Case 5:15-cv-02008-EJD Document 81-9 Filed 03/29/16 Page 1 of 4
`Case 5:l5—cv—O2008—EJD Document 81-9 Filed 03/29/16 Page 1 of 4

`Case 5:15—cv—O2008—EJD Document 81-9 Filed 03/29/16 Page 2 of 4
`Case 5:15-cv-02008-EJD Document 81-9 Filed 03/29/16 Page 2 of 4
`Property cf

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`Case 5:15-cv-02008-EJD Document 81-9 Filed 03/29/16 Page 3 of 4
`Case 5:15—cv—O2008—EJD "Document 81-9 Filed 03/29/16 Page 3 of 4
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`The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary-—~A Supplement ta tlte Oxford English Dictionary
`(<3) Oxford University E’ress 198?
`The Oxford English DiCfi(’}1’1aI'}’fSeC()I'1d Bditien) © Oxford University Press 1989
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`Case 5:15-cv-02008-EJD Document 81-9 Filed 03/29/16 Page 4 of 4
`Case 5:15—cv—O2008—EJD Document 81-9 Filed 03/29/16 Page 4 of 4
`1-I whnrntnt hu-rH’+EoI*r. wt: lifm-nu-as Bari. 951' F pun”
`it:-It-‘33 ILQI) 11-: wk: ibffuud --wt mun}: min:-1' am! In :12:
`dd-(-.gfn of (neck . (I15 ‘)3-‘K-‘HUHM Gr!» 3%-rat «xx
`:88): Tim-
`dams yend-lm 11 en: Ist'Ia-tilt-rm-u>l-If an El: an and ask‘ pxaigra
`Klan |l'Am‘A~ ihfgacbsti 4 Mi M! the odhm 4-tmcmeu hf ah:
`mm mm maudrng subi-rrvl-::1\§ ha «In: any :1»: mam .
`H1. Cm-mt. ta amt; mt. ar an pare Am gcmn ,
`all»! ‘bumaas. Eima. Fury Win 11:;
`1. They dwell on
`ham and ham cum w-uu:‘«:nt|~_ ufiilg we mu 4: GM Pemmn am:
`only auhn-r\'-en! m mi km 129%’ mu 9 1*‘-ntrm Pr:-rt. }'!!-m-.
`:45 Fe:-mm who use uaktevumva nu zkn am ten tau-min
`{an n» - guard ml-«em:-cw:
`'¥‘¢ mi ch: mzhlrc
`gifnnnalnhg pm hangar :31! C04 syn ‘fat 54. «rut up :.
`u.Mhr1g¢n$w.y karma: 1?!!! Su1sg,;!e‘H q:>»u,{m¢;.s ti :3 in
`{ml-tn: 3-fésc m!>u:wenI tn fngatinun our 1-u‘{'<'(*m.
`‘kc. mtlmm cmszruczmn
`. $1.
`:4 o Bus-1:0 «ma». mu.
`:7; TM: uc ma tn she
`fmm r ni’ chm: than
`c mm an nation. but nfrhme am an»
`. Pu I.
`flan-mud’ In .‘>’«»..¢- nu
`tunic;-4: um .52..“ which Kr dd not mfir wk»:-awcru I-H our
`Mute cu mince. 1 cl Clo-rho I'.‘u:«-ml Sana 134,31; \k'h.;t: sq
`nu: cash.
`cfl aunt of those .\Tu«uns. «Rah nu-
`corrtsrsunffls ;u-dc. W4 the dune“! of thc Cmporvd Pnncx-plat
`ixzbscrvxcftt hztfin.
`2. Actmg ox u-n-mg m a suhtxmm-ms (wig:-.>r.'it§.*;
`subordinate, mbjcct. Conn, to.
`11-. 4:15 gmrmlnzu.
`1&4: 9..‘:au;1-.-ua~s Hm. «‘'In* I. 1- I -w"I'hr.aI sh Ouren naught
`Mm: use-icfin mu l‘*am"‘. and M Unnl§. be 5-1a§uIw.«nnrret In htr
`I-£67 Drrar Pkg. Fist; -‘x F13 Cm we rim:-I1: he «all he amen:
`rim: in Br mute whammy so HM warm} 1 H‘ G file's.»
`TI;-u Tun‘. (‘kn F'flr<€h
`gut.-;) H. 1“)
`I datum AS
`wlbscrnral snfemxt mu-amrra nu Pgmxa s"‘r«!‘m'. b Wk.
`mo: 3? 547 in (End tuiaexcnvu-at H? K» own flan“ t
`lixctu-1':‘}'~ hm!’ £4}: am u :35 \Vcma-wt in In mum:
`mum M:Il*~n:n.wm mcmm-as mm and‘ an u¥8¢’¥’m~<w im‘
`e can-up»!-r.
`Ring in. L 33 They sensed Ihc wager m «mace uibenant
`b. cf thinga.
`:44: .‘a!1n.-rnr~n"§.‘c'::-.2-).~i:;e um. 51;: m -xarrtnpinncrt
`mum flu» h-emam ‘rd tum:-rswt of a wbscm-mm «cont. 1551:
`T‘: { and 11:,» M Mm". ah-wr. Eaqls Reg. Sc;
`-11; ‘ring 1mm
`.4. at mm-.u mime. I‘-uar sumac:-sum um! heionrmfia -.2: 11»
`mum at I.»-niI.Il’|e‘.§I.m ml-:1 Du-:as.u find‘ if E 1. an
`:54-nwn-mt fvocnalgirt as m as-nit. fihaii ism mbaem-rm
`had 44' Lam? Mhuvxowm -I-flu. 911111 mimic the
`“Em-5e dtpfla-G
`ox-mmlarc my cumin!’ I18; Paw fin Gm alwtmt Cm-«.2.
`am-an an FM.
`ll-Iv--I 91%? Left
`llama‘ IRE. M Imlnxeh-M
`ihugham. dnccmui
`frat} aim was
`an be
`sutmrwmt 1:» God II Dmuu Lathw I41. A
`dun rriugs-m an; an: .
`win an Ihwld M vin-
`oaupxun sf mm. 1:: ohms 3 mm punwu
`6. Law. (Cf. nmvztzwr and S-«tfi<\u’tT§ !.!E 7.}
`am Sun: ins: Sum Seer :
`:9": 3:; F:no«nl.‘§cvsm;:Su
`one. cum-zcivgr the ropcny vi our :9 ouhu-vwrn: S4: me
`ohnvaxhev £694 us wuxxrtm 7} IE6; I.-M: Rep :5 hour.
`Em. 58¢ The mortgage" 2:! C. D. md ?Z..n;q\u¢-cad .n
`mo» l-’~w.h Nwq shade -mlnq-turn: us sh‘
`Noui 5
`3. Of pcraona. thnr ncnoms, etc ' Skavvshly
`xu}>vn§sswc: trucklimg. obsequiom.
`131-; Mm, In;--nun .'u£m -{:4f-u-ff+h-,- ~1a;.:.
`I-I-:1.-nip ha .
`~’»-«urn:-irnl hp if--r mhnvntrrsz rmmnrn :23’ mung. rs-mam. n ht.-
`IN»: 5ub.‘fr II-H31.-a us, Tlw 3011 not unit arr:
`mm. bo».§4.mrEg-. rs-rflatmvg, and mi-urw KII!
`a 3.4 June; L:-gr:
`.\’.\‘l"' H . 15! Ht cf!-I-!I..<':~ rd mu M33. lhr: inhurs Ira! rhltrrg
`up g a§¢-gem: ref II1‘$fl‘f<rI are urlwn-:rm': la-an-dc Lqeuqt. 1:14
`firtq-13-: Simré find an $1 {A3-6111 $31 Th? i1k§.§l‘l'l- hm! 254.-m
`m-¥.m::-. mm 9-:3-n-r.-J1 18% min“ «hurt my the {Stun-n
`8. Ian A sub-¢:zs:t‘V':c¥!:l ptvsafl as thing. ram
`$131 5). FAQ J!-M H3 TR!‘ gumnmu-t rid-lwri (hm! mu
`Mtlhuu the emits «if the'hc mu. «awn. zuvi
`«Hon. formed much it: be M miners-n-mv 389$ Minnxrtv
`Udall Fa, fful. LC §‘}\c ion‘ 1-ubxnu-at 1:4? $fl${¥?f1ll Fact.
`sub-in-vicntly (:>l2:93:s'unt1t). adv. U. prun é
`-1.v’.} In 2 subscrncm manner.
`:67! Ca:uv-morn fem-el Syn nu T6.-ar mom a! nil E-II-
`max-#1:. .tu unnxrnlauu a.~.v!:m:r'mrn1!u
`no ihr
`C3!-«N1 ma!
`:3 Titn
`.Pu.-tlvcmem :4‘ me Whuie ms 2-Hit. Rrfly, Hm.
`):-nf I1. 1:». ITM4:-m-tr; wen an niwct. share me. that could
`mm} su.‘:m-nu-nw_; 1:: 3!! m drum:
`1 3? W smmnenr
`Mn!) 3-! mmuni rah-ser-m-al-4}'ta Hm. "3; .*a?.41o.9u Sum
`21% .352-3.
`iinlnn +~:
`£11.: The (3aa':rm1'm1I.§ mrmm-re
`‘UB1-tffiwfltiy «park {He .N‘n:.-..mlu-t demand:
`55:: nut:‘ttrviamtnuu r:.e.-(‘"9 {1}-:3 Ihuiey ‘M3.
`subscrving (sab'n:\m3). ppl, :1. {L swim awe v. -
`4.~:c;‘ ] That auhwrx-ca; subservxrnt.
`flu: Charm. A-us Rfd 4. a
`as. Lzgnmcnu. out they
`than are ‘$1: B-amp racemes. ms! mker guru m the norm,
`mat mm: mhxs~nm~g «mam. 139} Adm:-N £C§nug~~‘3 A
`536:‘, {"9-ninm ..i,;.n~hst
`Iha: sang em} :3? bk-Q «mi
`mbscuuq mm: ma: am» 52:, (Ex .‘~i.tmr‘» zmar {gag W
`H‘ Ehmax Spar-wr‘x Nu!-me
`In nor:-grtggrsms
`crrnutet. mt uni} in-:!’:w: R bu-vm xtfesuu-(run; mt:
`£09.‘:-.1u1->:‘W1n§ -in I;.ma*.‘IL‘f
`subanqulaltctal. cm: xi: 51.1» to.
`and But. (as.
`subscnilc {sA!:a‘xcs:i}, a. 2:»:
`rrxbscxtifixt we st?!» 2£C.§ Nut
`semis; aimost snsitr.
`1784: J. Le-5 («In-J Sci. us. iv. (.7115)
`:74 Vcucuflua, 1
`Wtmd. expxrun 9 ."1‘-ambcr M’ Ho-arr: ms: in subocnde.
`1 S Ronuw ZJnI, Frame :54 Show S.uul'm.5c. Leon:
`van‘. crcnnt, nubwcnulc:
`I115 W. Cunox I'M Jr!
`.17; Abdomcu w!-«stale. w'm<o-
`‘subset. as.‘ U”. smtmzxr 9.} Am wt of mbxctting
`or uubkttsng.
`an 1331. 3144-8 (rev now: wise bricmi.
`:b.'1 A
`{L sum 5 c
`subordinnzc cut; a be: «$1 the cfcme.-ms of which
`are comcxnad us another Man
`was £."w;-at Era‘: XXIX. nah So my lac gm-mlbl-r was
`in-«uiq: iéu ul inn: 1 number oi mhscu. ms was pf Muth
`«mid» 8 comma a-Imcu.
`:11: rpm. slam-r, M1131. SH.
`EH 1!; Amara Iutfi [cam vet} mrmbluqa one -‘cw
`mpartlnz this wt‘ than and-us have It»: mp:-rtgr than the
`rum nierveqd :n'(£"1Iol' i‘\|"‘l‘
`I\1httl{£°)fl(l'.fi‘I£le<.'£fl'§td. tut
`ifai-'1 1. 1.“ n nnslyung that ddfiauttucawe
`cm! W: 22. um mu-udunma cf 4 new «mien of 4 when M :
`puma: Hi bran; caoxmeueci iiwmatfi 9:: mmalcmcm of :11:
`1 re: an H. A. K HM: «me an %£‘-nae.’ XVII. :3-E
`- mm gt-rcsgrrnx-.-c fig <Ml‘c:mnm¢a$ ms
`ti»-z eiqm: af
`mfinutfiinni klurrwr for as d:Fu-1:22-g Knit‘;-an er-crcuu
`n-n-it E '1'. £;ur-can Mum 5]-am v. (1') Ln 9 um: i be mm:
`mm :55 -In Iarhtfl .4 of: wars: gun .1!‘ R13}. 1. iiurru
`‘:z,nm.~'aar~:arvI 31¢-K max!» my ms Thxxsr aw 4:3 I burn: «if
`Hr-Iwmuvi. with I[*elI.'&§§'R+h( cm rm» mm mi:-wi cl mnfixzis
`m—n~n.-u 59!»: Ram:
`.'§',°.a1-p:-5: I 3-é L1. I-63 Y5’: nlmvm gfwlja
`curapnistr fuss-xx ut cu:
`in not huge“: rn um-til m‘ r-war:
`Ir: WWW uuivsui eat 1!:-4:
`rubsct taxi)’:-at}. 9. 3:. [L sun 9(4)) + wt 22.‘)
`from. Te: underiu, «ables.
`:68: Iifux hm‘. boa‘ Swat
`4 em, .\
`1 it me huh‘ and H
`iuhawlt 10 any um:-t ugh: ten ahm 4111- cum! :1!‘ that Pugs‘, ex
`mdmmzi « M Ie’x€¢f§rvI-9:1!“ c-f surf-mdicc-. 111: Stat: Mu.
`Na-it $31!: 9'; «Mai! Yum. H mun. hr glad Iuh¢¢'¥Il u-heat 6
`mum-we a task. mukuzl-u mask «:0 mcmmm cxf gnu:-guru,
`1. men»? pun «man:
`:8“ Farm-«ea Afq. Stave 3.3; A
`wu .
`fureami. amine: vim:-Ne :1!‘ {arm ungnazd, {$02 which
`of the sheer: {sh-.x. XI:
`'5 . 83;: INN. Ame 3:31‘. )3: Tu
`ates zi-':m'*r Fan hm (‘st-E5) L 3;. Mn mhm 1).: ~r$u~:-it
`M-hm at 1-ulurt
`law: hf rhr «Jana; ehdnumc cf
`nmnuten yous.
`I). 41301’. at four.
`_ sh! Faun‘: King. M-nae. pg 3 m.-In 13!‘ Inch an nap:
`Why‘? an 3991-W7. mam no aemgn. ca men in muhm R35 W.
`firm. -fix: Lam 3:01.
`In mas» lam-e..»m nmru
`ruthomg N: am,» at -mum mm be gmm
`Henri: with Mllixl
`vb}. 2%.; lubfieflthle ¢.,
`urpahit uf facing an:
`u-nu‘ Ffl<’l‘i'3'AINp'I.»i.. 13¢-u. S. OH: This (:3-um vqaiuut
`ml:-Hm ti wily
`an unqmmcm .« am .1. what an
`mu W man! u Msmh wilt. afigml Eiu-ax.-ax
`inn. Lain $.u. 11. u 1- 3 {Q13} 14:; II remmu n daulu.
`ulmlm via: an-aw 4:5 «aka:-as; M umpiwd an it»: mum
`émxpsi uduvmm an an shamed. aim ‘was’: .1-fax.
`4 wk um’!-mu: I mg:-ma! zimm. £541. 3;}: ‘Ila-§bt-ti:
`. we. 3;» Al! ucka. Exxon-3. film I11‘ 11- mlmm to: am can
`lflwfh at iv’-V, ue aha nasigd-«Mr. at «cell an ml’-wuahie
`4» «mt, «um; cf.
`fsubscttle. 05:. {£2 gusset 2:.
`mra*er:mte.1 An under-tenant: -c uN:>aem1-11.:.
`3&3; HI I. Cunt Rcvvlmfiazsu {I $29} 364 .v\ndrt» Rabuw-n
`sub wick! (or: humv on the mt:-on rnnzury no our (mm.-at
`aubscyd. variant of .~'<:m.:u:u sb.
`s:.lhs$1rub{‘ss.bfrab). 53931‘ If. 31:8» 3 + .mm:s
`:6 made: mod.L.
`»1':'rm:r:cos.:a). Cf. that urlier ::a:d:m‘:r:a!v.} An
`undcwhnub. or very mu}? shrub.
`IR51 (§1_o.~zs:a’ "xY+~rdM». Fl (-»\2:.i
`I ‘I'm dnub‘zz«2’m-»¢4¢..|
`<"<-<3; be-..¢:x-uted at pt-smmul auherlxlubl
`}\*amn:.«w Etta.-«tr
`(Rm. Cianlrww H. mm
`H‘qs:rr4:a-cu ~.
`Jun ¢;t¢m.w gagnm-..n~i
`hard ,
`c-.~suy,vx-v-.n m clcmésmm,
`tmbm. «newts, we wh-
`«hm 1..
`jugs’: R )2. Woum-an ft It Rmuvfiéa I
`11 Th:
`atmliul sgctsn spspek:-I
`to be ..a tmiy tkuarnxtxmx
`mhshraiz «mty 1»-,1 xndu: Ia}!
`29¢-9 ifvunxrv 3.: r :3 Mn
`3341:} u
`.'uMa):I:.; vubwrhmbl gswfitnbty urntni u
`sné um ‘Em.-it X-9 flu wnwd mm 1-: mmt-uvmcd,
`bniang fiflkaltna uwus-la.
`5:; nubuhrubby 0.. rcncmhhng -A
`134.1 F-'»:rul‘1 Jul
`(1843) I‘/. no I! H n civurf md
`5.1-f|’fI3MIE3*t1I»*'Iii3|':j plant,
`I gas:-rntly
`ea.-rr hm»
`hm-rbwmsa I5! uubahraahme E: n gist -E£1.I:r¢-en‘ §§'a
`Cfiardflli Mvthiula bu-cant.
`I351: warn A-:2-s:k,:rA;1::3:>«-I'h=*.l'£ub§*
`km}. s 3% |'.3!-31:.-Ml-n FL éd'?i}‘ re; Thu;-Mai ‘sub-aitsuhby
`pianif Ilnd ‘:u»'£tu*-won irate.‘ hm-c ‘men gnutwllni.
`iksxv u1h‘.1<z-dmnit négaech a-raup-3 mlwtmtubur
`5-41-N am: an Ihr im-‘gr mm:-«l 2-1' W: wgi-u-‘blur hu-Jaqdm-1.
`1 subridtry. 4. Cvé-:. Erran. E. .-:uta:s:mm:w
`:61! SK, Quito.‘ :“ma.t1‘: Fun‘ fled. 9. v, 1'h‘?m (Q8: mau-
`handen at pniudtcr {he Rue: as “Kat mat-aunt and Royali
`Subnsdnc: Supply“. dun! such Fac:¢urn.* {M4 “$11.9!!-
`dnu-mvy nu. iv. H355: fiuifsagca or Snhnéarf B-Jhapt.
`f. L.
`06:. rare"
`‘Huh-sidnte. v.
`subxiésre m s\'ns!m;' 1 int: To sink in.
`46; R. Swm-ma Pk}-strata II] The nu. b<v¢.-‘ea humhtc.
`mbu Mr.
`50 subsfdntion. a dc arcaainn.
`15;! Front’: Mag.
`to "Hue prmubeumm or
`subnduaxna es? sh: scnmum.
`fuxbaide. :6. 06:. Also -rude. «nyd. «$5469.
`F. xuéxide. zd. L.
`:ué'>:fa1‘a'um zmnsannl
`tuna Eflnc: an 33:} lie 12:6
`1 firth‘ ma.ea.- M 2::
`guurmwfi Rx km, for ztatfcndwag M Mm and: 5-! hi: rum‘-
`in; Rmw‘ Hi, t'."npar~A~.¢uofni‘t«=3) I
`:4 5 Th: hysrhanptc
`mmqvd M !-m fin»!!! crufi‘
`13,01 Auanhm {‘Amx.{z!!< I}: was;
`Th: Ru: of
`the Kyna-4 Cwwm end Eu?!-aid:
`hfutthunénahsta 4'<gt-H‘vr1:$ M Q»:
`£34‘! V'm‘lu-I
`‘tn’. {$0-ft Ref
`135 §‘4_u$ he (34:
`r"\s.'g1ritH1>'-H28‘. .
`. {wt}:-3 2:-umcd: nixhr Chmh {:19 {kc / vmma
`cuka-nyu‘: seq 5. mad. qsj 390:.
`1. Many If fin‘: Eugen) 5;
`o$ an E; Vjt
`[ad. L. submfbo-, f. sub-
`subside {sgb-‘u¢<3).
`svm x + m£€n-
`to at dowmi
`3. Sam. To sunk dtw: :3. fall so the bmtcam.
`prccipuazc. Alan with Jmw‘
`:58: Cr. Wufins‘ Rev. Med. Wuko. \-ma . Svtvdo. to ma:
`down. or M! m the hofltflk.
`I6-9_I Wnuros 7'!» Katie m.
`{ 17:2} :72! Thm %:HI mmv honed tr-nun; the Mist: tram.
`at Maw: u Mch mlmd-rd down an: Humrw Phlon AM.
`Wku. Not 9 Rodin at N» mm!» naught than Rhellu or '[‘«!h
`u! Fnhu. s-mold onimde thtfflcchfrl down to m. bounm
`t-$3 M-m-mu Rut: W. 4;! C1131} itiqi ondxgr mill. at know.
`whxniw. ll}: .\§I:.tkI E1010. (.'1ctI\. 09;. (N43) Is. it. to
`The pteespnok as pli-med to Owhuilic.
`3877 mm“
`Poi;-marl. n The grant! u «M F»-xx In An, man the and
`whoidu, ¢_:
`finally ms mud amt: «M»
`1. To sunk to 3 low or lowaricvcl. rip. afinquuin
`or mi! sinking m the: normsflrzw.-I:{uh-n31-93232110
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`not $'uumm-s Er-Ll
`5 we, ‘I'M Eiirunsx Rugsmlc
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`mm! (cat: } H1113 Mm-cit .-Ivan, Gear. ‘V be-up ‘Hut tvmmiaint
`Iwwrnre mm a weigh‘ mine, Kn-had! quiz-udu mm ;mm
`limit 3. $4-«#211: Pg:-ornsu: Sn. 3? Ari‘ N.
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`as ihc Mimi. «*3 Myra lrfz unttsmsduui. ~u-1%: suit:-51$»: 1»! am
`e um? tmxh 2:! Beth slur fixmxn Rn. Idm-p am «sun.
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`char, cm,
`:81‘ F‘. W Rcmansmx Coumd Cent 1 u. 5):: wbsldcé
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`(f the urn. wmd. umm: To smk 2:: rest.
`2: (kn;
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`safe me arc:-nv:5— c—c!l_subo:dn
`4. Q! strong ftchng. :!.c:iu:mcm. clamour, and
`the Met: To rs-ea: frpm u;giuti<u2, Kali {rm} a nu:
`of qum or cl {us vxolcnuc nr artivmx.
`xazma l-f»u.\N Dun ~ Knot. ck
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`cd. :77; m-no-r m R. Pdmn BL.
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`No comm!
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`%. £5? 3 ctmdsiitm: Tn die dawn, pawn away.
`was aff. Gf sn Kiifllt‘ Ta be tiézutuntinwdg
`1:3: Came:-‘cm. Len. mlvm. ‘Hm: Fem:-mg hhn-m .:-n-.4-1r
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`alt; S-an-aeuv O .1 gh-
`En 7111!. 46--13.3:
`1:23 :4 when the nu-\-‘rm 1+1» lush: -ulmsulr
`mzrm «nae«
`f prrmrm Tc: (of! arm: an mutxwe fit ism
`active or cifiuem state.
`:73! ‘form: Law 93'
`found m. §§6 Has tbclianq aw!
`wbudu to rmiv:
`xv. 913'; Mm. ("mac (,'an'.‘.-: m 3.1 am.
`hm um mm but
`u.=_>u;d rachrr live as the King‘: fltnrh-.
`am mismlc mm xmumry f-lqmrr. 1
`I?m'.‘Ir£M -‘-ML FL
`m. we, "hut nun ~m:}[15n-E’ mun-ad 3:1 vs, tluthcnmg -an the
`mm: urea. and $\tl?l1.;-ht-ufilhxn 4 until:
`3133: Jrfawzh. Eran.
`an Inn: 533 fiflrt 1 Sr-I3: pmnnum .:jrr.r(.,1Iua: hu subsided
`mm I um um! -|n:i.i§:ctvl*::¥= It'nI_u-3:
`:3 -rem-we Frsrn snzruvsty: Hg». 1::
`lagwr mm
`6:31 ‘§‘§-«tun-an Etna: dnuwhly (Scam?
`u:.(§:l>J£'J. has :1 uuuld bc i was mamalur tuwu pa-1-r{1'm 11::
`mi! rcmam silem 1&4 £l'mi.‘1.x- New 1 jut -. mg told M
`mum hep guru car he ‘mm-:1 M wtxcwéc
`5. To be merged in; to pan into. mu.
`rjll Sun-R M'u'ol. Gnudt (Cd. J) 4 f‘n|m-m-u flmuid wuccd
`xuthonny, and <1-w: OR‘-.:er wlmdc :« the 5-emlcman.
`Slummr Jew. Ch
`I, m.
`:61 The am‘ hi’: »»n..m-«er
`mtn-cly to sub!-:4?! mm 2114» mu;
`:3’. new To cause to sink in. 06:. ran.
`3630 SIJLEHO Aaffiaa Ad.
`rout.» ed‘
`;1IMm'ncMw winch sub»: es the mp1: nf thr ryr,

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