place remotely, I
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`have to ask whether there is anyone in the
`Page 9
`room with you right now?
`3 A.
`No. I'm in my office by myself.
`4 Q.
`Okay. And is any of your counsel
`in the same building as you for this
`proceeding -- your counsel for this
`8 A.
`No, they are not.
`9 Q.
`Do you have any other software
`applications open on your computer? I know
`obviously you have WebEx open, but do you
`have email or anything like that open?
`13 A.
`I have a web browser open.
`14 Q.
`I would ask if you could shut all
`that down during this deposition, please.
`17 Do you have your cell phone or any
`smart devices with you?
`19 A.
`Yes, I do.
`20 Q.
`Okay. Are they off?
`21 A.
`22 Q.
`Can you still receive messages on
`your smartphone or cell phone?
`24 A.
`25 Q.
`It will receive messages, yes.
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`So I just ask during this
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`deposition that you don't review any emails
`and focus on the deposition. And you'll let
`me know if you have to, obviously, check
`your email during the course of a break or
`something like that. Obviously, we'll take
`a break and let you do that on your personal
`time. Okay?
`8 A.
`9 Q.
`All right. Did you bring anything
`with you for your deposition today,
`12 A.
`I have the exhibits from the
`deposition. I have the exhibits that I used
`in my declarations.
`15 Q.
`Okay. So you beat me to the punch
`on the next question. So I assume that you
`have copies of the declarations that you
`provided in the 103 and the 104 IPR matters
`that I mentioned before; correct?
`20 A.
`Yes, I do.
`21 Q.
`Are they electronic or hard copies?
`22 A.
`I have both.
`23 Q.
`Okay. Great.
`Are they clean
`copies, no mark-ups?
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`Yes, no mark-ups.
`25 A.
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`1 Q.
`And you mentioned you had copies of
`Page 11
`the exhibits for your declarations; is that
`4 A.
`Yes. I believe I have all the
`6 Q.
`Okay. And are those clean copies?
`7 A.
`8 Q.
`Do you have those in electronic or
`hard copy form?
`10 A.
`I have them in both.
`11 Q.
`Okay. Great.
`12 As I mentioned -- well, you have
`two declarations. Let's get the
`nomenclature right, I guess. One
`declaration which relates to IPR2021-1003
`relates to your opinions regarding the '276
`patent; correct.
`18 A.
`That sounds correct, yes.
`19 Q.
`And the other declaration regarding
`IPR2021-00104, that relates to your opinions
`concerning the '657 patent; correct?
`22 A.
`23 Q.
`Okay. Now, both of those exhibits,
`because they're in separate IPR matters,
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`have the same exhibit number, Exhibit 2009.
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`1 Do you see that in the bottom
`right, I believe, of your declarations?
`3 A.
`I recall noting that. I can put
`them in front of me now. Yes.
`5 Q.
`Okay. So for purposes of being
`able to identify them, I may refer to your
`declarations today as collectively the
`9 If we want to talk about a specific
`declaration, we can try -- I'll try to do
`this. Maybe I'll refer to the first one as
`the '276 declaration, which will refer to
`your opinion -- I'm sorry. Let me start
`15 Today, I'm probably going to refer
`to -- if I'm specifically talking about your
`declaration concerning the '276 patent as
`the '276 declaration or something along
`those lines.
`20 Would that be okay with you?
`21 A.
`I will understand that, yes.
`22 Q.
`Okay. Great.
`And then similarly,
`for the other declaration you have, I'll
`refer to that as the '657 declaration.
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`1 A.
`Yes, I'll understand that.
`2 Q.
`Since this deposition is concerning
`both matters and your opinions regarding
`both those patents, the questions I'm going
`to be asking obviously are going to be
`relating to your opinions in your
`8 So I'll ask right off the bat --
`for the most part -- and I'm not trying to
`trick you here -- are your opinions relating
`to the '276 patent that are in your '276
`declaration similar to the positions and
`positions you're taking for the '657 patent
`in the '657 declaration?
`15 MR. HUYNH: Objection to form.
`Could you repeat the
`17 question?
`19 Q.
`Sure. And I'm happy to rephrase
`it. Let me give you the context of what I'm
`trying to get from you.
`22 The two opinions that you have,
`they're very similar. You have very similar
`sections. You have very similar opinions
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`across the two declarations. Some use the
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`same words, you know, same sections, same
`Page 14
`3 So to streamline today, we can
`certainly ask questions specific to one
`declaration and repeat the same question for
`the next one. What I'm trying to do is --
`here's my question for you then.
`8 Is it your understanding that --
`strike that.
`10 Are the positions in your two
`declarations regarding the '276 patent and
`the '657 patent, for the most part, similar?
`13 A.
`I would say that the opinions in
`the reports are substantially similar.
`They're based off the same specification and
`much of the same prior art.
`17 Q.
`Yeah, thank you for that. If
`there's a difference, obviously point that
`out to me so we can make sure the context in
`the record is defined.
`21 But for the most part, we'll move
`forward and try to make sure the record is
`clear and that you understand my questions.
`24 All right. So let's -- actually,
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`since you have your declarations out, can
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`you open up to your '276 declaration.
`2 Do you have it in front of you?
`3 A.
`Yes, I do.
`4 Q.
`And that's Exhibit 2009 in
`IPR2021-00103; correct?
`6 A.
`Yes, it is.
`7 Q.
`And if you -- let's please go to
`the signature page, which is on -- it's
`exhibit page 128. It's your page on the
`actual document 125. Let me know when
`you're there.
`12 A.
`I am there.
`13 Q.
`On page 128 of Exhibit 2009,
`there's a signature there. Is that your
`16 A.
`Yes, it is.
`17 Q.
`And the date was September 1, 2021,
`19 A.
`Yes, it is.
`20 Q.
`Is that the date that you signed
`this declaration?
`22 A.
`I believe so.
`23 Q.
`Okay. And is that signature a wet
`signature, or is it an electronic signature?
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`That looks like a wet signature. I
`25 A.
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`believe I wet-signed these.
`2 Q.
`And what time during the day did
`you sign that? Morning? Afternoon?
`5 A.
`I don't recall.
`6 Q.
`And with the other declaration, if
`you can pull up the '657 declaration,
`please, and go to the signature page as
`well. That's on page 127 of that
`Exhibit 2009.
`11 A.
`12 Q.
`Is that your signature on page 127?
`13 A.
`Yes, it is.
`14 Q.
`And you signed it on September 1,
`2021; correct?
`16 A.
`17 Q.
`Do you recall if you signed the
`'657 declaration first or the '276
`declaration first?
`20 A.
`I don't recall, off the top of my
`head, no.
`22 Q.
`Okay. And I assume that you can
`confirm -- is that a wet signature in the
`'657 declaration?
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`That looks like a wet signature,
`25 A.
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`yes. Usually when I use an electronic
`signature, I use an Adobe signature, which
`also time stamps. It shows what looks like
`a signature, but also with the time stamp on
`it, some traceability.
`6 Q.
`Right. I'm familiar with that.
`Thank you.
`8 So did you prepare your two
`declarations by yourself?
`10 A.
`The opinions contained in the
`declaration are mine. In working on the
`declarations, I did have assistance from the
`legal team.
`14 Q.
`Okay. The assistance that you
`received -- well, let me ask you this.
`Strike that.
`17 Did you receive any assistance from
`anyone else other than your legal team?
`19 A.
`I have an engineer who works with
`me who helped with some of the SPICE
`22 Q.
`Okay. So that -- the legal team
`that you mentioned, who is that? That
`assisted you with the declaration?
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`That would be the attorneys
`25 A.
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`present, Darish Huynh and Annita Zhong.
`Page 18
`2 Q.
`Anyone else?
`3 A.
`I've had numerous conversations
`with Maclain Wells. But he's working on a
`federal court case. I'm not sure if he
`would have overlapped on some of this.
`7 Q.
`Anyone else?
`8 A.
`I spoke with one of the inventors.
`I believe I referenced somebody had
`confirmed something in my report of
`Dr. Pethe.
`12 Q.
`We'll get back to that. What I was
`referring to was of the legal team. Any
`other attorneys? I have Darish and Annita
`and Mr. Wells.
`16 Is there anyone else from the legal
`team that you might have received assistance
`from, in preparing your declaration?
`19 A.
`I don't recall others. There may
`be other people within the background. I
`wouldn't know that.
`22 Q.
`Okay. Now, in terms of people --
`non-lawyers, non-attorneys, that assisted
`you in the preparation of your declaration,
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`you mentioned an engineer or something like
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`that. Who was that?
`2 A.
`Yeah, there was an engineer that
`works for me that I had help with some of
`the SPICE modeling.
`5 Q.
`What is his name or her claim?
`6 A.
`His name is Khanh Hoang.
`7 Q.
`Can you spell that, please, for the
`9 A.
`Khanh, first name. Last name
`11 Q.
`And he works for what company?
`12 A.
`Glew Engineering.
`13 Q.
`Is he located in -- does he work at
`your office there in Mountain View?
`15 A.
`He works here, and he works at
`17 Q.
`And what did Mr. -- is it Hoang?
`Am I pronouncing that correctly?
`19 A.
`I pronounce it Hoang.
`20 Q.
`Hoang. Got it. Hoang.
`21 What did Mr. Hoang help you with in
`terms of assisting your preparation of your
`24 A.
`As I stated earlier, he helped with
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`some of the SPICE models.
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`1 Q.
`When you say "SPICE models," can
`you please clarify what you mean?
`3 A.
`Okay. Examples of the SPICE models
`are given in Appendix B, and there are some
`others that are in smaller size in the
`7 A SPICE model is, for example,
`drawing an electrical circuit, then looking
`at the Bode plot or frequency response of
`the circuit.
`11 Q.
`When did you first begin using
`Mr. Hoang to assist you with your
`14 A.
`I don't recall exactly when I was
`doing the SPICE modeling.
`16 Q.
`It had to have been before
`September 1; right?
`18 A.
`19 Q.
`So can you explain what you asked,
`what you instructed Mr. Hoang to do to
`assist you?
`22 A.
`In some cases, I would draw the
`schematic. In other cases, I would have him
`draw the schematic that I was interested in
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`analyzing. Either he or I would run a Bode
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`plot on it. And then I would also run, or
`have him run different iterations with
`different resistor values or something like
`that in the circuit, and then create PDFs.
`5 Q.
`So did you communicate with
`Mr. Hoang using email or those instructions
`in terms of the assistance that he provided
`you with your declarations?
`9 A.
`Usually verbally.
`10 Q.
`Phone calls?
`11 A.
`No, I walked down the hall. He's
`usually in the other suite we have here; so
`I walk over and talked to him, or have him
`come over here.
`15 Q.
`So in all instances where you had
`communications with Mr. Hoang with respect
`to assisting you with your declarations, it
`was done in person; is that accurate?
`19 MR. HUYNH: Objection to form.
`My recollection, as I
`21 stated, was I would typically work with
`22 him in person when he was here on it. I
`23 may have had a few conversations with
`24 him to ask him to run a different
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`25 iteration.
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`2 Q.
`When you say "conversations," do
`you mean conversations over the phone?
`4 A.
`Yes. Potentially I spoke to him
`over the phone.
`6 Q.
`You never communicated with him
`over other means such as email, regarding
`the work he was doing for you, for your
`10 A.
`I may have. It's not typically how
`I work with him on things like that.
`Typically the files are in a folder, and we,
`you know -- we can both open the SPICE
`models and look at them and run them from
`our computers, talk about them either in
`person or over the phone.
`17 Q.
`So when you mentioned files and
`folders -- so do you have copies of files in
`stored folders of the work you did to
`prepare the SPICE models that you provided
`in your declaration?
`22 A.
`Yes, I have the SPICE models.
`23 Q.
`Do you have the work -- any files
`or other work product, I guess, that you
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`relied on to prepare those SPICE models to
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`support your opinions in your declaration?
`2 MR. HUYNH: Objection to form.
`Page 23
`3 Outside the scope.
`5 Q.
`You can answer, sir.
`6 A.
`The SPICE models are based upon a
`schematic that appear in my declaration.
`8 Q.
`I understand that. My question is
`you mentioned that you were doing work with
`Mr. Hoang to prepare the SPICE models, and
`then you had several communications with
`him, et cetera, and you mentioned these
`files and folders.
`14 So my question is: Do you have
`copies of the work product, whether they're
`files, folders, and what have you, that you
`relied on to support your opinions regarding
`this -- the SPICE models that you presented
`in your declarations?
`20 MR. HUYNH: Same objections.
`Yes, I have the SPICE
`22 models and the printouts of the SPICE
`23 models, which are in my report.
`25 Q.
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`What did you -- what did you do to
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`prepare the SPICE models that are presented
`Page 24
`in your declarations?
`3 A.
`Well, SPICE models generally fall
`along the steps of drawing a schematic, and
`the schematics that I drew are shown in the
`report. An example would be the first page
`of Appendix B, if we can turn to that.
`8 Q.
`So I'm looking at the first page of
`Appendix B, and I see a certain diagram. On
`the bottom left, I see a file name,
`.acdec1000.001 100 mg. Is that the figure
`you're looking at?
`13 A.
`Yes. That's not the file name. My
`lights just turned out due to California
`environmental regulations. Let me turn them
`back on.
`17 Actually, that thing at the bottom
`is not the file name. It's just conditions
`of the SPICE model.
`20 Q.
`Okay. So this is -- this image
`here and the other images that I see, these
`are all represented in files?
`23 A.
`Yeah, so this is a file. It's
`called a schematic capture or a CAD file or
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide· · 877-702-9580
`whatever you want. It's basically a
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`Case 5:20-cv-09341-EJD Document 138-16 Filed 03/18/22 Page 26 of 290
`schematic. It's basically something in the
`Page 25
`3 We see a capacitor with a certain
`value, C2. We see an inductor with a
`certain value, L1, and then we see resistors
`R1 and R2.
`7 So one draws this; so that is the
`SPICE model. If you pull up the SPICE
`model, you see this. And then you hit "Run"
`and you see what is on the next page, which
`is -- it shows the frequency response
`versus -- you know, the amplitude versus
`frequency and the frequency response.
`14 Q.
`Now, did you -- I have a few
`questions: Number one, what's -- well, let
`me start with this. The schematic and the
`plots that we see here in Appendix B, these
`are all represented in files that are stored
`in some folder that you have possession of;
`21 MR. HUYNH: Objection to form.
`This is the -- this
`23 is what you see when you look at the
`24 SPICE model.
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`2 Q.
`Right. So my question is: Leading
`up to this to create these schematics and
`the associated analysis regarding the SPICE
`models that you have here, did you store any
`files relating to that work in that folder
`or some other folder?
`8 MR. HUYNH: Objection to form.
`What is in this
`10 folder is the SPICE model and then the
`11 plots, what you see on the next page.
`12 So we would print out a picture of the
`13 schematic, either as a PDF or a JPEG or
`14 something like that, and then we print
`15 out a picture of the plot. Otherwise
`16 it's just on the screen. And --
`18 Q.
`What --
`19 A.
`That's it.
`20 Q.
`Sorry. Thank you. I didn't mean
`to interrupt you.
`22 When you refer to SPICE models,
`you're referring to a software program;
`correct? SPICE?
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide· · 877-702-9580
`Kind of. SPICE goes back decades.
`25 A.
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`I think it probably was originally developed
`at Berkeley, and there are a couple of
`different iterations of SPICE. I believe
`it's open source. So companies create SPICE
`models, SPICE packages.
`6 This is a particular company's free
`SPICE model. They provide you the basic
`SPICE analysis and all of their parts in
`SPICE format. So if you want to use their
`11 Q.
`So which specific software is this
`and who provided that software?
`13 A.
`I believe I noted this in my report
`as LT SPICE. I can confirm.
`15 Yes, in paragraph 75 of my '276
`declaration -- I'm sorry. I grabbed the
`wrong declaration. Page -- I'm in the '276
`declaration now. Paragraph 75 also, yes.
`19 Using the LT SPICE program, an
`electronic circuit simulator software from
`analog devices made freely available, I
`simulated the response curves for the above
`parallel resident circuit, so forth and so
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide· · 877-702-9580
`25 You see smaller copies here on the
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`page and full-size copies in the appendix.
`They may be hard to read in small size.
`3 Q.
`So what version of this LT SPICE
`program did you use?
`5 A.
`You mean what revision?
`6 Q.
`Yeah, what version. What year is
`8 A.
`The latest and greatest. Whatever
`was available at the time.
`10 Q.
`Which is what?
`11 A.
`I don't recall the revision number
`off the top of my head. You can go to the
`website and download it for free and then
`update it accordingly. It was whatever was
`available --
`16 Q.
`Is that how -- is that how you got
`this SPICE program, you downloaded it?
`18 A.
`You've interrupted me twice now.
`19 Q.
`20 A.
`It was what was current at the time
`I performed the SPICE modeling.
`22 Q.
`Okay. Thank you. And I apologize
`for interrupting. Sometimes my headphones
`cut out and I get dead space.
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide· · 877-702-9580
`I understand. It's hard to know on
`25 A.
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`Case 5:20-cv-09341-EJD Document 138-16 Filed 03/18/22 Page 30 of 290
`this when someone has stopping talking
`Page 29
`3 Q.
`I appreciate that. Just let me
`know when I cut you off. I don't mind.
`5 So you got the LT SPICE program.
`You downloaded that at the time when you
`were preparing your declarations; correct?
`8 MR. HUYNH: Objection to form.
`I've had SPICE models
`10 I used on and off for years. For this
`11 particular project, I used LT SPICE or
`12 whatever current at the time. I think
`13 it's one of the better free versions at
`14 this point.
`16 Q.
`Right. My question is: The
`program that you actually used to run these
`models, did you download it at that time, or
`did you already have it available in your
`possession before you ran these simulations?
`21 A.
`My recollection is I had a
`different SPICE program. Khanh Hoang likes
`this SPICE program so he used this one.
`24 Q.
`So Mr. Hoang actually downloaded
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide· · 877-702-9580
`the SPICE program that was used to run these
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`Page 30
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`2 MR. HUYNH: Objection to form.
`I downloaded the
`4 SPICE software, have it on my computer.
`5 He would also have it on his
`6 workstation. We have engineering work
`7 stations.
`9 Q.
`So Mr. Hoang had downloaded a copy
`of the simulation program on his computer,
`and you also had a copy of the simulation
`program on your computer; correct?
`13 A.
`Yes, I have --
`14 MR. HUYNH: Object

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