Case 5:20-cv-05676-EJD Document 42-11 Filed 12/07/20 Page 1 of 13
`Case 5:20-cv-05676—EJD Document 42-11 Filed 12/07/20 Page 1 of 13


`Case 5:20-cv-05676-EJD Document 42-11 Filed 12/07/20 Page 2 of 13
`Ou Philip
`"Wells Maclain"
`"Steve Ravel"; Hattenbach Ben; ""; ""; Soobert Allan M.; Rumpler Joseph;
`Chaikovsky Yar R.; "Brian C. Nash"
`RE: Demaray v. Intel/Samsung - Motion to transfer discovery
`Wednesday, November 18, 2020 3:17:30 PM

`On the first point, for purposes of Intel/Samsung disclosures due on December 11, we will be providing you
`discovery relating to the same set of Intel/Samsung PVD reactors we are identifying for you in venue discovery
`(RMS-PVD reactors that provide, or have the option of providing, (1) pulsed DC to the target and (2) RF bias to
`the substrate) in compliance with what the Local Rules require, as you’ve outlined below.  This will include, for
`the method claims, e.g., discovery on the “semiconductor products that include at least one layer of material
`deposited” using a reactor configuration that includes “a pulsed DC power supply coupled to the target area …
`[and] an RF bias power supply coupled to the substrate”.  My e-mail was not intending to exclude that
`information, and based on our call just now, I understand you were not intending to broaden the discovery to
`other reactors beyond those with the attributes we agreed upon.  I believe we are on the same page, but if I
`have misunderstood again, please let me know.

`Thanks for discussing and clarifying the issue on R&D reactors.  I don’t expect there to be an issue with
`providing that discovery, but as we discussed, some of the information requested may not be available given
`that those reactors are not currently being used to produce products.
` will confirm tomorrow.
`  I


`From: Wells, Maclain <> 
`Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 2:54 PM
`To: Ou, Philip <>
`Cc: 'Steve Ravel' <>; Hattenbach, Ben <>;
`'' <>; ''
`<>; Soobert, Allan M. <>; Rumpler, Joseph
`<>; Chaikovsky, Yar R. <>; 'Brian C. Nash'
`Subject: [EXT] RE: Demaray v. Intel/Samsung - Motion to transfer discovery
`As we stated, the accused products are identified in our infringement contentions and include more than you
`appear to suggest below. We refer you to the contentions. Similarly, the patents have certain claim
`limitations, and rather than paraphrase them, we again refer you to the contentions (or, if you prefer, the
`patents themselves).
`For the purposes of venue discovery, we have agreed to limit the discovery to Intel/Samsung PVD reactors
`with those attributes as discussed. For the purposes of Intel/Samsung disclosures due on December 11, we
`expect the full set of information required by the rules, including “technical documents, including software
`where applicable, sufficient to show the operation of the accused product(s).” This includes, but is not limited
`to, (1) documents sufficient to show the operation of the identified reactors and (2) documents sufficient to
`show the “semiconductor products that include at least one layer of material deposited” using a reactor
`configuration that includes “a pulsed DC power supply coupled to the target area … [and] an RF bias power


`Case 5:20-cv-05676-EJD Document 42-11 Filed 12/07/20 Page 3 of 13
`supply coupled to the substrate” and documents sufficient to show the processes used in the deposition of such
`layers. We also expect “summary, annual sales information for the accused product(s) for the two years
`preceding the filing of the Complaint.” This includes sales of “semiconductor products that include at least
`one layer of material deposited” using a reactor configuration that includes “a pulsed DC power supply
`coupled to the target area … [and] an RF bias power supply coupled to the substrate.”
`On the additional issue raised in your email, the accused products include reactors “made, used, imported,
`offered for sale or sold” with the claimed configurations. There is no exception for the making or use of such
`products or processes for “RMS-PVD reactors that are and/or have been only used for research and
`development purposes.” If your client is infringing during research and development, we obviously need
`information about that and you are required to provide it. I understand that you will get back to us tomorrow
`on this issue so that we can raise it with the Court, if necessary.

`From: Ou, Philip <> 
`Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 1:04 PM
`To: Wells, Maclain <>
`Cc: 'Steve Ravel' <>; Hattenbach, Ben <>;
`'' <>; ''
`<>; Soobert, Allan M. <>; Rumpler, Joseph
`<>; Chaikovsky, Yar R. <>; 'Brian C. Nash'
`Subject: RE: Demaray v. Intel/Samsung - Motion to transfer discovery

`Thanks.  On your further note of clarification below, based on our meet and confer from last Thursday and
`follow-up discussion on Monday, we agreed that the scope of the accused products/reactors in these actions –
`based on our reading of your infringement contentions – is at least limited to RMS-PVD reactors that provide,
`or have the option of providing, (1) pulsed DC to the target and (2) RF bias to the substrate – and those
`accused methods and reactor configurations are what we plan on providing discovery on.  Of course, what is
`accused must also meet the remaining limitations of the claims, but these methods and reactor configurations
`form the baseline requirements of how Samsung and Intel determine what is accused and what to provide
`discovery on for purposes of venue discovery and our local rule disclosures regarding the accused products
`due on December 11. 

`If we’ve misunderstood that agreement, or the scope of your infringement contentions (e.g., that you are also
`accusing RMS-PVD reactors that do not provide, or have the option of providing pulsed DC to the target
`and/or RF bias to the substrate), please let us know immediately.  I do not believe that is what you are
`suggesting by your e-mail, but I wanted to confirm.

`Separately, we have one other issue we wanted to clarify with you.  Your infringement contentions tie the
`Intel/Samsung Accused Products to the manufacturing of Intel/Samsung products (e.g., microprocessor,
`semiconductor products, etc.).  Accordingly, we are currently not planning on collecting information for RMS-
`PVD reactors that are and/or have been only used for research and development purposes (“R&D reactors”),
`meaning they have not been used to manufacture any actual products.  If those reactors, during the course of
`these cases, are later used to manufacture products, we will provide discovery on them.  We also agree you’re
`not waiving your right to seek discovery about these R&D reactors if appropriate under Rule 26.  Please let us
`know if this is acceptable to Demaray, as it impacts the scope of what we are collecting (and likely our 30(b)(6)
`witnesse(s) and scheduling of depositions) if you are seeking discovery on R&D reactors.


`Case 5:20-cv-05676-EJD Document 42-11 Filed 12/07/20 Page 4 of 13

`Happy to discuss either of the above points when we meet and confer at 2 pm for Applied’s NDCA DJ case or
`at another convenient time for you.


`From: Wells, Maclain <> 
`Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2020 8:46 AM
`To: Ou, Philip <>
`Cc: 'Steve Ravel' <>; Hattenbach, Ben <>;
`'' <>; ''
`<>; Soobert, Allan M. <>; Rumpler, Joseph
`<>; Chaikovsky, Yar R. <>; 'Brian C. Nash'
`Subject: [EXT] RE: Demaray v. Intel/Samsung - Motion to transfer discovery
`  A
` further note of clarification, we agree that Intel and Samsung can use the accused methods and reactor
`configurations described below for the purposes of guiding their upcoming document disclosures under the
`Court’s scheduling order, but the accused products in this action, and the infringement allegations related
`thereto, are as described in the respective infringement contentions. 

`Regarding point (3) in your email below, as we discussed, if a reactor has multiple power sources such that it
`can be configured with a pulsed DC to the target and RF bias to the substrate, Intel/Samsung will provide the
`described venue discovery related thereto.  For reactors that Intel/Samsung contend have only a continuous
`DC power supply to the target and a RF bias to the substrate, Intel and Samsung will identify and provide
`manuals for the continuous DC power supplies to substantiate their assertions.

`Thank you,

`From: Wells, Maclain 
`Sent: Monday, November 16, 2020 6:42 PM
`To: 'Ou, Philip' <>
`Cc: 'Steve Ravel' <>; Hattenbach, Ben <>;
`'' <>; ''
`<>; Soobert, Allan M. <>; Rumpler, Joseph
`<>; Chaikovsky, Yar R. <>; 'Brian C. Nash'
`Subject: RE: Demaray v. Intel/Samsung - Motion to transfer discovery

`Two minor clarifications:

`1. For the purposes of the upcoming document disclosures under the Court’s scheduling order regarding
`accused products, products produced with the accused methods and reactor configurations described
`below can guide your production of technical and sales materials.  As you noted, we reserve the right


`Case 5:20-cv-05676-EJD Document 42-11 Filed 12/07/20 Page 5 of 13
`to identify additional accused products based upon discovery and to seek other discovery as

`2. For the purposes of venue discovery, the purchase date by quarter/year is sufficient and for dates of
`service and we are looking for general information on the dates and locations of service (e.g.,
`approximately when service began, whether the reactor is still in use (if not, when it stopped), whether
`its location has changed, etc.).

`Thank you,


`From: Ou, Philip <> 
`Sent: Monday, November 16, 2020 6:17 PM
`To: Wells, Maclain <>
`Cc: 'Steve Ravel' <>; Hattenbach, Ben <>;
`'' <>; ''
`<>; Soobert, Allan M. <>; Rumpler, Joseph
`<>; Chaikovsky, Yar R. <>; 'Brian C. Nash'
`Subject: RE: Demaray v. Intel/Samsung - Motion to transfer discovery

`Thanks for the call.  To confirm our discussion:

`1. The accused products/reactors in these cases are what we’ve agreed to below for venue discovery:
`RMS-PVD reactors that provide, or have the option of providing, (1) pulsed DC to the target and (2) RF
`bias to the substrate; Samsung and Intel will prepare their upcoming initial production under local rules
`for the same scope of accused products/reactors.

`2. Demaray is not waiving its right to seek discovery of other reactors or other information from
`Samsung/Intel for other purposes (e.g., to show purported benefits of the accused reactors over other
`non-accused reactors)

`3. For reactors that Intel/Samsung contend have (1) continuous DC power to the target and (2) RF bias to
`the substrate, Intel and Samsung will identify and provide manuals for the continuous DC power
`supplies and Demaray will confirm it is not accusing RMS-PVD reactors using those continuous DC
`power supplies.  As part of the information provided for the accused products, we will also provide the
`manuals for the pulsed DC power supplies.  I anticipate we can produce those to you tomorrow.
`4. You requested that for the accused products/reactors used abroad, we provide some way to delineate
`which produced products are bound for the U.S. versus other countries.  We will discuss with Intel and
`Samsung and consider how we may be able to provide that information as part of our overall response
`to your requests.  

`5. Two points from our initial meet and confer that we did not memorialize in our prior e-mail:

`a. for the purchase date, quarter/year is sufficient;



`Case 5:20-cv-05676-EJD Document 42-11 Filed 12/07/20 Page 6 of 13
`b. for dates of service, you are looking for general information (e.g., approximately when service
`began, whether the reactor is still in use (if not, when it stopped), whether its location has
`changed, etc.)

`6. We can provide a description of the type of product(s) beyond the technology node

`7. We are unlikely to have depositions next week (more likely the week after Thanksgiving) but we will
`get back to you as soon as possible; and we will not proposed a deposition for Wed., Nov. 25th

`8. The draft e-mail below to Hannah is OK for us

`If I missed anything, please let us know.


`From: Wells, Maclain <> 
`Sent: Monday, November 16, 2020 4:13 PM
`To: Ou, Philip <>; 'Brian C. Nash' <>
`Cc: 'Steve Ravel' <>; Hattenbach, Ben <>;
`'' <>; ''
`<>; Soobert, Allan M. <>; Rumpler, Joseph
`<>; Chaikovsky, Yar R. <>
`Subject: [EXT] RE: Demaray v. Intel/Samsung - Motion to transfer discovery
`Yes.  310-203-7565

`From: Ou, Philip <> 
`Sent: Monday, November 16, 2020 4:11 PM
`To: Wells, Maclain <>; 'Brian C. Nash' <>
`Cc: 'Steve Ravel' <>; Hattenbach, Ben <>;
`'' <>; ''
`<>; Soobert, Allan M. <>; Rumpler, Joseph
`<>; Chaikovsky, Yar R. <>
`Subject: RE: Demaray v. Intel/Samsung - Motion to transfer discovery
`Thanks Maclain.  We did want to have a call to clarify a few things in your prior e-mail (I had asked for a call in
`my prior e-mail; not sure if you missed it).  I’m on a call right now, but likely free up at 4:30 pm.  Are you
`available then?

`From: Wells, Maclain <> 
`Sent: Monday, November 16, 2020 4:02 PM
`To: Ou, Philip <>; 'Brian C. Nash' <>
`Cc: 'Steve Ravel' <>; Hattenbach, Ben <>;
`'' <>; ''
`<>; Soobert, Allan M. <>; Rumpler, Joseph
`<>; Chaikovsky, Yar R. <>
`Subject: [EXT] RE: Demaray v. Intel/Samsung - Motion to transfer discovery


`Case 5:20-cv-05676-EJD Document 42-11 Filed 12/07/20 Page 7 of 13

`Please let me know your positions on the issues below.  I am available for a call if required.

`Thank you,

`From: Wells, Maclain 
`Sent: Monday, November 16, 2020 12:03 PM
`To: 'Ou, Philip' <>; Brian C. Nash <>
`Cc: Steve Ravel <>; Hattenbach, Ben <>;
`;; Soobert, Allan M. <>;
`Rumpler, Joseph <>; Chaikovsky, Yar R. <>
`Subject: RE: Demaray v. Intel/Samsung - Motion to transfer discovery
`(1) In addition to the technology node, we will need a description of the type of product(s) (e.g., DRAM,
`SSDs, MCP products, processor, power and display ICs, or consumer electronic products).
`(2) If you agree, we suggest a joint email to the Court as noted below.
`The parties have met and conferred and reached agreement on the scope of venue-related discovery from Intel
`and Samsung. We anticipate production of the requested information and depositions to be completed
`Thanksgiving week or shortly thereafter. The parties are working to schedule the depositions of Intel and
`Samsung corporate representatives and the parties have agreed to extensions for the responses to the motions
`to transfer of two weeks from the date of each deposition. As soon as the depositions are scheduled, we will
`inform the Court and file a motions to extend our date to respond to each motion.
`Thank you,

`From: Ou, Philip <> 
`Sent: Monday, November 16, 2020 10:51 AM
`To: Wells, Maclain <>; Brian C. Nash <>
`Cc: Steve Ravel <>; Hattenbach, Ben <>;
`;; Soobert, Allan M. <>;
`Rumpler, Joseph <>; Chaikovsky, Yar R. <>
`Subject: RE: Demaray v. Intel/Samsung - Motion to transfer discovery

`We have a few additional points of clarification to your e-mail below we wanted to discuss.  Please let me
`know a good time today for a call.  I am generally available, other than between 1:30 – 2:30 pm PT.

`On your questions below:

`1. For request 1(f), we are planning to provide the technology node(s)
`2. We are still looking into witness availability.  As I mentioned on our last call, that week may be
`challenging due to the Thanksgiving holiday.  One suggestion, since the current response deadline is


`Case 5:20-cv-05676-EJD Document 42-11 Filed 12/07/20 Page 8 of 13
`this Friday, would be to extend that deadline by two weeks but note for the Court the parties’
`agreement on timing with respect to depositions.
`3. One week after the deposition for our reply is acceptable.


`From: Wells, Maclain <> 
`Sent: Friday, November 13, 2020 10:06 AM
`To: Ou, Philip <>; Brian C. Nash <>
`Cc: Steve Ravel <>; Hattenbach, Ben <>;
`;; Soobert, Allan M. <>;
`Rumpler, Joseph <>; Chaikovsky, Yar R. <>
`Subject: [EXT] RE: Demaray v. Intel/Samsung - Motion to transfer discovery
`Thank you for the response. A few points to clarify. It is our understanding that Samsung/Intel will provide
`the following information regarding RMS-PVD reactors that they have or use to make semiconductor
`(1) For reactors that provide, or have the option of providing, (1) pulsed DC to the target and (2) RF bias
`to the substrate, Intel and Samsung will identify:
`a. the manufacturer, location, purchase date, and dates of service of each RMS PVD reactor used
`in the production of semiconductor devices in the last six years from the filing of Demaray’s
`b. the power source(s) configured to be coupled to the target for each PVD chamber meeting the
`above criteria;
`c. the power source(s) configured to be coupled to the substrate for each PVD chamber meeting
`the above criteria;
`d. any filters configured to be used to prevent feedback with or between the respective power
`sources for each PVD chamber meeting the above criteria;
`e. the PVD processes run on the reactors;
`f. the products generally produced using the PVD chamber meeting the above criteria; and,
`g. the types and location of documents regarding the above topics.
`(2) For reactors that Intel/Samsung contend have (1) continuous DC power to the target and (2) RF bias to
`the substrate, Intel and Samsung will identify and provide manuals for both pulsed DC and continuous
`DC power supplies.
`(3) Intel and Samsung will provide documents sufficient to confirm that above information (1)(a)-(f).
`This agreement is for transfer discovery only and Intel, Samsung and Demaray are not taking positions
`regarding the scope of discovery in general, the meaning of the patent claims, etc.
`Can you please:
`(1) Clarify what level of specificity you are suggesting by the language “identify generally the products
`produced by each RMS-PVD reactor”?
`(2) Can you please provide deposition dates on November 23-25 for the corporate designees so that we
`can get approval from the Court on the agreed-upon timing of our opposition?
`(3) To the extent that venue discovery is required from Demaray (and assuming the Intel/Samsung
`promptly identify the requested discovery and that a deposition is requested), we agree that any reply
`briefs will be due one week after the deposition of any corporate designee. This tracks the relative
`timing of the replies from the Court’s standing order. Please confirm that this is acceptable.
`Let me know if it makes sense to hop on the phone and discuss. I am available all morning.


`Case 5:20-cv-05676-EJD Document 42-11 Filed 12/07/20 Page 9 of 13

`From: Ou, Philip <> 
`Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2020 5:46 PM
`To: Wells, Maclain <>; Brian C. Nash <>
`Cc: Steve Ravel <>; Hattenbach, Ben <>;
`;; Soobert, Allan M. <>;
`Rumpler, Joseph <>; Chaikovsky, Yar R. <>
`Subject: RE: Demaray v. Intel/Samsung - Motion to transfer discovery
`Maclain, Rick:
`Thanks for the call yesterday and your willingness to clarify/limit the scope of discovery based on what
`Demaray is accusing of infringement. This response is on behalf of both Intel and Samsung.
`We had proposed limiting discovery to: RMS-PVD reactors using both pulsed DC and RF power supplies,
`since those are clearly required in each of the asserted claims.
`To avoid any dispute as to whether an RMS-PVD reactor is using a pulsed DC power supply, we will identify
`and provide manuals for both pulsed DC and continuous DC power supplies so that you can confirm Demaray
`is not accusing RMS-PVD reactors using the continuous DC power supplies. As I mentioned, we will in
`parallel collect the information for RMS-PVD reactors using both pulsed DC and RF power supplies.
`We also wanted to clarify that our understanding of the RF power supply requirement is a power supply
`providing an RF bias to the substrate.
`If this scope of RMS-PVD reactors is acceptable, we can agree to providing the requested information and
`supporting documents located after a reasonable search and inquiry. We also agree to identify generally the
`products produced by each RMS-PVD reactor, and if you believe further detail is warranted for venue
`discovery, we can confer about that after we’ve provided the information. As mentioned yesterday, our
`investigation and collection efforts are underway, and we’ll have a better sense of how much time we will
`need (e.g., if by next Friday is feasible) once you confirm that the scope we discussed is acceptable.
`Please confirm or let us know if you think further discussion or clarification is needed.
`On timing/briefing, we agreed to extend your responsive brief to two weeks after the date of the 30(b)(6)
`deposition. Please confirm that Demaray will agree to the same extension for our reply brief. I anticipate we
`will serve our own venue discovery, but will want to complete that after we’ve seen your responsive brief and
`any supporting declarations/evidence.

`From: Wells, Maclain <> 
`Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2020 9:11 AM
`To: Ou, Philip <>; Brian C. Nash <>
`Cc: Steve Ravel <>; Hattenbach, Ben <>;
`;; Soobert, Allan M. <>;
`Rumpler, Joseph <>; Chaikovsky, Yar R. <>
`Subject: [EXT] RE: Demaray v. Intel - Motion to transfer discovery
`We can use the following dial-in:


`Case 5:20-cv-05676-EJD Document 42-11 Filed 12/07/20 Page 10 of 13
`Dial-in: 1-866-349-7797
`Conference ID: 310-203-7565

`From: Ou, Philip <> 
`Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2020 7:28 AM
`To: Wells, Maclain <>; Brian C. Nash <>
`Cc: Steve Ravel <>; Hattenbach, Ben <>;
`;; Soobert, Allan M. <>;
`Rumpler, Joseph <>; Chaikovsky, Yar R. <>
`Subject: Re: Demaray v. Intel - Motion to transfer discovery
`Maclain -
`If it still works for you, let’s plan to meet and confer at 11:30 am PT/1:30 pm CT.
`Can you please circulate a dial-in?
`I’ve copied Brian. For efficiencies, Samsung and Intel would like to do the meet and confer together if that
`works for you.
`On Nov 10, 2020, at 12:23 PM, Wells, Maclain <> wrote:
`I am available from 9-12 PST tomorrow. Let me know if a time within that block works on your end.
`From: Ou, Philip <>
`Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2020 12:19 PM
`To: Wells, Maclain <>; 'Steve Ravel' <steve>
`Cc: Hattenbach, Ben <>; ''
`<>; '' <>; Soobert, Allan
`M. <>; Rumpler, Joseph <>; Chaikovsky,
`Yar R. <>
`Subject: RE: Demaray v. Intel - Motion to transfer discovery
`We are considering your requests for targeted venue discovery and agree we should meet and confer.
`We anticipate we will need to meet and confer as the scope of request 1.a. (“each RMS PVD reactor used by
`Intel for the production of semiconductor devices in the last six years from the filing of Demaray’s
`Complaint”) which seeks discovery that goes beyond the scope of Demaray’s infringement contentions. For
`example, every claim identified in the contentions for both asserted patents requires pulsed DC and RF bias
`power supplies, but your request presumably includes RMS PVD reactors that do not use pulsed DC and RF
`bias power supplies. Can you agree to limit the request to RMS PVD reactors using pulsed DC and RF bias
`power supplies? To be clear, this limitation would then also apply to “each reactor” in the remaining topics.
`Also some of the information sought does not seem relevant to venue issues and/or more appropriate for


`Case 5:20-cv-05676-EJD Document 42-11 Filed 12/07/20 Page 11 of 13
`regular discovery, such as the products produced by each PVD process on each reactor (portion of request 1.e).
`With regards to timing, we do not anticipate being able to collect and provide all of the requested information
`by tomorrow as requested. So that the parties have sufficient time to meet and confer regarding scope and
`complete venue discovery before your deadline to respond to the transfer motion, Intel will not oppose at least
`a two-week extension to file your response.
`I’m not available at 4 pm CT today but am generally available tomorrow or Thursday for a call. Can you
`propose a few times and I’ll confer with Steve on what works for us?
`From: Wells, Maclain <<>>
`Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2020 9:24 AM
`To: 'Steve Ravel' <steve<>>; Ou, Philip
`Cc: Hattenbach, Ben <<>>;
`'' <<>>;
`'' <<>>
`Subject: [EXT] RE: Demaray v. Intel - Motion to transfer discovery
`Steve and Phil:
`We request a meet and confer today regarding the requested targeted discovery and an extension of the
`opposition brief deadline commensurate with any delay in providing the discovery. Please let us know if you
`are available at 4 pm (Central Time).
`From: Wells, Maclain
`Sent: Saturday, November 7, 2020 3:04 PM
`To: 'Steve Ravel' <steve<>>; 'Ou, Philip'
`Cc: Hattenbach, Ben <<>>;
`'' <<>>;
`'' <<>>
`Subject: Demaray v. Intel - Motion to transfer discovery
`Steve and Phil:
`We request that Intel produce the following targeted discovery with respect to venue issues raised by Intel’s
`motion to transfer by the indicated dates:
`(1) That Intel identify by Wednesday, November 11:
`a. the manufacturer, location, purchase date, and dates of service of each RMS PVD reactor used by Intel for
`the production of semiconductor devices in the last six years from the filing of Demaray’s Complaint;
`b. the power source(s) configured to be coupled to the target for each PVD chamber in each reactor;
`c. the power source(s) configured to be coupled to the substrate for each PVD chamber in each reactor;
`d. any filters configured to be used to prevent feedback with or between the respective power sources for each
`PVD chamber in each reactor;
`e. the PVD processes run, and products produced by each PVD process, on each reactor; and,
`f. the types and location of documents regarding the above topics.
`(2) That Intel provide on Friday, November 13 or Monday, November 16:


`Case 5:20-cv-05676-EJD Document 42-11 Filed 12/07/20 Page 12 of 13
`a. Mr. Herrgott for a half-day remote deposition on his declaration and topics therein; and,
`b. an Intel 30(b)(6) designee for a half-day remote deposition on the above topics 1(a)-(f).
`To be clear, these depositions will be limited to the topics listed and will not prevent Demaray from seeking
`deposition testimony from Mr. Herrgott or an Intel corporate designee during the full discovery process after
`the Markman hearing. Please let us know if Intel will agree to produce this targeted venue-related discovery or
`if we need to contact the Court to request a telephonic discovery hearing.
`PLEASE NOTE: This message, including any attachments, may include privileged, confidential and/or inside
`information. Any distribution or use of this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient(s) is
`strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender by
`replying to this message and then delete it from your system. Thank you.
`This message is sent by a law firm and may contain information that is privileged or confidential. If you
`this transmission in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete the message and any attachments.
`If you reply to this message, Paul Hastings may collect personal information including your name, business
`and other contact details, and IP address. For more information about Paul Hastings’ information collecti

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