
`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 340-7 Filed 01/09/19 Page 1 of 112
`Case 5:18—md-02834-BLF Document 340-7 Filed 01/09/19 Page 1 of 112


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 340-7 Filed 01/09/19 Page 2 of 112
`Claim Chart for Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) for U.S. PATENT NO. 5,978,791
`Issued November 2, 1999
`Data Processing System Using Substantially Unique Identifiers To Identify Data Items,
`Whereby Identical Data Items Have the Same Identifiers
`Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
`Ina data processing system, an
`apparatus comprising:
`is an online storage web service offered by Amazon Web
`(Simple Storage Service)
`Services that uses a data processing system.
`identity means for determining,
`any of a plurality of data items
`in the system, a
`substantially unique identifier, the
`identifier being determined using
`and depending onall of the data in
`the data item and only the data in
`the data item, whereby two
`identical data items in the system
`will have the same identifier; and
`provides storage through web services interfaces. S3 stores arbitrary objects
`files) up to 5 terabytes in size, each accompanied by up to 2 kilobytes of metadata.
`Objects are organized into buckets (each owned by an Amazon Web Services or AWS account),
`and identified within each bucket by a unique, user-assigned key.
`Plaintiffs contend that this element is governed by 35 U.S.C. § 112(6). The identity of the
`structures, acts, or materials in the Accused Instrumentality that performs the claimed function is
`the hardware and software used by the Amazon S3 system, when creating the
`“ETag,” determines, for any of a plurality of data items present in the system, a substantially
`unique identifier, the identifier being determined using and depending onall ofthe data in the
`data item and only the data in the data item, whereby two identical data items in the system will
`have the same identifier.
`When performing a multipart upload, Amazon S3 automatically generates a hash to identify and
`retrieve the data being uploaded.
`Objects greater than 5GB in size require the use of the multipart upload API.
`U.S. Patent No.


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 340-7 Filed 01/09/19 Page 3 of 112
`U.S. PATENT NO. 5,978,791
`Issued November 2, 1999
`Data Processing System Using Substantially Unique Identifiers To Identify Data Items,
`Whereby Identical Data Items Have the Same Identifiers
`Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
`Common Response Headers
`The following table describes response headers that are common to most AWS S3 responses.
`The length in bytes of the body in the
`Type: String
`specifies whether the connection to the server is open or closed.
`Type: Enum
`Valid Values: open | close
`The date and time Amazon S3 responded,
`12:00:00 GMT.
`for example, Wed, 01 Mar 2009
`Type: String
`The entity tag is a hash of the object. The ETag only reflects changes to the
`contents of an object, not its metadata. The ETag is determined when an object
`is created. For objects created by the PUT Object operation and the POST Object
`the ETag is a quoted, 32-digit hexadecimal string representing the
`MD5 digest of the object data. For other objects,
`the ETag may or may not be an
`MD5 digest of the object data.If the ETag is not an MD5 digestof the object data,
`characters and/or will consist of less
`it will contain one or more non-hexadecimal
`than 32 or more than 32 hexadecimal digits.
`Type: String
`Tha nama of tha carver that craatad tha racnaneca
`U.S. Patent No.


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 340-7 Filed 01/09/19 Page 4 of 112
`U.S. PATENT NO. 5,978,791
`Issued November 2, 1999
`Data Processing System Using Substantially Unique Identifiers To Identify Data Items,
`Whereby Identical Data Items Have the Same Identifiers
`Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
`Multipart Uploads:
`S3 performs multipart uploads through the generation and use of a an “ETag”, which is a MD5
`hash (becauseit is a PUT operation,it is a MD5 hash, see “common response headers” graphic
`above,) of the data-part, which is required for a later request to complete the multipart upload
`and for Amazon S3 to concatenate the parts together to form a single object.
`And once combined, Amazon S3
`responds with an ETag that uniquely identifies the combined data.
`Multipart uploading is a three-step process: Youinitiate the upload, you upload the object parts, and after
`you have uploaded all the parts, you complete the multipart upload. Upon receiving the complete multipart
`upload request, Amazon S3 constructs the object from the uploaded parts, and you can then access the
`just as you would any other object in your bucket.
`Parts Upload Step
`U.S. Patent No.


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 340-7 Filed 01/09/19 Page 5 of 112
`U.S. PATENT NO. 5,978,791
`Issued November 2, 1999
`Data Processing System Using Substantially Unique Identifiers To Identify Data Items,
`Whereby Identical Data Items Have the Same Identifiers
`Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
`Parts Upload
`When uploading a part,
`in addition to the upload ID, you must specify a part number. You can choose
`any part number between 1 and 10,000. A part number uniquely identifies a part and its position in the
`object you are uploading. If you upload a new part using the same part numberas a previously
`the previously uploaded part is overwritten. Whenever you upload a part, Amazon S3 returns an
`ETag headerin its response. For each part upload, you must record the part number and the ETag value.
`You needto include these values in the subsequent request to complete the multipart upload.
`Multipart Upload Completion (or Abort)
`When you complete a multipart upload, Amazon S3 creates an object by concatenating parts in ascending
`order based on the part number. If any object metadata was providedin the initiate multipart upload
`request, Amazon S3 associates that metadata with the object. After a successful complete request,
`parts no longer exist. Your complete multipart upload request must include the upload ID and a list of
`both part numbers and corresponding ETag values. Amazon S3 response includes an ETag that uniquely
`identifies the combined object data. This ETag will not necessarily be an MD5 hash of the object data.
`You can optionally abort the multipart upload. After aborting a multipart upload, you cannot upload any
`part using that upload ID again. All storage that any parts from the aborted multipart upload consumed
`is then freed. If any part uploads were in-progress, they can still succeed orfail even after you aborted.
`To free all storage consumedbyall parts, you must abort a multipart upload only after all part uploads
`have completed.
`* Note: It is our current understanding that the individual parts uploaded with PUT or POST
`hash of the object data (see graphic
`object operations necessarily have an ETagthat is the
`above titled “Common Response Headers,”) however the ETag of the combined object data “will
`U.S. Patent No.


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 340-7 Filed 01/09/19 Page 6 of 112
`U.S. PATENT NO. 5,978,791
`Issued November 2, 1999
`Data Processing System Using Substantially Unique Identifiers To Identify Data Items,
`Whereby Identical Data Items Have the Same Identifiers
`Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
`not necessarily be an MD5 hashofthe object data.”
`Sample Request
`The following PUT request uploadsa part (part number 1) in a multipart upload. The request includes
`the upload ID that you get in response to your Initiate Multipart Upload request.
`1 Nov 2010 20:34:56 GMT
`***part data omitted***
`Sample Response
`The response includes the ETag header. You needto retain this value for use when you send the Complete
`Multipart Upload request.
`200 OK
`1 Nov 2010 20:34:56 GMT
`U.S. Patent No.


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 340-7 Filed 01/09/19 Page 7 of 112
`U.S. PATENT NO. 5,978,791
`Issued November 2, 1999
`Data Processing System Using Substantially Unique Identifiers To Identify Data Items,
`Whereby Identical Data Items Have the Same Identifiers
`Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
`Complete Multipart Upload
`This operation completes a multipart upload by assembling previously uploaded parts.
`You first initiate the multipart upload and then uploadall parts using the Upload Parts operation (see
`Upload Part (p. 171)). After successfully uploading all relevant parts of an upload, you call this operation
`to complete the upload. Upon receiving this request, Amazon S3 concatenates all the parts in ascending
`order by part numberto create a new object.
`In the Complete Multipart Upload request, you must provide
`the parts list. You must ensure the parts list is complete,
`this operation concatenates the parts you provide
`in the list. For each part in the list, you must provide the part number and the ETaq header value,
`after that part was uploaded.
`Processing of a Complete Multipart Upload request could take Several minutes to complete. After Amazon
`it sends an HTTP response header that specifies a 200 OK response.
`S3 begins processing the request,
`While processing is in progress, Amazon S3 periodically sends whitespace characters to keep the
`from timing out. Because a request could fail after the initial 200 OK response has been sent,
`it is important that you check the response body to determine whether the request succeeded.
`U.S. Patent No.


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 340-7 Filed 01/09/19 Page 8 of 112
`U.S. PATENT NO. 5,978,791
`Issued November 2, 1999
`Data Processing System Using Substantially Unique Identifiers To Identify Data Items,
`Whereby Identical Data Items Have the Same Identifiers
`Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
`Request Elements
`Container for the request.
`Type: Container
`Children: One or more Part elements
`Container for elements related to a particular
`uploaded part.
`Type: Container
`Children: PartNumber, ETag
`Part number that identifies the part.
`Ancestor: Part
`Entity tag returned when the part was uploaded.
`Ancestor: Part
`Type: String
`U.S. Patent No.


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 340-7 Filed 01/09/19 Page 9 of 112
`U.S. PATENT NO. 5,978,791
`Issued November 2, 1999
`Data Processing System Using Substantially Unique Identifiers To Identify Data Items,
`Whereby Identical Data Items Have the Same Identifiers
`Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
`/ObjectName?uploadId=Uploadid HTTP/1.1
`Date: Date
`Authorization: Signature
`U.S. Patent No.


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 340-7 Filed 01/09/19 Page 10 of 112
`U.S. PATENT NO. 5,978,791
`Issued November 2, 1999
`Data Processing System Using Substantially Unique Identifiers To Identify Data Items,
`Whereby Identical Data Items Have the Same Identifiers
`Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
`Response Elements
`Container for the response
`Type: Container
`Children: Location, Bucket, Key, ETag
`Ancestors: None
`The URI that identifies the newly created object.
`Type: URI
`The name of the bucket that contains the newly created object.
`Type: String
`The object key of the newly created object.
`Type: String
`Entity tag that identifies the newly created object's data.
`Objects with different object data will have different entity
`tags. The entity tag is an opaque string.
`Type: String
`U.S. Patent No.


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 340-7 Filed 01/09/19 Page 11 of 112
`U.S. PATENT NO. 5,978,791
`Issued November 2, 1999
`Data Processing System Using Substantially Unique Identifiers To Identify Data Items,
`Whereby Identical Data Items Have the Same Identifiers
`Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
`Sample Request
`The following Complete Multipart Upload request specifies three parts in the
`1 Nov 2010 20:34:56 GMT
`U.S. Patent No.


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 340-7 Filed 01/09/19 Page 12 of 112
`U.S. PATENT NO. 5,978,791
`Issued November 2, 1999
`Data Processing System Using Substantially Unique Identifiers To Identify Data Items,
`Whereby Identical Data Items Have the Same Identifiers
`Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
`Sample Response
`The following response indicates that an object was successfully assembled.
`200 OK
`1 Nov 2010 20:34:56 GMT
`Date: Mon,
`<?xml version="1.0"
`existence meansfor determining
`whether a particular data item is
`in the system, by
`examining the identifiers of the
`plurality of data items.
`Plaintiffs contend that this element is governed by 35 U.S.C. § 112(6). The identity of the
`structures, acts, or materials in the Accused Instrumentality that performs the claimed function is
`the hardware and software used by the Amazon S3 system, when comparing
`“ETags” when performing steps to copy data, when performing a GET of data with conditional
`parameters, when performing a HEAD operation with conditional parameters, and/or when
`performing a PUT operation with COPY with conditional parameters, determines whether a
`particular data item is present in the system, by examining the identifiers of the plurality of data
`U.S. Patent No.


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 340-7 Filed 01/09/19 Page 13 of 112
`U.S. PATENT NO. 5,978,791
`Issued November 2, 1999
`Data Processing System Using Substantially Unique Identifiers To Identify Data Items,
`Whereby Identical Data Items Have the Same Identifiers
`Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
`A user can specify data from an existing object as a data source during a multipart upload,
`available to the user are conditional headers which can involve using the ETag to identity
`whether or not to copy certain objects.
`Uploads a part by copying data from an existing object as data source. You specify the data source by
`adding the request header x-amz-copy-source in your request anda byte range by adding the request
`header x-amz-copy-source-range in your
`PUL /ObjectName?partNumber=PartNumberé&uploadid=UploadiId HTTP/1.1
`ime stamp
`time stamp
`U.S. Patent No.


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 340-7 Filed 01/09/19 Page 14 of 112
`U.S. PATENT NO. 5,978,791
`Issued November 2, 1999
`Data Processing System Using Substantially Unique Identifiers To Identify Data Items,
`Whereby Identical Data Items Have the Same Identifiers
`Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
`The following conditional headers are based onthe object that the x-amz-copy-source header specifies.
`xeame-agoy-sounos-i Funmodified-sinoe
`Performacopy ifthe source object entity tag (ETag)
`matches the specified value. If the value does not
`match, Amazon S3 returns an HTTP status code
`412 precondition failed error.
`Type: String
`Default: None
`Perform a copyif the source object entity tag (ETag)
`is different than the value specified using this
`If the values match, Amazon S3 returns an
`HTTP status code 412 precondition failed error.
`Type: String
`Default: None
`Perform a copy if the source object is not modified
`after the time specified using this header. If the
`source object is modified, Amazon S3 returns an
`HTTP status code 412 precondition failed error.
`Type: String
`Default: None
`Perform a copyif the source object is modified after
`the time specified using this header. If the source
`is not modified, Amazon S3 returns an HTTP
`status code 412 precondition failed error.
`Type: String
`Default: None
`U.S. Patent No.


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 340-7 Filed 01/09/19 Page 15 of 112
`U.S. PATENT NO. 5,978,791
`Issued November 2, 1999
`Data Processing System Using Substantially Unique Identifiers To Identify Data Items,
`Whereby Identical Data Items Have the Same Identifiers
`Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
`Similar to performing a multipart upload by copying existing objects, performing a GETof data
`makes available similar conditional parameters.
`Amazon Simple Storage Service API Reference
`GET Object
`Return the object onlyif its entity tag (£Tag) is the same as the one
`specified, otherwise return a 412 (precondition failed).
`Type: String
`Default: None
`Constraints: None
`Return the object onlyif its entity tag (ETaqg) is different from the
`one specified, otherwise return a 304 (not modified).
`Type: String
`Default: None
`Constraints: None
`The HEAD operation retrieves metadata from an object without returning the object itself.
`operation is useful if you're only interested in an object's metadata. The HEAD operation also
`has conditional parameters similar to the ones in the pervious discussions.
`U.S. Patent No.


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 340-7 Filed 01/09/19 Page 16 of 112
`U.S. PATENT NO. 5,978,791
`Issued November 2, 1999
`Data Processing System Using Substantially Unique Identifiers To Identify Data Items,
`Whereby Identical Data Items Have the Same Identifiers
`Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
`Amazon Simple Storage Service API Reference
`HEAD Object
`Return the object only if it has not been modified since the specified
`time, otherwise return a 412 (precondition failed).
`Type: String
`Default: None
`Return the object onlyif its entity tag
`Tag) is the same as the one
`specified, otherwise return a 412 (precondition failed).
`Type: String
`Default: None
`Return the object onlyif its entity tag (ETaqg)
`is different from the
`one specified, otherwise return a 304 (not modified).
`Type: String
`Default: None
`The PUT operation with COPY also has conditional parameters similar to the ones in the
`pervious discussions.
`U.S. Patent No.


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 340-7 Filed 01/09/19 Page 17 of 112
`U.S. PATENT NO. 5,978,791
`Issued November 2, 1999
`Data Processing System Using Substantially Unique Identifiers To Identify Data Items,
`Whereby Identical Data Items Have the Same Identifiers
`Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
`PUT Object - Copy
`This implementation of the PUT operation creates a copy of an object that is already stored in Amazon S3.
`A PUT copy operation is the same as performing a GET and then a PUT. Adding the request header,
`x-amz-copy-source, makes the PUT operation copy the source object into the destination bucket.
`You can store individual objects of up to 5 TB in Amazon S3. You create a copy of your object
`up to 5 GB in size in a single atomic operation using this API. However,
`for copying an object
`greater than 5 GB, you must use the multipart upload API. For conceptual
`information on multipart
`upload, go to Uploading Objects Using Multipart Upload in the Amazon S3 Developer Guide.
`U.S. Patent No.


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 340-7 Filed 01/09/19 Page 18 of 112
`U.S. PATENT NO. 5,978,791
`Issued November 2, 1999
`Data Processing System Using Substantially Unique Identifiers To Identify Data Items,
`Whereby Identical Data Items Have the Same Identifiers
`Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
`/source bucket/sourceObject
`<request metadata>
`Date: date
`time stamp
`U.S. Patent No.


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 340-7 Filed 01/09/19 Page 19 of 112
`U.S. PATENT NO. 5,978,791
`Issued November 2, 1999
`Data Processing System Using Substantially Unique Identifiers To Identify Data Items,
`Whereby Identical Data Items Have the Same Identifiers
`Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
`! <)
`INGYUGCSL 1icaucis
`Copies the object if its entity tag (ETag) matches
`the request returns
`the specified tag; otherwise,
`a 412 HTTP status code error (precondition failed).
`Type: String
`Default: None
`Constraints: This header can be used with
`but cannot be used with other conditional copy
`Copies the object if its entity tag (ETag) is different
`than the specified ETag; otherwise,
`the request
`returns a 412 HTTP status code error (failed
`Type: String
`Default: None
`Constraints: This header can be used with
`but cannot be used with other conditional copy
`Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
`2. An apparatus as in claim 1,
`All of the statements provided above with respect to claim 1 are incorporated by reference.
`U.S. Patent No.


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 340-7 Filed 01/09/19 Page 20 of 112
`U.S. PATENT NO. 5,978,791
`Issued November 2, 1999
`Data Processing System Using Substantially Unique Identifiers To Identify Data Items,
`Whereby Identical Data Items Have the Same Identifiers
`Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
`local existence means for
`determining whether an instance of
`a particular data item is present at a
`location in the system,
`based onthe identifier of the data
`Plaintiffs contend that this element is governed by 35 U.S.C. § 112(6). The identity of the
`structures, acts, or materials in the Accused Instrumentality that performs the claimed function
`is as follows:
`the hardware and software used by the Amazon $3 system to compare “ETags,”
`when performing steps to copy data, when performing a GET of data with conditional
`parameters, when performing a HEAD operation with conditional parameters, and/or when
`performing a PUT operation with COPY with conditional parameters, necessarily
`whether an instance of a particular data item is present at a particular
`location in the system,
`based on the identifier of the data item.
`These are described in detail in claim 1, above, with respect to the “existence means” element.
`U.S. Patent No.


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 340-7 Filed 01/09/19 Page 21 of 112
`U.S. PATENT NO. 5,978,791
`Issued November 2, 1999
`Data Processing System Using Substantially Unique Identifiers To Identify Data Items,
`Whereby Identical Data Items Have the Same Identifiers
`Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
`3. An apparatus as in claim 2,
`All of the statements provided above with respect to claims | and 2 are incorporated by
`wherein each location contains a
`distinct plurality of data items, and
`wherein said local existence means
`determines whethera particular data
`item is present at a particular
`location in the system by examining
`the identifiers of the plurality of
`data itemsat said particular
`in the system.
`Plaintiffs contend that this element is governed by 35 U.S.C. § 112(6). The identity of the
`structures, acts, or materials in the Accused Instrumentality that performs the claimed function
`is as follows:
`the hardware and software used by the Amazon $3 system to compare “ETags,”
`when performing steps to copy data, when performing a GET of data with conditional
`parameters, when performing a HEAD operation with conditional parameters, and/or when
`performing a PUToperation with COPY with conditional parameters, necessarily
`whether an instance ofa particular data item is present at a particular location in the system,
`based on the identifier of the data item. When multipart uploads are performed,
`there are a
`distinct plurality of data items at each location.
`These are described in detail in claim 1, above, with respect to the “existence means” element.
`Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
`4. An apparatus as in claim 2,
`further comprising:
`All of the statements provided above with respect to claims 1 and 2 are incorporated by
`data associating means for making
`and maintaining, for a data item in
`the system, an association between
`the data item andthe identifier of
`the data item; and
`Plaintiffs contend that this element is governed by 35 U.S.C. § 112(6). The identity of the
`structures, acts, or materials in the Accused Instrumentality that performs the claimed function
`is as follows:
`the hardware and software used by the Amazon S3 system to associate a data
`item with its “ETag,” as described in detail in claim 1, above, with respect to the “identity
`U.S. Patent No.


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 340-7 Filed 01/09/19 Page 22 of 112
`U.S. PATENT NO. 5,978,791
`Issued November 2, 1999
`Data Processing System Using Substantially Unique Identifiers To Identify Data Items,
`Whereby Identical Data Items Have the Same Identifiers
`access means for accessing a
`particular data item using the
`identifier of the data item.
`Plaintiffs contend that this element is governed by 35 U.S.C. § 112(6). The identity of the
`structures, acts, or materials in the Accused Instrumentality that performs the claimed function
`is as follows:
`the hardware and software used by the Amazon S3 system when performing steps
`to copy data, when performing a GETof data with conditional parameters, when performing a
`HEAD operation with conditional parameters, and/or when performing a PUT operation with
`COPY with conditional parameters,, accesses a data item using the “ETag” identifier.
`These are described in detail in claim 1, above, with respect to the “existence means” element.
`Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
`29. An apparatus as in any of
`claims 1-28, wherein a data item is
`at least one ofa file, a database
`record, a message, a data segment, a
`data block, a directory, and an
`instance an object class.
`All of the statements provided above with respect to claims 1-4 are incorporated by reference.
`object is at least one ofa file, a database record, a
`In the Amazon S3, the data item,
`message, a data segment, a data block, a directory, and an instance an object class.
`Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
`30. A method of identifying a data
`item present in a data processing
`system for
`subsequent access to
`the data item, the method
`Although a review of Defendant’s source code is necessary to confirm, Plaintiff believes that
`is an online storage web service offered by Amazon Web
`Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service)
`Services by which Amazon performs a methodof identifying a data item present in a data
`processing system for
`subsequent access to the data item.
`Amazon S83 provides storage through web services interfaces. S3 stores arbitrary objects
`U.S. Patent No.


`Case 5:18-md-02834-BLF Document 340-7 Filed 01/09/19 Page 23 of 112
`U.S. PATENT NO. 5,978,791
`Issued November 2, 1999
`Data Processing System Using Substantially Unique Identifiers To Identify Data Items,
`Whereby Identical Data Items Have the Same Identifiers
`determining a substantially unique
`identifier for the data item, the
`identifier depending on and being
`determined using all of the datain
`the data item and only the data in
`the data item, whereby two
`identical data items in the system
`will have the same identifier;

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