Case5:14-cv-03928-PSG Document22 Filed08/27/14 Page1 of 8
`C A SE NO . 14-22134-C lV -M ID D LEBR O O K S
`D efendant.
`TH IS CA U SE com es before the Court upon D efendant Sony Com puter Entertainm ent
`America LLC'S (tsDefendanf') M otion to TransferVenue under 28 U.S.C. j 1404 (DE 15)
`(:çM otion''), filed on July 16, 2014. Plaintiff Rothschild Digital Media Innovations, LLC
`(ttplaintiff') filed a Response (DE 20) to the Motion on August 4, 2014, to which Defendant then
`filed a Reply (DE 21) on August 14, 2014. l have reviewed the matter and nm fully advised in
`the prem ises.
`On June 9, 2014, Plaintiff filed its Com plaint for patent infringem ent against D efendant.
`(See DE 1). Plaintiff is a Florida limited liability company with a principal place of business in
`Bay Harbor, Florida. D efendant is a D elaw are lim ited liability com pany w ith a principal place
`of business in San M ateo, Califom ia.
`ln the Com plaint, Plaintiff alleges that Defendant com m itted acts of patent infringem ent
`in this D istrict, and that venue is proper here because :1a substantial part of the events giving rise

`Case5:14-cv-03928-PSG Document22 Filed08/27/14 Page2 of 8
`to these claims occurred in this judicial district, because (Plaintiftl has suffered injury in this
`district, and because (Defendantj resides in this district tmder the patent venue statute by having
`com m itted acts of alleged patent infringem ent in this district.'' (DE 1 at ! 6). The patent-in-suit
`relates to i'an interactive, rem ote, com puter interface system com prised of
`, am ong other things, a
`rem ote server assem bly, a local processor assem bly and a data storage assem bly including a
`com pact, portable and interchangeablç com puter readable m edium .'' (DE 1 at !( 8). As to
`infringem ent, Plaintiff alleges that D efendant's çiplaystation products and services - com prised
`of Playstation N etw ork servers, Playstation consoles and Playstation gam e discs - directly
`infringe at least claim 1 of the (U.S. Patent No. 6, 101,534 (çithe '534 Patent'')).'' (DE 1 at jr 9).
`In the instant M otion, Defendant seeks to transfer this action to the N orthern D istrict of
`California pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1401(a). In supporq Defendant asserts that: (1) it is
`heAdqum ered in the Northem District of California; (2) al1 of its witnesses that would likely
`testify reside and work in the Northern District of Califomia; and (3) there are a huge number of
`potentially relevant third parties also located in the N orthem D istrict of Califom ia. D efendant
`also asserts that this case has no substantial connection to the Southern D istrict of Florida
`because D efendant has no offices or operations here, Plaintifps connections are only recent and
`tenuous, and the only w itness that appears to have any connection to Florida is the inventor and
`sole m em ber of Plaintiff.
`L ezal Standard
`Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. j 1404(a), çtlflor the convenience of parties and witnesses, in the
`interest of justice, a district court may transfer any civil action to any other district or division
`where it m ight have been brought or to any district or division to w hich a1l parties have
`consented.'' ld This standard Stleaves m uch to the broad discretion of the trial court . . . .

`Case5:14-cv-03928-PSG Document22 Filed08/27/14 Page3 of 8
`Trace-W ilco, Inc. v. Symantec Corp.s N o. 08-80877-C 1V , 2009 W L 455432, at.? 1 (S.D. Fla. Feb.
`23, 2009) (citing Brown v. Connecticut Gen. L f/'e Ins. Co., 934 F.2d 1 193, 1 197 (1 1th Cir.
`1991:; accord Tazoe v. Airbus S.A.S., 631 F.3d 1321, 1336 (1 1th Cir. 201 1).
`Section 1404 authorizes courts to transfer the venue of a case in order to avoid
`unnecessary inconvenience to the litigants, w itnesses, and the public, and to conserve tim e,
`energy, and money. tç'l-o this end (Section 1404(a)) empowers a district court to transftr any
`civil action to another district court if the transfer is warranted by the convenience of the parties
`and witnesses and promotes the interest of justice.'' Van Dusen v. Barrack, 376 U.S. 612, 616
`(1964) (internal footnote omitted). The burden is on the movant to establish that the suggested
`forum is more convenient. ln re Ricoh Corp., 870 F.2d 570, 573 (1 1th Cir. 1989). To determine
`w hether transfer is appropriate, courts em bark on a tw o-prong inquiry. First, the new venue m ust
`be one in which the action could originally have been brought by the plaintiffs. 28 U.S.C. j
`1404(a). Second, courts are to conduct a balancing test, weighing several private and public
`interest factors to determine if transfer is justifed. See Stefel Lab., Inc. v. Galderma Lab., Inc.,
`588 F. Supp. 2d 1336, 1338 (S.D. Fla. 2008) (citing Mason v. Smithkline Beecham Clinical L ab.,
`146 F. Supp. 24 1355, 1359 (S.D. Fla. 2001(9.
`Private factors to be w eighed include: çlthe relative ease of access to sotlrces of proof;
`availability of com pulsory process for attendance of unw illing, and the cost of obtaining
`attendance of w illing, w itnesses; possibility of view of prem ises, if view w ould be appropriate to
`the action; and all other practical problem s that make trial of a case easy, expeditious and
`inexpensive.'' Trace-Wilco, 2009 W L 455432, at *2 (quoting ylpl. Dredging Co. v. M iller, 510
`U.S. 443, 448 (1994)4. Public interest factors that should be considered include:
`the adm inistrative diffculties flowing from court congestion; the local interest in
`having localized controversies decided at hom e; the interest in having the trial of

`Case5:14-cv-03928-PSG Document22 Filed08/27/14 Page4 of 8
`a diversity case in a forum that is at hom e with the 1aw that m ust govern the
`action; the avoidance of unnecessary problem s in contlict of law s, or in the
`application of foreign law; and the unfairness in burdening citizens in an unrelated
`fonlm withjury duty.
`1d. (quoting Piper Aircrah Co. v. Reyno, 454 U.S. 235, 241 n.6 (1981:. fçAlthough transfer is
`w ithin the discretion of the trial court, fin é case featuring m ost w itnesses and evidence closer to
`the transferee venue with few or no convenience factors favoring the venue chosen by the
`plaintift''' transfer is appropriate. In re Biosearch Techns., Inc. , 452 F. App'x 986, 989 (Fed.
`Cir. 2011) (quoting In re Nintendo Co., 589 F.3d 1 194, 1 198 (Fed. Cir. 2009:.
`Applying the Section 1404 tw o-part inquiry to the case at hand, the C ourt finds that
`D efendant has m et its burden and transfer to the N orthern D istrict of California is appropriate.
`111. Anglvsis
`A s an initial m atter, Plaintiff does not dispute that this case could have been brought in
`the N orthern D istrict of Califom ia. Thus, the Court finds this factor to be satisfied and w ill
`m ove on to the second aspect of the analysis - the balancing test.
`A .
`Convenience of the Parties and W itnesses
`It is cannot be disputed that the N orthern D istrict of Califom ia is a m ore convenient
`venue for D efendant. Its engineering, m arketing, sales, and finance departm ents are located in
`its California headquarters, and em ployees in those departm ents reside and w ork in the N orthern
`D istrict of C alifornia. Plaintiff argues that D efendant and related entities have filed num erous
`lawsuits in this D istrict and in federal courts in Florida, therefore dem onstrating that Florida is
`not inconvenient for D efendant. How ever, the Court is not persuaded by this argum ent, as those
`cases could have been filed in Florida for a plethora of reasons unrelated to the convenience
`determ ination.

`Case5:14-cv-03928-PSG Document22 Filed08/27/14 Page5 of 8
`In support of this venue, Plaintiff asserts that M r. Rothschild is Plaintiff s ow ner and sole
`em ployee, and has lived in this
`D istrict for over forty years. H ow ever, Plaintiff is a non-
`practicing entity with no oftk es in this District, and appears to have been created solely for
`purposes of licensing and litigation. Further, M r. R othschild concurrently tlled m ore than a
`dozen othtr pattnt infringement cases in other jm isdiction, so his claims of his ties to this venue
`carry little w eight.
`A s to the convenience of the w itnesses, Plaintiff argues that the balance of w itnesses does
`not clearly favor either side. This Court disagrees. The only w itnesses Plaintiff points to are M r.
`Rothschild and putative experts who have yet been identified.l Defendant, on the other hand,
`nam es tw o key witnesses, and declares that any and al1 relevant w itness em ployed by D efendant
`w ould likely be em ployed in tht N orthern District of C alifornia. M oreover, as set forth by
`D efendant, m any of the potential non-party w itnesses in this case w ill also likely be located in
`Califom ia. Plaintiff did not identify any third-party w itnesses located in this D istrict.
`For these reasons, the Court finds that the convenience of the parties and w itnesses
`w eighs in favor of transfer.
`R elative Ease of A ccess to Som ces of Proof
`G iven today's technology and the availability of overnight shipping to easily transport
`docum ents and other tangible evidence, the Court does not give m uch w eight to this factor.
`H owever, the Court notes that Defendant's docum ents relating to the aecused produets are
`located in Califom ia, w hereas Plaintiff does not cite to any of its docum ents located in this
`D istrict.
`1 S rely along the lines of Plaintiffs reasoning as to expert w itnesses
`tl ,
`, D efendant, too, w ill have
`expert w itnesses.

`Case5:14-cv-03928-PSG Document22 Filed08/27/14 Page6 of 8
`The Locus of O perative Facts
`Defendant argues that the N orthem D istrict of California is the ttcenter of the accused
`activity,'' w here D efendant is headquartered and hundreds of em ployees responsible for the
`accused products reside and work.SdkW lhere the operative facts underlying the cause of action
`did not occur w ithin the forum chostn by the Plaintiff, the choice of forum is entitled to less
`consideration. Several district courts have held that the tcenter of gravity' for a patent
`infringem ent case is w here the accused product w as designed and developed.'' M otorola
`M obility fnc: v. M icroso.ft Corp., 804 F. Supp.2d 1271, 1276 (S.D. Fla. 2011) (footnote,
`citations, and internal quotation marks omitted).
`Plaintiff argues that Defendant's nationwide
`sale of the accused products do not w eigh in favor of any particular venue. W hile this m ay be
`true, see In re Acer Am. Corp., 653 F.3d 1252, 1256 (Fed. Cir. 2010), al1 other relevant activity
`occurred in the N orthern D istrict of C alifornia. Therefore, this w eighs in favor of transfer.
`D .
`Plaintiffs Choice of Forllm
`Generally, as recognized by the Eleventh Circuit, ççEtlhe plaintiff s choice of forum
`should not be disturbed unless it is clearly outw eighed by other considerations.'' Robinson v.
`Giarmarco & Sfll, #.C., 74 F.3d 253, 260 (11th Cir.1996) (citation omitted). However, a
`plaintifps choice of forum is given less deference w hen the operative facts underlying the cause
`of action did not occur within the plaintiff s chosen folym. 28 U.S.C. 1404(a); In re
`L ink W Media Devices Corp., 662 F.3d 1221, 1224 (Fed. Cir. 201 1) (citing Sinochem Int 1 Co. v.
`Malaysia Int 1 Shipping Corp., 549 U.S. 422, 430 (2007)); see also Motorola A/b:f/fly, 804 F.
`Supp. 2d at 1276 (citing W indmere Corp. v. Remington Prods., Inc., 617 F. Supp. 8, 10 (S.D. Fla.
`1985(9; Cellulaw Tech. (f Telecomm., L .P. v. Alltell Corp., 508 F. Supp. 2d 1 186, 1 189 (S.D. Fla.
`2007) (idBut where a plaintiff has chosen a forum that is not its home forum, only minimal

`Case5:14-cv-03928-PSG Document22 Filed08/27/14 Page7 of 8
`deference is required, and it is considerably easier to satisfy the burden of showing that other
`considerations make transfer proper.'')
`H ere, the C ourt gives little w eight to Plaintiffs' choice of forum . W hile the inventor of
`the patent-in-suit rtsides in Florida, the rtcent creation of Plaintiff as an entity solely to license
`the patent and enforce the patent in litigation here dots not carry weight. See In re M icrosoh
`Corp., 630 F.3d 1361, 1365 (Fed Cir. 201 1). Further, other than the inventor living here and the
`recent incom oration to license and enforce the patent, there does not appear to be any connection
`to this District.
`Public Factors
`Sim ilarly, the Court finds that the public factors w eigh in favor of transfer. First,
`D efendant resides in the N orthern District of C alifornia and has a very active business in that
`district, so there is a strong local interest in having this controversy decided there. Second, there
`is no unfairness in burdening California citizens with jury duty, since the case deals with a
`California defendant. Last, the Court finds that the interest of justice weighs in favor of transfer.
`In reality, this case has no aspect specific to this D istrict other than the inventor living here.
`IV . C onclusion
`In balancing all the factors, the Court agrees w ith Defendant that the private and public
`interests favor transfer to the N orthern D istrict of California. Further, the Court finds it to be
`im portant that Plaintiff s presence here is recent and solely for pum oses of licensing and
`litigating the patent-in suit. This existence in Florida is ephem eral and lacking in substance. In
`sum, this case presents a situation where the majority of the witnesses and evidence are in the
`transferee district, w hile there are few or no convenience factors w eighing in favor of this

`Case5:14-cv-03928-PSG Document22 Filed08/27/14 Page8 of 8
`A ccordingly, it is hereby
`ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that Defendant's Motion to Transfer Venue (DE 15) is
`G R ANTED . The Clerk of Court shall TR AN SFER this case to the U nited States D istrict Court
`for the N orthern D istrict of C alifom ia.The Clerk of Court shall CLO SE tllis case.
`DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers at W est Palm Beach, Florida, this Z-Z day of
`August, 2014.
`Copies to:
`Counsel of Record

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