Case 5:15-cv-02008-EJD Document 81-6 Filed 03/29/16 Page 1 of 4
`Case 5:l5—cv—O2008—EJD Document 81-6 Filed 03/29/16 Page 1 of 4

`Case 5:15-cv-02008-EJD Document 81-6 Filed 03/29/16 Page 2 of 4
`Case 5:15—cv—O2008—EJD Document 81-6 Filed 03/29/16 Page 2 of 4

`Case 5:15-cv-02008-EJD Document 81-6 Filed 03/29/16 Page 3 of 4
`Case 5:15—cv—O2008—EJD Document 81-6 Filed 03/29/16 Page 3 of 4
`Dedicaéeszz’. to the msmsry of
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`F:1:'stEdit;ic»n; Copyright © i983, 1981, 18'§9‘ 13%‘ 19%, 1970, 3369, 196?, £966, by Racxziam House, Inc.
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`E’ub;ished in the United Statsaa by Randem House, Inc. , and simlfltaneously in Ganada by Ranéam House of Cazrada. Limited, ‘fornnto
`The Rcmdam Hausa Déctimaary; ofthe Engéish Language and its abbreviations, I-EH1), RHDEL, RED-I, and RED-II, are trademarks of Random Housse, Inc.
`Library of Congress Cata1oging—itJ—P11blication Data
`The Random House dictionary of the English language.
`( Random Ho1:se di<:tiena1~ies),
`1. English language-’]Jieiic>na1*ies. I. Floxner,
`Stuart Belg. II. Series.
`ISBN O-39=1~«5(}i350-4 ; i}-394»5{35(}0~2 deluxe ed.
`3 number cf -anf;e1*ed words uzlxieh we have reason to believe constitute trademarks have been tiesignateé as such.
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`The C’o2z-salsa (?armam.Dictio1;arg,:, edited by Jenni Karding Eaioultxm, Copyright © 1988, 1959, by Random House, Inc.
`The €:'¢mci2:c Italian Dictionary, edited by Robert A; Han, J12, Cepyright © 1983, 1957, by Rariuimn House, Inc.
`Tka Cbéiciseflpcmisk Ifictienarg, agdited by I)nnal{i F. 8015., Copyright © 1983, 1954, by RaI1dc«nt House, Inc.
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`fs:£maa:i9na€P3sesze€£:: A fpkabax, emzrtsssy International Phonetic éssaciatian.
`Manufactured iu the Tfuitszd Statex of Ammica
`:1‘. Ira?uu

`Case 5:15-cv-02008-EJD Document 81-6 Filed 03/29/16 Page 4 of 4
`subround Case 5:15—cv—O2008—EJD Documents%1—6 Filed 03/29/16 Page 4 of 4
`u-tsimzzmzza ("ear wémfiu L1 smmtm {:2 ;1rr.=sm.>ca.%w: yxirchagers
`5:;-aésztxayf, A m:.l.u§; 2:-E‘ e£:.~! MM r<3id~El.‘(i u:c»::z~m’:l.-5 liar mm!
`ro=md’}, wig. msnewluat
`)’O11!‘ld or
`sub-round <‘su‘;«
`nf wmm is: +'»s.stszrIx-::'w'.mi W: zfim n-xxm'<>2 e&\"!:mHi€.
`{i'?8{J—$l(}; srum -l m.=uNu’}
`gsimtu :31-dqrau xxmm2§_v m lwzxitmm-r M“ §:m‘ea”t£ .k1u.m Ran mm-»
`63:13:33" évsigxwci 1'+,'§ii'tx:vn ::;:ff<.~r~a~,-at m fisximfrgihgerfi. sssxmiiy am
`21:: instrua»
`subwauetine {:;ub’r{§'0 L611’),
`.-2. Cmugmsers.
`subsirf‘5311? rights’.
`r'zg11£.~: ta guulxlmia m- ;:m:im~u:
`insmllsznvzym fir <£«'>!'::~v:°vz,~:2 gr.-wmsmi gzeixm. KI!“ am an uk-
`I'§3:‘n'L:1L*i wI1vi‘§(fi
`flat‘ xhfigiil.-II wm'k
`~n sequester in 5: maclxilxe oz‘
`a.-3:=.e11'x‘m<,' Rmgmxgcz pra-
`smiiniva.-zaé <3!‘ c’tei‘e:'I'«'.-d titriive-aw pirm, «:>x- ¥ym.i-:.
`am mat. mm he [}‘t‘C?-'l'i.1.I,(.‘|'l and m zresi to as often as
`xarisier v:'ant2'.1:£.':. 3:1 :5
`-rerksnumw ref‘ Km mmmnll
`:wo<3eci Cfi ptoccduvs; idol". em)
`{1.SM:”>» 50; sun.
`4- Row»
`Slibsfifitl’1313!! ‘I19!’mrisi-em §-2m- pay tammfgion.
`!mm_a2at M‘ :.. m<»:Cm'< 3;-évlm-e> lrvm‘-2.-5 am cl +w3~.~»-t
`€325»;-::i auhscriptmn ‘Hf 515:3?!)-.55;
`.4. -niixud. -air-mg.
`1. an
`l'urn5:.=3'l as‘ aid wifjs E5 auisaldy 2. my ;>u=u:Ez»lm4.* Liava zamixax
`sub-33-liar-an {sulwso har»"m1 —*u”xr’<m. -miflen), adj.
`subwsea ’5,:'&~s.1i:v
`1311:” umie: RH: ate: at vl'I'E'l3‘i3si
`-H mlrsz-m sgrarflaixxf m m.‘
`La.m.~1- M‘ 13;; 11-nu i::.*=.yEnv.%£'.‘1.
`-1*? 2: mzlszzids‘. 3: It) =m*1i:'£: tlw
`o{'_ ptwminmg to, m‘ in ;‘&f2'ica mum of‘ the: Sahara E!es;e:*E:
`:9-Lam-,t-cr!a"mi-£915: M‘ by §”lt§b<>.*1”_\’f
`rwc-:2 .9515-'.:,».
`!« yam.)
`1 9:13)-Sahara): rr<:un.:r;.r; sub-Sahrmnn pmnpirxs.
`ll'z'i'!5'«~!9§3, m:mmzE\"z
`sub-sam-pie (n.
`sx4:>l:zarzv'p:;1; v. sub $:4nWpe3l), cu, u..
`Izirfrgé it. subfsek-1.
`SUb*53IE:»fl¥diB!'<i-3'! will 5%-K"?!
`si-:;!izs’a~bla. -:1:-€35.
`me m1mm§sm'm.'um fltxjxlartmrzaxt chm. its-mxstxz mm m aulxclr»
`»-plad, -Ming. mun 1. 23 sp<*,<tiIrl%>n l"1'<)m or 2:1 snxan part of
`Ii?» El.
`fiillfififi L0 as
`:xt»:1r¢.x::u-ms. Eemn»
`I m:1:::a»:*m|-:m1*}
`a sample. «-2»: 2. to take a subsample cal‘. {I895-i9()i);
`sun» + an-.:m>x.s=:]
`ll'tn‘a:sr:[ 1'l-I,‘&‘llI'lV-
`$1., pf. »tiia$. 1. :a
`Sub-Si-5},’ Sansbflqi-t1€!i,
`:1. pm-'1
`$Ub*$9l?'flQI1 {én\1l_a:~E&’as§1.>I’l. ml?l}!m::lL_"—§.
`:4. 1.
`.-.-u‘_*.* rml
`lit:-nisilmxl by .«n g_g:;vm‘rurs-ml
`IL: 4: 1“.e:l‘:~M1.|a-
`subosat-alolite {Eula/sat,’!
`:1’), n.
`:3 satellite designed
`-tar -dwumm cal" il
`€~::r:lm::. war.
`, 2. Ln :E:1='r=.‘!i: um‘ pm-£'::mn
`win! 11m1::r{:aki1':g.\-.a r:l'umEt.3.- m'g:m's:»:al.i~.:~cL. aw |.l1(* lllu.-. 2.
`Enm 11%;}!-E-E-é!{‘f.§11h!k
`{Ei5ll£3»‘2."s; Emir-«
`:0 be released mm orbit; from anather {-3fJ:&£’:€-}£3T3.'Lfi..
`an mun 931:3, cams:
`in 3+1.-:*«:>|~:i;|stxL-Ea mill rm i.r-:.-am‘. hy qmr:
`35; s'.Im- + .<;.wm,r.rre}
`sub-sag-meat Emir s::§i*’s1::-mat. .~.-2sal:z’s«‘:n:.-_;.5!’—},
`it purl: r::e:-
`g-;m:rrsm—.:nt Ir: .11!'1f.!l.i3+.'.l'
`ls; :~%E-?¢:t.t1'(‘I ssr.uss1:~ $n:~r—.°l-:«.~ in 1=:;-mm:
`disrisiuzl M”-.'< I-zv;-,1J§Iesvtn‘H‘..
`3. 1: ggmwrua ajr oz-mtritxmi-:2-n m“sI1::~m;.' 4. r1‘=:ruw§;
`subsc, SL1bz31‘:!'ip€£On,
`saranltitl 113- mu: Zfiugllals I’:u1-1iaLr1:-1:“. tu '..|u-2 i.’:I'll':W- :1 fm Hm-
`sub-salviiaasrrx {mall z-103-"n‘-> mm 91.. 3.1! —sa|‘—H-B lfise-3-"1; ail
`(sub 53kap’ya lar}, Arm: —a<ij. 1. 9«it;~
`4:inl nmzcia
`::l1ir;z.~.m::1-1*r.E lid;-II":
`I: Eanw 959:1},
`uarszsl beuemh or on the deep .~3m't”21{:e oJ‘r.I-.9 s<;a;u~.*.l:z, as a
`lay .1€I.¢I!1-
`:»:m!l'{s.c'.I mzm.
`I mm: »run.1i
`:m:<Elim'_r .lTr.11‘E“..-.',I‘r:
`ms, .11.'lf.¢,1.*vz.1t1:*.‘ 1:: 1-mlr
`smn» I
`--4:. 2. a su3;1SCuQu'1aI" muacle, a:'ter_</. etc. Also.
`<:n:r:h. Eimm of as-cEe~r:= r.-:3 2;:-r‘
`I mm »
`aub-scapvnwlar-y {sub 5kap’ya lerv’€-.3.
`4: NL
`{:m!x‘m' kwmn.-d. tr» 1. me mums um Ems:
`!‘it:n:«:1:n-, ztimmam-um»:
`lgszm £’;1'£u::.a us‘
`sufvmaylsffzris, ecgniv L0 sz.rb- S‘Uli-
`scapzziaris: $<':;.1*u—
`:1-l‘ lwiéug za.::I:-1-3mr.mlsL 2. n. sz:.Ib:m:.-rqmaral“. <In.'curram"s§. aw-re:1'l._
`g.-r.11rems1w’1ml. in mail m":«.r;tl.<‘-
`we : mums!
`{ l«1S3ri«»-!.“m¢J: zrazummsauréstxfl
`-‘Tr ~m~:m:}
`Lseinnm. A 55-l.l'E!E1'§1Zl-‘rs’ is mmzallg.-' gwzn-s ta} EIIIW1-§‘Il-t'xf:.\9 i21ZISIll‘1“li-It
`.-2,. -scribed, -scribving. »-:;.:.
`sub-scribe ’ -b skrssfli.
`11;. Mat}:
`ta scqua~.:tcs1-
`win! em.-2~r;::-r1323: u .~¢::h<:;.:£;.~ in rr:c::uz«,!"u:-Sam-.-:1tfrmrisg on was
`3.. 1.0 plexigge, QR by :::'gnir1g an .'»xg2‘£—:e1t;e:2t, M gums or pay
`crh-taimtd fa-mu £1 giwstt evcguumaca by r-mimfiinge; I.m“m:'z f3:'»z:~rn.
`{*3-\£|§‘o‘£-.'fvH-'€<1Zl-ké hi u:imi1I;«* ea gmm. In 52.15.1311-laiént-#3 u;Ia{r:a‘gz;’;.-;4‘::a
`-rtmltlm.-te.3:’: ?..'iLh griéxruav nmi aim arm (I &n<':m:.::‘zicm an :1.
`1:3. sum ofmcney) as 5 crm€.2'ibr.1l.ion, gill, or irwestmenl.:
`ii. and luring !.hc.«m In the: 2:~I'4:i~::r in whicia t”h».:y £1-rsafiul’
`He sui:-scribazi $6.000 for that Flflhf) churcll. 2. to ghee or
`[13 ---35:; 61.911»
`l &aeiIF.n=:N<‘:1-1]
`lrlzmrtmr (231; 1:3 m:1jm' xrmufmxgv
`pay in Fulfillment of‘ such 3! pledge
`to append arm's
`uieeuax-:‘i11;,g ttxl‘
`iwe-.3111). ad}.
`lmh an-.:.*':I.
`1. 9-2: e::<i:s1.; <:4:mr.ir1m—. m a.~.\:i::!»
`sigfnaturc or mark to £2 ti0cuInem.}. as in mupmval or at-
`2. l"ullcw«*ir=g in
`taming E:v!.4::~ :33‘ :sfl:m- mrhs-¢¥:}e,um£ -Hu{'r¢€&
`s-mm 2.. {<3 s'<:'-rn).1‘m sxliwie, Ewe. ma em flrlucl,
`testation of its cavntents; 4. to attest by er as by signing.
`order or sunset! zwiuzz. ulnvmfzsiicxg; ex :3-Ill:-$~2¢eq';.e.mU5 .m:1:£:'am €11
`3. l.(2- mi’-e 92:
`“11i.‘fl:“ an. hr by rcmateszm ml’.!.!ti:1;=. A. an
`5. to append, as onefss ssigrxzwure. at the aotwm ofa docu-
`*1 L :suéa:Is+<;:;::::r» is. 1:!‘ aiaéz-»
`reside, lie, var couziiast {+.a:=:«.z«.all3,' ml. by in}, 5.
`,2. 33, in
`ment m Lhu like, sign. 6. L0 étg'rv.':e 532- asxseul. 1.0. —u.£.
`have t.i11u.v?+:£a¢*. en" :m<~.%E1‘:it.!.
`fi‘3ii:ii,iZ‘1'I!«J§I'. an :2 m:rr:!.‘z-em‘. re as.
`:.¢u3r;m‘:n:1Ll, $111).
`rs? '.‘ieH‘J%S‘!:#§‘flC tn l3:1-lluw cldcege beahirzti. equiv
`to pledge, as by sigmng an agreeznenb,
`to give or pay
`tu asccézw sum i H-i‘:t;tt{i§“l.I‘.* fig-13<.1-w 4»
`-9:»:-r] wsutxfr
`tr: lazsw:
`tzximunce. 1:51:-.
`nmsmy as a coniribxxtkm. gift or inveslnwcaxt. 8. Lu give
`swquantviy. arm.
`1.1x":x::a.~. —-1.2.: 6. me §.x:‘0~e'ida
`«L:-2* lbs‘:
`or my money in f‘u!fiL1ment of such a pledge 9. 12:: oh»
`mninmirx lléniii 33$‘;
`'5 L.
`::=.¢€:aéa!:x~¢: m 1“!.\‘:2”s.‘I§ti. s:1¢uis.'. 1::
`<-.11’ <1c«‘:m“ring
`sub-sa-mus {sub :4::'.~'r*:xa], an-1;.
`min a ::ubs.:tript.ion to :1 mags he, news-papa‘, etc. 10.
`335- may 2*
`smmra: m riusnfi,
`Ivzskcz :éz:m:¢:l-: emu maesxai
`umim‘ a H-!‘.‘£‘|'::Ll1i m.zza112'mms:e
`{18‘.~i.‘2—:%3; SLSB-w
`to give onafss ctmsemg sanctio :
`1' will em: 5:ui’;::<,-riiae
`------suh~sfi:t-'§ng~lV. adv.
`p0 {afar feiéazcies 11. to Sign (mole rsmne to a document.
`smbvsarwa €,Sa11-
`1:;:’m.~+':, 4-.£.. ~susv-«xi,
`1. am
`sub-aisx-exact? {eats >;§é's"1-il-1>:~'.?. 2:. 1. ms.» ax.-m: rm ilict 0!”
`he usvfui m m.-s:.runm:uL:li
`in grrunamnng ta wxrpsasn. am
`1; :0 give éL§){)}.“(3-"v‘2‘.i to the contenfig; of a dcacumemt by
`auixsiztizwgg 2. Lissa .~tt:m.- 9: 1"3:1‘!
`tr!" exlzttiztg:
`EL tm:— pr»z':~
`‘lzivm, 911:.) Ligfitt exercise es:4§;mrra~cs cfiagessmn. 2. €385;
`siguitzg 0m=.>‘5 name.
`[1335 714251; late ME szxbscribssn.
`<2 i.
`uiditxg all" smmw aw (H mm_.><.xrt Q. Y1}&“dI‘i>3‘: m’ s£>.xp;rxxt'&::3(.=;
`.»a=a:z-am ms at :sula:£di5:::1«:.
`-at L writ:-my ulre. 1-.*1q'.t['wa*.
`sa(.b.~;crEé;ere. equiv.
`to Sétih .~;m:- + scré:‘;ere to wriw}
`12¢ sm*.1«- s:tm--
`9 ewwéna tu Mttwsj
`2152;.-.1 In./mg or ~ aiihoed. 5. the am1:'c:t.e S'mx":z whit‘-ix f¢.=»:*:~:i
`—-subvscribfa-bie. adj. «»»»»sub-scrihfereship’.
`:m+3 mlwt
`H!l*¢.‘..I. "9:
`3.» m «:9.-Ls»:
`1. aerving;
`z<r§:r-*'*;§.- mm}. 12:32}.
`(sash skra-"L:«ar},
`:1. 1. a ;)€!!‘é$0Yi, company,
`1"é‘k.l‘I1t!.€£. a. c:-xxazwww. vltfiapié ally :3!‘ ms Emfalspsmcizsnq. cranky.
`swtiug in ax z:u?a<:z"¢iin:iis:: <*::;>:i<:§ty; :>m:x3rdi:mm. 2. sarviie;
`9:2,. that .:ubsc2~‘:bes. as to a publication er concert. series
`I3. 131»? 1:1s.:ai.§§._\_- 1s5f}1:M'§ng,: £531
`:1-I" 1-§ls&‘M“‘§-.51. 14..H:1:=tvL+.xx1:i~. 6.
`e)z»2v:*s!sivc:1;s* miixzxximive: cphfm uismn: axzizsurywrri prrmrm:
`2. 3 ivlonmcoxvzxer, apartment ziwlsller. E:-Assiness. clan. that
`main: «sf uxifiiezxzee :31" that
`neck: 3 5\:!tas§.£<fi,.
`in in»
`suzfzxctmcrst ceyncizma. 3. 1:12;: 1.3% in ; .1 purpasa
`pays ea
`rmzntllly charge to be connec xi
`to a television
`clicaizimxfu-,c-vuzé. g;e;m»5::, hm? 33553
`-‘ Ll. >52:-ism-st;-rlrsn. ram
`1}!“ -end.
`fr-2. sf‘ srsécfiefuicnafi.
`cable: service. 3. .92 person who prmnises to donate a sum
`atoms:-.m -nr.:«z:s:}
`pm. of .-auh-saw-xvaraz m Bsl£!2s:~:nxrrv:.*. nngniv. an zmin mm-
`ofnnaney, g>ur<:lrzase stock, 91.-:.
`[l590~«~!€>0{}; slmscmna +
`-—53m. 3. F-31§"\'5‘-‘»‘s§. m~::int1:Im nrnz.
`scruia, ii of setresir-L? \‘..L12'n’l§£Rv1»:
`-1.-1:! ~51!‘-I‘i”_I —suh-s»ar3v}-
`ence. sunaser-wman-r:>’.
`rx —sub-mr='vé«nnt-ty. -mfg:
`subaistfanca ailowfiancis.
`rm.1ri-:.I5-' gum: m .-m—
`1. written below (distin-
`lsubfskripa), 3431!.
`1.-aamrés hr: :2 ruiew ssrlciirsr. e'.t‘!”IplL'#3-‘£363.,
`m lazy ifiami.
`sub-sat sfaulz»-‘smfl, n. 1. n £»‘<.-=:.I.1s:1L is £1 part <2-fr: lames-
`gxlighed from u(f.s:2r‘ip£, suptzr2:(‘ri,r).!).
`inferinr {(186 9).
`mg. mat gm} Fm" Lbllxur
`‘lest:-lzsixssititlea wining m*mIl1.‘r1,g§ -3 film:
`542;. 2. Mum.
`:1 ml 'l.:'l$l‘}8l:«'LL’l,g; of s':lt.-3:3-s.m?a am" :1 ;.:i~.'v:m WI:
`—n. 3.
`inf'eriL>r (def. 11}.
`11. Also called subfix. any
`may. 3.
`n":-:am:_~; watei
`:1 v.-m:*Bwr
`in mklitim an emits:-3; m
`meat csm Lwr Hm Rama an the gwsm He: or amallmr
`character, number, or symbal vzritten next
`to and
`cs:we:* am-:p:=.<11sEz'«':*.=s timi rrI.'~;;.-’ be >i>cu:'rs:!,‘l. in ma gm:-fie-r't1:Li1'Ire::
`in}; SIU¥!-
`4 31-31
`siigmly lyelow arother
`[X695-}?f§l5; < L suétscripsam
`t.En:.~ j-rah. 3. mr.>iw_}' mitt Lt}
`rm.rusl1-vxrlaz ml‘ Lian:
`(pm. of‘ szclxscmbere to SUBSCRIBE), equiv. to sub SU6- +
`fer-aim in 1ivE-3.1
`-til‘ E11-i.*E|l‘E§j. sm ME-Evwalllctsfe rm l'3,+::s:l.
`up :9“ I?!-I2I*.'l.r-§1ma
`iaut-'aE3<~I’}. ft. é’3és;m‘cs.
`5crib(ere_l m write -l~ -ins pip. :;uI{'x.l
`an as msntn 11-tx!wIg,1:‘1qz Ia} Lina amm: $&Eu3i amt} also Ennrmlg
`subsistmncaa farmfing. 1. 1Eermi:I[; wlmssas pr-zgailucssa
`gm. mama §=.ain:mll.l1ut z;1; t1L:ml.m|1 EiEl*i55~":‘{l; !a-ma» 1
`1. 2: sum ofmoney
`sub-scripvtian (gab skripfislian}. Ii
`are E114’-mrisad M.» pmuvlqix-e far the lmaaisr rirtmfnk m°‘ £124}: Q‘.-mm*I~.
`given or pledged as a comributian. payment, inwxstment,
`with limp: fiiirpluxs fur Efiflfkfltillfl. 2. flmuiu timl. |.h.l:"lt‘tg%§
`etc. 2. him right ;a receive 21 periitdical far 21 sum paid,
`[sismi arc.-nrai.-sting -mi‘ 5:
`sub-shrub {5ul14'::‘:wuI’>*’Il. 1:.
`iI'1.:‘..ls_1 rsr mu gmrul-Is. ta 1.133 f§1!'f£’t!?.l“.. alim-:im.: an 3: Em ya man-
`usualiy for an agreed number <3? issues. 3. an arra£1gsa-
`xuucyclg. gm:-ahnisnl baenzs mm zmmuni.
`t:,erE1a»:s:m1sa aimom.
`sul:sis't<'u:1ca ug*'r£:nil|:re.
`meni for {mzseming a series sf‘ <:<mce2‘r;s, plays. etc, that
`11850-»!;’»E«; stun»
`I» sxmum} --suh!shrub-*hg, m!_§.
`one may amcngfi by the payment ofa mazmlmrshgp fee: $1;
`suhuside {flab :tirl"?. a-.n'.. -Ifdwad. ~si:c!~fna'. 1. m sin!-1 ta
`1. ahlliaiifltrhgj,
`sub-sist-amt mean .=-.a,an.w..t. sad;
`pmwvzimse zz 3i}—»:a::eer5 ssziascripsiora. 4. Chiefiy Brit. the
`9: iuw or lnwsr l-aw,-i 2. in lat:-crnmta <:[uii§i.. less: stctéfier. nr
`-fr!‘ s’:-m'II‘.im.I§Jtg in usxizmistc-a 2. iI"a}mn-.I1::.:
`.~x4:?.a:!lI.1il‘£mE qtmuizk
`dmn: paid by a rnérnber of;;. «E1139, 3 Qty, etc‘ 5. 2:. fund
`Iuzeaa u-italm-:1;
`‘Wan.-* ‘CIvfl_E;I“"F s’-51-.*2:1fa:I£s:F. 3. in :iiI.1li car
`fies -r.=1“-L-s‘Lr:u‘e::r:ixzs*
`——vu, 3. PLZ:":.m :>!<:|11e.~!.31ém: Hm; mmm
`raised througlra sums; of money subscribed
`6. a seam
`fill} Er;
`tin? iltztl‘.-um;
`:rr:si:pii.:al::::: ms m-rm:
`e.-Lea caggm.-‘aw! 3.4 ucmtfitzgtetxt a=.xiaEm1::n:~ tn 3:13:69
`eubscrilxed. 7. the act of appmding or:e’s signature or
`gg:‘«:Nm2i:2 Era ezzbazkzle.-».
`’— L snaérslrisarc, aqiliv. tea
`arnf t.:l3'1ao;~.
`-C L M-ch-:~‘I5:s(+m!
`:3!‘ .-aéll‘;Im':i!1'-m-sfa,
`mark. as he a document. 8, 23 signature or mark mus
`si.d;- sum -1
`to sit, acmln: akin to :a<:<i'¢‘:r'e m he
`pr;-2. A:!f'.g.u E+.=e:I'.a£'¢:r1'
`i.r:l- remam. zaasae
`I-:maal.*='r. ~4*.:.m:l
`appended. 9. same?.l'1ing writlzen beneath or at the and
`sxizltzttiz mt: arr‘! —«sul>-aid-«moo (gal: alarm-.. auizmsé sins)‘-,
`uf 22 dacument or the like. 10. a ziocumem. to which at
`-—1.u!:a-sId*'aaI'. rt.
`subnsamiat <I;::a.1tl- a=Li’s31a':3. adj. wlmmxt ii eltsfizuim saacim
`signature E3 attached.
`11. asaenfi, agrc-(nnent. or ap-
`-=-Syn. 1. dE>€:3i::€:,.
`»r:{.-annsl. m-Ltla. 2. cfsmmiixla.
`fit’ 1*
`pmual (§X§1£‘£‘:fi xi vemaily or by signing 011$‘: mama. 12..
`wane, :«;l:-E1. ~»--fimt. 1. rise. 2. lxxcrcznsae.
`Es'cc£es. assent to or acceptance of" a body of principles av
`laa.t::’3s:u'i’}. n
`than {mi
`rev ésmmxm m‘ :2--,m.i: =2|I’
`a;ci*‘c% e=.:~‘é.~;«.
`¢m'_r‘.. n.. pl.
`doccrlnee, the pun:-m;e G? which is $0 (establish uxxifbrm»
`aetrhliy‘ mzLLt:rl.s:l L'uLI-ax-2‘:tilé=ni.»e;!_§.‘ mm?-~lr tint‘ M-tiefmtxst 3-‘-mil slim}
`—:v<i;I 1. M‘-l‘\’iI1-£3‘ W asszst er fi.\Lmj>I»::m-£?11£; agmxiliary; eup-
`l3. Ch. of Eng. formal acceptance of the ’I‘hirty~
`r:::§lc.-s:‘l undarseii.
`§£?“EllL.1«E‘2f'h',)?, ‘Rum «I»
`[.!IiZ'i'lI&'.=l'l{i1l‘§'. 2. tm‘!.La\IL'fiii'5.Ii.E(:r cu" s11<:c:-tmmjr‘. aaulzasidam-_-y fix»
`nine Ar:.icl¢-s: nf 1583 and me Book 0l'Comrm>r1 Prayer.
`zmars, 3. :32’ <'..-:* ircmrlningg m :1 mtxaldiitmr. was, 4. 3 Eula»
`£2-y<.1r:xa.«.~:a A
`[H011-‘fail; late ME < L sué»scrépti(>r:— (S of Si15S{ff1;)$i(3} 8
`la-asb=’s:<z2~‘}m{e. n
`cmaa wile“:
`ezidicsry Lhlng ur [.u:t'zd<fl-l‘%. 5. 3m: subsidiary company.
`:.u¥>2a:2-it gzlmv. 2. Sara $u3:s3uil sakmr. E185£¥~£3£L:-«.511»-atlas.
`writing beneath. equiv.
`to subscrqylizzsl {see s;\msc:s:u>'1‘)
`6V «'6 ‘ " :1 zitximriiinsau: timnm mt‘ auh3}a»:L §i.§{3r:':-—4£«;
`4: L
`+ A£<m- mm]
`» ‘sub-scrip-live (gab .°«;»§crlp’tiv}, adj.
`gem .=,t=l._m.-:m\’}
`«sub-scrip/five-éy, mil;
`E:*:.wu: for fifiitfiflgfi um ssasxiszmil, 1m:-.alt§.-
`§I.ti:l-*'9GiF MBW5.
`.c":r~m.°e emcvll
`sub~si¢:i«i»at-My (amt: mkifé §ar’;l 3%.
`wmmm :13:-Lmh-irrg; we wrfzwu iUԤE&~3.5?-E
`subscriphlion ediftion. 1. an Eéditiflti afunév. or more
`¢'.= 9:-#93.
`153?: a»:‘s=*E:3:'§.
`£.‘(3NC!Sfi errmrot.
`mm er heizwazen :3.» cnmh sans aim saw. 3. m-:wr~x.~+1 me
` f|‘Ch‘n“l.‘<1
`from; >_
`513311336’iary fifiifi’.
`.1 emxx.
`l.”‘fi3'.'s. gmer mmie of eilveti,
`vs: b . ble
`Exaving 3 '-;.-sism less f._i::m 13:53:.
`:1!“ the mmmmr:.- 12:11:. 3:.
`ndmi. c . mg Ll.
`:h: nr:E".. wmpéxre. dwiv .
`iziiflflniift. 3ii§ti— é
`minor coin.
`twat ma:
`wt; <>|3I.. irbliqzac: r.. rc-
`an un!3;1'e3C§uh:e~.i.
`ing: 3.. mam; $5,. sspe:
`subsidfiary CGl'¥l’9éIfl§!.
`.1: nxzmjmnga whnse «immi-
`§i .
`-i‘.>fl.'k:I% I'rk_!l33:}5:l$3g
`$“4.2x::e,§s3':a: ms‘:
`-13?‘ Pm»:
`lam ". orifin u::k:u>\.~n.
`‘. ur:a:'.4:zsm§.
`tisug xxxtx-sweat is <>s.~'n§.-xii by amattmr mr2m:..-my.
`_V¢"(.->’.l3:l'.l,'.’, mm mm, at Hm sum. M‘ 13 w }.'N.!4.!'%§'iIl!¢.‘,
`'a‘é.‘:xH14[:IK‘!, in
`ea the Full £l<.9
`iraside fhe !fl£Ol\i» c<}
`(in a‘m~mmh’ng§ :1 E-:3-rig-er cam
`subsiziflargr ieaziyer
`mini; Em-1'35 a§'m:-:.caiti s;:«n:=c'i:.=s.:.
`éémn» «l« 9::-v-.22.‘)
` subamemiber, r:
`sub-pack-‘age, n.
`subanamoneal. adj.
`sub-ociu-lar. azigi; -ly. aciu.
`suhfps-gofda, n.
`sub/mem-bra-nafceous, adj.
`submatfu-ral. aa[;'.; 4);. ad»;
`sulvoe-soph<’a-gs/al. adj.
`sub-lumfbar. adj.
`sub-offfice. n.
`sub-lufnate. adj.
`sub«mem’bra«nous. adj.
`sub-pa|lIi~al. adj
`sutnnetfworki, rz.
`sub-offfi-cer, rt.
`Subvltflnat-ed. adj.
`sub’ma«nirv’ge-al. adj.
`sub-palimate, aajj
`subolusftrous. adj.‘ ~ly, adv;
`sub/ofvfvcial. n., adglr -ly. udu
`sub-menltalf adj.
`sub-neuiral. adj.
`subvpavmat-ad. adj.
`sub-pan’e|. n,
`sube-oliive. adj.
`subanodm-lose!. adj.
`sub’meba-phorfic. adj.
`sub/maid’. n
`sub~nz:d’u-mus. adj.
`subfnwetra-phor/i-cal. adj; -iv.
`sub«'o-paque’. ad}: -311. :1d::..
`sub-pars’. adj.
`mess. n.
`submo-ta/tlan. Vt.
`sub-mamimaery. adj.
`sub-parfa-graph’, :1,
`Subamarflag-er, n.
`subfno-taftlon-3!. adj.
`subfop-ar-a/tian. n
`sub-mIls'I~ar*'y, adj.
`sub-parfal-tel/, adj.
`subimind’. rz.
`sub-manlagaarashsp‘. =2
`subfnote’. n.
`sub-opfpo-site, adj; -ly. :1dL>.:
`suhfparvavlyvic, adj.
`-ness, :1
`sob-maini-a. :2.
`sub/no-teaches-d-’ai. adj.
`sufinfpzprife-Kai, adj
`subominfivmal, uni}.
`sub-minfis-tar. :1.
`sukbparitiavment. n..
`re., pé. -cieei.
`suhoopftic. adj.
`sub7maoni!a-cal. (adj; —ly. adv
`sub-’part’. R.
`sub-manila, ad}
`sui:-opxfti-cat. auf;'.; 41:‘. ad».
`£~ubvm¥n1i3-trant, «adj.
`subvmanmr. r.
`sub/par-ti«'tion, n
`sutzonude’. adj.
`sub«o»'ra|. sci}.
`subfmazie-c!u«iar. adj.
`subfmafiket. n,
`suhmum-‘bar. n.
`sub-movevouie’. rs.
`subfpar-tfltianed. adj
`sub’orebic*‘u-Ian adj; -33?» adv
`sub-ma:-Fshal. ya
`suéalpasatiftionvment. rz.
`subwnartfgage. n,
`sub«’nu-triftéeus, ca<:éj.: —ly, ada;
`sub-masfter. n
`sub’or-bin!»-late. u<£_§.
`sub-mannflzin. adj.
`sub/parity. !z., p!. -ties.
`subipassf. r:
`sub-mumous. acij.
`subfo-blique’. <1~:£J.; -ly, aa‘.u.;
`subwnax-’i~maI. rm;
`'mr. rz,
`sub-maxswmum. r.-,r};'.
`sub/nu-«ganfic, ad}.
`sub-mufcro-nate. adj.
`sub/or-gan’i~cal«!y. adv.
`sub-pasitor-ship’. .1.
`sub-meanfing, n.
`sub’ob-scare’. adj; -ly. rm'l:.:
`sub-muf::ro~nat’ed. adj.
`sub/or-gan-I-zaftims. n,
`sutzvmun-dane/. adj
`sub-me/di-al. ad}: -ly, mil;
`sub-‘pa-mlilar, adj,
`sub-mwri-ate’. n
`sub-Paflron. re.
`sub-me!-:1:-an. mi}.
`sub-ob/so-lete’. r.z(ij.; -ly, udU.,'
`sub/o~var/i-an, adj.
`sub’me«di»a-‘lion. n
`subvpa-'tr0n4-al. nclj
`sub»?nus’cu-lar, ml§j., -ly. adu.
`r'ul:x~o’\eate. adj.
`sub-paltron-ass. n
`sub-nevcreoous. adj.
`sub/ob-wsef, easy‘;
`-131. am;
`sub/‘me-diroicre. adj
`sub-patltern. n
`sub-meet/ing, :1
`suhmar-cot’ic. adj.
`subvofvoid. uu'j.
`5 :
`mmmw spmmm¢xmm:«m...,w»:.w:-—..:«»:.:w,.:.»:.».»:.:.:-»;2«:-.+
` mm.

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