Case 5:15-cv-02008-EJD Document 81-8 Filed 03/29/16 Page 1 of 4
`Case 5:l5—cv—O2008—EJD Document 81-8 Filed 03/29/16 Page 1 of 4

`Case 5:15-cv-02008-EJD Document 81-8 Filed 03/29/16 Page 2 of 4
`K5"-"base 5:15—cv—O2008—EJD Document 81-8 Filed 03/29/16 Page 2 of 4
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`ase 5:15—cv—O2008—EJD Document 81-8 Filed 03/29/16 Page 3 of 4
`Case 5:15-cv-02008-EJD Document 81-8 Filed 03/29/16 Page 3 of 4
`:1! thrzr
`Wcxrtix arr im':iuc3::zi in this I‘}mi:m;=xr;; <25 (5:16 Essie;
`\‘i:‘-;;urd.«.: that are kmiawn on }1;1'<:a'~ -z:m‘!»‘:f§Z :r:1d:::n;=.rE: mg-
`irifrzttiwrm. awe shuwzz with an inézziaf £:api:;:I .3316 are :1E:m Edm-
`tificd as tmcfemsatkm. NC: §rW{*:~;tig:aEit3n has been magic: uf
`::<1-uzzxmwirmr rrndcnmck rights in any wwcl, *m.%r;;m.~;:.:1 mch iw
`wsLig;1ti:a11 is unp:r:1ctica‘I:Ie. The xxwctiusinn 0:’ any ward in this
`is not, lmwewr, an t':a1p1'u‘.i5i(}i'l LEE the 1’uNi:a3*:r::r”::
`<apir:im1 as: ta: wimzlwcr mm mm: ii is stzlajcct :0 gyrrxprictsary ri-,§h:'::.
`Iczdztad, mg :iv:fin{tE»::m in £135;
`i‘}i::.1:i1:-m1r3+ is ta ix: cagnsded m;
`'E-a:x:t:'rsg:, the vaiiyiirgr {if any rm-:1<:n1'.1:-1<*
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`phuttzccr yirceg and ::t;-azorxifmg, mt L1-y any initzrrxxaticxxz atarage <11’
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`i-{n:.1gE1t:.::1 Miffiin Cmnwpangg :m1L*:;:~: such azckpying is exprcsaify
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`Case 5:15-cv-02008-EJD Document 81-8 Filed 03/29/16 Page 4 of 4
`C 5 : 15-CV-O2O {QAO
`3%‘ .1 nn«;:m:;«:_-gs: inn-;~.E‘._.d
`[em 1?»: wage, -::.«9: winigix .1«;c».~~2mrac:. aw iwid as ;l§a!1:l:
`:.:rr».:i-.::, Sm £.2c.m1pI.:. E.
`in: prmam; rm §2.;L},~ Q, m,,1,m.~
`sum-sianca {«£€sl1":’~K.'+11s‘,I
`:2. %.a. Tim -2.-lm-E:
`‘ha.-.= r~:r.:s~,. Eu
`am: mewnct-'. 3. Ti: 3.33; 0,. Express :"Ii‘:_~"_!1"i‘?_~'_*}‘-‘§:'!f*~?t‘-K13. 3.3.. 5}-m_; at
`fzssazat, 4. To saga s.>m:‘s :x.m1s-. 5; ‘Eu Max txuirk g.~;g,-“mm: I0
`mzggittfi 331$-z.’v;
`[3, A nmwnszpl Di
`.; §;.;“~;mg§;_-u -ii; 1!-..
`2: ciucmm-m as 3 ,..E.§u,t.§fi LIL‘ xv: aahq-w mnscm. [ma 3;-,;(;..,-,;‘.»;3.1e*:':¢
`€:(;z1:§::itu:i(se1. 2.3. Z-'.~.295c:r::.%¥ mmsirc: rsuczaut. h. flvggg-_ 1
`List. »;:.:Eas.:vEi:..;g ; mi---.
`.-mg-A_ Eff
`3. T11.“ wlw:;11 is iiithlsml and §H:arm:.fl E11 n:%m;nv:r::, .;!u3h:;’“ii,
`sm:;m«*.: —«- g.,g,.._;,;,g;;rer :1
`r1aa;m:m:~.=:c. 4. E3::.-mitg.-; lsmlzxs 31:: 53:15 fair?-:5 ei:£JE3:.i1:£.e;1;;¢- 5 ‘its:
`zmak pm.91~$-5eit?ǴԤ!:; g_.;-mis; w<:.:EL!z. EMF
`01":-. r: L; ‘ ‘ Ya.
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`in-I-3’.A,« um; ,,“,,W;.3-.,;,«13,- ::c.1»&’1-HE E-'l€3E:
`an ;iii!fJ_I§I€‘r.> 1~.;
`i_3,_ 5,,g«..
`: snub. 51.11:“ +*. s+:>—stami-. 3-ct: mo-.3
`_::m.-gym-5‘ ‘Mum. M‘ §g,.§‘.+sara.€>L".I'a‘.
`5‘r‘1Ifi.’I€i4;|'1§.':::. Ste’ sue;-5::1:;rLE.[
`substance abuse u.r.
`I-‘.::«:<:3::|w Nut‘ :2?" adrlznzmr-: SiI1Ee.t~lI1:.,-A.,
`w suta-‘s::rkp=t? .~e.{;
`.:Is;::sim! and tanrcmic drug. —~ sulsstanfe abuser .«;,
`’ *5
`guhngcg-ipafigfi {:'.:!-§‘.!-'§kt’5;:‘3 siyanxé
`ex. 1. A §Jx.EtK§!.-3-Se
`rxmfic 1,}.
`s;w1¢.| .;.mm 3.; in: -.a pcrxmdacztl Ear .1 g,m-as-H um; ;,.~m,._; m {,3
`sunstance F 9:.
`9% 511-<‘1~tt~2t§1.2i:! {m1ypr:_p:g<i<‘ I513: fi2m::§¢.m W
`rmaxruan-ansn».iawr es}:-. in rim qssnaarxusamxi m gum: 1.||‘¢Egu:.;:‘ 3%
`‘.1 3;-::'m:_r. -n-f t:;1m‘I'{Xl'-lI’t.‘!I'k|l."l35»
`-"**~"~’*1I.77-‘3‘1*_§’-“""‘ Ur i-1: ii{3$.'tFiIh1!, CIGII1»
`,@m,:mfi..C§ E3}. gggfiiflfi
`tam‘. 5;
`tmmu‘. 3.3.
`51:32 r:n;,.m§_.__ 0; mflmgaa
`subfitafi-ifiard {:Eb~s§fis1"<i:=n3§ :.r:£;1 1. F;11Etssa_: m Incfxi .3. rs:
`{rum u:}:sm’ab¢:r::. be ‘A sum _n§ +m}:s=.t§- 25¢: rmscgi. 4. ‘; ix. ._;,'gfl;ng
`aha-:1; bclmv sun-zctgmé. 2. Lirgz 3. iii. n.~l:mn;=, so, at i::x§ic;tg:-W
`.-.m_~‘:.; n.u11e‘. 3: fvlfl-l'3T.€."3.'3'!:[_1f_3‘)ISL11'J':1IL‘3‘1i3-lflt.
`.1 Lin‘ 5,,;,.
`J cpcsrr-ch pdftcfsi that stem: my-2 c<mfv;>:-m Lu
`:12 I§'n:- ,‘._.,m‘i‘*Z'.
`§g,mui'I ii“: 3 5;::»:1.l1 r.‘:2t1m11It15: * at If; t3‘I:;nl_u1 the ‘flfltlgiang 1&1“
`_<,:r;‘(;-{§.:'e_ m3.Isr:4}‘:!e:§r:-, smut»-12:53:13}; v.-11=.te:u 19:1;-].;3:’m;l:;|, q mg.
`guagnta lit. Hum!
`.'m:.r:sr:5 ma 1 nmnmms.
`:11 gt“:-mi
`!.ng.;Ei5E;;‘ nun‘
`_.mQ.,l.«,,5_ Mmxg. mi §m'):.».'raz‘:vem*,
`Ia‘: stfbwrxim.
`‘five :»uusmm:r..§
`... 5u{,.5,;;;prziar.=.= .24,-. »- sumfiatigzuftsvovigr ;:.g;§;.g
`sutr-sa~'quxmm €a1‘:€*’rjE;1%wxW~’.
`-¥~’w:=t1=‘l 2:. 1. §Zm=m3:én[._; mi»
`3-.ul;wstamti;ai {gab-51381353}??? def}. 1. UL wbatxxjg in, 12.: Exam
`.1 st‘-::;lst:l. 3. Hie 5:161 mr £_|I!$I1EL_',i" Eff [mung Mgt-;sggmg.u,
`sum-sr:mcc; s:n::::rE:a!. Z. 'I':m: :1: rcai; um srtaugstxxsg. 3. ‘F-mtigjigg
`;§_ {..g¢=°k»u;znxs}.
`:‘x~'i:2t!;, 5'; s::qm:ru:;a srmwmxmzrl
`in .n'lm}3:e1-
`1mm; g.-mmg. ft. Ample; :‘.um:m‘L§n;.g:
`:2 smi‘»s:r.-xn-tract 5;.“_;.m1'
`3. Carusieicrablc in Eséaparmnct, mint‘. iitrgririt. almm-::::, .3; J‘
`-izxsm-:1-{E am)". 1'i)l¥c.>§.s2i::g m mm
`5u§a5;:_~a-qaleflt §m'.'IL1s"n‘J~km'm: “.
`mm. 5. Fmsezsaséng we:-.1§:§a an gmwparty; «.xrs:f1»xs.;:«.%<z. 7 ;,_ 1‘ 9“;
`1.511. 1-te£>sm:.-mas,
`N :1:-Lies;
`l."ES'L‘E1i'F-Ii. C.)F:¢:‘i“i micui
`in I:§ir- pit!-‘1'.<ij. E. .1‘:-. aililci 1l1mg_ sgggrh
`fl,«g.g‘;r-, §}i’.p;%Ei, inf :.'.:1£2§z:ugaI:', its fa:I1m-.- a;[-ngg afggf ; m-5...‘
`s.1s§«;i m Kim plur.3!. [NEE iiI§:&t.'eK2:4:s';S§ 1::
`i.‘:*I>:. .mE?.»:t.m.m*1 «: L3:
`1;;,;§.::a:::.».3e'£s <2:
`:rafrsmr:££:r, auszscxzacc.
`-‘me i-I:Hs:i’.s?-:‘-::£,§ «. 3.,
`um: .-srmr;
`sate: 5£’£$~ + mgsee", m (dimes; sea: Sé‘7<“-“".§
`-. sane‘ 59- quemfig mien w ::uIJ’ie*féu¥:'n<:*ne£s rs.
`stantticaiimy {-aivi~««.23*1«:€:>, sub-staxt*ti:s2~ness €~a%:ai»::5«,.~
`n. »~»su!;w:91:;ss1-’t!a1-116 aria.
`sutuserue isxb»:-surf} me.
`‘S-fir-.vv§n§_ qafirggé 13,
`same In g".:~rnmi;rt#.‘ {an miiitz he L11:-rink tn. {£42. ;:::Er.=m:m: ,-,_«.-3.9,.-.,
`|Ii"g;,r3._ a1i;§z"a<ae% :9.
`sub-stan'ti~a rwgm iaalre-mix:-*:;|iE«:|
`:1. 1.1.,‘
`sa*:'s~frz',, m strut; 5:1: m<*:£.}
`cr uf Ezuzgc yigmcmx-6 ms.-xv-2 evils its size 1IH:Ss:'nc::~p§1aII;:-:1 122.1-
`suivsar-u'i-ant §s.:1:».aérf~.-ai—-m:j- .-.-:t;. 1. fnuhveardsxmze m I‘.'.1p,1;;..
`ggra-11114116 «imp-;1«:n§m: ant! Whm: c§<:su“.:mr.2-11 ifs aaanrciagm wfl;
`isy i:tr Enncnicm. E. *i}hm::.]L1atJL1s; yam.-iE—:. 3. i§.s~::§111 as :1
`§’s:r§:inso::'s. niizzmse. {3‘~3L::.t.
`; Lat.
`sa¢.'r.::a-:r:.a.1, sxulmtame:
`1.31. 7:.=j_*m, fair}. 1:»? a‘!:g!!3',, M1-s:in:.I
`lxI.'!*1‘.!§;‘§r1‘I’.}:iiv2‘.§ll-fig an xgmé. ltal, mfssrrgriéeas, _u.¢¢‘;_-2.13-zrmogr-,
`;.z:.p.2rr. «:22 s&:J:.¢a'r:e§:‘.»:', 14-; 1‘»:z§rsm:\*::. $3: $:.?amvw's_§ - sub rigs}!!-
`su!1I'5tamti~atE {s.:::»«srE.n«‘-.'E~.5.'-v:§:‘1= fuss. ~at~ed._ «atair, q
`vi=-1m=:e. sub+:«:erfvi—en*\*:y :4. —auu'serH:i¢c-nt~1y .-zxim.
`«E65. 1. Tu :.'1§g:]1t31'L with mu? :3 igsfxmicnfict; v§;tE}f. Z.,a_ ‘fg
`suh-east is-fn1;':*'s§';*t=‘_I
`.-‘s as;-t mma-inccl wnhm :5 art.
`its: material ‘brill m; <:n1 rreig. 5:.
`It’! matzas farm Br as;;:..g_
`§%.!h*5i'3é‘!! {SM} ‘EH53 *3 -2:. {$99 In? III: -e:zr:g;_;y Eevszix in ah: c§4:*cu‘vr.rn
`§. To gEf«'n: suE:st.m<.'<.~ 113; main‘: rent r.:~r
`.m-u.=1i. {E‘~§§.:tr. 1.r4L*.S.!ce:-r.
`rrsf am away}.
`.r:.-aw, 5::fzsm1»:7E.~§t— 4“. 3.1:. ss-rf2::sx:m}:. s1:Ea:<t.3n<:c. Sm ms.s'n=.r«-mg
`-sub-§tan*z1-anion 3:.
`'1. An herb 11.31-'i11§_.{ :1 wnody flower
`sub-shrute iml:-'s!“s1‘t31:r"Il .u:.
`:.i<:ru. 3. :1 {me shraxlr; an man-zlnzrsiaaulg.
`sub~stan~ti-val §sfih‘s!.}I1-Ei5v;‘J} :}‘d',?. Claw.-n. (1! mr mlazang m
`.1 sizlrzamrnivc. - 5£%t3’5tan-tifval-43 mica
`SL$t3*&i{iB =_'s.:ti2.«s:'i3’ I is-zzry. «Kid-Ed. -sic!-ring, -51:39.5. *3. Ti: 5i1>.5<
`.1 iuwcr «H sz<>r{fif£§ is."-'r:1. Z. '3"<r,s%3's!£. an aettissfifzwai. as ism
`suhsstamttve isgiim-‘.<.:;n-xi».-} 33;.
`‘S. $§uh.‘.it.'k.t3Ii.*/sf;
`3 win. 3. Ta 55:1}: r.:: the: h<me.'hI11. is EL atanixmcni. .4. Tc: baccarat
`in fizeistmce «:1-r
`iuuctxqin; mt z-t1§:¢m'.iirt.q.t;_
`3. Nu: inaagiuzaasgq r;*;1!.
`-fit. GE car fiililliilgg to:
`the cssimce .3,
`my £#.gL't;1r,m.l or sictia.-c; abuzc. 54;-4: Syn; M decrease. [Lam sea?»
`:r§.fmv* : xrssk», sat".-. 4- am‘:-:~e, m sertkn; me seantvfll — sulrsff +
`suivatarmg nascniisal. 5. E-I-swistg :1 mild basis; first. :3. nfimsrr.
`defies E5;.xIE>-s;i:i?n:;
`§:*si-»-$921; :9,
`Exgirfifittflg at écsigmzmg, :1-xidéienczt; for exact:-plxrs, the vcrh fr;
`i.:a:. ‘I.
`'Z‘T£r.s:.I7r. 3:1-Eéng 3 Mann 13: {WEEK cqlawsxicnt. —-- :3.
`aub-si£l~i~a§‘*y i&aiH§iéi‘4‘:-<Er’&} mafia. 1. Serx-éusg m §’s‘i-5:3! ur sngv
`A Marci m gmu we :1! womtlsa fzzztczimwzng as 5; nmm. ifsaifi mh.
`;:ltem<:rt&'. ansxiltaff. 3. ‘:i::cun.i1.1r}+ in i1I1§:zm‘t=ns:c; mzbacsiitlmc.
`§¢u.E¢:gr-:em;3c-:2: cf $131.,
`so.*1:«:zt:m1m2 «;
`3. {Di
`rs-Biitzsxg In, ur cf rho exams’:-2 :1-E 3| 5|th5ii3y. ——-1-2., pi.
`Lbxz. §;x*E2s.!.:r.-.r£i:4:.m -V’: 2.3:.
`$}:13:=.l£l.'1.1>s:v:. Sc: mm
`-izrwiizs. 1. Un: that 5:; sulmiciictrga to mxmfws‘. 2. 35. snshfiidiarg
`s‘m<-;e.3 - S.ll?JI1'$t&!I‘l"t§V"E*!§l min. msxtbfstanlfiuevness 2:.
`r1m:p::1n::. 3. :\-1144:.
`fit them: s1:’L+r.m.Cinatt*.
`tee a. mam timne at
`substamim right 2:. is {mas-is: sigh: man as gar: uf the azxdct of
`3$II32;x1rL:1. Hm. ;s‘:ef,-m‘-zisxitzisr;
`5145:5561:-M. suppmt E562: SUB.‘-'=mc.1“
`30:16:? and E::£‘:::;:-tnxicnt mi, um“. s12E:v‘t:r:5is1.w: m.i:s1m.-m Jaw.
`-~ sub*s-id’!-arfI~l)* gait’ 34:15 sxeiv.
`5:xh‘$'m'tIon {si‘aIxmté*s§xe:1} .e:. A sui>z«‘::!i:sr}‘ star hmxrrli snmzm,
`subsidiary cat! ea.
`,6’. gxtsant cgiui-mnex§ méi a5sQc:i;m.‘s.“} with gm’-rd
`ms «xi
`:1 past office a:- an cicqtruc nfiiiry.
`srclla :it:r.i mu:p5.{:-lug":-r:Iitg.€ diifcrrzfit fmm writes cpidcmml ccils.
`sulrstitewsnt {:a2::-Ii:-«.sI:ir;i‘1-‘as:-“-.z~mr.‘_:
`:13‘. fin atwm, 2. raxulkzyi, at 4
`subsidiary company sen Ba.
`r:s:;ran3;1rsfi’;e‘ Ewing II;1s;i~m than half of
`ue. srm.-t:
`:>w.::e~:3 by .m<;thcr mmpany.
`grslug} substitutes} Em sttwtil-1'1r in 5: snnlmtle. [Lat xséiitiranins‘
`sub-siwiixe f:.€i§«‘sH%;<'2 max. -(flaw. -s'.3i1.*if!§. ~<3X7.«es. f..T<a
`.*m§rs£:'e‘m~nr-, ;:«r.;r.'m..
`rm‘ sxxérsxskrtewa, m su§>§.si!.u:L 3% sump-
`':1Im} - £.uh~st!t‘1l'£t1t aci}.
`.=m.iE:i: car smppoat with -.1. wi>zmi;.s. 2. ‘£2: zaseture tin: a:=! x::f
`su%J~st1-tum Eszaiks-‘sz“i—1n§i:«:‘, «:;r«;T:.t‘:n rs. L Qua: than csaim tin:
`1:}? gr:uning :5 suissiniy. »- anb"s1*1ii+za“;iun Q-<f1~.:é’:il1-anti
`pigs: of anmh :; it rcpiacaarmus. 2. £".‘r.:rr:. 31 wast! :1: mn-
`3£:fi*Sl*£f3r {saCih’s§-fit! 32., giaf. uziiars. 3. Mgmttsatf aaiaitsancc
`stmctmn nmd in piriszz: cf simztlixcz. --9. -ti.Et‘*ed.
`- ubinsy.
`g:rrmt::v.I by .1 gm-r:met1c:1t in support uf am cxxcarpriac tqanlett
`«« H, Ti: put €315” use {:1 per-ma: ear thing} m pince <3?
`.12: imrtg in the putzlac ar:tcr-“:51. Sr.-s: t~l~1ms at bcmus. 2.. E‘:rm:1av.:1E
`atmzhcr. - irstr. Tn t~.1L:s: the 'pt::«:s: mi zuwsatimr. fimi ~=‘.‘ {i3E*r.
`£:ei§m‘.*:‘m‘ ~“.' Lat. 5:-tfssrlrféfiirs. p.gmr1.
`sirrf stcéxgtatswsr, In .m11$Ki-
`.1-Kssstantvi gwm by Km:
`§‘¢:'i‘::-I':ai1~ or g-IN-wtr1nM.*£l%‘ he am-zisthcr.
`3. M»:rnr:y ft:-¥‘f"3Crl}’ ggrantz:-:3 m the Britxsh Craswts fly I‘:xr§:a-
`mm : mi», in pizcc sxf; see mm. 4- a-a‘.::‘zx.~:.vs, 2:; mm: In smmi’.
`ac: sté-‘.3 ~ 5uiz'$tW:ut‘a~¥3iI*it=y rr. » sz:hfsti~tut*a«t>§e
`mam. 138422 s::é:5:::f.éc*
`51W ~‘-I Latt. missfciétuag, smzunarz :m£.a._
`lmlxaml, 5‘:-mca=.f1:, me r.uaL« + 5-s':I::=r':.~, in 11:1; ma aecévflr
`auizwslat {s:)h»:s§st'} xv-. ‘sis:-mi, —s’!::st*Eng, —5is’£s.
`n- ism.
`sutrsti-tuvtian {2;§13"st?~1-§*<n“::ie.:xn_ ~tg:~:F:1«’.} :1. La. Tin: me!
`‘La. Tc": exist; 112?.
`I‘). Ts: 5:323: in czzifitaaatc. 2. Ti} ssmintain Eiffl;
`an msrzmors sf s:zi>s:%mr%s=.g;. $3. The game: vi laarirzs, xuktgstixauicii
`ism srrfssésrxrd 1.‘:-1'!
`.:.:t.:. 3. Tn lac lxxgifztliy cusaccivabic. - e‘r.
`2. Cm: fitlhxciturqsi;
`:21 rrgzlmsxtttxsnt.
`T0 munntnélt
`|.E‘IEi’| prm'L.~aiunss. LL51!“
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