Case 5:15-cv-02008-EJD Document 83-9 Filed 04/12/16 Page 1 of 4
`Case No. 5:15-CV-02008-EJD

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`Case 5:15-cv-02008-EJD Document 83-9 Filed 04/12/16 Page 2 of 4
`Second ··Edition
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`Case 5:15-cv-02008-EJD Document 83-9 Filed 04/12/16 Page 3 of 4
`Dedicated to the memory of
`Jess Stein
`First Edition: Copyright© 1983, 1981, 1979, 1973, 1971, 1970, 1969, 1967, 1966, by Random House, Inc.
`All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions.No part of this book may be reproduced
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`Published in the United States by Random House, Inc., and simultaneously in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`The Random House dictionary of the English language.
`(Random House dictionaries).
`1. English language-:Dictionarie8. I. Flexner,
`Stuart Berg. IL Series.
`PE1625.R3 1987
`ISBN 0-394-50050-4; 0-394-56500-2 deluxe ed.
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`The Concise Fretieh Dictionary, edited by Francesca L. V. Langbaum, Copyright© 1983, 1954, by Random House, Inc.
`The Concise Oermatt Dictiottary, edited by Jenni Karding Moulton, Copyright© 1983, 1959, by Random House, Inc.
`The Concise Italian Dictionary, edited by Robert A. Hall, Jr., Copy right© 1983, 1957, by Random House, Inc.
`The Concise Spanish Dictionary, edited by Donald F. Sola, Copyright© 1983, 1954, by Random House, Inc.
`Entire contents of the Atlas, ©Copyright Hammond Incorporated, Maplewood, N.J.
`International Phonetic A Ip ha bet, courtesy International Phonetic Association.
`Manufactured in the United States of America

`Case 5:15-cv-02008-EJD Document 83-9 Filed 04/12/16 Page 4 of 4
`(sub round'), adj.
`somewhat round or
`-l ROUND 1]
`rounded. [1780-90; SUB-
`sub•rou•tine (sub' roo ten'). 11 . Computers. an instruc(cid:173)
`tion sequence in a machine or assembly language pro(cid:173)
`gram that can be prcwriUen and referred to as often as
`needed , Cf. procedure (def. 4a), [1945-50; SUB- + ROU(cid:173)
`sub-Sa·har•an (sublstj har'an, -hlir'an, -hfir'an), adj.
`of, pertaining to, or in Africa south of the Sahara Desert:
`a slLb-Saharan country; sub-Saharan peoples. [1960-65]
`sub·sam•ple (n. sub'sarn'pi1l; v. sub sam'pal), n., v ..
`-pied, -piing. -n 1. a specimen from or a small part of
`a sample. -v t 2. to take a subsample of. [1895-1900;
`sun- + SAMPLE]
`sub·sat•el·lite (sub'satll it'). n.
`a satellite designed
`to be released into orbit from another spacecraft. (1890-
`subsc, subscription.
`sub·scap•u•lar (sub skap'ya Jar), Anal. -adj. 1. sit(cid:173)
`uated beneath or on the deep surface of the scapula, as a
`muscle -n., 2. a subscnpular muscle, artery, etc , Also,
`[1825-35; < NL
`sub·scap·u·lar·y (sub skap'ya ler'e).
`subscapularis, equiv Lo sub- sun- + scaptLliiris SCAPU(cid:173)
`sub·scribe (s~b skrib'), v., -scribed, -scrib·ing. -v.t.
`1. to pledge, as by signing an agreement, to give or pay
`(a sum of money) as a contribution, gift, or investment:
`He subscribed $6.000 for the new church. 2. to give or
`pay in fulfillment of such a pledge 3. to append one's
`signature or mark to (a document). as in approval or at(cid:173)
`testation of its contents 4. to attest by or as by signing.
`5. to append, as one's signature, at the bottom of a docu(cid:173)
`ment or the like; sign . 6. to agree or assent to. -v,i. 7.
`to pledge, as by signing an agreement, to give or pay
`money as a contribution, gift, or investment. 8. to give
`or pay money in fulfillment of such a pledge. 9. to ob(cid:173)
`tain a subscription to a magazine, newspaper, etc. 10.
`to give one's consent; sanction: I will not subscribe to
`popular fallacies 11. to sign one's name to a document.
`12. to give approval to the contents of a document by
`signing one's name, [1375-1425; late ME subscriben < L
`stLbscribere, equiv. to sub- sun- + scrl.bere
`to writeJ
`-sub·scrib'a·ble, adj. -sub·scrib'er·ship'. n.
`sub•scrib·er (sab skri'bar), n. 1. a person, company,
`etc., that subscribes, as to a publication or concert series.
`2. a homeowner, apartment dweller, business, etc., that
`pays a monthly charge to be connected to a television
`cable service. 3. a person who promises to donate a sum
`of mane)', purchase stock, etc. [1590-1600; sunscRTBE +
`-ER 1
`sub•script (sub'skript), adj. L written below (distin(cid:173)
`guished from ad.script, superscript). 2. inferior (def. 9).
`-n. 3. inferior (def. 11). 4. Also called subfix. any
`character, number, or symbol written next to and
`[1695-1705; < L su.bscriptus
`slightly below another.
`(ptp. of subscribere to SUBSCRlBE), equiv. to sub- SUB- +
`scrib(ere) to write + -tus ptp. suffix]
`sub•scrip•tion (sab skrip'shan), n 1. a sum of money
`given or pledged as a contribution, payment, investment,
`etc. 2. the right to recejve a periodical for a sum paid,
`usuaUy for an agreed number of issues. 3. an arrange(cid:173)
`ment for presenting a series of concerts, plays, etc., that
`one may attend by the payment of a membership fee: to
`purchase a IO-concert subscription. 4. Chiefly Brit. the
`dues paid by a member of a club, society, etc 5. a fund
`raised through sums of money subscribed 6. a sum
`subscribed. 7. the act of appending one's signature or
`mark, as to a document. 8. a signature or mark thus
`appended. 9. something written beneath or at the end
`of a document or the like. 10. a document to which a
`signature is attached. 11. assent, agreement, or ap(cid:173)
`proval expressed verbally or by signing one's name. 12.
`Eccles. assent to or acceptance of a body of principles or
`doctrines, the purpose of which is to establish uniform(cid:173)
`ity. 13. Ch. of Eng. formal acceptance of the Thirty(cid:173)
`nine Articles of 1563 and the Book of Common Prayer.
`(1400-50; late ME < L subscription- (s of subscriptiO) a
`writing beneath, equiv. to subscrlpt.(tLS) (see SUBSCRIPT)
`+ -iOn-
`-sub·scrip·tive (sab skrip'tiv), adj.
`-sub·scrip'tive•ly, adv.
`subscripltion ediltion, 1. an edition of one or more
`CONCISE ETYMOLOGY KEY: <' descended or borrowed from; >I
`whence; b, blend of, blended; c, cogn<1le with; cf., compare; deriv,
`derivative; equiv., equivalent; imiL., imitative; obi., oblique; r., re(cid:173)
`placing; s., st.em; sp., spelling, spelled; resp., respelling, respelled;
`trans., translation; ?, origin unknown; ', unatlested; :!:. probably
`earlier than. See the full key inside the rront cover.
`YO JUl'llCS ror wlm:li n hUnlbOr or )lt Sf'ICCt.JVtJ purc-hrieers
`plucc o rders, usun ll y In :u.Jvru' o'f public.; tlon 2j a f! [le(cid:173)
`$::lcllly dos:i.gned edit1o n ofro rcd to s uksc.ribers., us u ll lly au
`~l11 In tullrn e ot, or d e l"Orred rtt~imcnL t>ln n, or on (tn u(cid:173)
`st.n llment. or dorcn ed deliver p1n11, or lwLl1.
`subscripttion teftevlsion. Sc" pay tolo11islon. Al~o
`rrdl ml subscription TV [ 191;0- 51;]
`($ub sot , s ubl sel), oc{J, occur ri ng, worklnlj'.
`ttc., tlllder hu sen or oomuc a $.UlJSi!ll spec.r.aU~t rn ml
`I- H~A l
`jsu • -
`sub•sec•re•tar·l•at (•uh s •k'rl L:lr'
`It., 5ub'sek- l. "
`un ndmln fslrntiv"' dc pnrtmeut t h nL r\SBis~ a n d i.s Ru bor(cid:173)
`d.inn l.o t..o u 8(!-(lrct.nrlnL (e un- ·f> si:Ctu..,"AIUAT}
`sub•sec•tlon (suu •ekl llh n, 5ubt.sck'-). 11.,
`.1 . u parl
`or d ivision or n section. -t1,t .. 2 . to cll vido or porLition
`inl.o ~u hR"'>n•. I 1615-:!5: 8 UA · -I S>lC1'10N J
`sub·seg· m ent (sul, so.g-'ma11t, sub' sen'.), " · n p:irl or
`division l>f n [sun- -I S>::GMENT]
`sub•sel-li·um (•uli s l'i'i <>m). 11 .• ,,1. -•e l·ll-a (•sell c o)
`mlwrlounl (duf. 2).
`( 169.5- 1705; < L; lo w &en_L, bend.,
`IJC] uJV . LO ~u .. b- S'U!J-
`.. iu.111 - ruM I
`I s dl{tJ) SCAL
`sub•se .. quence 1 (,ub' 6i k-w\Jnsl. ,,,_ 1. Lhc stnLc 0 1· foct.
`or bei n1; aubseque 11t:. 2 . n subsequent O(:C!.U.l'renco, c.v1,:mt,
`r.1.<1.; •equel. ! L4!JO- l500; !illUSEQU(R N'I') + -!!NC&)
`[l !icqunnc.t"
`r,,\.lhl&C 1 k~M), 11. Mat11
`obtained from n given sequ ence by s·QlccLi n g llorm.s fro rn
`it a nd pluc:.lng t hem J.n tbc o rder in wbfoh llu:=.y occu t· In
`I 1940 5: s uu-
`1 . ocou rrl11 u or
`(sub' si kw;ml), adj.
`co minn Inter-or ;.1 f'ber H11 bse9uc11t ttu1wJ:8. 2. full Qwir;g ln
`ord e r 0 1· &uccossion; Hll cc.ecd_ing ! a s11b1u;qw;.rtt .fH .. '>11 i.u o
`I 1425-'/5~ Jnte ME < L s11bieq11 "t- (i;. ur aub ·
`1Ji:q1ufo.11J, p !~p . o r .s u b~tqu.l l(J fo lJow olose btih ind, e-q u.i v~
`l,o m.11>- suu- + ;r~q11(&) lO follow + - cnl · - >:N·r] - su b' ·
`se•quent•iy. odu.
`5!~·:,.e/~~~us (~~!n"~:,~.::· 1~Wi1;-3~:u:.'.;';.~ n; s~u~':jag
`SUb•serve (sgb sU.rvl.) 1
`t.J,I., -sorved, -serv· lng. 1. to
`be L.1110£\Jl Ol" in iri promu~ing (n purpaso, nc(cid:173)
`t ion, Qtc,): (Jig lil curds.e .s1i bser oes digesrro u.. 2. Obs. to
`[ HH0-20i < L .H1b:;cr 41trt". equh· .
`ft-OTVI! '' ~ 11 .:f.U bordina
`to tmb- SUD -
`.. $i!rll i l'e to S"EllVE]
`sub•ser•vi·ent (sub siir/ vU nntJ. odj.
`1. serving ()1·
`acting in a s uburdinnle capacl ly; :-r.uhord i1wLI!. 2. ssrvile;
`excessive ly s ubmissfve1 ohscqulotu;: JJU IJSti rv"ie" t p~ rtmris;
`1a:ufM<i!l"l:u.eut c:on41.u:l. 3. Wi.1lfu1 in pramcLiag n purp9se
`fJGZG--35; < L. s uhservie11.t - (e. of subi:rt!ro~Dns,
`o r -0 11tl.
`prp. uf ~m.b~rvlre to SUliSt:ttVE), e q uiv. to .pu b - sun- +
`.s:e.rui .... s . uf scrvlre to SEitVE + -~ill -EN'T" ) -fii u.b·ser.l vl·
`- sub-ser'vl-ont·IY, Ofi v.
`e nce.,. sub .. ser-' v l·en·cy, '·Lr
`s ub• set {aublsct'), IL 1. o $<>t thfLL i.a o l" trt nf 11 lorn·er
`•••. 2 . Ma!". a ll<ll con• isLfog of lcm 'OU. of~ giv<in scl
`t.hat C:.'tt\ bo tho M m e es tho glven seL or smalJ nr. [ 1900-
`05; 8Ull· 1· S!n'j
`sub·shell (aub'shel'), "· Phyi;ics. n group of eloctr~ rl!!
`irt an ntom belonging- to l ho sa me Rhcll u,nd u lso
` anulc nl'.irnulhal q uunLurn number. (1965-70; su u- +
`m r ~t.L]
`ii plnnl conxistiag of n
`(sub'nhrubi), 11..
`woorlv, pe.rcnniu l base w-itih annual, herba-ccous ahoo\-s.
`I· SHllUD] - s ubls:hrubl by, adj.
`(1850:.&5: SUB -
`(6ilb Sid' ). 1•.i .. -sld·ed, -sid·ing:. 1. LQ •Ink to
`n low or tower lc.veL 2. to bcc()mc q u iet., l<?SS t1etfva 1 or
`les.• vin iunl~ nbnt.n: 7'/1e louyh icr s1Jbsid<!cl. 3. to • Ink: 01·
`t:o Lho bottom; seitlu; precipil11to:
`l.o ci>u"' co((~e
`fa ll
`1Jrouru1.s to sub.-;ide. L1G40 ... 50: --: L J tLbstd~re, equiv. to
`sfc:l.~re to sit , sett.Jo; aki n L() scdiOr e t.o be
`11-itb - sun ..
`:llca hid; see s1T 1 J -sub•s id·nncc {svb eldfns, sub'si dn.sJ,
`11 . -~ub·sldter. n .
`Syn. L dee.line, descend , settle 2 . dirninia.h, IU88e.n,
`w ane, ebb. -An t. 1. ri.Si!.. 2 . lncrl!.n~.
`(9'>b ··Idl e er'!)), 11dJ. , n .. ,,1. -a r -los.
`r:rdj, 1 . serving ~o nssist. or surip l c.ment~ n,uxiltnr1·; :; ~p ·
`~;~~or3:rr~~-or2P:~it~r~;n~ t?;~:f~H~~;~·: ~~~s:.1~r;uit
`~td i ury Lhfrig or person. 5 . Sc" sub sld fary comp.•my.
`~~::;d'~~,~~~u~~~~at~ t~~h~d[<!~r!1rc~e IL!~~~~)< .~
`- Ci:ri u.s -A 1W ) - sub·sid·i·Dr· f·IY {sttb aid'e fir'
`le, -sitl' -
`o.r'-), a.du.· - sub·sld'i·ar' l·ness .. n ..
`subsldl la ry coin/ ,
`, cuin. e•.P· one mode of sll".1>r,
`h o.vl.!~~ n value }(!s.~· t. hut1 LhoL or t.hc -monot.ary UniL Gr_
`minor c oin. l ISSli-90, Am or. )
`s ubsid'lary c omtpany. o oompu ny whoHC control(cid:173)
`linc Interest ls own!!d by n no l h r cornpuny. 1191&"20]
`subsid'iary ledg.ter,
`(in occounUniJ) n lt.'<igcr con-
`~r1~hP-1~ r:~~rn~~: .. i!.~:(!i~1 ·1t~~ ~~~t,~1 ~=l~~~ tho LO~'ll
`su b sidl iary rights'. right,• Lo publis h or r>rmluco n
`cUffor-C!11 t rormhL.'C wo t•kr; bns.~d on Lhe. miginnf wor k
`s 11 pnecrbnc.k of an ong·inol
`Llr\(i ~r cc.mtrnct..
`hnrdiawc r huo l nr o mot1 0 1•1 11icllrre. lw cd on u navel.
`su b·Sl·dize
`(s1,1h's1 cltx'). u.I., -dl~e d, -<l l~· lng. L t~
`fhrnish or nid with n subKidy . 2 . tO purdrnan l.IJo ussi..s·
`lru1cc of by t. hu p11ymunL urn 6Ubs id~'· 3. to secure t.hc
`cobpcrn:t [ou o r by bri buI'l': buy over. Also, t'~J'- B r i1.,
`I 171\fh Yf/: SU OlllQ(V) ~
`- sub'·
`si·dizFa 0 blO. odj. - sub' sl·d l·za' tion, 11.
`- sub'sl·dlz-'•
`or. " ·
`sub·Si·dy (sub'•• dU), '"- p L -dio•. 1. :r di roo p~cuni ­
`n.ry n1d f'ui-nls hutl hy 11 nuvcrmnenL to H private i1~ dm; .
`ll'inl ut1dt.!rt.R king. a C!hurit...)' orgnniz.nllon, m· L.ho Hl<c. 2.
`n 6lim p;i/d., often in acaordanco w iLh o LranLy, by on
`~overr'l ment ln hO(>LhcJr l lJ secu re 900Je:-·servltc (n. 1•clurn.
`3. u .srnnt. or cont.ribubon gf rnonay. 4 . money fom1e..l:'!y
`g n 1nlod by Lh ~ English P"arlltlnH'.mL to Li m CJ'(H\lr'I rt)r ~p~­
`c:in l needs Ll325-75; M F. .:;ul,rudfo < ,., F' < L :mbsfrlium
`auxiliary forel!, rC'SE!J' Vt:., h •Jr,, 4.!flU v ~ LU ,m />- s u n-
`cornb. fbrm or Brclerc to s11·•
`ium -JUM I
`syn. 1. Sun:-. 111v, wuVE:NTI ON boLh gronLll ,,r
`rn o n ey, especially governmc.u, L • Li frl ftriv1;1 1.e tmdr.::.r ·
`LukinWli, A su11SJnv is usun lly givt.!n t.o p romot • ccimm nr(cid:173)
`CJ inl entQ1· a su.b,:"«dy l Q nm.mcfacturers -d t~ rn1 1f ti ''fO,.·
`A ~U l!VEN1"1 0N is usU1dly n gr.m L I o sum uh LC cntCJ•prt&.ttR
`co.1tnautr:d \\•lt h scicnc..:c an d t.ho n.rt.s: a s t:.t blH:tt U.0 11 10 a
`rcruuu olr d1cmu:i by o major cornp<rny.
`sub ·SiS1 (s~•h si..~V), ,,,I. 1. to e xi t:! hl <!:l'lt;t(cid:173)
`uncl'l 2. lo r enm in ttli vet live. AB on fodcl~ resource~, 1)~1;...
`3. ~O hnve in, Or Uy rC.aKOn or, ~m uLhi n g , 4 . lo
`l'CS ld O, lie, or COns(~l (usua lly f~ ]. hy i 11). 5 . f'ht/08. a, (o
`havu cimulc..~ u r ra~t.raet e >1iatc.n e, o~ a number, rela-
`e>C i&1.Cnce, esp. indcpende ru. x·Jst (cid:173)
`1:.lon. el.t . b. l.O huv
`ont • - u. r... 6 . tg provide sust.cnnnco 0 1) .s_u pro 1 ·~ fo r;
`( 1540 co: < L subBUrt re Lo ro.1rmi 11, uq u iv. to
`-ulJ- 8UD· + fil tEitCr l!... LO st.B r1 d, ninko ~tu n{!; aee S'l'A.N o ]
`- sub·sistlln tt·l y , adu.
`sub·sist•ence (
`•toLe or foe~ of
`li s i•' tan6), " · 1 . lh
`!13i~~t~r:su~~-~n~~~~r·~~Q6~~,!":~. 0~.e~:~; Qr~·u~~~r1~fi~R
`li/o; u ll vrng or livelihood. 5. lira s oorrn fro r:rr which food
`~ n d o Lh r il ·rn!i nCCCSSIU"y to exist·
`ro oht:1ine:rl . 6 .
`Phi.Los.. n. existeuro, eKJ)Gci:. lly o f nn inda ricmden t: e ntity.
`b. the qua lil.l~ of hnvl ng t.i m e.J ~QS or abfuac::L existe:n cu. c.
`mode r e.xls.tence· or Lhal b.v \\•hic:h u subetR UC!C iei In.
`dlviduotized. ( 1400•50: late ME < LI. su bsiul<11tiQ , s~e
`... EN C£)
`SUB8i?J."'1" 1
`-Syn. 3. $Ur\l'i vi1). m tilnt nnmre, nouri:ilimcn t
`subsistte nce allowt ance, 1. money given m ad (cid:173)
`va n c~ ln u new s nlctf<:r, '"':mployoo, etc., to bu y food, cloLh ·
`Ing, nn~ puy for othe r ncccsll.ilia~ whilo awn lUn g a· rlrsL
`pn)'· 2. rnoncJ p Id i i
`' o rk\'!r lr1 udd ilion Lo snJru·y Lu
`cover o.xpe.ns~ thrtl may be incurred in he porforrnonco.
`or lM job 3 . m !JilC,)' pnid LO mcmhnr>< Di" Lhe a1·m od
`llow nee fh·r foocl.
`fo1·r.:os in lie u of mc nJs; nn
`subsist'ence farm l lng, 1. fnnniag who$~ products
`" re lu tllndt!d 11; IJl'OV dll for Lho ooi;ic need• of tho rnrm eJ',
`with llLLle aurplu• for marketing. 2. fnm1ing that brlragi;
`lltLI or no profit to the fanne>r,' o.llowing on ly for a mor·
`liveli hood.. Also,
`subsls t'onc<i agl rlcultu re.
`[~935-4 0)
`SUb•SiSt•ent (Hah si•' f1mt,), ndj, 1, Rlll>•isting, ~Jd@r:ing,
`or COnLlnuing in l!Ji;i&l•mce 2. i11hercnt! .tttbnlnten..t qriali .
`lies of dmrnckr -11~ 3. Phitoa.. sonHJ.Lhinu Llml axis ts
`ncceSs.m 1fly ns o pvosed to cont[ngcnL in s p3:c:!e
`[ l fi2(1...;jO; < I, s 1<//sis1crrl-
`(s . of • !Llisi~ iiin•),
`and Li;n .
`p1·p. o f &ul>ln.$tc: re to rem 3fu~ se ... Strll81ST, -~N1'J
`SUb•SO•Cial (sub ;,;;'shol), oqj, wlthoutn d<'-f'iniLe ...,oiul
`jl906 ·· l0; SUu - + SOCl.A.L I -sub-so'clal ·IY,
`• 1.t•uNu re.
`od P
`~ho bud 0 1' strnLllm or earth or
`[s<Lb1soil'J, Ii
`earthy 11'1.:! Ll:.rln l in'nnt;!:df"at.cly und r t.he a.u rlhcc no.i.l Al!$()
`ca.lied undarsoll. [ 1790- 1800. s u n. -f- S01L' )
`sub ... soil •er
`(.t;ub' sui' lar). ri .
`l . 1·mc· whu opcr.uLcF< n
`~ubtM>il p1ow. 2 . See subsoil plow. ! L8:l0~5; suu~o 1 1 . +
`s ubfs oll plowl. n plo" ' lbr s t.lrr'l rag Llr~ • uhsoil, " ""mlly
`wft·houL turb it1g the s -1.n·fru.:f!
`[ l 2s-35)
`su b·So•lar (sub sil' lar). adj 1. 11au.nt•d beneath Lh o
`Pltrn nr between lh1· tlarlh und th u sun . 2. between lho
`[1660-60: 11un - + 801.A R 'I
` p1cs
`s;i~;~or~~bl~~b:~1~~ti~~;1g.,1. I~~~ ~~lm~~sth~~~~rc~
`young birds and, al Lht! st.urL of t.he 1>n'ed ln1;-8cnson, tn
`ndull b rd$ or COrtll in Sp 'CiC.S.
`jsUH• + SO NC: J
`sub·oc'u·lar, adj.; -ly, adv.
`sub·pack'·age, n.
`sub'oe·soph 1 a·ge'al, adj.
`sub'pa•go'da, n.
`sub·of'fice, n.
`sub 0 pal'li·al, adj
`sub·of'fi·cer, n..
`sub·pal'mate, adj.
`subtof•fi'cial, n., adj.; -ly, adv
`sub·pal'mat·ed, adj.
`sub·ol'ive, adj.
`sub·pan'el, n.
`sub'o·paque'. adj: -ly, adv.;
`sub· par', adj.
`-ness, n ,
`sub•par'a·graph'. n.
`sub'op·er·a'tion, n~
`sub·par'al·lel', adj.
`sub 0 op'po·site, adj.; -ly, adu.;
`sub'par•a•lyt'ic, adj.
`-ness. n
`sub'pa·ri'e·tal, adj.
`sub•op'tic, adj.
`sub·par'lia·ment. n.
`sub·op'ti·cal, adj.; -ly, adu.
`sub'partl, n.
`sub'par·ti'tion, n,
`sub·o'ral, adj.
`sub'par·ti'tioned, adj
`sub'or·bic'u·lar, adj. ; -ly, adv
`sub'par•ti'tion•ment, n.
`sub'or·bic'u·lar'i·ty, 11.
`sub'or·bic'u·late, adj.
`sub'par'ty, n. , pl. -ties.
`sub'pass'. n.
`sub'or•bic'u·lat'ed, adj
`sub'or·gan'ic, adj.
`sub•pas'tor, n.
`sub'or•gan'i·cal•ly, adLJ,
`sub·pas'tor•ship', n.
`subtor•gan·l·za'tion, n.
`sub'pa·tel'lar, adj.
`sub'o·var'i·an, adj.
`sub·pa'tron, n.
`sub·pa'tron•al, adj.
`s'ub·o'vate, adj.
`sub·pa'tron•ess, 11
`sub·o'ver·se'er, 11
`sub·pat'tern, n .
`sub·o'void, adj_
`sub'lot', n.
`sub·lum'bar, adj,
`sub·lu'nate, adj.
`sub·lu'nat·ed, adj,
`sub·lusttrous, adj.; -ly, adv;
`·ness, n.
`sub'maid', n .
`sub·mam'ma•ry, adj.
`sub·man' ag·er-, n .
`sub·man'ag·er•shipl, n
`sub·ma'ni•a, n.
`subtma•ni'a·cal. adj.; -ly, adv,
`sub·man'ic, adj.
`sub·man'or-, n
`sub'mar'ket, n .
`sub•mar'shal, 11
`sub•mas'ter, n
`sub·max'i·mal, adj.
`sub·max'i·mum, adj.
`sub·mean'ing, n
`sub·me'di·al, adj.; -ly, odu
`sub·me'di·an, adj
`sub'me•di·a'tion, n ,
`sub'me·di·o'cre, adj.
`sub•meetling, n
`sub•mem'ber, n.
`sub'mem·bra•na'ceous, adj.
`sub•mem'bra•nous, adj.
`sub'me·nin'ge•al, adj.
`sub·men'tal, adj.
`sub'met•a·phor'ic. adj.
`sub'met·a·phor'i·cal, adj.; -ly,
`sub·mil'i·ar'y, adj.
`sub'mind', n.
`sub·min'i·mal, adj.
`sub·min'is·ter, n.
`sub•min'is·trant, adj.
`sub'mo·lec'u·lar. adj.
`sub·mol'e·cule', n ..
`sub·mortlgage, n.
`sub·moun'tain, adj.
`sub·mu'cous. adj.
`sub•mu'cro·nate, adj.
`sub·mu'cro•nat'ed, adj.
`sub'mun·dane', adj
`sub·mu'ri·ate 1 , n
`sub·mus'cu•lar, adj,; -ly, adv
`sub·na'cre·ous, adj_
`sub'nar·cotlic, adj.
`sub·na'tion•al, adj.
`sub·nat'u·ral, adj.; -ly, adv.:
`-ness, n ..
`sub·net'work'. n.
`sub·neu'ral, adj.
`sub•nod'u·lose', adj.
`sub•nod'u·lous, adj.
`sub'no•ta'tion, n..
`sub'no·ta'tion·al, adj.
`sub' note/, n.
`sub'no•to·chord' al, adj.
`sub·nu'cle•us, n., pl. -cle·i,
`sub· nude', adj.
`sub·num'ber, n.
`sub'nu•tri'tious, adj.; -ly, adv.;
`-ness, n.
`sub'o·blique'. adj0 • -ly, adv.;
`-ness, n
`sub'ob·scure'. adj. ; -ly, adv.;
`-ness, n .
`sub·ob'so·lete'. adj.; -ly, adv~;
`-ness, n.
`sub'ob·tuse', adj,; -ly, adu.;
`-ness. n

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