Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 919-4 Filed 12/05/23 Page 1 of 30
`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 919-4 Filed 12/05/23 Page 1 of 30


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 919-4 Filed 12/05/23 Page 2 of 30
`McCormick, Patrick Emerson
`Todd Gregorian
`Christopher Lavin
`RE: [23984-00507] PersonalWeb Technologies, LLC et al v. Twitch Interactive, Inc. (closed 10/29/2020) (Doc#
`297, N.D. Cal. 5:18-cv-05619-BLF)
`Tuesday, December 5, 2023 9:18:06 AM
`As a party to the phone call, I am aware of what the Parties discussed. We did not agree to anything
`other than to discuss potential numbers with our clients. Chris agreed to ask Amazon about its
`asserted midpoint of $283,000, and I agreed to ask PersonalWeb about its asserted midpoint of
`$320,000. Neither of us had authority to agree to either of those numbers on behalf of our
`respective clients, and were both very clear on that issue.
`Seemingly, Amazon rejected both of those numbers and offered $280,000, per Chris’ email on
`December 1, 2023 at 1:52pm PST below. PersonalWeb has also rejected both those numbers and
`now offers $423,000.
`Patrick Emerson McCormick, CIPP/US
`Admitted in Arizona, California, and Colorado
`D. 520.629.4455
`From: Todd Gregorian <>
`Sent: Tuesday, December 5, 2023 10:11
`To: McCormick, Patrick Emerson <>
`Cc: Christopher Lavin <>
`Subject: RE: [23984-00507] PersonalWeb Technologies, LLC et al v. Twitch Interactive, Inc. (closed
`10/29/2020) (Doc# 297, N.D. Cal. 5:18-cv-05619-BLF)
`CAUTION! [EXTERNAL to Lewis Roca]
`Amazon did not make an offer of $280k to PersonalWeb. Counsel mutually agreed, for the sake of
`moving past this issue, to determine their respective clients’ willingness to agree to $280k as the
`midpoint between their current numbers. PersonalWeb is of course free to say “no” or take any
`other position it wishes. But it is disappointing to see PersonalWeb misrepresent the negotiating


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 919-4 Filed 12/05/23 Page 3 of 30
`Todd Gregorian
`Fenwick | Partner | +1 415-875-2402 |
`From: McCormick, Patrick Emerson <>
`Sent: Tuesday, December 5, 2023 8:36 AM
`To: Todd Gregorian <>
`Cc: Christopher Lavin <>
`Subject: RE: [23984-00507] PersonalWeb Technologies, LLC et al v. Twitch Interactive, Inc. (closed
`10/29/2020) (Doc# 297, N.D. Cal. 5:18-cv-05619-BLF)
`I understand Amazon’s asserted deadline to respond has passed. PersonalWeb has responded and I
`provide this offer in case there is still time to resolve this informally.
`PersonalWeb will stipulate to requesting a reduction of $423,000. This is halfway between $566,000
`—the number PersonalWeb believes it should be based on the entries it has submitted to the Court
`—and Amazon’s offer of $280,000.
`PersonalWeb does not find Amazon’s argument that these entries were incurred for reasons other
`than alter ego claims convincing, as no other reasons are given in Amazon’s entries or briefs
`submitted to the Court. Nor does PersonalWeb find Amazon’s claim that a certain percentage of
`these can just be summarily discounted, just as the Court rejected a broad percentage application.
`That said, PersonalWeb is willing to resolve this informally at a number closer to what it believes the
`Court should grant.
`Patrick Emerson McCormick, CIPP/US
`Admitted in Arizona, California, and Colorado
`D. 520.629.4455
`-----Original Message-----
`From: Todd Gregorian <>
`Sent: Monday, December 4, 2023 12:42
`To: McCormick, Patrick Emerson <>
`Cc: Christopher Lavin <>
`Subject: Re: [23984-00507] PersonalWeb Technologies, LLC et al v. Twitch Interactive, Inc. (closed
`10/29/2020) (Doc# 297, N.D. Cal. 5:18-cv-05619-BLF)


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 919-4 Filed 12/05/23 Page 4 of 30
`CAUTION! [EXTERNAL to Lewis Roca]
`Please let us know by 4pm today whether there is an agreement to $280k as the amount, and if so
`provide a stipulation. Absent an agreement we will file our opposition brief.
`On Dec 4, 2023, at 11:36 AM, McCormick, Patrick Emerson <> wrote:
` I
` do not have a response from PersonalWeb to Amazon’s offer yet. I will let you know as soon as I
`have any response.
`Patrick Emerson McCormick, CIPP/US
`Admitted in Arizona, California, and Colorado <image001.png>
`D. 520.629.4455
`From: Christopher Lavin <>
`Sent: Monday, December 4, 2023 09:43
`To: McCormick, Patrick Emerson <>; Todd Gregorian
`Subject: RE: [23984-00507] PersonalWeb Technologies, LLC et al v. Twitch Interactive, Inc. (closed
`10/29/2020) (Doc# 297, N.D. Cal. 5:18-cv-05619-BLF)
`CAUTION! [EXTERNAL to Lewis Roca]
`Please let us know whether you’ve been able to connect with PersonalWeb on the stipulated fees
`amount since Friday, and if, not, when you expect to.


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 919-4 Filed 12/05/23 Page 5 of 30
`Chris Lavin
`Fenwick | Associate | +1 415-875-2287 |<mailto:>
`From: Christopher Lavin
`Sent: Friday, December 1, 2023 2:50 PM
`To: McCormick, Patrick Emerson <>; Todd Gregorian
`Subject: RE: [23984-00507] PersonalWeb Technologies, LLC et al v. Twitch Interactive, Inc. (closed
`10/29/2020) (Doc# 297, N.D. Cal. 5:18-cv-05619-BLF)
`Thanks, Patrick, we’re filing now.
`Chris Lavin
`Fenwick | Associate | +1 415-875-2287 |<mailto:>
`From: McCormick, Patrick Emerson
`Sent: Friday, December 1, 2023 2:40 PM
`To: Christopher Lavin <<>>; Todd Gregorian
`Subject: RE: [23984-00507] PersonalWeb Technologies, LLC et al v. Twitch Interactive, Inc. (closed
`10/29/2020) (Doc# 297, N.D. Cal. 5:18-cv-05619-BLF)
` consent. Thank you.
` I
`Patrick Emerson McCormick, CIPP/US
`Admitted in Arizona, California, and Colorado <image001.png>
`D. 520.629.4455
`From: Christopher Lavin <<>>
`Sent: Friday, December 1, 2023 15:36
`To: McCormick, Patrick Emerson
`<<>>; Todd Gregorian


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 919-4 Filed 12/05/23 Page 6 of 30
`Subject: RE: [23984-00507] PersonalWeb Technologies, LLC et al v. Twitch Interactive, Inc. (closed
`10/29/2020) (Doc# 297, N.D. Cal. 5:18-cv-05619-BLF)
`CAUTION! [EXTERNAL to Lewis Roca]
`I attach a draft stipulation extending the deadline.
`Please confirm that you consent to filing.
`Chris Lavin
`Fenwick | Associate | +1 415-875-2287 |<mailto:>
`From: McCormick, Patrick Emerson
`Sent: Friday, December 1, 2023 1:57 PM
`To: Christopher Lavin <<>>; Todd Gregorian
`Subject: RE: [23984-00507] PersonalWeb Technologies, LLC et al v. Twitch Interactive, Inc. (closed
`10/29/2020) (Doc# 297, N.D. Cal. 5:18-cv-05619-BLF)
`Chris, sorry for the delay. I have been unable to get in contact with my client since we spoke. If you
`would like to ask the Court for another extension, PersonalWeb will not object.
`Patrick Emerson McCormick, CIPP/US
`Admitted in Arizona, California, and Colorado <image001.png>
`D. 520.629.4455
`From: Christopher Lavin <<>>
`Sent: Friday, December 1, 2023 14:52
`To: McCormick, Patrick Emerson
`<<>>; Todd Gregorian


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 919-4 Filed 12/05/23 Page 7 of 30
`Subject: RE: [23984-00507] PersonalWeb Technologies, LLC et al v. Twitch Interactive, Inc. (closed
`10/29/2020) (Doc# 297, N.D. Cal. 5:18-cv-05619-BLF)
`CAUTION! [EXTERNAL to Lewis Roca]
`Following up on my voicemails, we can offer that if the Court sustains PersonalWeb’s objection, then
`the court would deduct $280,000. Please let me know if we can reach an agreement.
`If we don’t hear from you by 3 PM PT, we’ll proceed with filing our response and providing the court
`with our sample calculation.
`Chris Lavin
`Fenwick | Associate | +1 415-875-2287 |<mailto:>
`From: Christopher Lavin
`Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2023 5:15 PM
`To: McCormick, Patrick Emerson
`<<>>; Todd Gregorian
`Subject: RE: [23984-00507] PersonalWeb Technologies, LLC et al v. Twitch Interactive, Inc. (closed
`10/29/2020) (Doc# 297, N.D. Cal. 5:18-cv-05619-BLF)
`I’ll call your office line to discuss tomorrow at 9:30 AM PT.
`Chris Lavin
`Fenwick | Associate | +1 415-875-2287 |<mailto:>
`From: McCormick, Patrick Emerson
`Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2023 3:36 PM
`To: Todd Gregorian <<>>; Christopher
`Lavin <<>>
`Subject: RE: [23984-00507] PersonalWeb Technologies, LLC et al v. Twitch Interactive, Inc. (closed
`10/29/2020) (Doc# 297, N.D. Cal. 5:18-cv-05619-BLF)


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 919-4 Filed 12/05/23 Page 8 of 30
`Todd, I'm always open to discussion, but I'm not available to hop on a call today until 7:30 PST. I can
`chat anytime after that. I'm also available tomorrow from 8am-10:30am PST tomorrow.
`If that works for you, we can discuss item #2 on the call. If not, I'll respond via email this evening.
`Sent from my mobile device
`-------- Original message --------
`From: Todd Gregorian <<>>
`Date: 11/30/23 16:27 (GMT-07:00)
`To: "McCormick, Patrick Emerson"
`<<>>, Christopher Lavin
`Subject: RE: [23984-00507] PersonalWeb Technologies, LLC et al v. Twitch Interactive, Inc. (closed
`10/29/2020) (Doc# 297, N.D. Cal. 5:18-cv-05619-BLF)
`CAUTION! [EXTERNAL to Lewis Roca]
`Thanks Patrick. A couple thoughts:
` 1. Do you think it would be fruitful to have a discussion of why these fees were incurred pursuing a
`range of judgment enforcement tasks? Your remarks at the hearing made clear that you already
`understood that, and thus it looks to us like PersonalWeb is just pushing to exclude anything that it
`can characterize as relevant or useful to a separate alter ego case, regardless of its actual intended
`purpose or other potential uses. So it may be that hearing more from us isn’t really going to change
`views. But we could walk through the arguments if you thought that would help. I also assume that
`if PersonalWeb had authority for its position, it would have argued it in the supplemental
`opposition. We are open to considering any that you have.
` 1. If we treat this just as an exercise in reaching a number to reduce appeal risk and work for the
`Court, is there interest on PersonalWeb’s side in walking to some middle point for the sake of that
`compromise? Assume that number would not be very close to either $77k or $501k.
`Todd Gregorian
`Fenwick | Partner | +1 415-875-2402 |<mailto:>
`From: McCormick, Patrick Emerson
`Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2023 3:11 PM


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 919-4 Filed 12/05/23 Page 9 of 30
`To: Christopher Lavin <<>>; Todd Gregorian
`Subject: RE: [23984-00507] PersonalWeb Technologies, LLC et al v. Twitch Interactive, Inc. (closed
`10/29/2020) (Doc# 297, N.D. Cal. 5:18-cv-05619-BLF)
`Thank you for clarifying. In that case, PersonalWeb rejects Amazon’s proffered amount.
`PersonalWeb’s offer to stipulate to $501,581.10 stands.
`Patrick Emerson McCormick, CIPP/US
`Admitted in Arizona, California, and Colorado <image001.png>
`D. 520.629.4455
`From: Christopher Lavin <<>>
`Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2023 15:14
`To: McCormick, Patrick Emerson
`<<>>; Todd Gregorian
`Subject: RE: [23984-00507] PersonalWeb Technologies, LLC et al v. Twitch Interactive, Inc. (closed
`10/29/2020) (Doc# 297, N.D. Cal. 5:18-cv-05619-BLF)
`CAUTION! [EXTERNAL to Lewis Roca]
`Thanks for the counter-proposal.
`Our proposal was couched as the opposite – that if the Court sustains PersonalWeb’s objection, then
`Amazon would recover only $491,534.86, rather than the $566,411.51 of the billing entries at issue.
`In other words, Amazon would forfeit $74,876.65 in fees – whereas your proposal is that Amazon
`forfeits $501,581.10 in fees, which Amazon cannot agree to.
`To expand on our methodology for the sample calculation, we partially discounted the document
`review entries (Category 1) to account for that some of that review would be relevant to alter ego.


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 919-4 Filed 12/05/23 Page 10 of 30
`And we applied a complete discount to the alter ego entries (Category 2) that facially appear
`directed only to alter ego, even though we do not concede those are not recoverable.
`We remain open to further proposals.
`Chris Lavin
`Fenwick | Associate | +1 415-875-2287 |<mailto:>
`From: McCormick, Patrick Emerson
`Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2023 12:39 PM
`To: Christopher Lavin <<>>; Todd Gregorian
`Subject: RE: [23984-00507] PersonalWeb Technologies, LLC et al v. Twitch Interactive, Inc. (closed
`10/29/2020) (Doc# 297, N.D. Cal. 5:18-cv-05619-BLF)
`Thank you again for this.
`PersonalWeb disagrees with the categorization of these fees and the general discount applied to the
`document review entries. Of particular confusion is Amazon’s complete removal of entries explicitly
`dealing with alter ego issues (Category 2).
`If Amazon will agree to not exclude the fees in Category 2, which would bring the total to
`$501,581.10, PersonalWeb will stipulate to that number. This is with the qualification that
`PersonalWeb is strictly agreeing to that number and not the methodology by which Amazon arrived
`at that amount.
`If Amazon will stipulate to $501,581.10 for the amount of denied attorneys’ fees in the event the
`Court holds that Amazon cannot recover for its fees incurred in pursuit of alter ego claims, then we
`can move forward with preparing a stipulation.
`Patrick Emerson McCormick, CIPP/US
`Admitted in Arizona, California, and Colorado <image001.png>


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 919-4 Filed 12/05/23 Page 11 of 30
`D. 520.629.4455
`From: McCormick, Patrick Emerson
`Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2023 08:38
`To: 'Christopher Lavin' <<>>; Todd Gregorian
`Subject: RE: [23984-00507] PersonalWeb Technologies, LLC et al v. Twitch Interactive, Inc. (closed
`10/29/2020) (Doc# 297, N.D. Cal. 5:18-cv-05619-BLF)
`Thank you, Chris. I informed PersonalWeb of Amazon’s offer shortly after receiving your email last
`night. I will let you know as soon as I have a response.
`Patrick Emerson McCormick, CIPP/US
`Admitted in Arizona, California, and Colorado <image001.png>
`D. 520.629.4455
`From: Christopher Lavin <<>>
`Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2023 17:40
`To: McCormick, Patrick Emerson
`<<>>; Todd Gregorian
`Subject: RE: [23984-00507] PersonalWeb Technologies, LLC et al v. Twitch Interactive, Inc. (closed
`10/29/2020) (Doc# 297, N.D. Cal. 5:18-cv-05619-BLF)
`CAUTION! [EXTERNAL to Lewis Roca]
`In the interest of trying to work toward a compromise on the disputed billing entries, we provide a
`method for a possible discount and a sample calculation.
`What we’ve done is taken your spreadsheet, breaking the disputed billing entries into 3 categories,
`(1) doc review entries, (2) alter ego entries, and (3) all other entries that are not (1) or (2). We
`propose that if the Court sustains PersonalWeb’s objection, then Amazon would recover only 70% of
`(1) ($151,270.96), 0% of (2) ($0), and 100% of (3) ($340,263.90), arriving at an overall $491,534.86
`recovery on the $566,411.51 of the billing entries at issue (~13% discount).


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 919-4 Filed 12/05/23 Page 12 of 30
`Please let us know your thoughts or if you would like to discuss.
`Chris Lavin
`Fenwick | Associate | +1 415-875-2287 |<mailto:>
`-----Original Message-----
`From: McCormick, Patrick Emerson
`Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2023 12:37 PM
`To: Todd Gregorian<>
`Cc: Christopher Lavin<>
`Subject: RE: [23984-00507] PersonalWeb Technologies, LLC et al v. Twitch Interactive, Inc. (closed
`10/29/2020) (Doc# 297, N.D. Cal. 5:18-cv-05619-BLF)
`That's correct, no petition for a rehearing en banc.
`Patrick Emerson McCormick, CIPP/US
`Admitted in Arizona, California, and Colorado
`D. 520.629.4455


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 919-4 Filed 12/05/23 Page 13 of 30
`-----Original Message-----
`From: Todd Gregorian <<>>
`Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2023 13:37
`To: McCormick, Patrick Emerson
`Cc: Christopher Lavin <<>>
`Subject: Re: [23984-00507] PersonalWeb Technologies, LLC et al v. Twitch Interactive, Inc. (closed
`10/29/2020) (Doc# 297, N.D. Cal. 5:18-cv-05619-BLF)
`CAUTION! [EXTERNAL to Lewis Roca]
`Thanks. To clarify: also no petition for rehearing en banc?
`On Nov 29, 2023, at 11:31 AM, McCormick, Patrick Emerson
`<<>> wrote:


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 919-4 Filed 12/05/23 Page 14 of 30
`PersonalWeb will not petition for a panel rehearing of the November 3, 2023 Federal Circuit opinion.
`I will file a notice with the Court today informing it of the same.
`PersonalWeb is still considering Amazon’s offer regarding a stipulation of the amount of attorneys’
`fees attributable to alter ego claims. I will give you PersonalWeb’s response as soon as I have it.
`Patrick Emerson McCormick, CIPP/US
`Admitted in Arizona, California, and Colorado <image001.png>
`D. 520.629.4455


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 919-4 Filed 12/05/23 Page 15 of 30
`-----Original Message-----
`From: Todd Gregorian <<>>
`Sent: Monday, November 27, 2023 15:05
`To: McCormick, Patrick Emerson
`Cc: Christopher Lavin <<>>
`Subject: Re: [23984-00507] PersonalWeb Technologies, LLC et al v. Twitch Interactive, Inc. (closed
`10/29/2020) (Doc# 297, N.D. Cal. 5:18-cv-05619-BLF)
`CAUTION! [EXTERNAL to Lewis Roca]
`More games. Unfortunate
`On Nov 27, 2023, at 1:57 PM, McCormick, Patrick Emerson
`>>> wrote:


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 919-4 Filed 12/05/23 Page 16 of 30
`Thank you, it was a wonderful Thanksgiving. I hope yours was, too.
`I will let you know as soon as I have a definitive response on behalf of PersonalWeb.


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 919-4 Filed 12/05/23 Page 17 of 30
`Patrick Emerson McCormick, CIPP/US
`Admitted in Arizona, California, and Colorado <image001.png>
`D. 520.629.4455
`From: Todd Gregorian


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 919-4 Filed 12/05/23 Page 18 of 30
`Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2023 17:29
`To: McCormick, Patrick Emerson
`Cc: Christopher Lavin
`Subject: RE: [23984-00507] PersonalWeb Technologies, LLC et al v. Twitch Interactive, Inc. (closed
`10/29/2020) (Doc# 297, N.D. Cal. 5:18-cv-05619-BLF)
`CAUTION! [EXTERNAL to Lewis Roca]
` I
` hope you had a nice holiday. I am following up on my request from Wednesday morning. Amazon
`has made a proposal; the Court instructed us to continue to attempt to resolve this issue. Please
`provide PersonalWeb’s response.


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 919-4 Filed 12/05/23 Page 19 of 30
`Todd Gregorian
`Fenwick | Partner | +1 415-875-2402 |
`From: Todd Gregorian
`Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2023 9:04 AM
`To: McCormick, Patrick Emerson
`Cc: Christopher Lavin
`Subject: FW: [23984-00507] PersonalWeb Technologies, LLC et al v. Twitch Interactive, Inc. (closed
`10/29/2020) (Doc# 297, N.D. Cal. 5:18-cv-05619-BLF)


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 919-4 Filed 12/05/23 Page 20 of 30
`Let me know what PersonalWeb proposes. Thanks,
`Todd Gregorian
`Fenwick | Partner | +1 415-875-2402 |


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 919-4 Filed 12/05/23 Page 21 of 30
`Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2023 8:56 AM
`To: Todd Gregorian
`>>>>; Lauren Mayo
`>>>>; Vicky Pieretti
`>>>>; Irma Campos
`>>>>; Matthew Becker
`>>>>; Lit KM PacerPro
`m>>>>; Marti Guidoux
`>>>>; Deena Feit
`>>>>; Shannon Turner
`>>>>; Tracey Boomer
`>>>>; David Hadden


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 919-4 Filed 12/05/23 Page 22 of 30
`>>>>; Raymond Pelayo
`>>>>; Ravi Ranganath
`>>>>; Tonia Corwin
`>>>>; Saina Shamilov
`>>>>; Sandy Sanford
`>>>>; Docket Calendar Requests
`>>>>; Julie
`>>>>; Christopher Lavin
`>>>>; Wenbo Zhang
`>>>>; Sonja Gray
`Subject: [23984-00507] PersonalWeb Technologies, LLC et al v. Twitch Interactive, Inc. (closed
`10/29/2020) (Doc# 297, N.D. Cal. 5:18-cv-05619-BLF)


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 919-4 Filed 12/05/23 Page 23 of 30
`PersonalWeb Technologies, LLC et al v. Twitch Interactive, Inc. (closed 10/29/2020)

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