Case 3:19-cv-05644-SI Document 109 Filed 10/09/20 Page 1 of 9
`Reza Mirzaie (SBN 246953)
`Marc A. Fenster (SBN 181067)
`Kent N. Shum (SBN 259189)
`C. Jay Chung (SBN 252794)
`Christian W. Conkle (SBN 306374)
`Jonathan Ma (SBN 312773)
`12424 Wilshire Boulevard, 12th Floor
`Los Angeles, CA 90025
`Telephone: 310/826-7474
`Facsimile 310/826-6991
`Attorneys for Plaintiff Neodron Ltd.
`Neodron Ltd.,
`Lenovo Group, Ltd., et al.,
` Case No. 3:19-cv-05644-SI
`Plaintiff Neodron Ltd.’s Notice of Motion
`and Motion to Lift Stay
`Date: November 13, 2020
`Time: 10:00 AM
`Judge: Hon. Susan Illston
`Courtroom: 1, 17th Floor
` i


`Case 3:19-cv-05644-SI Document 109 Filed 10/09/20 Page 2 of 9
`NOTICE OF MOTION ....................................................................................................................1
`STATEMENT OF RELIEF .............................................................................................................1
`INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................2
`STATEMENT OF FACTS ..................................................................................................2
`ARGUMENT .......................................................................................................................3
`A. No Simplification Can Result from Continuing a Stay Because There Are
`No Instituted IPRs Pending For the Four Patents Now Remaining At Issue
`In This Case. ............................................................................................................3
`Stage of Litigation Supports Lifting the Stay. .........................................................4
`A Continued Stay Unfairly Prejudices Neodron Without Justification. ..................5
`CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................5
` ii


`Case 3:19-cv-05644-SI Document 109 Filed 10/09/20 Page 3 of 9
`PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on November 13, 2020, by telephone conference, or soon
`thereafter as the matter may be heard before the Honorable Susan Illston, Plaintiff Neodron Ltd.
`(“Neodron”) will and hereby moves to lift the stay in this case. Defendants indicated that they
`oppose lifting of the stay. D.I. 108 at 3-4.
`Plaintiff Neodron respectfully requests that the Court lift the stay of this proceeding.
` 1


`Case 3:19-cv-05644-SI Document 109 Filed 10/09/20 Page 4 of 9
`The Court previously entered an Order staying this case because there were pending Inter
`Partes Review (“IPR”) proceedings against a subset of the seven patents asserted in this case.
`However, based on developments since this Court’s Order, the justification for the stay no longer
`exists. First, with respect to one of the asserted patents (‘502 patent), the “request for rehearing”
`regarding Defendants’ denied IPR petition was also ultimately denied, shortly after this Court’s
`Order. That development leaves four of the seven patents—the ’502 patent, the ‘286 patent, the
`‘237 patent, and the ‘770 patent—with no pending IPR. And notably, Defendants are time-barred
`from filing any additional IPR petitions now and are precluded by law from appealing any and
`all denials of their petitions. Second, in the interest of proceeding toward a resolution of its
`rights, Neodron has elected to proceed in this case with only these four patents and none of the
`other three patents. Accordingly, there is no justification for staying this case, and Neodron is
`unfairly prejudiced by continuing the stay. The stay should be lifted.
`Plaintiff Neodron initially asserted seven patents in this case: United States Patent Nos.
`8,102,286 (“the ’286 patent”); 8,451,237 (“the ’237 patent”); 8,502,547 (“the ’547 patent”);
`8,946,574 (“the ’574 patent”); 9,086,770 (“the ’770 patent”); 10,088,960 (“the ’960 patent”); and
`7,821,502 (“the ’502 patent) (collectively, the “Asserted Patents”).
`On August 27, 2020, the Court granted Defendants’ stay motion because “[t]he ’547 and
`’960 patents have already been granted inter partes review, while the defendants’ petition for the
`’574 patent is still pending,” and because “[t]he petition for the ’502 patent, though already
`denied by the PTO, is also pending decision through a request for rehearing.” D.I. 106 at 1-2.
`As the Court’s stay order recognized, “[t]he remaining three patents have either been
`denied inter partes review (the ’286 patent) or have not as of yet been petitioned by defendants
`(the ’237 and ’770 patents).” Id.
`On September 15, 2020, the PTAB denied Samsung’s request for rehearing and denied
`Defendants’ petition to institute IPR as to the ‘502 patent. See D.I. 108 (Joint Status Report) at 2.


`Case 3:19-cv-05644-SI Document 109 Filed 10/09/20 Page 5 of 9
`On September 17, 2020, Neodron notified Defendants that it will elect to proceed only
`with the four patents which have no instituted IPRs pending, i.e., the ‘286 patent, the ‘237 patent,
`the ‘770 patent, and the ‘502 patent. See D.I. 108 (Joint Status Report) at 3.
`No Simplification Can Result from Continuing a Stay Because There Are No
`Instituted IPRs Pending For the Four Patents Now Remaining At Issue In
`This Case.
`All IPR proceedings that formed the basis of the Court’s stay here are no longer at issue
`in this case. On September 17, 2020, Neodron notified Defendants that it will elect to proceed
`only with the four patents which have no instituted IPRs pending, i.e., the ‘286 patent, the ‘237
`patent, the ‘770 patent, and the ‘502 patent. See D.I. 108 (Joint Status Report) at 3.
`Three of the four IPR proceedings that formed the basis of the stay—those involving the
`‘547, ‘960, and ‘574 patents—are no longer relevant to this case, as the ‘547, ‘960, and ‘574
`patents are no longer asserted here by Neodron. See D.I. 108 (Joint Status Report) at 3.
`As to the fourth IPR proceeding, the Court in its stay order stated that “[t]he petition for
`the ’502 patent, though already denied by the PTO, is also pending decision through a request for
`rehearing.” D.I. 106 at 1-2. Shortly after the Court’s stay order, on September 15, 2020, the
`PTAB denied Samsung’s request for rehearing and denied Defendants’ petition to institute IPR
`as to the ‘502 patent. See D.I. 108 (Joint Status Report) at 2.
`While there is an IPR petition that Apple Inc. filed against the ‘502 patent on July 29,
`2020 (IPR2020-01331),1 Neodron expects that petition to be denied institution, just like the other
`IPR petition against the ‘502 patent. But even if this new IPR petition is instituted, the final
`written decision is not expected until February 2022 (1 year after the deadline for institution
`decision in February 2021). Moreover, Defendants have not requested to join this petition.
`Accordingly, the possibility of this petition simplifying this case is remote at best because (1) the
`petition is unlikely to be instituted; (2) even if it is instituted, the final written decision in that
`1 Samsung filed a joinder IPR petition on September 10, 2020 (IPR2020-01610), that seeks to
`join Apple’s petition regarding the ‘502 patent, asserting identical arguments as Apple.


`Case 3:19-cv-05644-SI Document 109 Filed 10/09/20 Page 6 of 9
`hypothetical IPR would come 1.5 years later, at which point trial in this case would likely have
`concluded, should the Court lift the stay now; and (3) statutory estoppel would not apply in any
`event, as Defendants are not petitioners in that newly filed IPR petition.
`As to the other three patents remaining as asserted in this case—the ‘286, ‘237, and ‘770
`patents—there are no IPR petitions or instituted IPRs pending at all. And Defendants are now
`time-barred from filing any IPR petitions now, as it has now been over 1 year after service of the
`Complaint in this case. See 35 U.S.C. § 315(b).
`Moreover, the IPRs that are pending on the three patents no longer at issue (the ‘547,
`‘960, and ‘574 patents) will not simplify any issue for the four patents that remain asserted (the
`‘286, ‘237, ‘770, and ‘502 patents) because:
`• None of the three patents no longer at issue (‘547, ‘960, and ‘574 patents) are
`related to any of the four patents that remain at issue (the ‘286, ‘237, ‘770, and
`‘502 patents).
`• None of the three patents no longer at issue share substantially same specification
`as any of the four patents that remain at issue.
`In sum, there is no possibility of any simplification at all for three of the four patents
`(‘286, ‘237, and ‘770 patents) remaining at issue here, and as to the fourth patent (‘502 patent),
`the possibility of simplification is remote at best.
`Stage of Litigation Supports Lifting the Stay.
`In the Court’s stay order, the Court already found that the stage of litigation does not
`support a stay. See D.I. 106 at 3. The Court also noted that Defendants should have brought their
`intent to request stay of the case earlier, which also indicate that the stage of litigation does not
`support a stay. See id. at 2, fn.2 (“Lenovo failed to mention its intent to bring the instant [stay]
`motion, despite filing it minutes after the conclusion of the July 1, 2020, Markman hearing.”).
`This case is already in advanced stage. For example, the Court had already conducted
`claim construction proceeding and issued its claim construction order on July 13, 2020 (D.I. 97),
`before the case was stayed. And of course, infringement and invalidity contentions were already
`exchanged long ago, and parties have exchanged written discovery and document productions.


`Case 3:19-cv-05644-SI Document 109 Filed 10/09/20 Page 7 of 9
`Accordingly, promptly lifting the stay and proceeding with this litigation would advance “just,
`speedy, and inexpensive determination” of litigation. See Universal Elecs., Inc. v. Universal
`Remote Control, Inc., 943 F. Supp. 2d 1028, 1035 (C.D. Cal. 2013).
`A Continued Stay Unfairly Prejudices Neodron Without Justification.
`Postponing this litigation contravenes the just and speedy resolution of Neodron’s rights.2
`Lennon Image Techs., LLC v. Macy's Retail Holdings, Inc., No. 2:13-CV-00235-JRG, 2014 WL
`4652117, at *2 (E.D. Tex. Sept. 18, 2014) (“[A] patent holder has ‘an interest in the timely
`enforcement of its patent right.’”); see also Trover Grp., Inc. v. Dedicated Micros USA, No.
`2:13-CV-1047-WCB, 2015 WL 1069179, at *2 (E.D. Tex. Mar. 11, 2015) (“[T]he plaintiffs’
`claim of prejudice is entitled to consideration, as is the general right of patent owners to timely
`enforcement of their patent rights.”).
`In addition to the fact that Neodron is entitled to just and speedy resolution of its rights,
`Neodron is prejudiced also because “a protracted stay could raise issues with stale evidence,
`faded memories, and lost documents.” SoftView LLC v. Apple Inc., No. 10-389-LPS, 2012 U.S.
`Dist. LEXIS 104677, at *4 (D. Del. July 26, 2012).3 The prejudice factor weighs in favor of
`lifting the stay, particular where, as here, the entire justification of the stay has been eliminated,
`as explained above.
`2 See, e.g., Universal Elecs. V. Universal Remote Control, Inc., 943 F. Supp. 2d 1028, 1035
`(C.D. Cal. 2013) (“The Court is concerned that allowing the progress of its docket to depend on
`the status of proceedings elsewhere can interfere with its obligation ‘to secure the just, speedy,
`and inexpensive determination of every action’ . . . . This consideration weighs against a stay.”);
`Overland Storage, Inc. v. BTD AG (Germany), No. 10-CV-1700 JLS, 2013 WL 12066130, at *2
`(S.D. Cal. Dec. 10, 2013) (“The Federal Circuit recognizes the existence of a ‘strong public
`policy favoring expeditious resolutions of litigation.’”).
`3 “Although Defendants contend that the evidence in this case is based on source code that can
`be preserved easily, SoftView must also rely, at least to some extent, on evidence that can only
`be acquired through witnesses, whose memories will inevitably fade and/or who may become
`more difficult to find over time. Conversely, the evidence that Defendants must rely on to prove
`invalidity is primarily prior art references, which seemingly will not change and is less likely to
`become more difficult to locate with the passage of time.” SoftView, 2012 U.S. Dist. LEXIS
`104677, at *4.


`Case 3:19-cv-05644-SI Document 109 Filed 10/09/20 Page 8 of 9
` For the foregoing reasons, the Court should lift the stay in this case.
`DATED: October 9, 2020
`Respectfully submitted,
`By: /s/ Reza Mirzaie _______________
`Reza Mirzaie (SBN 246953)
`Marc A. Fenster (SBN 181067)
`Kent N. Shum (SBN 259189)
`C. Jay Chung (SBN 252794)
`Christian W. Conkle (SBN 306374)
`Jonathan Ma (SBN 312773)
`12424 Wilshire Boulevard, 12th Floor
`Los Angeles, CA 90025
`Telephone: 310/826-7474
`Facsimile 310/826-6991
`Attorneys for Plaintiff Neodron Ltd.


`Case 3:19-cv-05644-SI Document 109 Filed 10/09/20 Page 9 of 9
`The undersigned hereby certifies that a true copy of the foregoing document has been
`served on October 9, 2020 to all counsel of record via the Court’s CM/ECF system.
`Dated: October 9, 2020
`/s/ Reza Mirzaie
` 1

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