Case 5:17-cv-04467-BLF Document 372 Filed 03/04/21 Page 1 of 29
`Juanita R. Brooks (CA SBN 75934)
`Roger A. Denning (CA SBN 228998)
`Jason W. Wolff (CA SBN 215819)
`12860 El Camino Real, Suite 400
`San Diego, CA 92130
`Telephone: (858) 678-5070 /
`Fax: (858) 678-5099
`Additional attorneys on signature page
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`D. Stuart Bartow (CA SBN 233107)
`Nicole E. Grigg (CA SBN 307733)
`2475 Hanover Street
`Palo Alto, CA 94304-1194
`Telephone: 650.847.4146
`Facsimile: 650.847.4151
`Additional attorneys on signature page
`Attorneys for Defendant
`FINJAN LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability
`SONICWALL, INC., a Delaware Corporation,
`Case No.: 5:17-cv-04467-BLF (VKD)
`Date: March 18, 2021
`1:30 PM
`Place: Courtroom 3, 5th Floor
`Judge: Hon. Beth Labson Freeman


`Case 5:17-cv-04467-BLF Document 372 Filed 03/04/21 Page 2 of 29
`Pursuant to Judge Freeman’s Standing Order regarding Civil Jury Trials, Plaintiff Finjan
`LLC (“Finjan”) and Defendant SonicWall, Inc. (“SonicWall”) (collectively, “Parties”) hereby
`submit the Joint Pretrial Statement and Order.
`The Parties
`The Parties to this action are Finjan, a Delaware Limited Liability Company with its
`principal place of business at 2000 University Ave., Ste. 600, East Palo Alto, California 94303, and
`SonicWall, a Delaware Corporation with its headquarters and principal place of business at 1033
`McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, California 95035.
`Substance of the Action
`This is an action for patent infringement, and the jurisdiction of the court arises under the
`Patent Act, 35 U.S.C. § 271 et seq.
`Finjan alleges that SonicWall directly infringes pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271(a) the following
`U.S. patents:
`1. U.S. Patent No. 6,965,968 (“the ’968 Patent”)
`2. U.S. Patent No. 7,975,305 (“the ’305 Patent”)
`3. U.S. Patent No. 8,225,408 (“the ’408 Patent”)
`4. U.S. Patent No. 6,154,844 (“the ’844 Patent”)
`5. U.S. Patent No. 8,677,494 (“the ’494 Patent”)
`6. U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154 (“the ’154 Patent”)
`7. U.S. Patent No. 6,804,780 (“the ’780 Patent”)
`8. U.S. Patent No. 7,613,926 (“the ’926 Patent”)


`Case 5:17-cv-04467-BLF Document 372 Filed 03/04/21 Page 3 of 29
`Collectively, these patents are referred to as the “Asserted Patents.” Finjan alleges infringement of
`the following claims (collectively referred to as the “Asserted Claims”):
`Asserted Claims
`’968 Patent
`’305 Patent
`’408 Patent
`’844 Patent
`’494 Patent
`’154 Patent
`’780 Patent
`’926 Patent
`11, 12
`1, 22
`15, 16, 41, 43
`10, 14
`22, 25
`To the extent SonicWall claims it does not practice any specific element literally, Finjan
`has asserted that SonicWall directly infringes certain elements of the Asserted Claims of each of
`the Asserted Patents under the doctrine of equivalents.
`Finjan also alleges that SonicWall infringes the Asserted Claims pursuant to 35 U.S.C.
`§ 271(b) by inducing its contractual partners (including its customers) and agents to practice the
`Asserted Claims using the Accused Products listed below.
`Finjan alleges that SonicWall has made, used, sold and offered to sell the following
`products, methods and/or services (referred to collectively as “Accused Products”), which infringe,
`literally or under the doctrine of equivalents, one or more of the Asserted Claims of one or more of
`the Asserted Patents, as shown in the chart below:


`Case 5:17-cv-04467-BLF Document 372 Filed 03/04/21 Page 4 of 29
`Accused Products
`Gateway + Capture
`Capture ATP
`Email Security +
`Capture ATP
`Email Security
`Capture Client
`Capture Client +
`Capture ATP
`Gateway + WXA
`SonicWall disagrees with Finjan’s statement of the accused products it accuses of infringing
`the ʼ154 Patent in view of the Court’s orders and Finjan’s operative infringement contentions.
`SonicWall’s position is that Finjan does not have a ʼ154 infringement theory as to SonicWall’s
`gateways, Capture ATP, Email Security, and Capture Client by themselves. Likewise, SonicWall’s
`position is that Finjan’s ʼ154 infringement theories for the gateways, Email Security, and Capture
`Client all require these components combined with Capture ATP. SonicWall’s disagreement
`regarding the ’154 Patent will be resolved upon resolution of SonicWall’s Motion to Strike (Dkt.
`Nos. 299-3).
`SonicWall also (i) denies that it has in the past infringed any Asserted Claim of the Asserted
`Patents, either literally or through the doctrine of equivalents, (ii) denies that it literally or through
`the doctrine of equivalents infringes the three Asserted Patent that have not yet expired (the ’154
`Patent, the ʼ408 Patent, and the ʼ968 Patent), and (iii) denies that Finjan is entitled to any damages
`or an injunction. SonicWall also contends that Finjan’s claims of infringement as to the ʼ844, ʼ780,


`Case 5:17-cv-04467-BLF Document 372 Filed 03/04/21 Page 5 of 29
`’968, and ʼ494 Patent are barred, in whole or in part, by the doctrine of prosecution history estoppel.
`Finally, SonicWall contends that the Asserted Claims of the Asserted Patents are invalid based
`upon one or more of the following: lack of patentable subject matter, anticipation, obviousness, and
`written description. Specifically, SonicWall alleges that:
`the Asserted Claims of the Asserted Patents are invalid for lack of a written
`the asserted claims of the ʼ780 and ʼ494 Patents are invalid for lack of patentable
`subject matter;
`the asserted claims of the ’154 Patent are invalid based upon obviousness in view of
`view of Sweep/InterCheck1 and in view of Ross2;
`the asserted claims of the ’780 Patent are invalid as obvious from Atkinson3 and
`obvious from Dongarra4;
`1 The Sweep/InterCheck system consists of Sophos’ SWEEP anti-virus detection utility, which
`can run on a server, and Sophos’ InterCheck software, which runs on a workstation/client device
`2 U.S. Patent Application Publication No. 2007/0113282 to Ross (“Ross”).
`3 U.S. Patent No. 5,892,904 (“Atkinson”).
`4 Dongarra, “Management of the NHSE – A Virtual Distributed Library” (“Dongarra”).


`Case 5:17-cv-04467-BLF Document 372 Filed 03/04/21 Page 6 of 29
`the asserted claims of the ’494 Patent are invalid as anticipated by and/or obvious
`from Zwienenberg5 and obvious from Testbed6 in view of Zwienenberg;
`the asserted claims of the ʼ844 Patent are invalid as obvious from Zwienenberg,
`obvious from the combination of Shear 7 and Zwienenberg, obvious from the
`combination of Islam8 and Testbed, and obvious from the combination of Shear and
`the asserted claims of the ’408 Patent are invalid based upon anticipation and/or
`obviousness in view of Zurko9 and obviousness in view of the combination of Li10
`and Zurko;
`the asserted claims of the ’305 Patent are invalid based upon anticipation in view of
`Li and obviousness in view of the combination of Zurko and Jordan11 and in view
`of the combination of Sandu12 and Jordan;
`5 Zwienenberg, “Heuristic Scanners: Artificial Intelligence?” (“Zwienenberg”).
`6 Crawford et al., “A Testbed for Malicious Code Detection: A Synthesis of Static and
`Dynamic Analysis Techniques,” (“Testbed”).
`7 U.S. Patent No. 6,157,721 (“Shear”).
`8 A Flexible Security System for Using Internet Content,” by Islam et al. (“Islam”).
`9 U.S. Patent Application 2005/0198692 (“Zurko”).
`10 U.S. Patent 7,398,553 (“Li”).
`11 U.S. Patent 8,839,417 (“Jordan”).
`12 U.S. Patent 7,707,634 (“Sandu”).


`Case 5:17-cv-04467-BLF Document 372 Filed 03/04/21 Page 7 of 29
`the asserted claims of the ’968 Patent are invalid based upon anticipation and/or
`obviousness in view of McClain, 13 anticipation and/or obviousness in view of
`Shunsuke,14 and anticipation and/or obviousness in view of Hege15;
`the asserted claims of the ’926 Patent are invalid based upon obviousness in view of
`the combination of Grecsek16 and Zwienenberg and the combination of Dongarra
`and Zwienenberg.
`SonicWall previously alleged that the ’494 Patent is unenforceable due to inequitable conduct
`occurring during the prosecution thereof, but solely in the interests of streamlining issues in
`preparation for trial, is hereby withdrawing that allegation. Further, this case is exceptional under
`35 U.S.C. § 285, and SonicWall seeks its fees and expenses thereunder and any other relief the
`Court deems appropriate.
`Relief Sought
`Finjan’s Position
`As set forth in Finjan’s Complaint and Rule 26(a)(1) disclosures, Finjan seeks, among other
`relief, monetary and equitable relief. Finjan is seeking no less than a reasonable royalty for
`SonicWall’s infringement (past, present, and future) and, separately, injunctive relief against future
`infringement of the ’154 Patent, ’968 Patent, and ’408 Patent (the “Unexpired Patents”). Finjan
`also seeks an accounting of past damages for infringement up to the date of the payment, along
`with prejudgment and post-judgment interest. In addition, upon a finding of willful infringement,
`13 U.S. Patent 6,772,214 (“McClain”).
`14 Japanese Patent Publication No. 2002-358229 (“Shunsuke”).
`15 German Patent Document DE10104486 (“Hege”).
`16 U.S. Patent 6,088,801 (“Grecsek”).


`Case 5:17-cv-04467-BLF Document 372 Filed 03/04/21 Page 8 of 29
`Finjan further seeks enhanced damages up to the statutorily permissible trebling of damages, as
`well as reasonable attorney’s fees and costs. Finjan identifies the following points of relief:
` an entry of judgment that the Asserted Claims are not invalid;
` an entry of judgment that SonicWall has infringed the Asserted Patents;
` an entry of judgment that SonicWall continues to infringe the Unexpired Patents;
` an injunction to enjoin SonicWall and those in privity with SonicWall from
`infringing the Unexpired Patents;
` an award of damages in the form of a reasonable royalty;
` a finding that SonicWall’s infringement has been willful, wanton, and deliberate
`and that Finjan is entitled to trebled damages on this basis;
` a finding that the case is exceptional;
` an award of Finjan’s costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees permitted under 35
`U.S.C. § 285;
` an accounting of SonicWall’s infringing sales and revenues, along with
`prejudgment and post-judgment interest from the first date of infringement to the
`present; and
` any further relief that the Court may deem proper and just.
`SonicWall’s Position
`SonicWall denies that it has infringed or is infringing any of the Asserted Patents, and Finjan
`is not entitled to any of its requested relief. To the extent any Accused Product is found to infringe
`any valid claim of the Asserted Patents, SonicWall further denies that Finjan is entitled to its
`requested damages or an accounting. Finjan has also failed to carry its burden of establishing an
`appropriate reasonable royalty in this matter, and the damages it does seek do not comply with
`Federal Circuit law relating to the calculation of reasonable royalty damages. SonicWall also


`Case 5:17-cv-04467-BLF Document 372 Filed 03/04/21 Page 9 of 29
`denies that Finjan is entitled to recover foreign sales or worldwide damages. SonicWall also denies
`that Finjan is entitled to injunctive relief as to the Unexpired Patents, including because (i) Finjan
`presently makes and sells no products that practice the Unexpired Patents, and (ii) the damages
`opinions presented by both parties cover any alleged future infringement, and would thus constitute
`a fully paid up royalty. Further, the parties have agreed that whether an injunction is warranted as
`to the Unexpired Patents is an issue for the Court, not the jury, as set forth in Section VII. SonicWall
`seeks the following relief:
`A judgment that SonicWall does not infringe, directly or indirectly, whether literally
`or under the doctrine of equivalents, any of the Asserted Claims of the Asserted
`A judgment that Finjan is precluded from any relief under the doctrine of equivalents
`based on claim vitiation.
`A judgment that Finjan is precluded from any relief under the doctrine of equivalents
`based on ensnarement.
`A judgment that the asserted claims of the ʼ780 and ʼ494 Patents are invalid under
`§ 101.
`A judgment that the Asserted Claims of the Asserted Patents are invalid under § 102
`and/or 103.
`A judgment that the Asserted Claims of the Asserted Patents are invalid under § 112.
`A judgment that Finjan is not entitled to any damages pursuant to at least 35 U.S.C.
`§§ 286 and 287.
`A judgment that Finjan is not entitled to an injunction.
`A judgment that this is an “exceptional case” and an award of SonicWall’s
`reasonable attorneys’ fees, expenses, and costs in this action under § 285.


`Case 5:17-cv-04467-BLF Document 372 Filed 03/04/21 Page 10 of 29
`Federal Jurisdiction and Venue
`The Court has original jurisdiction over this controversy pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and
`1338(a). Jurisdiction and venue are not disputed.
`Undisputed Facts
`The Parties
`Finjan is a Delaware corporation with its principal place of business at 2000
`University Ave., Ste. 600, East Palo Alto, California 94303.
`SonicWall is a Delaware Corporation incorporated on September 23, 2016, with its
`headquarters and principal place of business at 1033 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas,
`California 95035.
`The Patents in Suit
`Finjan filed the Complaint alleging infringement of the Asserted Patents on August
`4, 2017.
`Finjan is the owner of the Asserted Patents.
`The patent application for the ’844 Patent was filed on December 22, 1997.
`Shlomo Touboul and Nachson Gal are listed as inventors on the ’844 Patent.
`The ’844 Patent issued on November 28, 2000.
`The ’844 Patent expired on January 29, 2017.
`The patent application for the ’780 Patent was filed on March 30, 2000.
`Shlomo Touboul is listed as an inventor on the ’780 Patent.
`The ’780 Patent issued on October 12, 2004.
`The ’780 Patent expired on November 6, 2017.
`The patent application for the ’926 Patent was filed on March 7, 2006.


`Case 5:17-cv-04467-BLF Document 372 Filed 03/04/21 Page 11 of 29
`Yigal Mordechai Edery, Nimrod Itzhak Vered, David R. Kroll, and Shlomo Touboul
`are listed as inventors on the ’926 Patent.
`The ’926 Patent issued on November 3, 2009.
`The ’926 Patent expired on January 29, 2017.
`The patent application for the ’154 Patent was filed on June 14, 2010.
`David Gruzman and Yuval Ben-Itzhak are listed as inventors on the ’154 Patent.
`The ’154 Patent issued on March 20, 2012.
`The ’154 Patent expires on December 12, 2025.
`The patent application for the ’494 Patent was filed on November 7, 2011.
`Yigal Mordechai Edery, Nimrod Itzhak Vered, David R. Kroll, and Shlomo Touboul
`are listed as inventors on the face of the ’494 Patent.
`The ’494 Patent issued on March 18, 2014.
`The ’494 Patent expired on January 29, 2017.
`The patent application for the ’305 Patent was filed on December 9, 2004.
`26. Moshe Rubin, Moshe Matitya, Artem Melnick, Shlomo Touboul, Alexander
`Yermakov, and Amit Shaked are listed as inventors on the ’305 Patent.
`The ’305 Patent issued on July 5, 2011.
`The ’305 Patent expired on August 18, 2020.
`The patent application for the ’408 Patent was filed on August 30, 2004.
`30. Moshe Rubin, Moshe Matitya, Artem Melnick, Shlomo Touboul, Alexander
`Yermakov, and Amit Shaked are listed as inventors on the ’408 Patent.
`The ’408 Patent issued on July 17, 2012.
`The ’408 Patent expires on May 27, 2021.
`The patent application for the ’968 Patent was filed on February 27, 2003.


`Case 5:17-cv-04467-BLF Document 372 Filed 03/04/21 Page 12 of 29
`Shlomo Touboul is listed as the inventor of the ’968 Patent.
`The ’968 Patent issued on November 15, 2005.
`The ’968 Patent expires on September 5, 2023.
`The dates of the hypothetical negotiation for the asserted patents are as follows:
`a. ’844 Patent: 2012
`b. ’780 Patent: 2010
`c. ’494 Patent: Mar. 18, 2014
`d. ’926 Patent: 2013–2014
`e. ’968 Patent: 2011–2012
`f. ’305 Patent: 2013–2014
`g. ’408 Patent: 2013–2014
`h. ’154 Patent: 2013–2014
`Finjan will not rely on patent marking pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 287 to prove notice
`and, therefore, the starting date for any damages owed by SonicWall to Finjan
`begins with actual notice of infringement by Finjan pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 287.
`Dkt. No. 318.
`Disputed Facts
`Finjan’s Disputed Facts
`Finjan identifies the below listed issues of fact for trial. Finjan reserves the right to amend
`this statement in light of SonicWall’s statements of fact or law that remain to be litigated or any
`revisions thereto. Finjan reserves the right to address additional issues not set forth herein to the
`extent they are raised by SonicWall at trial. These issues of fact may change based on the Court’s
`decisions on various motions, including motions in limine.


`Case 5:17-cv-04467-BLF Document 372 Filed 03/04/21 Page 13 of 29
`Whether Finjan has proven by a preponderance of the evidence that SonicWall
`directly or indirectly infringed, literally or under the doctrine of equivalents, each of
`the Asserted Patents:
`a. the ’305 Patent
`b. the ’408 Patent
`c. the ’968 Patent
`d. the ’494 Patent
`e. the ’154 Patent
`the ’926 Patent
`g. the ’844 Patent
`h. the ’780 Patent
`Whether Finjan has proven by a preponderance of the evidence that SonicWall’s
`infringement of any of the Asserted Patents was willful, and if so, which ones.
`Whether SonicWall knew or should have known that its conduct involved an
`unreasonable risk of infringement of Finjan’s Asserted Patents, and recklessly
`disregarded Finjan’s patent rights.
`The amount adequate to compensate Finjan for SonicWall’s infringement.
`Whether Finjan has established that it is entitled to enhanced damages under 35
`U.S.C. § 284 for SonicWall’s willful infringement of the Patents-in-Suit and, if so,
`what the degree of enhancement should be.
`Whether Finjan has established that this is an exceptional case and that it is entitled
`to an award of attorneys’ fees and costs under 35 U.S.C. § 285 and, if so, the amount.
`Whether SonicWall can prove by clear and convincing evidence that any of the
`Asserted Claims are invalid.


`Case 5:17-cv-04467-BLF Document 372 Filed 03/04/21 Page 14 of 29
`Whether objective indicia of non-obviousness support a finding that the Asserted
`claims are not invalid.
`SonicWall’s Disputed Facts
`The priority date of the ʼ844 Patent.
`The priority date of the ʼ780 Patent.
`The priority date of the ʼ305 Patent.
`The priority date of the ʼ926 Patent.
`Whether SonicWall directly infringes or induces infringement any of the Asserted
`Claims of the Asserted Patents, either literally or through the doctrine of equivalents;
`Whether there is a lack of a written description in the Asserted Patents that renders
`the Asserted Claims invalid under 35 U.S.C. § 112;
`Whether there is a lack of patentable subject matter claimed in the ʼ780 and ʼ494
`Patents that renders them invalid under § 101;
`Whether the Asserted Claims are invalid pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 102 and/or 103;
`Should SonicWall be found to infringe any of the Asserted Claims of a valid
`Asserted Patent, the date that Finjan provided SonicWall with actual notice of
`Should SonicWall be found to infringe any of the Asserted Claims of a valid
`Asserted Patent, the amount adequate to compensate Finjan for SonicWall’s
`11. Whether SonicWall knew or should have known that its conduct involved an
`unreasonable risk of infringement of Finjan’s Asserted Patents and recklessly
`disregarded Finjan’s patent rights.


`Case 5:17-cv-04467-BLF Document 372 Filed 03/04/21 Page 15 of 29
`Disputed Legal Issues
`Finjan’s Disputed Legal Issues
`Finjan identifies the below listed issues of law. Finjan’s identification of issues of law that
`remain to be litigated is based, in part, on Finjan’s understanding of Defendant’s arguments
`regarding infringement and validity, which are based on Defendant’s interrogatory responses and
`expert reports. Finjan reserves the right to amend this statement in light of Defendant’s statements
`of fact or law that remain to be litigated or any revisions thereto. Finjan reserves the right to address
`additional issues not set forth herein to the extent they are raised by Defendant at trial. These issues
`of law may change based on the Court’s decision on various motions, including motions in limine.
`Whether Finjan has established that it is entitled to enhanced damages under 35
`U.S.C. § 284 for Defendants’ willful infringement of the Asserted Patents and, if so,
`what the degree of enhancement should be.
`Whether Finjan has established that this is an exceptional case and that it is entitled
`to an award of attorneys’ fees and costs under 35 U.S.C. § 285 and, if so, the amount.
`Whether Finjan is entitled to prejudgment and post-judgment interest pursuant to
`U.S.C. § 284.
`Whether Finjan should be awarded its costs pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil
`Procedure 54(d).
`Whether Finjan is entitled to a permanent injunction pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 283.
`Whether U.S. Patent No. 8,839,417 to Jordan (“the Jordan reference”) relied upon
`by SonicWall qualifies as prior art to the ’305 Patent under 35 U.S.C. §§ 102 and/or
`Whether U.S. Patent No. 5,892,904 to Atkinson et al. (“the Atkinson reference”)
`and “Management of the National HPCC Software Exchange -- A Virtual


`Case 5:17-cv-04467-BLF Document 372 Filed 03/04/21 Page 16 of 29
`Distributed Digital Library” by Dongarra et al. (“the Dongarra reference”) relied
`upon by SonicWall qualify as prior art to the ’780 Patent under 35 U.S.C. §§ 102
`and/or 103.
`Whether “Heuristic Scanners: Artificial Intelligence?” by Zwienenberg (“the
`Zwienenberg reference”) and “A Testbed for Malicious Code Detection: A
`Synthesis of Static and Dynamic Analysis Techniques” by Crawford et al. (the
`Testbed reference”) relied upon by SonicWall qualify as prior art to the ’494 Patent
`under 35 U.S.C. §§ 102 and/or 103.
`Whether “A Flexible Security Model for Using Internet Content” by Islam et al.
`(“the Islam reference”), Zwienenberg, and Testbed references relied upon by
`SonicWall qualify as prior art to the ’844 Patent under 35 U.S.C. §§ 102 and/or 103.
`10. Whether U.S. Patent No. 6,088,801 to Grecsek (“the Grecsek reference”),
`Zwienenberg, Dongarra, and Islam references relied upon by SonicWall qualify as
`prior art to the ’926 Patent under 35 U.S.C. §§ 102 and/or 103.
`11. Whether SonicWall can prove by clear and convincing evidence that any of the
`Asserted Claims are invalid.
`12. Whether SonicWall has waived its argument (raised for the first time in this
`Proposed Joint Pretrial Statement) that Dell’s knowledge of Finjan’s claims of
`infringement of each Accused Product as to the relevant Asserted Patents cannot be
`imputed to SonicWall.17
`17 SonicWall disagrees that it has waived this argument.


`Case 5:17-cv-04467-BLF Document 372 Filed 03/04/21 Page 17 of 29
`SonicWall’s Disputed Legal Issues
`SonicWall has identified and briefed legal issues in connection with its summary judgment
`motion, and incorporates those issues herein by reference. SonicWall identifies the following
`additional legal issues:
`Whether Finjan can present legally sufficient evidence that SonicWall directly
`infringes or induces infringement of, literally or under the doctrine of equivalents,
`the Asserted Claims of the Asserted Patents under 35 U.S.C. § 271(a).
`Whether Finjan is precluded from arguing that SonicWall infringes the ’844, ʼ494,
`’968, and ʼ780 Patents under the doctrine of equivalents as a result of prosecution
`history estoppel.
`Whether Finjan’s theories of infringement under the doctrine of equivalents for the
`Asserted Patents are barred under the doctrine of claim vitiation;
`Whether Finjan’s theories of infringement under the doctrine of equivalents for the
`Asserted Patents are barred under the doctrine of ensnarement;
`Whether Finjan’s damages claims, including worldwide damages arising from
`foreign sales, are legally viable.
`Whether Dell’s knowledge of Finjan’s claims of infringement of each accused
`Product as to the relevant Asserted Patent can be imputed to SonicWall.
`Whether and when Finjan gave SonicWall actual notice of infringement of each
`accused product as to the relevant Asserted Patent prior to the filing of the
`Whether Finjan is entitled to a finding that SonicWall’s alleged infringement is
`willful, wanton, and deliberate and that Finjan is entitled to trebled damages on this


`Case 5:17-cv-04467-BLF Document 372 Filed 03/04/21 Page 18 of 29
`basis if SonicWall is found to infringe any Asserted Claim of any valid Asserted
`Whether SonicWall is entitled to a judgment and order that this is an exceptional
`case within the meaning of 35 U.S.C. § 285 and awarding SonicWall its costs,
`enhanced damages, and reasonable attorneys’ fees.
`10. Whether Finjan is entitled to a permanent injunction pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 283 if
`SonicWall is found to literally infringe any valid Asserted Claim the ’154, ʼ408, and
`ʼ968 Patents.
`11. Whether SonicWall may designate the deposition testimony of Michael Noonan
`taken in the Finjan v. Cisco case.
`The Parties also incorporate the disputed facts listed in Section II.B above to the extent that
`they involve disputed legal issues and/or mixed questions of law and fact.
`The Parties anticipate that each party will have 20 hours of trial time, excluding jury
`selection, opening statements, and closing statements, starting on May 3, 2021. The Parties agree
`that there will be no more than one hour per side for opening statements and no more than ninety
`minutes per side for closing statements.
`Settlement Discussion
`The Parties have engaged in early settlement discussions, which have been unsuccessful.
`Further negotiations may occur but are not likely to be productive at this time.
`Amendments or Dismissals
`SonicWall is withdrawing its defense that the ’494 Patent is unenforceable due to
`inequitable conduct occurring during the prosecution thereof, solely in the interests of streamlining


`Case 5:17-cv-04467-BLF Document 372 Filed 03/04/21 Page 19 of 29
`issues in preparation for trial. Otherwise, neither party intends to make any amendments to the
`pleadings and neither party intends to voluntarily dismiss any claim or defense.
`Bifurcation or Separate Trial of Issues
`Neither party desires bifurcation or separate trial of specific issues.
`The following Appendices are attached hereto:
`Appendix A
`Finjan’s Witness List
`Appendix B
`SonicWall’s Witness List
`Appendix C-1 Placeholder for Joint Exhibit List
`Appendix C-2 Finjan’s Exhibit List and Objections Thereto
`Appendix C-3 SonicWall’s Exhibit List and Objections Thereto
`Appendix D
`Appendix E
`Finjan’s Discovery Responses (excluding Deposition Designations) and
`Objections Thereto
`SonicWall’s Discovery Responses (excluding Deposition Designations) and
`Objections Thereto
`Pursuant to Part III.B.1 of the Court’s Standing Order re Civil Jury Trials, the Parties are
`continuing to discuss streamlining exhibits, including a joint exhibit list.
`Part III.A.1 of the Court’s Standing Order re Civil Jury Trials provides for the filing of
`certain materials as appendices to this Joint Pretrial S

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