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`R Q g int
`3 fig
`Express Mail No, EIZ1800l+697US
`Attorney Docket No. 4942.02
`gun I E’
`in re Patent Applica .on of
`Serial No.:
`Thomas R. Wolzien
`April 3, 1998
`Group Art Unit: 2711
`Examiner: J. Miller
`r 71
`Assistant Commissioner for Patents
`Washington, D.C. 20231
`1, Thomas R. Wolzien being duly sworn, depose and state:
`I am the inventor or claims 18-29 of the abov'e—identif1ed patent application.
`Prior to January 10, 1996, I conceived the idea of a system linking addresses of online
`information providers, which may be one or more addresses of web—pages on the
`Internet, with television broadcasts or pre—recorded Video or audio programs to allow
`11 from an
`viewers to call up additional information by loading the addressed informatio
`on line service. A description and diagrams of embodiments of the invention was
`prepared by me, signed by me and notarized, and mailed to the U.S. Patent and
`Trademark Office (“Patent Office”) as a Disclosure Document on September 15, 1995
`(copy attached as Exhibit A).

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`The Patent Office acknowledged receipt of my invention disclosure and assi
`Disclosure Document no. 382213.
`On October 9, 1995, I discussed my invention with my attorney, Mr. Micha:
`of the law firm of Amster, Rothstein & Ebenstein, and requested that he init
`art search on my invention (copy attached as Exhibit B).
`Mr. Berger conducted a novelty search and had the results of the search in e:
`November 1995.
`I authorized lvir. Berger to prepare a patent application in my letter dated 1 c
`17, 1995 (copy attached as Exhibit C).
`Mr. Berger forwarded a draft ofthe patent application with his letter of Janu
`1996 (copy of the letter attached as Exhibit D).
`After receiving my eomnients on the draft, Mr. Berger foivvarded a second (3
`application with his letter of February 1, 1996 (copy of the letter attached as
`I returned the executed application to Mr. Berger for filing by letter of F€b1'L
`1996 (copy of letter attached as Exhibit F).
`The application was filed on February 8, 1996 in the Patent Office, assigned
`08/597,432, and issued on June 2, 1998 as U.S. Patent No. 5,761,606.
`1 1.
`The above—identif1ed application, with serial no. 09/054740 assigned by the
`Office, was filed as a continuation application of U.S. patent application 08/
`April 3, 1998 and claiming the filing date ofnow U.S. Patent No. 5,761,606

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`Thomas R. Wolzien
`) )
`Subscribed and sworn to before me by Thomas R. Wolzien on this lnjiay of March
`Notary Public
`My Commission expires:
`10/2! I02

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` OPENTVZOO8-00001592

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`River Road
`Grum1vIcw.NY 10960
`Scpicmhcr :5. 1995
`“kg Q ‘=5 ""
` -
`F"-‘"9 FEE-' 51°-°°
`Assistant Commissioner for Patents
`PO Box DD
`Washmgmn. D.C. 20231
`Dear Sxrz
`Enclosed is n notarized disclosure sulcmenl for my invention known as the ‘Tcleweh Link." liking WW’ I
`check fur the disclosure fee afSlO.
`Thank you very much.
`Thomas R. Wolzien

`Case 5:15-cv-02008-EJD Document 91-3 Filed 04/27/16 Page 7 of 23
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`Disclosure Document
`Title of Invention: Teieweb Lhk
`Date: September 14, 1995
`Name of Inventor: Thomas Fl. Wolzien
`Address of inventor: 91 River Road, Gfllndview, NY 10%O
`Summary: The process of linking the addresses of on-line iniorrnation providers with broadcast
`or pre recorded video materials to give viewers the ebiiity to easily call up related materials from
`on line services for the purposes of entertainment. commerce, information, education. or
`Detailed Description:
`Address of an on line information or entertainment provider is linked to a video picture
`transmitted by broadcast or cable or prerecorded and dletrlbuted by videotape or dlgiffll
`recording to permit the consumer to easily call up additional information or conduct commerce
`or associated digital or analog eignale through use of exietlng technologies. The linkage of the
`on-line address and the video picture makes it easy and convenient for the consumer to seek
`more intorrnation from or conduct transactions with the producer of the television picture.
`U_Sglgljl,g_l2;l_lT_l§,_Q§‘-.J{fl’;Q‘[§__CJiJl1Ol1£ on the remote control (as defined below). 1'10 OOHBUMGP '9"-i0'°*5
`ifmgre information”. lrom the on line ptuv'|dar(8) specified oyeddreee data lmbedded‘in;me video
`picture crane picture's associated signals andlor det§:(ee defined below). Armeeee
`" ‘
`5QP9.§[&9£l.-Aha television
`tlii§’“”i.'vi'i”viiar that more lr'Iformalion___ls available. The
`address‘frorn’the teleiiieion signal.-—end.trenamlttd upstream through a__r319Q_§_t3}_;Ifld=lh8fi
`by any,.viiiLetd..or non
`r_neans"i”r'Tclfidln§i ’telephone;"’£:able; cellular" riidie phone.’ to "ac point oi
`presence.oi‘”§n"i5Fi”lir?e‘§3'n:ic‘3I' Once the oonnectionyifls the on line service is established.
`"More information". leitransrnltted to the uoe“'sileAforLldle‘i3ia‘y“ otithextelevleion set. a related
`computer screen, or a combined television-computer picaare, where the user has the ablllfl '0
`explore full range related information provided by the orlflnator on the on-line service.
`(See Diagrams 1-5 attached.)
`1 . Claim 1 is lor the linkage through the television signal of an address oi an on—llne information
`provider and the television picture. and related notification of viewer that more information
`exists through an on-screen or aural message. The process of this linkage provides the
`television user with an easy method oi reaching an on-line information provider for purpose 0?
`gaining more information for educational. commerce. informational. or research use. (Terms
`"television signal’. “television picture‘, and "on—llne iniorrnetion provider are defined below.)
`2. Claim 2 is for inclusion of on-line access button on remote (an dellned below) with such
`“button” causing access to on-line services using the address data imbedded in or linked 10 "19
`television picture as outlined in Claim 1.

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`Examples of Benefits:
`1. Examples of Benefits to the Gonsurner: The user at video. W""0"“°" b'°~‘-ldcaflv “'3"9"'“"°d
`by cable or other wire means. or distributed in a recorded form (as tape, digital dlek. or other
`prerecorded medium) would be able to quickly tlnd out more information about a specific
`subject as provided by the originator of the video. Since television programs or recordings are
`ol linite length, they do not contain all the related lhlorrnetion which a consumer may wish. Bfld
`information which they do contain may not be timely. The linkage to an on line aolvlcfl 8D8G|"9d
`in the video presentation by the producer or advertiser would serve to give the consumer easy
`and direct access to additional intormetion.
`Children or adults viewing educational or histoliml video material could easily find additional
`materials provided in text or etil picture by the pnaducere at an on line site.
`Consumers looking tor more information about a specific advertised product could easily find
`that information by going directly to an on—line elte specified by an advertiser.
`News viewers looking for spedtic items from news storlee or more detail could go directly to the
`on-line site where the program producer-e house such material.
`Once at the site. consumers could engage in whatever tteneactione they wised tor additional
`material or to make purchasee.
`2- Examples of Beneilts for Commerce
`Process links advertiser's broadcast or recorded commercial message with a apecilic on-line
`location where consumers can acquire more information or order product.
`information from on-
`line location can be updated to the minute. even though video presentation is pre recorded.
`An auto manuiacturer could embed in: on-line elte addreee in the video presentation so
`consumer could reach an on-line site quickly to ask for more inlonnation, request a test drive.
`or purchase parts.
`A grocery store could provide easy link to web site so ooneumere could orderhome delivery of
`grocery products advertised in video preeentation. and do additional shopping as well.
`A catalog retailer could use the proceee to allow consumers to repldly geln accooe to an
`electronic catalog after viewing a commercial on televleion.
`A record company could use procese to allow customers to reach the record company to
`purchase a recording while welching a rock video.
`3. Examples ot Benefits in Education and Training
`individuals using educational, training, or other pre recorded materials could request addiiiflnfll
`information. enter on—line bulletin board conversations, or enter databases providing real time
`and current details. even though the video preeentetion was made at some time in the P85‘-

`Case 5:15-cv-02008-EJD Document 91-3 Filed 04/27/16 Page 9 of 23
`Case 5:15—cv—O2008—EJD Document 91-3 Filed 04/27/16 Page 9 of 23
`4. Examples of Benefits in Government: Use at the process to link public service
`announcements on television and government agencies would give consumers immediate
`access to additional information trorn the lntemel Reveruo Service. military recruiters, or health
`usu--V-uu 1\..a puuwuuu uauxuuuq uunuuvlllg uy gun uunuauau uuunnwuung --'9 -
`ntianr-Inc Om lsrt-n1irIcu rlninila frullanmrinen u in an nr'u'Il\l no-up-cnrrifiléfi
`AIDS, and heart disease.
`Address: Address includes the specific on-line address of the information provider (such as the
`inventor’s Internet address twoizianflwolziencom and any spedfic subsets of the address
`necessary to connect the user to the specific area of iniorrnetion requested).
`Button: Button includes a physical
`on a television remote control device. or a virtual
`button located on the television screen and activated by e cursor or other remote device, or an
`aural button which is voice activated.
`On-Line information Provider: On-‘iin_e__i_njA_ormetion provider includes any educational.
`institutional, governmental or oomrnerdel iirrn which maintains data bases accessible by the
`public (for free or tor pay) or pertorma transactions with the public (lor free or for pay) by way 01
`electronic network connections including Theglmemetlnd VVorid.Wii:ltfl_eb, oerttrrturnialien-line
` a8LdI as America on Line or Prodigy, or th_r_9_ggi't;dre¢:t&1rIoctions over teioghonn of
`Television Signal: Television eiqnel is meant to mean 8I1_'_;__li'_‘§_If_l_9fl_W..di9itl|aigI'|8l‘@I1Il1Iiflhd by
`broadcgfistgrewireaorle.eignei‘§ri‘rEo6ided on
`disc or other medium. the primary
`purpose of which is to provide pictures and sound to the user. The televiilon signal includes all
`the electronic signals and impulses eeeociated with tranemlsslon of the video, vertical blanking
`interval. audio, syncronization pulses. chrorninence and luminerne of the analog signal. as well
`as digital data to make up the television picture end sound and data that can be related to that
`Picture during the process oi‘ digital recording, transmission or playback in recorded form.
`Television Picture: That portion of the television signal seen by the viewer and its related audio.
`On this 15th day of September 1995. before me personeiiy came Thomas R. Woizlen to me
`known. who being by me duly Iworn, did state that on this date he wrote the above and drew
`the attached diagrams 1-5.
`State of New York
`County of New York
`ry Pubic
`Maggy Public. But: at New Yolk
`Hg‘ 41 4089389
`Qaotllied in Queens County
`Cami-meuon Enbirli December 2. WE

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`an navégp-/PC/low 1./494:4
`0,, rd?’
`CL/h-4 Z:
`L; 4/444: :6 /guafaark
`D E
`4.51//4,Cf >¢ét/‘J-var’ ”
`(L-9715M ax
`gm Cyr1n.¢.¢£ 92/
`5% g’;
`$2/-J4 UL

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`mX E 1
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`31 River Road
`Grandview. NY 10960
`October 9, 1995
`‘Mr. Michael Berger
`Arnster, Rothstein. and Ebensxem
`90 Park Avenue
`New York. NY 10018
`Dear Mr. Berger.
`As discussed on the phone this afternoon. enclosed is a check for 31500 as retainer in the patent search which
`ycu are handling for me.
`I look forward to hearingfmm you as the search progresses.
`Thomas R. Wolzien
`PS: The address on the check is difierem mam mg ona above because I've just moved and the new <:hr~.cks
`hav9n‘t reached me yet.
`7:; - /2/y fl/
` .

`< E9
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`91 River Road
`Grandview. NY 10980
`November 1 7, 1995
`Mr. Michael J. Berger
`Amster. Fiothstein & Ebenstein
`90 Park Avenue
`New York, NY 10016
`Dear Mr. Berger:
`Enciosed is a check for $2,000. as requested. in partial payment for drafting the patent appiication.
`I look forward to seeing the language.
`with best wishes,
`Thomas R. Wolzinn

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`PATENTS - YPADEI-4ARKS> Coflvlatoprrs
`1212) 697-5995
`DAVID R anowu’
`rAC.!IMILI‘. N05.
`NEIL H. zxr:-mu
`ANYFCONV r. LO clcsno
`,(,.n¢:N AFITZ ASH
`AgflAHAM KASOAN sumo.
`N(AL L. nostnulzno
`LEONARD s. 509201
`mix I. SILFIN
`VALERIE G. ouanu
`mcumwo .4. aAsn.l:
`cacao I. GOLDHAN
`January 3. 1996
`Mr. Thomas R. Wolzien
`91 River Road
`Grandview, NY
`Re: U.S. Patent Application
`Thomas R. Wolzien
`Our File:
`_ __
`Dear Tom:
`advanced draft of
`We are pleased to enclose an
`patent application covering your Media Online Services Access
`System. We also enclose sketches which we have prepared to aid
`in the description of that system.
`review the application for
`accuracy and provide us with any changes which you think are
`in order
`to ensure that
`the application Completely
`and accurately describes you
`we will
`those changes
`into the application and then send you the final
`application together with the necessary documents which YOU
`must execute in connection with filing this application 1n the
`United States Patent and Trademark Office.

`Case 5:15-cv-02008-EJD Document 91-3 Filed 04/27/16 Page 18 of 23
`Case 5:15—cv—O2008—EJD Document 91-3 Filed 04/27/16 Page 18 of 23
`Mr. Thomas R. Wolzien
`January 3, 1996
`If you have any particular questions, please do not
`hesitate to call.
`Very truly yours,
`ael J

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`Case 5:15-cv-02008-EJD Document 91-3 Filed 04/27/16 Page 20 of 23
`Case 5:15—cv—O2008—EJD Document 91-3 Filed 04/27/16 Page 20 of 23
`{Z|2) 697-5995
`:MftRNAYIoNAL 0EPAn*rM:>.
`CAILIZ Aoofltss
`1-wx Nu»-«Its:
`rAcsn-utc nos
`a 2-zac-oa54
`"no? Aouvvrzo
`,,, .1“, ,3...‘
`uoflyopq AMSYER
`DANIEL s. zatnsrcm
`PH.L.p :4 Go‘rYr=nl:D
`,.ucHAl:L J B£l0I:n
`“UL .4. zwmn
`A~rHo~v r Locxczno
`iffltpl Aafz ASH
`KENNEYHP 9'30"“:
`Mg‘; L. nosI:Nn£n<;
`Lgcpmno s. scan:
`nu t SILFIN
`,,.ggau2A KOLSUN
`cntsruzn norusrcm
`ANNE VACHON oouautnfv"
`VAL[fll£ G. DUGAN
`nlco-IAIIIO .1. aAsILl:
`BRENDAN 9, RAE. Pa 0."
`February 1, 1996
`Mr. Thomas R. Wolzien
`91 River Road
`Grandview, NY
`New U.S. Patent Application
`Title: Media Online Services
`Access System and Method
`Thomas R. Wolzien
`Our Filgg
`Dear Tom:
`l996 letter
`in your January l2,
`Based on the comments
`and our subsequent
`telephone conversation, we have revised and
`copies of
`the patent application covering your
`Media Online Services Access Systenx and. Method for accessing
`completeness and accuracy.
`If the application completely and accurately describes
`invention, please execute the Declaration attached to the
`application as well as the Small Entity Statement which is 8150
`enclosed and return the application,
`executed Declaration and
`executed Snmll. Entity Statement
`to us
`filing ix:
`the U.S-
`Trademark Office.
`application, Declaration and Small Entity Statement
`your files.

`Case 5:15-cv-02008-EJD Document 91-3 Filed 04/27/16 Page 21 of 23
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`Mr. Thomas R. Wolzien
`February 1, 1996
`If You have any questions, please call. Otherwise we
`return of the executed documents.
`Very truly yours,

`E E-
`Case 5:15-cv-02008-EJD Document 91-3 Filed 04/27/16 Page 22 of 23
`Case 5:15—cv—O2008—EJD Document 91-3 Filed 04/27/16 Page 22 of 23
`._ ff}

`Case 5:15-cv-02008-EJD Document 91-3 Filed 04/27/16 Page 23 of 23
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`91 River Road
`Grandview. NY 10960
`February 7, 1996
`Mr. Michael Berger
`Amster, Fiothstein & Ebenstein
`90 Park Avenue
`NY. NY 10016
`Dear Michael:
`The executed and corrected version of the Media OnLine Services description and application documents are
`enclosed. along with the check for $2500 which you requested. As we discussed, please send an itemized
`statement for my records when it is convenient.
`Please let me know when the application is filed.
`Thanks for all your help.
`Thomas Fl. Wolzien

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