Case 5:17-cv-04467-BLF Document 372-5 Filed 03/04/21 Page 1 of 53
`SonicWall's Trial Exhibit List


`Case 5:17-cv-04467-BLF Document 372-5 Filed 03/04/21 Page 2 of 53
`United States District Court for the Northern District of California
`(San Jose Division)
`Finjan LLC v. SonicWall, Inc.
`Case No. 5:17-cv-04467-BLF
`Trial Date – May 3, 2021
`Pursuant to Section III.B.1 of the Court’s Standing Order Re Civil Jury Trials, Defendant
`SonicWall, Inc. (“SonicWall”) respectfully submits its Trial Exhibit List, subject to SonicWall’s
`right to modify this list according to the developments in the case, rulings of the Court (including
`but not limited to rulings upon forthcoming motions in limine), and in response to Finjan’s case in
`chief. SonicWall reserves the right to supplement, amend, or modify its list as the parties meet
`and confer and the case proceeds toward the pretrial conference and trial; to introduce such other
`or additional evidence as may be permitted in the discretion of the Court; and to introduce
`additional evidence for impeachment or rebuttal purposes. SonicWall reserves the right to object
`to the admission of any document included on its exhibit list. SonicWall reserves the right to offer
`at trial any exhibit listed on Finjan’s exhibit list and the right to use metadata from documents on
`either party’s exhibit list.


`Case 5:17-cv-04467-BLF Document 372-5 Filed 03/04/21 Page 3 of 53
`Plaintiff Finjan LLC’s Key of Objections
`Objection List
`Hearsay (FRE 801, 802)—The exhibits/testimony are hearsay and
`do not fall within any hearsay exception.
`Irrelevant (FRE 401, 402)—The exhibits/testimony are
`inadmissible without any tendency to make the existence of any
`fact that is of consequence to the determination of the action
`more or less probable than it would be without them. Finjan notes
`this objection is used for the purpose for which Defendant offers
`the exhibit without waiving the right to use the exhibit or
`evidence for another purpose.
`Unfair Prejudice, Confusing, Waste of Time (403) —To the
`extent that these exhibits/testimony contain any relevant
`information, they should be excluded because their probative
`value is substantially outweighed by the danger of unfair
`prejudice, confusion of issues, or is a mischaracterization of the
`testimony, or misleading the jury, or by considerations of undue
`delay, waste of time, or needless presentation of cumulative
`Violates FRE 401, 402 and 403
`Violates FRE 408
`Lack of Personal Knowledge/Foundation (FRE 602)—Defendant
`has not identified a witness with personal knowledge to testify
`regarding these exhibits. The witness does not have personal
`knowledge to testify about a matter, the proposed testimony is
`speculation and/or outside the scope of the 30(b)(6) designation.
`Improper Lay Opinion (FRE 701)—The exhibits/testimony
`necessarily rely upon the opinion testimony of a lay witness
`beyond the scope of what is permitted.
`Improper Expert Opinion / Testimony (FRE 702)
`Authenticity—These exhibits have not been authenticated within
`the meaning of FRE 901. The testimony fails to authenticate the
`deposition exhibit.
`Best Evidence (FRE 1001-1003)—The exhibits/testimony fail to
`satisfy the best evidence rule under FRE 1001-1003.
`FRE 1006—These exhibits are an improper summary, chart, or
`Privilege (501)
`Improper Character Evidence (404, 608, 609)
`Leading/Waste of Time (611)—The presentation of these
`exhibits/testimony will result in needless consumption of time
`and cause witnesses harassment or undue embarrassment.
`Leading questions should not be used on direct examination of a
`witness except as may be necessary to develop a witness’
`401, 402


`Case 5:17-cv-04467-BLF Document 372-5 Filed 03/04/21 Page 4 of 53
`Objection List
`Compound, Vague, Argumentative, Duplicative, Asked and
`Answered—The presentation of these exhibits/testimony violate
`FRE 403 and 611.
`Improper Legal Conclusion (401, 611) or improper evidence of a
`legal issue decided by the Court
`Subject to motion in limine and/or evidentiary dispute raised in
`the Pretrial Statement
`Not Related—Counter Designation is Not Related to Initial
`Documents Not Produced During Discovery or Outside the Scope
`of Expert Report
`Multiple documents are listed as a single exhibit
`Incomplete/unintelligible document or testimony
`Not Testimony
`Not Timely Disclosed
`403, 611


`Case 5:17-cv-04467-BLF Document 372-5 Filed 03/04/21 Page 5 of 53
`Defendant SonicWall, Inc.’s Responses to
`Plaintiff Finjan LLC’s Objections to Cisco’s Exhibits
`SonicWall responds to Finjan’s objections as set forth in the below table.
`Relevant, not unfairly prejudicial, confusing, or waste of time
`Will be used with witness with personal knowledge or 30(b)(6)
`deponent, or relied upon by expert
`Proper lay testimony, not submitted as expert testimony, not improper
`character evidence
`Proper expert testimony
`Not hearsay or qualifies as an exception to hearsay
`Properly authenticated or subject to stipulation re authentication
`Produced during discovery, admitted as an exhibit at a deposition,
`properly disclosed/provided with an expert report
`Best evidence
`Proper summary or compilation of documents to streamline the
`presentation of evidence
`Produced, publicly available and identified in deposition or expert
`report, or exchanged
`Subject to opposition to motion in limine
`Improper objection


`DTX No.
`Exhibit Description
`Beg Bates or Other ID Info
`End Bates
`Sponsoring Witness
`Case 5:17-cv-04467-BLF Document 372-5 Filed 03/04/21 Page 6 of 53
`Appendix C‐3
`Finjan, LLC. v. SonicWall Inc.,
`No. 5:17‐cv‐04467‐BLF‐VKD (N.D. Cal.)
`Defendant SonicWall Inc.’s Exhibit List
`March 3, 2021
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Daniel Chinn
`Daniel Chinn
`Shlomo Touboul
`Shlomo Touboul
`Shlomo Touboul
`Shlomo Touboul
`Shlomo Touboul
`Responses to
`Court Use
`401, 402, 403, 602,
`611, H
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Shlomo Touboul
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Shlomo Touboul
`Shlomo Touboul
`Shlomo Touboul
`Asher Polani
`401, 402
`401, 402
`401, 402
`401, 402, 403, 611
`May 1, 2011 Email chain between Tal Slobodkin, Yoav Samet, Daniel Chinn,
`Cyril Maman Re: FSI (04/10/2019 Chinn Depo Ex. 13, Finjan v. Cisco)
`Aprl 2011 BDO ZIV Haft Consulting & Management, December 31, 2010
`409A Common Share Valuation, FSI Delaware Inc. PowerPoint (04/10/2019
`Chinn Depo Ex. 14, Finjan v. Cisco)
`November 2, 2003 Email chain between Shlomo Touboul, Yoav Samet,
`David Aber, Nitza Sharon, Tom Turner, Tod Hays Re: Finjan / Concall
`August 17, 2004 Email from Shlomo Touboul to Yoav Samet Re:
`Presentation (08/06/2019 Touboul Depo Ex. 27, Finjan v. Cisco)
`August 17, 2004 Finjan Board Meeting PowerPoint (08/06/2019 Touboul
`Depo Ex. 28, Finjan v. Cisco)
`December 22, 2004 Email from Shlomo Touboul to Yoav Samet, Cc: David
`Aber Re: Finjan Patents (08/06/2019 Touboul Depo Ex. 14, Finjan v. Cisco)
`April 20, 2005 Finjan Software Inc. Reorganization Presentation PowerPoint
`(08/06/2019 Touboul Depo Ex. 30, Finjan v. Cisco)
`June 1, 2005 Email from Shlomo Touboul to Michael Eisenberg, Arad Naveh,
`Justin Label, Cd: David Aber, David Cowan, Gary Benton, Yoav Samet Re:
`Mamamia last update and call for urgent action (08/06/2019 Touboul Depo
`Ex. 26, Finjan v. Cisco)
`October 2004 Combating the New Generation of Malware: Spyware, Phishing
`and Active Content, Finjan White Paper (08/06/2019 Touboul Depo Ex. 25,
`Finjan v. Cisco)
`December 2004 Securing Active Content, Finjan White Paper (08/06/2019
`Touboul Depo Ex. 23, Finjan v. Cisco)
`December 2004 Spyware and Adware - Threats and Countermeasures,
`Finjan White Paper (08/06/2019 Touboul Depo Ex. 24, Finjan v. Cisco)
`July 23, 2005 Email string from Asher Polani regarding Finjan Transition
`Status - Snap Shot (July 22nd 2005) - Confidential (08/05/2019 Polani Depo
`Ex. 16, Finjan v. Cisco)
`Presentation of Strengths and Weaknesses for Finjan (attached to snap shot
`provided by Asher Polani, CEO of Finjan) (08/05/2019 Polani Depo Ex. 17,
`Finjan v. Cisco)
`August 1, 2005 Email string from Asher Polani regarding Snapshot of Finjan
`Progress (7/29/05) (08/05/2019 Polani Depo Ex. 12, Finjan v. Cisco)
`August 1, 2005 - Email from Asher Polani concerning termination letters to
`Shlomo and David Aber. (08/05/2019 Polani Depo Ex. 13, Finjan v. Cisco)
`August 7, 2005 Email string from Asher Polani regarding formal termination
`process for Shlomo - Finjan Organization Snapshot (8/3/05) (08/05/2019
`Polani Depo Ex. 18, Finjan v. Cisco)
`August 13, 2005 Email string from Asher Polani regarding Finjan Transition
`Status - Snap Shot (8/12/05) (08/05/2019 Polani Depo Ex. 19, Finjan v.
`August 30, 2005 Finjan presentation titled "Board Meeting-General."
`(08/05/2019 Polani Depo Ex. 20, Finjan v. Cisco)
`October 8, 2005 Email string from Michael Eisenberg regarding Finjan
`Transition Status - Snap Shot (October 8th 2005) - Confidential (08/05/2019
`Polani Depo Ex. 14, Finjan v. Cisco)
`November 12, 2005 Email string from Asher Polani regarding Finjan
`Transition Status Snap Shot - tension with board and Shlomo (08/05/2019
`Polani Depo Ex. 25, Finjan v. Cisco)
`December 1, 2005 Finjan Board Meeting - General Presentation (03/19/19
`Ben-Itzhak Depo Ex. 14, Finjan v. Cisco)
`January1, 2006 Email string from Asher Polani regarding Finjan Transition
`Status - Snap Shot 12/31/05 (08/05/2019 Polani Depo Ex. 26, Finjan v.
`January 10, 2006 Board Meeting Presentation (08/05/2019 Polani Depo Ex.
`15, Finjan v. Cisco)
`January 3, 2006 Letter from Sally Gillis to Yuval Ben Itzhak Re: Patent
`Enforcement Project (03/19/19 Ben-Itzhak Depo Ex. 19, Finjan v. Cisco)
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Asher Polani
`Asher Polani
`Daniel Chinn; Asher Polani
`Asher Polani
`Asher Polani
`Asher Polani
`Yuval Ben-Itzhak; Asher Polani
`Asher Polani
`Yuval Ben-Itzhak
`Asher Polani
`Yuval Ben-Itzhak; Asher Polani
`Yuval Ben-Itzhak
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 602,
`611, H
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 602,
`611, H
`401, 402, 403, 611
`401, 402, 403, 602,
`611, H
`401, 402, 403, 602,
`611, H
`401, 402, 403, 602,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 602,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`1 of 48
`SonicWall Exhibit List


`DTX No.
`Beg Bates or Other ID Info
`End Bates
`Sponsoring Witness
`Case 5:17-cv-04467-BLF Document 372-5 Filed 03/04/21 Page 7 of 53
`Appendix C‐3
`Finjan, LLC. v. SonicWall Inc.,
`No. 5:17‐cv‐04467‐BLF‐VKD (N.D. Cal.)
`Defendant SonicWall Inc.’s Exhibit List
`March 3, 2021
`Court Use
`Responses to
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Asher Polani
`Asher Polani
`Asher Polani
`Asher Polani
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611
`401, 402, 403, 611
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Daniel Chinn; Asher Polani
`401, 402, 403, 602,
`611, H
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Asher Polani
`Asher Polani
`Asher Polani
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Shlomo Touboul
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Shlomo Touboul
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Shlomo Touboul
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 602,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`Exhibit Description
`February 6, 2006 Email from Asher Polani to Yoav Samet regarding Finjan
`financial statements for 2004 and 2005 (08/05/2019 Polani Depo Ex. 21,
`Finjan v. Cisco)
`December 31, 2004 Finjan and its Subsidiaries' Consolidated Financial
`statements (08/05/2019 Polani Depo Ex. 22, Finjan v. Cisco)
`December 31, 2005 Finjan and its Subsidiaries' Consolidated Financial
`Statements (08/05/2019 Polani Depo Ex. 23, Finjan v. Cisco)
`March 19, 2006 Email string from Asher Polani regarding summary
`concerning planned IP enforcement (08/05/2019 Polani Depo Ex. 27, Finjan
`v. Cisco)
`April 11, 2006 Email string between Asher Polani and Neil Cohen re Yahoo!
`Finance Story Aladdin Granted Important US Patent for Proactive Protection
`Against Spyware and Viruses Financial News (08/05/2019 Polani Depo Ex. 4,
`Finjan v. Cisco)
`April 23, 2006 Email from Polani regarding Background Material for the Board
`Meeting on April 26 (08/05/2019 Polani Depo Ex. 8, Finjan v. Cisco)
`April 26, 2006 Finjan presentation titled "Board meeting" (08/05/2019 Polani
`Depo Ex. 9, Finjan v. Cisco)
`August 8, 2006 email string between Asher Polani and Yoav Samet re Finjan
`Monthly Status Report (July 31, 2006) and Yoav asking whether Aladdin
`responded to threat with its own patent as retaliation (08/05/2019 Polani
`Depo Ex. 5, Finjan v. Cisco)
`December 18, 2006 Email from Shlomo Touboul to Yoav Samet Re: Cisco
`VPN server / client (08/06/2019 Touboul Depo Ex. 32, Finjan v. Cisco)
`May 24, 2007 Email from Shlomo Touboul to Shlomo Touboul Re: Yoggie
`PICO launch: "The Biggest Smallest News in Security" (08/06/2019 Touboul
`Depo Ex. 33, Finjan v. Cisco)
`May 2007 Introducing Yoggie PICO, The Biggest Smallest News in Security
`by Shlomo Touboul PowerPoint (08/06/2019 Touboul Depo Ex. 34, Finjan v.
`May 29, 2007 Yoggie News Release, Yoggie revolutionizes computer security
`by launching the world's first full security suite on a USB stick (08/06/2019
`Touboul Depo Ex. 35, Finjan v. Cisco)
`July 9, 2007 Finjan Board Meeting Presentation (08/05/2019 Polani Depo Ex.
`24, Finjan v. Cisco)
`January 31, 2008 Email from Yuval Ben-Itzhak Re: Catch up on IPR status
`(03/19/19 Ben-Itzhak Depo Ex. 21, Finjan v. Cisco)
`February 29, 2008 Email chain between Shlomo Touboul, Yoav Samet Re:
`Touch Base (08/06/2019 Touboul Depo Ex. 36, Finjan v. Cisco)
`March 24, 2008 Email from Eric Benhamou to Alex Rogers, Neil Cohen,
`Michael Eisenberg, Corentin Du Roy, Daniel Chinn, Arad Naveh, Adam
`Fisher, Yoav Samet, Cc: John Vigouroux Re: Agenda (04/10/2019 Chinn
`Depo Ex. 41, Finjan v. Cisco)
`May 6, 2008 Email chain between Shlomo Touboul, Yoav Samet, Nitza
`Sharon, David Re: Catch up Yoav/Shlomo (08/06/2019 Touboul Depo Ex. 37,
`Finjan v. Cisco)
`June 22, 2008 Email from John Vigouroux to Eric Benhamou, Michael
`Eisenberg, Arad Neveh, Neil Cohen, Daniel, Alex Rogers, Corentin Du Roy,
`Adam Fisher, Yoav Samet, Cc: CMT, Paul Andre, Dav Re: Finjan Board Pack
`(04/10/2019 Chinn Depo Ex. 42, Finjan v. Cisco)
`June 24, 2008 Finjan BOD Meeting PowerPoint (04/10/2019 Chinn Depo Ex.
`43, Finjan v. Cisco)
`Intellectual Property Enforcement Strategy for Finjan Vital Security by King &
`Spalding (04/10/2019 Chinn Depo Ex. 44, Finjan v. Cisco)
`August 21, 2008 Email chain between Yoav Samet, Shlomo Touboul, David
`Re: Announcing Cisco Security Agent 6.0 - Complete End Point Protection
`now with Anti Virus and DLP!!! (08/06/2019 Touboul Depo Ex. 38, Finjan v.
`September 24, 2009 Email from Daniel Quinlan Re: test methodology and
`data set - private (03/19/19 Ben-Itzhak Depo Ex. 23, Finjan v. Cisco)
`September 25, 2009 Email from Yuval Ben-Itzhak Re: test methodology and
`data set - private (03/19/19 Ben-Itzhak Depo Ex. 24, Finjan v. Cisco)
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Shlomo Touboul
`Asher Polani
`Yuval Ben-Itzhak
`Shlomo Touboul
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Daniel Chinn
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Shlomo Touboul
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Daniel Chinn
`Daniel Chinn
`Daniel Chinn
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Shlomo Touboul
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Yuval Ben-Itzhak
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Yuval Ben-Itzhak
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611
`401, 402, 403, 602,
`611, H
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 602,
`611, H
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`2 of 48
`SonicWall Exhibit List


`Exhibit Description
`May 15, 2007 Finjan Software Inc. Indemnification Agreement between
`Finjan Software Inc. and Adam Fisher (08/05/2019 Polani Depo Ex. 2, Finjan
`v. Cisco)
`July 23, 2008 Email from Lisa Russell Re: Update on Board/IP Call (03/19/19
`Ben-Itzhak Depo Ex. 20, Finjan v. Cisco)
`March 17, 2010 Email chain between Daniel Chinn, Yoav Samet, Michael
`Eisenberg Re: Finjan (04/10/2019 Chinn Depo Ex. 34, Finjan v. Cisco)
`April 6, 2010 Email chain between Daniel Chinn, Yoav Samet, Michael
`Eisenberg, Eric Benhamou, Gadi Maier, Alex Rogers Re: Finjan (04/10/2019
`Chinn Depo Ex. 35, Finjan v. Cisco)
`May 8, 2013 Letter from Daniel Chinn to Stockholders (04/10/2019 Chinn
`Depo Ex. 33, Finjan v. Cisco)
`May 5, 2015 Email from Shlomo Touboul to Daniel Karp, Cc: Nadav Zafrir,
`Israel Grinberg, Hanan, Assaf Mischari, Danny Elder, Yoav Samet, David
`Ward, Asher Sterkin, Lev Koren, Benny Re: Last week's Meeting at the
`Team8 Offices (08/06/2019 Touboul Depo Ex. 41, Finjan v. Cisco)
`October 6, 2015 Email from Daniel Karp to Shlomo Touboul, Ofer Israeli,
`Nadav Zafrir, Cc: Liran Grinberg, Israel Grimberg, Assaf Mischari Re:
`Investment Review Board - Concept Commit Approval (08/06/2019 Touboul
`Depo Ex. 42, Finjan v. Cisco)
`September 23, 2003 Email chain between Shlomo Touboul, Yoav Samet,
`Arad Naveh, Elka Schendel Re: Meeting of the minds
`November 22, 2011 SonicWall Project Starship Presentation
`DTX No.
`January 31, 2012 SonicWall Project Starship Presentation
`Ex Parte ReeExamination Certificate for Patent No. 7,647,633 (04/12/2019
`Kroll Depo Ex. 7, Finjan v. Cisco)
`Responses to
`Court Use
`REL, F, NH,
`REL, F, NH,
`401, 402, 403, 602,
`611, H
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`1001, 1002, 1003,
`401, 402, 403, H
`Case 5:17-cv-04467-BLF Document 372-5 Filed 03/04/21 Page 8 of 53
`Appendix C‐3
`Finjan, LLC. v. SonicWall Inc.,
`No. 5:17‐cv‐04467‐BLF‐VKD (N.D. Cal.)
`Defendant SonicWall Inc.’s Exhibit List
`March 3, 2021
`Beg Bates or Other ID Info
`End Bates
`Sponsoring Witness
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Asher Polani
`Yuval Ben-Itzhak
`Daniel Chinn
`Daniel Chinn
`Daniel Chinn
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Shlomo Touboul
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Shlomo Touboul
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Shlomo Touboul
`Stephen Becker
`Stephen Becker
`David Kroll
`U.S .Patent No. 8,677,494 (Edery et al.) (04/12/2019 Kroll Depo Ex. 6, Finjan
`v. Cisco)
`August 30, 2005 Minutes of a Meeting of the Board of Directors of Finjan
`Software Inc. (08/05/2019 Polani Depo Ex. 3, Finjan v. Cisco)
`November 2, 2009 Stock and Asset Purchase Agreement among M86
`Security, M86 Americas, Finjan Software, Finjan, Finjan Sofware (UK) and
`Fnjan Sofware BV (04/10/2019 Chinn Depo Ex. 15, Finjan v. Cisco)
`November 2, 2009 Patent license agreement between Finjan and M86
`(04/10/2019 Chinn Depo Ex. 16, Finjan v. Cisco)
`USPTO Filings - Application No. 09/861,229 (04/12/2019 Kroll Depo Ex. 11,
`Finjan v. Cisco)
`USPTO Filing – Appl. No. 09/861,229 (04/12/2019 Kroll Depo Ex. 10, Finjan
`v. Cisco)
`March 2007 Finjan Presentation titled: Finjan, Securing Your Web
`(08/05/2019 Polani Depo Ex. 11, Finjan v. Cisco)
`December 2006 Finjan's Presentation to Cisco titled “Introducing Finjan Vital
`Security (08/05/2019 Polani Depo Ex. 10, Finjan v. Cisco)
`July 31, 2006 Email string from Mario Lempert concerning loss of Societe
`General account (08/05/2019 Polani Depo Ex. 28, Finjan v. Cisco)
`USPTO Filing – Appl. No. 60/205,591 (04/12/2019 Kroll Depo Ex. 8, Finjan v.
`August 4, 2015 Finjan, Inc. v. Blue Coat Systems, Inc. Verdict Form
`(04/10/2019 Chinn Depo Ex. 45, Finjan v. Cisco)
`October 31, 2007 Deposition Transcript of Asher Polani, Finjan v. Secure
`Computing Corp. et al., No. 06-369 GMS (08/05/2019 Polani Depo Ex. 1,
`Finjan v. Cisco)
`December 3, 2014 Finjan, Inc. v. Blue Coat Systems Deposition of Shlomo
`Touboul (08/06/2019 Touboul Depo Ex. 5, Finjan v. Cisco)
`Asserted Patents; Related to Asserted
`Patents; Finjan background, operations,
`and technology
`Asserted Patents; Related to Asserted
`Patents; Finjan background, operations,
`and technology
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`technology; Damages; Licenses
`Finjan background, operations, and
`technology; Damages; Licenses
`Asserted Patents; Related to Asserted
`Patents; Finjan background, operations,
`and technology
`Asserted Patents; Related to Asserted
`Patents; Finjan background, operations,
`and technology
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Asserted Patents; Related to Asserted
`Patents; Finjan background, operations,
`and technology
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`David Kroll
`Asher Polani
`Daniel Chinn
`Daniel Chinn
`David Kroll
`David Kroll
`Yuval Ben-Itzhak; Asher Polani
`Asher Polani
`Asher Polani
`David Kroll
`Daniel Chinn
`Asher Polani
`Shlomo Touboul
`401, 402, 403, 602,
`401, 402, 403, 602,
`611, H
`401, 402, 403, 602,
`611, H, LC
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 602,
`611, 701
`401, 402, 403, 602,
`611, 701
`401, 402, 403, 602,
`611, H
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 602,
`611, H, LC
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`3 of 48
`SonicWall Exhibit List


`Case 5:17-cv-04467-BLF Document 372-5 Filed 03/04/21 Page 9 of 53
`Appendix C‐3
`Finjan, LLC. v. SonicWall Inc.,
`No. 5:17‐cv‐04467‐BLF‐VKD (N.D. Cal.)
`Defendant SonicWall Inc.’s Exhibit List
`March 3, 2021
`Exhibit Description
`January 1, 2012 Consulting Agreement between FI Delaware and Shlomo
`Touboul (04/10/2019 Chinn Depo Ex. 18, Finjan v. Cisco)
`January 30, 2015 Finjan, Inc. v. Blue Coat Systems, Inc. Deposition of
`Shlomo Touboul (08/06/2019 Touboul Depo Ex. 6, Finjan v. Cisco)
`Finjan User Manual, Vital Security for Web 7.0 Service Pack 4 (08/05/2019
`Polani Depo Ex. 29, Finjan v. Cisco)
`February 26, 2012 Email from Daniel Chinn Re: Scansafe (03/19/19 Ben-
`Itzhak Depo Ex. 25, Finjan v. Cisco)
`May 1, 1998 Technical Overview, Enterprise Security for Mobile Code by
`Nachshoa Gal (08/06/2019 Touboul Depo Ex. 12, Finjan v. Cisco)
`February 2, 2012 Finjan, Inc. v. McAfee, Inc., et al. Deposition of Shlomo
`Touboul (08/06/2019 Touboul Depo Ex. 3, Finjan v. Cisco)
`February 3, 2012 Finjan, Inc. v. McAfee, Inc., et al. Videotaped, Interpreted
`Deposition of Shlomo Touboul (08/06/2019 Touboul Depo Ex. 4, Finjan v.
`March 14, 2012 Deposition Transcript of Yuval Ben-Itzhak, Finjan v. McAfee,
`No. 10-cv-593-GMS (03/19/19 Ben-Itzhak Depo Ex. 5, Finjan v. Cisco)
`August 26, 2015 Deposition Transcript of Yuval Ben-Itzhak, Finjan v.
`Proofpoint, No. 5:13-cv-5808-BLF (03/19/19 Ben-Itzhak Depo Ex. 4, Finjan v.
`September 4, 2015 Deposition Transcript of David Kroll - Errata Sheet
`(04/12/2019 Kroll Depo Ex. 14, Finjan v. Cisco)
`DTX No.
`Beg Bates or Other ID Info
`End Bates
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Sponsoring Witness
`Shlomo Touboul; Daniel Chinn
`Shlomo Touboul
`Shlomo Touboul; Asher Polani
`Yuval Ben-Itzhak
`Shlomo Touboul
`Shlomo Touboul
`Shlomo Touboul
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Yuval Ben-Itzhak
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Asserted Patents; Related to Asserted
`Patents; Finjan background, operations,
`and technology
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Yuval Ben-Itzhak
`David Kroll
`Shlomo Touboul
`Finjan background, operations, and
`Shlomo Touboul
`Shlomo Touboul
`401, 402, 403, 602,
`611, H
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 602,
`611, 701
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`701, 901, H
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`401, 402, 403, 611,
`Court Use
`Responses to
`August 25, 2015 Finjan, Inc. v. Proofpoint, Inc., et al. Videotaped Deposition
`of Shlomo Touboul (08/06/2019 Touboul Depo Ex. 7, Finjan v. Cisco)
`October 23, 2007 Finjan Software, Ltd. v. Secure Computing Corporation
`Deposition of Shlomo Touboul (08/06/2019 Touboul Depo Ex. 1, Finjan v.
`November 1

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